This plugin generates metrics derived from the state of the following Kubernetes resources:
- daemonsets
- deployments
- endpoints
- ingress
- nodes
- persistentvolumes
- persistentvolumeclaims
- pods (containers)
- services
- statefulsets
Kubernetes is a fast moving project, with a new minor release every 3 months. As
such, we will aim to maintain support only for versions that are supported by
the major cloud providers; this is roughly 4 release / 2 years.
This plugin supports Kubernetes 1.11 and later.
Series Cardinality Warning
This plugin may produce a high number of series which, when not controlled
for, will cause high load on your database. Use the following techniques to
avoid cardinality issues:
## URL for the Kubernetes API
url = "https://$HOSTIP:6443"
## Namespace to use. Set to "" to use all namespaces.
# namespace = "default"
## Use bearer token for authorization. ('bearer_token' takes priority)
## If both of these are empty, we'll use the default serviceaccount:
## at: /run/secrets/
# bearer_token = "/path/to/bearer/token"
## OR
# bearer_token_string = "abc_123"
## Set response_timeout (default 5 seconds)
# response_timeout = "5s"
## Optional Resources to exclude from gathering
## Leave them with blank with try to gather everything available.
## Values can be - "daemonsets", deployments", "endpoints", "ingress", "nodes",
## "persistentvolumes", "persistentvolumeclaims", "pods", "services", "statefulsets"
# resource_exclude = [ "deployments", "nodes", "statefulsets" ]
## Optional Resources to include when gathering
## Overrides resource_exclude if both set.
# resource_include = [ "deployments", "nodes", "statefulsets" ]
## selectors to include and exclude as tags. Globs accepted.
## Note that an empty array for both will include all selectors as tags
## selector_exclude overrides selector_include if both set.
selector_include = []
selector_exclude = ["*"]
## Optional TLS Config
## Trusted root certificates for server
# tls_ca = "/path/to/cafile"
## Used for TLS client certificate authentication
# tls_cert = "/path/to/certfile"
## Used for TLS client certificate authentication
# tls_key = "/path/to/keyfile"
## Send the specified TLS server name via SNI
# tls_server_name = ""
## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification
# insecure_skip_verify = false
## Uncomment to remove deprecated metrics.
# fielddrop = ["terminated_reason"]
Kubernetes Permissions
If using RBAC authorization, you will need to create a cluster role to list "persistentvolumes" and "nodes". You will then need to make an aggregated ClusterRole that will eventually be bound to a user or group.
kind: ClusterRole
name: influx:cluster:viewer
labels: "true"
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["persistentvolumes", "nodes"]
verbs: ["get", "list"]
kind: ClusterRole
name: influx:telegraf
- matchLabels: "true"
- matchLabels: "true"
rules: [] # Rules are automatically filled in by the controller manager.
Bind the newly created aggregated ClusterRole with the following config file, updating the subjects as needed.
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: influx:telegraf:viewer
kind: ClusterRole
name: influx:telegraf
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: telegraf
namespace: default
Quickstart in k3s
When monitoring k3s server instances one can re-use already generated administration token.
This is less secure than using the more restrictive dedicated telegraf user but more convienient to set up.
# an empty token will make telegraf use the client cert/key files instead
$ touch /run/telegraf-kubernetes-token
# replace `telegraf` with the user the telegraf process is running as
$ install -o telegraf -m400 /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/tls/client-admin.crt /run/telegraf-kubernetes-cert
$ install -o telegraf -m400 /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/tls/client-admin.key /run/telegraf-kubernetes-key
bearer_token = "/run/telegraf-kubernetes-token"
tls_cert = "/run/telegraf-kubernetes-cert"
tls_key = "/run/telegraf-kubernetes-key"
pv phase_type
The persistentvolume "phase" is saved in the phase
tag with a correlated numeric field called phase_type
corresponding with that tag value.
Tag value |
Corresponding field value |
bound |
0 |
failed |
1 |
pending |
2 |
released |
3 |
available |
4 |
unknown |
5 |
pvc phase_type
The persistentvolumeclaim "phase" is saved in the phase
tag with a correlated numeric field called phase_type
corresponding with that tag value.
Tag value |
Corresponding field value |
bound |
0 |
lost |
1 |
pending |
2 |
unknown |
3 |
Example Output
kubernetes_configmap,configmap_name=envoy-config,namespace=default,resource_version=56593031 created=1544103867000000000i 1547597616000000000
kubernetes_daemonset,daemonset_name=telegraf,selector_select1=s1,namespace=logging number_unavailable=0i,desired_number_scheduled=11i,number_available=11i,number_misscheduled=8i,number_ready=11i,updated_number_scheduled=11i,created=1527758699000000000i,generation=16i,current_number_scheduled=11i 1547597616000000000
kubernetes_deployment,deployment_name=deployd,selector_select1=s1,namespace=default replicas_unavailable=0i,created=1544103082000000000i,replicas_available=1i 1547597616000000000
kubernetes_node,node_name=ip-172-17-0-2.internal allocatable_pods=110i,capacity_memory_bytes=128837533696,capacity_pods=110i,capacity_cpu_cores=16i,allocatable_cpu_cores=16i,allocatable_memory_bytes=128732676096 1547597616000000000
kubernetes_persistentvolume,phase=Released,pv_name=pvc-aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-1111-222222222222,storageclass=ebs-1-retain phase_type=3i 1547597616000000000
kubernetes_persistentvolumeclaim,namespace=default,phase=Bound,pvc_name=data-etcd-0,selector_select1=s1,storageclass=ebs-1-retain phase_type=0i 1547597615000000000
kubernetes_pod,namespace=default,node_name=ip-172-17-0-2.internal,pod_name=tick1 last_transition_time=1547578322000000000i,ready="false" 1547597616000000000
kubernetes_service,cluster_ip=,namespace=redis-cache-0001,port_name=redis,port_protocol=TCP,selector_app=myapp,selector_io.kompose.service=redis,selector_role=slave,service_name=redis-slave created=1588690034000000000i,generation=0i,port=6379i,target_port=0i 1547597616000000000
kubernetes_pod_container,container_name=telegraf,namespace=default,node_name=ip-172-17-0-2.internal,,pod_name=tick1,phase=Running,state=running,readiness=ready resource_requests_cpu_units=0.1,resource_limits_memory_bytes=524288000,resource_limits_cpu_units=0.5,restarts_total=0i,state_code=0i,state_reason="",phase_reason="",resource_requests_memory_bytes=524288000 1547597616000000000
kubernetes_statefulset,namespace=default,selector_select1=s1,statefulset_name=etcd replicas_updated=3i,spec_replicas=3i,observed_generation=1i,created=1544101669000000000i,generation=1i,replicas=3i,replicas_current=3i,replicas_ready=3i 1547597616000000000