![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/wrouesnel/emailcli)
Because surprisingly, everything else out there just barely fails to
be useful to me.
This utility does exactly one thing: wrap a Golang email library in a
command line interface.
go get github.com/wrouesnel/emailcli
email --username test@gmail.com --password somepassword \
--host smtp.gmail.com --port 587 \
--subject "Test mail" \
--body "Test Body" test@gmail.com
For security, it also supports reading settings from environment
export EMAIL_PASSWORD=somepassword
email --username test@gmail.com \
--host smtp.gmail.com --port 587 \
--subject "Test mail" \
--body "Test Body" test@gmail.com
All command line variables can be used as environment variables by
appending EMAIL_ to the parameter name and capitalizing.