Zabbix Output Plugin
This plugin writes metrics to Zabbix via traps. It has been
tested with versions v3.0, v4.0 and v6.0 but should work with newer versions
of Zabbix as long as the protocol doesn't change.
⭐ Telegraf v1.30.0
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Global configuration options
In addition to the plugin-specific configuration settings, plugins support
additional global and plugin configuration settings. These settings are used to
modify metrics, tags, and field or create aliases and configure ordering, etc.
See the for more details.
# Send metrics to Zabbix
## Address and (optional) port of the Zabbix server
address = ""
## Send metrics as type "Zabbix agent (active)"
# agent_active = false
## Add prefix to all keys sent to Zabbix.
# key_prefix = "telegraf."
## Name of the tag that contains the host name. Used to set the host in Zabbix.
## If the tag is not found, use the hostname of the system running Telegraf.
# host_tag = "host"
## Skip measurement prefix to all keys sent to Zabbix.
# skip_measurement_prefix = false
## This field will be sent as HostMetadata to Zabbix Server to autoregister the host.
## To enable this feature, this option must be set to a value other than "".
# autoregister = ""
## Interval to resend auto-registration data to Zabbix.
## Only applies if autoregister feature is enabled.
## This value is a lower limit, the actual resend should be triggered by the next flush interval.
# autoregister_resend_interval = "30m"
## Interval to send LLD data to Zabbix.
## This value is a lower limit, the actual resend should be triggered by the next flush interval.
# lld_send_interval = "10m"
## Interval to delete stored LLD known data and start capturing it again.
## This value is a lower limit, the actual resend should be triggered by the next flush interval.
# lld_clear_interval = "1h"
The request
value in the package sent to Zabbix should be different if the
items configured in Zabbix are Zabbix trapper or
Zabbix agent (active).
agent_active = false
will send data as sender data, expecting trapper items.
agent_active = true
will send data as agent data, expecting active Zabbix
agent items.
We can set a prefix that should be added to all Zabbix keys.
This is configurable with the option key_prefix
, set by default to
Example how the configuration key_prefix = "telegraf."
will generate the
Zabbix keys given a Telegraf metric:
- measurement,host=hostname valueA=0,valueB=1
+ telegraf.measurement.valueA
+ telegraf.measurement.valueB
We can skip the measurement prefix added to all Zabbix keys.
Example with skip_measurement_prefix = true"
and prefix = "telegraf."
- measurement,host=hostname valueA=0,valueB=1
+ telegraf.valueA
+ telegraf.valueB
Example with skip_measurement_prefix = true"
and prefix = ""
- measurement,host=hostname valueA=0,valueB=1
+ valueA
+ valueB
If this field is active, Telegraf will send an
autoregister request to Zabbix, using the content of
this field as the HostMetadata.
One request is sent for each of the different values seen by Telegraf for the
If autoregister
is defined, this field set the interval at which
autoregister requests are resend to Zabbix.
The telegraf interval format should be used.
The actual send of the autoregister request will happen in the next output flush
after this interval has been surpassed.
To reduce the number of LLD requests sent to Zabbix (LLD processing is
expensive), this plugin will send only one per
When Telegraf is started, this plugin will start to collect the info needed to
generate this LLD packets (measurements, tags keys and values).
Once this interval is surpassed, the next flush of this plugin will add the
packet with the LLD data.
In the next interval, only new, or modified, LLDs will be sent.
When this interval is surpassed, the next flush will clear all the LLD data
This allows this plugin to forget about old data and resend LLDs to Zabbix, in
case the host has new discovery rules or the packet was lost.
If we have flush_interval = "1m"
, lld_send_interval = "10m"
lld_clear_interval = "1h"
and Telegraf is started at 00:00, the first LLD will
be sent at 00:10. At 01:00 the LLD data will be deleted and at 01:10 LLD data
will be resent.
For each new metric generated by Telegraf, this output plugin will send one
trap for each field.
Given this Telegraf metric:
measurement,host=hostname valueA=0,valueB=1
It will generate this Zabbix metrics:
{"host": "hostname", "key": "telegraf.measurement.valueA", "value": "0"}
{"host": "hostname", "key": "telegraf.measurement.valueB", "value": "1"}
If the metric has tags (aside from host
), they will be added, in alphabetical
order using the format for LLD metrics:
measurement,host=hostname,tagA=keyA,tagB=keyB valueA=0,valueB=1
Zabbix generated metrics:
{"host": "hostname", "key": "telegraf.measurement.valueA[keyA,keyB]", "value": "0"}
{"host": "hostname", "key": "telegraf.measurement.valueB[keyA,keyB]", "value": "1"}
This order is based on the tags keys, not the tag values, so, for example, this
Telegraf metric:
measurement,host=hostname,aaaTag=999,zzzTag=111 value=0
Will generate this Zabbix metric:
{"host": "hostname", "key": "telegraf.measurement.value[999,111]", "value": "0"}
Zabbix low-level discovery
Zabbix needs an item
created before receiving any metric. In some cases we do
not know in advance what are we going to send, for example, the name of a
container to send its cpu and memory consumption.
For this case Zabbix provides low-level discovery that allow to create
new items dynamically based on the parameters sent by the trap.
As explained previously, this output plugin will format the Zabbix key using
the tags seen in the Telegraf metric following the LLD format.
To create those discovered items this plugin uses the same mechanism as the
Zabbix agent, collecting information about which tags has been seen for each
measurement and periodically sending a request to a discovery rule with the
collected data.
Keep in mind that, for metrics in this category, Zabbix will discard them until
the low-level discovery (LLD) data is sent.
Sending LLD to Zabbix is a heavy-weight process and is only done at the interval
per the lld_send_interval setting.
To explain how everything interconnects we will use an example with the
protocol = "tcp"
address = ""
This input will generate this metric:
$ telegraf -config example.conf -test
* Plugin: inputs.net_response, Collection 1
> net_response,,port=80,protocol=tcp,host=myhost result_type="success",response_time=0.091026869 1522741063000000000
Here we have four tags: server, port, protocol and host (this one will be
assumed that is always present and treated differently).
The values those three parameters could take are unknown to Zabbix, so we
cannot create trappers items in Zabbix to receive that values (at least without
mixing that metric with another net_response
metric with different tags).
To solve this problem we use a discovery rule in Zabbix, that will receive the
different groups of tag values and create the traps to gather the metrics.
This plugin knows about three tags (excluding host) for the input
, therefore it will generate this new Telegraf metric: net_response.port.protocol.server="{\"data\":[{\"{#PORT}\":\"80\",\"{#PROTOCOL}\":\"tcp\",\"{#SERVER}\":\"\"}]}"
Once sent, the final package will be:
"request":"sender data",
The Zabbix key is generated joining lld
, the input name and tags (keys)
alphabetically sorted.
Some inputs could use different groups of tags for different fields, that is
why the tags are added to the key, to allow having different discovery rules
for the same input.
The tags used in value
are changed to uppercase to match the format of Zabbix.
In the Zabbix server we should have a discovery rule associated with that key
(telegraf.lld.net_response.port.protocol.server) and one item prototype for
each field, in this case result_type
and response_time
The item prototypes will be Zabbix trappers with keys (data type should also
match and some values will be better stored as delta):
The macros in the item prototypes keys should be alphabetically sorted so they
can match the keys generated by this plugin.
With that keys and the example trap, the host myhost
will have two new items:
This plugin, for each metric, will send traps to the Zabbix server following
the same structure (INPUT.FIELD[tags sorted]...), filling the items created by
the discovery rule.
In summary:
- we need a discovery rule with the correct key and one item prototype for each
- this plugin will generate traps to create items based on the metrics seen in
- it will also send the traps to fill the new created items
Reducing the number of LLDs
This plugin remembers which LLDs has been sent to Zabbix and avoid generating
the same metrics again, to avoid the cost of LLD processing in Zabbix.
It will only send LLD data each lld_send_interval
But, could happen that package is lost or some host get new discovery rules, so
each lld_clear_interval
the plugin will forget about the known data and start
collecting again.
Which tags should expose each input should be controlled, because an unexpected
tag could modify the trap key and will not match the trapper defined in Zabbix.
For example, in the docker input, each container label is a new tag.
To control this we can add to the input a config like:
taginclude = ["host", "container_name"]
Allowing only the tags "host" and "container_name" to be used to generate the
key (and loosing the information provided in the others tags).
Examples of metrics converted to traps
mem,host=myHost available_percent=14.684620843239944,used=14246531072i 152276442800000000
"request":"sender data",
docker_container_net,host=myHost,container_name=laughing_babbage rx_errors=0i,tx_errors=0i 1522764038000000000
"request":"sender data",
"data": [