infinimesh HTTP FileServer
Simple HTTP FileServer made for infimesh, but can be extended and applied for other services with simillar purposes.
Right now only FileSystem storage is supported.
General logic
Server understands two things:
- namespaces (folders)
- files (well, just files)
So these are routes:
GET /{ns} - returns stats (files and their props) in the requested namespace
DELETE /{ns} - deletes namespace(and its files)
GET /{ns}/{file} - returns file itself
POST /{ns}/{file} - uploads file
DELETE /{ns}/{file} - deletes file
See the Postman Collection to try it yourself.
Docker(compose) service example:
restart: always
- "80:8000"
ADDR: :8000
REPO: repo:8000
STATIC_DIR: /static # you should probably map this to some real volume
UPLOAD_LIMIT: 10485760 # 10MB
LOG_LEVEL: -1 # -1 for debug, 0 for info, 1 for warning, 2 for error (defaults to info)
Default logic
Namespaces are mapped to:
- infinimesh namespaces - middleware determines access to the folder basing on the user's permissions
- filesystem directory
These is the result of using InfinimeshMiddleware and FileSystem IOHandler
How to extend
Middleware is a mux
middleware which adds Access
to context.
Access defined here. It's a simple structure which defined if requestor has Read and Write access to the namespace/file.
You can also see the SampleMiddleware to (maybe) get a better idea.
IOHandler is an interface which has few methods decribed here
Replace used middlewares and IOHandler with your own and compile.