ORM-like solution to work with legacy SQL databases
This is our in-house ORM-like WIP solution to integrate Go and our legacy SQL database.
The challenge of developing new applications using newer languages like GO without having
the option of changing/replacing the database structure currently being used is a hard one to tackle.
Thus we decided to write a solution that would:
- Work as a middle layer between our legacy database and our Go code
- Integrate seamlessly with Iris
- Allow us to map our struct models to whatever table structure regardless of the
column names being used
- Let us work with nil values without using SQL's null data types
- Allow us to set default attribute values via tags regardless of the attribute type
- Let us render models with their relationships as composed attributes
- Offer us basic ActiveRecord-like methods like Find, All, Count, Max, Save, Delete, Update...
Basic usage example
Your model should look like this:
package models
import (
database "api-atacado/datasource"
type Clien struct {
//PS: You should always use pointers to values
//Notice that the gar tag holds the name of the column that you want to map
SomeCode *int `json:"SomeCode" gar:"Some_Code"`
//You can also set default values to attributes by using the default_value tag
SomeString *string `json:"SomeString" gar:"Some_String" default_value:"SomeStringHERE"`
func (c *Clien) prepare(objectArray interface{}, extraOptions ...interface{}) *active.AbstractRecord {
var clients []Clien
return active.NewAbstractRecord(c, clients, databaseConnection, extraOptions...)
func (c *Clien) All(offset, pageSize int, values ...interface{}) ([]Clien, error) {
var clients []Clien
return clients, c.prepare(&clients, true, 1).Inner().Paginate("Clien.Some_Code", offset, pageSize).Where(values...)
func (c *Clien) Count(values ...interface{}) (int, error) {
return c.prepare(nil).Count(values...)
func (c *Clien) Max(value interface{}) (int, error) {
return c.prepare(nil).Max(value)
func (c *Clien) NewSingle(values ...interface{}) (Clien, error) {
if len(values) == 0 {
return *c, nil
return *c, c.prepare(nil).New(values...)
func (c *Clien) NewWithDefaults() (Clien, error) {
return *c, c.prepare(nil).NewWithDefaults()
func (c *Clien) Find(values ...interface{}) (Clien, error) {
return *c, c.prepare(nil, true, 1).Inner().Find(values...)
func (c *Clien) Save() error {
return c.prepare(nil).Save()
func (c *Clien) Delete() error {
return c.prepare(nil).Delete()
func (c *Clien) Update(values ...interface{}) error {
return c.prepare(nil).Update(values...)
Criação de um framework embrionário da Infarma Sistemas e Serviços