
package module
v1.18.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 7, 2021 License: MIT Imports: 1 Imported by: 3,345


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Telegraf is an agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics.

Design goals are to have a minimal memory footprint with a plugin system so that developers in the community can easily add support for collecting metrics.

Telegraf is plugin-driven and has the concept of 4 distinct plugin types:

  1. Input Plugins collect metrics from the system, services, or 3rd party APIs
  2. Processor Plugins transform, decorate, and/or filter metrics
  3. Aggregator Plugins create aggregate metrics (e.g. mean, min, max, quantiles, etc.)
  4. Output Plugins write metrics to various destinations

New plugins are designed to be easy to contribute, pull requests are welcomed and we work to incorporate as many pull requests as possible.

Try in Browser ๐Ÿš€

You can try Telegraf right in your browser in the Telegraf playground.


There are many ways to contribute:

Minimum Requirements

Telegraf shares the same minimum requirements as Go:

  • Linux kernel version 2.6.23 or later
  • Windows 7 or later
  • FreeBSD 11.2 or later
  • MacOS 10.11 El Capitan or later


You can download the binaries directly from the downloads page or from the releases section.

Ansible Role:

Ansible role:

From Source:

Telegraf requires Go version 1.14 or newer, the Makefile requires GNU make.

  1. Install Go >=1.14 (1.15 recommended)
  2. Clone the Telegraf repository:
    cd ~/src
    git clone
  3. Run make from the source directory
    cd ~/src/telegraf

View the changelog for the latest updates and changes by version.

Nightly Builds

These builds are generated from the master branch:

How to use it:

See usage with:

telegraf --help
Generate a telegraf config file:
telegraf config > telegraf.conf
Generate config with only cpu input & influxdb output plugins defined:
telegraf --section-filter agent:inputs:outputs --input-filter cpu --output-filter influxdb config
Run a single telegraf collection, outputting metrics to stdout:
telegraf --config telegraf.conf --test
Run telegraf with all plugins defined in config file:
telegraf --config telegraf.conf
Run telegraf, enabling the cpu & memory input, and influxdb output plugins:
telegraf --config telegraf.conf --input-filter cpu:mem --output-filter influxdb


Latest Release Documentation.

For documentation on the latest development code see the documentation index.

Input Plugins



Processor Plugins

Aggregator Plugins

Output Plugins

Documentation ยถ

Index ยถ

Constants ยถ

This section is empty.

Variables ยถ

View Source
var Debug bool

Functions ยถ

This section is empty.

Types ยถ

type Accumulator ยถ added in v0.2.0

type Accumulator interface {
	// AddFields adds a metric to the accumulator with the given measurement
	// name, fields, and tags (and timestamp). If a timestamp is not provided,
	// then the accumulator sets it to "now".
	AddFields(measurement string,
		fields map[string]interface{},
		tags map[string]string,
		t ...time.Time)

	// AddGauge is the same as AddFields, but will add the metric as a "Gauge" type
	AddGauge(measurement string,
		fields map[string]interface{},
		tags map[string]string,
		t ...time.Time)

	// AddCounter is the same as AddFields, but will add the metric as a "Counter" type
	AddCounter(measurement string,
		fields map[string]interface{},
		tags map[string]string,
		t ...time.Time)

	// AddSummary is the same as AddFields, but will add the metric as a "Summary" type
	AddSummary(measurement string,
		fields map[string]interface{},
		tags map[string]string,
		t ...time.Time)

	// AddHistogram is the same as AddFields, but will add the metric as a "Histogram" type
	AddHistogram(measurement string,
		fields map[string]interface{},
		tags map[string]string,
		t ...time.Time)

	// AddMetric adds an metric to the accumulator.

	// SetPrecision sets the timestamp rounding precision.  All metrics addeds
	// added to the accumulator will have their timestamp rounded to the
	// nearest multiple of precision.
	SetPrecision(precision time.Duration)

	// Report an error.
	AddError(err error)

	// Upgrade to a TrackingAccumulator with space for maxTracked
	// metrics/batches.
	WithTracking(maxTracked int) TrackingAccumulator

Accumulator allows adding metrics to the processing flow.

type AggregatingOutput ยถ added in v1.14.0

type AggregatingOutput interface {

	// Add the metric to the aggregator
	Add(in Metric)
	// Push returns the aggregated metrics and is called every flush interval.
	Push() []Metric
	// Reset signals the the aggregator period is completed.

AggregatingOutput adds aggregating functionality to an Output. May be used if the Output only accepts a fixed set of aggregations over a time period. These functions may be called concurrently to the Write function.

type Aggregator ยถ added in v1.14.0

type Aggregator interface {

	// Add the metric to the aggregator.
	Add(in Metric)

	// Push pushes the current aggregates to the accumulator.
	Push(acc Accumulator)

	// Reset resets the aggregators caches and aggregates.

Aggregator is an interface for implementing an Aggregator plugin. the RunningAggregator wraps this interface and guarantees that Add, Push, and Reset can not be called concurrently, so locking is not required when implementing an Aggregator plugin.

type DeliveryInfo ยถ added in v1.14.0

type DeliveryInfo interface {
	// ID is the TrackingID
	ID() TrackingID

	// Delivered returns true if the metric was processed successfully.
	Delivered() bool

DeliveryInfo provides the results of a delivered metric group.

type Field ยถ added in v1.14.0

type Field struct {
	Key   string
	Value interface{}

Field represents a single field key and value.

type Initializer ยถ added in v1.14.0

type Initializer interface {
	// Init performs one time setup of the plugin and returns an error if the
	// configuration is invalid.
	Init() error

Initializer is an interface that all plugin types: Inputs, Outputs, Processors, and Aggregators can optionally implement to initialize the plugin.

type Input ยถ added in v1.14.0

type Input interface {

	// Gather takes in an accumulator and adds the metrics that the Input
	// gathers. This is called every agent.interval
	Gather(Accumulator) error

type Logger ยถ added in v1.14.0

type Logger interface {
	// Errorf logs an error message, patterned after log.Printf.
	Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})
	// Error logs an error message, patterned after log.Print.
	Error(args ...interface{})
	// Debugf logs a debug message, patterned after log.Printf.
	Debugf(format string, args ...interface{})
	// Debug logs a debug message, patterned after log.Print.
	Debug(args ...interface{})
	// Warnf logs a warning message, patterned after log.Printf.
	Warnf(format string, args ...interface{})
	// Warn logs a warning message, patterned after log.Print.
	Warn(args ...interface{})
	// Infof logs an information message, patterned after log.Printf.
	Infof(format string, args ...interface{})
	// Info logs an information message, patterned after log.Print.
	Info(args ...interface{})

Logger defines an plugin-related interface for logging.

type Metric ยถ added in v1.14.0

type Metric interface {
	// Name is the primary identifier for the Metric and corresponds to the
	// measurement in the InfluxDB data model.
	Name() string

	// Tags returns the tags as a map.  This method is deprecated, use TagList instead.
	Tags() map[string]string

	// TagList returns the tags as a slice ordered by the tag key in lexical
	// bytewise ascending order.  The returned value should not be modified,
	// use the AddTag or RemoveTag methods instead.
	TagList() []*Tag

	// Fields returns the fields as a map.  This method is deprecated, use FieldList instead.
	Fields() map[string]interface{}

	// FieldList returns the fields as a slice in an undefined order.  The
	// returned value should not be modified, use the AddField or RemoveField
	// methods instead.
	FieldList() []*Field

	// Time returns the timestamp of the metric.
	Time() time.Time

	// Type returns a general type for the entire metric that describes how you
	// might interpret, aggregate the values.
	// This method may be removed in the future and its use is discouraged.
	Type() ValueType

	// SetName sets the metric name.
	SetName(name string)

	// AddPrefix adds a string to the front of the metric name.  It is
	// equivalent to m.SetName(prefix + m.Name()).
	// This method is deprecated, use SetName instead.
	AddPrefix(prefix string)

	// AddSuffix appends a string to the back of the metric name.  It is
	// equivalent to m.SetName(m.Name() + suffix).
	// This method is deprecated, use SetName instead.
	AddSuffix(suffix string)

	// GetTag returns the value of a tag and a boolean to indicate if it was set.
	GetTag(key string) (string, bool)

	// HasTag returns true if the tag is set on the Metric.
	HasTag(key string) bool

	// AddTag sets the tag on the Metric.  If the Metric already has the tag
	// set then the current value is replaced.
	AddTag(key, value string)

	// RemoveTag removes the tag if it is set.
	RemoveTag(key string)

	// GetField returns the value of a field and a boolean to indicate if it was set.
	GetField(key string) (interface{}, bool)

	// HasField returns true if the field is set on the Metric.
	HasField(key string) bool

	// AddField sets the field on the Metric.  If the Metric already has the field
	// set then the current value is replaced.
	AddField(key string, value interface{})

	// RemoveField removes the tag if it is set.
	RemoveField(key string)

	// SetTime sets the timestamp of the Metric.
	SetTime(t time.Time)

	// HashID returns an unique identifier for the series.
	HashID() uint64

	// Copy returns a deep copy of the Metric.
	Copy() Metric

	// Accept marks the metric as processed successfully and written to an
	// output.

	// Reject marks the metric as processed unsuccessfully.

	// Drop marks the metric as processed successfully without being written
	// to any output.

	// SetAggregate indicates the metric is an aggregated value.
	// This method may be removed in the future and its use is discouraged.

	// IsAggregate returns true if the Metric is an aggregate.
	// This method may be removed in the future and its use is discouraged.
	IsAggregate() bool

Metric is the type of data that is processed by Telegraf. Input plugins, and to a lesser degree, Processor and Aggregator plugins create new Metrics and Output plugins write them.

type Output ยถ added in v1.14.0

type Output interface {

	// Connect to the Output; connect is only called once when the plugin starts
	Connect() error
	// Close any connections to the Output. Close is called once when the output
	// is shutting down. Close will not be called until all writes have finished,
	// and Write() will not be called once Close() has been, so locking is not
	// necessary.
	Close() error
	// Write takes in group of points to be written to the Output
	Write(metrics []Metric) error

type PluginDescriber ยถ added in v1.15.0

type PluginDescriber interface {
	// SampleConfig returns the default configuration of the Processor
	SampleConfig() string

	// Description returns a one-sentence description on the Processor
	Description() string

PluginDescriber contains the functions all plugins must implement to describe themselves to Telegraf. Note that all plugins may define a logger that is not part of the interface, but will receive an injected logger if it's set. eg: Log telegraf.Logger `toml:"-"`

type Processor ยถ added in v1.14.0

type Processor interface {

	// Apply the filter to the given metric.
	Apply(in ...Metric) []Metric

Processor is a processor plugin interface for defining new inline processors. these are extremely efficient and should be used over StreamingProcessor if you do not need asynchronous metric writes.

type ServiceInput ยถ added in v1.14.0

type ServiceInput interface {

	// Start the ServiceInput.  The Accumulator may be retained and used until
	// Stop returns.
	Start(Accumulator) error

	// Stop stops the services and closes any necessary channels and connections.
	// Metrics should not be written out to the accumulator once stop returns, so
	// Stop() should stop reading and wait for any in-flight metrics to write out
	// to the accumulator before returning.

type StreamingProcessor ยถ added in v1.15.0

type StreamingProcessor interface {

	// Start is called once when the plugin starts; it is only called once per
	// plugin instance, and never in parallel.
	// Start should return once it is ready to receive metrics.
	// The passed in accumulator is the same as the one passed to Add(), so you
	// can choose to save it in the plugin, or use the one received from Add().
	Start(acc Accumulator) error

	// Add is called for each metric to be processed. The Add() function does not
	// need to wait for the metric to be processed before returning, and it may
	// be acceptable to let background goroutine(s) handle the processing if you
	// have slow processing you need to do in parallel.
	// Keep in mind Add() should not spawn unbounded goroutines, so you may need
	// to use a semaphore or pool of workers (eg: reverse_dns plugin does this)
	// Metrics you don't want to pass downstream should have metric.Drop() called,
	// rather than simply omitting the acc.AddMetric() call
	Add(metric Metric, acc Accumulator) error

	// Stop gives you an opportunity to gracefully shut down the processor.
	// Once Stop() is called, Add() will not be called any more. If you are using
	// goroutines, you should wait for any in-progress metrics to be processed
	// before returning from Stop().
	// When stop returns, you should no longer be writing metrics to the
	// accumulator.
	Stop() error

StreamingProcessor is a processor that can take in a stream of messages

type Tag ยถ added in v1.14.0

type Tag struct {
	Key   string
	Value string

Tag represents a single tag key and value.

type TrackingAccumulator ยถ added in v1.14.0

type TrackingAccumulator interface {

	// Add the Metric and arrange for tracking feedback after processing..
	AddTrackingMetric(m Metric) TrackingID

	// Add a group of Metrics and arrange for a signal when the group has been
	// processed.
	AddTrackingMetricGroup(group []Metric) TrackingID

	// Delivered returns a channel that will contain the tracking results.
	Delivered() <-chan DeliveryInfo

TrackingAccumulator is an Accumulator that provides a signal when the metric has been fully processed. Sending more metrics than the accumulator has been allocated for without reading status from the Accepted or Rejected channels is an error.

type TrackingID ยถ added in v1.14.0

type TrackingID uint64

TrackingID uniquely identifies a tracked metric group

type ValueType ยถ added in v1.14.0

type ValueType int

ValueType is an enumeration of metric types that represent a simple value.

const (
	Counter ValueType

Possible values for the ValueType enum.

Directories ยถ

Path Synopsis
Package choice provides basic functions for working with plugin options that must be one of several values.
Package choice provides basic functions for working with plugin options that must be one of several values.
Package docker contains few helper functions copied from
Package docker contains few helper functions copied from
Package authentication is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package authentication is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package telemetry is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package telemetry is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package lustre2 (doesn't aim for Windows) Lustre 2.x Telegraf plugin Lustre ( is an open-source, parallel file system for HPC environments.
Package lustre2 (doesn't aim for Windows) Lustre 2.x Telegraf plugin Lustre ( is an open-source, parallel file system for HPC environments.
Package rcon implements the communication protocol for communicating with RCON servers.
Package rcon implements the communication protocol for communicating with RCON servers.
Package neptuneapex implements an input plugin for the Neptune Apex aquarium controller.
Package neptuneapex implements an input plugin for the Neptune Apex aquarium controller.
Package phpfpm implements the FastCGI protocol.
Package phpfpm implements the FastCGI protocol.
Package uwsgi implements a telegraf plugin for collecting uwsgi stats from the uwsgi stats server.
Package uwsgi implements a telegraf plugin for collecting uwsgi stats from the uwsgi stats server.
Package win_eventlog Input plugin to collect Windows Event Log messages
Package win_eventlog Input plugin to collect Windows Event Log messages
Package x509_cert reports metrics from an SSL certificate.
Package x509_cert reports metrics from an SSL certificate.
A small cli utility meant to convert json to zipkin thrift binary format, and vice versa.
A small cli utility meant to convert json to zipkin thrift binary format, and vice versa.
Code generated by mockery v1.0.0.
Code generated by mockery v1.0.0.
Package selfstat is a package for tracking and collecting internal statistics about telegraf.
Package selfstat is a package for tracking and collecting internal statistics about telegraf.

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