
v2.0.0-rc.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 29, 2020 License: MIT Imports: 29 Imported by: 1


Flux - Influx data language

fluxd is an HTTP server for running Flux queries to one or more InfluxDB servers.

fluxd runs on port 8093 by default


A complete specification can be found in SPEC.md.


Generic Installation
  1. Use InfluxDB nightly builds, which can be found here: https://portal.influxdata.com/downloads. Write data to the instance by using telegraf or some other data source.

Note: InfluxDB uses port 8082 for handling Flux queries. Ensure this port is accessible. This port has no authentication.

  1. Download fluxd from nightly builds: https://portal.influxdata.com/downloads .

  2. Start fluxd. It will connect to the default host and port which is localhost:8082. To run in federated mode, add the --storage-hosts option with each host separated by a comma.

fluxd --storage-hosts localhost:8082
  1. To run a query, POST a Flux query string to /query as the query parameter:
curl -XPOST --data-urlencode \
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "cpu" AND r._field == "usage_user")
    |> range(start:-170h)
    |> sum()' \

Any value can be used for the organization parameter. It does not apply to running flux queries against the InfluxDB 1.x nightlies but is required.

Docker Installation

There are now images for Flux and InfluxDB nightlies. If you have docker installed on your machine, this can be an easier method of trying out Flux on your local computer.

  1. Create a docker network.
docker network create influxdb
  1. Start the InfluxDB nightly. You can use either the nightly or nightly-alpine tag.
docker volume create influxdb
docker run -d --name=influxdb --net=influxdb -p 8086:8086 -v influxdb:/var/lib/influxdb quay.io/influxdb/influxdb:nightly

Note: If you run influxd in a container and fluxd outside of a container, you must add -p 8082:8082 to expose the flux port.

  1. Start fluxd using the nightly image. There is no alpine image for this yet.
docker run -d --name=flux --net=influxdb -p 8093:8093 quay.io/influxdb/flux:nightly
  1. Follow the instructions from the General Installation section for how to query the server.

  2. When updating, ensure that you pull both nightlies and restart them at the same time. We are making changes often and using the nightlies from the same night will result in fewer problems than only updating one of them.

Prometheus metrics

Metrics are exposed on /metrics. fluxd records the number of queries and the number of different functions within Flux queries

Federated Mode

By passing multiple hosts to the --storage-hosts option, fluxd will query multiple InfluxDB servers.

For example:

fluxd --storage-hosts influxdb1:8082,influxdb2:8082

The results from multiple InfluxDB are merged together as if there was one server.

Getting Started

Flux runs a query by reading a data source into a collection of tables and then passing each table through transformation steps to describe the desired query operations. Each table is composed of zero or more rows. Transformations are represented as functions which take a table of data as an input argument and return a new table that has been transformed. There are also special functions that combine and separate existing tables into new tables with a different grouping.

Basic Syntax

All queries begin with the function from. It is a source function that does not accept any input, but produces a stream of tables as output. All queries must be followed by a range function which will limit the time range that data is selected from. Even if you want all data, you must specify a time range. This is so it is explicit that a user wants to query the entire database instead of the much more common range of time data.

from(bucket: "telegraf/autogen") |> range(start: -5m)

Function parameters are all keyword arguments. There are no positional arguments. The from function takes a single parameter: db. This specifies the InfluxDB database it should read from. At the moment, it is not possible to read from anything other than the default retention policy for a database. The from function will organize the data so that each series is its own table. That means that all transformations will happen per series unless this is changed by using group or window (explained below). If you are familiar with InfluxDB 1.x, this is the opposite of InfluxQL's default behavior. InfluxQL would automatically group all series into the same table.

Functions are separated by the |> operator. This operator will take the stream of tables from one function and it will send it as input to another function that takes a stream of tables as the input. In this case, the from function outputs a stream of tables and sends that output to the range function which filters out any rows from each table that are not within the specified time range. The range function takes two parameters: start and stop. The default stop time is the current time and a duration, like -5m, can be used to specify a relative time from the current time. That means the above query is asking for all data within the last 5 minutes.

The from function creates a table where each row has the following attributes:

  • _measurement - the measurement of the series
  • _field - the field of the series
  • _value - the output value
  • _start - the start time of the table (equal to the range start)
  • _stop - the stop time of the table (equal to the range stop)
  • _time - the time for each row

The |> operator is used extensively in flux so you will see it in all of the query examples. Each transformation can be chained to another transformation so, while the examples below will be simple, they can be combined to yield the desired query and table structure.

Filter rows with an anonymous function

The rows can be filtered by using the filter function. When communicating with influxd, the measurement name is put into the _measurement tag and the field name is put into the _field tag. If you wanted to filter by a specific measurement or field, you could do that by using filter like this:

from(bucket: "telegraf/autogen") |> range(start: -5m)
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "cpu" and r._field == "usage_user")

The filter function takes a function returning a boolean as its only parameter. The function parameter name is fn. An anonymous function is defined by using parenthesis to specify the function arguments, using the => operator, and then either followed by a single line with the expression. See the User Defined Functions section for more information about defining functions and how to create your own.

When accessing data in a table, dot syntax or indexing syntax can be used. In the above, we used dot syntax. You can also use the indexing syntax like this: r["_measurement"]. This document will use the dot syntax, but either one can be used anywhere.

It is also common in flux to break up longer lines by including a newline between the different function calls. It is convention to have a newline followed by a tab and the pipe operator before writing the next function.

Limit the number of rows

The limit function can be used to limit the number of points in each table. It takes a single parameter which is n.

from(bucket: "telegraf/autogen") |> range(start: -5m) |> limit(n: 1)
Aggregates and Selectors

Aggregates and selectors will execute the aggregation/selection function on each table. The output is defined for each function, but most aggregates will output a single row for each table and most selectors will select a single row for each table.

To find the mean of each table, you could use the mean() function.

from(bucket: "telegraf/autogen") |> range(start: -5m) |> mean()

If you wanted to find the maximum value in each table, you could use max().

from(bucket: "telegraf/autogen") |> range(start: -5m) |> max()

The full list of aggregation and selection functions is located in the spec.

Grouping and Windowing

Since flux will group each series into its own table, we sometimes need to modify this grouping if we wanted to combine different series. As an example, what if we wanted to know the average user cpu usage for each AWS region? A common schema would be to have two tags: region and host. We would write that query like this:

from(bucket: "telegraf/autogen") |> range(start: -5m)
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "cpu" and r._field == "usage_user")
    |> group(columns: ["region"])
    |> mean()

The group function would take every row that had the same region value and put it into a single table. If we had servers in two different regions, it would result in us having two different tables.

Similarly, if we wanted to group points into buckets of time, the window function can do that. We can modify the above function to give us the mean for every minute pretty easily.

from(bucket: "telegraf/autogen") |> range(start: -5m)
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "cpu" and r._field == "usage_user")
    |> group(columns: ["region"])
    |> window(every: 1m)
    |> mean()

It is also possible to perform math and rename the columns by using the map function. The map function takes a function and will execute that function on each row to output a new row for the output table.

from(bucket: "telegraf/autogen") |> range(start: -5m)
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "cpu" and r._field == "usage_user")
    |> map(fn: (r) => {_value: r._value / 100})

The function passed into map must return an object. An object is a key/value structure. By default, the map function will merge any columns within the grouping key into the new row so you do not have to specify all of the existing columns that you do not want to modify. If you do not want to automtaically merge those columns, you can use mergeKey: false as a parameter to map.

Note: Math support is limited right now and the filter is required because the query engine will throw an error if the value is of different types with different series. So you must filter the results so only fields with a single type are selected at the moment.

User Defined Functions

A user can define their own function which can then be reused. To do this, we use the function syntax and assign it to a variable.

add = (table=<-, n) => map(table: table, fn: (r) => {_value: r._value + n})
from(bucket: "telegraf/autogen") |> range(start: -5m)
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "cpu" and r._field == "usage_user")
    |> add(n: 5)

When defining a function, default arguments can be specified by using an equals sign. In addition, a table processing function can be specified by including one parameter that takes <- as an input. The typical parameter name for these is table, but it can be any name since the pipe operator does not use a specific name. In the above example, we build a new function around the existing map function by passing the table to the map function as a parameter instead of with the pipe. If you wanted to use the pipe operator instead, the following is also valid:

add = (table=<-, n) => table |> map(fn: (r) => {_value: r._value + n})
from(bucket: "telegraf/autogen") |> range(start: -5m)
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "cpu" and r._field == "usage_user")
    |> add(n: 5)




View Source
const (
	NoContentDialectType     = "no-content"
	NoContentWErrDialectType = "no-content-with-error"
View Source
const (
	PreferHeaderKey                = "Prefer"
	PreferNoContentHeaderValue     = "return-no-content"
	PreferNoContentWErrHeaderValue = "return-no-content-with-error"
View Source
const ZeroTime = int64(math.MinInt64)

ZeroTime is the Unix nanosecond timestamp for no time. This time is not used by the query engine or the storage engine as a valid time.


View Source
var (
	// ErrQueryInterrupted is an error returned when the query is interrupted.
	ErrQueryInterrupted = errors.New("query interrupted")
View Source
var OpenAuthorizer = openAuthorizer{}

OpenAuthorizer can be shared by all goroutines.


func AddDialectMappings

func AddDialectMappings(mappings flux.DialectMappings) error

AddDialectMappings adds the mappings for the no-content dialects.

func ContextWithRequest

func ContextWithRequest(ctx context.Context, req *Request) context.Context

ContextWithRequest returns a new context with a reference to the request.

func EvalAST

func EvalAST(ctx context.Context, lang influxdb.FluxLanguageService, astPkg *ast.Package) ([]interpreter.SideEffect, values.Scope, error)

EvalAST will evaluate and run an AST.

This will return an error if the FluxLanguageService is nil.

func Parse

func Parse(lang influxdb.FluxLanguageService, source string) (*ast.Package, error)

Parse will take flux source code and produce a package. If there are errors when parsing, the first error is returned. An ast.Package may be returned when a parsing error occurs, but it may be null if parsing didn't even occur.

This will return an error if the FluxLanguageService is nil.

func SetReturnNoContent

func SetReturnNoContent(header http.Header, withError bool)

SetReturnNoContent sets the header for a Request to return no content.


type AsyncQueryService

type AsyncQueryService interface {
	// Query submits a query for execution returning immediately.
	// Done must be called on any returned Query objects.
	Query(ctx context.Context, req *Request) (flux.Query, error)

AsyncQueryService represents a service for performing queries where the results are delivered asynchronously.

type Authorizer

type Authorizer interface {
	// AuthorizeDatabase indicates whether the given Privilege is authorized on the database with the given name.
	AuthorizeDatabase(p influxql.Privilege, name string) bool

	// AuthorizeQuery returns an error if the query cannot be executed
	AuthorizeQuery(database string, query *influxql.Query) error

	// AuthorizeSeriesRead determines if a series is authorized for reading
	AuthorizeSeriesRead(database string, measurement []byte, tags models.Tags) bool

	// AuthorizeSeriesWrite determines if a series is authorized for writing
	AuthorizeSeriesWrite(database string, measurement []byte, tags models.Tags) bool

Authorizer determines if certain operations are authorized.

type BooleanIterator

type BooleanIterator interface {
	Next() (*BooleanPoint, error)

BooleanIterator represents a stream of boolean points.

type BooleanPoint

type BooleanPoint struct {
	Name string
	Tags Tags

	Time  int64
	Value bool
	Aux   []interface{}

	// Total number of points that were combined into this point from an aggregate.
	// If this is zero, the point is not the result of an aggregate function.
	Aggregated uint32
	Nil        bool

BooleanPoint represents a point with a bool value. DO NOT ADD ADDITIONAL FIELDS TO THIS STRUCT. See TestPoint_Fields in influxql/point_test.go for more details.

type BucketLookup

type BucketLookup struct {
	BucketService influxdb.BucketService

BucketLookup converts Flux bucket lookups into influxdb.BucketService calls.

func FromBucketService

func FromBucketService(srv influxdb.BucketService) *BucketLookup

FromBucketService wraps an influxdb.BucketService in the BucketLookup interface.

func (*BucketLookup) FindAllBuckets

func (b *BucketLookup) FindAllBuckets(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID) ([]*influxdb.Bucket, int)

func (*BucketLookup) Lookup

func (b *BucketLookup) Lookup(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID, name string) (influxdb.ID, bool)

Lookup returns the bucket id and its existence given an org id and bucket name.

func (*BucketLookup) LookupName

func (b *BucketLookup) LookupName(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID, id influxdb.ID) string

LookupName returns an bucket name given its organization ID and its bucket ID.

type FloatIterator

type FloatIterator interface {
	Next() (*FloatPoint, error)

FloatIterator represents a stream of float points.

type FloatPoint

type FloatPoint struct {
	Name string
	Tags Tags

	Time  int64
	Value float64
	Aux   []interface{}

	// Total number of points that were combined into this point from an aggregate.
	// If this is zero, the point is not the result of an aggregate function.
	Aggregated uint32
	Nil        bool

FloatPoint represents a point with a float64 value. DO NOT ADD ADDITIONAL FIELDS TO THIS STRUCT. See TestPoint_Fields in influxql/point_test.go for more details.

type GroupAggregator

type GroupAggregator interface {
	GetGroupCapability(ctx context.Context) GroupCapability

type GroupCapability

type GroupCapability interface {
	HaveCount() bool
	HaveSum() bool
	HaveFirst() bool
	HaveLast() bool
	HaveMin() bool
	HaveMax() bool

type GroupMode

type GroupMode int
const (
	// GroupModeNone merges all series into a single group.
	GroupModeNone GroupMode = iota
	// GroupModeBy produces a table for each unique value of the specified GroupKeys.

func ToGroupMode

func ToGroupMode(fluxMode flux.GroupMode) GroupMode

ToGroupMode accepts the group mode from Flux and produces the appropriate storage group mode.

type IntegerIterator

type IntegerIterator interface {
	Next() (*IntegerPoint, error)

IntegerIterator represents a stream of integer points.

type IntegerPoint

type IntegerPoint struct {
	Name string
	Tags Tags

	Time  int64
	Value int64
	Aux   []interface{}

	// Total number of points that were combined into this point from an aggregate.
	// If this is zero, the point is not the result of an aggregate function.
	Aggregated uint32
	Nil        bool

IntegerPoint represents a point with a int64 value. DO NOT ADD ADDITIONAL FIELDS TO THIS STRUCT. See TestPoint_Fields in influxql/point_test.go for more details.

type Interval

type Interval struct {
	Duration time.Duration
	Offset   time.Duration

Interval represents a repeating interval for a query.

type Iterator

type Iterator interface {
	Stats() IteratorStats
	Close() error

Iterator represents a generic interface for all Iterators. Most iterator operations are done on the typed sub-interfaces.

type IteratorCost

type IteratorCost struct {
	// The total number of shards that are touched by this query.
	NumShards int64

	// The total number of non-unique series that are accessed by this query.
	// This number matches the number of cursors created by the query since
	// one cursor is created for every series.
	NumSeries int64

	// CachedValues returns the number of cached values that may be read by this
	// query.
	CachedValues int64

	// The total number of non-unique files that may be accessed by this query.
	// This will count the number of files accessed by each series so files
	// will likely be double counted.
	NumFiles int64

	// The number of blocks that had the potential to be accessed.
	BlocksRead int64

	// The amount of data that can be potentially read.
	BlockSize int64

IteratorCost contains statistics retrieved for explaining what potential cost may be incurred by instantiating an iterator.

func (IteratorCost) Combine

func (c IteratorCost) Combine(other IteratorCost) IteratorCost

Combine combines the results of two IteratorCost structures into one.

type IteratorOptions

type IteratorOptions struct {
	// Expression to iterate for.
	// This can be VarRef or a Call.
	Expr influxql.Expr

	// Auxiliary tags or values to also retrieve for the point.
	Aux []influxql.VarRef

	// Data sources from which to receive data. This is only used for encoding
	// measurements over RPC and is no longer used in the open source version.
	Sources []influxql.Source

	// Group by interval and tags.
	Interval   Interval
	Dimensions []string            // The final dimensions of the query (stays the same even in subqueries).
	GroupBy    map[string]struct{} // Dimensions to group points by in intermediate iterators.
	Location   *time.Location

	// Fill options.
	Fill      influxql.FillOption
	FillValue interface{}

	// Condition to filter by.
	Condition influxql.Expr

	// Time range for the iterator.
	StartTime int64
	EndTime   int64

	// Sorted in time ascending order if true.
	Ascending bool

	// Limits the number of points per series.
	Limit, Offset int

	// Limits the number of series.
	SLimit, SOffset int

	// Removes the measurement name. Useful for meta queries.
	StripName bool

	// Removes duplicate rows from raw queries.
	Dedupe bool

	// Determines if this is a query for raw data or an aggregate/selector.
	Ordered bool

	// Limits on the creation of iterators.
	MaxSeriesN int

	// If this channel is set and is closed, the iterator should try to exit
	// and close as soon as possible.
	InterruptCh <-chan struct{}

	// Authorizer can limit access to data
	Authorizer Authorizer

IteratorOptions is an object passed to CreateIterator to specify creation options.

func (IteratorOptions) SeekTime

func (opt IteratorOptions) SeekTime() int64

SeekTime returns the time the iterator should start from. For ascending iterators this is the start time, for descending iterators it's the end time.

func (IteratorOptions) StopTime

func (opt IteratorOptions) StopTime() int64

StopTime returns the time the iterator should end at. For ascending iterators this is the end time, for descending iterators it's the start time.

type IteratorStats

type IteratorStats struct {
	SeriesN int // series represented
	PointN  int // points returned

IteratorStats represents statistics about an iterator. Some statistics are available immediately upon iterator creation while some are derived as the iterator processes data.

type Log

type Log struct {
	// Time is the time the query was completed
	Time time.Time
	// OrganizationID is the ID of the organization that requested the query
	OrganizationID platform.ID
	// TraceID is the ID of the trace related to this query
	TraceID string
	// Sampled specifies whether the trace for TraceID was chosen for permanent storage
	// by the sampling mechanism of the tracer
	Sampled bool
	// Error is any error encountered by the query
	Error error

	// ProxyRequest is the query request
	ProxyRequest *ProxyRequest
	// ResponseSize is the size in bytes of the query response
	ResponseSize int64
	// Statistics is a set of statistics about the query execution
	Statistics flux.Statistics

Log captures a query and any relevant metadata for the query execution.

func (*Log) Redact

func (q *Log) Redact()

Redact removes any sensitive information before logging

type Logger

type Logger interface {
	Log(Log) error

Logger persists metadata about executed queries.

type LoggingProxyQueryService

type LoggingProxyQueryService struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LoggingProxyQueryService wraps a ProxyQueryService and logs the queries.

func NewLoggingProxyQueryService

func NewLoggingProxyQueryService(log *zap.Logger, queryLogger Logger, proxyQueryService ProxyQueryService, opts ...LoggingProxyQueryServiceOption) *LoggingProxyQueryService

func (*LoggingProxyQueryService) Check

func (*LoggingProxyQueryService) Query

func (s *LoggingProxyQueryService) Query(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer, req *ProxyRequest) (stats flux.Statistics, err error)

Query executes and logs the query.

func (*LoggingProxyQueryService) SetNowFunctionForTesting

func (s *LoggingProxyQueryService) SetNowFunctionForTesting(nowFunction func() time.Time)

type LoggingProxyQueryServiceOption

type LoggingProxyQueryServiceOption func(lpqs *LoggingProxyQueryService)

LoggingProxyQueryServiceOption provides a way to modify the behavior of LoggingProxyQueryService.

func ConditionalLogging

func ConditionalLogging(cond func(context.Context) bool) LoggingProxyQueryServiceOption

ConditionalLogging returns a LoggingProxyQueryServiceOption that only logs if the passed in function returns true. Thus logging can be controlled by a request-scoped attribute, e.g., a feature flag.

func RequireMetadataKey

func RequireMetadataKey(metadataKey string) LoggingProxyQueryServiceOption

type MathValuer

type MathValuer struct{}

func (MathValuer) Call

func (v MathValuer) Call(name string, args []interface{}) (interface{}, bool)

func (MathValuer) Value

func (MathValuer) Value(key string) (interface{}, bool)

type NoContentDialect

type NoContentDialect struct{}

NoContentDialect is a dialect that provides an Encoder that discards query results. When invoking `dialect.Encoder().Encode(writer, results)`, `results` get consumed, while the `writer` is left intact. It is an HTTPDialect that sets the response status code to 204 NoContent.

func NewNoContentDialect

func NewNoContentDialect() *NoContentDialect

func (*NoContentDialect) DialectType

func (d *NoContentDialect) DialectType() flux.DialectType

func (*NoContentDialect) Encoder

func (*NoContentDialect) SetHeaders

func (d *NoContentDialect) SetHeaders(w http.ResponseWriter)

type NoContentEncoder

type NoContentEncoder struct{}

func (*NoContentEncoder) Encode

func (e *NoContentEncoder) Encode(w io.Writer, results flux.ResultIterator) (int64, error)

type NoContentWithErrorDialect

type NoContentWithErrorDialect struct {

NoContentWithErrorDialect is a dialect that provides an Encoder that discards query results, but it encodes runtime errors from the Flux query in CSV format. To discover if there was any runtime error in the query, one should check the response size. If it is equal to zero, then no error was present. Otherwise one can decode the response body to get the error. For example: ``` _, err = csv.NewResultDecoder(csv.ResultDecoderConfig{}).Decode(bytes.NewReader(res))

if err != nil {
  // we got some runtime error


func NewNoContentWithErrorDialect

func NewNoContentWithErrorDialect() *NoContentWithErrorDialect

func (*NoContentWithErrorDialect) DialectType

func (d *NoContentWithErrorDialect) DialectType() flux.DialectType

func (*NoContentWithErrorDialect) Encoder

func (*NoContentWithErrorDialect) SetHeaders

type NoContentWithErrorEncoder

type NoContentWithErrorEncoder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*NoContentWithErrorEncoder) Encode

type OrganizationLookup

type OrganizationLookup struct {
	OrganizationService influxdb.OrganizationService

OrganizationLookup converts organization name lookups into influxdb.OrganizationService calls.

func FromOrganizationService

func FromOrganizationService(srv influxdb.OrganizationService) *OrganizationLookup

FromOrganizationService wraps a influxdb.OrganizationService in the OrganizationLookup interface.

func (*OrganizationLookup) Lookup

func (o *OrganizationLookup) Lookup(ctx context.Context, name string) (influxdb.ID, bool)

Lookup returns the organization ID and its existence given an organization name.

func (*OrganizationLookup) LookupName

func (o *OrganizationLookup) LookupName(ctx context.Context, id influxdb.ID) string

LookupName returns an organization name given its ID.

type ProxyQueryService

type ProxyQueryService interface {

	// Query performs the requested query and encodes the results into w.
	// The number of bytes written to w is returned __independent__ of any error.
	Query(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer, req *ProxyRequest) (flux.Statistics, error)

ProxyQueryService performs queries and encodes the result into a writer. The results are opaque to a ProxyQueryService.

type ProxyQueryServiceAsyncBridge

type ProxyQueryServiceAsyncBridge struct {
	AsyncQueryService AsyncQueryService

ProxyQueryServiceAsyncBridge implements ProxyQueryService while consuming an AsyncQueryService

func (ProxyQueryServiceAsyncBridge) Check

Check returns the status of this query service. Since this bridge consumes an AsyncQueryService, which is not available over the network, this check always passes.

func (ProxyQueryServiceAsyncBridge) Query

type ProxyRequest

type ProxyRequest struct {
	// Request is the basic query request
	Request Request `json:"request"`

	// Dialect is the result encoder
	Dialect flux.Dialect `json:"dialect"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ProxyRequest specifies a query request and the dialect for the results.

func (ProxyRequest) MarshalJSON

func (r ProxyRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*ProxyRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *ProxyRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON populates the request from the JSON data. WithCompilerMappings and WithDialectMappings must have been called or an error will occur.

func (*ProxyRequest) WithCompilerMappings

func (r *ProxyRequest) WithCompilerMappings(mappings flux.CompilerMappings)

WithCompilerMappings sets the compiler type mappings on the request.

func (*ProxyRequest) WithDialectMappings

func (r *ProxyRequest) WithDialectMappings(mappings flux.DialectMappings)

WithDialectMappings sets the dialect type mappings on the request.

type QueryService

type QueryService interface {

	// Query submits a query for execution returning a results iterator.
	// Cancel must be called on any returned results to free resources.
	Query(ctx context.Context, req *Request) (flux.ResultIterator, error)

QueryService represents a type capable of performing queries.

type QueryServiceBridge

type QueryServiceBridge struct {
	AsyncQueryService AsyncQueryService

QueryServiceBridge implements the QueryService interface while consuming the AsyncQueryService interface.

func (QueryServiceBridge) Check

Check returns the status of this query service. Since this bridge consumes an AsyncQueryService, which is not available over the network, this check always passes.

func (QueryServiceBridge) Query

type QueryServiceProxyBridge

type QueryServiceProxyBridge struct {
	ProxyQueryService ProxyQueryService

QueryServiceProxyBridge implements QueryService while consuming a ProxyQueryService interface.

func (QueryServiceProxyBridge) Check

func (QueryServiceProxyBridge) Query

type REPLQuerier

type REPLQuerier struct {
	// Authorization is the authorization to provide for all requests
	Authorization *platform.Authorization
	// OrganizationID is the ID to provide for all requests
	OrganizationID platform.ID
	QueryService   QueryService

REPLQuerier implements the repl.Querier interface while consuming a QueryService

func (*REPLQuerier) Query

func (q *REPLQuerier) Query(ctx context.Context, deps flux.Dependencies, compiler flux.Compiler) (flux.ResultIterator, error)

Query will pack a query to be sent to a remote server for execution. deps may be safely ignored since they will be correctly initialized on the server side.

type ReadFilterSpec

type ReadFilterSpec struct {
	OrganizationID influxdb.ID
	BucketID       influxdb.ID

	Bounds    execute.Bounds
	Predicate *datatypes.Predicate

type ReadGroupSpec

type ReadGroupSpec struct {

	GroupMode GroupMode
	GroupKeys []string

	AggregateMethod string

func (*ReadGroupSpec) Name

func (spec *ReadGroupSpec) Name() string

type ReadTagKeysSpec

type ReadTagKeysSpec struct {

type ReadTagValuesSpec

type ReadTagValuesSpec struct {
	TagKey string

type ReadWindowAggregateSpec

type ReadWindowAggregateSpec struct {
	WindowEvery int64
	Offset      int64
	Aggregates  []plan.ProcedureKind
	CreateEmpty bool
	TimeColumn  string

func (*ReadWindowAggregateSpec) Name

func (spec *ReadWindowAggregateSpec) Name() string

type Request

type Request struct {
	// Scope
	Authorization  *platform.Authorization `json:"authorization,omitempty"`
	OrganizationID platform.ID             `json:"organization_id"`

	// Compiler converts the query to a specification to run against the data.
	Compiler flux.Compiler `json:"compiler"`

	// Source represents the ultimate source of the request.
	Source string `json:"source"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Request represents the query to run. Options to mutate the header associated to this Request can be specified via `WithOption` or associated methods. One should always `Request.ApplyOptions()` before encoding and sending the request.

func RequestFromContext

func RequestFromContext(ctx context.Context) *Request

RequestFromContext retrieves a *Request from a context. If not request exists on the context nil is returned.

func (*Request) ApplyOptions

func (r *Request) ApplyOptions(header http.Header) error

ApplyOptions applies every option added to this Request to the given header.

func (Request) MarshalJSON

func (r Request) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Request) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *Request) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON populates the request from the JSON data. WithCompilerMappings must have been called or an error will occur.

func (*Request) WithCompilerMappings

func (r *Request) WithCompilerMappings(mappings flux.CompilerMappings)

WithCompilerMappings sets the query type mappings on the request.

func (*Request) WithOption

func (r *Request) WithOption(option RequestHeaderOption)

WithOption adds a RequestHeaderOption to this Request.

func (*Request) WithReturnNoContent

func (r *Request) WithReturnNoContent(withError bool)

WithReturnNoContent makes this Request return no content.

type RequestHeaderOption

type RequestHeaderOption = func(header http.Header) error

RequestHeaderOption is a function that mutates the header associated to a Request.

type SecretLookup

type SecretLookup struct {
	SecretService influxdb.SecretService

SecretLookup wraps the influxdb.SecretService to perform lookups based on the organization in the context.

func FromSecretService

func FromSecretService(srv influxdb.SecretService) *SecretLookup

FromSecretService wraps a influxdb.OrganizationService in the OrganizationLookup interface.

func (*SecretLookup) LoadSecret

func (s *SecretLookup) LoadSecret(ctx context.Context, key string) (string, error)

LoadSecret loads the secret associated with the key in the current organization context.

type StorageReader

type StorageReader interface {
	ReadFilter(ctx context.Context, spec ReadFilterSpec, alloc *memory.Allocator) (TableIterator, error)
	ReadGroup(ctx context.Context, spec ReadGroupSpec, alloc *memory.Allocator) (TableIterator, error)

	ReadTagKeys(ctx context.Context, spec ReadTagKeysSpec, alloc *memory.Allocator) (TableIterator, error)
	ReadTagValues(ctx context.Context, spec ReadTagValuesSpec, alloc *memory.Allocator) (TableIterator, error)


StorageReader is an interface for reading tables from the storage subsystem.

type StringIterator

type StringIterator interface {
	Next() (*StringPoint, error)

StringIterator represents a stream of string points.

type StringPoint

type StringPoint struct {
	Name string
	Tags Tags

	Time  int64
	Value string
	Aux   []interface{}

	// Total number of points that were combined into this point from an aggregate.
	// If this is zero, the point is not the result of an aggregate function.
	Aggregated uint32
	Nil        bool

StringPoint represents a point with a string value. DO NOT ADD ADDITIONAL FIELDS TO THIS STRUCT. See TestPoint_Fields in influxql/point_test.go for more details.

type TableIterator

type TableIterator interface {
	Statistics() cursors.CursorStats

TableIterator is a table iterator that also keeps track of cursor statistics from the storage engine.

type TagSet

type TagSet struct {
	Tags       map[string]string
	Filters    []influxql.Expr
	SeriesKeys []string
	Key        []byte

TagSet is a fundamental concept within the query system. It represents a composite series, composed of multiple individual series that share a set of tag attributes.

func (*TagSet) AddFilter

func (t *TagSet) AddFilter(key string, filter influxql.Expr)

AddFilter adds a series-level filter to the Tagset.

func (*TagSet) Len

func (t *TagSet) Len() int

func (*TagSet) Less

func (t *TagSet) Less(i, j int) bool

func (*TagSet) Reverse

func (t *TagSet) Reverse()

Reverse reverses the order of series keys and filters in the TagSet.

func (*TagSet) Swap

func (t *TagSet) Swap(i, j int)

type Tags

type Tags struct{}

Tags represent a map of keys and values. It memoizes its key so it can be used efficiently during query execution.

type UnsignedIterator

type UnsignedIterator interface {
	Next() (*UnsignedPoint, error)

UnsignedIterator represents a stream of unsigned points.

type UnsignedPoint

type UnsignedPoint struct {
	Name string
	Tags Tags

	Time  int64
	Value uint64
	Aux   []interface{}

	// Total number of points that were combined into this point from an aggregate.
	// If this is zero, the point is not the result of an aggregate function.
	Aggregated uint32
	Nil        bool

UnsignedPoint represents a point with a uint64 value. DO NOT ADD ADDITIONAL FIELDS TO THIS STRUCT. See TestPoint_Fields in influxql/point_test.go for more details.

type WindowAggregateCapability

type WindowAggregateCapability interface {
	HaveMin() bool
	HaveMax() bool
	HaveMean() bool
	HaveCount() bool
	HaveSum() bool
	HaveFirst() bool
	HaveLast() bool
	HaveOffset() bool

WindowAggregateCapability describes what is supported by WindowAggregateReader.

type WindowAggregateReader

type WindowAggregateReader interface {
	// GetWindowAggregateCapability will get a detailed list of what the RPC call supports
	// for window aggregate.
	GetWindowAggregateCapability(ctx context.Context) WindowAggregateCapability

	// ReadWindowAggregate will read a table using the WindowAggregate method.
	ReadWindowAggregate(ctx context.Context, spec ReadWindowAggregateSpec, alloc *memory.Allocator) (TableIterator, error)

WindowAggregateReader implements the WindowAggregate capability.


Path Synopsis
Package builtin ensures all packages related to Flux built-ins are imported and initialized.
Package builtin ensures all packages related to Flux built-ins are imported and initialized.
Package control keeps track of resources and manages queries.
Package control keeps track of resources and manages queries.
Package language exposes the flux parser as an interface.
Package language exposes the flux parser as an interface.
Package influxql implements the transpiler for executing influxql queries in the 2.0 query engine.
Package influxql implements the transpiler for executing influxql queries in the 2.0 query engine.
Package spectests the influxql transpiler specification tests.
Package spectests the influxql transpiler specification tests.
Package promql implements a promql parser to build flux query specifications from promql.
Package promql implements a promql parser to build flux query specifications from promql.

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