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Tool for Golang to sort goimports by 3-4 groups(with own linter): std, general, company(which is optional) and project dependencies.
Also, formatting for your code will be prepared(so, you don't need to use gofmt
or goimports
Use additional options -rm-unused
to remove unused imports and -set-alias
to rewrite import aliases for versioned packages or for packages with additional prefix/suffix(example: opentracing "github.com/opentracing/opentracing-go"
- will create group for company imports(libs inside your organization). Values should be comma-separated.
goimports-reviser -rm-unused -set-alias -format ./reviser/reviser.go
You can also apply rules to a dir or recursively apply using ./... as a target:
goimports-reviser -rm-unused -set-alias -format -recursive reviser
goimports-reviser -rm-unused -set-alias -format ./...
Usage of goimports-reviser:
Apply imports sorting and formatting(if the option is set) to generated files. Generated file is a file with first comment which starts with comment '// Code generated'. Optional parameter.
-company-prefixes string
Company package prefixes which will be placed after 3rd-party group by default(if defined). Values should be comma-separated. Optional parameters.
-excludes string
Exclude files or dirs, example: '.git/,proto/*.go'.
-file-path string
Deprecated. Put file name as an argument(last item) of command line.
Option will perform additional formatting. Optional parameter.
-imports-order string
Your imports groups can be sorted in your way.
std - std import group;
general - libs for general purpose;
company - inter-org or your company libs(if you set '-company-prefixes'-option, then 4th group will be split separately. In other case, it will be the part of general purpose libs);
project - your local project dependencies;
blanked - imports with "_" alias;
dotted - imports with "." alias.
Optional parameter. (default "std,general,company,project")
Option will list files whose formatting differs from goimports-reviser. Optional parameter.
-local string
-output string
Can be "file", "write" or "stdout". Whether to write the formatted content back to the file or to stdout. When "write" together with "-list-diff" will list the file name and write back to the file. Optional parameter. (default "file")
-project-name string
Your project name(ex.: github.com/incu6us/goimports-reviser). Optional parameter.
Apply rules recursively if target is a directory. In case of ./... execution will be recursively applied by default. Optional parameter.
Remove unused imports. Optional parameter.
Set alias for versioned package names, like 'github.com/go-pg/pg/v9'. In this case import will be set as 'pg "github.com/go-pg/pg/v9"'. Optional parameter.
set the exit status to 1 if a change is needed/made. Optional parameter.
Use cache to improve performance. Optional parameter.
Show version.
With Go
go install -v github.com/incu6us/goimports-reviser/v3@latest
With Brew
brew tap incu6us/homebrew-tap
brew install incu6us/homebrew-tap/goimports-reviser
With Snap
snap install goimports-reviser
Before usage:
package testdata
import (
After usage:
package testdata
import (
Comments(not Docs) for imports is acceptable. Example:
package testdata
import (
"fmt" // comments to the package here
Example with -company-prefixes
Before usage:
package testdata // goimports-reviser/testdata
import (
"fmt" //fmt package
"golang.org/x/exp/slices" //custom package
"github.com/incu6us/goimports-reviser/pkg" // this is a company package which is not a part of the project, but is a part of your organization
After usage:
package testdata // goimports-reviser/testdata
import (
"fmt" // fmt package
"golang.org/x/exp/slices" // custom package
"github.com/incu6us/goimports-reviser/pkg" // this is a company package which is not a part of the project, but is a part of your organization
Example with -imports-order std,general,company,project,blanked,dotted
Before usage:
package testdata // goimports-reviser/testdata
import (
_ "github.com/pkg1"
. "github.com/pkg2"
"fmt" //fmt package
"golang.org/x/exp/slices" //custom package
"github.com/incu6us/goimports-reviser/pkg" // this is a company package which is not a part of the project, but is a part of your organization
After usage:
package testdata // goimports-reviser/testdata
import (
"fmt" // fmt package
"golang.org/x/exp/slices" // custom package
"github.com/incu6us/goimports-reviser/pkg" // this is a company package which is not a part of the project, but is a part of your organization
_ "github.com/pkg1"
. "github.com/pkg2"
Before usage:
package main
func test(){
func additionalTest(){
After usage:
package main
func test(){
func additionalTest(){
A big thank you to all the amazing people who contributed!
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