Index ¶
Constants ¶
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Variables ¶
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var ( ErrConnectionTimeout = newErr(RequestTimeout, "connection timed out") ErrCloseConnection = newErr(CloseConnection, "internal error as a signal") ErrShutdown = newErr(CloseConnection, "graceful shutdown") ErrBadRequest = newErr(BadRequest, "bad request") ErrNotFound = newErr(NotFound, "not found") ErrInternalServerError = newErr(InternalServerError, "internal server error") // ErrMethodNotImplemented is actually uses the same error code as just ErrNotImplemented, but used // to explain the problem more preciously ErrMethodNotImplemented = newErr(NotImplemented, "request method is not supported") ErrMethodNotAllowed = newErr(MethodNotAllowed, "MethodNotAllowed") ErrTooLarge = newErr(RequestEntityTooLarge, "too large") ErrHeaderFieldsTooLarge = newErr(RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge, "header fields too large") ErrURITooLong = newErr(RequestURITooLong, "request URI too long") ErrURIDecoding = newErr(BadRequest, "invalid URI encoding") ErrBadQuery = newErr(BadRequest, "bad URL query") ErrUnsupportedProtocol = newErr(HTTPVersionNotSupported, "protocol is not supported") ErrUnsupportedEncoding = newErr(NotAcceptable, "content encoding is not supported") ErrTooManyHeaders = newErr(RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge, "too many headers") ErrPaymentRequired = newErr(PaymentRequired, "payment required") ErrForbidden = newErr(Forbidden, "forbidden") ErrNotAcceptable = newErr(NotAcceptable, "not acceptable") ErrProxyAuthRequired = newErr(ProxyAuthRequired, "proxy auth required") ErrRequestTimeout = newErr(RequestTimeout, "request timeout") ErrConflict = newErr(Conflict, "conflict") ErrGone = newErr(Gone, "gone") ErrLengthRequired = newErr(LengthRequired, "length required") ErrPreconditionFailed = newErr(PreconditionFailed, "precondition failed") ErrRequestEntityTooLarge = newErr(RequestEntityTooLarge, "request entity too large") ErrRequestURITooLong = newErr(RequestURITooLong, "request URI too long") ErrUnsupportedMediaType = newErr(UnsupportedMediaType, "unsupported media type") ErrRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = newErr(RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable, "requested range not satisfiable") ErrExpectationFailed = newErr(ExpectationFailed, "expectation failed") ErrTeapot = newErr(Teapot, "i'm a teapot") ErrMisdirectedRequest = newErr(MisdirectedRequest, "misdirected request") ErrUnprocessableEntity = newErr(UnprocessableEntity, "unprocessable entity") ErrLocked = newErr(Locked, "locked") ErrFailedDependency = newErr(FailedDependency, "failed dependency") ErrTooEarly = newErr(TooEarly, "too early") ErrUpgradeRequired = newErr(UpgradeRequired, "upgrade required") ErrPreconditionRequired = newErr(PreconditionRequired, "precondition required") ErrTooManyRequests = newErr(TooManyRequests, "too many requests") ErrRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = newErr(RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge, "request header fields too large") ErrNotImplemented = newErr(NotImplemented, "not implemented") ErrBadGateway = newErr(BadGateway, "bad gateway") ErrGatewayTimeout = newErr(GatewayTimeout, "GatewayTimeout") ErrHTTPVersionNotSupported = newErr(HTTPVersionNotSupported, "HTTP version not supported") ErrVariantAlsoNegotiates = newErr(VariantAlsoNegotiates, "variant also negotiates") ErrInsufficientStorage = newErr(InsufficientStorage, "insufficient storage") ErrLoopDetected = newErr(LoopDetected, "loop detected") ErrNotExtended = newErr(NotExtended, "not extended") ErrNetworkAuthenticationRequired = newErr(NetworkAuthenticationRequired, "network authentication required") )
Functions ¶
func CodeStatus ¶
CodeStatus returns a pre-defined line with code and status text (including terminating CRLF sequence) in case code is known to server, otherwise empty line is returned
Types ¶
type Code ¶
type Code uint16
const ( Continue Code = 100 // RFC 9110, 15.2.1 SwitchingProtocols Code = 101 // RFC 9110, 15.2.2 Processing Code = 102 // RFC 2518, 10.1 EarlyHints Code = 103 // RFC 8297 OK Code = 200 // RFC 9110, 15.3.1 Created Code = 201 // RFC 9110, 15.3.2 Accepted Code = 202 // RFC 9110, 15.3.3 NonAuthoritativeInfo Code = 203 // RFC 9110, 15.3.4 NoContent Code = 204 // RFC 9110, 15.3.5 ResetContent Code = 205 // RFC 9110, 15.3.6 PartialContent Code = 206 // RFC 9110, 15.3.7 MultiStatus Code = 207 // RFC 4918, 11.1 AlreadyReported Code = 208 // RFC 5842, 7.1 IMUsed Code = 226 // RFC 3229, 10.4.1 MultipleChoices Code = 300 // RFC 9110, 15.4.1 MovedPermanently Code = 301 // RFC 9110, 15.4.2 Found Code = 302 // RFC 9110, 15.4.3 SeeOther Code = 303 // RFC 9110, 15.4.4 NotModified Code = 304 // RFC 9110, 15.4.5 UseProxy Code = 305 // RFC 9110, 15.4.6 TemporaryRedirect Code = 307 // RFC 9110, 15.4.8 PermanentRedirect Code = 308 // RFC 9110, 15.4.9 BadRequest Code = 400 // RFC 9110, 15.5.1 PaymentRequired Code = 402 // RFC 9110, 15.5.3 Forbidden Code = 403 // RFC 9110, 15.5.4 NotFound Code = 404 // RFC 9110, 15.5.5 MethodNotAllowed Code = 405 // RFC 9110, 15.5.6 NotAcceptable Code = 406 // RFC 9110, 15.5.7 ProxyAuthRequired Code = 407 // RFC 9110, 15.5.8 RequestTimeout Code = 408 // RFC 9110, 15.5.9 Conflict Code = 409 // RFC 9110, 15.5.10 Gone Code = 410 // RFC 9110, 15.5.11 LengthRequired Code = 411 // RFC 9110, 15.5.12 PreconditionFailed Code = 412 // RFC 9110, 15.5.13 RequestEntityTooLarge Code = 413 // RFC 9110, 15.5.14 RequestURITooLong Code = 414 // RFC 9110, 15.5.15 UnsupportedMediaType Code = 415 // RFC 9110, 15.5.16 RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable Code = 416 // RFC 9110, 15.5.17 ExpectationFailed Code = 417 // RFC 9110, 15.5.18 Teapot Code = 418 // RFC 9110, 15.5.19 (Unused) MisdirectedRequest Code = 421 // RFC 9110, 15.5.20 UnprocessableEntity Code = 422 // RFC 9110, 15.5.21 Locked Code = 423 // RFC 4918, 11.3 FailedDependency Code = 424 // RFC 4918, 11.4 TooEarly Code = 425 // RFC 8470, 5.2. UpgradeRequired Code = 426 // RFC 9110, 15.5.22 PreconditionRequired Code = 428 // RFC 6585, 3 TooManyRequests Code = 429 // RFC 6585, 4 RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge Code = 431 // RFC 6585, 5 CloseConnection Code = 439 InternalServerError Code = 500 // RFC 9110, 15.6.1 NotImplemented Code = 501 // RFC 9110, 15.6.2 BadGateway Code = 502 // RFC 9110, 15.6.3 GatewayTimeout Code = 504 // RFC 9110, 15.6.5 HTTPVersionNotSupported Code = 505 // RFC 9110, 15.6.6 VariantAlsoNegotiates Code = 506 // RFC 2295, 8.1 InsufficientStorage Code = 507 // RFC 4918, 11.5 LoopDetected Code = 508 // RFC 5842, 7.2 NotExtended Code = 510 // RFC 2774, 7 NetworkAuthenticationRequired Code = 511 // RFC 6585, 6 )
HTTP status codes as registered with IANA. See:
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