
v1.24.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 19, 2022 License: MIT Imports: 13 Imported by: 186


InfluxDB Input Plugin

The InfluxDB plugin will collect metrics on the given InfluxDB servers. Read our documentation for detailed information about influxdb metrics.

This plugin can also gather metrics from endpoints that expose InfluxDB-formatted endpoints. See below for more information.


# Read InfluxDB-formatted JSON metrics from one or more HTTP endpoints
  ## Works with InfluxDB debug endpoints out of the box,
  ## but other services can use this format too.
  ## See the influxdb plugin's README for more details.

  ## Multiple URLs from which to read InfluxDB-formatted JSON
  ## Default is "http://localhost:8086/debug/vars".
  urls = [

  ## Username and password to send using HTTP Basic Authentication.
  # username = ""
  # password = ""

  ## Optional TLS Config
  # tls_ca = "/etc/telegraf/ca.pem"
  # tls_cert = "/etc/telegraf/cert.pem"
  # tls_key = "/etc/telegraf/key.pem"
  ## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification
  # insecure_skip_verify = false

  ## http request & header timeout
  timeout = "5s"

Measurements & Fields

Note: The measurements and fields included in this plugin are dynamically built from the InfluxDB source, and may vary between versions:

  • influxdb_ae (Enterprise Only) : Statistics related to the Anti-Entropy (AE) engine in InfluxDB Enterprise clusters.
    • bytesRx: Number of bytes received by the data node.
    • errors: Total number of anti-entropy jobs that have resulted in errors.
    • jobs: Total number of jobs executed by the data node.
    • jobsActive: Number of active (currently executing) jobs.
  • influxdb_cluster (Enterprise Only) : Statistics related to the clustering features of the data nodes in InfluxDB Enterprise clusters.
    • copyShardReq: Number of internal requests made to copy a shard from one data node to another.
    • createIteratorReq: Number of read requests from other data nodes in the cluster.
    • expandSourcesReq: Number of remote node requests made to find measurements on this node that match a particular regular expression.
    • fieldDimensionsReq: Number of remote node requests for information about the fields and associated types, and tag keys of measurements on this data node.
    • iteratorCostReq: Number of internal requests for iterator cost.
    • openConnections: Tracks the number of open connections being handled by the data node (including logical connections multiplexed onto a single yamux connection).
    • removeShardReq: Number of internal requests to delete a shard from this data node. Exclusively incremented by use of the influxd-ctl remove shard command.
    • writeShardFail: Total number of internal write requests from a remote node that failed.
    • writeShardPointsReq: Number of points in every internal write request from any remote node, regardless of success.
    • writeShardReq: Number of internal write requests from a remote data node, regardless of success.
  • influxdb_cq: Metrics related to continuous queries (CQs).
    • queryFail: Total number of continuous queries that executed but failed.
    • queryOk: Total number of continuous queries that executed successfully.
  • influxdb_database: Database metrics are collected from.
    • numMeasurements: Current number of measurements in the specified database.
    • numSeries: Current series cardinality of the specified database.
  • influxdb_hh (Enterprise Only) : Events resulting in new hinted handoff (HH) processors in InfluxDB Enterprise clusters.
    • writeShardReq: Number of initial write requests handled by the hinted handoff engine for a remote node.
    • writeShardReqPoints: Number of write requests for each point in the initial request to the hinted handoff engine for a remote node.
  • influxdb_hh_database (Enterprise Only) : Aggregates all hinted handoff queues for a single database and node.
    • bytesRead: Size, in bytes, of points read from the hinted handoff queue and sent to its destination data node.
    • bytesWritten: Total number of bytes written to the hinted handoff queue.
    • queueBytes: Total number of bytes remaining in the hinted handoff queue.
    • queueDepth: Total number of segments in the hinted handoff queue. The HH queue is a sequence of 10MB “segment” files.
    • writeBlocked: Number of writes blocked because the number of concurrent HH requests exceeds the limit.
    • writeDropped: Number of writes dropped from the HH queue because the write appeared to be corrupted.
    • writeNodeReq: Total number of write requests that succeeded in writing a batch to the destination node.
    • writeNodeReqFail: Total number of write requests that failed in writing a batch of data from the hinted handoff queue to the destination node.
    • writeNodeReqPoints: Total number of points successfully written from the HH queue to the destination node fr
    • writeShardReq: Total number of every write batch request enqueued into the hinted handoff queue.
    • writeShardReqPoints: Total number of points enqueued into the hinted handoff queue.
  • influxdb_hh_processor (Enterprise Only): Statistics stored for a single queue (shard).
    • bytesRead: Size, in bytes, of points read from the hinted handoff queue and sent to its destination data node.
    • bytesWritten: Total number of bytes written to the hinted handoff queue.
    • queueBytes: Total number of bytes remaining in the hinted handoff queue.
    • queueDepth: Total number of segments in the hinted handoff queue. The HH queue is a sequence of 10MB “segment” files.
    • writeBlocked: Number of writes blocked because the number of concurrent HH requests exceeds the limit.
    • writeDropped: Number of writes dropped from the HH queue because the write appeared to be corrupted.
    • writeNodeReq: Total number of write requests that succeeded in writing a batch to the destination node.
    • writeNodeReqFail: Total number of write requests that failed in writing a batch of data from the hinted handoff queue to the destination node.
    • writeNodeReqPoints: Total number of points successfully written from the HH queue to the destination node fr
    • writeShardReq: Total number of every write batch request enqueued into the hinted handoff queue.
    • writeShardReqPoints: Total number of points enqueued into the hinted handoff queue.
  • influxdb_httpd: Metrics related to the InfluxDB HTTP server.
    • authFail: Number of HTTP requests that were aborted due to authentication being required, but not supplied or incorrect.
    • clientError: Number of HTTP responses due to client errors, with a 4XX HTTP status code.
    • fluxQueryReq: Number of Flux query requests served.
    • fluxQueryReqDurationNs: Duration (wall-time), in nanoseconds, spent executing Flux query requests.
    • pingReq: Number of times InfluxDB HTTP server served the /ping HTTP endpoint.
    • pointsWrittenDropped: Number of points dropped by the storage engine.
    • pointsWrittenFail: Number of points accepted by the HTTP /write endpoint, but unable to be persisted.
    • pointsWrittenOK: Number of points successfully accepted and persisted by the HTTP /write endpoint.
    • promReadReq: Number of read requests to the Prometheus /read endpoint.
    • promWriteReq: Number of write requests to the Prometheus /write endpoint.
    • queryReq: Number of query requests.
    • queryReqDurationNs: Total query request duration, in nanosecond (ns).
    • queryRespBytes: Total number of bytes returned in query responses.
    • recoveredPanics: Total number of panics recovered by the HTTP handler.
    • req: Total number of HTTP requests served.
    • reqActive: Number of currently active requests.
    • reqDurationNs: Duration (wall time), in nanoseconds, spent inside HTTP requests.
    • serverError: Number of HTTP responses due to server errors.
    • statusReq: Number of status requests served using the HTTP /status endpoint.
    • valuesWrittenOK: Number of values (fields) successfully accepted and persisted by the HTTP /write endpoint.
    • writeReq: Number of write requests served using the HTTP /write endpoint.
    • writeReqActive: Number of currently active write requests.
    • writeReqBytes: Total number of bytes of line protocol data received by write requests, using the HTTP /write endpoint.
    • writeReqDurationNs: Duration, in nanoseconds, of write requests served using the /write HTTP endpoint.
  • influxdb_memstats: Statistics about the memory allocator in the specified database.
    • Alloc: Number of bytes allocated to heap objects.
    • BuckHashSys: Number of bytes of memory in profiling bucket hash tables.
    • Frees: Cumulative count of heap objects freed.
    • GCCPUFraction: fraction of InfluxDB's available CPU time used by the garbage collector (GC) since InfluxDB started.
    • GCSys: Number of bytes of memory in garbage collection metadata.
    • HeapAlloc: Number of bytes of allocated heap objects.
    • HeapIdle: Number of bytes in idle (unused) spans.
    • HeapInuse: Number of bytes in in-use spans.
    • HeapObjects: Number of allocated heap objects.
    • HeapReleased: Number of bytes of physical memory returned to the OS.
    • HeapSys: Number of bytes of heap memory obtained from the OS.
    • LastGC: Time the last garbage collection finished.
    • Lookups: Number of pointer lookups performed by the runtime.
    • MCacheInuse: Number of bytes of allocated mcache structures.
    • MCacheSys: Number of bytes of memory obtained from the OS for mcache structures.
    • MSpanInuse: Number of bytes of allocated mspan structures.
    • MSpanSys: Number of bytes of memory obtained from the OS for mspan structures.
    • Mallocs: Cumulative count of heap objects allocated.
    • NextGC: Target heap size of the next GC cycle.
    • NumForcedGC: Number of GC cycles that were forced by the application calling the GC function.
    • NumGC: Number of completed GC cycles.
    • OtherSys: Number of bytes of memory in miscellaneous off-heap runtime allocations.
    • PauseTotalNs: Cumulative nanoseconds in GC stop-the-world pauses since the program started.
    • StackInuse: Number of bytes in stack spans.
    • StackSys: Number of bytes of stack memory obtained from the OS.
    • Sys: Total bytes of memory obtained from the OS.
    • TotalAlloc: Cumulative bytes allocated for heap objects.
  • influxdb_queryExecutor: Metrics related to usage of the Query Executor of the InfluxDB engine.
    • queriesActive: Number of active queries currently being handled.
    • queriesExecuted: Number of queries executed (started).
    • queriesFinished: Number of queries that have finished executing.
    • queryDurationNs: Total duration, in nanoseconds, of executed queries.
    • recoveredPanics: Number of panics recovered by the Query Executor.
  • influxdb_rpc (Enterprise Only) : Statistics related to the use of RPC calls within InfluxDB Enterprise clusters.
    • idleStreams: Number of idle multiplexed streams across all live TCP connections.
    • liveConnections: Current number of live TCP connections to other nodes.
    • liveStreams: Current number of live multiplexed streams across all live TCP connections.
    • rpcCalls: Total number of RPC calls made to remote nodes.
    • rpcFailures: Total number of RPC failures, which are RPCs that did not recover.
    • rpcReadBytes: Total number of RPC bytes read.
    • rpcRetries: Total number of RPC calls that retried at least once.
    • rpcWriteBytes: Total number of RPC bytes written.
    • singleUse: Total number of single-use connections opened using Dial.
    • singleUseOpen: Number of single-use connections currently open.
    • totalConnections: Total number of TCP connections that have been established.
    • totalStreams: Total number of streams established.
  • influxdb_runtime: Subset of memstat record statistics for the Go memory allocator.
    • Alloc: Currently allocated number of bytes of heap objects.
    • Frees: Cumulative number of freed (live) heap objects.
    • HeapAlloc: Size, in bytes, of all heap objects.
    • HeapIdle: Number of bytes of idle heap objects.
    • HeapInUse: Number of bytes in in-use spans.
    • HeapObjects: Number of allocated heap objects.
    • HeapReleased: Number of bytes of physical memory returned to the OS.
    • HeapSys: Number of bytes of heap memory obtained from the OS. Measures the amount of virtual address space reserved for the heap.
    • Lookups: Number of pointer lookups performed by the runtime. Primarily useful for debugging runtime internals.
    • Mallocs: Total number of heap objects allocated. The total number of live objects is Frees.
    • NumGC: Number of completed GC (garbage collection) cycles.
    • NumGoroutine: Total number of Go routines.
    • PauseTotalNs: Total duration, in nanoseconds, of total GC (garbage collection) pauses.
    • Sys: Total number of bytes of memory obtained from the OS. Measures the virtual address space reserved by the Go runtime for the heap, stacks, and other internal data structures.
    • TotalAlloc: Total number of bytes allocated for heap objects. This statistic does not decrease when objects are freed.
  • influxdb_shard: Metrics related to InfluxDB shards.
    • diskBytes: Size, in bytes, of the shard, including the size of the data directory and the WAL directory.
    • fieldsCreate: Number of fields created.
    • indexType: Type of index inmem or tsi1.
    • n_shards: Total number of shards in the specified database.
    • seriesCreate: Number of series created.
    • writeBytes: Number of bytes written to the shard.
    • writePointsDropped: Number of requests to write points t dropped from a write.
    • writePointsErr: Number of requests to write points that failed to be written due to errors.
    • writePointsOk: Number of points written successfully.
    • writeReq: Total number of write requests.
    • writeReqErr: Total number of write requests that failed due to errors.
    • writeReqOk: Total number of successful write requests.
  • influxdb_subscriber: InfluxDB subscription metrics.
    • createFailures: Number of subscriptions that failed to be created.
    • pointsWritten: Total number of points that were successfully written to subscribers.
    • writeFailures: Total number of batches that failed to be written to subscribers.
  • influxdb_tsm1_cache: TSM cache metrics.
    • cacheAgeMs: Duration, in milliseconds, since the cache was last snapshotted at sample time.
    • cachedBytes: Total number of bytes that have been written into snapshots.
    • diskBytes: Size, in bytes, of on-disk snapshots.
    • memBytes: Size, in bytes, of in-memory cache.
    • snapshotCount: Current level (number) of active snapshots.
    • WALCompactionTimeMs: Duration, in milliseconds, that the commit lock is held while compacting snapshots.
    • writeDropped: Total number of writes dropped due to timeouts.
    • writeErr: Total number of writes that failed.
    • writeOk: Total number of successful writes.
  • influxdb_tsm1_engine: TSM storage engine metrics.
    • cacheCompactionDuration Duration (wall time), in nanoseconds, spent in cache compactions.
    • cacheCompactionErr Number of cache compactions that have failed due to errors.
    • cacheCompactions Total number of cache compactions that have ever run.
    • cacheCompactionsActive Number of cache compactions that are currently running.
    • tsmFullCompactionDuration Duration (wall time), in nanoseconds, spent in full compactions.
    • tsmFullCompactionErr Total number of TSM full compactions that have failed due to errors.
    • tsmFullCompactionQueue Current number of pending TMS Full compactions.
    • tsmFullCompactions Total number of TSM full compactions that have ever run.
    • tsmFullCompactionsActive Number of TSM full compactions currently running.
    • tsmLevel1CompactionDuration Duration (wall time), in nanoseconds, spent in TSM level 1 compactions.
    • tsmLevel1CompactionErr Total number of TSM level 1 compactions that have failed due to errors.
    • tsmLevel1CompactionQueue Current number of pending TSM level 1 compactions.
    • tsmLevel1Compactions Total number of TSM level 1 compactions that have ever run.
    • tsmLevel1CompactionsActive Number of TSM level 1 compactions that are currently running.
    • tsmLevel2CompactionDuration Duration (wall time), in nanoseconds, spent in TSM level 2 compactions.
    • tsmLevel2CompactionErr Number of TSM level 2 compactions that have failed due to errors.
    • tsmLevel2CompactionQueue Current number of pending TSM level 2 compactions.
    • tsmLevel2Compactions Total number of TSM level 2 compactions that have ever run.
    • tsmLevel2CompactionsActive Number of TSM level 2 compactions that are currently running.
    • tsmLevel3CompactionDuration Duration (wall time), in nanoseconds, spent in TSM level 3 compactions.
    • tsmLevel3CompactionErr Number of TSM level 3 compactions that have failed due to errors.
    • tsmLevel3CompactionQueue Current number of pending TSM level 3 compactions.
    • tsmLevel3Compactions Total number of TSM level 3 compactions that have ever run.
    • tsmLevel3CompactionsActive Number of TSM level 3 compactions that are currently running.
    • tsmOptimizeCompactionDuration Duration (wall time), in nanoseconds, spent during TSM optimize compactions.
    • tsmOptimizeCompactionErr Total number of TSM optimize compactions that have failed due to errors.
    • tsmOptimizeCompactionQueue Current number of pending TSM optimize compactions.
    • tsmOptimizeCompactions Total number of TSM optimize compactions that have ever run.
    • tsmOptimizeCompactionsActive Number of TSM optimize compactions that are currently running.
  • influxdb_tsm1_filestore: The TSM file store metrics.
    • diskBytes: Size, in bytes, of disk usage by the TSM file store.
    • numFiles: Total number of files in the TSM file store.
  • influxdb_tsm1_wal: The TSM Write Ahead Log (WAL) metrics.
    • currentSegmentDiskBytes: Current size, in bytes, of the segment disk.
    • oldSegmentDiskBytes: Size, in bytes, of the segment disk.
    • writeErr: Number of writes that failed due to errors.
    • writeOK: Number of writes that succeeded.
  • influxdb_write: Metrics related to InfluxDB writes.
    • pointReq: Total number of points requested to be written.
    • pointReqHH (Enterprise only): Total number of points received for write by this node and then enqueued into hinted handoff for the destination node.
    • pointReqLocal (Enterprise only): Total number of point requests that have been attempted to be written into a shard on the same (local) node.
    • pointReqRemote (Enterprise only): Total number of points received for write by this node but needed to be forwarded into a shard on a remote node.
    • pointsWrittenOK: Number of points written to the HTTP /write endpoint and persisted successfully.
    • req: Total number of batches requested to be written.
    • subWriteDrop: Total number of batches that failed to be sent to the subscription dispatcher.
    • subWriteOk: Total number of batches successfully sent to the subscription dispatcher.
    • valuesWrittenOK: Number of values (fields) written to the HTTP /write endpoint and persisted successfully.
    • writeDrop: Total number of write requests for points that have been dropped due to timestamps not matching any existing retention policies.
    • writeError: Total number of batches of points that were not successfully written, due to a failure to write to a local or remote shard.
    • writeOk: Total number of batches of points written at the requested consistency level.
    • writePartial (Enterprise only): Total number of batches written to at least one node, but did not meet the requested consistency level.
    • writeTimeout: Total number of write requests that failed to complete within the default write timeout duration.

Example Output

telegraf --config ~/ws/telegraf.conf --input-filter influxdb --test
* Plugin: influxdb, Collection 1
> influxdb_database,database=_internal,host=tyrion,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars numMeasurements=10,numSeries=29 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_httpd,bind=:8086,host=tyrion,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars req=7,reqActive=1,reqDurationNs=14227734 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_measurement,database=_internal,host=tyrion,measurement=database,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars numSeries=1 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_measurement,database=_internal,host=tyrion,measurement=httpd,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars numSeries=1 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_measurement,database=_internal,host=tyrion,measurement=measurement,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars numSeries=10 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_measurement,database=_internal,host=tyrion,measurement=runtime,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars numSeries=1 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_measurement,database=_internal,host=tyrion,measurement=shard,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars numSeries=4 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_measurement,database=_internal,host=tyrion,measurement=subscriber,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars numSeries=1 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_measurement,database=_internal,host=tyrion,measurement=tsm1_cache,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars numSeries=4 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_measurement,database=_internal,host=tyrion,measurement=tsm1_filestore,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars numSeries=2 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_measurement,database=_internal,host=tyrion,measurement=tsm1_wal,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars numSeries=4 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_measurement,database=_internal,host=tyrion,measurement=write,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars numSeries=1 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_memstats,host=tyrion,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars alloc=7642384i,buck_hash_sys=1463471i,frees=1169558i,gc_sys=653312i,gc_cpu_fraction=0.00003825652361068311,heap_alloc=7642384i,heap_idle=9912320i,heap_inuse=9125888i,heap_objects=48276i,heap_released=0i,heap_sys=19038208i,last_gc=1463590480877651621i,lookups=90i,mallocs=1217834i,mcache_inuse=4800i,mcache_sys=16384i,mspan_inuse=70920i,mspan_sys=81920i,next_gc=11679787i,num_gc=141i,other_sys=1244233i,pause_total_ns=24034027i,stack_inuse=884736i,stack_sys=884736i,sys=23382264i,total_alloc=679012200i 1463590500277918755
> influxdb_shard,database=_internal,engine=tsm1,host=tyrion,id=4,path=/Users/sparrc/.influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/4,retentionPolicy=monitor,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars fieldsCreate=65,seriesCreate=26,writePointsOk=7274,writeReq=280 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_subscriber,host=tyrion,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars pointsWritten=7274 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_tsm1_cache,database=_internal,host=tyrion,path=/Users/sparrc/.influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/1,retentionPolicy=monitor,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars WALCompactionTimeMs=0,cacheAgeMs=2809192,cachedBytes=0,diskBytes=0,memBytes=0,snapshotCount=0 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_tsm1_cache,database=_internal,host=tyrion,path=/Users/sparrc/.influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/2,retentionPolicy=monitor,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars WALCompactionTimeMs=0,cacheAgeMs=2809184,cachedBytes=0,diskBytes=0,memBytes=0,snapshotCount=0 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_tsm1_cache,database=_internal,host=tyrion,path=/Users/sparrc/.influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/3,retentionPolicy=monitor,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars WALCompactionTimeMs=0,cacheAgeMs=2809180,cachedBytes=0,diskBytes=0,memBytes=42368,snapshotCount=0 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_tsm1_cache,database=_internal,host=tyrion,path=/Users/sparrc/.influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/4,retentionPolicy=monitor,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars WALCompactionTimeMs=0,cacheAgeMs=2799155,cachedBytes=0,diskBytes=0,memBytes=331216,snapshotCount=0 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_tsm1_filestore,database=_internal,host=tyrion,path=/Users/sparrc/.influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/1,retentionPolicy=monitor,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars diskBytes=37892 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_tsm1_filestore,database=_internal,host=tyrion,path=/Users/sparrc/.influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/2,retentionPolicy=monitor,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars diskBytes=52907 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_tsm1_wal,database=_internal,host=tyrion,path=/Users/sparrc/.influxdb/wal/_internal/monitor/1,retentionPolicy=monitor,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars currentSegmentDiskBytes=0,oldSegmentsDiskBytes=0 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_tsm1_wal,database=_internal,host=tyrion,path=/Users/sparrc/.influxdb/wal/_internal/monitor/2,retentionPolicy=monitor,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars currentSegmentDiskBytes=0,oldSegmentsDiskBytes=0 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_tsm1_wal,database=_internal,host=tyrion,path=/Users/sparrc/.influxdb/wal/_internal/monitor/3,retentionPolicy=monitor,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars currentSegmentDiskBytes=0,oldSegmentsDiskBytes=65651 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_tsm1_wal,database=_internal,host=tyrion,path=/Users/sparrc/.influxdb/wal/_internal/monitor/4,retentionPolicy=monitor,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars currentSegmentDiskBytes=495687,oldSegmentsDiskBytes=0 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_write,host=tyrion,url=http://localhost:8086/debug/vars pointReq=7274,pointReqLocal=7274,req=280,subWriteOk=280,writeOk=280 1463590500247354636
> influxdb_shard,host=tyrion n_shards=4i 1463590500247354636

InfluxDB-formatted endpoints

The influxdb plugin can collect InfluxDB-formatted data from JSON endpoints. Whether associated with an Influx database or not.

With a configuration of:

  urls = [




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type APIError added in v1.14.0

type APIError struct {
	StatusCode  int
	Reason      string
	Description string `json:"error"`

func (*APIError) Error added in v1.14.0

func (e *APIError) Error() string

type InfluxDB

type InfluxDB struct {
	URLs     []string        `toml:"urls"`
	Username string          `toml:"username"`
	Password string          `toml:"password"`
	Timeout  config.Duration `toml:"timeout"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*InfluxDB) Gather

func (i *InfluxDB) Gather(acc telegraf.Accumulator) error

func (*InfluxDB) SampleConfig

func (*InfluxDB) SampleConfig() string

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL