SRT server, client and socket in GO
First off, a big thanks to the official GO bindings that was an amazing source of inspiration for this project.
However a few things bothered me in it therefore I decided to write my own bindings with a few goals in mind:
- split the API between both high level entities, similar to GO's
entities, with very guided methods (ListenAndServe
, Shutdown
, Dial
, Read
, Write
etc.) and low level entities, closer to C, with I-should-know-what-I-am-doing-before-using-them methods (Socket
, etc.)
- provide named and typed option setters and getters
- make sure all errors are handled properly since they are thread-stored and ban the use of runtime.LockOSThread()
- make sure there's a context specific to each connection in high level methods
- make sure pointers are the same between the
and Accept()
, and between the ConnectCallback
and Connect()
- only use blocking mode in high level entities
has been tested on v1.5.3
Examples are located in the examples directory
WARNING: the code below doesn't handle errors for readibility purposes. However you SHOULD!
Go to full example
// Capture SIGTERM
doneSignal := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(doneSignal, os.Interrupt)
// Create server
s, _ := astisrt.NewServer(astisrt.ServerOptions{
// Provide options that will be passed to accepted connections
ConnectionOptions: []astisrt.ConnectionOption{
// Specify how an incoming connection should be handled before being accepted
// When false is returned, the connection is rejected.
OnBeforeAccept: func(c *astisrt.Connection, version int, streamID string) bool {
// Check stream id
if streamID != "test" {
// Set reject reason
return false
// Update passphrase
// Add stream id to context
*c = *c.WithContext(context.WithValue(c.Context(), ctxKeyStreamID, streamID))
return true
// Similar to http.Handler behavior, specify how a connection
// will be handled once accepted
Handler: astisrt.ServerHandlerFunc(func(c *astisrt.Connection) {
// Get stream id from context
if v := c.Context().Value(ctxKeyStreamID); v != nil {
log.Printf("main: handling connection with stream id %s\n", v.(string))
// Loop
for {
// Read
b := make([]byte, 1500)
n, _ := c.Read(b)
// Log
log.Printf("main: read `%s`\n", b[:n])
// Get stats
s, _ := c.Stats(false, false)
// Log
log.Printf("main: %d total bytes received\n", s.ByteRecvTotal())
// Addr the server should be listening to
Host: "",
Port: 4000,
defer s.Close()
// Listen and serve in a goroutine
doneListenAndServe := make(chan error)
go func() { doneListenAndServe <- s.ListenAndServe(1) }()
// Wait for SIGTERM
// Create shutdown context with a timeout to make sure it's cancelled if it takes too much time
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
// Shutdown
// Wait for listen and serve to be done
Go to full example
// Capture SIGTERM
doneSignal := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(doneSignal, os.Interrupt)
// Dial
doneWrite := make(chan err)
c, _ := astisrt.Dial(astisrt.DialOptions{
// Provide options to the connection
ConnectionOptions: []astisrt.ConnectionOption{
// Callback when the connection is disconnected
OnDisconnect: func(c *astisrt.Connection, err error) { doneWrite <- err },
// Addr that should be dialed
Host: "",
Port: 4000,
defer c.Close()
// Write in a goroutine
go func() {
defer func() { close(doneWrite) }()
// Loop
r := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
for {
// Read from stdin
t, _ := r.ReadString('\n')
// Write to the server
// Wait for either SIGTERM or write end
select {
case <-doneSignal:
case err := <-doneWrite:
// Make sure write is done
select {
case <-doneWrite:
Go to full example
// Create socket
s, _ := astisrt.NewSocket()
defer s.Close()
// Set listen callback
s.SetListenCallback(func(s *astisrt.Socket, version int, addr *net.UDPAddr, streamID string) bool {
// Check stream id
if streamID != "test" {
// Set reject reason
return false
// Update passphrase
return true
// Bind
s.Bind("", 4000)
// Listen
// Accept
as, _, _ := s.Accept()
// Receive message
b := make([]byte, 1500)
n, _ := as.ReceiveMessage(b)
// Log
log.Printf("main: received `%s`\n", b[:n])
Go to full example
// Create socket
s, _ := astisrt.NewSocket()
defer s.Close()
// Set connect callback
doneConnect := make(chan error)
s.SetConnectCallback(func(s *astisrt.Socket, addr *net.UDPAddr, token int, err error) {
doneConnect <- err
// Set passphrase
// Set stream id
// Connect
s.Connect("", 4000)
// Send message
s.SendMessage([]byte("this is a test message"))
// Give time to the message to be received
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
// Close socket
// Wait for disconnect
Install srtlib
from source
You can find the instructions to install srtlib
However if you don't feel like doing it manually you can use the following command:
$ make install-srt
will be built from source in a directory named tmp
and located in you working directory.
For your GO code to pick up srtlib
dependency automatically, you'll need to add the following environment variables:
(don't forget to replace {{ path to your working directory }}
with the absolute path to your working directory)
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:{{ path to your working directory }}/tmp/v1.5.3/lib/",
export CGO_LDFLAGS="-L{{ path to your working directory }}/tmp/v1.5.3/lib/",
export CGO_CFLAGS="-I{{ path to your working directory }}/tmp/v1.5.3/include/",
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="{{ path to your working directory }}/tmp/v1.5.3/lib/pkgconfig",