Ponzu: The new standard linear archive
This repository contains the specification for Ponzu, a linear archive format, and Parc, the Ponzu ARChiver reference implementation.
For information on the format itself, see the spec.
Because tar Sucks. The full details are included in the spec rationale, but
short form is that Tar has a lot of extensions that were meant to unify the
standard but only ended up making it worse.
Worse, different implementations of the Tar archive format have different
and bad caveats, pitfalls, etc.
Additionally, because it has no concept of compression, Tar fails to handle
large, sparse datasets that are spread across multiple files.
To build the reference archiver, run
make clean
make all
This will compile the parc
binary in bin/
To run the test suite, run
make test
During development, I needed a mechanism to print the OS-specific stat information.
spewstat (make spewstat
) dumps the internal Go representation of
and Xattrs.
The text of the Ponzu spec is given CC-BY-SA 4.0
The ponzu library in Go is MIT.
The reference archiver implementation is given MIT-0.
for more information, see LICENSE.md