You have run the make file and have generated a main executable of the headless repl and compiled the rust code
You are in the headless_repl directory
Building the Project
First run a make to compile and then ensure that you have flux-lsp in your path. Now you are free to cargo run.
The hint function currently sends an updated line of what has currently been inputted, but the request to the lsp and the updating of hints only occurs at the end of the function. This means that hints will be delayed by a single character.
Adding multiline support back into Rustyline, it is possible and it does work.
Allow flag passing to the Coordinator.
Add a way to maintain variable state that can be shared with the lsp.
Formatting for the flux output so the prompt ">>" is not displayed before the new line
Add a make check command in the makefile that will run which "flux-lsp" to see if the flux-lsp is in their path
Using a json-rpc parsing library rather the read_json_rpc function that I have made.
Add load flux file function back into the repl, easy fix
Do not allow for argument suggestions to be made when deleting characters ex(date.t if you finished date.truncate( and deleted to there it will try to suggest t:)