
v0.179.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Aug 15, 2022 License: MIT Imports: 0 Imported by: 1


Tickscript package

The tickscript package can be used to convert TICKscripts to InfluxDB 2.x tasks.

Most TICKscript functions have the same or similar counterparts in Flux. This package only provides a set of convenience functions for easier conversion and creation of custom checks executed as tasks and triggering alerts in InfluxDB 2.x.

To learn more about monitoring and alerting in InfluxDB 2.x and Flux, please see

Available functions

  • select
  • selectWindow
  • groupBy
  • compute
  • join
  • alert
  • deadman
  • defineCheck

Conversion guidelines

  • Variable conversions
    var realm = 'qa' becomes realm = "qa" in Flux
    var warnLevel = lambda: "device_count" > 2000 is a function warnLevel = (r) => r["device_count"] > 2000 in Flux

  • Both batch and stream translates to from(bucket: ...) in Flux.

  • Every batch, stream and deadman must be separate task.

  • every(duration) and offset(duration) property maps to every and offset fields in task's option record. For better control or aligned scheduling, use cron option instead.

  • period(duration) property maps to range(start: -duration) in Flux pipeline.

  • deadman()'s interval maps to task's every scheduling value.

  • groupBy(columns) maps to group(columns).
    Columns must include internal _measurement column. For convenience, function groupBy is provided in this package.
    Flux results are grouped by all tags by default. To ungroup, call group() without argument.

        SELECT mean("counter") AS "total_mean" WHERE ...

can be rewritten to Flux as

    import ts "contrib/bonitoo-io/tickscript"
    import "influxdata/influxdb/schema"

    from(bucket: ...)
       |> range(start: -1m)
       |> filter(fn: (r) => ... )
       |> schema.fieldsAsCols()
       |> ts.groupBy(columns: ["host"])
       |> ts.select(column: "counter", fn: mean, as: "total_mean")
  • groupBy(time(t), columns) maps to group(columns) and aggregateWindow(..., every: t, ...)
    The package provides convenience functions groupBy(columns) and selectWindow(..., every(t), ...) to achieve the same.
        SELECT sum("counter") AS "total_sum" WHERE ...
        .groupBy(time(10s), 'host')

can be rewritten to Flux as

    import ts "contrib/bonitoo-io/tickscript"
    import "influxdata/influxdb/schema"

    from(bucket: ...)
       |> range(start: -1m)
       |> filter(fn: (r) => ... )
       |> schema.fieldsAsCols()
       |> ts.groupBy(columns: ["host"])
       |> ts.selectWindow(column: "counter", fn: sum, as: "total_sum", every: 10s, defaultValue: 0)
  • eval(expression) corresponds to map(fn: (r) = > ({ r with ...})) in Flux

  • TICKscript alert provides property methods to send alerts to event handlers or a topic. In Flux, use topic parameter in alert() to route the alert to topic.

  • stateChangesOnly is a filter available in InfluxDB notification rule.

  • TICKscript pipeline with multiple alerts translates to multiple Flux pipelines, ie.

var data = batch
    | query(...)
    | alert(...)
    | alert(...)


data = from(bucket: ...)
    |> range(start: -duration)
    |> alert(..., topic: "A")
    |> alert(..., topic: "B")



tickscript.select() is a convenience function for selecting a column with optional aggregation. Intended to work like "SELECT x AS y" or SELECT f(x) AS y query (without time grouping).


  • column - Existing column. Default value is _value.
  • fn - Optional aggregation function. Default is none.
  • as - Desired column name.


import ts "contrib/bonitoo-io/tickscript"

from(bucket: "test")
    |> ts.select(column: "message_rate", as: "MsgRate") // query('''SELECT "message_rate" AS "MsgRate"''')
import ts "contrib/bonitoo-io/tickscript"

from(bucket: "test")
    |> ts.select(column: "counter", fn: mean, as: "count") // query('''SELECT mean("counter") AS "count"''')

tickscript.selectWindow() is a convenience function for selecting a column with time grouping and aggregation. Intended to work like "SELECT f(x) AS y" query with .groupBy(time(t), ...).


  • column - Existing column. Default value is _value.
  • fn - Aggregation function.
  • as - Desired column name.
  • every - Duration of windows.
  • defaultValue - Value to fill windows with null aggregate value.


import ts "contrib/bonitoo-io/tickscript"

from(bucket: "test")
    |> ts.selectWindow(column: "counter", fn: mean, as: "rate", every: 1m, defaultValue: 0.0) // query('''"SELECT mean("counter") AS "rate"''').groupBy(time(1m))

tickscript.groupBy() is a convenience function for result grouping.


  • columns - Set of columns to group by. The implementation adds _measurement column required by underlying monitor package.

See "Examples" paragraph.


tickscript.compute() is a convenience function for computing an aggregation on the data. Intended to be used like TICKscript |f(x).as(y) where f is an aggregation function.


  • column - Existing column. Default value is _value.
  • fn - Aggregation function.
  • as - Desired column name.


import ts "contrib/bonitoo-io/tickscript"

from(bucket: "test")
    |> ts.compute(column: "message_rate", fn: median, as: "median_message_rate") // query|median('message_rate').as('median_message_rate)

tickscript.join() is a convenience function for joining two streams. It ensures the result has _measurement column and it is in the group key.


  • tables - Record with two streams. See Flux join documentation for details.
  • on - Optional list of columns to join on. Default is ["_time"].
  • measurement - Measurement name.


import ts "contrib/bonitoo-io/tickscript"

requests = from(bucket: "test")
    |> ts.select(column: "counter", fn: sum, as: "total_sum")

failures = from(bucket: "test")
    |> ts.select(column: "counter", fn: sum, as: "failure_sum")

ts.join(tables: { requests: requests, failures: failures }, measurement: "xte")
    |> map(fn: (r) => ({ r with error_percent: float(v: failures.failure_sum) / float(v: requests.total_sum) }))

tickscript.alert() checks input data and create alerts.

It requires pivoted data (call schema.fieldsAsCols() before tickscript.alert()).


  • check - Check data. It is a record required by the underlying monitor.check(). Use defineCheck() or create manually.
  • id - Function that constructs alert ID. Default is (r) => "${r._check_id}".
  • message - Function that constructs alert message. Default is Threshold Check: ${r._check_name} is: ${r._level}".
  • details - Function that constructs detailed alert message. Default is (r) => "".
  • crit - Predicate function that determines crit status. Default is (r) => false.
  • warn - Predicate function that determines warn status. Default is (r) => false.
  • info - Predicate function that determines info status. Default is (r) => false.
  • ok - Predicate function that determines info status. Default is (r) => true.
  • topic - Topic name.

See Examples.


tickscript.deadman() creates an alert on low throughput. Triggers critical alert if thoughput drops bellow threshold value.

It requires pivoted data (call schema.fieldsAsCols() before tickscript.deadman()).


  • check - Check data. It is a record required by the underlying monitor package. Use defineCheck() or create manually.
  • measurement - measurement name
  • threshold - threshold value (integer)
  • id - Function that constructs alert ID. Default is (r) => "${r._check_id}".
  • message - Function that constructs alert message. Default is Deadman Check: ${r._check_name} is: ${r._level}".
  • topic - Topic name.

See Examples.


tickscript.defineCheck() creates check record that is required by alert() and deadman().


  • name - name of the check
  • id - unique identifier of the check
  • type - check type. Default value: "custom".

It returns a record with the following structure:

   _check_id :id,
   _check_name: name,
   _type: "custom",
   tags: {}


Batch node
Original TICKscript
duration = 5m
every = 1m
db = 'gw'
tier = 'qa'
metric_type = 'kafka_message_in_rate'
h_threshold = 5000

    |query('SELECT mean(' + metric_type + ') AS "KafkaMsgRate" FROM ' +  db  + ' WHERE realm = \'' + tier + '\' AND "host" =~ /^kafka.+.m02/')
      .id('Realm: {{index .Tags "realm"}} - Hostname: {{index .Tags "host"}} / Metric: ' + metric_type + ' threshold alert' )
      .message('{{.ID }}: {{ .Level }} - {{ index .Fields "KafkaMsgRate" | printf "%0.2f"}}')
      .crit(lambda: "KafkaMsgRate" > h_threshold)
InfluxDB task
import ts "contrib/bonitoo-io/tickscript"
import "influxdata/influxdb/schema"

// required task option
option task = {
  name: "Kafka Message Rate",
  every: 1m

// create custom check info
check = ts.defineCheck(id: "${task.name}-check", name: "${task.name} Check")

// converted TICKscript

duration = 5m
every = 1m
db = "gw"
tier = "qa"
metric_type = "kafka_message_in_rate"
h_threshold = 5000

from(bucket: db)
    |> range(start: -duration)
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r.measurement == db)
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r.realm == tier and r.host =~ /^kafka.+.m02/)
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == metric_type)
    |> schema.fieldsAsCols()
    |> ts.groupBy(columns: ["host", "realm"])
    |> ts.select(column: metric_type, fn: mean, as: "KafkaMsgRate")
    |> ts.alert(
        check: check,
        id: (r) => "Realm: ${r.realm} - Hostname: ${r.host} / Metric: ${metric_type} threshold alert",
        message: (r) => "${r.id}: ${r._level} - ${string(v:r.KafkaMsgRate)}",
        crit: (r) => r.KafkaMsgRate > h_threshold,
        topic: "TESTING"
Topic handler

Use notification rule as topic handler with additional filter for _topic tag value "TESTING".

Batch node
Original TICKscript
    .where(lambda: "realm" != 'build')
  |deadman(10, 10m)
    .id('Deadman for system metrics')
    .message('{{ .ID }} is {{ .Level }} on {{ index .Tags "host" }}')
InfluxDB task
import ts "contrib/bonitoo-io/tickscript"
import "influxdata/influxdb/schema"

// required task option
option task = {
  name: "System Metrics Deadman",
  every: 10m

// custom check info
check = ts.defineCheck(id: "${task.name}-check", name: "${task.name} Check")

// converted TICKscript

from(bucket: db)
    |> range(start: -task.every)
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r.measurement == "cpu")
    |> filter(fn: (r) => r.realm == "build")
    |> schema.fieldsAsCols()
    |> ts.groupBy(columns: ["host"])
    |> ts.deadman(
        check: check,
        measurement: "cpu",
        threshold: 10,
        id: (r) => "Deadman for system metrics",
        message: (r) => "${r.id} is ${r._level} on ${if exists r.host then r.host else "uknown"}",
        topic: "DEADMEN"
Topic handler

Use notification rule as topic handler with additional filter for _topic tag value "DEADMEN".


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