Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddCommitteeReward(stateDB *StateDB, incognitoPublicKey string, committeeReward uint64, ...) error
- func AddShardRewardRequest(stateDB *StateDB, epoch uint64, shardID byte, tokenID common.Hash, ...) error
- func AddShardRewardRequestMultiset(stateDB *StateDB, epoch uint64, shardID, subsetID byte, tokenID common.Hash, ...) error
- func BridgeAggConvertStatusPrefix() []byte
- func BridgeAggModifyParamStatusPrefix() []byte
- func BridgeAggShieldStatusPrefix() []byte
- func BridgeAggUnshieldStatusPrefix() []byte
- func CanProcessCIncToken(stateDB *StateDB, incTokenID common.Hash, privacyTokenExisted bool) (bool, error)
- func CanProcessTokenPair(stateDB *StateDB, externalTokenID []byte, incTokenID common.Hash, ...) (bool, error)
- func CheckTokenIDExisted(sDBs map[int]*StateDB, tokenID common.Hash) (bool, error)
- func DeleteAllShardCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, ...) error
- func DeleteAllShardSubstitutesValidator(stateDB *StateDB, ...) error
- func DeleteBeaconCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, beaconCommittees []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
- func DeleteBeaconLocking(stateDB *StateDB, beaconLocking []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
- func DeleteBeaconStakerInfo(stateDB *StateDB, stakers []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
- func DeleteBeaconSubstituteValidator(stateDB *StateDB, beaconSubstitute []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
- func DeleteBeaconWaiting(stateDB *StateDB, beaconWaiting []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
- func DeleteBridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqs(stateDB *StateDB, waitUnshieldKeys []common.Hash) error
- func DeleteCurrentEpochBeaconCandidate(stateDB *StateDB, candidate []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
- func DeleteCurrentEpochShardCandidate(stateDB *StateDB, candidate []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
- func DeleteCustodianState(stateDB *StateDB, deletedCustodianStates map[string]*CustodianState)
- func DeleteMatchedRedeemRequest(stateDB *StateDB, redeemID string)
- func DeleteNextEpochBeaconCandidate(stateDB *StateDB, candidate []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
- func DeleteNextEpochShardCandidate(stateDB *StateDB, candidate []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
- func DeleteOneShardCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, shardID byte, ...) error
- func DeleteOneShardSubstitutesValidator(stateDB *StateDB, shardID byte, ...) error
- func DeletePdexv3Order(stateDB *StateDB, pairID, orderID string) error
- func DeletePdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShare(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID, nftID string, beaconHeight uint64) error
- func DeletePdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShare(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID, tokenID string) error
- func DeletePdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShare(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID, tokenID string) error
- func DeletePdexv3PoolPairMakingVolume(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID, nftID string, tokenID common.Hash) error
- func DeletePdexv3PoolPairOrderReward(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID, nftID string, tokenID common.Hash) error
- func DeletePdexv3PoolPairProtocolFee(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID, tokenID string) error
- func DeletePdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFee(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID, tokenID string) error
- func DeletePdexv3Share(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID, nftID string) error
- func DeletePdexv3ShareLastLmRewardsPerShare(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID, nftID, tokenID string) error
- func DeletePdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShare(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID, nftID, tokenID string) error
- func DeletePdexv3ShareTradingFee(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID, nftID, tokenID string) error
- func DeletePdexv3Staker(stateDB *StateDB, stakingPoolID string, nftID common.Hash) error
- func DeletePdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShare(stateDB *StateDB, stakingPoolID, nftID, tokenID string) error
- func DeletePdexv3StakerReward(stateDB *StateDB, stakingPoolID, nftID, tokenID string) error
- func DeletePdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShare(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID, tokenID string) error
- func DeletePdexv3WaitingContributions(stateDB *StateDB, pairHashes []string) error
- func DeletePortalBatchUnshieldRequests(stateDB *StateDB, batchProcessedUnshieldReqKeys []common.Hash) error
- func DeleteStakerInfo(stateDB *StateDB, stakers []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
- func DeleteSyncingValidators(stateDB *StateDB, syncingValidators map[byte][]incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
- func DeleteUTXOs(stateDB *StateDB, utxoKeys []common.Hash) error
- func DeleteWaitingPDEContributions(stateDB *StateDB, ...)
- func DeleteWaitingPortingRequest(stateDB *StateDB, portingRequestId string)
- func DeleteWaitingRedeemRequest(stateDB *StateDB, redeemID string)
- func DeleteWaitingUnshieldRequests(stateDB *StateDB, wUnshieldReqKeys []common.Hash) error
- func GenerateBlackListProducerObjectKey(committeePublicKey string) common.Hash
- func GenerateBridgeAURORATxObjectKey(uniqueAURORATx []byte) common.Hash
- func GenerateBridgeAVAXTxObjectKey(uniqueAVAXTx []byte) common.Hash
- func GenerateBridgeAggParamObjectKey() common.Hash
- func GenerateBridgeAggStatusObjectKey(statusType []byte, statusSuffix []byte) common.Hash
- func GenerateBridgeAggUnifiedTokenObjectKey(tokenID common.Hash) common.Hash
- func GenerateBridgeAggVaultObjectKey(unifiedTokenID, tokenID common.Hash) common.Hash
- func GenerateBridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObjectKey(unifiedTokenID common.Hash, unshieldID common.Hash) common.Hash
- func GenerateBridgeBSCTxObjectKey(uniqueBSCTx []byte) common.Hash
- func GenerateBridgeEthTxObjectKey(uniqueEthTx []byte) common.Hash
- func GenerateBridgeFTMTxObjectKey(uniqueFTMTx []byte) common.Hash
- func GenerateBridgeNEARTxObjectKey(uniqueNEARTx []byte) common.Hash
- func GenerateBridgePLGTxObjectKey(uniquePLGTx []byte) common.Hash
- func GenerateBridgeStatusObjectKey(txReqID common.Hash) common.Hash
- func GenerateBridgeTokenInfoObjectKey(isCentralized bool, incTokenID common.Hash) common.Hash
- func GenerateBrigePRVEVMObjectKey(uniquePRVEVMTx []byte) common.Hash
- func GenerateBurningConfirmObjectKey(txID common.Hash) common.Hash
- func GenerateCommitmentIndexObjectKey(tokenID common.Hash, shardID byte, index *big.Int) common.Hash
- func GenerateCommitmentLengthObjectKey(tokenID common.Hash, shardID byte) common.Hash
- func GenerateCommitmentObjectKey(tokenID common.Hash, shardID byte, commitment []byte) common.Hash
- func GenerateCommitteeObjectKeyWithRole(role int, shardID int, committee incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) (common.Hash, error)
- func GenerateCommitteeRewardObjectKey(publicKey string) (common.Hash, error)
- func GenerateCustodianStateObjectKey(custodianIncognitoAddress string) common.Hash
- func GenerateDelegateRewardObjectKey(publicKey string) (common.Hash, error)
- func GenerateLockedCollateralStateObjectKey() common.Hash
- func GenerateMatchedRedeemRequestObjectKey(redeemID string) common.Hash
- func GenerateOTACoinIndexObjectKey(tokenID common.Hash, shardID byte, index *big.Int) common.Hash
- func GenerateOTACoinLengthObjectKey(tokenID common.Hash, shardID byte) common.Hash
- func GenerateOTACoinObjectKey(tokenID common.Hash, shardID byte, height []byte, outputCoin []byte) common.Hash
- func GenerateOnetimeAddressObjectKey(tokenID common.Hash, onetimeAddress []byte) common.Hash
- func GenerateOutputCoinObjectKey(tokenID common.Hash, shardID byte, publicKey []byte, outputCoin []byte) common.Hash
- func GeneratePDEPoolPairObjectKey(token1ID, token2ID string) common.Hash
- func GeneratePDEShareObjectKey(token1ID, token2ID, contributorAddress string) common.Hash
- func GeneratePDEStatusObjectKey(statusType []byte, statusSuffix []byte) common.Hash
- func GeneratePDETradingFeeObjectKey(token1ID, token2ID, contributorAddress string) common.Hash
- func GeneratePdexv3ContributionObjectKey(pairHash string) common.Hash
- func GeneratePdexv3InscriptionNumberObjectKey() common.Hash
- func GeneratePdexv3InscriptionObjectKey(tokenID common.Hash) common.Hash
- func GeneratePdexv3NftObjectKey(nftID string) common.Hash
- func GeneratePdexv3OrderObjectKey(poolPairID, orderID string) common.Hash
- func GeneratePdexv3ParamsObjectKey() common.Hash
- func GeneratePdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObjectKey(poolPairID, nftID string, beaconHeight uint64) common.Hash
- func GeneratePdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObjectKey(poolPairID, tokenID string) common.Hash
- func GeneratePdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObjectKey(poolPairID, tokenID string) common.Hash
- func GeneratePdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObjectPrefix(poolPairID string, tokenID common.Hash, nftID string) common.Hash
- func GeneratePdexv3PoolPairObjectKey(poolPairID string) common.Hash
- func GeneratePdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObjectPrefix(poolPairID, nftID string, tokenID common.Hash) common.Hash
- func GeneratePdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObjectKey(poolPairID, tokenID string) common.Hash
- func GeneratePdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObjectKey(poolPairID, tokenID string) common.Hash
- func GeneratePdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObjectKey(stakingPoolID, nftID, tokenID string) common.Hash
- func GeneratePdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObjectKey(stakingPoolID, nftID, tokenID string) common.Hash
- func GeneratePdexv3ShareObjectKey(poolPairID, nftID string) common.Hash
- func GeneratePdexv3ShareTradingFeeObjectKey(poolPairID, nftID, tokenID string) common.Hash
- func GeneratePdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObjectKey(stakingPoolID, nftID, tokenID string) common.Hash
- func GeneratePdexv3StakerObjectKey(stakingPoolID, nftID string) common.Hash
- func GeneratePdexv3StakerRewardObjectKey(stakingPoolID, nftID, tokenID string) common.Hash
- func GeneratePdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObjectKey(stakingPoolID, tokenID string) common.Hash
- func GeneratePdexv3StatusObjectKey(statusType []byte, statusSuffix []byte) common.Hash
- func GeneratePortalConfirmProofObjectKey(proofType []byte, txID common.Hash) common.Hash
- func GeneratePortalExternalTxObjectKey(uniqueExtTx []byte) common.Hash
- func GeneratePortalFinalExchangeRatesStateObjectKey() common.Hash
- func GeneratePortalLiquidationPoolObjectKey() common.Hash
- func GeneratePortalRewardInfoObjectKey(beaconHeight uint64, custodianIncognitoAddress string) common.Hash
- func GeneratePortalStatusObjectKey(statusType []byte, statusSuffix []byte) common.Hash
- func GeneratePortalUnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObjectKey() common.Hash
- func GeneratePortalV4StatusObjectKey(statusType []byte, statusSuffix []byte) common.Hash
- func GeneratePortalWaitingPortingRequestObjectKey(portingRequestId string) common.Hash
- func GenerateProcessedUnshieldRequestBatchObjectKey(tokenID string, batchID string) common.Hash
- func GenerateRewardFeatureStateObjectKey(featureName string, epoch uint64) common.Hash
- func GenerateRewardRequestObjectKey(epoch uint64, shardID byte, tokenID common.Hash) common.Hash
- func GenerateSNDerivatorObjectKey(tokenID common.Hash, snd []byte) common.Hash
- func GenerateSerialNumberObjectKey(tokenID common.Hash, shardID byte, serialNumber []byte) common.Hash
- func GenerateShieldingRequestObjectKey(tokenIDStr string, proofTxHash string) common.Hash
- func GenerateSlashingCommitteeObjectKey(shardID byte, epoch uint64) common.Hash
- func GenerateTokenObjectKey(tokenID common.Hash) common.Hash
- func GenerateTokenTransactionObjectKey(tokenID, txHash common.Hash) common.Hash
- func GenerateUTXOObjectKey(tokenID string, walletAddress string, txHash string, outputIdx uint32) common.Hash
- func GenerateWaitingPDEContributionObjectKey(pairID string) common.Hash
- func GenerateWaitingRedeemRequestObjectKey(redeemID string) common.Hash
- func GenerateWaitingUnshieldRequestObjectKey(tokenID string, unshieldID string) common.Hash
- func GetAllBridgeTokens(stateDB *StateDB) ([]byte, error)
- func GetAllCandidateSubstituteCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, shardIDs []int) (map[int][]incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, ...)
- func GetAllCommitteeStakeInfo(stateDB *StateDB, allShardCommittee map[int][]*CommitteeState) map[int][]*StakerInfo
- func GetAllCommitteeStakeInfoSlashingVersion(stateDB *StateDB, allShardCommittee map[int][]*CommitteeState) map[int][]*StakerInfoSlashingVersion
- func GetAllCommitteeState(stateDB *StateDB, shardIDs []int) map[int][]*CommitteeState
- func GetAllShardCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, shardIDs []int) map[int][]incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey
- func GetAllShardSubstituteValidator(stateDB *StateDB, shardIDs []int) map[int][]incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey
- func GetAllStaker(stateDB *StateDB, shardIDs []int) int
- func GetAllTokenIDForReward(stateDB *StateDB, epoch uint64) []common.Hash
- func GetAllTokenIDForRewardMultiset(stateDB *StateDB, epoch uint64) []common.Hash
- func GetBeaconCommittee(stateDB *StateDB) []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey
- func GetBeaconCommitteeEnterTime(stateDB *StateDB) []int64
- func GetBeaconLocking(stateDB *StateDB) []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey
- func GetBeaconReDelegateStateKey() common.Hash
- func GetBeaconSharePriceKey(cpk []byte) common.Hash
- func GetBeaconStakerInfoKey(beaconStakerPublicKey []byte) common.Hash
- func GetBeaconSubstituteValidator(stateDB *StateDB) []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey
- func GetBeaconWaiting(stateDB *StateDB) []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey
- func GetBlackListProducerPrefix() []byte
- func GetBridgeAURORATxPrefix() []byte
- func GetBridgeAVAXTxPrefix() []byte
- func GetBridgeAggConvertedTokenPrefix() []byte
- func GetBridgeAggParamPrefix() []byte
- func GetBridgeAggStatus(stateDB *StateDB, statusType []byte, statusSuffix []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func GetBridgeAggStatusPrefix(statusType []byte) []byte
- func GetBridgeAggUnifiedTokenPrefix() []byte
- func GetBridgeAggVaultPrefix() []byte
- func GetBridgeAggVaults(stateDB *StateDB, unifiedTokenID common.Hash) (map[common.Hash]*BridgeAggVaultState, error)
- func GetBridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqPrefix(unifiedTokenID []byte) []byte
- func GetBridgeBSCTxPrefix() []byte
- func GetBridgeEthTxPrefix() []byte
- func GetBridgeFTMTxPrefix() []byte
- func GetBridgeNEARTxPrefix() []byte
- func GetBridgePLGTxPrefix() []byte
- func GetBridgePRVEVMPrefix() []byte
- func GetBridgeReqWithStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txReqID common.Hash) (byte, error)
- func GetBridgeStatusPrefix() []byte
- func GetBridgeTokenInfoPrefix(isCentralized bool) []byte
- func GetBridgeTokens(stateDB *StateDB) ([]*rawdbv2.BridgeTokenInfo, error)
- func GetBurningConfirm(stateDB *StateDB, txID common.Hash) (uint64, error)
- func GetBurningConfirmPrefix() []byte
- func GetCommitmentByIndex(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, commitmentIndex uint64, shardID byte) ([]byte, error)
- func GetCommitmentIndex(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, commitment []byte, shardID byte) (*big.Int, error)
- func GetCommitmentIndexPrefix(tokenID common.Hash, shardID byte) []byte
- func GetCommitmentLength(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, shardID byte) (*big.Int, error)
- func GetCommitmentLengthPrefix() []byte
- func GetCommitmentPrefix(tokenID common.Hash, shardID byte) []byte
- func GetCommitteeDataKey() common.Hash
- func GetCommitteePrefixWithRole(role int, shardID int) []byte
- func GetCommitteeReward(stateDB *StateDB, incognitoPublicKey string, tokenID common.Hash) (uint64, error)
- func GetCommitteeRewardPrefix() []byte
- func GetCommitteeTermKey(stakerPublicKey []byte) common.Hash
- func GetCurrentEpochCandidate(stateDB *StateDB) []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey
- func GetCustodianDepositStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetCustodianDepositStatusV3(stateDB *StateDB, txID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetCustodianPoolState(stateDB *StateDB) (map[string]*CustodianState, error)
- func GetCustodianTopupStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetCustodianTopupStatusV3(stateDB *StateDB, txID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetCustodianTopupWaitingPortingStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetCustodianTopupWaitingPortingStatusV3(stateDB *StateDB, txID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetDelegationRewardPrefix() []byte
- func GetFinalExchangeRatesStatePrefix() []byte
- func GetLatestPDEPoolForPair(stateDB *StateDB, tokenIDToBuy string, tokenIDToSell string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetLiquidateExchangeRatesPool(stateDB *StateDB) (map[string]*LiquidationPool, error)
- func GetLiquidationByExchangeRateStatus(stateDB *StateDB, beaconHeight uint64, custodianAddress string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetListProcessedBatchUnshieldRequestsByTokenID(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID string) (map[string]*ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch, error)
- func GetLockedCollateralStatePrefix() []byte
- func GetMatchedRedeemRequestPrefix() []byte
- func GetMatchedRedeemRequests(stateDB *StateDB) (map[string]*RedeemRequest, error)
- func GetNextEpochCandidate(stateDB *StateDB) []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey
- func GetOTACoinByIndex(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, index uint64, shardID byte) ([]byte, error)
- func GetOTACoinIndex(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, ota []byte) (*big.Int, error)
- func GetOTACoinIndexPrefix(tokenID common.Hash, shardID byte) []byte
- func GetOTACoinLength(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, shardID byte) (*big.Int, error)
- func GetOTACoinLengthPrefix() []byte
- func GetOTACoinPrefix(tokenID common.Hash, shardID byte, height []byte) []byte
- func GetOTACoinsByHeight(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, shardID byte, height uint64) ([][]byte, error)
- func GetOneShardCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, shardID byte) []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey
- func GetOneShardCommitteeEnterTime(stateDB *StateDB, shardID byte) []int64
- func GetOneShardSubstituteValidator(stateDB *StateDB, shardID byte) []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey
- func GetOnetimeAddressPrefix(tokenID common.Hash) []byte
- func GetOutcoinsByPubkey(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, publicKey []byte, shardID byte) ([][]byte, error)
- func GetOutputCoinPrefix(tokenID common.Hash, shardID byte, publicKey []byte) []byte
- func GetPDEContributionStatus(stateDB *StateDB, statusType []byte, statusSuffix []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPDEPoolForPair(stateDB *StateDB, beaconHeight uint64, tokenIDToBuy string, ...) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPDEPoolForPairKey(beaconHeight uint64, token1ID string, token2ID string) []byte
- func GetPDEPoolPair(stateDB *StateDB, beaconHeight uint64) (map[string]*rawdbv2.PDEPoolForPair, error)
- func GetPDEPoolPairPrefix() []byte
- func GetPDEShareKey(beaconHeight uint64, token1ID string, token2ID string, ...) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPDESharePrefix() []byte
- func GetPDEShares(stateDB *StateDB, beaconHeight uint64) (map[string]uint64, error)
- func GetPDEStatus(stateDB *StateDB, statusType []byte, statusSuffix []byte) (byte, error)
- func GetPDEStatusKey(prefix []byte, suffix []byte) []byte
- func GetPDEStatusPrefix() []byte
- func GetPDETradingFeeKey(beaconHeight uint64, token1ID string, token2ID string, ...) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPDETradingFeePrefix() []byte
- func GetPDETradingFees(stateDB *StateDB, beaconHeight uint64) (map[string]uint64, error)
- func GetPdexv3InscriptionNumberPrefix() []byte
- func GetPdexv3InscriptionPrefix() []byte
- func GetPdexv3NftIDs(stateDB *StateDB) (map[string]uint64, error)
- func GetPdexv3NftPrefix() []byte
- func GetPdexv3Orders(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string) (map[string]Pdexv3OrderState, error)
- func GetPdexv3OrdersPrefix() []byte
- func GetPdexv3ParamsPrefix() []byte
- func GetPdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShare(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string) (map[string]map[uint64]uint64, error)
- func GetPdexv3PoolPairLmLockedSharePrefix() []byte
- func GetPdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShares(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string) (map[common.Hash]*big.Int, error)
- func GetPdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerSharesPrefix() []byte
- func GetPdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerSharesPrefix() []byte
- func GetPdexv3PoolPairLpFeesPerShares(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string) (map[common.Hash]*big.Int, error)
- func GetPdexv3PoolPairMakingVolume(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string) (map[common.Hash]map[string]*big.Int, error)
- func GetPdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumePrefix() []byte
- func GetPdexv3PoolPairOrderReward(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string) (map[string]map[common.Hash]uint64, error)
- func GetPdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardPrefix() []byte
- func GetPdexv3PoolPairProtocolFees(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string) (map[common.Hash]uint64, error)
- func GetPdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeesPrefix() []byte
- func GetPdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFees(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string) (map[common.Hash]uint64, error)
- func GetPdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeesPrefix() []byte
- func GetPdexv3PoolPairs(stateDB *StateDB) (map[string]Pdexv3PoolPairState, error)
- func GetPdexv3PoolPairsPrefix() []byte
- func GetPdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShare(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID, nftID string) (map[common.Hash]*big.Int, error)
- func GetPdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerSharesPrefix() []byte
- func GetPdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerSharesPrefix() []byte
- func GetPdexv3ShareLastLpFeesPerShare(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID, nftID string) (map[common.Hash]*big.Int, error)
- func GetPdexv3ShareTradingFees(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID, nftID string) (map[common.Hash]uint64, error)
- func GetPdexv3ShareTradingFeesPrefix() []byte
- func GetPdexv3Shares(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string) (map[string]Pdexv3ShareState, error)
- func GetPdexv3SharesPrefix() []byte
- func GetPdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShare() []byte
- func GetPdexv3StakerLastRewardsPerShare(stateDB *StateDB, stakingPoolID, nftID string) (map[common.Hash]*big.Int, error)
- func GetPdexv3StakerReward() []byte
- func GetPdexv3StakerRewards(stateDB *StateDB, stakingPoolID, nftID string) (map[common.Hash]uint64, error)
- func GetPdexv3Stakers(stateDB *StateDB, stakingPoolID string) (map[string]Pdexv3StakerState, error)
- func GetPdexv3StakersPrefix() []byte
- func GetPdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerSharePrefix() []byte
- func GetPdexv3StakingPoolRewardsPerShare(stateDB *StateDB, stakingPoolID string) (map[common.Hash]*big.Int, error)
- func GetPdexv3StakingPoolsPrefix() []byte
- func GetPdexv3Status(stateDB *StateDB, statusType []byte, statusSuffix []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPdexv3StatusPrefix(statusType []byte) []byte
- func GetPdexv3WaitingContributions(stateDB *StateDB) (map[string]rawdbv2.Pdexv3Contribution, error)
- func GetPdexv3WaitingContributionsPrefix() []byte
- func GetPortalBatchUnshieldRequestStatus(stateDB *StateDB, batchID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPortalConfirmProofPrefixV3(proofType []byte) []byte
- func GetPortalConvertVaultRequestStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPortalCustodianStatePrefix() []byte
- func GetPortalCustodianWithdrawCollateralStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPortalCustodianWithdrawCollateralStatusV3(stateDB *StateDB, txID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPortalExchangeRateStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPortalExpiredPortingRequestStatus(stateDB *StateDB, waitingPortingID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPortalExternalTxPrefix() []byte
- func GetPortalLiquidationCustodianRunAwayStatus(stateDB *StateDB, redeemID string, custodianIncognitoAddress string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPortalLiquidationPoolPrefix() []byte
- func GetPortalPortingRequestByTxIDStatus(stateDB *StateDB, portingID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPortalPortingRequestStatus(stateDB *StateDB, portingID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPortalRedeemRequestByTxIDStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPortalRedeemRequestStatus(stateDB *StateDB, redeemID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPortalReqMatchingRedeemByTxIDStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPortalRequestUnlockCollateralStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPortalRequestWithdrawRewardStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPortalRewardInfoStatePrefix(beaconHeight uint64) []byte
- func GetPortalStatus(stateDB *StateDB, statusType []byte, statusSuffix []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPortalStatusPrefix() []byte
- func GetPortalSubmitConfirmedTxRequestStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPortalUTXOStatePrefix(tokenID string) []byte
- func GetPortalUnlockOverRateCollateralsPrefix() []byte
- func GetPortalUnlockOverRateCollateralsStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPortalUnshieldBatchReplacementRequestStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPortalUnshieldRequestStatus(stateDB *StateDB, unshieldID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPortalV4Status(stateDB *StateDB, statusType []byte, statusSuffix []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func GetPortalV4StatusPrefix(statusType []byte) []byte
- func GetPortalWaitingPortingRequestPrefix() []byte
- func GetPrivacyTokenTxs(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash) []common.Hash
- func GetProcessedUnshieldRequestBatchPrefix(tokenID string) []byte
- func GetProducersBlackList(stateDB *StateDB, beaconHeight uint64) map[string]uint8
- func GetRedeemRequestFromLiquidationPoolByTxIDStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetRedeemRequestFromLiquidationPoolByTxIDStatusV3(stateDB *StateDB, txID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetRequestPTokenStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetRewardFeatureAmountByTokenID(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID string, epoch uint64) (uint64, error)
- func GetRewardFeatureStatePrefix(epoch uint64) []byte
- func GetRewardOfShardByEpoch(stateDB *StateDB, epoch uint64, shardID byte, tokenID common.Hash) (uint64, error)
- func GetRewardOfShardByEpochMultiset(stateDB *StateDB, epoch uint64, shardID, subsetID byte, tokenID common.Hash) (uint64, error)
- func GetRewardRequestPrefix(epoch uint64) []byte
- func GetSNDerivatorPrefix(tokenID common.Hash) []byte
- func GetSerialNumberPrefix(tokenID common.Hash, shardID byte) []byte
- func GetShieldingRequestPrefix(tokenID string) []byte
- func GetShieldingRequestStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string) ([]byte, error)
- func GetSlashingCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, epoch uint64) map[byte][]string
- func GetSlashingCommitteePrefix(epoch uint64) []byte
- func GetStakerInfoKey(stakerPublicKey []byte) common.Hash
- func GetStakerInfoPrefix() []byte
- func GetStakingInfo(bcDB *StateDB, shardIDs []int) map[string]bool
- func GetTokenPrefix() []byte
- func GetTokenTransactionPrefix(tokenID common.Hash) []byte
- func GetUTXOsByTokenID(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID string) (map[string]*UTXO, error)
- func GetWaitingPDEContributionKey(beaconHeight uint64, pairID string) []byte
- func GetWaitingPDEContributionPrefix() []byte
- func GetWaitingPDEContributions(stateDB *StateDB, beaconHeight uint64) (map[string]*rawdbv2.PDEContribution, error)
- func GetWaitingPortingRequests(stateDB *StateDB) (map[string]*WaitingPortingRequest, error)
- func GetWaitingRedeemRequestPrefix() []byte
- func GetWaitingRedeemRequests(stateDB *StateDB) (map[string]*RedeemRequest, error)
- func GetWaitingUnshieldRequestPrefix(tokenID string) []byte
- func GetWaitingUnshieldRequestsByTokenID(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID string) (map[string]*WaitingUnshieldRequest, error)
- func GetWithdrawCollateralConfirmProof(stateDB *StateDB, txID common.Hash) (uint64, error)
- func HasCommitment(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, commitment []byte, shardID byte) (bool, error)
- func HasCommitmentIndex(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, commitmentIndex uint64, shardID byte) (bool, error)
- func HasOTACoinIndex(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, index uint64, shardID byte) (bool, error)
- func HasOnetimeAddress(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, ota []byte) (bool, int, error)
- func HasSNDerivator(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, snd []byte) (bool, error)
- func HasSerialNumber(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, serialNumber []byte, shardID byte) (bool, error)
- func InscriptionStatusPrefix() []byte
- func InsertAURORATxHashIssued(stateDB *StateDB, uniqueAURORATx []byte) error
- func InsertAVAXTxHashIssued(stateDB *StateDB, uniqueAVAXTx []byte) error
- func InsertBSCTxHashIssued(stateDB *StateDB, uniqueBSCTx []byte) error
- func InsertETHTxHashIssued(stateDB *StateDB, uniqueEthTx []byte) error
- func InsertFTMTxHashIssued(stateDB *StateDB, uniqueFTMTx []byte) error
- func InsertNEARTxHashIssued(stateDB *StateDB, uniqueNEARTx []byte) error
- func InsertPLGTxHashIssued(stateDB *StateDB, uniquePLGTx []byte) error
- func InsertPRVEVMTxHashIssued(stateDB *StateDB, uniquePRVEVMTx []byte) error
- func InsertPortalExternalTxHashSubmitted(stateDB *StateDB, uniqueEthTx []byte) error
- func IsAURORATxHashIssued(stateDB *StateDB, uniqueAURORATx []byte) (bool, error)
- func IsAVAXTxHashIssued(stateDB *StateDB, uniqueAVAXTx []byte) (bool, error)
- func IsBSCTxHashIssued(stateDB *StateDB, uniqueBSCTx []byte) (bool, error)
- func IsBridgeToken(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash) (isBridgeTokens bool, err error)
- func IsBridgeTokenExistedByType(stateDB *StateDB, incTokenID common.Hash, isCentralized bool) (bool, error)
- func IsETHTxHashIssued(stateDB *StateDB, uniqueEthTx []byte) (bool, error)
- func IsExistsShieldingRequest(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID string, proofHash string) (bool, error)
- func IsFTMTxHashIssued(stateDB *StateDB, uniqueFTMTx []byte) (bool, error)
- func IsNEARTxHashIssued(stateDB *StateDB, uniqueNEARTx []byte) (bool, error)
- func IsPLGTxHashIssued(stateDB *StateDB, uniquePLGTx []byte) (bool, error)
- func IsPRVEVMTxHashIssued(stateDB *StateDB, uniquePRVEVMTx []byte) (bool, error)
- func IsPortalExternalTxHashSubmitted(stateDB *StateDB, uniqueExtTx []byte) (bool, error)
- func IsPortingRequestIdExist(stateDB *StateDB, statusSuffix []byte) (bool, error)
- func ListCommitment(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, shardID byte) (map[string]uint64, error)
- func ListCommitmentIndices(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, shardID byte) (map[uint64]string, error)
- func ListCommitteeReward(stateDB *StateDB) map[string]map[common.Hash]uint64
- func ListDelegationReward(stateDB *StateDB) (map[string]*DelegationRewardState, error)
- func ListPrivacyToken(stateDB *StateDB) map[common.Hash]*TokenState
- func ListPrivacyTokenWithTxs(stateDB *StateDB) map[common.Hash]*TokenState
- func ListSNDerivator(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash) ([][]byte, error)
- func ListSerialNumber(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, shardID byte) (map[string]struct{}, error)
- func PDEContributionStatusPrefix() []byte
- func PDEPoolPrefix() []byte
- func PDESharePrefix() []byte
- func PDETradeFeePrefix() []byte
- func PDETradeStatusPrefix() []byte
- func PDEWithdrawalStatusPrefix() []byte
- func Pdexv3AddOrderStatusPrefix() []byte
- func Pdexv3ContributionStatusPrefix() []byte
- func Pdexv3ParamsModifyingStatusPrefix() []byte
- func Pdexv3StakingStatusPrefix() []byte
- func Pdexv3TradeStatusPrefix() []byte
- func Pdexv3UnstakingStatusPrefix() []byte
- func Pdexv3UserMintNftStatusPrefix() []byte
- func Pdexv3WithdrawLiquidityStatusPrefix() []byte
- func Pdexv3WithdrawOrderStatusPrefix() []byte
- func Pdexv3WithdrawalLPFeeStatusPrefix() []byte
- func Pdexv3WithdrawalProtocolFeeStatusPrefix() []byte
- func Pdexv3WithdrawalStakingRewardStatusPrefix() []byte
- func PortaConvertVaultRequestStatusPrefix() []byte
- func PortalBatchUnshieldRequestStatusPrefix() []byte
- func PortalCustodianDepositStatusPrefix() []byte
- func PortalCustodianDepositStatusPrefixV3() []byte
- func PortalCustodianWithdrawStatusPrefix() []byte
- func PortalCustodianWithdrawStatusPrefixV3() []byte
- func PortalExchangeRatesRequestStatusPrefix() []byte
- func PortalExpiredPortingReqPrefix() []byte
- func PortalLiquidateCustodianRunAwayPrefix() []byte
- func PortalLiquidationCustodianDepositStatusPrefix() []byte
- func PortalLiquidationCustodianDepositStatusPrefixV3() []byte
- func PortalLiquidationRedeemRequestStatusPrefix() []byte
- func PortalLiquidationRedeemRequestStatusPrefixV3() []byte
- func PortalLiquidationTpExchangeRatesStatusPrefix() []byte
- func PortalLiquidationTpExchangeRatesStatusPrefixV3() []byte
- func PortalPortingRequestStatusPrefix() []byte
- func PortalPortingRequestTxStatusPrefix() []byte
- func PortalRedeemRequestStatusByTxReqIDPrefix() []byte
- func PortalRedeemRequestStatusPrefix() []byte
- func PortalReqMatchingRedeemStatusByTxReqIDPrefix() []byte
- func PortalRequestPTokenStatusPrefix() []byte
- func PortalRequestUnlockCollateralStatusPrefix() []byte
- func PortalRequestWithdrawRewardStatusPrefix() []byte
- func PortalShieldingRequestStatusPrefix() []byte
- func PortalSubmitConfirmedTxStatusPrefix() []byte
- func PortalTopUpWaitingPortingStatusPrefix() []byte
- func PortalTopUpWaitingPortingStatusPrefixV3() []byte
- func PortalUnlockOverRateCollateralsRequestStatusPrefix() []byte
- func PortalUnshielFeeReplacementBatchStatusPrefix() []byte
- func PortalUnshieldRequestStatusPrefix() []byte
- func PortalWithdrawCollateralProofType() []byte
- func PrivacyTokenIDExisted(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash) bool
- func RemoveAllEmptyProducerBlackList(stateDB *StateDB, blackListProducerKey string)
- func RemoveCommitteeReward(stateDB *StateDB, incognitoPublicKeyBytes []byte, withdrawAmount uint64, ...) error
- func RemoveProducerBlackList(stateDB *StateDB, blackListProducerKeyList []string)
- func RemoveRewardOfShardByEpoch(stateDB *StateDB, epoch uint64)
- func ReplaceAllShardCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, ...) error
- func ReplaceBeaconCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, beaconCommittees [2][]incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
- func ReplaceOneShardCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, shardID byte, ...) error
- func ResetDelegationReward(stateDB *StateDB, incognitoPublicKeyBytes []byte, ...) error
- func SaveStopAutoStakerInfo(stateDB *StateDB, committees []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, ...) error
- func StoreAllShardCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, ...) error
- func StoreAllShardSubstitutesValidator(stateDB *StateDB, ...) error
- func StoreBeaconCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, beaconCommittees []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
- func StoreBeaconLocking(stateDB *StateDB, members []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
- func StoreBeaconSharePrice(stateDB *StateDB, committeeID string, price uint64) error
- func StoreBeaconStakerInfo(stateDB *StateDB, committee incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, ...) error
- func StoreBeaconSubstituteValidator(stateDB *StateDB, beaconSubstitute []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
- func StoreBeaconWaiting(stateDB *StateDB, members []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
- func StoreBridgeAggParam(stateDB *StateDB, param *BridgeAggParamState) error
- func StoreBridgeAggUnifiedToken(stateDB *StateDB, unifiedTokenID common.Hash, ...) error
- func StoreBridgeAggVault(stateDB *StateDB, unifiedTokenID, tokenID common.Hash, ...) error
- func StoreBridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq(stateDB *StateDB, unifiedTokenID, unshieldID common.Hash, ...) error
- func StoreBulkFinalExchangeRatesState(stateDB *StateDB, finalExchangeRatesState *FinalExchangeRatesState) error
- func StoreBulkLiquidateExchangeRatesPool(stateDB *StateDB, liquidateExchangeRates map[string]*LiquidationPool) error
- func StoreBulkUnlockOverRateCollateralsState(stateDB *StateDB, ...) error
- func StoreBulkWaitingPortingRequests(stateDB *StateDB, waitingPortingRequest map[string]*WaitingPortingRequest) error
- func StoreBurningConfirm(stateDB *StateDB, txID common.Hash, height uint64) error
- func StoreCommitments(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, commitments [][]byte, shardID byte) error
- func StoreCommitteeData(stateDB *StateDB, data *CommitteeData) error
- func StoreCurrentEpochBeaconCandidate(stateDB *StateDB, candidate []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
- func StoreCurrentEpochShardCandidate(stateDB *StateDB, candidate []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
- func StoreCustodianDepositStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StoreCustodianDepositStatusV3(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StoreCustodianState(stateDB *StateDB, custodians map[string]*CustodianState) error
- func StoreCustodianTopupStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StoreCustodianTopupStatusV3(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StoreCustodianTopupWaitingPortingStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StoreCustodianTopupWaitingPortingStatusV3(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StoreDelegationReward(stateDB *StateDB, incognitoPublicKeyBytes []byte, ...) error
- func StoreLiquidationByExchangeRateStatus(stateDB *StateDB, beaconHeight uint64, custodianAddress string, ...) error
- func StoreLiquidationByExchangeRateStatusV3(stateDB *StateDB, beaconHeight uint64, custodianAddress string, ...) error
- func StoreLockedCollateralState(stateDB *StateDB, lockedCollateralState *LockedCollateralState) error
- func StoreMatchedRedeemRequests(stateDB *StateDB, waitingRedeemReqs map[string]*RedeemRequest) error
- func StoreMembersAtCommonShardPool(stateDB *StateDB, members []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
- func StoreMembersAtShardPool(stateDB *StateDB, shardID byte, members []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
- func StoreNextEpochBeaconCandidate(stateDB *StateDB, candidate []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, ...) error
- func StoreNextEpochShardCandidate(stateDB *StateDB, candidate []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, ...) error
- func StoreOTACoinsAndOnetimeAddresses(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, height uint64, outputCoins [][]byte, ...) error
- func StoreOccupiedOneTimeAddress(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, ota [32]byte) error
- func StoreOneShardCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, shardID byte, ...) error
- func StoreOneShardSubstitutesValidator(stateDB *StateDB, shardID byte, ...) error
- func StoreOneShardSubstitutesValidatorV3(stateDB *StateDB, shardID byte, ...) error
- func StoreOutputCoins(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, publicKey []byte, outputCoins [][]byte, ...) error
- func StorePDEPoolPairs(stateDB *StateDB, pdePoolPairs map[string]*rawdbv2.PDEPoolForPair) error
- func StorePDEShares(stateDB *StateDB, pdeShares map[string]uint64) error
- func StorePDETradingFees(stateDB *StateDB, pdeTradingFees map[string]uint64) error
- func StorePdexv3InscriptionNumber(stateDB *StateDB, num uint64) error
- func StorePdexv3InscriptionTokenID(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, txID common.Hash) error
- func StorePdexv3NftIDs(stateDB *StateDB, nftIDs map[string]uint64) error
- func StorePdexv3Order(stateDB *StateDB, orderState Pdexv3OrderState) error
- func StorePdexv3Params(stateDB *StateDB, defaultFeeRateBPS uint, feeRateBPS map[string]uint, ...) error
- func StorePdexv3PoolPair(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string, poolPair rawdbv2.Pdexv3PoolPair) error
- func StorePdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShare(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string, state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState) error
- func StorePdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShare(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string, ...) error
- func StorePdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShare(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string, state *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState) error
- func StorePdexv3PoolPairMakingVolume(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string, state *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState) error
- func StorePdexv3PoolPairOrderReward(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string, state *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState) error
- func StorePdexv3PoolPairProtocolFee(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string, state *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState) error
- func StorePdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFee(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string, state *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState) error
- func StorePdexv3Share(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string, nftID common.Hash, ...) error
- func StorePdexv3ShareLastLmRewardsPerShare(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID, nftID string, ...) error
- func StorePdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShare(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID, nftID string, ...) error
- func StorePdexv3ShareTradingFee(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID, nftID string, state *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeState) error
- func StorePdexv3Staker(stateDB *StateDB, stakingPoolID, nftID string, state *Pdexv3StakerState) error
- func StorePdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShare(stateDB *StateDB, stakingPoolID, nftID string, ...) error
- func StorePdexv3StakerReward(stateDB *StateDB, stakingPoolID, nftID string, state *Pdexv3StakerRewardState) error
- func StorePdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShare(stateDB *StateDB, stakingPoolID string, ...) error
- func StorePdexv3WaitingContributions(stateDB *StateDB, contributions map[string]rawdbv2.Pdexv3Contribution) error
- func StorePortalBatchUnshieldRequestStatus(stateDB *StateDB, batchID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StorePortalConvertVaultRequestStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StorePortalCustodianWithdrawCollateralStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StorePortalCustodianWithdrawCollateralStatusV3(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StorePortalExchangeRateStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StorePortalExpiredPortingRequestStatus(stateDB *StateDB, waitingPortingID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StorePortalLiquidationCustodianRunAwayStatus(stateDB *StateDB, redeemID string, custodianIncognitoAddress string, ...) error
- func StorePortalPortingRequestByTxIDStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StorePortalPortingRequestStatus(stateDB *StateDB, portingID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StorePortalRedeemRequestByTxIDStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StorePortalRedeemRequestStatus(stateDB *StateDB, redeemID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StorePortalReqMatchingRedeemByTxIDStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StorePortalRequestUnlockCollateralStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StorePortalRequestWithdrawRewardStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StorePortalRewards(stateDB *StateDB, beaconHeight uint64, ...) error
- func StorePortalStatus(stateDB *StateDB, statusType []byte, statusSuffix []byte, statusContent []byte) error
- func StorePortalSubmitConfirmedTxRequestStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StorePortalUnlockOverRateCollaterals(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StorePortalUnshieldBatchReplacementRequestStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StorePortalUnshieldRequestStatus(stateDB *StateDB, unshieldID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StorePortalV4Status(stateDB *StateDB, statusType []byte, statusSuffix []byte, statusContent []byte) error
- func StorePrivacyToken(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, name string, symbol string, ...) error
- func StorePrivacyTokenTx(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, txHash common.Hash) error
- func StoreProcessedBatchUnshieldRequests(stateDB *StateDB, ...) error
- func StoreProducersBlackList(stateDB *StateDB, beaconHeight uint64, producersBlackList map[string]uint8) error
- func StoreRedeemRequestFromLiquidationPoolByTxIDStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StoreRedeemRequestFromLiquidationPoolByTxIDStatusV3(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StoreRequestPTokenStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StoreRewardFeatureState(stateDB *StateDB, featureName string, rewardInfo map[string]uint64, ...) error
- func StoreSNDerivators(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, snds [][]byte) error
- func StoreSerialNumbers(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, serialNumbers [][]byte, shardID byte) error
- func StoreShieldingRequestStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
- func StoreShieldingRequests(stateDB *StateDB, shieldingRequests map[string]*ShieldingRequest) error
- func StoreSlashingCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, epoch uint64, slashingCommittees map[byte][]string) error
- func StoreStakerInfo(stateDB *StateDB, committees []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, ...) error
- func StoreStakerInfoV2(stateDB *StateDB, committee incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, value *StakerInfo) error
- func StoreSyncingValidators(stateDB *StateDB, syncingValidators map[byte][]incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
- func StoreUTXOs(stateDB *StateDB, utxos map[string]*UTXO) error
- func StoreWaitingPDEContributions(stateDB *StateDB, waitingPDEContributions map[string]*rawdbv2.PDEContribution) error
- func StoreWaitingPortingRequests(stateDB *StateDB, beaconHeight uint64, portingRequestId string, ...) error
- func StoreWaitingRedeemRequests(stateDB *StateDB, waitingRedeemReqs map[string]*RedeemRequest) error
- func StoreWaitingUnshieldRequests(stateDB *StateDB, waitingUnshieldReqs map[string]*WaitingUnshieldRequest) error
- func StoreWithdrawCollateralConfirmProof(stateDB *StateDB, txID common.Hash, height uint64) error
- func TrackBridgeAggStatus(stateDB *StateDB, statusType []byte, statusSuffix []byte, statusContent []byte) error
- func TrackBridgeReqWithStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txReqID common.Hash, status byte) error
- func TrackPDEContributionStatus(stateDB *StateDB, statusType []byte, statusSuffix []byte, statusContent []byte) error
- func TrackPDEStatus(stateDB *StateDB, statusType []byte, statusSuffix []byte, statusContent byte) error
- func TrackPdexv3Status(stateDB *StateDB, statusType []byte, statusSuffix []byte, statusContent []byte) error
- func UpdateBridgeTokenInfo(stateDB *StateDB, incTokenID common.Hash, externalTokenID []byte, ...) error
- func WaitingPDEContributionPrefix() []byte
- type BeaconSharePrice
- type BeaconSharePriceObject
- func (c BeaconSharePriceObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (c BeaconSharePriceObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (c BeaconSharePriceObject) GetType() int
- func (c BeaconSharePriceObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (c BeaconSharePriceObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (c BeaconSharePriceObject) GetVersion() int
- func (c BeaconSharePriceObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (c BeaconSharePriceObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (c *BeaconSharePriceObject) MarkDelete()
- func (c *BeaconSharePriceObject) Reset() bool
- func (c *BeaconSharePriceObject) SetError(err error)
- func (c *BeaconSharePriceObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type BeaconStakerInfo
- func (s *BeaconStakerInfo) AddDelegator(total uint64)
- func (s *BeaconStakerInfo) AddStaking(tx common.Hash, height uint64, amount uint64)
- func (s BeaconStakerInfo) BeaconConfirmHeight() uint64
- func (s BeaconStakerInfo) BeaconConfirmTime() int64
- func (s *BeaconStakerInfo) FinishSync() bool
- func (s BeaconStakerInfo) FunderAddress() key.PaymentAddress
- func (s BeaconStakerInfo) GetBeaconConfirmTime() int64
- func (s BeaconStakerInfo) GetEnterTime() int64
- func (s BeaconStakerInfo) LockingEpoch() uint64
- func (s BeaconStakerInfo) LockingReason() int
- func (c BeaconStakerInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (s *BeaconStakerInfo) RemoveDelegator(total uint64) error
- func (s BeaconStakerInfo) RewardReceiver() key.PaymentAddress
- func (s *BeaconStakerInfo) SetEnterTime(t int64)
- func (s *BeaconStakerInfo) SetFinishSync(b bool)
- func (s *BeaconStakerInfo) SetLocking(epoch, unlockEpoch uint64, reason int)
- func (s *BeaconStakerInfo) SetShardActiveTime(t int)
- func (s *BeaconStakerInfo) SetUnstaking()
- func (s BeaconStakerInfo) ShardActiveTime() int
- func (s BeaconStakerInfo) StakingTxList() []common.Hash
- func (c BeaconStakerInfo) ToString() string
- func (s BeaconStakerInfo) TotalDelegators() uint64
- func (s BeaconStakerInfo) TotalStakingAmount() uint64
- func (s BeaconStakerInfo) UnlockingEpoch() uint64
- func (c *BeaconStakerInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (s BeaconStakerInfo) Unstaking() bool
- type BeaconStakerObject
- func (c BeaconStakerObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (c BeaconStakerObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (c BeaconStakerObject) GetType() int
- func (c BeaconStakerObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (c BeaconStakerObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (c BeaconStakerObject) GetVersion() int
- func (c BeaconStakerObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (c BeaconStakerObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (c *BeaconStakerObject) MarkDelete()
- func (c *BeaconStakerObject) Reset() bool
- func (c *BeaconStakerObject) SetError(err error)
- func (c *BeaconStakerObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type BlackListProducerObject
- func (bl BlackListProducerObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (bl BlackListProducerObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (bl BlackListProducerObject) GetType() int
- func (bl BlackListProducerObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (bl BlackListProducerObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (bl BlackListProducerObject) GetVersion() int
- func (bl BlackListProducerObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (bl BlackListProducerObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (bl *BlackListProducerObject) MarkDelete()
- func (bl *BlackListProducerObject) Reset() bool
- func (bl *BlackListProducerObject) SetError(err error)
- func (bl *BlackListProducerObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type BlackListProducerState
- func (bl BlackListProducerState) BeaconHeight() uint64
- func (bl BlackListProducerState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (bl BlackListProducerState) ProducerCommitteePublicKey() string
- func (bl BlackListProducerState) PunishedEpoches() uint8
- func (bl *BlackListProducerState) SetBeaconHeight(beaconHeight uint64)
- func (bl *BlackListProducerState) SetProducerCommitteePublicKey(producerCommitteePublicKey string)
- func (bl *BlackListProducerState) SetPunishedEpoches(punishedEpoches uint8)
- func (bl *BlackListProducerState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type BridgeAURORATxObject
- func (auroraTx BridgeAURORATxObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (auroraTx BridgeAURORATxObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (auroraTx BridgeAURORATxObject) GetType() int
- func (auroraTx BridgeAURORATxObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (auroraTx BridgeAURORATxObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (auroraTx BridgeAURORATxObject) GetVersion() int
- func (auroraTx BridgeAURORATxObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (auroraTx BridgeAURORATxObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (auroraTx *BridgeAURORATxObject) MarkDelete()
- func (auroraTx *BridgeAURORATxObject) Reset() bool
- func (auroraTx *BridgeAURORATxObject) SetError(err error)
- func (auroraTx *BridgeAURORATxObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type BridgeAURORATxState
- type BridgeAVAXTxObject
- func (avaxTx BridgeAVAXTxObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (avaxTx BridgeAVAXTxObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (avaxTx BridgeAVAXTxObject) GetType() int
- func (avaxTx BridgeAVAXTxObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (avaxTx BridgeAVAXTxObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (avaxTx BridgeAVAXTxObject) GetVersion() int
- func (avaxTx BridgeAVAXTxObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (avaxTx BridgeAVAXTxObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (avaxTx *BridgeAVAXTxObject) MarkDelete()
- func (avaxTx *BridgeAVAXTxObject) Reset() bool
- func (avaxTx *BridgeAVAXTxObject) SetError(err error)
- func (avaxTx *BridgeAVAXTxObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type BridgeAVAXTxState
- type BridgeAggParamObject
- func (t BridgeAggParamObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (t BridgeAggParamObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (t BridgeAggParamObject) GetType() int
- func (t BridgeAggParamObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (t BridgeAggParamObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (t BridgeAggParamObject) GetVersion() int
- func (t BridgeAggParamObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (t BridgeAggParamObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (t *BridgeAggParamObject) MarkDelete()
- func (t *BridgeAggParamObject) Reset() bool
- func (t *BridgeAggParamObject) SetError(err error)
- func (t *BridgeAggParamObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type BridgeAggParamState
- func (b BridgeAggParamState) Clone() *BridgeAggParamState
- func (b *BridgeAggParamState) IsDiff(compareParam *BridgeAggParamState) bool
- func (b BridgeAggParamState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (b BridgeAggParamState) PercentFeeWithDec() uint64
- func (b *BridgeAggParamState) SetPercentFeeWithDec(percentFeeWithDec uint64)
- func (b *BridgeAggParamState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type BridgeAggStatusObject
- func (t BridgeAggStatusObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (t BridgeAggStatusObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (t BridgeAggStatusObject) GetType() int
- func (t BridgeAggStatusObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (t BridgeAggStatusObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (t BridgeAggStatusObject) GetVersion() int
- func (t BridgeAggStatusObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (t BridgeAggStatusObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (t *BridgeAggStatusObject) MarkDelete()
- func (t *BridgeAggStatusObject) Reset() bool
- func (t *BridgeAggStatusObject) SetError(err error)
- func (t *BridgeAggStatusObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type BridgeAggStatusState
- func (b BridgeAggStatusState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (b *BridgeAggStatusState) SetStatusContent(statusContent []byte)
- func (b *BridgeAggStatusState) SetStatusSuffix(statusSuffix []byte)
- func (b *BridgeAggStatusState) SetStatusType(statusType []byte)
- func (b BridgeAggStatusState) StatusContent() []byte
- func (b BridgeAggStatusState) StatusSuffix() []byte
- func (b BridgeAggStatusState) StatusType() []byte
- func (b *BridgeAggStatusState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject
- func (object *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (object *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (object *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) GetType() int
- func (object *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (object *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (object *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) GetVersion() int
- func (object *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (object *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (object *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) MarkDelete()
- func (object *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) Reset() bool
- func (object *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) SetError(err error)
- func (object *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type BridgeAggUnifiedTokenState
- type BridgeAggVaulltObject
- func (object *BridgeAggVaulltObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (object *BridgeAggVaulltObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (object *BridgeAggVaulltObject) GetType() int
- func (object *BridgeAggVaulltObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (object *BridgeAggVaulltObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (object *BridgeAggVaulltObject) GetVersion() int
- func (object *BridgeAggVaulltObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (object *BridgeAggVaulltObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (object *BridgeAggVaulltObject) MarkDelete()
- func (object *BridgeAggVaulltObject) Reset() bool
- func (object *BridgeAggVaulltObject) SetError(err error)
- func (object *BridgeAggVaulltObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type BridgeAggVaultState
- func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) Amount() uint64
- func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) Clone() *BridgeAggVaultState
- func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) ExtDecimal() uint8
- func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) GetDiff(compareState *BridgeAggVaultState) (*BridgeAggVaultState, error)
- func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) IncTokenID() common.Hash
- func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) IsDiff(compareState *BridgeAggVaultState) (bool, error)
- func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) IsEmpty() bool
- func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) LockedAmount() uint64
- func (state *BridgeAggVaultState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) NetworkID() uint8
- func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) SetAmount(amount uint64)
- func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) SetExtDecimal(extDecimal uint8)
- func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) SetIncTokenID(tokenID common.Hash)
- func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) SetLockedAmount(amount uint64)
- func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) SetNetworkID(networkID uint8)
- func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) SetWaitingUnshieldAmount(amount uint64)
- func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) SetWaitingUnshieldFee(amount uint64)
- func (state *BridgeAggVaultState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) UpdateAmount(amount uint64, operator int) error
- func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) UpdateLockedAmount(amount uint64, operator int) error
- func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) UpdateWaitingUnshieldAmount(amount uint64, operator int) error
- func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) UpdateWaitingUnshieldFee(amount uint64, operator int) error
- func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) WaitingUnshieldAmount() uint64
- func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) WaitingUnshieldFee() uint64
- type BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq
- func GetBridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqs(stateDB *StateDB, unifiedTokenID common.Hash) ([]*BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq, error)
- func NewBridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqState() *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq
- func NewBridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqStateWithValue(data []WaitingUnshieldReqData, unshieldID common.Hash, beaconHeight uint64) *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq
- func (us *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) Clone() *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq
- func (us *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) GetBeaconHeight() uint64
- func (us *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) GetData() []WaitingUnshieldReqData
- func (us *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) GetUnshieldID() common.Hash
- func (us BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (us *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) SetBeaconHeight(beaconHeight uint64)
- func (us *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) SetData(data []WaitingUnshieldReqData)
- func (us *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) SetUnshieldID(unshieldID common.Hash)
- func (us *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject
- func (t BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (t BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (t BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) GetType() int
- func (t BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (t BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (t BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) GetVersion() int
- func (t BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (t BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (t *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) MarkDelete()
- func (t *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) Reset() bool
- func (t *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) SetError(err error)
- func (t *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type BridgeBSCTxObject
- func (bscTx BridgeBSCTxObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (bscTx BridgeBSCTxObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (bscTx BridgeBSCTxObject) GetType() int
- func (bscTx BridgeBSCTxObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (bscTx BridgeBSCTxObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (bscTx BridgeBSCTxObject) GetVersion() int
- func (bscTx BridgeBSCTxObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (bscTx BridgeBSCTxObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (bscTx *BridgeBSCTxObject) MarkDelete()
- func (bscTx *BridgeBSCTxObject) Reset() bool
- func (bscTx *BridgeBSCTxObject) SetError(err error)
- func (bscTx *BridgeBSCTxObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type BridgeBSCTxState
- type BridgeEthTxObject
- func (ethtx BridgeEthTxObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (ethtx BridgeEthTxObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (ethtx BridgeEthTxObject) GetType() int
- func (ethtx BridgeEthTxObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (ethtx BridgeEthTxObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (ethtx BridgeEthTxObject) GetVersion() int
- func (ethtx BridgeEthTxObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (ethtx BridgeEthTxObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (ethtx *BridgeEthTxObject) MarkDelete()
- func (ethtx *BridgeEthTxObject) Reset() bool
- func (ethtx *BridgeEthTxObject) SetError(err error)
- func (ethtx *BridgeEthTxObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type BridgeEthTxState
- type BridgeFTMTxObject
- func (ftmTx BridgeFTMTxObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (ftmTx BridgeFTMTxObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (ftmTx BridgeFTMTxObject) GetType() int
- func (ftmTx BridgeFTMTxObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (ftmTx BridgeFTMTxObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (ftmTx BridgeFTMTxObject) GetVersion() int
- func (ftmTx BridgeFTMTxObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (ftmTx BridgeFTMTxObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (ftmTx *BridgeFTMTxObject) MarkDelete()
- func (ftmTx *BridgeFTMTxObject) Reset() bool
- func (ftmTx *BridgeFTMTxObject) SetError(err error)
- func (ftmTx *BridgeFTMTxObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type BridgeFTMTxState
- type BridgeNEARTxObject
- func (nearTx BridgeNEARTxObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (nearTx BridgeNEARTxObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (nearTx BridgeNEARTxObject) GetType() int
- func (nearTx BridgeNEARTxObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (nearTx BridgeNEARTxObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (nearTx BridgeNEARTxObject) GetVersion() int
- func (nearTx BridgeNEARTxObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (nearTx BridgeNEARTxObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (nearTx *BridgeNEARTxObject) MarkDelete()
- func (nearTx *BridgeNEARTxObject) Reset() bool
- func (nearTx *BridgeNEARTxObject) SetError(err error)
- func (nearTx *BridgeNEARTxObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type BridgeNEARTxState
- type BridgePLGTxObject
- func (plgTx BridgePLGTxObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (plgTx BridgePLGTxObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (plgTx BridgePLGTxObject) GetType() int
- func (plgTx BridgePLGTxObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (plgTx BridgePLGTxObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (plgTx BridgePLGTxObject) GetVersion() int
- func (plgTx BridgePLGTxObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (plgTx BridgePLGTxObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (plgTx *BridgePLGTxObject) MarkDelete()
- func (plgTx *BridgePLGTxObject) Reset() bool
- func (plgTx *BridgePLGTxObject) SetError(err error)
- func (plgTx *BridgePLGTxObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type BridgePLGTxState
- type BridgeStatusObject
- func (s BridgeStatusObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (s BridgeStatusObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (s BridgeStatusObject) GetType() int
- func (s BridgeStatusObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (s BridgeStatusObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (s BridgeStatusObject) GetVersion() int
- func (s BridgeStatusObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (s BridgeStatusObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (s *BridgeStatusObject) MarkDelete()
- func (s *BridgeStatusObject) Reset() bool
- func (s *BridgeStatusObject) SetError(err error)
- func (s *BridgeStatusObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type BridgeStatusState
- func (s BridgeStatusState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (s *BridgeStatusState) SetStatus(status byte)
- func (s *BridgeStatusState) SetTxReqID(txReqID common.Hash)
- func (s BridgeStatusState) Status() byte
- func (s BridgeStatusState) TxReqID() common.Hash
- func (s *BridgeStatusState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type BridgeTokenInfoObject
- func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoObject) GetType() int
- func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoObject) GetVersion() int
- func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (ethtx *BridgeTokenInfoObject) MarkDelete()
- func (ethtx *BridgeTokenInfoObject) Reset() bool
- func (ethtx *BridgeTokenInfoObject) SetError(err error)
- func (ethtx *BridgeTokenInfoObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type BridgeTokenInfoState
- func GetBridgeTokenByType(stateDB *StateDB, incTokenID common.Hash, isCentralized bool) (*BridgeTokenInfoState, bool, error)
- func NewBridgeTokenInfoState() *BridgeTokenInfoState
- func NewBridgeTokenInfoStateWithValue(incTokenID common.Hash, externalTokenID []byte, amount uint64, network string, ...) *BridgeTokenInfoState
- func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoState) Amount() uint64
- func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoState) ExternalTokenID() []byte
- func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoState) IncTokenID() common.Hash
- func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoState) IsCentralized() bool
- func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoState) Network() string
- func (ethtx *BridgeTokenInfoState) SetAmount(amount uint64)
- func (ethtx *BridgeTokenInfoState) SetExternalTokenID(externalTokenID []byte)
- func (ethtx *BridgeTokenInfoState) SetIncTokenID(incTokenID common.Hash)
- func (ethtx *BridgeTokenInfoState) SetIsCentralized(isCentralized bool)
- func (ethtx *BridgeTokenInfoState) SetNetwork(network string)
- func (ethtx *BridgeTokenInfoState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type BrigePRVEVMObject
- func (prvEvmTx BrigePRVEVMObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (prvEvmTx BrigePRVEVMObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (prvEvmTx BrigePRVEVMObject) GetType() int
- func (prvEvmTx BrigePRVEVMObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (prvEvmTx BrigePRVEVMObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (prvEvmTx BrigePRVEVMObject) GetVersion() int
- func (prvEvmTx BrigePRVEVMObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (prvEvmTx BrigePRVEVMObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (prvEvmTx *BrigePRVEVMObject) MarkDelete()
- func (prvEvmTx *BrigePRVEVMObject) Reset() bool
- func (prvEvmTx *BrigePRVEVMObject) SetError(err error)
- func (prvEvmTx *BrigePRVEVMObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type BrigePRVEVMState
- type BurningConfirmObject
- func (ethtx BurningConfirmObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (ethtx BurningConfirmObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (ethtx BurningConfirmObject) GetType() int
- func (ethtx BurningConfirmObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (ethtx BurningConfirmObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (ethtx BurningConfirmObject) GetVersion() int
- func (ethtx BurningConfirmObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (ethtx BurningConfirmObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (ethtx *BurningConfirmObject) MarkDelete()
- func (ethtx *BurningConfirmObject) Reset() bool
- func (ethtx *BurningConfirmObject) SetError(err error)
- func (ethtx *BurningConfirmObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type BurningConfirmState
- func (b BurningConfirmState) Height() uint64
- func (b BurningConfirmState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (b *BurningConfirmState) SetHeight(height uint64)
- func (b *BurningConfirmState) SetTxID(txID common.Hash)
- func (b BurningConfirmState) TxID() common.Hash
- func (b *BurningConfirmState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type CommitmentIndexObject
- func (s CommitmentIndexObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (s CommitmentIndexObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (s CommitmentIndexObject) GetType() int
- func (s CommitmentIndexObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (s CommitmentIndexObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (s CommitmentIndexObject) GetVersion() int
- func (s CommitmentIndexObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (s CommitmentIndexObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (s *CommitmentIndexObject) MarkDelete()
- func (s *CommitmentIndexObject) Reset() bool
- func (s *CommitmentIndexObject) SetError(err error)
- func (s *CommitmentIndexObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type CommitmentLengthObject
- func (s CommitmentLengthObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (s CommitmentLengthObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (s CommitmentLengthObject) GetType() int
- func (s CommitmentLengthObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (s CommitmentLengthObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (s CommitmentLengthObject) GetVersion() int
- func (s CommitmentLengthObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (s CommitmentLengthObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (s *CommitmentLengthObject) MarkDelete()
- func (s *CommitmentLengthObject) Reset() bool
- func (s *CommitmentLengthObject) SetError(err error)
- func (s *CommitmentLengthObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type CommitmentObject
- func (s CommitmentObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (s CommitmentObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (s CommitmentObject) GetType() int
- func (s CommitmentObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (s CommitmentObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (s CommitmentObject) GetVersion() int
- func (s CommitmentObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (s CommitmentObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (s *CommitmentObject) MarkDelete()
- func (s *CommitmentObject) Reset() bool
- func (s *CommitmentObject) SetError(err error)
- func (s *CommitmentObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type CommitmentState
- func (c CommitmentState) Commitment() []byte
- func (c CommitmentState) Index() *big.Int
- func (c CommitmentState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (c *CommitmentState) SetCommitment(commitment []byte)
- func (c *CommitmentState) SetIndex(index *big.Int)
- func (c *CommitmentState) SetShardID(shardID byte)
- func (c *CommitmentState) SetTokenID(tokenID common.Hash)
- func (c CommitmentState) ShardID() byte
- func (c CommitmentState) TokenID() common.Hash
- func (c *CommitmentState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type CommitteeData
- type CommitteeObject
- func (c CommitteeObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (c CommitteeObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (c CommitteeObject) GetType() int
- func (c CommitteeObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (c CommitteeObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (c CommitteeObject) GetVersion() int
- func (c CommitteeObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (c CommitteeObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (c *CommitteeObject) MarkDelete()
- func (c *CommitteeObject) Reset() bool
- func (c *CommitteeObject) SetError(err error)
- func (c *CommitteeObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type CommitteeRewardObject
- func (rr CommitteeRewardObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (rr CommitteeRewardObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (rr CommitteeRewardObject) GetType() int
- func (rr CommitteeRewardObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (rr CommitteeRewardObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (rr CommitteeRewardObject) GetVersion() int
- func (rr CommitteeRewardObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (rr CommitteeRewardObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (rr *CommitteeRewardObject) MarkDelete()
- func (rr *CommitteeRewardObject) Reset() bool
- func (rr *CommitteeRewardObject) SetError(err error)
- func (rr *CommitteeRewardObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type CommitteeRewardState
- func (cr CommitteeRewardState) IncognitoPublicKey() string
- func (c CommitteeRewardState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (cr CommitteeRewardState) Reward() map[common.Hash]uint64
- func (cr *CommitteeRewardState) SetIncognitoPublicKey(incognitoPublicKey string)
- func (cr *CommitteeRewardState) SetReward(reward map[common.Hash]uint64)
- func (c *CommitteeRewardState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type CommitteeState
- func Convert2NewState(old *CommitteeStatev1) (*CommitteeState, error)
- func IsInShardCandidateForCurrentEpoch(stateDB *StateDB, committee incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) (*CommitteeState, bool, error)
- func IsInShardCandidateForNextEpoch(stateDB *StateDB, committee incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) (*CommitteeState, bool, error)
- func NewCommitteeState() *CommitteeState
- func NewCommitteeStateWithValue(shardID int, role int, committeePublicKey incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) *CommitteeState
- func NewCommitteeStateWithValueAndTime(shardID int, role int, committeePublicKey incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, ...) *CommitteeState
- func (c CommitteeState) CommitteePublicKey() incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey
- func (c CommitteeState) EnterTime() int64
- func (c CommitteeState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (c CommitteeState) Role() int
- func (c *CommitteeState) SetCommitteePublicKey(committeePublicKey incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey)
- func (c *CommitteeState) SetEnterTime(enterTime int64)
- func (c *CommitteeState) SetRole(role int)
- func (c *CommitteeState) SetShardID(shardID int)
- func (c CommitteeState) ShardID() int
- func (c *CommitteeState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type CommitteeStateDataObject
- func (c CommitteeStateDataObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (c CommitteeStateDataObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (c CommitteeStateDataObject) GetType() int
- func (c CommitteeStateDataObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (c CommitteeStateDataObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (c CommitteeStateDataObject) GetVersion() int
- func (c CommitteeStateDataObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (c CommitteeStateDataObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (c *CommitteeStateDataObject) MarkDelete()
- func (c *CommitteeStateDataObject) Reset() bool
- func (c *CommitteeStateDataObject) SetError(err error)
- func (c *CommitteeStateDataObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type CommitteeStatev1
- type CurrentEpochCommitteeAndPendingInfo
- type CustodianState
- func (cs CustodianState) GetFreeCollateral() uint64
- func (cs CustodianState) GetFreeTokenCollaterals() map[string]uint64
- func (cs CustodianState) GetHoldingPublicTokens() map[string]uint64
- func (cs CustodianState) GetIncognitoAddress() string
- func (cs CustodianState) GetLockedAmountCollateral() map[string]uint64
- func (cs CustodianState) GetLockedTokenCollaterals() map[string]map[string]uint64
- func (cs CustodianState) GetRemoteAddresses() map[string]string
- func (cs CustodianState) GetRewardAmount() map[string]uint64
- func (cs CustodianState) GetTotalCollateral() uint64
- func (cs CustodianState) GetTotalTokenCollaterals() map[string]uint64
- func (cs CustodianState) IsEmptyCollaterals() bool
- func (cs *CustodianState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (cs *CustodianState) SetFreeCollateral(amount uint64)
- func (cs *CustodianState) SetFreeTokenCollaterals(freeTokenCollaterals map[string]uint64)
- func (cs *CustodianState) SetHoldingPublicTokens(holdingPublicTokens map[string]uint64)
- func (cs *CustodianState) SetIncognitoAddress(incognitoAddress string)
- func (cs *CustodianState) SetLockedAmountCollateral(lockedAmountCollateral map[string]uint64)
- func (cs *CustodianState) SetLockedTokenCollaterals(lockedTokenCollaterals map[string]map[string]uint64)
- func (cs *CustodianState) SetRemoteAddresses(remoteAddresses map[string]string)
- func (cs *CustodianState) SetRewardAmount(amount map[string]uint64)
- func (cs *CustodianState) SetTotalCollateral(amount uint64)
- func (cs *CustodianState) SetTotalTokenCollaterals(totalTokenCollaterals map[string]uint64)
- func (cs *CustodianState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type CustodianStateObject
- func (t CustodianStateObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (t CustodianStateObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (t CustodianStateObject) GetType() int
- func (t CustodianStateObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (t CustodianStateObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (t CustodianStateObject) GetVersion() int
- func (t CustodianStateObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (t CustodianStateObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (t *CustodianStateObject) MarkDelete()
- func (t *CustodianStateObject) Reset() bool
- func (t *CustodianStateObject) SetError(err error)
- func (t *CustodianStateObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type DatabaseAccessWarper
- type DelegateInfo
- type DelegationRewardObject
- func (rr DelegationRewardObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (rr DelegationRewardObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (rr DelegationRewardObject) GetType() int
- func (rr DelegationRewardObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (rr DelegationRewardObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (rr DelegationRewardObject) GetVersion() int
- func (rr DelegationRewardObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (rr DelegationRewardObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (rr *DelegationRewardObject) MarkDelete()
- func (rr *DelegationRewardObject) Reset() bool
- func (rr *DelegationRewardObject) SetError(err error)
- func (rr *DelegationRewardObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type DelegationRewardState
- type ExternalFeeInfo
- type FinalExchangeRatesDetail
- type FinalExchangeRatesState
- type FinalExchangeRatesStateObject
- func (f FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (f FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (f FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) GetType() int
- func (f FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (f FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (f FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) GetVersion() int
- func (f FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (f FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (f *FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) MarkDelete()
- func (f *FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) Reset() bool
- func (f *FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) SetError(err error)
- func (f *FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type InscriptionNumberObject
- func (object *InscriptionNumberObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (object *InscriptionNumberObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (object *InscriptionNumberObject) GetType() int
- func (object *InscriptionNumberObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (object *InscriptionNumberObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (object *InscriptionNumberObject) GetVersion() int
- func (object *InscriptionNumberObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (object *InscriptionNumberObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (object *InscriptionNumberObject) MarkDelete()
- func (object *InscriptionNumberObject) Reset() bool
- func (object *InscriptionNumberObject) SetError(err error)
- func (object *InscriptionNumberObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type InscriptionNumberState
- func (state *InscriptionNumberState) Clone() *InscriptionNumberState
- func (state *InscriptionNumberState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (state *InscriptionNumberState) Number() uint64
- func (state *InscriptionNumberState) SetNumber(number uint64)
- func (state *InscriptionNumberState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type InscriptionTokenIDObject
- func (object *InscriptionTokenIDObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (object *InscriptionTokenIDObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (object *InscriptionTokenIDObject) GetType() int
- func (object *InscriptionTokenIDObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (object *InscriptionTokenIDObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (object *InscriptionTokenIDObject) GetVersion() int
- func (object *InscriptionTokenIDObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (object *InscriptionTokenIDObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (object *InscriptionTokenIDObject) MarkDelete()
- func (object *InscriptionTokenIDObject) Reset() bool
- func (object *InscriptionTokenIDObject) SetError(err error)
- func (object *InscriptionTokenIDObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type InscriptionTokenIDState
- type LastEpochCommitteeAndPendingInfo
- type LiquidationPool
- type LiquidationPoolDetail
- type LiquidationPoolObject
- func (l LiquidationPoolObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (l LiquidationPoolObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (l LiquidationPoolObject) GetType() int
- func (l LiquidationPoolObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (l LiquidationPoolObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (l LiquidationPoolObject) GetVersion() int
- func (l LiquidationPoolObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (l LiquidationPoolObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (l *LiquidationPoolObject) MarkDelete()
- func (l *LiquidationPoolObject) Reset() bool
- func (l *LiquidationPoolObject) SetError(err error)
- func (l *LiquidationPoolObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type LockedCollateralState
- func (lcs LockedCollateralState) GetLockedCollateralDetail() map[string]uint64
- func (lcs LockedCollateralState) GetTotalLockedCollateralForRewards() uint64
- func (lcs *LockedCollateralState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (lcs *LockedCollateralState) Reset()
- func (lcs *LockedCollateralState) SetLockedCollateralDetail(lockedCollateralDetail map[string]uint64)
- func (lcs *LockedCollateralState) SetTotalLockedCollateralForRewards(amount uint64)
- func (lcs *LockedCollateralState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type LockedCollateralStateObject
- func (t LockedCollateralStateObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (t LockedCollateralStateObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (t LockedCollateralStateObject) GetType() int
- func (t LockedCollateralStateObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (t LockedCollateralStateObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (t LockedCollateralStateObject) GetVersion() int
- func (t LockedCollateralStateObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (t LockedCollateralStateObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (t *LockedCollateralStateObject) MarkDelete()
- func (t *LockedCollateralStateObject) Reset() bool
- func (t *LockedCollateralStateObject) SetError(err error)
- func (t *LockedCollateralStateObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type MatchingPortingCustodianDetail
- type MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail
- func (mc MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail) GetAmount() uint64
- func (mc MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail) GetIncognitoAddress() string
- func (mc MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail) GetRemoteAddress() string
- func (mc MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (mc *MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail) SetAmount(amount uint64)
- func (mc *MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail) SetIncognitoAddress(incognitoAddress string)
- func (mc *MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail) SetRemoteAddress(remoteAddress string)
- func (mc *MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject
- func (ethtx NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (ethtx NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (ethtx NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) GetType() int
- func (ethtx NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (ethtx NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (ethtx NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) GetVersion() int
- func (ethtx NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (ethtx NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (ethtx *NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) MarkDelete()
- func (ethtx *NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) Reset() bool
- func (ethtx *NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) SetError(err error)
- func (ethtx *NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type OTACoinIndexObject
- func (s OTACoinIndexObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (s OTACoinIndexObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (s OTACoinIndexObject) GetType() int
- func (s OTACoinIndexObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (s OTACoinIndexObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (s OTACoinIndexObject) GetVersion() int
- func (s OTACoinIndexObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (s OTACoinIndexObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (s *OTACoinIndexObject) MarkDelete()
- func (s *OTACoinIndexObject) Reset() bool
- func (s *OTACoinIndexObject) SetError(err error)
- func (s *OTACoinIndexObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type OTACoinLengthObject
- func (s OTACoinLengthObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (s OTACoinLengthObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (s OTACoinLengthObject) GetType() int
- func (s OTACoinLengthObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (s OTACoinLengthObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (s OTACoinLengthObject) GetVersion() int
- func (s OTACoinLengthObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (s OTACoinLengthObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (s *OTACoinLengthObject) MarkDelete()
- func (s *OTACoinLengthObject) Reset() bool
- func (s *OTACoinLengthObject) SetError(err error)
- func (s *OTACoinLengthObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type OTACoinObject
- func (s OTACoinObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (s OTACoinObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (s OTACoinObject) GetType() int
- func (s OTACoinObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (s OTACoinObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (s OTACoinObject) GetVersion() int
- func (s OTACoinObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (s OTACoinObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (s *OTACoinObject) MarkDelete()
- func (s *OTACoinObject) Reset() bool
- func (s *OTACoinObject) SetError(err error)
- func (s *OTACoinObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type OTACoinState
- func (ota OTACoinState) Height() []byte
- func (ota OTACoinState) Index() *big.Int
- func (ota *OTACoinState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (ota OTACoinState) OutputCoin() []byte
- func (ota *OTACoinState) SetHeight(height []byte)
- func (ota *OTACoinState) SetIndex(index *big.Int)
- func (ota *OTACoinState) SetOutputCoin(outputCoin []byte)
- func (ota *OTACoinState) SetShardID(shardID byte)
- func (ota *OTACoinState) SetTokenID(tokenID common.Hash)
- func (ota OTACoinState) ShardID() byte
- func (ota OTACoinState) TokenID() common.Hash
- func (ota *OTACoinState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type OnetimeAddressObject
- func (s OnetimeAddressObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (s OnetimeAddressObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (s OnetimeAddressObject) GetType() int
- func (s OnetimeAddressObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (s OnetimeAddressObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (s OnetimeAddressObject) GetVersion() int
- func (s OnetimeAddressObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (s OnetimeAddressObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (s *OnetimeAddressObject) MarkDelete()
- func (s *OnetimeAddressObject) Reset() bool
- func (s *OnetimeAddressObject) SetError(err error)
- func (s *OnetimeAddressObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type OnetimeAddressState
- func (s OnetimeAddressState) Index() *big.Int
- func (s OnetimeAddressState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (s OnetimeAddressState) PublicKey() []byte
- func (s *OnetimeAddressState) SetIndex(index *big.Int)
- func (s *OnetimeAddressState) SetPublicKey(publicKey []byte)
- func (s *OnetimeAddressState) SetStatus(_status int)
- func (s *OnetimeAddressState) SetTokenID(tokenID common.Hash)
- func (s OnetimeAddressState) Status() int
- func (s OnetimeAddressState) TokenID() common.Hash
- func (s *OnetimeAddressState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type OutputCoinObject
- func (s OutputCoinObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (s OutputCoinObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (s OutputCoinObject) GetType() int
- func (s OutputCoinObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (s OutputCoinObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (s OutputCoinObject) GetVersion() int
- func (s OutputCoinObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (s OutputCoinObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (s *OutputCoinObject) MarkDelete()
- func (s *OutputCoinObject) Reset() bool
- func (s *OutputCoinObject) SetError(err error)
- func (s *OutputCoinObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type OutputCoinState
- func (o OutputCoinState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (o *OutputCoinState) OutputCoin() []byte
- func (o OutputCoinState) PublicKey() []byte
- func (o *OutputCoinState) SetOutputCoin(outputCoin []byte)
- func (o *OutputCoinState) SetPublicKey(publicKey []byte)
- func (o *OutputCoinState) SetShardID(shardID byte)
- func (o *OutputCoinState) SetTokenID(tokenID common.Hash)
- func (o OutputCoinState) ShardID() byte
- func (o OutputCoinState) TokenID() common.Hash
- func (o *OutputCoinState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type PDEPoolPairObject
- func (t PDEPoolPairObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (t PDEPoolPairObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (t PDEPoolPairObject) GetType() int
- func (t PDEPoolPairObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (t PDEPoolPairObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (t PDEPoolPairObject) GetVersion() int
- func (t PDEPoolPairObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (t PDEPoolPairObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (t *PDEPoolPairObject) MarkDelete()
- func (t *PDEPoolPairObject) Reset() bool
- func (t *PDEPoolPairObject) SetError(err error)
- func (t *PDEPoolPairObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type PDEPoolPairState
- func (pp PDEPoolPairState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (pp *PDEPoolPairState) SetToken1ID(token1ID string)
- func (pp *PDEPoolPairState) SetToken1PoolValue(token1PoolValue uint64)
- func (pp *PDEPoolPairState) SetToken2ID(token2ID string)
- func (pp *PDEPoolPairState) SetToken2PoolValue(token2PoolValue uint64)
- func (pp PDEPoolPairState) Token1ID() string
- func (pp PDEPoolPairState) Token1PoolValue() uint64
- func (pp PDEPoolPairState) Token2ID() string
- func (pp PDEPoolPairState) Token2PoolValue() uint64
- func (pp *PDEPoolPairState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type PDEShareObject
- func (t PDEShareObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (t PDEShareObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (t PDEShareObject) GetType() int
- func (t PDEShareObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (t PDEShareObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (t PDEShareObject) GetVersion() int
- func (t PDEShareObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (t PDEShareObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (t *PDEShareObject) MarkDelete()
- func (t *PDEShareObject) Reset() bool
- func (t *PDEShareObject) SetError(err error)
- func (t *PDEShareObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type PDEShareState
- func (s PDEShareState) Amount() uint64
- func (s PDEShareState) ContributorAddress() string
- func (s PDEShareState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (s *PDEShareState) SetAmount(amount uint64)
- func (s *PDEShareState) SetContributorAddress(contributorAddress string)
- func (s *PDEShareState) SetToken1ID(token1ID string)
- func (s *PDEShareState) SetToken2ID(token2ID string)
- func (s PDEShareState) Token1ID() string
- func (s PDEShareState) Token2ID() string
- func (s *PDEShareState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type PDEStatusObject
- func (t PDEStatusObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (t PDEStatusObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (t PDEStatusObject) GetType() int
- func (t PDEStatusObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (t PDEStatusObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (t PDEStatusObject) GetVersion() int
- func (t PDEStatusObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (t PDEStatusObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (t *PDEStatusObject) MarkDelete()
- func (t *PDEStatusObject) Reset() bool
- func (t *PDEStatusObject) SetError(err error)
- func (t *PDEStatusObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type PDEStatusState
- func (s PDEStatusState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (s *PDEStatusState) SetStatusContent(statusContent []byte)
- func (s *PDEStatusState) SetStatusSuffix(statusSuffix []byte)
- func (s *PDEStatusState) SetStatusType(statusType []byte)
- func (s PDEStatusState) StatusContent() []byte
- func (s PDEStatusState) StatusSuffix() []byte
- func (s PDEStatusState) StatusType() []byte
- func (s *PDEStatusState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type PDETradingFeeObject
- func (t PDETradingFeeObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (t PDETradingFeeObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (t PDETradingFeeObject) GetType() int
- func (t PDETradingFeeObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (t PDETradingFeeObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (t PDETradingFeeObject) GetVersion() int
- func (t PDETradingFeeObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (t PDETradingFeeObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (t *PDETradingFeeObject) MarkDelete()
- func (t *PDETradingFeeObject) Reset() bool
- func (t *PDETradingFeeObject) SetError(err error)
- func (t *PDETradingFeeObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type PDETradingFeeState
- func (s PDETradingFeeState) Amount() uint64
- func (s *PDETradingFeeState) ContributorAddress() string
- func (s PDETradingFeeState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (s *PDETradingFeeState) SetAmount(amount uint64)
- func (s *PDETradingFeeState) SetToken1ID(token1ID string)
- func (s *PDETradingFeeState) SetToken2ID(token2ID string)
- func (s PDETradingFeeState) Token1ID() string
- func (s PDETradingFeeState) Token2ID() string
- func (s *PDETradingFeeState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type Pdexv3ContributionObject
- func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionObject) GetType() int
- func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionObject) GetVersion() int
- func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionObject) MarkDelete()
- func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionObject) Reset() bool
- func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionObject) SetError(err error)
- func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type Pdexv3ContributionState
- func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionState) Clone() *Pdexv3ContributionState
- func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionState) PairHash() string
- func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionState) Value() rawdbv2.Pdexv3Contribution
- type Pdexv3NftObject
- func (object *Pdexv3NftObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (object *Pdexv3NftObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (object *Pdexv3NftObject) GetType() int
- func (object *Pdexv3NftObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (object *Pdexv3NftObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (object *Pdexv3NftObject) GetVersion() int
- func (object *Pdexv3NftObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3NftObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3NftObject) MarkDelete()
- func (object *Pdexv3NftObject) Reset() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3NftObject) SetError(err error)
- func (object *Pdexv3NftObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type Pdexv3NftState
- type Pdexv3OrderObject
- func (obj *Pdexv3OrderObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (obj *Pdexv3OrderObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (obj *Pdexv3OrderObject) GetType() int
- func (obj *Pdexv3OrderObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (obj *Pdexv3OrderObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (obj *Pdexv3OrderObject) GetVersion() int
- func (obj *Pdexv3OrderObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (obj *Pdexv3OrderObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (obj *Pdexv3OrderObject) MarkDelete()
- func (obj *Pdexv3OrderObject) Reset() bool
- func (obj *Pdexv3OrderObject) SetError(err error)
- func (obj *Pdexv3OrderObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type Pdexv3OrderState
- type Pdexv3Params
- func (pp Pdexv3Params) AutoWithdrawOrderLimitAmount() uint
- func (pp Pdexv3Params) DAOContributingPercent() uint
- func (pp Pdexv3Params) DefaultFeeRateBPS() uint
- func (pp Pdexv3Params) DefaultOrderTradingRewardRatioBPS() uint
- func (pp Pdexv3Params) FeeRateBPS() map[string]uint
- func (pp Pdexv3Params) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (pp Pdexv3Params) MaxOrdersPerNft() uint
- func (pp Pdexv3Params) MinPRVReserveTradingRate() uint64
- func (pp Pdexv3Params) MiningRewardPendingBlocks() uint64
- func (pp Pdexv3Params) MintNftRequireAmount() uint64
- func (pp Pdexv3Params) OrderLiquidityMiningBPS() map[string]uint
- func (pp Pdexv3Params) OrderMiningRewardRatioBPS() map[string]uint
- func (pp Pdexv3Params) OrderTradingRewardRatioBPS() map[string]uint
- func (pp Pdexv3Params) PDEXRewardPoolPairsShare() map[string]uint
- func (pp Pdexv3Params) PRVDiscountPercent() uint
- func (pp Pdexv3Params) StakingPoolsShare() map[string]uint
- func (pp Pdexv3Params) StakingRewardTokens() []common.Hash
- func (pp Pdexv3Params) TradingProtocolFeePercent() uint
- func (pp Pdexv3Params) TradingStakingPoolRewardPercent() uint
- func (pp *Pdexv3Params) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type Pdexv3ParamsObject
- func (t Pdexv3ParamsObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (t Pdexv3ParamsObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (t Pdexv3ParamsObject) GetType() int
- func (t Pdexv3ParamsObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (t Pdexv3ParamsObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (t Pdexv3ParamsObject) GetVersion() int
- func (t Pdexv3ParamsObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (t Pdexv3ParamsObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (t *Pdexv3ParamsObject) MarkDelete()
- func (t *Pdexv3ParamsObject) Reset() bool
- func (t *Pdexv3ParamsObject) SetError(err error)
- func (t *Pdexv3ParamsObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) GetType() int
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) GetVersion() int
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) MarkDelete()
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) Reset() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) SetError(err error)
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState) Amount() uint64
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState) BeaconHeight() uint64
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState) Clone() *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState) NftID() string
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) GetType() int
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) GetVersion() int
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) MarkDelete()
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) Reset() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) SetError(err error)
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState) Clone() *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState) TokenID() common.Hash
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState) Value() big.Int
- type Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) GetType() int
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) GetVersion() int
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) MarkDelete()
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) Reset() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) SetError(err error)
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState) Clone() *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState) TokenID() common.Hash
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState) Value() big.Int
- type Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) GetType() int
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) GetVersion() int
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) MarkDelete()
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) Reset() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) SetError(err error)
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState) Clone() *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState) NftID() string
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState) TokenID() common.Hash
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState) Value() big.Int
- type Pdexv3PoolPairObject
- func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairObject) GetType() int
- func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairObject) GetVersion() int
- func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairObject) MarkDelete()
- func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairObject) Reset() bool
- func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairObject) SetError(err error)
- func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) GetType() int
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) GetVersion() int
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) MarkDelete()
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) Reset() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) SetError(err error)
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState) Clone() *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState) NftID() string
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState) TokenID() common.Hash
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState) Value() uint64
- type Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) GetType() int
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) GetVersion() int
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) MarkDelete()
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) Reset() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) SetError(err error)
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState) Clone() *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState) TokenID() common.Hash
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState) Value() uint64
- type Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) GetType() int
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) GetVersion() int
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) MarkDelete()
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) Reset() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) SetError(err error)
- func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState) Clone() *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState) TokenID() common.Hash
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState) Value() uint64
- type Pdexv3PoolPairState
- type Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) GetType() int
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) GetVersion() int
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) MarkDelete()
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) Reset() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) SetError(err error)
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState
- func (state *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState) Clone() *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState
- func (state *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (state *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState) TokenID() common.Hash
- func (state *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (state *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState) Value() big.Int
- type Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) GetType() int
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) GetVersion() int
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) MarkDelete()
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) Reset() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) SetError(err error)
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState
- func (state *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState) Clone() *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState
- func (state *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (state *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState) TokenID() common.Hash
- func (state *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (state *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState) Value() big.Int
- type Pdexv3ShareObject
- func (ps *Pdexv3ShareObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (ps *Pdexv3ShareObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (ps *Pdexv3ShareObject) GetType() int
- func (ps *Pdexv3ShareObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (ps *Pdexv3ShareObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (ps *Pdexv3ShareObject) GetVersion() int
- func (ps *Pdexv3ShareObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (ps *Pdexv3ShareObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (ps *Pdexv3ShareObject) MarkDelete()
- func (ps *Pdexv3ShareObject) Reset() bool
- func (ps *Pdexv3ShareObject) SetError(err error)
- func (ps *Pdexv3ShareObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type Pdexv3ShareState
- func (ps *Pdexv3ShareState) Amount() uint64
- func (ps *Pdexv3ShareState) Clone() *Pdexv3ShareState
- func (ps *Pdexv3ShareState) LmLockedAmount() uint64
- func (ps *Pdexv3ShareState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (ps *Pdexv3ShareState) NftID() common.Hash
- func (ps *Pdexv3ShareState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) GetType() int
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) GetVersion() int
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) MarkDelete()
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) Reset() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) SetError(err error)
- func (object *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeState
- func (state *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeState) Clone() *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeState
- func (state *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (state *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeState) TokenID() common.Hash
- func (state *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (state *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeState) Value() uint64
- type Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) GetType() int
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) GetVersion() int
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) MarkDelete()
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) Reset() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) SetError(err error)
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState
- func (state *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState) Clone() *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState
- func (state *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (state *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState) TokenID() common.Hash
- func (state *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (state *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState) Value() big.Int
- type Pdexv3StakerObject
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerObject) GetType() int
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerObject) GetVersion() int
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerObject) MarkDelete()
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerObject) Reset() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerObject) SetError(err error)
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type Pdexv3StakerRewardObject
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) GetType() int
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) GetVersion() int
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) MarkDelete()
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) Reset() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) SetError(err error)
- func (object *Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type Pdexv3StakerRewardState
- func (state *Pdexv3StakerRewardState) Clone() *Pdexv3StakerRewardState
- func (state *Pdexv3StakerRewardState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (state *Pdexv3StakerRewardState) TokenID() common.Hash
- func (state *Pdexv3StakerRewardState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (state *Pdexv3StakerRewardState) Value() uint64
- type Pdexv3StakerState
- type Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject
- func (object *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (object *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (object *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) GetType() int
- func (object *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (object *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (object *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) GetVersion() int
- func (object *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) MarkDelete()
- func (object *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) Reset() bool
- func (object *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) SetError(err error)
- func (object *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState
- func (state *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState) Clone() *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState
- func (state *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (state *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState) TokenID() common.Hash
- func (state *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (state *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState) Value() big.Int
- type Pdexv3StatusObject
- func (t Pdexv3StatusObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (t Pdexv3StatusObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (t Pdexv3StatusObject) GetType() int
- func (t Pdexv3StatusObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (t Pdexv3StatusObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (t Pdexv3StatusObject) GetVersion() int
- func (t Pdexv3StatusObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (t Pdexv3StatusObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (t *Pdexv3StatusObject) MarkDelete()
- func (t *Pdexv3StatusObject) Reset() bool
- func (t *Pdexv3StatusObject) SetError(err error)
- func (t *Pdexv3StatusObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type Pdexv3StatusState
- func (s Pdexv3StatusState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (s *Pdexv3StatusState) SetStatusContent(statusContent []byte)
- func (s *Pdexv3StatusState) SetStatusSuffix(statusSuffix []byte)
- func (s *Pdexv3StatusState) SetStatusType(statusType []byte)
- func (s Pdexv3StatusState) StatusContent() []byte
- func (s Pdexv3StatusState) StatusSuffix() []byte
- func (s Pdexv3StatusState) StatusType() []byte
- func (s *Pdexv3StatusState) ToString() string
- func (s *Pdexv3StatusState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type PortalConfirmProofState
- func (b PortalConfirmProofState) Height() uint64
- func (b *PortalConfirmProofState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (b *PortalConfirmProofState) SetHeight(height uint64)
- func (b *PortalConfirmProofState) SetTxID(txID common.Hash)
- func (b PortalConfirmProofState) TxID() common.Hash
- func (b *PortalConfirmProofState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type PortalExternalTxState
- type PortalExternalTxStateObject
- func (extTx PortalExternalTxStateObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (extTx PortalExternalTxStateObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (extTx PortalExternalTxStateObject) GetType() int
- func (extTx PortalExternalTxStateObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (extTx PortalExternalTxStateObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (extTx PortalExternalTxStateObject) GetVersion() int
- func (extTx PortalExternalTxStateObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (extTx PortalExternalTxStateObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (extTx *PortalExternalTxStateObject) MarkDelete()
- func (extTx *PortalExternalTxStateObject) Reset() bool
- func (extTx *PortalExternalTxStateObject) SetError(err error)
- func (extTx *PortalExternalTxStateObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type PortalRewardInfo
- func (p *PortalRewardInfo) AddPortalRewardInfo(tokenID string, amount uint64)
- func (p PortalRewardInfo) GetRewards() map[string]uint64
- func (p *PortalRewardInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (p *PortalRewardInfo) SetRewards(rewards map[string]uint64)
- func (p *PortalRewardInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type PortalRewardInfoObject
- func (t PortalRewardInfoObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (t PortalRewardInfoObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (t PortalRewardInfoObject) GetType() int
- func (t PortalRewardInfoObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (t PortalRewardInfoObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (t PortalRewardInfoObject) GetVersion() int
- func (t PortalRewardInfoObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (t PortalRewardInfoObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (t *PortalRewardInfoObject) MarkDelete()
- func (t *PortalRewardInfoObject) Reset() bool
- func (t *PortalRewardInfoObject) SetError(err error)
- func (t *PortalRewardInfoObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type PortalStatusObject
- func (t PortalStatusObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (t PortalStatusObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (t PortalStatusObject) GetType() int
- func (t PortalStatusObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (t PortalStatusObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (t PortalStatusObject) GetVersion() int
- func (t PortalStatusObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (t PortalStatusObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (t *PortalStatusObject) MarkDelete()
- func (t *PortalStatusObject) Reset() bool
- func (t *PortalStatusObject) SetError(err error)
- func (t *PortalStatusObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type PortalStatusState
- func (s *PortalStatusState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (s *PortalStatusState) SetStatusContent(statusContent []byte)
- func (s *PortalStatusState) SetStatusSuffix(statusSuffix []byte)
- func (s *PortalStatusState) SetStatusType(statusType []byte)
- func (s PortalStatusState) StatusContent() []byte
- func (s PortalStatusState) StatusSuffix() []byte
- func (s PortalStatusState) StatusType() []byte
- func (s *PortalStatusState) ToString() string
- func (s *PortalStatusState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type PortalV4StatusObject
- func (t PortalV4StatusObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (t PortalV4StatusObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (t PortalV4StatusObject) GetType() int
- func (t PortalV4StatusObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (t PortalV4StatusObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (t PortalV4StatusObject) GetVersion() int
- func (t PortalV4StatusObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (t PortalV4StatusObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (t *PortalV4StatusObject) MarkDelete()
- func (t *PortalV4StatusObject) Reset() bool
- func (t *PortalV4StatusObject) SetError(err error)
- func (t *PortalV4StatusObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type PortalV4StatusState
- func (s PortalV4StatusState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (s *PortalV4StatusState) SetStatusContent(statusContent []byte)
- func (s *PortalV4StatusState) SetStatusSuffix(statusSuffix []byte)
- func (s *PortalV4StatusState) SetStatusType(statusType []byte)
- func (s PortalV4StatusState) StatusContent() []byte
- func (s PortalV4StatusState) StatusSuffix() []byte
- func (s PortalV4StatusState) StatusType() []byte
- func (s *PortalV4StatusState) ToString() string
- func (s *PortalV4StatusState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject
- func (t ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (t ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (t ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) GetType() int
- func (t ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (t ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (t ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) GetVersion() int
- func (t ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (t ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (t *ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) MarkDelete()
- func (t *ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) Reset() bool
- func (t *ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) SetError(err error)
- func (t *ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch
- func (us *ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) GetBatchID() string
- func (us *ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) GetExternalFees() map[uint64]ExternalFeeInfo
- func (us *ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) GetUTXOs() []*UTXO
- func (us *ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) GetUnshieldRequests() []string
- func (rq ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (us *ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) SetBatchID(batchID string)
- func (us *ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) SetExternalFees(externalFees map[uint64]ExternalFeeInfo)
- func (us *ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) SetUTXOs(newUTXOs []*UTXO)
- func (us *ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) SetUnshieldRequests(usRequests []string)
- func (rq *ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type RedeemRequest
- func (rq RedeemRequest) GetBeaconHeight() uint64
- func (rq RedeemRequest) GetCustodians() []*MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail
- func (rq RedeemRequest) GetRedeemAmount() uint64
- func (rq RedeemRequest) GetRedeemFee() uint64
- func (rq RedeemRequest) GetRedeemerAddress() string
- func (rq *RedeemRequest) GetRedeemerExternalAddress() string
- func (rq RedeemRequest) GetRedeemerRemoteAddress() string
- func (rq RedeemRequest) GetTokenID() string
- func (rq RedeemRequest) GetTxReqID() common.Hash
- func (rq RedeemRequest) GetUniqueRedeemID() string
- func (rq *RedeemRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (rq *RedeemRequest) SetBeaconHeight(beaconHeight uint64)
- func (rq *RedeemRequest) SetCustodians(custodians []*MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail)
- func (rq *RedeemRequest) SetRedeemAmount(redeemAmount uint64)
- func (rq *RedeemRequest) SetRedeemFee(redeemFee uint64)
- func (rq *RedeemRequest) SetRedeemerAddress(redeemerAddress string)
- func (rq *RedeemRequest) SetRedeemerExternalAddress(redeemerAddress string)
- func (rq *RedeemRequest) SetRedeemerRemoteAddress(redeemerRemoteAddress string)
- func (rq *RedeemRequest) SetShardHeight(shardHeight uint64)
- func (rq *RedeemRequest) SetShardID(shardID byte)
- func (rq *RedeemRequest) SetTokenID(tokenID string)
- func (rq *RedeemRequest) SetTxReqID(txReqID common.Hash)
- func (rq *RedeemRequest) SetUniqueRedeemID(uniqueRedeemID string)
- func (rq RedeemRequest) ShardHeight() uint64
- func (rq RedeemRequest) ShardID() byte
- func (rq *RedeemRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type RedeemRequestObject
- func (t RedeemRequestObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (t RedeemRequestObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (t RedeemRequestObject) GetType() int
- func (t RedeemRequestObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (t RedeemRequestObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (t RedeemRequestObject) GetVersion() int
- func (t RedeemRequestObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (t RedeemRequestObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (t *RedeemRequestObject) MarkDelete()
- func (t *RedeemRequestObject) Reset() bool
- func (t *RedeemRequestObject) SetError(err error)
- func (t *RedeemRequestObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type RewardFeatureState
- func GetAllRewardFeatureState(stateDB *StateDB, epoch uint64) (*RewardFeatureState, error)
- func GetRewardFeatureStateByFeatureName(stateDB *StateDB, featureName string, epoch uint64) (*RewardFeatureState, error)
- func NewRewardFeatureState() *RewardFeatureState
- func NewRewardFeatureStateWithValue(totalRewards map[string]uint64) *RewardFeatureState
- func (rfs *RewardFeatureState) AddTotalRewards(tokenID string, amount uint64)
- func (rfs RewardFeatureState) GetTotalRewards() map[string]uint64
- func (rfs RewardFeatureState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (rfs *RewardFeatureState) ResetTotalRewardByTokenID(tokenID string)
- func (rfs *RewardFeatureState) SetTotalRewards(totalRewards map[string]uint64)
- func (rfs *RewardFeatureState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type RewardFeatureStateObject
- func (t RewardFeatureStateObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (t RewardFeatureStateObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (t RewardFeatureStateObject) GetType() int
- func (t RewardFeatureStateObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (t RewardFeatureStateObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (t RewardFeatureStateObject) GetVersion() int
- func (t RewardFeatureStateObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (t RewardFeatureStateObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (t *RewardFeatureStateObject) MarkDelete()
- func (t *RewardFeatureStateObject) Reset() bool
- func (t *RewardFeatureStateObject) SetError(err error)
- func (t *RewardFeatureStateObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type RewardRequestMultisetObject
- func (rr RewardRequestMultisetObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (rr RewardRequestMultisetObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (rr RewardRequestMultisetObject) GetType() int
- func (rr RewardRequestMultisetObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (rr RewardRequestMultisetObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (rr RewardRequestMultisetObject) GetVersion() int
- func (rr RewardRequestMultisetObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (rr RewardRequestMultisetObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (rr *RewardRequestMultisetObject) MarkDelete()
- func (rr *RewardRequestMultisetObject) Reset() bool
- func (rr *RewardRequestMultisetObject) SetError(err error)
- func (rr *RewardRequestMultisetObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type RewardRequestMultisetState
- func (rr RewardRequestMultisetState) Amount() uint64
- func (rr RewardRequestMultisetState) Epoch() uint64
- func (c RewardRequestMultisetState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (rr *RewardRequestMultisetState) SetAmount(amount uint64)
- func (rr *RewardRequestMultisetState) SetEpoch(epoch uint64)
- func (rr *RewardRequestMultisetState) SetShardID(shardID byte)
- func (rr *RewardRequestMultisetState) SetSubsetID(subsetID byte)
- func (rr *RewardRequestMultisetState) SetTokenID(tokenID common.Hash)
- func (rr RewardRequestMultisetState) ShardID() byte
- func (rr RewardRequestMultisetState) SubsetID() byte
- func (rr RewardRequestMultisetState) TokenID() common.Hash
- func (c *RewardRequestMultisetState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type RewardRequestObject
- func (rr RewardRequestObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (rr RewardRequestObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (rr RewardRequestObject) GetType() int
- func (rr RewardRequestObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (rr RewardRequestObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (rr RewardRequestObject) GetVersion() int
- func (rr RewardRequestObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (rr RewardRequestObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (rr *RewardRequestObject) MarkDelete()
- func (rr *RewardRequestObject) Reset() bool
- func (rr *RewardRequestObject) SetError(err error)
- func (rr *RewardRequestObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type RewardRequestState
- func (rr RewardRequestState) Amount() uint64
- func (rr RewardRequestState) Epoch() uint64
- func (c RewardRequestState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (rr *RewardRequestState) SetAmount(amount uint64)
- func (rr *RewardRequestState) SetEpoch(epoch uint64)
- func (rr *RewardRequestState) SetShardID(shardID byte)
- func (rr *RewardRequestState) SetTokenID(tokenID common.Hash)
- func (rr RewardRequestState) ShardID() byte
- func (rr RewardRequestState) TokenID() common.Hash
- func (c *RewardRequestState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type SNDerivatorObject
- func (s SNDerivatorObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (s SNDerivatorObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (s SNDerivatorObject) GetType() int
- func (s SNDerivatorObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (s SNDerivatorObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (s SNDerivatorObject) GetVersion() int
- func (s SNDerivatorObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (s SNDerivatorObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (s *SNDerivatorObject) MarkDelete()
- func (s *SNDerivatorObject) Reset() bool
- func (s *SNDerivatorObject) SetError(err error)
- func (s *SNDerivatorObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type SNDerivatorState
- func (s SNDerivatorState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (s *SNDerivatorState) SetSnd(snd []byte)
- func (s *SNDerivatorState) SetTokenID(tokenID common.Hash)
- func (s SNDerivatorState) Snd() []byte
- func (s SNDerivatorState) TokenID() common.Hash
- func (s *SNDerivatorState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type SerialNumberObject
- func (s SerialNumberObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (s SerialNumberObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (s SerialNumberObject) GetType() int
- func (s SerialNumberObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (s SerialNumberObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (s SerialNumberObject) GetVersion() int
- func (s SerialNumberObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (s SerialNumberObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (s *SerialNumberObject) MarkDelete()
- func (s *SerialNumberObject) Reset() bool
- func (s *SerialNumberObject) SetError(err error)
- func (s *SerialNumberObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type SerialNumberState
- func (s SerialNumberState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (s SerialNumberState) SerialNumber() []byte
- func (s *SerialNumberState) SetSerialNumber(serialNumber []byte)
- func (s *SerialNumberState) SetShardID(shardID byte)
- func (s *SerialNumberState) SetTokenID(tokenID common.Hash)
- func (s SerialNumberState) ShardID() byte
- func (s SerialNumberState) TokenID() common.Hash
- func (s *SerialNumberState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type ShieldingRequest
- func (pr *ShieldingRequest) GetAmount() uint64
- func (pr *ShieldingRequest) GetExternalTxHash() string
- func (pr *ShieldingRequest) GetIncAddress() string
- func (pr *ShieldingRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (pr *ShieldingRequest) SetAmount(amount uint64)
- func (pr *ShieldingRequest) SetExternalTxHash(txHash string)
- func (pr *ShieldingRequest) SetIncAddress(incAddress string)
- func (pr *ShieldingRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type ShieldingRequestObject
- func (t ShieldingRequestObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (t ShieldingRequestObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (t ShieldingRequestObject) GetType() int
- func (t ShieldingRequestObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (t ShieldingRequestObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (t ShieldingRequestObject) GetVersion() int
- func (t ShieldingRequestObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (t ShieldingRequestObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (t *ShieldingRequestObject) MarkDelete()
- func (t *ShieldingRequestObject) Reset() bool
- func (t *ShieldingRequestObject) SetError(err error)
- func (t *ShieldingRequestObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type SlashingCommitteeObject
- func (c SlashingCommitteeObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (c SlashingCommitteeObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (c SlashingCommitteeObject) GetType() int
- func (c SlashingCommitteeObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (c SlashingCommitteeObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (c SlashingCommitteeObject) GetVersion() int
- func (c SlashingCommitteeObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (c SlashingCommitteeObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (c *SlashingCommitteeObject) MarkDelete()
- func (c *SlashingCommitteeObject) Reset() bool
- func (c *SlashingCommitteeObject) SetError(err error)
- func (c *SlashingCommitteeObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type SlashingCommitteeState
- func (s *SlashingCommitteeState) Committees() []string
- func (s *SlashingCommitteeState) Epoch() uint64
- func (s SlashingCommitteeState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (s *SlashingCommitteeState) SetCommittees(committees []string)
- func (s *SlashingCommitteeState) SetEpoch(epoch uint64)
- func (s *SlashingCommitteeState) SetShardID(shardID byte)
- func (s *SlashingCommitteeState) ShardID() byte
- func (s *SlashingCommitteeState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type StakerInfo
- func (s StakerInfo) AutoStaking() bool
- func (s StakerInfo) BeaconConfirmHeight() uint64
- func (s *StakerInfo) GetDelegate() string
- func (s *StakerInfo) GetDelegateUID() string
- func (c StakerInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (s StakerInfo) RewardReceiver() key.PaymentAddress
- func (s *StakerInfo) SetAutoStaking(a bool)
- func (s *StakerInfo) SetDelegate(pk string, uID string, height uint64)
- func (s *StakerInfo) SetRewardReceiver(r key.PaymentAddress)
- func (s *StakerInfo) SetTxStakingID(t common.Hash)
- func (s StakerInfo) TxStakingID() common.Hash
- func (c *StakerInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type StakerInfoSlashingVersion
- type StakerObject
- func (c StakerObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (c StakerObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (c StakerObject) GetType() int
- func (c StakerObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (c StakerObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (c StakerObject) GetVersion() int
- func (c StakerObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (c StakerObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (c *StakerObject) MarkDelete()
- func (c *StakerObject) Reset() bool
- func (c *StakerObject) SetError(err error)
- func (c *StakerObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type StakingInfo
- type StakingTxInfo
- type StateDB
- func (stateDB *StateDB) ClearObjects()
- func (stateDB *StateDB) Commit(deleteEmptyObjects bool) (common.Hash, error)
- func (stateDB *StateDB) Copy() *StateDB
- func (stateDB *StateDB) Database() DatabaseAccessWarper
- func (stateDB *StateDB) Empty(objectType int, stateObjectHash common.Hash) bool
- func (stateDB *StateDB) Error() error
- func (stateDB *StateDB) Exist(objectType int, stateObjectHash common.Hash) (bool, error)
- func (beaconConsensusStateDB *StateDB) GetAllStakingTX(ids []int) (map[string]string, error)
- func (stateDB *StateDB) GetIterator() *trie.Iterator
- func (stateDB *StateDB) GetStateObjectMapForTestOnly() map[common.Hash]StateObject
- func (stateDB *StateDB) GetStateObjectPendingMapForTestOnly() map[common.Hash]struct{}
- func (stateDB *StateDB) IntermediateRoot(deleteEmptyObjects bool) common.Hash
- func (stateDB *StateDB) IterateWithStaker(prefix []byte) []*StakerInfo
- func (stateDB *StateDB) MarkDeleteStateObject(objectType int, key common.Hash) bool
- func (stateDB *StateDB) Recheck() error
- func (stateDB *StateDB) Reset(root common.Hash) error
- func (stateDB *StateDB) Retrieve(shouldAddToStateBloom bool, shouldDelete bool, stateBloom *trie.StateBloom, ...) (map[common.Hash]struct{}, error)
- func (stateDB *StateDB) SetStateObject(objectType int, key common.Hash, value interface{}) error
- type StateObject
- type StateObjectValidation
- type StatedbError
- type TestObject
- func (s *TestObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (s *TestObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (s *TestObject) GetType() int
- func (s *TestObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (s *TestObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (s *TestObject) GetVersion() int
- func (s *TestObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (s *TestObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (s *TestObject) MarkDelete()
- func (s *TestObject) Reset() bool
- func (s *TestObject) SetError(err error)
- func (s *TestObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type TokenObject
- func (t TokenObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (t TokenObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (t TokenObject) GetType() int
- func (t TokenObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (t TokenObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (t TokenObject) GetVersion() int
- func (t TokenObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (t TokenObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (t *TokenObject) MarkDelete()
- func (t *TokenObject) Reset() bool
- func (t *TokenObject) SetError(err error)
- func (t *TokenObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type TokenState
- func GetPrivacyTokenState(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash) (*TokenState, bool, error)
- func NewTokenState() *TokenState
- func NewTokenStateForInitToken(tokenID common.Hash, initTx common.Hash) *TokenState
- func NewTokenStateWithValue(tokenID common.Hash, propertyName string, propertySymbol string, tokenType int, ...) *TokenState
- func (t *TokenState) AddTxs(txs []common.Hash)
- func (t TokenState) Amount() uint64
- func (t *TokenState) Info() []byte
- func (t TokenState) InitTx() common.Hash
- func (t TokenState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (t TokenState) Mintable() bool
- func (t TokenState) PropertyName() string
- func (t TokenState) PropertySymbol() string
- func (t *TokenState) SetAmount(amount uint64)
- func (t *TokenState) SetInfo(info []byte)
- func (t *TokenState) SetInitTx(initTx common.Hash)
- func (t *TokenState) SetMintable(mintable bool)
- func (t *TokenState) SetPropertyName(propertyName string)
- func (t *TokenState) SetPropertySymbol(propertySymbol string)
- func (t *TokenState) SetTokenID(tokenID common.Hash)
- func (t *TokenState) SetTokenType(tokenType int)
- func (t *TokenState) SetTxs(txs []common.Hash)
- func (t TokenState) TokenID() common.Hash
- func (t TokenState) TokenType() int
- func (t TokenState) Txs() []common.Hash
- func (t *TokenState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type TokenTransactionObject
- func (t TokenTransactionObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (t TokenTransactionObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (t TokenTransactionObject) GetType() int
- func (t TokenTransactionObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (t TokenTransactionObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (t TokenTransactionObject) GetVersion() int
- func (t TokenTransactionObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (t TokenTransactionObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (t *TokenTransactionObject) MarkDelete()
- func (t *TokenTransactionObject) Reset() bool
- func (t *TokenTransactionObject) SetError(err error)
- func (t *TokenTransactionObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type TokenTransactionState
- type Trie
- type UTXO
- func (uo *UTXO) GetChainCodeSeed() string
- func (uo *UTXO) GetOutputAmount() uint64
- func (uo *UTXO) GetOutputIndex() uint32
- func (uo *UTXO) GetTxHash() string
- func (uo *UTXO) GetWalletAddress() string
- func (uo *UTXO) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (uo *UTXO) SetChainCodeSeed(chainCodeSeed string)
- func (uo *UTXO) SetOutputAmount(amount uint64)
- func (uo *UTXO) SetOutputIndex(index uint32)
- func (uo *UTXO) SetTxHash(txHash string)
- func (uo *UTXO) SetWalletAddress(address string)
- func (uo *UTXO) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type UTXOObject
- func (t UTXOObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (t UTXOObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (t UTXOObject) GetType() int
- func (t UTXOObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (t UTXOObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (t UTXOObject) GetVersion() int
- func (t UTXOObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (t UTXOObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (t *UTXOObject) MarkDelete()
- func (t *UTXOObject) Reset() bool
- func (t *UTXOObject) SetError(err error)
- func (t *UTXOObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type UnlockOverRateCollaterals
- func (u *UnlockOverRateCollaterals) GetCustodianAddress() string
- func (u *UnlockOverRateCollaterals) GetTokenID() string
- func (u *UnlockOverRateCollaterals) GetUnlockAmount() map[string]uint64
- func (u *UnlockOverRateCollaterals) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (u *UnlockOverRateCollaterals) SetCustodianAddress(cusAddress string)
- func (u *UnlockOverRateCollaterals) SetTokenID(tokenID string)
- func (u *UnlockOverRateCollaterals) SetUnlockAmount(unlockAmount map[string]uint64)
- func (u *UnlockOverRateCollaterals) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject
- func (u UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (u UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (u UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) GetType() int
- func (u UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (u UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (u UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) GetVersion() int
- func (u UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (u UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (u *UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) MarkDelete()
- func (u *UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) Reset() bool
- func (u *UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) SetError(err error)
- func (u *UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type WaitingPDEContributionObject
- func (t WaitingPDEContributionObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (t WaitingPDEContributionObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (t WaitingPDEContributionObject) GetType() int
- func (t WaitingPDEContributionObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (t WaitingPDEContributionObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (t WaitingPDEContributionObject) GetVersion() int
- func (t WaitingPDEContributionObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (t WaitingPDEContributionObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (t *WaitingPDEContributionObject) MarkDelete()
- func (t *WaitingPDEContributionObject) Reset() bool
- func (t *WaitingPDEContributionObject) SetError(err error)
- func (t *WaitingPDEContributionObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type WaitingPDEContributionState
- func (wc WaitingPDEContributionState) Amount() uint64
- func (wc WaitingPDEContributionState) ContributorAddress() string
- func (wc WaitingPDEContributionState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (wc WaitingPDEContributionState) PairID() string
- func (wc *WaitingPDEContributionState) SetAmount(amount uint64)
- func (wc *WaitingPDEContributionState) SetContributorAddress(contributorAddress string)
- func (wc *WaitingPDEContributionState) SetPairID(pairID string)
- func (wc *WaitingPDEContributionState) SetTokenID(tokenID string)
- func (wc *WaitingPDEContributionState) SetTxReqID(txReqID common.Hash)
- func (wc WaitingPDEContributionState) TokenID() string
- func (wc WaitingPDEContributionState) TxReqID() common.Hash
- func (wc *WaitingPDEContributionState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type WaitingPortingRequest
- func (w WaitingPortingRequest) Amount() uint64
- func (w WaitingPortingRequest) BeaconHeight() uint64
- func (w WaitingPortingRequest) Custodians() []*MatchingPortingCustodianDetail
- func (w *WaitingPortingRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (w WaitingPortingRequest) PorterAddress() string
- func (w WaitingPortingRequest) PortingFee() uint64
- func (w *WaitingPortingRequest) SetAmount(amount uint64)
- func (w *WaitingPortingRequest) SetBeaconHeight(beaconHeight uint64)
- func (w *WaitingPortingRequest) SetCustodians(custodians []*MatchingPortingCustodianDetail)
- func (w *WaitingPortingRequest) SetPorterAddress(porterAddress string)
- func (w *WaitingPortingRequest) SetPortingFee(portingFee uint64)
- func (w *WaitingPortingRequest) SetShardHeight(shardHeight uint64)
- func (w *WaitingPortingRequest) SetShardID(shardID byte)
- func (w *WaitingPortingRequest) SetTokenID(tokenID string)
- func (w *WaitingPortingRequest) SetTxReqID(txReqID common.Hash)
- func (w *WaitingPortingRequest) SetUniquePortingID(uniquePortingID string)
- func (w WaitingPortingRequest) ShardHeight() uint64
- func (w WaitingPortingRequest) ShardID() byte
- func (w WaitingPortingRequest) TokenID() string
- func (w WaitingPortingRequest) TxReqID() common.Hash
- func (w WaitingPortingRequest) UniquePortingID() string
- func (w *WaitingPortingRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type WaitingPortingRequestObject
- func (l WaitingPortingRequestObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (l WaitingPortingRequestObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (l WaitingPortingRequestObject) GetType() int
- func (l WaitingPortingRequestObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (l WaitingPortingRequestObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (l WaitingPortingRequestObject) GetVersion() int
- func (l WaitingPortingRequestObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (l WaitingPortingRequestObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (l *WaitingPortingRequestObject) MarkDelete()
- func (l *WaitingPortingRequestObject) Reset() bool
- func (l *WaitingPortingRequestObject) SetError(err error)
- func (l *WaitingPortingRequestObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type WaitingUnshieldObject
- func (t WaitingUnshieldObject) GetHash() common.Hash
- func (t WaitingUnshieldObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
- func (t WaitingUnshieldObject) GetType() int
- func (t WaitingUnshieldObject) GetValue() interface{}
- func (t WaitingUnshieldObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
- func (t WaitingUnshieldObject) GetVersion() int
- func (t WaitingUnshieldObject) IsDeleted() bool
- func (t WaitingUnshieldObject) IsEmpty() bool
- func (t *WaitingUnshieldObject) MarkDelete()
- func (t *WaitingUnshieldObject) Reset() bool
- func (t *WaitingUnshieldObject) SetError(err error)
- func (t *WaitingUnshieldObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
- type WaitingUnshieldReqData
- type WaitingUnshieldRequest
- func (us *WaitingUnshieldRequest) GetAmount() uint64
- func (us *WaitingUnshieldRequest) GetBeaconHeight() uint64
- func (us *WaitingUnshieldRequest) GetRemoteAddress() string
- func (us *WaitingUnshieldRequest) GetUnshieldID() string
- func (us WaitingUnshieldRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (us *WaitingUnshieldRequest) SetAmount(amount uint64)
- func (us *WaitingUnshieldRequest) SetBeaconHeight(beaconHeight uint64)
- func (us *WaitingUnshieldRequest) SetRemoteAddress(remoteAddress string)
- func (us *WaitingUnshieldRequest) SetUnshieldID(unshieldID string)
- func (us *WaitingUnshieldRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
Constants ¶
const ( TestObjectType = 0 CommitteeObjectType = 1 CommitteeRewardObjectType = 2 RewardRequestObjectType = 3 BlackListProducerObjectType = 4 SerialNumberObjectType = 5 CommitmentObjectType = 6 CommitmentIndexObjectType = 7 CommitmentLengthObjectType = 8 SNDerivatorObjectType = 9 OutputCoinObjectType = 10 OTACoinObjectType = 11 OTACoinIndexObjectType = 12 OTACoinLengthObjectType = 13 OnetimeAddressObjectType = 14 TokenObjectType = 15 WaitingPDEContributionObjectType = 16 PDEPoolPairObjectType = 17 PDEStatusObjectType = 19 BridgeEthTxObjectType = 20 BridgeTokenInfoObjectType = 21 BridgeStatusObjectType = 22 BurningConfirmObjectType = 23 TokenTransactionObjectType = 24 // portal //final exchange rates PortalFinalExchangeRatesStateObjectType = 25 //waiting porting request PortalWaitingPortingRequestObjectType = 26 //liquidation PortalLiquidationPoolObjectType = 27 PortalStatusObjectType = 28 CustodianStateObjectType = 29 WaitingRedeemRequestObjectType = 30 PortalRewardInfoObjectType = 31 LockedCollateralStateObjectType = 32 RewardFeatureStateObjectType = 33 // PDEX v2 PDETradingFeeObjectType = 34 ShardStakerObjectType = 35 BeaconStakerObjectType = 79 CommitteeDataObjectType = 82 DelegatorObjectType = 78 DelegationRewardObjectType = 85 // Portal v3 PortalExternalTxObjectType = 36 PortalConfirmProofObjectType = 37 PortalUnlockOverRateCollaterals = 38 SlashingCommitteeObjectType = 39 // bsc bridge BridgeBSCTxObjectType = 40 // Portal v4 PortalV4StatusObjectType = 41 PortalV4UTXOObjectType = 42 PortalV4ShieldRequestObjectType = 43 PortalWaitingUnshieldObjectType = 44 PortalProcessedUnshieldRequestBatchObjectType = 45 RewardRequestV3ObjectType = 46 // PRV EVM bridge BridgePRVEVMObjectType = 47 // Polygon bridge BridgePLGTxObjectType = 66 // Fantom bridge BridgeFTMTxObjectType = 70 // Fantom bridge BridgeAURORATxObjectType = 80 // Fantom bridge BridgeAVAXTxObjectType = 81 // pDex v3 Pdexv3StatusObjectType = 48 Pdexv3ParamsObjectType = 49 Pdexv3ContributionObjectType = 50 Pdexv3PoolPairObjectType = 51 Pdexv3NftObjectType = 53 Pdexv3OrderObjectType = 54 Pdexv3StakerObjectType = 55 Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObjectType = 57 Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObjectType = 58 Pdexv3StakerRewardObjectType = 62 Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObjectType = 64 Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObjectType = 65 // bridge agg BridgeAggStatusObjectType = 71 BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObjectType = 72 BridgeAggConvertedTokenObjectType = 73 BridgeAggVaultObjectType = 74 BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObjectType = 75 BridgeAggParamObjectType = 76 // Near bridge BridgeNEARTxObjectType = 77 InscriptionTokenIDObjectType = 86 InscriptionNumberObjectType = 87 )
Object type
const ( NextEpochShardCandidate = iota NextEpochBeaconCandidate CurrentEpochShardCandidate CurrentEpochBeaconCandidate SubstituteValidator CurrentValidator BeaconWaitingPool CommonShardPool BeaconLockingPool ShardPool BeaconCommittee ShardCommittee SyncingValidators )
Committee Role
const ( BeaconChainID = -1 CandidateChainID = -2 )
const ( WaitingContributionStatus = iota TradeStatus WithdrawStatus )
PDE Track Status type
const ( BridgeMinusOperator = "-" BridgePlusOperator = "+" )
const ( InitToken = iota CrossShardToken BridgeToken UnknownToken )
token type
const ( ErrInvalidByteArrayType = "invalid byte array type" ErrInvalidHashType = "invalid hash type" ErrInvalidBigIntType = "invalid big int type" ErrInvalidCommitteeStateType = "invalid committee state type" ErrInvalidStakerInfoType = "invalid staker info type" ErrInvalidCommitteeTermType = "invalid committee term type" ErrInvalidPaymentAddressType = "invalid payment address type" ErrInvalidIncognitoPublicKeyType = "invalid incognito public key type" ErrInvalidCommitteeRewardStateType = "invalid committee reward receiver state type " ErrInvalidDelegationRewardStateType = "invalid delegation reward receiver state type" ErrInvalidBeaconDelegateStateType = "invalid beacon delegate state type" ErrInvalidRewardRequestStateType = "invalid reward request state type" ErrInvalidBlackListProducerStateType = "invalid black list producer state type" ErrInvalidSerialNumberStateType = "invalid serial number state type" ErrInvalidCommitmentStateType = "invalid commitment state type" ErrInvalidSNDerivatorStateType = "invalid snderivator state type" ErrInvalidOutputCoinStateType = "invalid output coin state type" ErrInvalidOTACoinStateType = "invalid ota coin state type" ErrInvalidOnetimeAddressStateType = "invalid onetime address state type" ErrInvalidTokenStateType = "invalid token state type" ErrInvalidWaitingPDEContributionStateType = "invalid waiting pde contribution state type" ErrInvalidPDEPoolPairStateType = "invalid pde pool pair state type" ErrInvalidPDEStatusStateType = "invalid pde status state type" ErrInvalidBridgeEthTxStateType = "invalid bridge eth tx state type" ErrInvalidBridgeTokenInfoStateType = "invalid bridge token info state type" ErrInvalidBridgeStatusStateType = "invalid bridge status state type" ErrInvalidBurningConfirmStateType = "invalid burning confirm state type" ErrInvalidTokenTransactionStateType = "invalid token transaction state type" ErrInvalidBridgeBSCTxStateType = "invalid bridge bsc tx state type" ErrInvalidBridgePRVEVMStateType = "invalid bridge prv evm tx state type" ErrInvalidBridgePLGTxStateType = "invalid bridge polygon tx state type" ErrInvalidBridgeFTMTxStateType = "invalid bridge fantom tx state type" ErrInvalidBridgeAURORATxStateType = "invalid bridge aurora tx state type" ErrInvalidBridgeAVAXTxStateType = "invalid bridge avax tx state type" // A ErrInvalidFinalExchangeRatesStateType = "invalid final exchange rates state type" ErrInvalidLiquidationExchangeRatesType = "invalid liquidation exchange rates type" ErrInvalidWaitingPortingRequestType = "invalid waiting porting request type" // B ErrInvalidPortalStatusStateType = "invalid portal status state type" ErrInvalidPortalCustodianStateType = "invalid portal custodian state type" ErrInvalidPortalWaitingRedeemRequestType = "invalid portal waiting redeem request type" ErrInvalidPortalRewardInfoStateType = "invalid portal reward info state type" ErrInvalidPortalLockedCollateralStateType = "invalid portal locked collateral state type" ErrInvalidRewardFeatureStateType = "invalid feature reward state type" ErrInvalidPDETradingFeeStateType = "invalid pde trading fee state type" ErrInvalidUnlockOverRateCollateralsStateType = "invalid unlock over rate collaterals state type" ErrInvalidSlasingCommitteeStateType = "invalid slashing committee state type" ErrInvalidPortalV4StatusStateType = "invalid portal v4 status state type" ErrInvalidPortalExternalTxStateType = "invalid portal external tx state type" ErrInvalidPortalConfirmProofStateType = "invalid portal confirm proof state type" ErrInvalidPortalUTXOType = "invalid portal utxo state type" ErrInvalidPortalShieldingRequestType = "invalid portal shielding request type" ErrInvalidPortalV4WaitingUnshieldRequestType = "invalid portal waiting unshielding request type" ErrInvalidPortalV4BatchUnshieldRequestType = "invalid portal batch unshielding request type" // pDex v3 ErrInvalidPdexv3StatusStateType = "invalid pdex v3 status state type" ErrInvalidPdexv3ParamsStateType = "invalid pdex v3 params state type" ErrInvalidPdexv3ContributionStateType = "invalid pdex v3 contribution state type" ErrInvalidPdexv3PoolPairStateType = "invalid pdex v3 pool pair state type" ErrInvalidPdexv3NftStateType = "invalid pdex v3 nft state type" ErrInvalidPdexv3OrderStateType = "invalid pdex v3 order state type" ErrInvalidPdexv3StakingPoolStateType = "invalid pdex v3 staking pool state type" ErrInvalidPdexv3StakerStateType = "invalid pdex v3 staker state type" ErrInvalidPdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeStateType = "invalid pdex v3 pool pair protocol fee state type" ErrInvalidPdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeStateType = "invalid pdex v3 pool pair staking pool fee state type" ErrInvalidPdexv3StakerRewardStateType = "invalid pdex v3 staker reward state type" ErrInvalidPdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeStateType = "invalid pdex v3 pool pair making voulme state type" ErrInvalidPdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardStateType = "invalid pdex v3 pool pair order reward state type" // bridge agg ErrInvalidBridgeAggStatusStateType = "invalid bridge agg status state type" ErrInvalidBridgeAggUnifiedTokenStateType = "invalid bridge agg unified token state type" ErrInvalidBridgeAggConvertedTokenStateType = "invalid bridge agg converted token state type" ErrInvalidBridgeAggVaultStateType = "invalid bridge agg vault state type" ErrInvalidBridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqType = "invalid bridge agg waiting unshield request state type" ErrInvalidBridgeAggParamStateType = "invalid bridge agg param state type" ErrInvalidBridgeNEARTxStateType = "invalid bridge near tx state type" )
const ( InvalidByteArrayTypeError = iota InvalidHashTypeError InvalidBigIntTypeError InvalidCommitteeStateTypeError InvalidPaymentAddressTypeError InvalidIncognitoPublicKeyTypeError InvalidCommitteeRewardStateTypeError InvalidRewardRequestStateTypeError InvalidBlackListProducerStateTypeError InvalidSerialNumberStateTypeError InvalidCommitmentStateTypeError InvalidSNDerivatorStateTypeError InvalidOutputCoinStateTypeError // general error MethodNotSupportError // transaction related error StoreSerialNumberError GetSerialNumberError StoreCommitmentError GetCommitmentError StoreCommitmentIndexError GetCommitmentIndexError StoreCommitmentLengthError GetCommitmentLengthError StoreOutputCoinError GetOutputCoinError StoreOTACoinError GetOTACoinIndexError StoreOTACoinIndexError StoreOTACoinLengthError GetOTACoinLengthError StoreOnetimeAddressError StoreSNDerivatorError GetSNDerivatorError StorePrivacyTokenError StorePrivacyTokenTransactionError GetPrivacyTokenError GetPrivacyTokenTxsError PrivacyTokenIDExistedError // Consensus Related Error StoreBlockHashError GetBlockHashError StoreBeaconCommitteeError GetBeaconCommitteeError StoreShardCommitteeError GetShardCommitteeError StoreAllShardCommitteeError StoreNextEpochCandidateError StoreOneShardSubstitutesValidatorError StoreBeaconSubstitutesValidatorError StoreCurrentEpochCandidateError StoreRewardRequestError GetRewardRequestError StoreCommitteeRewardError StoreDelegationRewardError GetCommitteeRewardError ListCommitteeRewardError RemoveCommitteeRewardError StoreBlackListProducersError StoreSyncingValidatorsError SaveStopAutoStakerInfoError DeleteBeaconCommitteeError DeleteOneShardCommitteeError DeleteAllShardCommitteeError DeleteNextEpochShardCandidateError DeleteCurrentEpochShardCandidateError DeleteNextEpochBeaconCandidateError DeleteCurrentEpochBeaconCandidateError DeleteAllShardSubstitutesValidatorError DeleteBeaconSubstituteValidatorError DeleteBeaconWaitingError DeleteBeaconLockingError // pdex error StoreWaitingPDEContributionError StorePDEPoolPairError GetPDEPoolForPairError TrackPDEStatusError GetPDEStatusError // bridge error BridgeInsertETHTxHashIssuedError IsETHTxHashIssuedError IsBridgeTokenExistedByTypeError CanProcessCIncTokenError CanProcessTokenPairError UpdateBridgeTokenInfoError GetAllBridgeTokensError TrackBridgeReqWithStatusError GetBridgeReqWithStatusError // burning confirm StoreBurningConfirmError GetBurningConfirmError // portal StoreCustodianStateError StoreWaitingRedeemRequestError StorePortalRewardError StorePortalStatusError GetPortalStatusError GetPortalStatusNotFoundError GetPortalRedeemRequestStatusError StorePortalRedeemRequestStatusError StorePortalCustodianDepositStatusError GetPortalCustodianDepositStatusError StorePortalRequestPTokenStatusError GetPortalRequestPTokenStatusError GetPortalRedeemRequestByTxIDStatusError StorePortalRedeemRequestByTxIDStatusError GetPortalRequestUnlockCollateralStatusError StorePortalRequestUnlockCollateralStatusError GetPortalLiquidationCustodianRunAwayStatusError StorePortalLiquidationCustodianRunAwayStatusError GetPortalExpiredPortingReqStatusError StorePortalExpiredPortingReqStatusError GetPortalRequestWithdrawRewardStatusError StorePortalRequestWithdrawRewardStatusError StoreLockedCollateralStateError GetLockedCollateralStateError StorePortalReqMatchingRedeemByTxIDStatusError GetPortalReqMatchingRedeemByTxIDStatusError GetPortalRedeemRequestFromLiquidationByTxIDStatusError StorePortalRedeemRequestFromLiquidationByTxIDStatusError GetPortalCustodianWithdrawCollateralStatusError StorePortalCustodianWithdrawCollateralStatusError GetPortalPortingRequestStatusError StorePortalPortingRequestStatusError GetPortalPortingRequestByTxIDStatusError StorePortalPortingRequestByTxIDStatusError StoreWaitingPortingRequestError StorePortalExchangeRatesStatusError GetPortalExchangeRatesStatusError StoreFinalExchangeRatesStateError GetPortalLiquidationExchangeRatesPoolError GetLiquidationByExchangeRatesStatusError StoreLiquidationByExchangeRatesStatusError StoreLiquidateExchangeRatesPoolError GetCustodianTopupStatusError StoreCustodianTopupStatusError StoreRewardFeatureError GetRewardFeatureError GetAllRewardFeatureError GetRewardFeatureAmountByTokenIDError // PDEX v2 StorePDETradingFeeError InvalidStakerInfoTypeError StoreMemberCommonShardPoolError StoreMemberShardPoolError StoreBeaconWaitingError StoreBeaconLockingError DeleteMemberCommonShardPoolError DeleteMemberShardPoolError DeleteMemberCommonBeaconPoolError DeleteMemberBeaconPoolError // Portal v3 IsPortalExternalTxHashSubmittedError InsertPortalExternalTxHashSubmittedError StoreWithdrawCollateralConfirmError GetWithdrawCollateralConfirmError StorePortalUnlockOverRateCollateralsError GetPortalUnlockOverRateCollateralsStatusError // portal v4 StorePortalV4StatusError GetPortalV4StatusError StorePortalV4UTXOsError StorePortalV4ShieldingRequestStatusError GetPortalV4ShieldingRequestStatusError StorePortalShieldingRequestsError GetPortalShieldingRequestsError GetPortalUnshieldRequestStatusError StorePortalUnshieldRequestStatusError GetPortalBatchUnshieldRequestStatusError StorePortalBatchUnshieldRequestStatusError StorePortalListWaitingUnshieldRequestError StorePortalListProcessedBatchUnshieldRequestError GetPortalUnshieldBatchFeeReplacementRequestStatusError StorePortalUnshieldBatchFeeReplacementRequestStatusError GetPortalSubmitConfirmedTxRequestStatusError StorePortalSubmitConfirmedTxRequestStatusError StorePortalV4ConvertVaultRequestStatusError GetPortalV4ConvertVaultRequestStatusError // bsc bridge BridgeInsertBSCTxHashIssuedError IsBSCTxHashIssuedError // prv pegging erc20/bep20 BridgeInsertPRVEVMTxHashIssuedError IsPRVEVMTxHashIssuedError // pDex v3 GetPdexv3StatusError StorePdexv3StatusError GetPdexv3ParamsError StorePdexv3ParamsError StorePdexv3ContributionError StorePdexv3PoolPairError StorePdexv3TradingFeesError StorePdexv3NftsError GetPdexv3PoolPairError // Polygon bridge BridgeInsertPLGTxHashIssuedError IsPLGTxHashIssuedError // Fantom bridge BridgeInsertFTMTxHashIssuedError IsFTMTxHashIssuedError // Aurora bridge BridgeInsertAURORATxHashIssuedError IsAURORATxHashIssuedError // Avalanche bridge BridgeInsertAVAXTxHashIssuedError IsAVAXTxHashIssuedError // Bridge Agg GetBridgeAggStatusError StoreBridgeAggStatusError // Near bridge BridgeInsertNEARTxHashIssuedError IsNEARTxHashIssuedError )
Variables ¶
var ErrCodeMessage = map[int]struct { Code int message string }{}/* 155 elements not displayed */
var (
// feature names
PortalRewardName = "portal"
Functions ¶
func AddCommitteeReward ¶
func AddCommitteeReward(stateDB *StateDB, incognitoPublicKey string, committeeReward uint64, tokenID common.Hash) error
Reward in Shard
func AddShardRewardRequest ¶
func AddShardRewardRequest(stateDB *StateDB, epoch uint64, shardID byte, tokenID common.Hash, rewardAmount uint64) error
Reward in Beacon
func AddShardRewardRequestMultiset ¶
func AddShardRewardRequestMultiset( stateDB *StateDB, epoch uint64, shardID, subsetID byte, tokenID common.Hash, rewardAmount uint64, ) error
func BridgeAggConvertStatusPrefix ¶
func BridgeAggConvertStatusPrefix() []byte
func BridgeAggModifyParamStatusPrefix ¶
func BridgeAggModifyParamStatusPrefix() []byte
func BridgeAggShieldStatusPrefix ¶
func BridgeAggShieldStatusPrefix() []byte
func BridgeAggUnshieldStatusPrefix ¶
func BridgeAggUnshieldStatusPrefix() []byte
func CanProcessCIncToken ¶
func CanProcessTokenPair ¶
func CheckTokenIDExisted ¶
func DeleteAllShardCommittee ¶
func DeleteAllShardCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, allShardCommittees map[byte][]incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func DeleteAllShardSubstitutesValidator ¶
func DeleteAllShardSubstitutesValidator(stateDB *StateDB, allShardSubstitutes map[byte][]incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func DeleteBeaconCommittee ¶
func DeleteBeaconCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, beaconCommittees []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func DeleteBeaconLocking ¶
func DeleteBeaconLocking(stateDB *StateDB, beaconLocking []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func DeleteBeaconStakerInfo ¶
func DeleteBeaconStakerInfo(stateDB *StateDB, stakers []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func DeleteBeaconSubstituteValidator ¶
func DeleteBeaconSubstituteValidator(stateDB *StateDB, beaconSubstitute []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func DeleteBeaconWaiting ¶
func DeleteBeaconWaiting(stateDB *StateDB, beaconWaiting []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func DeleteCurrentEpochBeaconCandidate ¶
func DeleteCurrentEpochBeaconCandidate(stateDB *StateDB, candidate []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func DeleteCurrentEpochShardCandidate ¶
func DeleteCurrentEpochShardCandidate(stateDB *StateDB, candidate []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func DeleteCustodianState ¶
func DeleteCustodianState(stateDB *StateDB, deletedCustodianStates map[string]*CustodianState)
func DeleteNextEpochBeaconCandidate ¶
func DeleteNextEpochBeaconCandidate(stateDB *StateDB, candidate []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func DeleteNextEpochShardCandidate ¶
func DeleteNextEpochShardCandidate(stateDB *StateDB, candidate []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func DeleteOneShardCommittee ¶
func DeleteOneShardCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, shardID byte, shardCommittees []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func DeleteOneShardSubstitutesValidator ¶
func DeleteOneShardSubstitutesValidator(stateDB *StateDB, shardID byte, shardSubstitutes []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func DeletePdexv3Order ¶
func DeletePdexv3Share ¶
func DeletePdexv3Staker ¶
func DeleteStakerInfo ¶
func DeleteStakerInfo(stateDB *StateDB, stakers []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
DeleteStakerInfo :
func DeleteSyncingValidators ¶
func DeleteSyncingValidators(stateDB *StateDB, syncingValidators map[byte][]incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func DeleteWaitingPDEContributions ¶
func DeleteWaitingPDEContributions(stateDB *StateDB, deletedWaitingPDEContributions map[string]*rawdbv2.PDEContribution)
func GenerateCommitteeObjectKeyWithRole ¶
func GenerateCommitteeObjectKeyWithRole(role int, shardID int, committee incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) (common.Hash, error)
func GenerateUTXOObjectKey ¶
func GetAllBridgeTokens ¶
func GetAllCandidateSubstituteCommittee ¶
func GetAllCandidateSubstituteCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, shardIDs []int) ( map[int][]incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, map[int][]incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, map[byte][]incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, map[string]key.PaymentAddress, map[string]bool, map[string]common.Hash, map[string][]string, )
staking flow v4 will not worl with shardIDs contains -1
func GetAllCommitteeStakeInfo ¶
func GetAllCommitteeStakeInfo(stateDB *StateDB, allShardCommittee map[int][]*CommitteeState) map[int][]*StakerInfo
func GetAllCommitteeStakeInfoSlashingVersion ¶
func GetAllCommitteeStakeInfoSlashingVersion(stateDB *StateDB, allShardCommittee map[int][]*CommitteeState) map[int][]*StakerInfoSlashingVersion
func GetAllCommitteeState ¶
func GetAllCommitteeState(stateDB *StateDB, shardIDs []int) map[int][]*CommitteeState
func GetAllShardCommittee ¶
func GetAllShardCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, shardIDs []int) map[int][]incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey
func GetAllShardSubstituteValidator ¶
func GetAllShardSubstituteValidator(stateDB *StateDB, shardIDs []int) map[int][]incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey
func GetAllStaker ¶
func GetAllTokenIDForReward ¶
func GetBeaconCommittee ¶
func GetBeaconCommittee(stateDB *StateDB) []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey
func GetBeaconLocking ¶
func GetBeaconLocking(stateDB *StateDB) []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey
func GetBeaconSharePriceKey ¶
func GetBeaconStakerInfoKey ¶
func GetBeaconSubstituteValidator ¶
func GetBeaconSubstituteValidator(stateDB *StateDB) []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey
func GetBeaconWaiting ¶
func GetBeaconWaiting(stateDB *StateDB) []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey
func GetBlackListProducerPrefix ¶
func GetBlackListProducerPrefix() []byte
func GetBridgeAURORATxPrefix ¶
func GetBridgeAURORATxPrefix() []byte
func GetBridgeAVAXTxPrefix ¶
func GetBridgeAVAXTxPrefix() []byte
func GetBridgeAggConvertedTokenPrefix ¶
func GetBridgeAggConvertedTokenPrefix() []byte
func GetBridgeAggParamPrefix ¶
func GetBridgeAggParamPrefix() []byte
func GetBridgeAggStatus ¶
func GetBridgeAggUnifiedTokenPrefix ¶
func GetBridgeAggUnifiedTokenPrefix() []byte
func GetBridgeAggVaultPrefix ¶
func GetBridgeAggVaultPrefix() []byte
func GetBridgeAggVaults ¶
func GetBridgeBSCTxPrefix ¶
func GetBridgeBSCTxPrefix() []byte
func GetBridgeEthTxPrefix ¶
func GetBridgeEthTxPrefix() []byte
func GetBridgeFTMTxPrefix ¶
func GetBridgeFTMTxPrefix() []byte
func GetBridgeNEARTxPrefix ¶
func GetBridgeNEARTxPrefix() []byte
func GetBridgePLGTxPrefix ¶
func GetBridgePLGTxPrefix() []byte
func GetBridgePRVEVMPrefix ¶
func GetBridgePRVEVMPrefix() []byte
func GetBridgeReqWithStatus ¶
func GetBridgeStatusPrefix ¶
func GetBridgeStatusPrefix() []byte
func GetBridgeTokens ¶
func GetBridgeTokens(stateDB *StateDB) ([]*rawdbv2.BridgeTokenInfo, error)
func GetBurningConfirmPrefix ¶
func GetBurningConfirmPrefix() []byte
func GetCommitmentByIndex ¶
func GetCommitmentIndex ¶
func GetCommitmentIndex(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, commitment []byte, shardID byte) (*big.Int, error)
GetCommitmentIndex - return index of commitment in db list
func GetCommitmentLength ¶
GetCommitmentIndex - return index of commitment in db list
func GetCommitmentLengthPrefix ¶
func GetCommitmentLengthPrefix() []byte
func GetCommitteeDataKey ¶
func GetCommitteeReward ¶
func GetCommitteeRewardPrefix ¶
func GetCommitteeRewardPrefix() []byte
func GetCommitteeTermKey ¶
func GetCurrentEpochCandidate ¶
func GetCurrentEpochCandidate(stateDB *StateDB) []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey
func GetCustodianPoolState ¶
func GetCustodianPoolState( stateDB *StateDB, ) (map[string]*CustodianState, error)
====================== Custodian pool ====================== getCustodianPoolState gets custodian pool state at beaconHeight
func GetCustodianTopupStatus ¶
func GetDelegationRewardPrefix ¶
func GetDelegationRewardPrefix() []byte
func GetLatestPDEPoolForPair ¶
func GetLiquidateExchangeRatesPool ¶
func GetLiquidateExchangeRatesPool( stateDB *StateDB, ) (map[string]*LiquidationPool, error)
func GetListProcessedBatchUnshieldRequestsByTokenID ¶
func GetListProcessedBatchUnshieldRequestsByTokenID(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID string) (map[string]*ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch, error)
================= List Batching Unshielding Request =================
func GetLockedCollateralStatePrefix ¶
func GetLockedCollateralStatePrefix() []byte
func GetMatchedRedeemRequestPrefix ¶
func GetMatchedRedeemRequestPrefix() []byte
func GetMatchedRedeemRequests ¶
func GetMatchedRedeemRequests(stateDB *StateDB) (map[string]*RedeemRequest, error)
func GetNextEpochCandidate ¶
func GetNextEpochCandidate(stateDB *StateDB) []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey
func GetOTACoinByIndex ¶
func GetOTACoinIndex ¶
func GetOTACoinLength ¶
func GetOTACoinLengthPrefix ¶
func GetOTACoinLengthPrefix() []byte
func GetOTACoinPrefix ¶
func GetOTACoinsByHeight ¶
func GetOneShardCommittee ¶
func GetOneShardCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, shardID byte) []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey
func GetOneShardSubstituteValidator ¶
func GetOneShardSubstituteValidator(stateDB *StateDB, shardID byte) []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey
func GetOnetimeAddressPrefix ¶
func GetOutcoinsByPubkey ¶
func GetOutputCoinPrefix ¶
func GetPDEPoolForPair ¶
func GetPDEPoolForPairKey ¶
GetPDEPoolForPairKey: PDEPoolPrefix - beacon height - token1ID - token2ID
func GetPDEPoolPair ¶
func GetPDEPoolPairPrefix ¶
func GetPDEPoolPairPrefix() []byte
func GetPDEShareKey ¶
func GetPDEShareKey(beaconHeight uint64, token1ID string, token2ID string, contributorAddress string) ([]byte, error)
GetPDEShareKey: PDESharePrefix + beacon height + token1ID + token2ID + contributor address
func GetPDESharePrefix ¶
func GetPDESharePrefix() []byte
func GetPDEShares ¶
func GetPDEStatus ¶
func GetPDEStatusKey ¶
func GetPDEStatusPrefix ¶
func GetPDEStatusPrefix() []byte
func GetPDETradingFeeKey ¶
func GetPDETradingFeeKey(beaconHeight uint64, token1ID string, token2ID string, contributorAddress string) ([]byte, error)
GetPDETradingFeeKey: PDETradingFeePrefix + beacon height + token1ID + token2ID
func GetPDETradingFeePrefix ¶
func GetPDETradingFeePrefix() []byte
func GetPDETradingFees ¶
func GetPdexv3InscriptionNumberPrefix ¶
func GetPdexv3InscriptionNumberPrefix() []byte
func GetPdexv3InscriptionPrefix ¶
func GetPdexv3InscriptionPrefix() []byte
func GetPdexv3NftPrefix ¶
func GetPdexv3NftPrefix() []byte
func GetPdexv3Orders ¶
func GetPdexv3Orders(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string) ( map[string]Pdexv3OrderState, error, )
func GetPdexv3OrdersPrefix ¶
func GetPdexv3OrdersPrefix() []byte
func GetPdexv3ParamsPrefix ¶
func GetPdexv3ParamsPrefix() []byte
func GetPdexv3PoolPairLmLockedSharePrefix ¶
func GetPdexv3PoolPairLmLockedSharePrefix() []byte
func GetPdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerSharesPrefix ¶
func GetPdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerSharesPrefix() []byte
func GetPdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerSharesPrefix ¶
func GetPdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerSharesPrefix() []byte
func GetPdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumePrefix ¶
func GetPdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumePrefix() []byte
func GetPdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardPrefix ¶
func GetPdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardPrefix() []byte
func GetPdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeesPrefix ¶
func GetPdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeesPrefix() []byte
func GetPdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeesPrefix ¶
func GetPdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeesPrefix() []byte
func GetPdexv3PoolPairs ¶
func GetPdexv3PoolPairs(stateDB *StateDB) (map[string]Pdexv3PoolPairState, error)
func GetPdexv3PoolPairsPrefix ¶
func GetPdexv3PoolPairsPrefix() []byte
func GetPdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerSharesPrefix ¶
func GetPdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerSharesPrefix() []byte
func GetPdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerSharesPrefix ¶
func GetPdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerSharesPrefix() []byte
func GetPdexv3ShareTradingFeesPrefix ¶
func GetPdexv3ShareTradingFeesPrefix() []byte
func GetPdexv3Shares ¶
func GetPdexv3Shares(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string) ( map[string]Pdexv3ShareState, error, )
func GetPdexv3SharesPrefix ¶
func GetPdexv3SharesPrefix() []byte
func GetPdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShare ¶
func GetPdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShare() []byte
func GetPdexv3StakerReward ¶
func GetPdexv3StakerReward() []byte
func GetPdexv3StakerRewards ¶
func GetPdexv3Stakers ¶
func GetPdexv3Stakers(stateDB *StateDB, stakingPoolID string) (map[string]Pdexv3StakerState, error)
func GetPdexv3StakersPrefix ¶
func GetPdexv3StakersPrefix() []byte
func GetPdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerSharePrefix ¶
func GetPdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerSharePrefix() []byte
func GetPdexv3StakingPoolsPrefix ¶
func GetPdexv3StakingPoolsPrefix() []byte
func GetPdexv3Status ¶
func GetPdexv3StatusPrefix ¶
pDex v3 prefix hash of the key
func GetPdexv3WaitingContributions ¶
func GetPdexv3WaitingContributions(stateDB *StateDB) (map[string]rawdbv2.Pdexv3Contribution, error)
func GetPdexv3WaitingContributionsPrefix ¶
func GetPdexv3WaitingContributionsPrefix() []byte
func GetPortalCustodianStatePrefix ¶
func GetPortalCustodianStatePrefix() []byte
func GetPortalExternalTxPrefix ¶
func GetPortalExternalTxPrefix() []byte
func GetPortalLiquidationPoolPrefix ¶
func GetPortalLiquidationPoolPrefix() []byte
func GetPortalStatus ¶
func GetPortalStatusPrefix ¶
func GetPortalStatusPrefix() []byte
func GetPortalUnlockOverRateCollateralsPrefix ¶
func GetPortalUnlockOverRateCollateralsPrefix() []byte
func GetPortalV4Status ¶
func GetPortalV4StatusPrefix ¶
func GetPortalWaitingPortingRequestPrefix ¶
func GetPortalWaitingPortingRequestPrefix() []byte
func GetPrivacyTokenTxs ¶
func GetProducersBlackList ¶
func GetRequestPTokenStatus ¶
func GetRewardOfShardByEpoch ¶
func GetRewardRequestPrefix ¶
func GetSNDerivatorPrefix ¶
func GetSlashingCommittee ¶
func GetStakerInfoKey ¶
func GetStakerInfoPrefix ¶
func GetStakerInfoPrefix() []byte
func GetTokenPrefix ¶
func GetTokenPrefix() []byte
func GetUTXOsByTokenID ¶
================= List UTXOs =================
func GetWaitingPDEContributionKey ¶
GetWaitingPDEContributionKey: WaitingPDEContributionPrefix - beacon height - pairid
func GetWaitingPDEContributionPrefix ¶
func GetWaitingPDEContributionPrefix() []byte
func GetWaitingPortingRequests ¶
func GetWaitingPortingRequests( stateDB *StateDB, ) (map[string]*WaitingPortingRequest, error)
====================== Waiting Porting ====================== getCustodianPoolState gets custodian pool state at beaconHeight
func GetWaitingRedeemRequestPrefix ¶
func GetWaitingRedeemRequestPrefix() []byte
func GetWaitingRedeemRequests ¶
func GetWaitingRedeemRequests(stateDB *StateDB) (map[string]*RedeemRequest, error)
====================== Redeem ======================
func GetWaitingUnshieldRequestsByTokenID ¶
func GetWaitingUnshieldRequestsByTokenID(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID string) (map[string]*WaitingUnshieldRequest, error)
================= List Waiting Unshielding Requests =================
func HasCommitment ¶
func HasCommitmentIndex ¶
func HasOTACoinIndex ¶
func HasOnetimeAddress ¶
func HasSNDerivator ¶
HasSNDerivator - Check SnDerivator in list SnDerivators by shardID
func HasSerialNumber ¶
func InscriptionStatusPrefix ¶
func InscriptionStatusPrefix() []byte
func InsertAVAXTxHashIssued ¶
func InsertBSCTxHashIssued ¶
func InsertETHTxHashIssued ¶
func InsertFTMTxHashIssued ¶
func InsertNEARTxHashIssued ¶
func InsertPLGTxHashIssued ¶
func InsertPortalExternalTxHashSubmitted ¶
====================== Portal external tx (ETH tx) ======================
func IsAURORATxHashIssued ¶
func IsAVAXTxHashIssued ¶
func IsBridgeToken ¶
func IsNEARTxHashIssued ¶
func IsPRVEVMTxHashIssued ¶
func IsPortalExternalTxHashSubmitted ¶
IsPortalExternalTxHashSubmitted returns true if eth tx hash was submitted to portal and otherwise
func IsPortingRequestIdExist ¶
func ListCommitment ¶
func ListCommitmentIndices ¶
func ListCommitmentIndices(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, shardID byte) (map[uint64]string, error)
ListCommitmentIndices - return all commitment index and its value
func ListCommitteeReward ¶
func ListDelegationReward ¶
func ListDelegationReward(stateDB *StateDB) (map[string]*DelegationRewardState, error)
func ListPrivacyToken ¶
func ListPrivacyToken(stateDB *StateDB) map[common.Hash]*TokenState
func ListPrivacyTokenWithTxs ¶
func ListPrivacyTokenWithTxs(stateDB *StateDB) map[common.Hash]*TokenState
func ListSNDerivator ¶
func ListSerialNumber ¶
func PDEContributionStatusPrefix ¶
func PDEContributionStatusPrefix() []byte
func PDEPoolPrefix ¶
func PDEPoolPrefix() []byte
func PDESharePrefix ¶
func PDESharePrefix() []byte
func PDETradeFeePrefix ¶
func PDETradeFeePrefix() []byte
func PDETradeStatusPrefix ¶
func PDETradeStatusPrefix() []byte
func PDEWithdrawalStatusPrefix ¶
func PDEWithdrawalStatusPrefix() []byte
func Pdexv3AddOrderStatusPrefix ¶
func Pdexv3AddOrderStatusPrefix() []byte
func Pdexv3ContributionStatusPrefix ¶
func Pdexv3ContributionStatusPrefix() []byte
pDex v3 prefix for contribution status
func Pdexv3ParamsModifyingStatusPrefix ¶
func Pdexv3ParamsModifyingStatusPrefix() []byte
pDex v3 prefix for status
func Pdexv3StakingStatusPrefix ¶
func Pdexv3StakingStatusPrefix() []byte
pDex v3 prefix for staking status
func Pdexv3TradeStatusPrefix ¶
func Pdexv3TradeStatusPrefix() []byte
func Pdexv3UnstakingStatusPrefix ¶
func Pdexv3UnstakingStatusPrefix() []byte
pDex v3 prefix for unstaking status
func Pdexv3UserMintNftStatusPrefix ¶
func Pdexv3UserMintNftStatusPrefix() []byte
pDex v3 prefix for mintnft status
func Pdexv3WithdrawLiquidityStatusPrefix ¶
func Pdexv3WithdrawLiquidityStatusPrefix() []byte
func Pdexv3WithdrawOrderStatusPrefix ¶
func Pdexv3WithdrawOrderStatusPrefix() []byte
func Pdexv3WithdrawalLPFeeStatusPrefix ¶
func Pdexv3WithdrawalLPFeeStatusPrefix() []byte
func Pdexv3WithdrawalProtocolFeeStatusPrefix ¶
func Pdexv3WithdrawalProtocolFeeStatusPrefix() []byte
func Pdexv3WithdrawalStakingRewardStatusPrefix ¶
func Pdexv3WithdrawalStakingRewardStatusPrefix() []byte
func PortaConvertVaultRequestStatusPrefix ¶
func PortaConvertVaultRequestStatusPrefix() []byte
func PortalBatchUnshieldRequestStatusPrefix ¶
func PortalBatchUnshieldRequestStatusPrefix() []byte
func PortalCustodianDepositStatusPrefix ¶
func PortalCustodianDepositStatusPrefix() []byte
func PortalCustodianDepositStatusPrefixV3 ¶
func PortalCustodianDepositStatusPrefixV3() []byte
func PortalCustodianWithdrawStatusPrefix ¶
func PortalCustodianWithdrawStatusPrefix() []byte
func PortalCustodianWithdrawStatusPrefixV3 ¶
func PortalCustodianWithdrawStatusPrefixV3() []byte
func PortalExchangeRatesRequestStatusPrefix ¶
func PortalExchangeRatesRequestStatusPrefix() []byte
func PortalExpiredPortingReqPrefix ¶
func PortalExpiredPortingReqPrefix() []byte
func PortalLiquidateCustodianRunAwayPrefix ¶
func PortalLiquidateCustodianRunAwayPrefix() []byte
func PortalLiquidationCustodianDepositStatusPrefix ¶
func PortalLiquidationCustodianDepositStatusPrefix() []byte
func PortalLiquidationCustodianDepositStatusPrefixV3 ¶
func PortalLiquidationCustodianDepositStatusPrefixV3() []byte
func PortalLiquidationRedeemRequestStatusPrefix ¶
func PortalLiquidationRedeemRequestStatusPrefix() []byte
func PortalLiquidationRedeemRequestStatusPrefixV3 ¶
func PortalLiquidationRedeemRequestStatusPrefixV3() []byte
func PortalLiquidationTpExchangeRatesStatusPrefix ¶
func PortalLiquidationTpExchangeRatesStatusPrefix() []byte
func PortalLiquidationTpExchangeRatesStatusPrefixV3 ¶
func PortalLiquidationTpExchangeRatesStatusPrefixV3() []byte
func PortalPortingRequestStatusPrefix ¶
func PortalPortingRequestStatusPrefix() []byte
func PortalPortingRequestTxStatusPrefix ¶
func PortalPortingRequestTxStatusPrefix() []byte
func PortalRedeemRequestStatusByTxReqIDPrefix ¶
func PortalRedeemRequestStatusByTxReqIDPrefix() []byte
func PortalRedeemRequestStatusPrefix ¶
func PortalRedeemRequestStatusPrefix() []byte
func PortalReqMatchingRedeemStatusByTxReqIDPrefix ¶
func PortalReqMatchingRedeemStatusByTxReqIDPrefix() []byte
func PortalRequestPTokenStatusPrefix ¶
func PortalRequestPTokenStatusPrefix() []byte
func PortalRequestUnlockCollateralStatusPrefix ¶
func PortalRequestUnlockCollateralStatusPrefix() []byte
func PortalRequestWithdrawRewardStatusPrefix ¶
func PortalRequestWithdrawRewardStatusPrefix() []byte
func PortalShieldingRequestStatusPrefix ¶
func PortalShieldingRequestStatusPrefix() []byte
TODO: rename PORTAL V4 Portal v4 prefix for portal v4 status
func PortalSubmitConfirmedTxStatusPrefix ¶
func PortalSubmitConfirmedTxStatusPrefix() []byte
func PortalTopUpWaitingPortingStatusPrefix ¶
func PortalTopUpWaitingPortingStatusPrefix() []byte
func PortalTopUpWaitingPortingStatusPrefixV3 ¶
func PortalTopUpWaitingPortingStatusPrefixV3() []byte
func PortalUnlockOverRateCollateralsRequestStatusPrefix ¶
func PortalUnlockOverRateCollateralsRequestStatusPrefix() []byte
func PortalUnshielFeeReplacementBatchStatusPrefix ¶
func PortalUnshielFeeReplacementBatchStatusPrefix() []byte
func PortalUnshieldRequestStatusPrefix ¶
func PortalUnshieldRequestStatusPrefix() []byte
func PortalWithdrawCollateralProofType ¶
func PortalWithdrawCollateralProofType() []byte
func RemoveCommitteeReward ¶
func RemoveProducerBlackList ¶
func ReplaceAllShardCommittee ¶
func ReplaceAllShardCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, allShardCommittees map[byte][2][]incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func ReplaceBeaconCommittee ¶
func ReplaceBeaconCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, beaconCommittees [2][]incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func ReplaceOneShardCommittee ¶
func ReplaceOneShardCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, shardID byte, shardCommittee [2][]incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func ResetDelegationReward ¶
func SaveStopAutoStakerInfo ¶
func SaveStopAutoStakerInfo( stateDB *StateDB, committees []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, autoStaking map[string]bool, ) error
func StoreAllShardCommittee ¶
func StoreAllShardCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, allShardCommittees map[byte][]incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func StoreAllShardSubstitutesValidator ¶
func StoreAllShardSubstitutesValidator(stateDB *StateDB, allShardSubstitutes map[byte][]incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func StoreBeaconCommittee ¶
func StoreBeaconCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, beaconCommittees []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
Beacon Committee
func StoreBeaconLocking ¶
func StoreBeaconLocking(stateDB *StateDB, members []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
Beacon Locking
func StoreBeaconSharePrice ¶
beacon share price
func StoreBeaconStakerInfo ¶
func StoreBeaconStakerInfo( stateDB *StateDB, committee incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, info *BeaconStakerInfo, ) error
func StoreBeaconSubstituteValidator ¶
func StoreBeaconSubstituteValidator(stateDB *StateDB, beaconSubstitute []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
Beacon Pending
func StoreBeaconWaiting ¶
func StoreBeaconWaiting(stateDB *StateDB, members []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
Beacon Waiting
func StoreBridgeAggParam ¶
func StoreBridgeAggParam(stateDB *StateDB, param *BridgeAggParamState) error
func StoreBridgeAggUnifiedToken ¶
func StoreBridgeAggUnifiedToken(stateDB *StateDB, unifiedTokenID common.Hash, state *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenState) error
func StoreBridgeAggVault ¶
func StoreBridgeAggVault(stateDB *StateDB, unifiedTokenID, tokenID common.Hash, state *BridgeAggVaultState) error
func StoreBridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq ¶
func StoreBridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq(stateDB *StateDB, unifiedTokenID, unshieldID common.Hash, waitingUnshieldReq *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) error
func StoreBulkFinalExchangeRatesState ¶
func StoreBulkFinalExchangeRatesState( stateDB *StateDB, finalExchangeRatesState *FinalExchangeRatesState) error
func StoreBulkLiquidateExchangeRatesPool ¶
func StoreBulkLiquidateExchangeRatesPool( stateDB *StateDB, liquidateExchangeRates map[string]*LiquidationPool, ) error
func StoreBulkUnlockOverRateCollateralsState ¶
func StoreBulkUnlockOverRateCollateralsState( stateDB *StateDB, unlockOverRateCollaterals map[string]*UnlockOverRateCollaterals) error
====================== Custodian unlock over rate collaterals ======================
func StoreBulkWaitingPortingRequests ¶
func StoreBulkWaitingPortingRequests( stateDB *StateDB, waitingPortingRequest map[string]*WaitingPortingRequest) error
StoreWaitingRedeemRequests stores waiting redeem requests at beaconHeight
func StoreBurningConfirm ¶
func StoreCommitments ¶
func StoreCommitteeData ¶
func StoreCommitteeData(stateDB *StateDB, data *CommitteeData) error
func StoreCurrentEpochBeaconCandidate ¶
func StoreCurrentEpochBeaconCandidate(stateDB *StateDB, candidate []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func StoreCurrentEpochShardCandidate ¶
func StoreCurrentEpochShardCandidate(stateDB *StateDB, candidate []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func StoreCustodianState ¶
func StoreCustodianState( stateDB *StateDB, custodians map[string]*CustodianState) error
StoreWaitingRedeemRequests stores waiting redeem requests at beaconHeight
func StoreDelegationReward ¶
func StoreDelegationReward(stateDB *StateDB, incognitoPublicKeyBytes []byte, incognitoPaymentAddress key.PaymentAddress, shardCPK string, epoch int, beaconUID string, amount uint64) error
================================= Delegation Reward =============================
func StoreLockedCollateralState ¶
func StoreLockedCollateralState( stateDB *StateDB, lockedCollateralState *LockedCollateralState) error
StoreWaitingRedeemRequests stores waiting redeem requests at beaconHeight
func StoreMatchedRedeemRequests ¶
func StoreMatchedRedeemRequests( stateDB *StateDB, waitingRedeemReqs map[string]*RedeemRequest) error
StoreMatchedRedeemRequests stores matched redeem requests at beaconHeight
func StoreMembersAtCommonShardPool ¶
func StoreMembersAtCommonShardPool( stateDB *StateDB, members []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, ) error
func StoreMembersAtShardPool ¶
func StoreMembersAtShardPool( stateDB *StateDB, shardID byte, members []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, ) error
func StoreNextEpochBeaconCandidate ¶
func StoreNextEpochBeaconCandidate( stateDB *StateDB, candidate []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, rewardReceiver map[string]key.PaymentAddress, autoStaking map[string]bool, stakingTx map[string]common.Hash, ) error
func StoreNextEpochShardCandidate ¶
func StoreNextEpochShardCandidate( stateDB *StateDB, candidate []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, rewardReceiver map[string]key.PaymentAddress, autoStaking map[string]bool, stakingTx map[string]common.Hash, ) error
func StoreOTACoinsAndOnetimeAddresses ¶
func StoreOTACoinsAndOnetimeAddresses(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash, height uint64, outputCoins [][]byte, otas [][]byte, shardID byte) error
outputCoins and otas should have the same length
func StoreOneShardCommittee ¶
func StoreOneShardCommittee(stateDB *StateDB, shardID byte, shardCommittees []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func StoreOneShardSubstitutesValidator ¶
func StoreOneShardSubstitutesValidator(stateDB *StateDB, shardID byte, shardSubstitutes []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func StoreOneShardSubstitutesValidatorV3 ¶
func StoreOneShardSubstitutesValidatorV3(stateDB *StateDB, shardID byte, shardSubstitutes []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func StoreOutputCoins ¶
func StorePDEPoolPairs ¶
func StorePDEPoolPairs(stateDB *StateDB, pdePoolPairs map[string]*rawdbv2.PDEPoolForPair) error
func StorePDETradingFees ¶
func StorePdexv3Order ¶
func StorePdexv3Order(stateDB *StateDB, orderState Pdexv3OrderState) error
func StorePdexv3Params ¶
func StorePdexv3Params( stateDB *StateDB, defaultFeeRateBPS uint, feeRateBPS map[string]uint, prvDiscountPercent uint, tradingProtocolFeePercent uint, tradingStakingPoolRewardPercent uint, pdexRewardPoolPairsShare map[string]uint, stakingPoolsShare map[string]uint, stakingRewardTokens []common.Hash, mintNftRequireAmount uint64, maxOrdersPerNft uint, autoWithdrawOrderLimitAmount uint, minPRVReserveTradingRate uint64, defaultOrderTradingRewardRatioBPS uint, orderTradingRewardRatioBPS map[string]uint, orderLiquidityMiningBPS map[string]uint, daoContributingPercent uint, miningRewardPendingBlocks uint64, orderMiningRewardRatioBPS map[string]uint, ) error
func StorePdexv3PoolPair ¶
func StorePdexv3PoolPair( stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string, poolPair rawdbv2.Pdexv3PoolPair, ) error
func StorePdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShare ¶
func StorePdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShare( stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string, state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState, ) error
func StorePdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShare ¶
func StorePdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShare( stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string, state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState, ) error
func StorePdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShare ¶
func StorePdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShare( stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string, state *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState, ) error
func StorePdexv3PoolPairMakingVolume ¶
func StorePdexv3PoolPairMakingVolume( stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string, state *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState, ) error
func StorePdexv3PoolPairOrderReward ¶
func StorePdexv3PoolPairOrderReward( stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string, state *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState, ) error
func StorePdexv3PoolPairProtocolFee ¶
func StorePdexv3PoolPairProtocolFee( stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string, state *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState, ) error
func StorePdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFee ¶
func StorePdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFee( stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string, state *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState, ) error
func StorePdexv3Share ¶
func StorePdexv3ShareLastLmRewardsPerShare ¶
func StorePdexv3ShareLastLmRewardsPerShare( stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID, nftID string, state *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState, ) error
func StorePdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShare ¶
func StorePdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShare( stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID, nftID string, state *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState, ) error
func StorePdexv3ShareTradingFee ¶
func StorePdexv3ShareTradingFee( stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID, nftID string, state *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeState, ) error
func StorePdexv3Staker ¶
func StorePdexv3Staker(stateDB *StateDB, stakingPoolID, nftID string, state *Pdexv3StakerState) error
func StorePdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShare ¶
func StorePdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShare( stateDB *StateDB, stakingPoolID, nftID string, state *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState, ) error
func StorePdexv3StakerReward ¶
func StorePdexv3StakerReward( stateDB *StateDB, stakingPoolID, nftID string, state *Pdexv3StakerRewardState, ) error
func StorePdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShare ¶
func StorePdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShare( stateDB *StateDB, stakingPoolID string, state *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState, ) error
func StorePdexv3WaitingContributions ¶
func StorePdexv3WaitingContributions( stateDB *StateDB, contributions map[string]rawdbv2.Pdexv3Contribution, ) error
func StorePortalBatchUnshieldRequestStatus ¶
func StorePortalBatchUnshieldRequestStatus(stateDB *StateDB, batchID string, statusContent []byte) error
================= Batching Unshielding Request Status ================= Store and get the status of the Unshield Request by unshieldID
func StorePortalConvertVaultRequestStatus ¶
func StorePortalConvertVaultRequestStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
================= Portal v4 Convert Vault =================
func StorePortalLiquidationCustodianRunAwayStatus ¶
func StorePortalLiquidationCustodianRunAwayStatus(stateDB *StateDB, redeemID string, custodianIncognitoAddress string, statusContent []byte) error
====================== Liquidation ======================
func StorePortalPortingRequestStatus ¶
func StorePortalPortingRequestStatus(stateDB *StateDB, portingID string, statusContent []byte) error
====================== Porting ======================
func StorePortalRewards ¶
func StorePortalRewards( stateDB *StateDB, beaconHeight uint64, portalRewardInfos map[string]*PortalRewardInfo) error
StoreWaitingRedeemRequests stores waiting redeem requests at beaconHeight
func StorePortalStatus ¶
func StorePortalStatus(stateDB *StateDB, statusType []byte, statusSuffix []byte, statusContent []byte) error
====================== Portal status ======================
func StorePortalSubmitConfirmedTxRequestStatus ¶
func StorePortalSubmitConfirmedTxRequestStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
================= Submit unshield batch confirmed Status ================= Store and get the status of the Unshield Batch Replacement Request by batchID
func StorePortalUnshieldBatchReplacementRequestStatus ¶
func StorePortalUnshieldBatchReplacementRequestStatus(stateDB *StateDB, txID string, statusContent []byte) error
================= Unshielding Batch Fee Replacement Status ================= Store and get the status of the Unshield Batch Replacement Request by batchID
func StorePortalUnshieldRequestStatus ¶
func StorePortalUnshieldRequestStatus(stateDB *StateDB, unshieldID string, statusContent []byte) error
================= Unshielding Request Status ================= Store and get the status of the Unshield Request by unshieldID
func StorePortalV4Status ¶
func StorePortalV4Status(stateDB *StateDB, statusType []byte, statusSuffix []byte, statusContent []byte) error
================= Portal v4 Status =================
func StorePrivacyToken ¶
func StorePrivacyTokenTx ¶
func StoreProcessedBatchUnshieldRequests ¶
func StoreProcessedBatchUnshieldRequests( stateDB *StateDB, processedBatchUnshieldReqs map[string]*ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) error
func StoreProducersBlackList ¶
func StoreRewardFeatureState ¶
func StoreRewardFeatureState( stateDB *StateDB, featureName string, rewardInfo map[string]uint64, epoch uint64) error
====================== Feature reward ======================
func StoreSNDerivators ¶
StoreSNDerivators - store list serialNumbers by shardID
func StoreSerialNumbers ¶
func StoreShieldingRequestStatus ¶
================= Shielding Request =================
func StoreShieldingRequests ¶
func StoreShieldingRequests(stateDB *StateDB, shieldingRequests map[string]*ShieldingRequest) error
func StoreSlashingCommittee ¶
func StoreStakerInfo ¶
func StoreStakerInfo( stateDB *StateDB, committees []incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, rewardReceiver map[string]key.PaymentAddress, autoStaking map[string]bool, stakingTx map[string]common.Hash, beaconConfirmHeight uint64, ) error
func StoreStakerInfoV2 ¶
func StoreStakerInfoV2( stateDB *StateDB, committee incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, value *StakerInfo, ) error
func StoreSyncingValidators ¶
func StoreSyncingValidators(stateDB *StateDB, syncingValidators map[byte][]incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) error
func StoreWaitingPDEContributions ¶
func StoreWaitingPDEContributions(stateDB *StateDB, waitingPDEContributions map[string]*rawdbv2.PDEContribution) error
func StoreWaitingPortingRequests ¶
func StoreWaitingPortingRequests(stateDB *StateDB, beaconHeight uint64, portingRequestId string, statusContent *WaitingPortingRequest) error
func StoreWaitingRedeemRequests ¶
func StoreWaitingRedeemRequests( stateDB *StateDB, waitingRedeemReqs map[string]*RedeemRequest) error
StoreWaitingRedeemRequests stores waiting redeem requests at beaconHeight
func StoreWaitingUnshieldRequests ¶
func StoreWaitingUnshieldRequests( stateDB *StateDB, waitingUnshieldReqs map[string]*WaitingUnshieldRequest) error
func StoreWithdrawCollateralConfirmProof ¶
====================== Portal proof ======================
func TrackBridgeAggStatus ¶
func TrackPDEStatus ¶
func TrackPdexv3Status ¶
func UpdateBridgeTokenInfo ¶
func WaitingPDEContributionPrefix ¶
func WaitingPDEContributionPrefix() []byte
Types ¶
type BeaconSharePrice ¶
type BeaconSharePrice struct {
}func GetBeaconSharePrice ¶
func GetBeaconSharePrice(stateDB *StateDB, committeeID string) (*BeaconSharePrice, bool, error)
func NewBeaconSharePrice ¶
func NewBeaconSharePrice() *BeaconSharePrice
func NewBeaconSharePriceWithValue ¶
func NewBeaconSharePriceWithValue(price uint64) *BeaconSharePrice
func (BeaconSharePrice) GetPrice ¶
func (s BeaconSharePrice) GetPrice() uint64
type BeaconSharePriceObject ¶
type BeaconSharePriceObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (BeaconSharePriceObject) GetHash ¶
func (c BeaconSharePriceObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (BeaconSharePriceObject) GetTrie ¶
func (c BeaconSharePriceObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (BeaconSharePriceObject) GetType ¶
func (c BeaconSharePriceObject) GetType() int
func (BeaconSharePriceObject) GetValue ¶
func (c BeaconSharePriceObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (BeaconSharePriceObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (c BeaconSharePriceObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (BeaconSharePriceObject) GetVersion ¶
func (c BeaconSharePriceObject) GetVersion() int
func (BeaconSharePriceObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (c BeaconSharePriceObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (BeaconSharePriceObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (c BeaconSharePriceObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*BeaconSharePriceObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (c *BeaconSharePriceObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*BeaconSharePriceObject) Reset ¶
func (c *BeaconSharePriceObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*BeaconSharePriceObject) SetError ¶
func (c *BeaconSharePriceObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*BeaconSharePriceObject) SetValue ¶
func (c *BeaconSharePriceObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type BeaconStakerInfo ¶
type BeaconStakerInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetBeaconStakerInfo ¶
func GetBeaconStakerInfo(stateDB *StateDB, beaconStakerPubkey string) (*BeaconStakerInfo, bool, error)
func NewBeaconStakerInfo ¶
func NewBeaconStakerInfo() *BeaconStakerInfo
func NewBeaconStakerInfoWithValue ¶
func NewBeaconStakerInfoWithValue(funderAddress, rewardReceiver key.PaymentAddress, beaconConfirmHeight uint64, beaconConfirmTime int64, enterTime int64, stakingTx map[common.Hash]StakingTxInfo) *BeaconStakerInfo
func (*BeaconStakerInfo) AddDelegator ¶
func (s *BeaconStakerInfo) AddDelegator(total uint64)
func (*BeaconStakerInfo) AddStaking ¶
func (s *BeaconStakerInfo) AddStaking(tx common.Hash, height uint64, amount uint64)
func (BeaconStakerInfo) BeaconConfirmHeight ¶
func (s BeaconStakerInfo) BeaconConfirmHeight() uint64
func (BeaconStakerInfo) BeaconConfirmTime ¶
func (s BeaconStakerInfo) BeaconConfirmTime() int64
func (*BeaconStakerInfo) FinishSync ¶
func (s *BeaconStakerInfo) FinishSync() bool
func (BeaconStakerInfo) FunderAddress ¶
func (s BeaconStakerInfo) FunderAddress() key.PaymentAddress
func (BeaconStakerInfo) GetBeaconConfirmTime ¶
func (s BeaconStakerInfo) GetBeaconConfirmTime() int64
func (BeaconStakerInfo) GetEnterTime ¶
func (s BeaconStakerInfo) GetEnterTime() int64
func (BeaconStakerInfo) LockingEpoch ¶
func (s BeaconStakerInfo) LockingEpoch() uint64
func (BeaconStakerInfo) LockingReason ¶
func (s BeaconStakerInfo) LockingReason() int
func (BeaconStakerInfo) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c BeaconStakerInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*BeaconStakerInfo) RemoveDelegator ¶
func (s *BeaconStakerInfo) RemoveDelegator(total uint64) error
func (BeaconStakerInfo) RewardReceiver ¶
func (s BeaconStakerInfo) RewardReceiver() key.PaymentAddress
func (*BeaconStakerInfo) SetEnterTime ¶
func (s *BeaconStakerInfo) SetEnterTime(t int64)
func (*BeaconStakerInfo) SetFinishSync ¶
func (s *BeaconStakerInfo) SetFinishSync(b bool)
func (*BeaconStakerInfo) SetLocking ¶
func (s *BeaconStakerInfo) SetLocking(epoch, unlockEpoch uint64, reason int)
func (*BeaconStakerInfo) SetShardActiveTime ¶
func (s *BeaconStakerInfo) SetShardActiveTime(t int)
func (*BeaconStakerInfo) SetUnstaking ¶
func (s *BeaconStakerInfo) SetUnstaking()
func (BeaconStakerInfo) ShardActiveTime ¶
func (s BeaconStakerInfo) ShardActiveTime() int
func (BeaconStakerInfo) StakingTxList ¶
func (s BeaconStakerInfo) StakingTxList() []common.Hash
func (BeaconStakerInfo) ToString ¶
func (c BeaconStakerInfo) ToString() string
func (BeaconStakerInfo) TotalDelegators ¶
func (s BeaconStakerInfo) TotalDelegators() uint64
func (BeaconStakerInfo) TotalStakingAmount ¶
func (s BeaconStakerInfo) TotalStakingAmount() uint64
func (BeaconStakerInfo) UnlockingEpoch ¶
func (s BeaconStakerInfo) UnlockingEpoch() uint64
func (*BeaconStakerInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *BeaconStakerInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
func (BeaconStakerInfo) Unstaking ¶
func (s BeaconStakerInfo) Unstaking() bool
type BeaconStakerObject ¶
type BeaconStakerObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (BeaconStakerObject) GetHash ¶
func (c BeaconStakerObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (BeaconStakerObject) GetTrie ¶
func (c BeaconStakerObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (BeaconStakerObject) GetType ¶
func (c BeaconStakerObject) GetType() int
func (BeaconStakerObject) GetValue ¶
func (c BeaconStakerObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (BeaconStakerObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (c BeaconStakerObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (BeaconStakerObject) GetVersion ¶
func (c BeaconStakerObject) GetVersion() int
func (BeaconStakerObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (c BeaconStakerObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (BeaconStakerObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (c BeaconStakerObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*BeaconStakerObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (c *BeaconStakerObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*BeaconStakerObject) Reset ¶
func (c *BeaconStakerObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*BeaconStakerObject) SetError ¶
func (c *BeaconStakerObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*BeaconStakerObject) SetValue ¶
func (c *BeaconStakerObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type BlackListProducerObject ¶
type BlackListProducerObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (BlackListProducerObject) GetHash ¶
func (bl BlackListProducerObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (BlackListProducerObject) GetTrie ¶
func (bl BlackListProducerObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (BlackListProducerObject) GetType ¶
func (bl BlackListProducerObject) GetType() int
func (BlackListProducerObject) GetValue ¶
func (bl BlackListProducerObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (BlackListProducerObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (bl BlackListProducerObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (BlackListProducerObject) GetVersion ¶
func (bl BlackListProducerObject) GetVersion() int
func (BlackListProducerObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (bl BlackListProducerObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (BlackListProducerObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (bl BlackListProducerObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*BlackListProducerObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (bl *BlackListProducerObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*BlackListProducerObject) Reset ¶
func (bl *BlackListProducerObject) Reset() bool
func (*BlackListProducerObject) SetError ¶
func (bl *BlackListProducerObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*BlackListProducerObject) SetValue ¶
func (bl *BlackListProducerObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type BlackListProducerState ¶
type BlackListProducerState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBlackListProducerState ¶
func NewBlackListProducerState() *BlackListProducerState
func NewBlackListProducerStateWithValue ¶
func NewBlackListProducerStateWithValue(producerCommitteePublicKey string, punishedEpoches uint8, beaconHeight uint64) *BlackListProducerState
func (BlackListProducerState) BeaconHeight ¶
func (bl BlackListProducerState) BeaconHeight() uint64
func (BlackListProducerState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (bl BlackListProducerState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (BlackListProducerState) ProducerCommitteePublicKey ¶
func (bl BlackListProducerState) ProducerCommitteePublicKey() string
func (BlackListProducerState) PunishedEpoches ¶
func (bl BlackListProducerState) PunishedEpoches() uint8
func (*BlackListProducerState) SetBeaconHeight ¶
func (bl *BlackListProducerState) SetBeaconHeight(beaconHeight uint64)
func (*BlackListProducerState) SetProducerCommitteePublicKey ¶
func (bl *BlackListProducerState) SetProducerCommitteePublicKey(producerCommitteePublicKey string)
func (*BlackListProducerState) SetPunishedEpoches ¶
func (bl *BlackListProducerState) SetPunishedEpoches(punishedEpoches uint8)
func (*BlackListProducerState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (bl *BlackListProducerState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BridgeAURORATxObject ¶
type BridgeAURORATxObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (BridgeAURORATxObject) GetHash ¶
func (auroraTx BridgeAURORATxObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (BridgeAURORATxObject) GetTrie ¶
func (auroraTx BridgeAURORATxObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (BridgeAURORATxObject) GetType ¶
func (auroraTx BridgeAURORATxObject) GetType() int
func (BridgeAURORATxObject) GetValue ¶
func (auroraTx BridgeAURORATxObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (BridgeAURORATxObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (auroraTx BridgeAURORATxObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (BridgeAURORATxObject) GetVersion ¶
func (auroraTx BridgeAURORATxObject) GetVersion() int
func (BridgeAURORATxObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (auroraTx BridgeAURORATxObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (BridgeAURORATxObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (auroraTx BridgeAURORATxObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*BridgeAURORATxObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (auroraTx *BridgeAURORATxObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*BridgeAURORATxObject) Reset ¶
func (auroraTx *BridgeAURORATxObject) Reset() bool
func (*BridgeAURORATxObject) SetError ¶
func (auroraTx *BridgeAURORATxObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*BridgeAURORATxObject) SetValue ¶
func (auroraTx *BridgeAURORATxObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type BridgeAURORATxState ¶
type BridgeAURORATxState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBridgeAURORATxState ¶
func NewBridgeAURORATxState() *BridgeAURORATxState
func NewBridgeAURORATxStateWithValue ¶
func NewBridgeAURORATxStateWithValue(uniqueAURORATx []byte) *BridgeAURORATxState
func (BridgeAURORATxState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (auroraTx BridgeAURORATxState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*BridgeAURORATxState) SetUniqueAURORATx ¶
func (auroraTx *BridgeAURORATxState) SetUniqueAURORATx(uniqueAURORATx []byte)
func (BridgeAURORATxState) UniqueAURORATx ¶
func (auroraTx BridgeAURORATxState) UniqueAURORATx() []byte
func (*BridgeAURORATxState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (auroraTx *BridgeAURORATxState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BridgeAVAXTxObject ¶
type BridgeAVAXTxObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (BridgeAVAXTxObject) GetHash ¶
func (avaxTx BridgeAVAXTxObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (BridgeAVAXTxObject) GetTrie ¶
func (avaxTx BridgeAVAXTxObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (BridgeAVAXTxObject) GetType ¶
func (avaxTx BridgeAVAXTxObject) GetType() int
func (BridgeAVAXTxObject) GetValue ¶
func (avaxTx BridgeAVAXTxObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (BridgeAVAXTxObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (avaxTx BridgeAVAXTxObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (BridgeAVAXTxObject) GetVersion ¶
func (avaxTx BridgeAVAXTxObject) GetVersion() int
func (BridgeAVAXTxObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (avaxTx BridgeAVAXTxObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (BridgeAVAXTxObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (avaxTx BridgeAVAXTxObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*BridgeAVAXTxObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (avaxTx *BridgeAVAXTxObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*BridgeAVAXTxObject) Reset ¶
func (avaxTx *BridgeAVAXTxObject) Reset() bool
func (*BridgeAVAXTxObject) SetError ¶
func (avaxTx *BridgeAVAXTxObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*BridgeAVAXTxObject) SetValue ¶
func (avaxTx *BridgeAVAXTxObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type BridgeAVAXTxState ¶
type BridgeAVAXTxState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBridgeAVAXTxState ¶
func NewBridgeAVAXTxState() *BridgeAVAXTxState
func NewBridgeAVAXTxStateWithValue ¶
func NewBridgeAVAXTxStateWithValue(uniqueAVAXTx []byte) *BridgeAVAXTxState
func (BridgeAVAXTxState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (avaxTx BridgeAVAXTxState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*BridgeAVAXTxState) SetUniqueAVAXTx ¶
func (avaxTx *BridgeAVAXTxState) SetUniqueAVAXTx(uniqueAVAXTx []byte)
func (BridgeAVAXTxState) UniqueAVAXTx ¶
func (avaxTx BridgeAVAXTxState) UniqueAVAXTx() []byte
func (*BridgeAVAXTxState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (avaxTx *BridgeAVAXTxState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BridgeAggParamObject ¶
type BridgeAggParamObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (BridgeAggParamObject) GetHash ¶
func (t BridgeAggParamObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (BridgeAggParamObject) GetTrie ¶
func (t BridgeAggParamObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (BridgeAggParamObject) GetType ¶
func (t BridgeAggParamObject) GetType() int
func (BridgeAggParamObject) GetValue ¶
func (t BridgeAggParamObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (BridgeAggParamObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (t BridgeAggParamObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (BridgeAggParamObject) GetVersion ¶
func (t BridgeAggParamObject) GetVersion() int
func (BridgeAggParamObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (t BridgeAggParamObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (BridgeAggParamObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (t BridgeAggParamObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*BridgeAggParamObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (t *BridgeAggParamObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*BridgeAggParamObject) Reset ¶
func (t *BridgeAggParamObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*BridgeAggParamObject) SetError ¶
func (t *BridgeAggParamObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*BridgeAggParamObject) SetValue ¶
func (t *BridgeAggParamObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type BridgeAggParamState ¶
type BridgeAggParamState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetBridgeAggParam ¶
func GetBridgeAggParam(stateDB *StateDB) (*BridgeAggParamState, error)
Get bridge agg param from statedb if not found in db, return the default param
func NewBridgeAggParamState ¶
func NewBridgeAggParamState() *BridgeAggParamState
func NewBridgeAggParamStateWithValue ¶
func NewBridgeAggParamStateWithValue(percentFeeWithDec uint64) *BridgeAggParamState
func (BridgeAggParamState) Clone ¶
func (b BridgeAggParamState) Clone() *BridgeAggParamState
func (*BridgeAggParamState) IsDiff ¶
func (b *BridgeAggParamState) IsDiff(compareParam *BridgeAggParamState) bool
func (BridgeAggParamState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (b BridgeAggParamState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (BridgeAggParamState) PercentFeeWithDec ¶
func (b BridgeAggParamState) PercentFeeWithDec() uint64
func (*BridgeAggParamState) SetPercentFeeWithDec ¶
func (b *BridgeAggParamState) SetPercentFeeWithDec(percentFeeWithDec uint64)
func (*BridgeAggParamState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (b *BridgeAggParamState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BridgeAggStatusObject ¶
type BridgeAggStatusObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (BridgeAggStatusObject) GetHash ¶
func (t BridgeAggStatusObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (BridgeAggStatusObject) GetTrie ¶
func (t BridgeAggStatusObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (BridgeAggStatusObject) GetType ¶
func (t BridgeAggStatusObject) GetType() int
func (BridgeAggStatusObject) GetValue ¶
func (t BridgeAggStatusObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (BridgeAggStatusObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (t BridgeAggStatusObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (BridgeAggStatusObject) GetVersion ¶
func (t BridgeAggStatusObject) GetVersion() int
func (BridgeAggStatusObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (t BridgeAggStatusObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (BridgeAggStatusObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (t BridgeAggStatusObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*BridgeAggStatusObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (t *BridgeAggStatusObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*BridgeAggStatusObject) Reset ¶
func (t *BridgeAggStatusObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*BridgeAggStatusObject) SetError ¶
func (t *BridgeAggStatusObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*BridgeAggStatusObject) SetValue ¶
func (t *BridgeAggStatusObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type BridgeAggStatusState ¶
type BridgeAggStatusState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBridgeAggStatusState ¶
func NewBridgeAggStatusState() *BridgeAggStatusState
func NewBridgeAggStatusStateWithValue ¶
func NewBridgeAggStatusStateWithValue(statusType []byte, statusSuffix []byte, statusContent []byte) *BridgeAggStatusState
func (BridgeAggStatusState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (b BridgeAggStatusState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*BridgeAggStatusState) SetStatusContent ¶
func (b *BridgeAggStatusState) SetStatusContent(statusContent []byte)
func (*BridgeAggStatusState) SetStatusSuffix ¶
func (b *BridgeAggStatusState) SetStatusSuffix(statusSuffix []byte)
func (*BridgeAggStatusState) SetStatusType ¶
func (b *BridgeAggStatusState) SetStatusType(statusType []byte)
func (BridgeAggStatusState) StatusContent ¶
func (b BridgeAggStatusState) StatusContent() []byte
func (BridgeAggStatusState) StatusSuffix ¶
func (b BridgeAggStatusState) StatusSuffix() []byte
func (BridgeAggStatusState) StatusType ¶
func (b BridgeAggStatusState) StatusType() []byte
func (*BridgeAggStatusState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (b *BridgeAggStatusState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject ¶
type BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) GetHash ¶
func (object *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (*BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) GetTrie ¶
func (object *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (*BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) GetType ¶
func (object *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) GetType() int
func (*BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) GetValue ¶
func (object *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (*BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (object *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (*BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) GetVersion ¶
func (object *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) GetVersion() int
func (*BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (object *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (object *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (object *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) Reset ¶
func (object *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) SetError ¶
func (object *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) SetValue ¶
func (object *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type BridgeAggUnifiedTokenState ¶
type BridgeAggUnifiedTokenState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetBridgeAggUnifiedTokens ¶
func GetBridgeAggUnifiedTokens(stateDB *StateDB) ([]*BridgeAggUnifiedTokenState, error)
func NewBridgeAggUnifiedTokenState ¶
func NewBridgeAggUnifiedTokenState() *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenState
func NewBridgeAggUnifiedTokenStateWithValue ¶
func NewBridgeAggUnifiedTokenStateWithValue(tokenID common.Hash) *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenState
func (*BridgeAggUnifiedTokenState) Clone ¶
func (state *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenState) Clone() *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenState
func (*BridgeAggUnifiedTokenState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (state *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*BridgeAggUnifiedTokenState) TokenID ¶
func (state *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenState) TokenID() common.Hash
func (*BridgeAggUnifiedTokenState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (state *BridgeAggUnifiedTokenState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BridgeAggVaulltObject ¶
type BridgeAggVaulltObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BridgeAggVaulltObject) GetHash ¶
func (object *BridgeAggVaulltObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (*BridgeAggVaulltObject) GetTrie ¶
func (object *BridgeAggVaulltObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (*BridgeAggVaulltObject) GetType ¶
func (object *BridgeAggVaulltObject) GetType() int
func (*BridgeAggVaulltObject) GetValue ¶
func (object *BridgeAggVaulltObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (*BridgeAggVaulltObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (object *BridgeAggVaulltObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (*BridgeAggVaulltObject) GetVersion ¶
func (object *BridgeAggVaulltObject) GetVersion() int
func (*BridgeAggVaulltObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (object *BridgeAggVaulltObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*BridgeAggVaulltObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (object *BridgeAggVaulltObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*BridgeAggVaulltObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (object *BridgeAggVaulltObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*BridgeAggVaulltObject) Reset ¶
func (object *BridgeAggVaulltObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*BridgeAggVaulltObject) SetError ¶
func (object *BridgeAggVaulltObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*BridgeAggVaulltObject) SetValue ¶
func (object *BridgeAggVaulltObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type BridgeAggVaultState ¶
type BridgeAggVaultState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBridgeAggVaultState ¶
func NewBridgeAggVaultState() *BridgeAggVaultState
func (*BridgeAggVaultState) Amount ¶
func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) Amount() uint64
func (*BridgeAggVaultState) Clone ¶
func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) Clone() *BridgeAggVaultState
func (*BridgeAggVaultState) ExtDecimal ¶
func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) ExtDecimal() uint8
func (*BridgeAggVaultState) GetDiff ¶
func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) GetDiff(compareState *BridgeAggVaultState) (*BridgeAggVaultState, error)
func (*BridgeAggVaultState) IncTokenID ¶
func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) IncTokenID() common.Hash
func (*BridgeAggVaultState) IsDiff ¶
func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) IsDiff(compareState *BridgeAggVaultState) (bool, error)
func (*BridgeAggVaultState) IsEmpty ¶
func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) IsEmpty() bool
func (*BridgeAggVaultState) LockedAmount ¶
func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) LockedAmount() uint64
func (*BridgeAggVaultState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (state *BridgeAggVaultState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*BridgeAggVaultState) NetworkID ¶
func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) NetworkID() uint8
func (*BridgeAggVaultState) SetAmount ¶
func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) SetAmount(amount uint64)
func (*BridgeAggVaultState) SetExtDecimal ¶
func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) SetExtDecimal(extDecimal uint8)
func (*BridgeAggVaultState) SetIncTokenID ¶
func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) SetIncTokenID(tokenID common.Hash)
func (*BridgeAggVaultState) SetLockedAmount ¶
func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) SetLockedAmount(amount uint64)
func (*BridgeAggVaultState) SetNetworkID ¶
func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) SetNetworkID(networkID uint8)
func (*BridgeAggVaultState) SetWaitingUnshieldAmount ¶
func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) SetWaitingUnshieldAmount(amount uint64)
func (*BridgeAggVaultState) SetWaitingUnshieldFee ¶
func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) SetWaitingUnshieldFee(amount uint64)
func (*BridgeAggVaultState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (state *BridgeAggVaultState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
func (*BridgeAggVaultState) UpdateAmount ¶
func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) UpdateAmount(amount uint64, operator int) error
func (*BridgeAggVaultState) UpdateLockedAmount ¶
func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) UpdateLockedAmount(amount uint64, operator int) error
func (*BridgeAggVaultState) UpdateWaitingUnshieldAmount ¶
func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) UpdateWaitingUnshieldAmount(amount uint64, operator int) error
func (*BridgeAggVaultState) UpdateWaitingUnshieldFee ¶
func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) UpdateWaitingUnshieldFee(amount uint64, operator int) error
func (*BridgeAggVaultState) WaitingUnshieldAmount ¶
func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) WaitingUnshieldAmount() uint64
func (*BridgeAggVaultState) WaitingUnshieldFee ¶
func (b *BridgeAggVaultState) WaitingUnshieldFee() uint64
type BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq ¶
type BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetBridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqs ¶
func GetBridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqs(stateDB *StateDB, unifiedTokenID common.Hash) ([]*BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq, error)
return list of waiting unshield requests by unifiedTokenID and the list is sorted ascending by beaconHeight
func NewBridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqState ¶
func NewBridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqState() *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq
func NewBridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqStateWithValue ¶
func NewBridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqStateWithValue( data []WaitingUnshieldReqData, unshieldID common.Hash, beaconHeight uint64, ) *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq
func (*BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) Clone ¶
func (us *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) Clone() *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq
func (*BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) GetBeaconHeight ¶
func (us *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) GetBeaconHeight() uint64
func (*BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) GetData ¶
func (us *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) GetData() []WaitingUnshieldReqData
func (*BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) GetUnshieldID ¶
func (us *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) GetUnshieldID() common.Hash
func (BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) MarshalJSON ¶
func (us BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) SetBeaconHeight ¶
func (us *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) SetBeaconHeight(beaconHeight uint64)
func (*BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) SetData ¶
func (us *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) SetData(data []WaitingUnshieldReqData)
func (*BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) SetUnshieldID ¶
func (us *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) SetUnshieldID(unshieldID common.Hash)
func (*BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (us *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject ¶
type BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject struct { BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqHash common.Hash BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReq // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) GetHash ¶
func (t BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) GetTrie ¶
func (t BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) GetType ¶
func (t BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) GetType() int
func (BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) GetValue ¶
func (t BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (t BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) GetVersion ¶
func (t BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) GetVersion() int
func (BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (t BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (t BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (t *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) Reset ¶
func (t *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) SetError ¶
func (t *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) SetValue ¶
func (t *BridgeAggWaitingUnshieldReqObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type BridgeBSCTxObject ¶
type BridgeBSCTxObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (BridgeBSCTxObject) GetHash ¶
func (bscTx BridgeBSCTxObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (BridgeBSCTxObject) GetTrie ¶
func (bscTx BridgeBSCTxObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (BridgeBSCTxObject) GetType ¶
func (bscTx BridgeBSCTxObject) GetType() int
func (BridgeBSCTxObject) GetValue ¶
func (bscTx BridgeBSCTxObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (BridgeBSCTxObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (bscTx BridgeBSCTxObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (BridgeBSCTxObject) GetVersion ¶
func (bscTx BridgeBSCTxObject) GetVersion() int
func (BridgeBSCTxObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (bscTx BridgeBSCTxObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (BridgeBSCTxObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (bscTx BridgeBSCTxObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*BridgeBSCTxObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (bscTx *BridgeBSCTxObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*BridgeBSCTxObject) Reset ¶
func (bscTx *BridgeBSCTxObject) Reset() bool
func (*BridgeBSCTxObject) SetError ¶
func (bscTx *BridgeBSCTxObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*BridgeBSCTxObject) SetValue ¶
func (bscTx *BridgeBSCTxObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type BridgeBSCTxState ¶
type BridgeBSCTxState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBridgeBSCTxState ¶
func NewBridgeBSCTxState() *BridgeBSCTxState
func NewBridgeBSCTxStateWithValue ¶
func NewBridgeBSCTxStateWithValue(uniqueBSCTx []byte) *BridgeBSCTxState
func (BridgeBSCTxState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (bscTx BridgeBSCTxState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*BridgeBSCTxState) SetUniqueBSCTx ¶
func (bscTx *BridgeBSCTxState) SetUniqueBSCTx(uniqueBSCTx []byte)
func (BridgeBSCTxState) UniqueBSCTx ¶
func (bscTx BridgeBSCTxState) UniqueBSCTx() []byte
func (*BridgeBSCTxState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (bscTx *BridgeBSCTxState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BridgeEthTxObject ¶
type BridgeEthTxObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (BridgeEthTxObject) GetHash ¶
func (ethtx BridgeEthTxObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (BridgeEthTxObject) GetTrie ¶
func (ethtx BridgeEthTxObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (BridgeEthTxObject) GetType ¶
func (ethtx BridgeEthTxObject) GetType() int
func (BridgeEthTxObject) GetValue ¶
func (ethtx BridgeEthTxObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (BridgeEthTxObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (ethtx BridgeEthTxObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (BridgeEthTxObject) GetVersion ¶
func (ethtx BridgeEthTxObject) GetVersion() int
func (BridgeEthTxObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (ethtx BridgeEthTxObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (BridgeEthTxObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (ethtx BridgeEthTxObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*BridgeEthTxObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (ethtx *BridgeEthTxObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*BridgeEthTxObject) Reset ¶
func (ethtx *BridgeEthTxObject) Reset() bool
func (*BridgeEthTxObject) SetError ¶
func (ethtx *BridgeEthTxObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*BridgeEthTxObject) SetValue ¶
func (ethtx *BridgeEthTxObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type BridgeEthTxState ¶
type BridgeEthTxState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBridgeEthTxState ¶
func NewBridgeEthTxState() *BridgeEthTxState
func NewBridgeEthTxStateWithValue ¶
func NewBridgeEthTxStateWithValue(uniqueETHTx []byte) *BridgeEthTxState
func (BridgeEthTxState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (ethtx BridgeEthTxState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*BridgeEthTxState) SetUniqueEthTx ¶
func (ethtx *BridgeEthTxState) SetUniqueEthTx(uniqueEthTx []byte)
func (BridgeEthTxState) UniqueEthTx ¶
func (ethtx BridgeEthTxState) UniqueEthTx() []byte
func (*BridgeEthTxState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (ethtx *BridgeEthTxState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BridgeFTMTxObject ¶
type BridgeFTMTxObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (BridgeFTMTxObject) GetHash ¶
func (ftmTx BridgeFTMTxObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (BridgeFTMTxObject) GetTrie ¶
func (ftmTx BridgeFTMTxObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (BridgeFTMTxObject) GetType ¶
func (ftmTx BridgeFTMTxObject) GetType() int
func (BridgeFTMTxObject) GetValue ¶
func (ftmTx BridgeFTMTxObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (BridgeFTMTxObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (ftmTx BridgeFTMTxObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (BridgeFTMTxObject) GetVersion ¶
func (ftmTx BridgeFTMTxObject) GetVersion() int
func (BridgeFTMTxObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (ftmTx BridgeFTMTxObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (BridgeFTMTxObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (ftmTx BridgeFTMTxObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*BridgeFTMTxObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (ftmTx *BridgeFTMTxObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*BridgeFTMTxObject) Reset ¶
func (ftmTx *BridgeFTMTxObject) Reset() bool
func (*BridgeFTMTxObject) SetError ¶
func (ftmTx *BridgeFTMTxObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*BridgeFTMTxObject) SetValue ¶
func (ftmTx *BridgeFTMTxObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type BridgeFTMTxState ¶
type BridgeFTMTxState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBridgeFTMTxState ¶
func NewBridgeFTMTxState() *BridgeFTMTxState
func NewBridgeFTMTxStateWithValue ¶
func NewBridgeFTMTxStateWithValue(uniqueFTMTx []byte) *BridgeFTMTxState
func (BridgeFTMTxState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (ftmTx BridgeFTMTxState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*BridgeFTMTxState) SetUniqueFTMTx ¶
func (ftmTx *BridgeFTMTxState) SetUniqueFTMTx(uniqueFTMTx []byte)
func (BridgeFTMTxState) UniqueFTMTx ¶
func (ftmTx BridgeFTMTxState) UniqueFTMTx() []byte
func (*BridgeFTMTxState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (ftmTx *BridgeFTMTxState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BridgeNEARTxObject ¶
type BridgeNEARTxObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (BridgeNEARTxObject) GetHash ¶
func (nearTx BridgeNEARTxObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (BridgeNEARTxObject) GetTrie ¶
func (nearTx BridgeNEARTxObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (BridgeNEARTxObject) GetType ¶
func (nearTx BridgeNEARTxObject) GetType() int
func (BridgeNEARTxObject) GetValue ¶
func (nearTx BridgeNEARTxObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (BridgeNEARTxObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (nearTx BridgeNEARTxObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (BridgeNEARTxObject) GetVersion ¶
func (nearTx BridgeNEARTxObject) GetVersion() int
func (BridgeNEARTxObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (nearTx BridgeNEARTxObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (BridgeNEARTxObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (nearTx BridgeNEARTxObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*BridgeNEARTxObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (nearTx *BridgeNEARTxObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*BridgeNEARTxObject) Reset ¶
func (nearTx *BridgeNEARTxObject) Reset() bool
func (*BridgeNEARTxObject) SetError ¶
func (nearTx *BridgeNEARTxObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*BridgeNEARTxObject) SetValue ¶
func (nearTx *BridgeNEARTxObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type BridgeNEARTxState ¶
type BridgeNEARTxState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBridgeNEARTxState ¶
func NewBridgeNEARTxState() *BridgeNEARTxState
func NewBridgeNEARTxStateWithValue ¶
func NewBridgeNEARTxStateWithValue(uniqueNEARTx []byte) *BridgeNEARTxState
func (BridgeNEARTxState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (nearTx BridgeNEARTxState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*BridgeNEARTxState) SetUniqueNEARTx ¶
func (nearTx *BridgeNEARTxState) SetUniqueNEARTx(uniqueNEARTx []byte)
func (BridgeNEARTxState) UniqueNEARTx ¶
func (nearTx BridgeNEARTxState) UniqueNEARTx() []byte
func (*BridgeNEARTxState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (nearTx *BridgeNEARTxState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BridgePLGTxObject ¶
type BridgePLGTxObject struct { BridgePLGTxState *BridgePLGTxState // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (BridgePLGTxObject) GetHash ¶
func (plgTx BridgePLGTxObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (BridgePLGTxObject) GetTrie ¶
func (plgTx BridgePLGTxObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (BridgePLGTxObject) GetType ¶
func (plgTx BridgePLGTxObject) GetType() int
func (BridgePLGTxObject) GetValue ¶
func (plgTx BridgePLGTxObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (BridgePLGTxObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (plgTx BridgePLGTxObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (BridgePLGTxObject) GetVersion ¶
func (plgTx BridgePLGTxObject) GetVersion() int
func (BridgePLGTxObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (plgTx BridgePLGTxObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (BridgePLGTxObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (plgTx BridgePLGTxObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*BridgePLGTxObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (plgTx *BridgePLGTxObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*BridgePLGTxObject) Reset ¶
func (plgTx *BridgePLGTxObject) Reset() bool
func (*BridgePLGTxObject) SetError ¶
func (plgTx *BridgePLGTxObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*BridgePLGTxObject) SetValue ¶
func (plgTx *BridgePLGTxObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type BridgePLGTxState ¶
type BridgePLGTxState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBridgePLGTxState ¶
func NewBridgePLGTxState() *BridgePLGTxState
func NewBridgePLGTxStateWithValue ¶
func NewBridgePLGTxStateWithValue(uniquePLGTx []byte) *BridgePLGTxState
func (BridgePLGTxState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (plgTx BridgePLGTxState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*BridgePLGTxState) SetUniquePLGTx ¶
func (plgTx *BridgePLGTxState) SetUniquePLGTx(uniquePLGTx []byte)
func (BridgePLGTxState) UniquePLGTx ¶
func (plgTx BridgePLGTxState) UniquePLGTx() []byte
func (*BridgePLGTxState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (plgTx *BridgePLGTxState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BridgeStatusObject ¶
type BridgeStatusObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (BridgeStatusObject) GetHash ¶
func (s BridgeStatusObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (BridgeStatusObject) GetTrie ¶
func (s BridgeStatusObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (BridgeStatusObject) GetType ¶
func (s BridgeStatusObject) GetType() int
func (BridgeStatusObject) GetValue ¶
func (s BridgeStatusObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (BridgeStatusObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (s BridgeStatusObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (BridgeStatusObject) GetVersion ¶
func (s BridgeStatusObject) GetVersion() int
func (BridgeStatusObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (s BridgeStatusObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (BridgeStatusObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (s BridgeStatusObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*BridgeStatusObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (s *BridgeStatusObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*BridgeStatusObject) Reset ¶
func (s *BridgeStatusObject) Reset() bool
func (*BridgeStatusObject) SetError ¶
func (s *BridgeStatusObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*BridgeStatusObject) SetValue ¶
func (s *BridgeStatusObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type BridgeStatusState ¶
type BridgeStatusState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBridgeStatusState ¶
func NewBridgeStatusState() *BridgeStatusState
func NewBridgeStatusStateWithValue ¶
func NewBridgeStatusStateWithValue(txReqID common.Hash, status byte) *BridgeStatusState
func (BridgeStatusState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s BridgeStatusState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*BridgeStatusState) SetStatus ¶
func (s *BridgeStatusState) SetStatus(status byte)
func (*BridgeStatusState) SetTxReqID ¶
func (s *BridgeStatusState) SetTxReqID(txReqID common.Hash)
func (BridgeStatusState) Status ¶
func (s BridgeStatusState) Status() byte
func (BridgeStatusState) TxReqID ¶
func (s BridgeStatusState) TxReqID() common.Hash
func (*BridgeStatusState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *BridgeStatusState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BridgeTokenInfoObject ¶
type BridgeTokenInfoObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (BridgeTokenInfoObject) GetHash ¶
func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (BridgeTokenInfoObject) GetTrie ¶
func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (BridgeTokenInfoObject) GetType ¶
func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoObject) GetType() int
func (BridgeTokenInfoObject) GetValue ¶
func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (BridgeTokenInfoObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (BridgeTokenInfoObject) GetVersion ¶
func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoObject) GetVersion() int
func (BridgeTokenInfoObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (BridgeTokenInfoObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*BridgeTokenInfoObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (ethtx *BridgeTokenInfoObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*BridgeTokenInfoObject) Reset ¶
func (ethtx *BridgeTokenInfoObject) Reset() bool
func (*BridgeTokenInfoObject) SetError ¶
func (ethtx *BridgeTokenInfoObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*BridgeTokenInfoObject) SetValue ¶
func (ethtx *BridgeTokenInfoObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type BridgeTokenInfoState ¶
type BridgeTokenInfoState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetBridgeTokenByType ¶
func NewBridgeTokenInfoState ¶
func NewBridgeTokenInfoState() *BridgeTokenInfoState
func (BridgeTokenInfoState) Amount ¶
func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoState) Amount() uint64
func (BridgeTokenInfoState) ExternalTokenID ¶
func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoState) ExternalTokenID() []byte
func (BridgeTokenInfoState) IncTokenID ¶
func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoState) IncTokenID() common.Hash
func (BridgeTokenInfoState) IsCentralized ¶
func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoState) IsCentralized() bool
func (BridgeTokenInfoState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (BridgeTokenInfoState) Network ¶
func (ethtx BridgeTokenInfoState) Network() string
func (*BridgeTokenInfoState) SetAmount ¶
func (ethtx *BridgeTokenInfoState) SetAmount(amount uint64)
func (*BridgeTokenInfoState) SetExternalTokenID ¶
func (ethtx *BridgeTokenInfoState) SetExternalTokenID(externalTokenID []byte)
func (*BridgeTokenInfoState) SetIncTokenID ¶
func (ethtx *BridgeTokenInfoState) SetIncTokenID(incTokenID common.Hash)
func (*BridgeTokenInfoState) SetIsCentralized ¶
func (ethtx *BridgeTokenInfoState) SetIsCentralized(isCentralized bool)
func (*BridgeTokenInfoState) SetNetwork ¶
func (ethtx *BridgeTokenInfoState) SetNetwork(network string)
func (*BridgeTokenInfoState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (ethtx *BridgeTokenInfoState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BrigePRVEVMObject ¶
type BrigePRVEVMObject struct { BrigePRVEVMHash common.Hash BrigePRVEVMState *BrigePRVEVMState // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (BrigePRVEVMObject) GetHash ¶
func (prvEvmTx BrigePRVEVMObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (BrigePRVEVMObject) GetTrie ¶
func (prvEvmTx BrigePRVEVMObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (BrigePRVEVMObject) GetType ¶
func (prvEvmTx BrigePRVEVMObject) GetType() int
func (BrigePRVEVMObject) GetValue ¶
func (prvEvmTx BrigePRVEVMObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (BrigePRVEVMObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (prvEvmTx BrigePRVEVMObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (BrigePRVEVMObject) GetVersion ¶
func (prvEvmTx BrigePRVEVMObject) GetVersion() int
func (BrigePRVEVMObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (prvEvmTx BrigePRVEVMObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (BrigePRVEVMObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (prvEvmTx BrigePRVEVMObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*BrigePRVEVMObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (prvEvmTx *BrigePRVEVMObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*BrigePRVEVMObject) Reset ¶
func (prvEvmTx *BrigePRVEVMObject) Reset() bool
func (*BrigePRVEVMObject) SetError ¶
func (prvEvmTx *BrigePRVEVMObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*BrigePRVEVMObject) SetValue ¶
func (prvEvmTx *BrigePRVEVMObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type BrigePRVEVMState ¶
type BrigePRVEVMState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBrigePRVEVMState ¶
func NewBrigePRVEVMState() *BrigePRVEVMState
func NewBrigePRVEVMStateWithValue ¶
func NewBrigePRVEVMStateWithValue(uniquePRVEVMTx []byte) *BrigePRVEVMState
func (BrigePRVEVMState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (prvEvmTx BrigePRVEVMState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*BrigePRVEVMState) SetuniquePRVEVMTx ¶
func (prvEvmTx *BrigePRVEVMState) SetuniquePRVEVMTx(uniquePRVEVMTx []byte)
func (BrigePRVEVMState) UniquePRVEVMTx ¶
func (prvEvmTx BrigePRVEVMState) UniquePRVEVMTx() []byte
func (*BrigePRVEVMState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (prvEvmTx *BrigePRVEVMState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type BurningConfirmObject ¶
type BurningConfirmObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (BurningConfirmObject) GetHash ¶
func (ethtx BurningConfirmObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (BurningConfirmObject) GetTrie ¶
func (ethtx BurningConfirmObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (BurningConfirmObject) GetType ¶
func (ethtx BurningConfirmObject) GetType() int
func (BurningConfirmObject) GetValue ¶
func (ethtx BurningConfirmObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (BurningConfirmObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (ethtx BurningConfirmObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (BurningConfirmObject) GetVersion ¶
func (ethtx BurningConfirmObject) GetVersion() int
func (BurningConfirmObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (ethtx BurningConfirmObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (BurningConfirmObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (ethtx BurningConfirmObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*BurningConfirmObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (ethtx *BurningConfirmObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*BurningConfirmObject) Reset ¶
func (ethtx *BurningConfirmObject) Reset() bool
func (*BurningConfirmObject) SetError ¶
func (ethtx *BurningConfirmObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*BurningConfirmObject) SetValue ¶
func (ethtx *BurningConfirmObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type BurningConfirmState ¶
type BurningConfirmState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBurningConfirmState ¶
func NewBurningConfirmState() *BurningConfirmState
func NewBurningConfirmStateWithValue ¶
func NewBurningConfirmStateWithValue(txID common.Hash, height uint64) *BurningConfirmState
func (BurningConfirmState) Height ¶
func (b BurningConfirmState) Height() uint64
func (BurningConfirmState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (b BurningConfirmState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*BurningConfirmState) SetHeight ¶
func (b *BurningConfirmState) SetHeight(height uint64)
func (*BurningConfirmState) SetTxID ¶
func (b *BurningConfirmState) SetTxID(txID common.Hash)
func (BurningConfirmState) TxID ¶
func (b BurningConfirmState) TxID() common.Hash
func (*BurningConfirmState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (b *BurningConfirmState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CommitmentIndexObject ¶
type CommitmentIndexObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
========================================================== INDEX
func (CommitmentIndexObject) GetHash ¶
func (s CommitmentIndexObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (CommitmentIndexObject) GetTrie ¶
func (s CommitmentIndexObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (CommitmentIndexObject) GetType ¶
func (s CommitmentIndexObject) GetType() int
func (CommitmentIndexObject) GetValue ¶
func (s CommitmentIndexObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (CommitmentIndexObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (s CommitmentIndexObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (CommitmentIndexObject) GetVersion ¶
func (s CommitmentIndexObject) GetVersion() int
func (CommitmentIndexObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (s CommitmentIndexObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (CommitmentIndexObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (s CommitmentIndexObject) IsEmpty() bool
empty value or not
func (*CommitmentIndexObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (s *CommitmentIndexObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*CommitmentIndexObject) Reset ¶
func (s *CommitmentIndexObject) Reset() bool
Reset serial number into default
func (*CommitmentIndexObject) SetError ¶
func (s *CommitmentIndexObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*CommitmentIndexObject) SetValue ¶
func (s *CommitmentIndexObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type CommitmentLengthObject ¶
type CommitmentLengthObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
========================================================== Length
func (CommitmentLengthObject) GetHash ¶
func (s CommitmentLengthObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (CommitmentLengthObject) GetTrie ¶
func (s CommitmentLengthObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (CommitmentLengthObject) GetType ¶
func (s CommitmentLengthObject) GetType() int
func (CommitmentLengthObject) GetValue ¶
func (s CommitmentLengthObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (CommitmentLengthObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (s CommitmentLengthObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (CommitmentLengthObject) GetVersion ¶
func (s CommitmentLengthObject) GetVersion() int
func (CommitmentLengthObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (s CommitmentLengthObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (CommitmentLengthObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (s CommitmentLengthObject) IsEmpty() bool
empty value or not
func (*CommitmentLengthObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (s *CommitmentLengthObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*CommitmentLengthObject) Reset ¶
func (s *CommitmentLengthObject) Reset() bool
Reset serial number into default
func (*CommitmentLengthObject) SetError ¶
func (s *CommitmentLengthObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*CommitmentLengthObject) SetValue ¶
func (s *CommitmentLengthObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type CommitmentObject ¶
type CommitmentObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (CommitmentObject) GetHash ¶
func (s CommitmentObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (CommitmentObject) GetTrie ¶
func (s CommitmentObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (CommitmentObject) GetType ¶
func (s CommitmentObject) GetType() int
func (CommitmentObject) GetValue ¶
func (s CommitmentObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (CommitmentObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (s CommitmentObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (CommitmentObject) GetVersion ¶
func (s CommitmentObject) GetVersion() int
func (CommitmentObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (s CommitmentObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*CommitmentObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (s *CommitmentObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*CommitmentObject) Reset ¶
func (s *CommitmentObject) Reset() bool
Reset serial number into default
func (*CommitmentObject) SetError ¶
func (s *CommitmentObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*CommitmentObject) SetValue ¶
func (s *CommitmentObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type CommitmentState ¶
type CommitmentState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewCommitmentState ¶
func NewCommitmentState() *CommitmentState
func (CommitmentState) Commitment ¶
func (c CommitmentState) Commitment() []byte
func (CommitmentState) Index ¶
func (c CommitmentState) Index() *big.Int
func (CommitmentState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c CommitmentState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*CommitmentState) SetCommitment ¶
func (c *CommitmentState) SetCommitment(commitment []byte)
func (*CommitmentState) SetIndex ¶
func (c *CommitmentState) SetIndex(index *big.Int)
func (*CommitmentState) SetShardID ¶
func (c *CommitmentState) SetShardID(shardID byte)
func (*CommitmentState) SetTokenID ¶
func (c *CommitmentState) SetTokenID(tokenID common.Hash)
func (CommitmentState) ShardID ¶
func (c CommitmentState) ShardID() byte
func (CommitmentState) TokenID ¶
func (c CommitmentState) TokenID() common.Hash
func (*CommitmentState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *CommitmentState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CommitteeData ¶
type CommitteeData struct { BeginEpochInfo map[string]CurrentEpochCommitteeAndPendingInfo //this is in order of statedb get all beacon committee result LastEpoch map[string]LastEpochCommitteeAndPendingInfo }
func GetCommitteeData ¶
func GetCommitteeData(stateDB *StateDB) *CommitteeData
func NewCommitteeData ¶
func NewCommitteeData() *CommitteeData
type CommitteeObject ¶
type CommitteeObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (CommitteeObject) GetHash ¶
func (c CommitteeObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (CommitteeObject) GetTrie ¶
func (c CommitteeObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (CommitteeObject) GetType ¶
func (c CommitteeObject) GetType() int
func (CommitteeObject) GetValue ¶
func (c CommitteeObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (CommitteeObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (c CommitteeObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (CommitteeObject) GetVersion ¶
func (c CommitteeObject) GetVersion() int
func (CommitteeObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (c CommitteeObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (CommitteeObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (c CommitteeObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*CommitteeObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (c *CommitteeObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*CommitteeObject) Reset ¶
func (c *CommitteeObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*CommitteeObject) SetError ¶
func (c *CommitteeObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*CommitteeObject) SetValue ¶
func (c *CommitteeObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type CommitteeRewardObject ¶
type CommitteeRewardObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (CommitteeRewardObject) GetHash ¶
func (rr CommitteeRewardObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (CommitteeRewardObject) GetTrie ¶
func (rr CommitteeRewardObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (CommitteeRewardObject) GetType ¶
func (rr CommitteeRewardObject) GetType() int
func (CommitteeRewardObject) GetValue ¶
func (rr CommitteeRewardObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (CommitteeRewardObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (rr CommitteeRewardObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (CommitteeRewardObject) GetVersion ¶
func (rr CommitteeRewardObject) GetVersion() int
func (CommitteeRewardObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (rr CommitteeRewardObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (CommitteeRewardObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (rr CommitteeRewardObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*CommitteeRewardObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (rr *CommitteeRewardObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*CommitteeRewardObject) Reset ¶
func (rr *CommitteeRewardObject) Reset() bool
func (*CommitteeRewardObject) SetError ¶
func (rr *CommitteeRewardObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*CommitteeRewardObject) SetValue ¶
func (rr *CommitteeRewardObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type CommitteeRewardState ¶
type CommitteeRewardState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewCommitteeRewardState ¶
func NewCommitteeRewardState() *CommitteeRewardState
func NewCommitteeRewardStateWithValue ¶
func NewCommitteeRewardStateWithValue(reward map[common.Hash]uint64, incognitoPublicKey string) *CommitteeRewardState
func (CommitteeRewardState) IncognitoPublicKey ¶
func (cr CommitteeRewardState) IncognitoPublicKey() string
func (CommitteeRewardState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c CommitteeRewardState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*CommitteeRewardState) SetIncognitoPublicKey ¶
func (cr *CommitteeRewardState) SetIncognitoPublicKey(incognitoPublicKey string)
func (*CommitteeRewardState) SetReward ¶
func (cr *CommitteeRewardState) SetReward(reward map[common.Hash]uint64)
func (*CommitteeRewardState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *CommitteeRewardState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CommitteeState ¶
type CommitteeState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func Convert2NewState ¶
func Convert2NewState(old *CommitteeStatev1) (*CommitteeState, error)
func IsInShardCandidateForCurrentEpoch ¶
func IsInShardCandidateForCurrentEpoch( stateDB *StateDB, committee incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, ) (*CommitteeState, bool, error)
func IsInShardCandidateForNextEpoch ¶
func IsInShardCandidateForNextEpoch( stateDB *StateDB, committee incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, ) (*CommitteeState, bool, error)
func NewCommitteeState ¶
func NewCommitteeState() *CommitteeState
func NewCommitteeStateWithValue ¶
func NewCommitteeStateWithValue(shardID int, role int, committeePublicKey incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey) *CommitteeState
func NewCommitteeStateWithValueAndTime ¶
func NewCommitteeStateWithValueAndTime(shardID int, role int, committeePublicKey incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey, enterTime int64) *CommitteeState
func (CommitteeState) CommitteePublicKey ¶
func (c CommitteeState) CommitteePublicKey() incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey
func (CommitteeState) EnterTime ¶
func (c CommitteeState) EnterTime() int64
func (CommitteeState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c CommitteeState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (CommitteeState) Role ¶
func (c CommitteeState) Role() int
func (*CommitteeState) SetCommitteePublicKey ¶
func (c *CommitteeState) SetCommitteePublicKey(committeePublicKey incognitokey.CommitteePublicKey)
func (*CommitteeState) SetEnterTime ¶
func (c *CommitteeState) SetEnterTime(enterTime int64)
func (*CommitteeState) SetRole ¶
func (c *CommitteeState) SetRole(role int)
func (*CommitteeState) SetShardID ¶
func (c *CommitteeState) SetShardID(shardID int)
func (CommitteeState) ShardID ¶
func (c CommitteeState) ShardID() int
func (*CommitteeState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *CommitteeState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CommitteeStateDataObject ¶
type CommitteeStateDataObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (CommitteeStateDataObject) GetHash ¶
func (c CommitteeStateDataObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (CommitteeStateDataObject) GetTrie ¶
func (c CommitteeStateDataObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (CommitteeStateDataObject) GetType ¶
func (c CommitteeStateDataObject) GetType() int
func (CommitteeStateDataObject) GetValue ¶
func (c CommitteeStateDataObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (CommitteeStateDataObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (c CommitteeStateDataObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (CommitteeStateDataObject) GetVersion ¶
func (c CommitteeStateDataObject) GetVersion() int
func (CommitteeStateDataObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (c CommitteeStateDataObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (CommitteeStateDataObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (c CommitteeStateDataObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*CommitteeStateDataObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (c *CommitteeStateDataObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*CommitteeStateDataObject) Reset ¶
func (c *CommitteeStateDataObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*CommitteeStateDataObject) SetError ¶
func (c *CommitteeStateDataObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*CommitteeStateDataObject) SetValue ¶
func (c *CommitteeStateDataObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type CommitteeStatev1 ¶
type CommitteeStatev1 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewCommitteeStatev1 ¶
func NewCommitteeStatev1() *CommitteeStatev1
func (*CommitteeStatev1) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *CommitteeStatev1) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CustodianState ¶
type CustodianState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetCustodianByIncAddress ¶
func GetCustodianByIncAddress(stateDB *StateDB, custodianAddress string) (*CustodianState, error)
func NewCustodianState ¶
func NewCustodianState() *CustodianState
func NewCustodianStateWithValue ¶
func NewCustodianStateWithValue( incognitoAddress string, totalCollateral uint64, freeCollateral uint64, holdingPubTokens map[string]uint64, lockedAmountCollateral map[string]uint64, remoteAddresses map[string]string, rewardAmount map[string]uint64, totalTokenCollaterals map[string]uint64, freeTokenCollaterals map[string]uint64, lockedTokenCollaterals map[string]map[string]uint64, ) *CustodianState
func (CustodianState) GetFreeCollateral ¶
func (cs CustodianState) GetFreeCollateral() uint64
func (CustodianState) GetFreeTokenCollaterals ¶
func (cs CustodianState) GetFreeTokenCollaterals() map[string]uint64
func (CustodianState) GetHoldingPublicTokens ¶
func (cs CustodianState) GetHoldingPublicTokens() map[string]uint64
func (CustodianState) GetIncognitoAddress ¶
func (cs CustodianState) GetIncognitoAddress() string
func (CustodianState) GetLockedAmountCollateral ¶
func (cs CustodianState) GetLockedAmountCollateral() map[string]uint64
func (CustodianState) GetLockedTokenCollaterals ¶
func (cs CustodianState) GetLockedTokenCollaterals() map[string]map[string]uint64
func (CustodianState) GetRemoteAddresses ¶
func (cs CustodianState) GetRemoteAddresses() map[string]string
func (CustodianState) GetRewardAmount ¶
func (cs CustodianState) GetRewardAmount() map[string]uint64
func (CustodianState) GetTotalCollateral ¶
func (cs CustodianState) GetTotalCollateral() uint64
func (CustodianState) GetTotalTokenCollaterals ¶
func (cs CustodianState) GetTotalTokenCollaterals() map[string]uint64
func (CustodianState) IsEmptyCollaterals ¶
func (cs CustodianState) IsEmptyCollaterals() bool
func (*CustodianState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (cs *CustodianState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*CustodianState) SetFreeCollateral ¶
func (cs *CustodianState) SetFreeCollateral(amount uint64)
func (*CustodianState) SetFreeTokenCollaterals ¶
func (cs *CustodianState) SetFreeTokenCollaterals(freeTokenCollaterals map[string]uint64)
func (*CustodianState) SetHoldingPublicTokens ¶
func (cs *CustodianState) SetHoldingPublicTokens(holdingPublicTokens map[string]uint64)
func (*CustodianState) SetIncognitoAddress ¶
func (cs *CustodianState) SetIncognitoAddress(incognitoAddress string)
func (*CustodianState) SetLockedAmountCollateral ¶
func (cs *CustodianState) SetLockedAmountCollateral(lockedAmountCollateral map[string]uint64)
func (*CustodianState) SetLockedTokenCollaterals ¶
func (cs *CustodianState) SetLockedTokenCollaterals(lockedTokenCollaterals map[string]map[string]uint64)
func (*CustodianState) SetRemoteAddresses ¶
func (cs *CustodianState) SetRemoteAddresses(remoteAddresses map[string]string)
func (*CustodianState) SetRewardAmount ¶
func (cs *CustodianState) SetRewardAmount(amount map[string]uint64)
func (*CustodianState) SetTotalCollateral ¶
func (cs *CustodianState) SetTotalCollateral(amount uint64)
func (*CustodianState) SetTotalTokenCollaterals ¶
func (cs *CustodianState) SetTotalTokenCollaterals(totalTokenCollaterals map[string]uint64)
func (*CustodianState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (cs *CustodianState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type CustodianStateObject ¶
type CustodianStateObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (CustodianStateObject) GetHash ¶
func (t CustodianStateObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (CustodianStateObject) GetTrie ¶
func (t CustodianStateObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (CustodianStateObject) GetType ¶
func (t CustodianStateObject) GetType() int
func (CustodianStateObject) GetValue ¶
func (t CustodianStateObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (CustodianStateObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (t CustodianStateObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (CustodianStateObject) GetVersion ¶
func (t CustodianStateObject) GetVersion() int
func (CustodianStateObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (t CustodianStateObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (CustodianStateObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (t CustodianStateObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*CustodianStateObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (t *CustodianStateObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*CustodianStateObject) Reset ¶
func (t *CustodianStateObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*CustodianStateObject) SetError ¶
func (t *CustodianStateObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*CustodianStateObject) SetValue ¶
func (t *CustodianStateObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type DatabaseAccessWarper ¶
type DatabaseAccessWarper interface { OpenPrefixTrie(root common.Hash) (Trie, error) // CopyTrie returns an independent copy of the given trie. CopyTrie(Trie) Trie // TrieDB retrieves the low level trie database used for data storage. TrieDB() *trie.IntermediateWriter }
Database wraps access to tries and contract code.
func NewDatabaseAccessWarper ¶
func NewDatabaseAccessWarper(database incdb.Database) DatabaseAccessWarper
type DelegateInfo ¶
type DelegationRewardObject ¶
type DelegationRewardObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (DelegationRewardObject) GetHash ¶
func (rr DelegationRewardObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (DelegationRewardObject) GetTrie ¶
func (rr DelegationRewardObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (DelegationRewardObject) GetType ¶
func (rr DelegationRewardObject) GetType() int
func (DelegationRewardObject) GetValue ¶
func (rr DelegationRewardObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (DelegationRewardObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (rr DelegationRewardObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (DelegationRewardObject) GetVersion ¶
func (rr DelegationRewardObject) GetVersion() int
func (DelegationRewardObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (rr DelegationRewardObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (DelegationRewardObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (rr DelegationRewardObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*DelegationRewardObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (rr *DelegationRewardObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*DelegationRewardObject) Reset ¶
func (rr *DelegationRewardObject) Reset() bool
func (*DelegationRewardObject) SetError ¶
func (rr *DelegationRewardObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*DelegationRewardObject) SetValue ¶
func (rr *DelegationRewardObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type DelegationRewardState ¶
type DelegationRewardState struct { // shard cpk => affect epoch => info Reward map[string]map[int]DelegateInfo // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func GetDelegationReward ¶
func GetDelegationReward(stateDB *StateDB, incognitoPublicKeyBytes []byte) (*DelegationRewardState, bool, error)
func NewDelegationRewardState ¶
func NewDelegationRewardState() *DelegationRewardState
func (DelegationRewardState) IncognitoPublicKey ¶
func (cr DelegationRewardState) IncognitoPublicKey() string
func (DelegationRewardState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c DelegationRewardState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*DelegationRewardState) SetIncognitoPublicKey ¶
func (cr *DelegationRewardState) SetIncognitoPublicKey(incognitoPublicKey string)
func (*DelegationRewardState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *DelegationRewardState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ExternalFeeInfo ¶
type FinalExchangeRatesDetail ¶
type FinalExchangeRatesDetail struct {
Amount uint64
type FinalExchangeRatesState ¶
type FinalExchangeRatesState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetFinalExchangeRatesState ¶
func GetFinalExchangeRatesState( stateDB *StateDB, ) (*FinalExchangeRatesState, error)
====================== Exchange rate ======================
func NewFinalExchangeRatesState ¶
func NewFinalExchangeRatesState() *FinalExchangeRatesState
func NewFinalExchangeRatesStateWithValue ¶
func NewFinalExchangeRatesStateWithValue(rates map[string]FinalExchangeRatesDetail) *FinalExchangeRatesState
func (*FinalExchangeRatesState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (f *FinalExchangeRatesState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*FinalExchangeRatesState) Rates ¶
func (f *FinalExchangeRatesState) Rates() map[string]FinalExchangeRatesDetail
func (*FinalExchangeRatesState) SetRates ¶
func (f *FinalExchangeRatesState) SetRates(rates map[string]FinalExchangeRatesDetail)
func (*FinalExchangeRatesState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (f *FinalExchangeRatesState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type FinalExchangeRatesStateObject ¶
type FinalExchangeRatesStateObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) GetHash ¶
func (f FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) GetTrie ¶
func (f FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) GetType ¶
func (f FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) GetType() int
func (FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) GetValue ¶
func (f FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (f FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) GetVersion ¶
func (f FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) GetVersion() int
func (FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (f FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (f FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (f *FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) Reset ¶
func (f *FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) SetError ¶
func (f *FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) SetValue ¶
func (f *FinalExchangeRatesStateObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type InscriptionNumberObject ¶
type InscriptionNumberObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*InscriptionNumberObject) GetHash ¶
func (object *InscriptionNumberObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (*InscriptionNumberObject) GetTrie ¶
func (object *InscriptionNumberObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (*InscriptionNumberObject) GetType ¶
func (object *InscriptionNumberObject) GetType() int
func (*InscriptionNumberObject) GetValue ¶
func (object *InscriptionNumberObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (*InscriptionNumberObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (object *InscriptionNumberObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (*InscriptionNumberObject) GetVersion ¶
func (object *InscriptionNumberObject) GetVersion() int
func (*InscriptionNumberObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (object *InscriptionNumberObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*InscriptionNumberObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (object *InscriptionNumberObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*InscriptionNumberObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (object *InscriptionNumberObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*InscriptionNumberObject) Reset ¶
func (object *InscriptionNumberObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*InscriptionNumberObject) SetError ¶
func (object *InscriptionNumberObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*InscriptionNumberObject) SetValue ¶
func (object *InscriptionNumberObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type InscriptionNumberState ¶
type InscriptionNumberState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetPdexv3InscriptionNumber ¶
func GetPdexv3InscriptionNumber(stateDB *StateDB) (*InscriptionNumberState, error)
func NewInscriptionNumberState ¶
func NewInscriptionNumberState() *InscriptionNumberState
func NewInscriptionNumberStateWithValue ¶
func NewInscriptionNumberStateWithValue(number uint64) *InscriptionNumberState
func (*InscriptionNumberState) Clone ¶
func (state *InscriptionNumberState) Clone() *InscriptionNumberState
func (*InscriptionNumberState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (state *InscriptionNumberState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*InscriptionNumberState) Number ¶
func (state *InscriptionNumberState) Number() uint64
func (*InscriptionNumberState) SetNumber ¶
func (state *InscriptionNumberState) SetNumber(number uint64)
func (*InscriptionNumberState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (state *InscriptionNumberState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type InscriptionTokenIDObject ¶
type InscriptionTokenIDObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*InscriptionTokenIDObject) GetHash ¶
func (object *InscriptionTokenIDObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (*InscriptionTokenIDObject) GetTrie ¶
func (object *InscriptionTokenIDObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (*InscriptionTokenIDObject) GetType ¶
func (object *InscriptionTokenIDObject) GetType() int
func (*InscriptionTokenIDObject) GetValue ¶
func (object *InscriptionTokenIDObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (*InscriptionTokenIDObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (object *InscriptionTokenIDObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (*InscriptionTokenIDObject) GetVersion ¶
func (object *InscriptionTokenIDObject) GetVersion() int
func (*InscriptionTokenIDObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (object *InscriptionTokenIDObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*InscriptionTokenIDObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (object *InscriptionTokenIDObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*InscriptionTokenIDObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (object *InscriptionTokenIDObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*InscriptionTokenIDObject) Reset ¶
func (object *InscriptionTokenIDObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*InscriptionTokenIDObject) SetError ¶
func (object *InscriptionTokenIDObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*InscriptionTokenIDObject) SetValue ¶
func (object *InscriptionTokenIDObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type InscriptionTokenIDState ¶
type InscriptionTokenIDState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetPdexv3InscriptionTokenID ¶
func GetPdexv3InscriptionTokenID(stateDB *StateDB, tokenID common.Hash) (*InscriptionTokenIDState, error)
func NewInscriptionTokenIDState ¶
func NewInscriptionTokenIDState() *InscriptionTokenIDState
func NewInscriptionTokenIDStateWithValue ¶
func NewInscriptionTokenIDStateWithValue(id common.Hash) *InscriptionTokenIDState
func (*InscriptionTokenIDState) Clone ¶
func (state *InscriptionTokenIDState) Clone() *InscriptionTokenIDState
func (*InscriptionTokenIDState) ID ¶
func (state *InscriptionTokenIDState) ID() common.Hash
func (*InscriptionTokenIDState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (state *InscriptionTokenIDState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*InscriptionTokenIDState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (state *InscriptionTokenIDState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LiquidationPool ¶
type LiquidationPool struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetLiquidateExchangeRatesPoolByKey ¶
func GetLiquidateExchangeRatesPoolByKey(stateDB *StateDB) (*LiquidationPool, error)
func NewLiquidationPool ¶
func NewLiquidationPool() *LiquidationPool
func NewLiquidationPoolWithValue ¶
func NewLiquidationPoolWithValue(rates map[string]LiquidationPoolDetail) *LiquidationPool
func (*LiquidationPool) MarshalJSON ¶
func (l *LiquidationPool) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*LiquidationPool) Rates ¶
func (l *LiquidationPool) Rates() map[string]LiquidationPoolDetail
func (*LiquidationPool) SetRates ¶
func (l *LiquidationPool) SetRates(rates map[string]LiquidationPoolDetail)
func (*LiquidationPool) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (l *LiquidationPool) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LiquidationPoolDetail ¶
type LiquidationPoolObject ¶
type LiquidationPoolObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (LiquidationPoolObject) GetHash ¶
func (l LiquidationPoolObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (LiquidationPoolObject) GetTrie ¶
func (l LiquidationPoolObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (LiquidationPoolObject) GetType ¶
func (l LiquidationPoolObject) GetType() int
func (LiquidationPoolObject) GetValue ¶
func (l LiquidationPoolObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (LiquidationPoolObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (l LiquidationPoolObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (LiquidationPoolObject) GetVersion ¶
func (l LiquidationPoolObject) GetVersion() int
func (LiquidationPoolObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (l LiquidationPoolObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (LiquidationPoolObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (l LiquidationPoolObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*LiquidationPoolObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (l *LiquidationPoolObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*LiquidationPoolObject) Reset ¶
func (l *LiquidationPoolObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*LiquidationPoolObject) SetError ¶
func (l *LiquidationPoolObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*LiquidationPoolObject) SetValue ¶
func (l *LiquidationPoolObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type LockedCollateralState ¶
type LockedCollateralState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetLockedCollateralStateByBeaconHeight ¶
func GetLockedCollateralStateByBeaconHeight( stateDB *StateDB, ) (*LockedCollateralState, error)
func NewLockedCollateralState ¶
func NewLockedCollateralState() *LockedCollateralState
func NewLockedCollateralStateWithValue ¶
func NewLockedCollateralStateWithValue( totalLockedCollateralInEpoch uint64, lockedCollateralDetail map[string]uint64, ) *LockedCollateralState
func (LockedCollateralState) GetLockedCollateralDetail ¶
func (lcs LockedCollateralState) GetLockedCollateralDetail() map[string]uint64
func (LockedCollateralState) GetTotalLockedCollateralForRewards ¶
func (lcs LockedCollateralState) GetTotalLockedCollateralForRewards() uint64
func (*LockedCollateralState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (lcs *LockedCollateralState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*LockedCollateralState) Reset ¶
func (lcs *LockedCollateralState) Reset()
func (*LockedCollateralState) SetLockedCollateralDetail ¶
func (lcs *LockedCollateralState) SetLockedCollateralDetail(lockedCollateralDetail map[string]uint64)
func (*LockedCollateralState) SetTotalLockedCollateralForRewards ¶
func (lcs *LockedCollateralState) SetTotalLockedCollateralForRewards(amount uint64)
func (*LockedCollateralState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (lcs *LockedCollateralState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type LockedCollateralStateObject ¶
type LockedCollateralStateObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (LockedCollateralStateObject) GetHash ¶
func (t LockedCollateralStateObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (LockedCollateralStateObject) GetTrie ¶
func (t LockedCollateralStateObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (LockedCollateralStateObject) GetType ¶
func (t LockedCollateralStateObject) GetType() int
func (LockedCollateralStateObject) GetValue ¶
func (t LockedCollateralStateObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (LockedCollateralStateObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (t LockedCollateralStateObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (LockedCollateralStateObject) GetVersion ¶
func (t LockedCollateralStateObject) GetVersion() int
func (LockedCollateralStateObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (t LockedCollateralStateObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (LockedCollateralStateObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (t LockedCollateralStateObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*LockedCollateralStateObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (t *LockedCollateralStateObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*LockedCollateralStateObject) Reset ¶
func (t *LockedCollateralStateObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*LockedCollateralStateObject) SetError ¶
func (t *LockedCollateralStateObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*LockedCollateralStateObject) SetValue ¶
func (t *LockedCollateralStateObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail ¶
type MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewMatchingRedeemCustodianDetailWithValue ¶
func NewMatchingRedeemCustodianDetailWithValue( incAddress string, remoteAddress string, amount uint64) *MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail
func (MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail) GetAmount ¶
func (mc MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail) GetAmount() uint64
func (MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail) GetIncognitoAddress ¶
func (mc MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail) GetIncognitoAddress() string
func (MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail) GetRemoteAddress ¶
func (mc MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail) GetRemoteAddress() string
func (MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail) MarshalJSON ¶
func (mc MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail) SetAmount ¶
func (mc *MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail) SetAmount(amount uint64)
func (*MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail) SetIncognitoAddress ¶
func (mc *MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail) SetIncognitoAddress(incognitoAddress string)
func (*MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail) SetRemoteAddress ¶
func (mc *MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail) SetRemoteAddress(remoteAddress string)
func (*MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (mc *MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject ¶
type NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) GetHash ¶
func (ethtx NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) GetTrie ¶
func (ethtx NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) GetType ¶
func (ethtx NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) GetType() int
func (NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) GetValue ¶
func (ethtx NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (ethtx NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) GetVersion ¶
func (ethtx NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) GetVersion() int
func (NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (ethtx NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (ethtx NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (ethtx *NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) Reset ¶
func (ethtx *NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) Reset() bool
func (*NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) SetError ¶
func (ethtx *NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) SetValue ¶
func (ethtx *NewPortalConfirmProofStateObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type OTACoinIndexObject ¶
type OTACoinIndexObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
========================================================== INDEX
func (OTACoinIndexObject) GetHash ¶
func (s OTACoinIndexObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (OTACoinIndexObject) GetTrie ¶
func (s OTACoinIndexObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (OTACoinIndexObject) GetType ¶
func (s OTACoinIndexObject) GetType() int
func (OTACoinIndexObject) GetValue ¶
func (s OTACoinIndexObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (OTACoinIndexObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (s OTACoinIndexObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (OTACoinIndexObject) GetVersion ¶
func (s OTACoinIndexObject) GetVersion() int
func (OTACoinIndexObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (s OTACoinIndexObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*OTACoinIndexObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (s *OTACoinIndexObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*OTACoinIndexObject) Reset ¶
func (s *OTACoinIndexObject) Reset() bool
Reset serial number into default
func (*OTACoinIndexObject) SetError ¶
func (s *OTACoinIndexObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*OTACoinIndexObject) SetValue ¶
func (s *OTACoinIndexObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type OTACoinLengthObject ¶
type OTACoinLengthObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
========================================================== Length
func (OTACoinLengthObject) GetHash ¶
func (s OTACoinLengthObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (OTACoinLengthObject) GetTrie ¶
func (s OTACoinLengthObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (OTACoinLengthObject) GetType ¶
func (s OTACoinLengthObject) GetType() int
func (OTACoinLengthObject) GetValue ¶
func (s OTACoinLengthObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (OTACoinLengthObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (s OTACoinLengthObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (OTACoinLengthObject) GetVersion ¶
func (s OTACoinLengthObject) GetVersion() int
func (OTACoinLengthObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (s OTACoinLengthObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*OTACoinLengthObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (s *OTACoinLengthObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*OTACoinLengthObject) Reset ¶
func (s *OTACoinLengthObject) Reset() bool
Reset serial number into default
func (*OTACoinLengthObject) SetError ¶
func (s *OTACoinLengthObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*OTACoinLengthObject) SetValue ¶
func (s *OTACoinLengthObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type OTACoinObject ¶
type OTACoinObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (OTACoinObject) GetHash ¶
func (s OTACoinObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (OTACoinObject) GetTrie ¶
func (s OTACoinObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (OTACoinObject) GetType ¶
func (s OTACoinObject) GetType() int
func (OTACoinObject) GetValue ¶
func (s OTACoinObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (OTACoinObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (s OTACoinObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (OTACoinObject) GetVersion ¶
func (s OTACoinObject) GetVersion() int
func (OTACoinObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (s OTACoinObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*OTACoinObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (s *OTACoinObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*OTACoinObject) SetError ¶
func (s *OTACoinObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*OTACoinObject) SetValue ¶
func (s *OTACoinObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type OTACoinState ¶
type OTACoinState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewOTACoinState ¶
func NewOTACoinState() *OTACoinState
func (OTACoinState) Height ¶
func (ota OTACoinState) Height() []byte
func (OTACoinState) Index ¶
func (ota OTACoinState) Index() *big.Int
func (*OTACoinState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (ota *OTACoinState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (OTACoinState) OutputCoin ¶
func (ota OTACoinState) OutputCoin() []byte
func (*OTACoinState) SetHeight ¶
func (ota *OTACoinState) SetHeight(height []byte)
func (*OTACoinState) SetIndex ¶
func (ota *OTACoinState) SetIndex(index *big.Int)
func (*OTACoinState) SetOutputCoin ¶
func (ota *OTACoinState) SetOutputCoin(outputCoin []byte)
func (*OTACoinState) SetShardID ¶
func (ota *OTACoinState) SetShardID(shardID byte)
func (*OTACoinState) SetTokenID ¶
func (ota *OTACoinState) SetTokenID(tokenID common.Hash)
func (OTACoinState) ShardID ¶
func (ota OTACoinState) ShardID() byte
func (OTACoinState) TokenID ¶
func (ota OTACoinState) TokenID() common.Hash
func (*OTACoinState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (ota *OTACoinState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type OnetimeAddressObject ¶
type OnetimeAddressObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (OnetimeAddressObject) GetHash ¶
func (s OnetimeAddressObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (OnetimeAddressObject) GetTrie ¶
func (s OnetimeAddressObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (OnetimeAddressObject) GetType ¶
func (s OnetimeAddressObject) GetType() int
func (OnetimeAddressObject) GetValue ¶
func (s OnetimeAddressObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (OnetimeAddressObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (s OnetimeAddressObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (OnetimeAddressObject) GetVersion ¶
func (s OnetimeAddressObject) GetVersion() int
func (OnetimeAddressObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (s OnetimeAddressObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (OnetimeAddressObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (s OnetimeAddressObject) IsEmpty() bool
empty value or not
func (*OnetimeAddressObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (s *OnetimeAddressObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*OnetimeAddressObject) Reset ¶
func (s *OnetimeAddressObject) Reset() bool
Reset serial number into default
func (*OnetimeAddressObject) SetError ¶
func (s *OnetimeAddressObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*OnetimeAddressObject) SetValue ¶
func (s *OnetimeAddressObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type OnetimeAddressState ¶
type OnetimeAddressState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewOccupiedOnetimeAddressState ¶
func NewOccupiedOnetimeAddressState(tokenID common.Hash, publicKey []byte) *OnetimeAddressState
for occupied coin state, we group all coins by the same token ID
func NewOnetimeAddressState ¶
func NewOnetimeAddressState() *OnetimeAddressState
func (OnetimeAddressState) Index ¶
func (s OnetimeAddressState) Index() *big.Int
func (OnetimeAddressState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s OnetimeAddressState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (OnetimeAddressState) PublicKey ¶
func (s OnetimeAddressState) PublicKey() []byte
func (*OnetimeAddressState) SetIndex ¶
func (s *OnetimeAddressState) SetIndex(index *big.Int)
func (*OnetimeAddressState) SetPublicKey ¶
func (s *OnetimeAddressState) SetPublicKey(publicKey []byte)
func (*OnetimeAddressState) SetStatus ¶
func (s *OnetimeAddressState) SetStatus(_status int)
func (*OnetimeAddressState) SetTokenID ¶
func (s *OnetimeAddressState) SetTokenID(tokenID common.Hash)
func (OnetimeAddressState) Status ¶
func (s OnetimeAddressState) Status() int
func (OnetimeAddressState) TokenID ¶
func (s OnetimeAddressState) TokenID() common.Hash
func (*OnetimeAddressState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *OnetimeAddressState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type OutputCoinObject ¶
type OutputCoinObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (OutputCoinObject) GetHash ¶
func (s OutputCoinObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (OutputCoinObject) GetTrie ¶
func (s OutputCoinObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (OutputCoinObject) GetType ¶
func (s OutputCoinObject) GetType() int
func (OutputCoinObject) GetValue ¶
func (s OutputCoinObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (OutputCoinObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (s OutputCoinObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (OutputCoinObject) GetVersion ¶
func (s OutputCoinObject) GetVersion() int
func (OutputCoinObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (s OutputCoinObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*OutputCoinObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (s *OutputCoinObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*OutputCoinObject) Reset ¶
func (s *OutputCoinObject) Reset() bool
Reset serial number into default
func (*OutputCoinObject) SetError ¶
func (s *OutputCoinObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*OutputCoinObject) SetValue ¶
func (s *OutputCoinObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type OutputCoinState ¶
type OutputCoinState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewOutputCoinState ¶
func NewOutputCoinState() *OutputCoinState
func (OutputCoinState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o OutputCoinState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*OutputCoinState) OutputCoin ¶
func (o *OutputCoinState) OutputCoin() []byte
func (OutputCoinState) PublicKey ¶
func (o OutputCoinState) PublicKey() []byte
func (*OutputCoinState) SetOutputCoin ¶
func (o *OutputCoinState) SetOutputCoin(outputCoin []byte)
func (*OutputCoinState) SetPublicKey ¶
func (o *OutputCoinState) SetPublicKey(publicKey []byte)
func (*OutputCoinState) SetShardID ¶
func (o *OutputCoinState) SetShardID(shardID byte)
func (*OutputCoinState) SetTokenID ¶
func (o *OutputCoinState) SetTokenID(tokenID common.Hash)
func (OutputCoinState) ShardID ¶
func (o OutputCoinState) ShardID() byte
func (OutputCoinState) TokenID ¶
func (o OutputCoinState) TokenID() common.Hash
func (*OutputCoinState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *OutputCoinState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PDEPoolPairObject ¶
type PDEPoolPairObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (PDEPoolPairObject) GetHash ¶
func (t PDEPoolPairObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (PDEPoolPairObject) GetTrie ¶
func (t PDEPoolPairObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (PDEPoolPairObject) GetType ¶
func (t PDEPoolPairObject) GetType() int
func (PDEPoolPairObject) GetValue ¶
func (t PDEPoolPairObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (PDEPoolPairObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (t PDEPoolPairObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (PDEPoolPairObject) GetVersion ¶
func (t PDEPoolPairObject) GetVersion() int
func (PDEPoolPairObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (t PDEPoolPairObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (PDEPoolPairObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (t PDEPoolPairObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*PDEPoolPairObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (t *PDEPoolPairObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*PDEPoolPairObject) Reset ¶
func (t *PDEPoolPairObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*PDEPoolPairObject) SetError ¶
func (t *PDEPoolPairObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*PDEPoolPairObject) SetValue ¶
func (t *PDEPoolPairObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type PDEPoolPairState ¶
type PDEPoolPairState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPDEPoolPairState ¶
func NewPDEPoolPairState() *PDEPoolPairState
func NewPDEPoolPairStateWithValue ¶
func NewPDEPoolPairStateWithValue(token1ID string, token1PoolValue uint64, token2ID string, token2PoolValue uint64) *PDEPoolPairState
func (PDEPoolPairState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (pp PDEPoolPairState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*PDEPoolPairState) SetToken1ID ¶
func (pp *PDEPoolPairState) SetToken1ID(token1ID string)
func (*PDEPoolPairState) SetToken1PoolValue ¶
func (pp *PDEPoolPairState) SetToken1PoolValue(token1PoolValue uint64)
func (*PDEPoolPairState) SetToken2ID ¶
func (pp *PDEPoolPairState) SetToken2ID(token2ID string)
func (*PDEPoolPairState) SetToken2PoolValue ¶
func (pp *PDEPoolPairState) SetToken2PoolValue(token2PoolValue uint64)
func (PDEPoolPairState) Token1ID ¶
func (pp PDEPoolPairState) Token1ID() string
func (PDEPoolPairState) Token1PoolValue ¶
func (pp PDEPoolPairState) Token1PoolValue() uint64
func (PDEPoolPairState) Token2ID ¶
func (pp PDEPoolPairState) Token2ID() string
func (PDEPoolPairState) Token2PoolValue ¶
func (pp PDEPoolPairState) Token2PoolValue() uint64
func (*PDEPoolPairState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (pp *PDEPoolPairState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PDEShareObject ¶
type PDEShareObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (PDEShareObject) GetHash ¶
func (t PDEShareObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (PDEShareObject) GetTrie ¶
func (t PDEShareObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (PDEShareObject) GetType ¶
func (t PDEShareObject) GetType() int
func (PDEShareObject) GetValue ¶
func (t PDEShareObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (PDEShareObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (t PDEShareObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (PDEShareObject) GetVersion ¶
func (t PDEShareObject) GetVersion() int
func (PDEShareObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (t PDEShareObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (PDEShareObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (t PDEShareObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*PDEShareObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (t *PDEShareObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*PDEShareObject) Reset ¶
func (t *PDEShareObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*PDEShareObject) SetError ¶
func (t *PDEShareObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*PDEShareObject) SetValue ¶
func (t *PDEShareObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type PDEShareState ¶
type PDEShareState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPDEShareState ¶
func NewPDEShareState() *PDEShareState
func NewPDEShareStateWithValue ¶
func NewPDEShareStateWithValue(token1ID string, token2ID string, contributorAddress string, amount uint64) *PDEShareState
func (PDEShareState) Amount ¶
func (s PDEShareState) Amount() uint64
func (PDEShareState) ContributorAddress ¶
func (s PDEShareState) ContributorAddress() string
func (PDEShareState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s PDEShareState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*PDEShareState) SetAmount ¶
func (s *PDEShareState) SetAmount(amount uint64)
func (*PDEShareState) SetContributorAddress ¶
func (s *PDEShareState) SetContributorAddress(contributorAddress string)
func (*PDEShareState) SetToken1ID ¶
func (s *PDEShareState) SetToken1ID(token1ID string)
func (*PDEShareState) SetToken2ID ¶
func (s *PDEShareState) SetToken2ID(token2ID string)
func (PDEShareState) Token1ID ¶
func (s PDEShareState) Token1ID() string
func (PDEShareState) Token2ID ¶
func (s PDEShareState) Token2ID() string
func (*PDEShareState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PDEShareState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PDEStatusObject ¶
type PDEStatusObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (PDEStatusObject) GetHash ¶
func (t PDEStatusObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (PDEStatusObject) GetTrie ¶
func (t PDEStatusObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (PDEStatusObject) GetType ¶
func (t PDEStatusObject) GetType() int
func (PDEStatusObject) GetValue ¶
func (t PDEStatusObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (PDEStatusObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (t PDEStatusObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (PDEStatusObject) GetVersion ¶
func (t PDEStatusObject) GetVersion() int
func (PDEStatusObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (t PDEStatusObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (PDEStatusObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (t PDEStatusObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*PDEStatusObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (t *PDEStatusObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*PDEStatusObject) Reset ¶
func (t *PDEStatusObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*PDEStatusObject) SetError ¶
func (t *PDEStatusObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*PDEStatusObject) SetValue ¶
func (t *PDEStatusObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type PDEStatusState ¶
type PDEStatusState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPDEStatusState ¶
func NewPDEStatusState() *PDEStatusState
func NewPDEStatusStateWithValue ¶
func NewPDEStatusStateWithValue(statusType []byte, statusSuffix []byte, statusContent []byte) *PDEStatusState
func (PDEStatusState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s PDEStatusState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*PDEStatusState) SetStatusContent ¶
func (s *PDEStatusState) SetStatusContent(statusContent []byte)
func (*PDEStatusState) SetStatusSuffix ¶
func (s *PDEStatusState) SetStatusSuffix(statusSuffix []byte)
func (*PDEStatusState) SetStatusType ¶
func (s *PDEStatusState) SetStatusType(statusType []byte)
func (PDEStatusState) StatusContent ¶
func (s PDEStatusState) StatusContent() []byte
func (PDEStatusState) StatusSuffix ¶
func (s PDEStatusState) StatusSuffix() []byte
func (PDEStatusState) StatusType ¶
func (s PDEStatusState) StatusType() []byte
func (*PDEStatusState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PDEStatusState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PDETradingFeeObject ¶
type PDETradingFeeObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (PDETradingFeeObject) GetHash ¶
func (t PDETradingFeeObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (PDETradingFeeObject) GetTrie ¶
func (t PDETradingFeeObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (PDETradingFeeObject) GetType ¶
func (t PDETradingFeeObject) GetType() int
func (PDETradingFeeObject) GetValue ¶
func (t PDETradingFeeObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (PDETradingFeeObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (t PDETradingFeeObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (PDETradingFeeObject) GetVersion ¶
func (t PDETradingFeeObject) GetVersion() int
func (PDETradingFeeObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (t PDETradingFeeObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (PDETradingFeeObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (t PDETradingFeeObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*PDETradingFeeObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (t *PDETradingFeeObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*PDETradingFeeObject) Reset ¶
func (t *PDETradingFeeObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*PDETradingFeeObject) SetError ¶
func (t *PDETradingFeeObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*PDETradingFeeObject) SetValue ¶
func (t *PDETradingFeeObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type PDETradingFeeState ¶
type PDETradingFeeState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPDETradingFeeState ¶
func NewPDETradingFeeState() *PDETradingFeeState
func NewPDETradingFeeStateWithValue ¶
func NewPDETradingFeeStateWithValue(token1ID string, token2ID string, contributorAddress string, amount uint64) *PDETradingFeeState
func (PDETradingFeeState) Amount ¶
func (s PDETradingFeeState) Amount() uint64
func (*PDETradingFeeState) ContributorAddress ¶
func (s *PDETradingFeeState) ContributorAddress() string
func (PDETradingFeeState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s PDETradingFeeState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*PDETradingFeeState) SetAmount ¶
func (s *PDETradingFeeState) SetAmount(amount uint64)
func (*PDETradingFeeState) SetToken1ID ¶
func (s *PDETradingFeeState) SetToken1ID(token1ID string)
func (*PDETradingFeeState) SetToken2ID ¶
func (s *PDETradingFeeState) SetToken2ID(token2ID string)
func (PDETradingFeeState) Token1ID ¶
func (s PDETradingFeeState) Token1ID() string
func (PDETradingFeeState) Token2ID ¶
func (s PDETradingFeeState) Token2ID() string
func (*PDETradingFeeState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PDETradingFeeState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Pdexv3ContributionObject ¶
type Pdexv3ContributionObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Pdexv3ContributionObject) GetHash ¶
func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3ContributionObject) GetTrie ¶
func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (*Pdexv3ContributionObject) GetType ¶
func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionObject) GetType() int
func (*Pdexv3ContributionObject) GetValue ¶
func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (*Pdexv3ContributionObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (*Pdexv3ContributionObject) GetVersion ¶
func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionObject) GetVersion() int
func (*Pdexv3ContributionObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*Pdexv3ContributionObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*Pdexv3ContributionObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*Pdexv3ContributionObject) Reset ¶
func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*Pdexv3ContributionObject) SetError ¶
func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*Pdexv3ContributionObject) SetValue ¶
func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type Pdexv3ContributionState ¶
type Pdexv3ContributionState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPdexv3ContributionState ¶
func NewPdexv3ContributionState() *Pdexv3ContributionState
func NewPdexv3ContributionStateWithValue ¶
func NewPdexv3ContributionStateWithValue( value rawdbv2.Pdexv3Contribution, pairHash string, ) *Pdexv3ContributionState
func (*Pdexv3ContributionState) Clone ¶
func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionState) Clone() *Pdexv3ContributionState
func (*Pdexv3ContributionState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Pdexv3ContributionState) PairHash ¶
func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionState) PairHash() string
func (*Pdexv3ContributionState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
func (*Pdexv3ContributionState) Value ¶
func (pc *Pdexv3ContributionState) Value() rawdbv2.Pdexv3Contribution
type Pdexv3NftObject ¶
type Pdexv3NftObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Pdexv3NftObject) GetHash ¶
func (object *Pdexv3NftObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3NftObject) GetTrie ¶
func (object *Pdexv3NftObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (*Pdexv3NftObject) GetType ¶
func (object *Pdexv3NftObject) GetType() int
func (*Pdexv3NftObject) GetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3NftObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (*Pdexv3NftObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (object *Pdexv3NftObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (*Pdexv3NftObject) GetVersion ¶
func (object *Pdexv3NftObject) GetVersion() int
func (*Pdexv3NftObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (object *Pdexv3NftObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*Pdexv3NftObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (object *Pdexv3NftObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*Pdexv3NftObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (object *Pdexv3NftObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*Pdexv3NftObject) Reset ¶
func (object *Pdexv3NftObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*Pdexv3NftObject) SetError ¶
func (object *Pdexv3NftObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*Pdexv3NftObject) SetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3NftObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type Pdexv3NftState ¶
type Pdexv3NftState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetPdexv3NftID ¶
func GetPdexv3NftID(stateDB *StateDB, nftID string) (*Pdexv3NftState, error)
func NewPdexv3NftState ¶
func NewPdexv3NftState() *Pdexv3NftState
func NewPdexv3NftStateWithValue ¶
func NewPdexv3NftStateWithValue(id common.Hash, burntAmount uint64) *Pdexv3NftState
func (*Pdexv3NftState) BurntAmount ¶
func (state *Pdexv3NftState) BurntAmount() uint64
func (*Pdexv3NftState) Clone ¶
func (state *Pdexv3NftState) Clone() *Pdexv3NftState
func (*Pdexv3NftState) ID ¶
func (state *Pdexv3NftState) ID() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3NftState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3NftState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Pdexv3NftState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3NftState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Pdexv3OrderObject ¶
type Pdexv3OrderObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Pdexv3OrderObject) GetHash ¶
func (obj *Pdexv3OrderObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3OrderObject) GetTrie ¶
func (obj *Pdexv3OrderObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (*Pdexv3OrderObject) GetType ¶
func (obj *Pdexv3OrderObject) GetType() int
func (*Pdexv3OrderObject) GetValue ¶
func (obj *Pdexv3OrderObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (*Pdexv3OrderObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (obj *Pdexv3OrderObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (*Pdexv3OrderObject) GetVersion ¶
func (obj *Pdexv3OrderObject) GetVersion() int
func (*Pdexv3OrderObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (obj *Pdexv3OrderObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*Pdexv3OrderObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (obj *Pdexv3OrderObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*Pdexv3OrderObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (obj *Pdexv3OrderObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*Pdexv3OrderObject) Reset ¶
func (obj *Pdexv3OrderObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*Pdexv3OrderObject) SetError ¶
func (obj *Pdexv3OrderObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*Pdexv3OrderObject) SetValue ¶
func (obj *Pdexv3OrderObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type Pdexv3OrderState ¶
type Pdexv3OrderState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPdexv3OrderState ¶
func NewPdexv3OrderState() *Pdexv3OrderState
func NewPdexv3OrderStateWithValue ¶
func NewPdexv3OrderStateWithValue( pairID string, v rawdbv2.Pdexv3Order, ) *Pdexv3OrderState
func (*Pdexv3OrderState) Clone ¶
func (s *Pdexv3OrderState) Clone() *Pdexv3OrderState
func (*Pdexv3OrderState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s *Pdexv3OrderState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Pdexv3OrderState) PoolPairID ¶
func (s *Pdexv3OrderState) PoolPairID() string
func (*Pdexv3OrderState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *Pdexv3OrderState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
func (*Pdexv3OrderState) Value ¶
func (s *Pdexv3OrderState) Value() rawdbv2.Pdexv3Order
type Pdexv3Params ¶
type Pdexv3Params struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetPdexv3Params ¶
func GetPdexv3Params(stateDB *StateDB) (*Pdexv3Params, error)
func NewPdexv3Params ¶
func NewPdexv3Params() *Pdexv3Params
func NewPdexv3ParamsWithValue ¶
func NewPdexv3ParamsWithValue( defaultFeeRateBPS uint, feeRateBPS map[string]uint, prvDiscountPercent uint, tradingProtocolFeePercent uint, tradingStakingPoolRewardPercent uint, pdexRewardPoolPairsShare map[string]uint, stakingPoolsShare map[string]uint, stakingRewardTokens []common.Hash, mintNftRequireAmount uint64, maxOrdersPerNft uint, autoWithdrawOrderLimitAmount uint, minPRVReserveTradingRate uint64, defaultOrderTradingRewardRatioBPS uint, orderTradingRewardRatioBPS map[string]uint, orderLiquidityMiningBPS map[string]uint, daoContributingPercent uint, miningRewardPendingBlocks uint64, orderMiningRewardRatioBPS map[string]uint, ) *Pdexv3Params
func (Pdexv3Params) AutoWithdrawOrderLimitAmount ¶
func (pp Pdexv3Params) AutoWithdrawOrderLimitAmount() uint
func (Pdexv3Params) DAOContributingPercent ¶
func (pp Pdexv3Params) DAOContributingPercent() uint
func (Pdexv3Params) DefaultFeeRateBPS ¶
func (pp Pdexv3Params) DefaultFeeRateBPS() uint
func (Pdexv3Params) DefaultOrderTradingRewardRatioBPS ¶
func (pp Pdexv3Params) DefaultOrderTradingRewardRatioBPS() uint
func (Pdexv3Params) FeeRateBPS ¶
func (pp Pdexv3Params) FeeRateBPS() map[string]uint
func (Pdexv3Params) MarshalJSON ¶
func (pp Pdexv3Params) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (Pdexv3Params) MaxOrdersPerNft ¶
func (pp Pdexv3Params) MaxOrdersPerNft() uint
func (Pdexv3Params) MinPRVReserveTradingRate ¶
func (pp Pdexv3Params) MinPRVReserveTradingRate() uint64
func (Pdexv3Params) MiningRewardPendingBlocks ¶
func (pp Pdexv3Params) MiningRewardPendingBlocks() uint64
func (Pdexv3Params) MintNftRequireAmount ¶
func (pp Pdexv3Params) MintNftRequireAmount() uint64
func (Pdexv3Params) OrderLiquidityMiningBPS ¶
func (pp Pdexv3Params) OrderLiquidityMiningBPS() map[string]uint
func (Pdexv3Params) OrderMiningRewardRatioBPS ¶
func (pp Pdexv3Params) OrderMiningRewardRatioBPS() map[string]uint
func (Pdexv3Params) OrderTradingRewardRatioBPS ¶
func (pp Pdexv3Params) OrderTradingRewardRatioBPS() map[string]uint
func (Pdexv3Params) PDEXRewardPoolPairsShare ¶
func (pp Pdexv3Params) PDEXRewardPoolPairsShare() map[string]uint
func (Pdexv3Params) PRVDiscountPercent ¶
func (pp Pdexv3Params) PRVDiscountPercent() uint
func (Pdexv3Params) StakingPoolsShare ¶
func (pp Pdexv3Params) StakingPoolsShare() map[string]uint
func (Pdexv3Params) StakingRewardTokens ¶
func (pp Pdexv3Params) StakingRewardTokens() []common.Hash
func (Pdexv3Params) TradingProtocolFeePercent ¶
func (pp Pdexv3Params) TradingProtocolFeePercent() uint
func (Pdexv3Params) TradingStakingPoolRewardPercent ¶
func (pp Pdexv3Params) TradingStakingPoolRewardPercent() uint
func (*Pdexv3Params) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (pp *Pdexv3Params) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Pdexv3ParamsObject ¶
type Pdexv3ParamsObject struct { Pdexv3Params *Pdexv3Params // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (Pdexv3ParamsObject) GetHash ¶
func (t Pdexv3ParamsObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (Pdexv3ParamsObject) GetTrie ¶
func (t Pdexv3ParamsObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (Pdexv3ParamsObject) GetType ¶
func (t Pdexv3ParamsObject) GetType() int
func (Pdexv3ParamsObject) GetValue ¶
func (t Pdexv3ParamsObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (Pdexv3ParamsObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (t Pdexv3ParamsObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (Pdexv3ParamsObject) GetVersion ¶
func (t Pdexv3ParamsObject) GetVersion() int
func (Pdexv3ParamsObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (t Pdexv3ParamsObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (Pdexv3ParamsObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (t Pdexv3ParamsObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*Pdexv3ParamsObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (t *Pdexv3ParamsObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*Pdexv3ParamsObject) Reset ¶
func (t *Pdexv3ParamsObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*Pdexv3ParamsObject) SetError ¶
func (t *Pdexv3ParamsObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*Pdexv3ParamsObject) SetValue ¶
func (t *Pdexv3ParamsObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject ¶
type Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) GetHash ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) GetTrie ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) GetType ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) GetType() int
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) GetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) GetVersion ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) GetVersion() int
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) Reset ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) SetError ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) SetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState ¶
type Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState ¶
func NewPdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState() *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState
func NewPdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareStateWithValue ¶
func NewPdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareStateWithValue( nftID string, beaconHeight, amount uint64, ) *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState) Amount ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState) Amount() uint64
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState) BeaconHeight ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState) BeaconHeight() uint64
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState) Clone ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState) Clone() *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState) NftID ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState) NftID() string
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmLockedShareState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject ¶
type Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) GetHash ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) GetTrie ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) GetType ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) GetType() int
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) GetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) GetVersion ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) GetVersion() int
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) Reset ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) SetError ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) SetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState ¶
type Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState ¶
func NewPdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState() *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState
func NewPdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareStateWithValue ¶
func NewPdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareStateWithValue( tokenID common.Hash, value *big.Int, ) *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState) Clone ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState) Clone() *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState) TokenID ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState) TokenID() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState) Value ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLmRewardPerShareState) Value() big.Int
type Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject ¶
type Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) GetHash ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) GetTrie ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) GetType ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) GetType() int
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) GetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) GetVersion ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) GetVersion() int
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) Reset ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) SetError ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) SetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState ¶
type Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState ¶
func NewPdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState() *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState
func NewPdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareStateWithValue ¶
func NewPdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareStateWithValue( tokenID common.Hash, value *big.Int, ) *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState) Clone ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState) Clone() *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState) TokenID ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState) TokenID() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState) Value ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairLpFeePerShareState) Value() big.Int
type Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject ¶
type Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) GetHash ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) GetTrie ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) GetType ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) GetType() int
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) GetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) GetVersion ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) GetVersion() int
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) Reset ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) SetError ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) SetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState ¶
type Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState ¶
func NewPdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState() *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState) Clone ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState) Clone() *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState) NftID ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState) NftID() string
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState) TokenID ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState) TokenID() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState) Value ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairMakingVolumeState) Value() big.Int
type Pdexv3PoolPairObject ¶
type Pdexv3PoolPairObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairObject) GetHash ¶
func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairObject) GetTrie ¶
func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairObject) GetType ¶
func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairObject) GetType() int
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairObject) GetValue ¶
func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairObject) GetVersion ¶
func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairObject) GetVersion() int
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairObject) Reset ¶
func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairObject) SetError ¶
func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairObject) SetValue ¶
func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject ¶
type Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) GetHash ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) GetTrie ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) GetType ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) GetType() int
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) GetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) GetVersion ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) GetVersion() int
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) Reset ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) SetError ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) SetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState ¶
type Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState ¶
func NewPdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState() *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState
func NewPdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardStateWithValue ¶
func NewPdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardStateWithValue( tokenID common.Hash, nftID string, value uint64, ) *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState) Clone ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState) Clone() *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState) NftID ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState) NftID() string
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState) TokenID ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState) TokenID() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState) Value ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairOrderRewardState) Value() uint64
type Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject ¶
type Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) GetHash ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) GetTrie ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) GetType ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) GetType() int
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) GetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) GetVersion ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) GetVersion() int
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) Reset ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) SetError ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) SetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState ¶
type Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState ¶
func NewPdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState() *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState
func NewPdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeStateWithValue ¶
func NewPdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeStateWithValue( tokenID common.Hash, value uint64, ) *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState) Clone ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState) Clone() *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState) TokenID ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState) TokenID() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState) Value ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairProtocolFeeState) Value() uint64
type Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject ¶
type Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) GetHash ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) GetTrie ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) GetType ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) GetType() int
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) GetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) GetVersion ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) GetVersion() int
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) Reset ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) SetError ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) SetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState ¶
type Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState ¶
func NewPdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState() *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState
func NewPdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeStateWithValue ¶
func NewPdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeStateWithValue( tokenID common.Hash, value uint64, ) *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState) Clone ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState) Clone() *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState) TokenID ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState) TokenID() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState) Value ¶
func (state *Pdexv3PoolPairStakingPoolFeeState) Value() uint64
type Pdexv3PoolPairState ¶
type Pdexv3PoolPairState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetPdexv3PoolPair ¶
func GetPdexv3PoolPair(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID string) (*Pdexv3PoolPairState, error)
func NewPdexv3PoolPairState ¶
func NewPdexv3PoolPairState() *Pdexv3PoolPairState
func NewPdexv3PoolPairStateWithValue ¶
func NewPdexv3PoolPairStateWithValue( poolPairID string, value rawdbv2.Pdexv3PoolPair, ) *Pdexv3PoolPairState
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairState) Clone ¶
func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairState) Clone() *Pdexv3PoolPairState
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairState) PoolPairID ¶
func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairState) PoolPairID() string
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
func (*Pdexv3PoolPairState) Value ¶
func (pp *Pdexv3PoolPairState) Value() rawdbv2.Pdexv3PoolPair
type Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject ¶
type Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) GetHash ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) GetTrie ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) GetType ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) GetType() int
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) GetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) GetVersion ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) GetVersion() int
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) Reset ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) SetError ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) SetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState ¶
type Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState ¶
func NewPdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState() *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState
func NewPdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareStateWithValue ¶
func NewPdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareStateWithValue( tokenID common.Hash, value *big.Int, ) *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState) Clone ¶
func (state *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState) Clone() *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState) TokenID ¶
func (state *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState) TokenID() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState) Value ¶
func (state *Pdexv3ShareLastLmRewardPerShareState) Value() big.Int
type Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject ¶
type Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) GetHash ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) GetTrie ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) GetType ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) GetType() int
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) GetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) GetVersion ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) GetVersion() int
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) Reset ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) SetError ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) SetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState ¶
type Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState ¶
func NewPdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState() *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState
func NewPdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareStateWithValue ¶
func NewPdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareStateWithValue( tokenID common.Hash, value *big.Int, ) *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState) Clone ¶
func (state *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState) Clone() *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState) TokenID ¶
func (state *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState) TokenID() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
func (*Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState) Value ¶
func (state *Pdexv3ShareLastLpFeePerShareState) Value() big.Int
type Pdexv3ShareObject ¶
type Pdexv3ShareObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Pdexv3ShareObject) GetHash ¶
func (ps *Pdexv3ShareObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3ShareObject) GetTrie ¶
func (ps *Pdexv3ShareObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (*Pdexv3ShareObject) GetType ¶
func (ps *Pdexv3ShareObject) GetType() int
func (*Pdexv3ShareObject) GetValue ¶
func (ps *Pdexv3ShareObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (*Pdexv3ShareObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (ps *Pdexv3ShareObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (*Pdexv3ShareObject) GetVersion ¶
func (ps *Pdexv3ShareObject) GetVersion() int
func (*Pdexv3ShareObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (ps *Pdexv3ShareObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*Pdexv3ShareObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (ps *Pdexv3ShareObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*Pdexv3ShareObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (ps *Pdexv3ShareObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*Pdexv3ShareObject) Reset ¶
func (ps *Pdexv3ShareObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*Pdexv3ShareObject) SetError ¶
func (ps *Pdexv3ShareObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*Pdexv3ShareObject) SetValue ¶
func (ps *Pdexv3ShareObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type Pdexv3ShareState ¶
type Pdexv3ShareState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetPdexv3Share ¶
func GetPdexv3Share(stateDB *StateDB, poolPairID, nftID string) (*Pdexv3ShareState, error)
func NewPdexv3ShareState ¶
func NewPdexv3ShareState() *Pdexv3ShareState
func NewPdexv3ShareStateWithValue ¶
func NewPdexv3ShareStateWithValue( nftID common.Hash, amount, lmLockedAmount uint64, ) *Pdexv3ShareState
func (*Pdexv3ShareState) Amount ¶
func (ps *Pdexv3ShareState) Amount() uint64
func (*Pdexv3ShareState) Clone ¶
func (ps *Pdexv3ShareState) Clone() *Pdexv3ShareState
func (*Pdexv3ShareState) LmLockedAmount ¶
func (ps *Pdexv3ShareState) LmLockedAmount() uint64
func (*Pdexv3ShareState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (ps *Pdexv3ShareState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Pdexv3ShareState) NftID ¶
func (ps *Pdexv3ShareState) NftID() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3ShareState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (ps *Pdexv3ShareState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject ¶
type Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) GetHash ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) GetTrie ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (*Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) GetType ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) GetType() int
func (*Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) GetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (*Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (*Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) GetVersion ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) GetVersion() int
func (*Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) Reset ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) SetError ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) SetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeState ¶
type Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPdexv3ShareTradingFeeState ¶
func NewPdexv3ShareTradingFeeState() *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeState
func NewPdexv3ShareTradingFeeStateWithValue ¶
func NewPdexv3ShareTradingFeeStateWithValue(tokenID common.Hash, value uint64) *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeState
func (*Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeState) Clone ¶
func (state *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeState) Clone() *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeState
func (*Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeState) TokenID ¶
func (state *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeState) TokenID() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
func (*Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeState) Value ¶
func (state *Pdexv3ShareTradingFeeState) Value() uint64
type Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject ¶
type Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) GetHash ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) GetTrie ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (*Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) GetType ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) GetType() int
func (*Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) GetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (*Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (*Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) GetVersion ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) GetVersion() int
func (*Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) Reset ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) SetError ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) SetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState ¶
type Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState ¶
func NewPdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState() *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState
func NewPdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareStateWithValue ¶
func NewPdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareStateWithValue( tokenID common.Hash, value *big.Int, ) *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState
func (*Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState) Clone ¶
func (state *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState) Clone() *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState
func (*Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState) TokenID ¶
func (state *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState) TokenID() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
func (*Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState) Value ¶
func (state *Pdexv3StakerLastRewardPerShareState) Value() big.Int
type Pdexv3StakerObject ¶
type Pdexv3StakerObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Pdexv3StakerObject) GetHash ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3StakerObject) GetTrie ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (*Pdexv3StakerObject) GetType ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerObject) GetType() int
func (*Pdexv3StakerObject) GetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (*Pdexv3StakerObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (*Pdexv3StakerObject) GetVersion ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerObject) GetVersion() int
func (*Pdexv3StakerObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*Pdexv3StakerObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*Pdexv3StakerObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*Pdexv3StakerObject) Reset ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*Pdexv3StakerObject) SetError ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*Pdexv3StakerObject) SetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type Pdexv3StakerRewardObject ¶
type Pdexv3StakerRewardObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) GetHash ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) GetTrie ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (*Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) GetType ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) GetType() int
func (*Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) GetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (*Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (*Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) GetVersion ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) GetVersion() int
func (*Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) Reset ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) SetError ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) SetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakerRewardObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type Pdexv3StakerRewardState ¶
type Pdexv3StakerRewardState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPdexv3StakerRewardState ¶
func NewPdexv3StakerRewardState() *Pdexv3StakerRewardState
func NewPdexv3StakerRewardStateWithValue ¶
func NewPdexv3StakerRewardStateWithValue( tokenID common.Hash, value uint64, ) *Pdexv3StakerRewardState
func (*Pdexv3StakerRewardState) Clone ¶
func (state *Pdexv3StakerRewardState) Clone() *Pdexv3StakerRewardState
func (*Pdexv3StakerRewardState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3StakerRewardState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Pdexv3StakerRewardState) TokenID ¶
func (state *Pdexv3StakerRewardState) TokenID() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3StakerRewardState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3StakerRewardState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
func (*Pdexv3StakerRewardState) Value ¶
func (state *Pdexv3StakerRewardState) Value() uint64
type Pdexv3StakerState ¶
type Pdexv3StakerState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetPdexv3Staker ¶
func GetPdexv3Staker(stateDB *StateDB, stakingPoolID, nftID string) (*Pdexv3StakerState, error)
func NewPdexv3StakerState ¶
func NewPdexv3StakerState() *Pdexv3StakerState
func NewPdexv3StakerStateWithValue ¶
func NewPdexv3StakerStateWithValue(nftID common.Hash, liquidity uint64) *Pdexv3StakerState
func (*Pdexv3StakerState) Clone ¶
func (staker *Pdexv3StakerState) Clone() *Pdexv3StakerState
func (*Pdexv3StakerState) Liquidity ¶
func (staker *Pdexv3StakerState) Liquidity() uint64
func (*Pdexv3StakerState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (staker *Pdexv3StakerState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Pdexv3StakerState) NftID ¶
func (staker *Pdexv3StakerState) NftID() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3StakerState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (staker *Pdexv3StakerState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject ¶
type Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) GetHash ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) GetTrie ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (*Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) GetType ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) GetType() int
func (*Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) GetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (*Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (*Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) GetVersion ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) GetVersion() int
func (*Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) Reset ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) SetError ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) SetValue ¶
func (object *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState ¶
type Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState ¶
func NewPdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState() *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState
func NewPdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareStateWithValue ¶
func NewPdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareStateWithValue( tokenID common.Hash, value *big.Int, ) *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState
func (*Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState) Clone ¶
func (state *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState) Clone() *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState
func (*Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState) TokenID ¶
func (state *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState) TokenID() common.Hash
func (*Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (state *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
func (*Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState) Value ¶
func (state *Pdexv3StakingPoolRewardPerShareState) Value() big.Int
type Pdexv3StatusObject ¶
type Pdexv3StatusObject struct { Pdexv3StatusHash common.Hash Pdexv3Status *Pdexv3StatusState // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (Pdexv3StatusObject) GetHash ¶
func (t Pdexv3StatusObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (Pdexv3StatusObject) GetTrie ¶
func (t Pdexv3StatusObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (Pdexv3StatusObject) GetType ¶
func (t Pdexv3StatusObject) GetType() int
func (Pdexv3StatusObject) GetValue ¶
func (t Pdexv3StatusObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (Pdexv3StatusObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (t Pdexv3StatusObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (Pdexv3StatusObject) GetVersion ¶
func (t Pdexv3StatusObject) GetVersion() int
func (Pdexv3StatusObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (t Pdexv3StatusObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (Pdexv3StatusObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (t Pdexv3StatusObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*Pdexv3StatusObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (t *Pdexv3StatusObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*Pdexv3StatusObject) Reset ¶
func (t *Pdexv3StatusObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*Pdexv3StatusObject) SetError ¶
func (t *Pdexv3StatusObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*Pdexv3StatusObject) SetValue ¶
func (t *Pdexv3StatusObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type Pdexv3StatusState ¶
type Pdexv3StatusState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPdexv3StatusState ¶
func NewPdexv3StatusState() *Pdexv3StatusState
func NewPdexv3StatusStateWithValue ¶
func NewPdexv3StatusStateWithValue(statusType []byte, statusSuffix []byte, statusContent []byte) *Pdexv3StatusState
func (Pdexv3StatusState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s Pdexv3StatusState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Pdexv3StatusState) SetStatusContent ¶
func (s *Pdexv3StatusState) SetStatusContent(statusContent []byte)
func (*Pdexv3StatusState) SetStatusSuffix ¶
func (s *Pdexv3StatusState) SetStatusSuffix(statusSuffix []byte)
func (*Pdexv3StatusState) SetStatusType ¶
func (s *Pdexv3StatusState) SetStatusType(statusType []byte)
func (Pdexv3StatusState) StatusContent ¶
func (s Pdexv3StatusState) StatusContent() []byte
func (Pdexv3StatusState) StatusSuffix ¶
func (s Pdexv3StatusState) StatusSuffix() []byte
func (Pdexv3StatusState) StatusType ¶
func (s Pdexv3StatusState) StatusType() []byte
func (*Pdexv3StatusState) ToString ¶
func (s *Pdexv3StatusState) ToString() string
func (*Pdexv3StatusState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *Pdexv3StatusState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PortalConfirmProofState ¶
type PortalConfirmProofState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPortalConfirmProofState ¶
func NewPortalConfirmProofState() *PortalConfirmProofState
func NewPortalConfirmProofStateWithValue ¶
func NewPortalConfirmProofStateWithValue(txID common.Hash, height uint64) *PortalConfirmProofState
func (PortalConfirmProofState) Height ¶
func (b PortalConfirmProofState) Height() uint64
func (*PortalConfirmProofState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (b *PortalConfirmProofState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*PortalConfirmProofState) SetHeight ¶
func (b *PortalConfirmProofState) SetHeight(height uint64)
func (*PortalConfirmProofState) SetTxID ¶
func (b *PortalConfirmProofState) SetTxID(txID common.Hash)
func (PortalConfirmProofState) TxID ¶
func (b PortalConfirmProofState) TxID() common.Hash
func (*PortalConfirmProofState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (b *PortalConfirmProofState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PortalExternalTxState ¶
type PortalExternalTxState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPortalExternalTxState ¶
func NewPortalExternalTxState() *PortalExternalTxState
func NewPortalExternalTxStateWithValue ¶
func NewPortalExternalTxStateWithValue(uniqueExtTx []byte) *PortalExternalTxState
func (*PortalExternalTxState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (ethtx *PortalExternalTxState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*PortalExternalTxState) SetUniqueExternalTx ¶
func (ethtx *PortalExternalTxState) SetUniqueExternalTx(uniqueExtTx []byte)
func (PortalExternalTxState) UniqueExternalTx ¶
func (ethtx PortalExternalTxState) UniqueExternalTx() []byte
func (*PortalExternalTxState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (ethtx *PortalExternalTxState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PortalExternalTxStateObject ¶
type PortalExternalTxStateObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (PortalExternalTxStateObject) GetHash ¶
func (extTx PortalExternalTxStateObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (PortalExternalTxStateObject) GetTrie ¶
func (extTx PortalExternalTxStateObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (PortalExternalTxStateObject) GetType ¶
func (extTx PortalExternalTxStateObject) GetType() int
func (PortalExternalTxStateObject) GetValue ¶
func (extTx PortalExternalTxStateObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (PortalExternalTxStateObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (extTx PortalExternalTxStateObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (PortalExternalTxStateObject) GetVersion ¶
func (extTx PortalExternalTxStateObject) GetVersion() int
func (PortalExternalTxStateObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (extTx PortalExternalTxStateObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (PortalExternalTxStateObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (extTx PortalExternalTxStateObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*PortalExternalTxStateObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (extTx *PortalExternalTxStateObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*PortalExternalTxStateObject) Reset ¶
func (extTx *PortalExternalTxStateObject) Reset() bool
func (*PortalExternalTxStateObject) SetError ¶
func (extTx *PortalExternalTxStateObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*PortalExternalTxStateObject) SetValue ¶
func (extTx *PortalExternalTxStateObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type PortalRewardInfo ¶
type PortalRewardInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetPortalRewardsByBeaconHeight ¶
func GetPortalRewardsByBeaconHeight( stateDB *StateDB, beaconHeight uint64, ) ([]*PortalRewardInfo, error)
====================== Portal reward ====================== GetPortalRewardsByBeaconHeight gets portal reward state at beaconHeight
func NewPortalRewardInfo ¶
func NewPortalRewardInfo() *PortalRewardInfo
func NewPortalRewardInfoWithValue ¶
func NewPortalRewardInfoWithValue( rewards map[string]uint64) *PortalRewardInfo
func (*PortalRewardInfo) AddPortalRewardInfo ¶
func (p *PortalRewardInfo) AddPortalRewardInfo(tokenID string, amount uint64)
func (PortalRewardInfo) GetRewards ¶
func (p PortalRewardInfo) GetRewards() map[string]uint64
func (*PortalRewardInfo) MarshalJSON ¶
func (p *PortalRewardInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*PortalRewardInfo) SetRewards ¶
func (p *PortalRewardInfo) SetRewards(rewards map[string]uint64)
func (*PortalRewardInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (p *PortalRewardInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PortalRewardInfoObject ¶
type PortalRewardInfoObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (PortalRewardInfoObject) GetHash ¶
func (t PortalRewardInfoObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (PortalRewardInfoObject) GetTrie ¶
func (t PortalRewardInfoObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (PortalRewardInfoObject) GetType ¶
func (t PortalRewardInfoObject) GetType() int
func (PortalRewardInfoObject) GetValue ¶
func (t PortalRewardInfoObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (PortalRewardInfoObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (t PortalRewardInfoObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (PortalRewardInfoObject) GetVersion ¶
func (t PortalRewardInfoObject) GetVersion() int
func (PortalRewardInfoObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (t PortalRewardInfoObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (PortalRewardInfoObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (t PortalRewardInfoObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*PortalRewardInfoObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (t *PortalRewardInfoObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*PortalRewardInfoObject) Reset ¶
func (t *PortalRewardInfoObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*PortalRewardInfoObject) SetError ¶
func (t *PortalRewardInfoObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*PortalRewardInfoObject) SetValue ¶
func (t *PortalRewardInfoObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type PortalStatusObject ¶
type PortalStatusObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (PortalStatusObject) GetHash ¶
func (t PortalStatusObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (PortalStatusObject) GetTrie ¶
func (t PortalStatusObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (PortalStatusObject) GetType ¶
func (t PortalStatusObject) GetType() int
func (PortalStatusObject) GetValue ¶
func (t PortalStatusObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (PortalStatusObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (t PortalStatusObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (PortalStatusObject) GetVersion ¶
func (t PortalStatusObject) GetVersion() int
func (PortalStatusObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (t PortalStatusObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (PortalStatusObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (t PortalStatusObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*PortalStatusObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (t *PortalStatusObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*PortalStatusObject) Reset ¶
func (t *PortalStatusObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*PortalStatusObject) SetError ¶
func (t *PortalStatusObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*PortalStatusObject) SetValue ¶
func (t *PortalStatusObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type PortalStatusState ¶
type PortalStatusState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPortalStatusState ¶
func NewPortalStatusState() *PortalStatusState
func NewPortalStatusStateWithValue ¶
func NewPortalStatusStateWithValue(statusType []byte, statusSuffix []byte, statusContent []byte) *PortalStatusState
func (*PortalStatusState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PortalStatusState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*PortalStatusState) SetStatusContent ¶
func (s *PortalStatusState) SetStatusContent(statusContent []byte)
func (*PortalStatusState) SetStatusSuffix ¶
func (s *PortalStatusState) SetStatusSuffix(statusSuffix []byte)
func (*PortalStatusState) SetStatusType ¶
func (s *PortalStatusState) SetStatusType(statusType []byte)
func (PortalStatusState) StatusContent ¶
func (s PortalStatusState) StatusContent() []byte
func (PortalStatusState) StatusSuffix ¶
func (s PortalStatusState) StatusSuffix() []byte
func (PortalStatusState) StatusType ¶
func (s PortalStatusState) StatusType() []byte
func (*PortalStatusState) ToString ¶
func (s *PortalStatusState) ToString() string
func (*PortalStatusState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PortalStatusState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type PortalV4StatusObject ¶
type PortalV4StatusObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (PortalV4StatusObject) GetHash ¶
func (t PortalV4StatusObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (PortalV4StatusObject) GetTrie ¶
func (t PortalV4StatusObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (PortalV4StatusObject) GetType ¶
func (t PortalV4StatusObject) GetType() int
func (PortalV4StatusObject) GetValue ¶
func (t PortalV4StatusObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (PortalV4StatusObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (t PortalV4StatusObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (PortalV4StatusObject) GetVersion ¶
func (t PortalV4StatusObject) GetVersion() int
func (PortalV4StatusObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (t PortalV4StatusObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (PortalV4StatusObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (t PortalV4StatusObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*PortalV4StatusObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (t *PortalV4StatusObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*PortalV4StatusObject) Reset ¶
func (t *PortalV4StatusObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*PortalV4StatusObject) SetError ¶
func (t *PortalV4StatusObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*PortalV4StatusObject) SetValue ¶
func (t *PortalV4StatusObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type PortalV4StatusState ¶
type PortalV4StatusState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPortalV4StatusState ¶
func NewPortalV4StatusState() *PortalV4StatusState
func NewPortalV4StatusStateWithValue ¶
func NewPortalV4StatusStateWithValue(statusType []byte, statusSuffix []byte, statusContent []byte) *PortalV4StatusState
func (PortalV4StatusState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s PortalV4StatusState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*PortalV4StatusState) SetStatusContent ¶
func (s *PortalV4StatusState) SetStatusContent(statusContent []byte)
func (*PortalV4StatusState) SetStatusSuffix ¶
func (s *PortalV4StatusState) SetStatusSuffix(statusSuffix []byte)
func (*PortalV4StatusState) SetStatusType ¶
func (s *PortalV4StatusState) SetStatusType(statusType []byte)
func (PortalV4StatusState) StatusContent ¶
func (s PortalV4StatusState) StatusContent() []byte
func (PortalV4StatusState) StatusSuffix ¶
func (s PortalV4StatusState) StatusSuffix() []byte
func (PortalV4StatusState) StatusType ¶
func (s PortalV4StatusState) StatusType() []byte
func (*PortalV4StatusState) ToString ¶
func (s *PortalV4StatusState) ToString() string
func (*PortalV4StatusState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *PortalV4StatusState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject ¶
type ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) GetHash ¶
func (t ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) GetTrie ¶
func (t ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) GetType ¶
func (t ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) GetType() int
func (ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) GetValue ¶
func (t ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (t ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) GetVersion ¶
func (t ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) GetVersion() int
func (ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (t ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (t ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (t *ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) Reset ¶
func (t *ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) SetError ¶
func (t *ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) SetValue ¶
func (t *ProcessUnshieldRequestBatchObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch ¶
type ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch ¶
func NewProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch() *ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch
func NewProcessedUnshieldRequestBatchWithValue ¶
func NewProcessedUnshieldRequestBatchWithValue( batchID string, unshieldsIDInput []string, utxosInput []*UTXO, externalFees map[uint64]ExternalFeeInfo) *ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch
func (*ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) GetBatchID ¶
func (us *ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) GetBatchID() string
func (*ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) GetExternalFees ¶
func (us *ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) GetExternalFees() map[uint64]ExternalFeeInfo
func (*ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) GetUTXOs ¶
func (us *ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) GetUTXOs() []*UTXO
func (*ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) GetUnshieldRequests ¶
func (us *ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) GetUnshieldRequests() []string
func (ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) MarshalJSON ¶
func (rq ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) SetBatchID ¶
func (us *ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) SetBatchID(batchID string)
func (*ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) SetExternalFees ¶
func (us *ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) SetExternalFees(externalFees map[uint64]ExternalFeeInfo)
func (*ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) SetUTXOs ¶
func (us *ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) SetUTXOs(newUTXOs []*UTXO)
func (*ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) SetUnshieldRequests ¶
func (us *ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) SetUnshieldRequests(usRequests []string)
func (*ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (rq *ProcessedUnshieldRequestBatch) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RedeemRequest ¶
type RedeemRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewRedeemRequest ¶
func NewRedeemRequest() *RedeemRequest
func NewRedeemRequestWithValue ¶
func NewRedeemRequestWithValue( uniqueRedeemID string, tokenID string, redeemerAddress string, redeemerRemoteAddress string, redeemAmount uint64, custodians []*MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail, redeemFee uint64, beaconHeight uint64, txReqID common.Hash, sharID byte, shardHeight uint64, redeemerExternalAddress string) *RedeemRequest
func (RedeemRequest) GetBeaconHeight ¶
func (rq RedeemRequest) GetBeaconHeight() uint64
func (RedeemRequest) GetCustodians ¶
func (rq RedeemRequest) GetCustodians() []*MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail
func (RedeemRequest) GetRedeemAmount ¶
func (rq RedeemRequest) GetRedeemAmount() uint64
func (RedeemRequest) GetRedeemFee ¶
func (rq RedeemRequest) GetRedeemFee() uint64
func (RedeemRequest) GetRedeemerAddress ¶
func (rq RedeemRequest) GetRedeemerAddress() string
func (*RedeemRequest) GetRedeemerExternalAddress ¶
func (rq *RedeemRequest) GetRedeemerExternalAddress() string
func (RedeemRequest) GetRedeemerRemoteAddress ¶
func (rq RedeemRequest) GetRedeemerRemoteAddress() string
func (RedeemRequest) GetTokenID ¶
func (rq RedeemRequest) GetTokenID() string
func (RedeemRequest) GetTxReqID ¶
func (rq RedeemRequest) GetTxReqID() common.Hash
func (RedeemRequest) GetUniqueRedeemID ¶
func (rq RedeemRequest) GetUniqueRedeemID() string
func (*RedeemRequest) MarshalJSON ¶
func (rq *RedeemRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*RedeemRequest) SetBeaconHeight ¶
func (rq *RedeemRequest) SetBeaconHeight(beaconHeight uint64)
func (*RedeemRequest) SetCustodians ¶
func (rq *RedeemRequest) SetCustodians(custodians []*MatchingRedeemCustodianDetail)
func (*RedeemRequest) SetRedeemAmount ¶
func (rq *RedeemRequest) SetRedeemAmount(redeemAmount uint64)
func (*RedeemRequest) SetRedeemFee ¶
func (rq *RedeemRequest) SetRedeemFee(redeemFee uint64)
func (*RedeemRequest) SetRedeemerAddress ¶
func (rq *RedeemRequest) SetRedeemerAddress(redeemerAddress string)
func (*RedeemRequest) SetRedeemerExternalAddress ¶
func (rq *RedeemRequest) SetRedeemerExternalAddress(redeemerAddress string)
func (*RedeemRequest) SetRedeemerRemoteAddress ¶
func (rq *RedeemRequest) SetRedeemerRemoteAddress(redeemerRemoteAddress string)
func (*RedeemRequest) SetShardHeight ¶
func (rq *RedeemRequest) SetShardHeight(shardHeight uint64)
func (*RedeemRequest) SetShardID ¶
func (rq *RedeemRequest) SetShardID(shardID byte)
func (*RedeemRequest) SetTokenID ¶
func (rq *RedeemRequest) SetTokenID(tokenID string)
func (*RedeemRequest) SetTxReqID ¶
func (rq *RedeemRequest) SetTxReqID(txReqID common.Hash)
func (*RedeemRequest) SetUniqueRedeemID ¶
func (rq *RedeemRequest) SetUniqueRedeemID(uniqueRedeemID string)
func (RedeemRequest) ShardHeight ¶
func (rq RedeemRequest) ShardHeight() uint64
func (RedeemRequest) ShardID ¶
func (rq RedeemRequest) ShardID() byte
func (*RedeemRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (rq *RedeemRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RedeemRequestObject ¶
type RedeemRequestObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (RedeemRequestObject) GetHash ¶
func (t RedeemRequestObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (RedeemRequestObject) GetTrie ¶
func (t RedeemRequestObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (RedeemRequestObject) GetType ¶
func (t RedeemRequestObject) GetType() int
func (RedeemRequestObject) GetValue ¶
func (t RedeemRequestObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (RedeemRequestObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (t RedeemRequestObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (RedeemRequestObject) GetVersion ¶
func (t RedeemRequestObject) GetVersion() int
func (RedeemRequestObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (t RedeemRequestObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (RedeemRequestObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (t RedeemRequestObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*RedeemRequestObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (t *RedeemRequestObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*RedeemRequestObject) Reset ¶
func (t *RedeemRequestObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*RedeemRequestObject) SetError ¶
func (t *RedeemRequestObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*RedeemRequestObject) SetValue ¶
func (t *RedeemRequestObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type RewardFeatureState ¶
type RewardFeatureState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetAllRewardFeatureState ¶
func GetAllRewardFeatureState( stateDB *StateDB, epoch uint64) (*RewardFeatureState, error)
func GetRewardFeatureStateByFeatureName ¶
func GetRewardFeatureStateByFeatureName( stateDB *StateDB, featureName string, epoch uint64) (*RewardFeatureState, error)
func NewRewardFeatureState ¶
func NewRewardFeatureState() *RewardFeatureState
func NewRewardFeatureStateWithValue ¶
func NewRewardFeatureStateWithValue( totalRewards map[string]uint64, ) *RewardFeatureState
func (*RewardFeatureState) AddTotalRewards ¶
func (rfs *RewardFeatureState) AddTotalRewards(tokenID string, amount uint64)
func (RewardFeatureState) GetTotalRewards ¶
func (rfs RewardFeatureState) GetTotalRewards() map[string]uint64
func (RewardFeatureState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (rfs RewardFeatureState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*RewardFeatureState) ResetTotalRewardByTokenID ¶
func (rfs *RewardFeatureState) ResetTotalRewardByTokenID(tokenID string)
func (*RewardFeatureState) SetTotalRewards ¶
func (rfs *RewardFeatureState) SetTotalRewards(totalRewards map[string]uint64)
func (*RewardFeatureState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (rfs *RewardFeatureState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RewardFeatureStateObject ¶
type RewardFeatureStateObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (RewardFeatureStateObject) GetHash ¶
func (t RewardFeatureStateObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (RewardFeatureStateObject) GetTrie ¶
func (t RewardFeatureStateObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (RewardFeatureStateObject) GetType ¶
func (t RewardFeatureStateObject) GetType() int
func (RewardFeatureStateObject) GetValue ¶
func (t RewardFeatureStateObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (RewardFeatureStateObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (t RewardFeatureStateObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (RewardFeatureStateObject) GetVersion ¶
func (t RewardFeatureStateObject) GetVersion() int
func (RewardFeatureStateObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (t RewardFeatureStateObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (RewardFeatureStateObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (t RewardFeatureStateObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*RewardFeatureStateObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (t *RewardFeatureStateObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*RewardFeatureStateObject) Reset ¶
func (t *RewardFeatureStateObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*RewardFeatureStateObject) SetError ¶
func (t *RewardFeatureStateObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*RewardFeatureStateObject) SetValue ¶
func (t *RewardFeatureStateObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type RewardRequestMultisetObject ¶
type RewardRequestMultisetObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (RewardRequestMultisetObject) GetHash ¶
func (rr RewardRequestMultisetObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (RewardRequestMultisetObject) GetTrie ¶
func (rr RewardRequestMultisetObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (RewardRequestMultisetObject) GetType ¶
func (rr RewardRequestMultisetObject) GetType() int
func (RewardRequestMultisetObject) GetValue ¶
func (rr RewardRequestMultisetObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (RewardRequestMultisetObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (rr RewardRequestMultisetObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (RewardRequestMultisetObject) GetVersion ¶
func (rr RewardRequestMultisetObject) GetVersion() int
func (RewardRequestMultisetObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (rr RewardRequestMultisetObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (RewardRequestMultisetObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (rr RewardRequestMultisetObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*RewardRequestMultisetObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (rr *RewardRequestMultisetObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*RewardRequestMultisetObject) Reset ¶
func (rr *RewardRequestMultisetObject) Reset() bool
func (*RewardRequestMultisetObject) SetError ¶
func (rr *RewardRequestMultisetObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*RewardRequestMultisetObject) SetValue ¶
func (rr *RewardRequestMultisetObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type RewardRequestMultisetState ¶
type RewardRequestMultisetState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewRewardRequestStateV3 ¶
func NewRewardRequestStateV3() *RewardRequestMultisetState
func (RewardRequestMultisetState) Amount ¶
func (rr RewardRequestMultisetState) Amount() uint64
func (RewardRequestMultisetState) Epoch ¶
func (rr RewardRequestMultisetState) Epoch() uint64
func (RewardRequestMultisetState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c RewardRequestMultisetState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*RewardRequestMultisetState) SetAmount ¶
func (rr *RewardRequestMultisetState) SetAmount(amount uint64)
func (*RewardRequestMultisetState) SetEpoch ¶
func (rr *RewardRequestMultisetState) SetEpoch(epoch uint64)
func (*RewardRequestMultisetState) SetShardID ¶
func (rr *RewardRequestMultisetState) SetShardID(shardID byte)
func (*RewardRequestMultisetState) SetSubsetID ¶
func (rr *RewardRequestMultisetState) SetSubsetID(subsetID byte)
func (*RewardRequestMultisetState) SetTokenID ¶
func (rr *RewardRequestMultisetState) SetTokenID(tokenID common.Hash)
func (RewardRequestMultisetState) ShardID ¶
func (rr RewardRequestMultisetState) ShardID() byte
func (RewardRequestMultisetState) SubsetID ¶
func (rr RewardRequestMultisetState) SubsetID() byte
func (RewardRequestMultisetState) TokenID ¶
func (rr RewardRequestMultisetState) TokenID() common.Hash
func (*RewardRequestMultisetState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *RewardRequestMultisetState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type RewardRequestObject ¶
type RewardRequestObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (RewardRequestObject) GetHash ¶
func (rr RewardRequestObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (RewardRequestObject) GetTrie ¶
func (rr RewardRequestObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (RewardRequestObject) GetType ¶
func (rr RewardRequestObject) GetType() int
func (RewardRequestObject) GetValue ¶
func (rr RewardRequestObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (RewardRequestObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (rr RewardRequestObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (RewardRequestObject) GetVersion ¶
func (rr RewardRequestObject) GetVersion() int
func (RewardRequestObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (rr RewardRequestObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (RewardRequestObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (rr RewardRequestObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*RewardRequestObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (rr *RewardRequestObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*RewardRequestObject) Reset ¶
func (rr *RewardRequestObject) Reset() bool
func (*RewardRequestObject) SetError ¶
func (rr *RewardRequestObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*RewardRequestObject) SetValue ¶
func (rr *RewardRequestObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type RewardRequestState ¶
type RewardRequestState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetRewardRequestInfoByEpoch ¶
func GetRewardRequestInfoByEpoch(stateDB *StateDB, epoch uint64) []*RewardRequestState
================================= Testing ======================================
func NewRewardRequestState ¶
func NewRewardRequestState() *RewardRequestState
func (RewardRequestState) Amount ¶
func (rr RewardRequestState) Amount() uint64
func (RewardRequestState) Epoch ¶
func (rr RewardRequestState) Epoch() uint64
func (RewardRequestState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c RewardRequestState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*RewardRequestState) SetAmount ¶
func (rr *RewardRequestState) SetAmount(amount uint64)
func (*RewardRequestState) SetEpoch ¶
func (rr *RewardRequestState) SetEpoch(epoch uint64)
func (*RewardRequestState) SetShardID ¶
func (rr *RewardRequestState) SetShardID(shardID byte)
func (*RewardRequestState) SetTokenID ¶
func (rr *RewardRequestState) SetTokenID(tokenID common.Hash)
func (RewardRequestState) ShardID ¶
func (rr RewardRequestState) ShardID() byte
func (RewardRequestState) TokenID ¶
func (rr RewardRequestState) TokenID() common.Hash
func (*RewardRequestState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *RewardRequestState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SNDerivatorObject ¶
type SNDerivatorObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (SNDerivatorObject) GetHash ¶
func (s SNDerivatorObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (SNDerivatorObject) GetTrie ¶
func (s SNDerivatorObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (SNDerivatorObject) GetType ¶
func (s SNDerivatorObject) GetType() int
func (SNDerivatorObject) GetValue ¶
func (s SNDerivatorObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (SNDerivatorObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (s SNDerivatorObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (SNDerivatorObject) GetVersion ¶
func (s SNDerivatorObject) GetVersion() int
func (SNDerivatorObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (s SNDerivatorObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*SNDerivatorObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (s *SNDerivatorObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*SNDerivatorObject) Reset ¶
func (s *SNDerivatorObject) Reset() bool
Reset serial number into default
func (*SNDerivatorObject) SetError ¶
func (s *SNDerivatorObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*SNDerivatorObject) SetValue ¶
func (s *SNDerivatorObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type SNDerivatorState ¶
type SNDerivatorState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSNDerivatorState ¶
func NewSNDerivatorState() *SNDerivatorState
func NewSNDerivatorStateWithValue ¶
func NewSNDerivatorStateWithValue(tokenID common.Hash, snd []byte) *SNDerivatorState
func (SNDerivatorState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SNDerivatorState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*SNDerivatorState) SetSnd ¶
func (s *SNDerivatorState) SetSnd(snd []byte)
func (*SNDerivatorState) SetTokenID ¶
func (s *SNDerivatorState) SetTokenID(tokenID common.Hash)
func (SNDerivatorState) Snd ¶
func (s SNDerivatorState) Snd() []byte
func (SNDerivatorState) TokenID ¶
func (s SNDerivatorState) TokenID() common.Hash
func (*SNDerivatorState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SNDerivatorState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SerialNumberObject ¶
type SerialNumberObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (SerialNumberObject) GetHash ¶
func (s SerialNumberObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (SerialNumberObject) GetTrie ¶
func (s SerialNumberObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (SerialNumberObject) GetType ¶
func (s SerialNumberObject) GetType() int
func (SerialNumberObject) GetValue ¶
func (s SerialNumberObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (SerialNumberObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (s SerialNumberObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (SerialNumberObject) GetVersion ¶
func (s SerialNumberObject) GetVersion() int
func (SerialNumberObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (s SerialNumberObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*SerialNumberObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (s *SerialNumberObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*SerialNumberObject) Reset ¶
func (s *SerialNumberObject) Reset() bool
Reset serial number into default
func (*SerialNumberObject) SetError ¶
func (s *SerialNumberObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*SerialNumberObject) SetValue ¶
func (s *SerialNumberObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type SerialNumberState ¶
type SerialNumberState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSerialNumberState ¶
func NewSerialNumberState() *SerialNumberState
func NewSerialNumberStateWithValue ¶
func NewSerialNumberStateWithValue(tokenID common.Hash, shardID byte, serialNumber []byte) *SerialNumberState
func (SerialNumberState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SerialNumberState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (SerialNumberState) SerialNumber ¶
func (s SerialNumberState) SerialNumber() []byte
func (*SerialNumberState) SetSerialNumber ¶
func (s *SerialNumberState) SetSerialNumber(serialNumber []byte)
func (*SerialNumberState) SetShardID ¶
func (s *SerialNumberState) SetShardID(shardID byte)
func (*SerialNumberState) SetTokenID ¶
func (s *SerialNumberState) SetTokenID(tokenID common.Hash)
func (SerialNumberState) ShardID ¶
func (s SerialNumberState) ShardID() byte
func (SerialNumberState) TokenID ¶
func (s SerialNumberState) TokenID() common.Hash
func (*SerialNumberState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SerialNumberState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShieldingRequest ¶
type ShieldingRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewShieldingRequest ¶
func NewShieldingRequest() *ShieldingRequest
func NewShieldingRequestWithValue ¶
func NewShieldingRequestWithValue( externalTxHash string, incAddress string, amount uint64, ) *ShieldingRequest
func (*ShieldingRequest) GetAmount ¶
func (pr *ShieldingRequest) GetAmount() uint64
func (*ShieldingRequest) GetExternalTxHash ¶
func (pr *ShieldingRequest) GetExternalTxHash() string
func (*ShieldingRequest) GetIncAddress ¶
func (pr *ShieldingRequest) GetIncAddress() string
func (*ShieldingRequest) MarshalJSON ¶
func (pr *ShieldingRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ShieldingRequest) SetAmount ¶
func (pr *ShieldingRequest) SetAmount(amount uint64)
func (*ShieldingRequest) SetExternalTxHash ¶
func (pr *ShieldingRequest) SetExternalTxHash(txHash string)
func (*ShieldingRequest) SetIncAddress ¶
func (pr *ShieldingRequest) SetIncAddress(incAddress string)
func (*ShieldingRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (pr *ShieldingRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ShieldingRequestObject ¶
type ShieldingRequestObject struct { ShieldingRequestHash common.Hash ShieldingRequest *ShieldingRequest // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (ShieldingRequestObject) GetHash ¶
func (t ShieldingRequestObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (ShieldingRequestObject) GetTrie ¶
func (t ShieldingRequestObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (ShieldingRequestObject) GetType ¶
func (t ShieldingRequestObject) GetType() int
func (ShieldingRequestObject) GetValue ¶
func (t ShieldingRequestObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (ShieldingRequestObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (t ShieldingRequestObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (ShieldingRequestObject) GetVersion ¶
func (t ShieldingRequestObject) GetVersion() int
func (ShieldingRequestObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (t ShieldingRequestObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (ShieldingRequestObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (t ShieldingRequestObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*ShieldingRequestObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (t *ShieldingRequestObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*ShieldingRequestObject) Reset ¶
func (t *ShieldingRequestObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*ShieldingRequestObject) SetError ¶
func (t *ShieldingRequestObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*ShieldingRequestObject) SetValue ¶
func (t *ShieldingRequestObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type SlashingCommitteeObject ¶
type SlashingCommitteeObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (SlashingCommitteeObject) GetHash ¶
func (c SlashingCommitteeObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (SlashingCommitteeObject) GetTrie ¶
func (c SlashingCommitteeObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (SlashingCommitteeObject) GetType ¶
func (c SlashingCommitteeObject) GetType() int
func (SlashingCommitteeObject) GetValue ¶
func (c SlashingCommitteeObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (SlashingCommitteeObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (c SlashingCommitteeObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (SlashingCommitteeObject) GetVersion ¶
func (c SlashingCommitteeObject) GetVersion() int
func (SlashingCommitteeObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (c SlashingCommitteeObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (SlashingCommitteeObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (c SlashingCommitteeObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*SlashingCommitteeObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (c *SlashingCommitteeObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*SlashingCommitteeObject) Reset ¶
func (c *SlashingCommitteeObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*SlashingCommitteeObject) SetError ¶
func (c *SlashingCommitteeObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*SlashingCommitteeObject) SetValue ¶
func (c *SlashingCommitteeObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type SlashingCommitteeState ¶
type SlashingCommitteeState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSlashingCommitteeState ¶
func NewSlashingCommitteeState() *SlashingCommitteeState
func NewSlashingCommitteeStateWithValue ¶
func NewSlashingCommitteeStateWithValue(shardID byte, epoch uint64, committees []string) *SlashingCommitteeState
func (*SlashingCommitteeState) Committees ¶
func (s *SlashingCommitteeState) Committees() []string
func (*SlashingCommitteeState) Epoch ¶
func (s *SlashingCommitteeState) Epoch() uint64
func (SlashingCommitteeState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (s SlashingCommitteeState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*SlashingCommitteeState) SetCommittees ¶
func (s *SlashingCommitteeState) SetCommittees(committees []string)
func (*SlashingCommitteeState) SetEpoch ¶
func (s *SlashingCommitteeState) SetEpoch(epoch uint64)
func (*SlashingCommitteeState) SetShardID ¶
func (s *SlashingCommitteeState) SetShardID(shardID byte)
func (*SlashingCommitteeState) ShardID ¶
func (s *SlashingCommitteeState) ShardID() byte
func (*SlashingCommitteeState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (s *SlashingCommitteeState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type StakerInfo ¶
type StakerInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetShardStakerInfo ¶
func GetShardStakerInfo(stateDB *StateDB, stakerPubkey string) (*StakerInfo, bool, error)
func NewStakerInfo ¶
func NewStakerInfo() *StakerInfo
func NewStakerInfoWithValue ¶
func NewStakerInfoWithValue( rewardReceiver key.PaymentAddress, autoStaking bool, txStakingID common.Hash, beaconConfirmHeight uint64, ) *StakerInfo
func (StakerInfo) AutoStaking ¶
func (s StakerInfo) AutoStaking() bool
func (StakerInfo) BeaconConfirmHeight ¶
func (s StakerInfo) BeaconConfirmHeight() uint64
func (*StakerInfo) GetDelegate ¶
func (s *StakerInfo) GetDelegate() string
func (*StakerInfo) GetDelegateUID ¶
func (s *StakerInfo) GetDelegateUID() string
func (StakerInfo) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c StakerInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (StakerInfo) RewardReceiver ¶
func (s StakerInfo) RewardReceiver() key.PaymentAddress
func (*StakerInfo) SetAutoStaking ¶
func (s *StakerInfo) SetAutoStaking(a bool)
func (*StakerInfo) SetDelegate ¶
func (s *StakerInfo) SetDelegate(pk string, uID string, height uint64)
func (*StakerInfo) SetRewardReceiver ¶
func (s *StakerInfo) SetRewardReceiver(r key.PaymentAddress)
func (*StakerInfo) SetTxStakingID ¶
func (s *StakerInfo) SetTxStakingID(t common.Hash)
func (StakerInfo) TxStakingID ¶
func (s StakerInfo) TxStakingID() common.Hash
func (*StakerInfo) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *StakerInfo) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type StakerInfoSlashingVersion ¶
type StakerInfoSlashingVersion struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
@NOTE this struct is view object only
func NewStakerInfoSlashingVersion ¶
func NewStakerInfoSlashingVersion(committeePublicKey string, s *StakerInfo) *StakerInfoSlashingVersion
func NewStakerInfoSlashingVersionWithCommittee ¶
func NewStakerInfoSlashingVersionWithCommittee(committeePublicKey string) *StakerInfoSlashingVersion
func (StakerInfoSlashingVersion) AutoStaking ¶
func (s StakerInfoSlashingVersion) AutoStaking() bool
func (StakerInfoSlashingVersion) CommitteePublicKey ¶
func (s StakerInfoSlashingVersion) CommitteePublicKey() string
func (StakerInfoSlashingVersion) RewardReceiver ¶
func (s StakerInfoSlashingVersion) RewardReceiver() key.PaymentAddress
func (StakerInfoSlashingVersion) TxStakingID ¶
func (s StakerInfoSlashingVersion) TxStakingID() common.Hash
type StakerObject ¶
type StakerObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (StakerObject) GetHash ¶
func (c StakerObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (StakerObject) GetTrie ¶
func (c StakerObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (StakerObject) GetType ¶
func (c StakerObject) GetType() int
func (StakerObject) GetValue ¶
func (c StakerObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (StakerObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (c StakerObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (StakerObject) GetVersion ¶
func (c StakerObject) GetVersion() int
func (StakerObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (c StakerObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*StakerObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (c *StakerObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*StakerObject) Reset ¶
func (c *StakerObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*StakerObject) SetError ¶
func (c *StakerObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*StakerObject) SetValue ¶
func (c *StakerObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type StakingInfo ¶
type StakingInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type StakingTxInfo ¶
type StateDB ¶
type StateDB struct { // Measurements gathered during execution for debugging purposes StateObjectReads time.Duration StateObjectHashes time.Duration StateObjectUpdates time.Duration StateObjectCommits time.Duration // contains filtered or unexported fields }
StateDBs within the incognito protocol are used to store anything within the merkle trie. StateDBs take care of caching and storing nested states. It's the general query interface to retrieve: * State Object
func NewWithPrefixTrie ¶
func NewWithPrefixTrie(root common.Hash, db DatabaseAccessWarper) (*StateDB, error)
New return a new statedb attach with a state root
func (*StateDB) ClearObjects ¶
func (stateDB *StateDB) ClearObjects()
func (*StateDB) Database ¶
func (stateDB *StateDB) Database() DatabaseAccessWarper
Database return current database access warper
func (*StateDB) GetAllStakingTX ¶
func (*StateDB) GetIterator ¶
func (*StateDB) GetStateObjectMapForTestOnly ¶
func (stateDB *StateDB) GetStateObjectMapForTestOnly() map[common.Hash]StateObject
FOR TEST ONLY do not use this function for build feature
func (*StateDB) GetStateObjectPendingMapForTestOnly ¶
func (*StateDB) IntermediateRoot ¶
IntermediateRoot computes the current root hash of the state trie. It is called in between transactions to get the root hash that goes into transaction receipts.
func (*StateDB) IterateWithStaker ¶
func (stateDB *StateDB) IterateWithStaker(prefix []byte) []*StakerInfo
func (*StateDB) MarkDeleteStateObject ¶
MarkDeleteStateObject add new stateobject into statedb
func (*StateDB) Reset ¶
Reset clears out all ephemeral state objects from the state db, but keeps the underlying state trie to avoid reloading data for the next operations.
type StateObject ¶
type StateObjectValidation ¶
type StateObjectValidation struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
var SoValidation *StateObjectValidation
func (*StateObjectValidation) SetVersion ¶
func (v *StateObjectValidation) SetVersion(version int)
func (StateObjectValidation) ValidateIncognitoPublicKeySanity ¶
func (s StateObjectValidation) ValidateIncognitoPublicKeySanity(v string) error
func (StateObjectValidation) ValidatePaymentAddressSanity ¶
func (s StateObjectValidation) ValidatePaymentAddressSanity(v key.PaymentAddress) error
func (StateObjectValidation) Version ¶
func (v StateObjectValidation) Version() int
type StatedbError ¶
func NewStatedbError ¶
func NewStatedbError(key int, err error, params ...interface{}) *StatedbError
func (StatedbError) Error ¶
func (e StatedbError) Error() string
func (StatedbError) GetError ¶
func (e StatedbError) GetError() error
func (StatedbError) GetErrorCode ¶
func (e StatedbError) GetErrorCode() int
func (StatedbError) GetMessage ¶
func (e StatedbError) GetMessage() string
type TestObject ¶
type TestObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TestObject) GetHash ¶
func (s *TestObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (*TestObject) GetTrie ¶
func (s *TestObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (*TestObject) GetType ¶
func (s *TestObject) GetType() int
func (*TestObject) GetValue ¶
func (s *TestObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (*TestObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (s *TestObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (*TestObject) GetVersion ¶
func (s *TestObject) GetVersion() int
func (*TestObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (s *TestObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*TestObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (s *TestObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*TestObject) SetError ¶
func (s *TestObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*TestObject) SetValue ¶
func (s *TestObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type TokenObject ¶
type TokenObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (TokenObject) GetHash ¶
func (t TokenObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (TokenObject) GetTrie ¶
func (t TokenObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (TokenObject) GetType ¶
func (t TokenObject) GetType() int
func (TokenObject) GetValue ¶
func (t TokenObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (TokenObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (t TokenObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (TokenObject) GetVersion ¶
func (t TokenObject) GetVersion() int
func (TokenObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (t TokenObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*TokenObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (t *TokenObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*TokenObject) Reset ¶
func (t *TokenObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*TokenObject) SetError ¶
func (t *TokenObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*TokenObject) SetValue ¶
func (t *TokenObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type TokenState ¶
type TokenState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func GetPrivacyTokenState ¶
func NewTokenState ¶
func NewTokenState() *TokenState
func NewTokenStateForInitToken ¶
func NewTokenStateForInitToken(tokenID common.Hash, initTx common.Hash) *TokenState
func NewTokenStateWithValue ¶
func (TokenState) Amount ¶
func (t TokenState) Amount() uint64
func (*TokenState) Info ¶
func (t *TokenState) Info() []byte
func (TokenState) InitTx ¶
func (t TokenState) InitTx() common.Hash
func (TokenState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t TokenState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (TokenState) Mintable ¶
func (t TokenState) Mintable() bool
func (TokenState) PropertyName ¶
func (t TokenState) PropertyName() string
func (TokenState) PropertySymbol ¶
func (t TokenState) PropertySymbol() string
func (*TokenState) SetAmount ¶
func (t *TokenState) SetAmount(amount uint64)
func (*TokenState) SetInfo ¶
func (t *TokenState) SetInfo(info []byte)
func (*TokenState) SetInitTx ¶
func (t *TokenState) SetInitTx(initTx common.Hash)
func (*TokenState) SetMintable ¶
func (t *TokenState) SetMintable(mintable bool)
func (*TokenState) SetPropertyName ¶
func (t *TokenState) SetPropertyName(propertyName string)
func (*TokenState) SetPropertySymbol ¶
func (t *TokenState) SetPropertySymbol(propertySymbol string)
func (*TokenState) SetTokenID ¶
func (t *TokenState) SetTokenID(tokenID common.Hash)
func (*TokenState) SetTokenType ¶
func (t *TokenState) SetTokenType(tokenType int)
func (*TokenState) SetTxs ¶
func (t *TokenState) SetTxs(txs []common.Hash)
func (TokenState) TokenID ¶
func (t TokenState) TokenID() common.Hash
func (TokenState) TokenType ¶
func (t TokenState) TokenType() int
func (TokenState) Txs ¶
func (t TokenState) Txs() []common.Hash
func (*TokenState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (t *TokenState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type TokenTransactionObject ¶
type TokenTransactionObject struct { TokenTransactionState *TokenTransactionState // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (TokenTransactionObject) GetHash ¶
func (t TokenTransactionObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (TokenTransactionObject) GetTrie ¶
func (t TokenTransactionObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (TokenTransactionObject) GetType ¶
func (t TokenTransactionObject) GetType() int
func (TokenTransactionObject) GetValue ¶
func (t TokenTransactionObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (TokenTransactionObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (t TokenTransactionObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (TokenTransactionObject) GetVersion ¶
func (t TokenTransactionObject) GetVersion() int
func (TokenTransactionObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (t TokenTransactionObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (TokenTransactionObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (t TokenTransactionObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*TokenTransactionObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (t *TokenTransactionObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*TokenTransactionObject) Reset ¶
func (t *TokenTransactionObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*TokenTransactionObject) SetError ¶
func (t *TokenTransactionObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*TokenTransactionObject) SetValue ¶
func (t *TokenTransactionObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type TokenTransactionState ¶
type TokenTransactionState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewTokenTransactionState ¶
func NewTokenTransactionState() *TokenTransactionState
func NewTokenTransactionStateWithValue ¶
func NewTokenTransactionStateWithValue(txHash common.Hash) *TokenTransactionState
func (TokenTransactionState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (t TokenTransactionState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*TokenTransactionState) SetTxHash ¶
func (t *TokenTransactionState) SetTxHash(txHash common.Hash)
func (*TokenTransactionState) TxHash ¶
func (t *TokenTransactionState) TxHash() common.Hash
func (*TokenTransactionState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (t *TokenTransactionState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Trie ¶
type Trie interface { // GetHash returns the sha3 preimage of a hashed key that was previously used // to store a value. GetKey([]byte) []byte // TryGet returns the value for key stored in the trie. The value bytes must // not be modified by the caller. If a node was not found in the database, a // trie.MissingNodeError is returned. TryGet(key []byte) ([]byte, error) // TryUpdate associates key with value in the trie. If value has length zero, any // existing value is deleted from the trie. The value bytes must not be modified // by the caller while they are stored in the trie. If a node was not found in the // database, a trie.MissingNodeError is returned. TryUpdate(key, value []byte) error // TryDelete removes any existing value for key from the trie. If a node was not // found in the database, a trie.MissingNodeError is returned. TryDelete(key []byte) error // Hash returns the root hash of the trie. It does not write to the database and // can be used even if the trie doesn't have one. Hash() common.Hash // Commit writes all nodes to the trie's memory database, tracking the internal // and external (for account tries) references. Commit(onleaf trie.LeafCallback) (common.Hash, error) // NodeIterator returns an iterator that returns nodes of the trie. Iteration // starts at the key after the given start key. NodeIterator(startKey []byte) trie.NodeIterator // Prove constructs a Merkle proof for key. The result contains all encoded nodes // on the path to the value at key. The value itself is also included in the last // node and can be retrieved by verifying the proof. // // If the trie does not contain a value for key, the returned proof contains all // nodes of the longest existing prefix of the key (at least the root), ending // with the node that proves the absence of the key. Prove(key []byte, fromLevel uint, proofDb incdb.Database) error }
Trie is a Ethereum Merkle Patricia trie.
type UTXO ¶
type UTXO struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewUTXOWithValue ¶
func (*UTXO) GetChainCodeSeed ¶
func (*UTXO) GetOutputAmount ¶
func (*UTXO) GetOutputIndex ¶
func (*UTXO) GetWalletAddress ¶
func (*UTXO) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*UTXO) SetChainCodeSeed ¶
func (*UTXO) SetOutputAmount ¶
func (*UTXO) SetOutputIndex ¶
func (*UTXO) SetWalletAddress ¶
func (*UTXO) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type UTXOObject ¶
type UTXOObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (UTXOObject) GetHash ¶
func (t UTXOObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (UTXOObject) GetTrie ¶
func (t UTXOObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (UTXOObject) GetType ¶
func (t UTXOObject) GetType() int
func (UTXOObject) GetValue ¶
func (t UTXOObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (UTXOObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (t UTXOObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (UTXOObject) GetVersion ¶
func (t UTXOObject) GetVersion() int
func (UTXOObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (t UTXOObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (*UTXOObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (t *UTXOObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*UTXOObject) Reset ¶
func (t *UTXOObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*UTXOObject) SetError ¶
func (t *UTXOObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*UTXOObject) SetValue ¶
func (t *UTXOObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type UnlockOverRateCollaterals ¶
type UnlockOverRateCollaterals struct { CustodianAddressStr string TokenID string UnlockAmounts map[string]uint64 }
func NewUnlockOverRateCollaterals ¶
func NewUnlockOverRateCollaterals() *UnlockOverRateCollaterals
func NewUnlockOverRateCollateralsWithValue ¶
func NewUnlockOverRateCollateralsWithValue( cusAddress string, tokenID string, unlockAmounts map[string]uint64, ) *UnlockOverRateCollaterals
func (*UnlockOverRateCollaterals) GetCustodianAddress ¶
func (u *UnlockOverRateCollaterals) GetCustodianAddress() string
func (*UnlockOverRateCollaterals) GetTokenID ¶
func (u *UnlockOverRateCollaterals) GetTokenID() string
func (*UnlockOverRateCollaterals) GetUnlockAmount ¶
func (u *UnlockOverRateCollaterals) GetUnlockAmount() map[string]uint64
func (*UnlockOverRateCollaterals) MarshalJSON ¶
func (u *UnlockOverRateCollaterals) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*UnlockOverRateCollaterals) SetCustodianAddress ¶
func (u *UnlockOverRateCollaterals) SetCustodianAddress(cusAddress string)
func (*UnlockOverRateCollaterals) SetTokenID ¶
func (u *UnlockOverRateCollaterals) SetTokenID(tokenID string)
func (*UnlockOverRateCollaterals) SetUnlockAmount ¶
func (u *UnlockOverRateCollaterals) SetUnlockAmount(unlockAmount map[string]uint64)
func (*UnlockOverRateCollaterals) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (u *UnlockOverRateCollaterals) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject ¶
type UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) GetHash ¶
func (u UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) GetTrie ¶
func (u UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) GetType ¶
func (u UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) GetType() int
func (UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) GetValue ¶
func (u UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (u UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) GetVersion ¶
func (u UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) GetVersion() int
func (UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (u UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (u UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (u *UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) Reset ¶
func (u *UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) SetError ¶
func (u *UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) SetValue ¶
func (u *UnlockOverRateCollateralsStateObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type WaitingPDEContributionObject ¶
type WaitingPDEContributionObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (WaitingPDEContributionObject) GetHash ¶
func (t WaitingPDEContributionObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (WaitingPDEContributionObject) GetTrie ¶
func (t WaitingPDEContributionObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (WaitingPDEContributionObject) GetType ¶
func (t WaitingPDEContributionObject) GetType() int
func (WaitingPDEContributionObject) GetValue ¶
func (t WaitingPDEContributionObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (WaitingPDEContributionObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (t WaitingPDEContributionObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (WaitingPDEContributionObject) GetVersion ¶
func (t WaitingPDEContributionObject) GetVersion() int
func (WaitingPDEContributionObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (t WaitingPDEContributionObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (WaitingPDEContributionObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (t WaitingPDEContributionObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*WaitingPDEContributionObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (t *WaitingPDEContributionObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*WaitingPDEContributionObject) Reset ¶
func (t *WaitingPDEContributionObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*WaitingPDEContributionObject) SetError ¶
func (t *WaitingPDEContributionObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*WaitingPDEContributionObject) SetValue ¶
func (t *WaitingPDEContributionObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type WaitingPDEContributionState ¶
type WaitingPDEContributionState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewWaitingPDEContributionState ¶
func NewWaitingPDEContributionState() *WaitingPDEContributionState
func (WaitingPDEContributionState) Amount ¶
func (wc WaitingPDEContributionState) Amount() uint64
func (WaitingPDEContributionState) ContributorAddress ¶
func (wc WaitingPDEContributionState) ContributorAddress() string
func (WaitingPDEContributionState) MarshalJSON ¶
func (wc WaitingPDEContributionState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (WaitingPDEContributionState) PairID ¶
func (wc WaitingPDEContributionState) PairID() string
func (*WaitingPDEContributionState) SetAmount ¶
func (wc *WaitingPDEContributionState) SetAmount(amount uint64)
func (*WaitingPDEContributionState) SetContributorAddress ¶
func (wc *WaitingPDEContributionState) SetContributorAddress(contributorAddress string)
func (*WaitingPDEContributionState) SetPairID ¶
func (wc *WaitingPDEContributionState) SetPairID(pairID string)
func (*WaitingPDEContributionState) SetTokenID ¶
func (wc *WaitingPDEContributionState) SetTokenID(tokenID string)
func (*WaitingPDEContributionState) SetTxReqID ¶
func (wc *WaitingPDEContributionState) SetTxReqID(txReqID common.Hash)
func (WaitingPDEContributionState) TokenID ¶
func (wc WaitingPDEContributionState) TokenID() string
func (WaitingPDEContributionState) TxReqID ¶
func (wc WaitingPDEContributionState) TxReqID() common.Hash
func (*WaitingPDEContributionState) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (wc *WaitingPDEContributionState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type WaitingPortingRequest ¶
type WaitingPortingRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewWaitingPortingRequest ¶
func NewWaitingPortingRequest() *WaitingPortingRequest
func (WaitingPortingRequest) Amount ¶
func (w WaitingPortingRequest) Amount() uint64
func (WaitingPortingRequest) BeaconHeight ¶
func (w WaitingPortingRequest) BeaconHeight() uint64
func (WaitingPortingRequest) Custodians ¶
func (w WaitingPortingRequest) Custodians() []*MatchingPortingCustodianDetail
func (*WaitingPortingRequest) MarshalJSON ¶
func (w *WaitingPortingRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (WaitingPortingRequest) PorterAddress ¶
func (w WaitingPortingRequest) PorterAddress() string
func (WaitingPortingRequest) PortingFee ¶
func (w WaitingPortingRequest) PortingFee() uint64
func (*WaitingPortingRequest) SetAmount ¶
func (w *WaitingPortingRequest) SetAmount(amount uint64)
func (*WaitingPortingRequest) SetBeaconHeight ¶
func (w *WaitingPortingRequest) SetBeaconHeight(beaconHeight uint64)
func (*WaitingPortingRequest) SetCustodians ¶
func (w *WaitingPortingRequest) SetCustodians(custodians []*MatchingPortingCustodianDetail)
func (*WaitingPortingRequest) SetPorterAddress ¶
func (w *WaitingPortingRequest) SetPorterAddress(porterAddress string)
func (*WaitingPortingRequest) SetPortingFee ¶
func (w *WaitingPortingRequest) SetPortingFee(portingFee uint64)
func (*WaitingPortingRequest) SetShardHeight ¶
func (w *WaitingPortingRequest) SetShardHeight(shardHeight uint64)
func (*WaitingPortingRequest) SetShardID ¶
func (w *WaitingPortingRequest) SetShardID(shardID byte)
func (*WaitingPortingRequest) SetTokenID ¶
func (w *WaitingPortingRequest) SetTokenID(tokenID string)
func (*WaitingPortingRequest) SetTxReqID ¶
func (w *WaitingPortingRequest) SetTxReqID(txReqID common.Hash)
func (*WaitingPortingRequest) SetUniquePortingID ¶
func (w *WaitingPortingRequest) SetUniquePortingID(uniquePortingID string)
func (WaitingPortingRequest) ShardHeight ¶
func (w WaitingPortingRequest) ShardHeight() uint64
func (WaitingPortingRequest) ShardID ¶
func (w WaitingPortingRequest) ShardID() byte
func (WaitingPortingRequest) TokenID ¶
func (w WaitingPortingRequest) TokenID() string
func (WaitingPortingRequest) TxReqID ¶
func (w WaitingPortingRequest) TxReqID() common.Hash
func (WaitingPortingRequest) UniquePortingID ¶
func (w WaitingPortingRequest) UniquePortingID() string
func (*WaitingPortingRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (w *WaitingPortingRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type WaitingPortingRequestObject ¶
type WaitingPortingRequestObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (WaitingPortingRequestObject) GetHash ¶
func (l WaitingPortingRequestObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (WaitingPortingRequestObject) GetTrie ¶
func (l WaitingPortingRequestObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (WaitingPortingRequestObject) GetType ¶
func (l WaitingPortingRequestObject) GetType() int
func (WaitingPortingRequestObject) GetValue ¶
func (l WaitingPortingRequestObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (WaitingPortingRequestObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (l WaitingPortingRequestObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (WaitingPortingRequestObject) GetVersion ¶
func (l WaitingPortingRequestObject) GetVersion() int
func (WaitingPortingRequestObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (l WaitingPortingRequestObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (WaitingPortingRequestObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (l WaitingPortingRequestObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*WaitingPortingRequestObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (l *WaitingPortingRequestObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*WaitingPortingRequestObject) Reset ¶
func (l *WaitingPortingRequestObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*WaitingPortingRequestObject) SetError ¶
func (l *WaitingPortingRequestObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*WaitingPortingRequestObject) SetValue ¶
func (l *WaitingPortingRequestObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type WaitingUnshieldObject ¶
type WaitingUnshieldObject struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (WaitingUnshieldObject) GetHash ¶
func (t WaitingUnshieldObject) GetHash() common.Hash
func (WaitingUnshieldObject) GetTrie ¶
func (t WaitingUnshieldObject) GetTrie(db DatabaseAccessWarper) Trie
func (WaitingUnshieldObject) GetType ¶
func (t WaitingUnshieldObject) GetType() int
func (WaitingUnshieldObject) GetValue ¶
func (t WaitingUnshieldObject) GetValue() interface{}
func (WaitingUnshieldObject) GetValueBytes ¶
func (t WaitingUnshieldObject) GetValueBytes() []byte
func (WaitingUnshieldObject) GetVersion ¶
func (t WaitingUnshieldObject) GetVersion() int
func (WaitingUnshieldObject) IsDeleted ¶
func (t WaitingUnshieldObject) IsDeleted() bool
func (WaitingUnshieldObject) IsEmpty ¶
func (t WaitingUnshieldObject) IsEmpty() bool
value is either default or nil
func (*WaitingUnshieldObject) MarkDelete ¶
func (t *WaitingUnshieldObject) MarkDelete()
MarkDelete will delete an object in trie
func (*WaitingUnshieldObject) Reset ¶
func (t *WaitingUnshieldObject) Reset() bool
reset all shard committee value into default value
func (*WaitingUnshieldObject) SetError ¶
func (t *WaitingUnshieldObject) SetError(err error)
setError remembers the first non-nil error it is called with.
func (*WaitingUnshieldObject) SetValue ¶
func (t *WaitingUnshieldObject) SetValue(data interface{}) error
type WaitingUnshieldReqData ¶
type WaitingUnshieldReqData struct { IncTokenID common.Hash `json:"IncTokenID"` BurningAmount uint64 `json:"BurningAmount"` RemoteAddress string `json:"RemoteAddress"` Fee uint64 `json:"Fee"` ExternalTokenID []byte `json:"ExternalTokenID"` ExternalReceivedAmt *big.Int `json:"ExternalReceivedAmt"` BurningConfirmMetaType uint `json:"BurningConfirmMetaType"` }
func (WaitingUnshieldReqData) Clone ¶
func (w WaitingUnshieldReqData) Clone() WaitingUnshieldReqData
type WaitingUnshieldRequest ¶
type WaitingUnshieldRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewWaitingUnshieldRequestState ¶
func NewWaitingUnshieldRequestState() *WaitingUnshieldRequest
func NewWaitingUnshieldRequestStateWithValue ¶
func NewWaitingUnshieldRequestStateWithValue( remoteAddress string, amount uint64, unshieldID string, beaconHeight uint64) *WaitingUnshieldRequest
func (*WaitingUnshieldRequest) GetAmount ¶
func (us *WaitingUnshieldRequest) GetAmount() uint64
func (*WaitingUnshieldRequest) GetBeaconHeight ¶
func (us *WaitingUnshieldRequest) GetBeaconHeight() uint64
func (*WaitingUnshieldRequest) GetRemoteAddress ¶
func (us *WaitingUnshieldRequest) GetRemoteAddress() string
func (*WaitingUnshieldRequest) GetUnshieldID ¶
func (us *WaitingUnshieldRequest) GetUnshieldID() string
func (WaitingUnshieldRequest) MarshalJSON ¶
func (us WaitingUnshieldRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*WaitingUnshieldRequest) SetAmount ¶
func (us *WaitingUnshieldRequest) SetAmount(amount uint64)
func (*WaitingUnshieldRequest) SetBeaconHeight ¶
func (us *WaitingUnshieldRequest) SetBeaconHeight(beaconHeight uint64)
func (*WaitingUnshieldRequest) SetRemoteAddress ¶
func (us *WaitingUnshieldRequest) SetRemoteAddress(remoteAddress string)
func (*WaitingUnshieldRequest) SetUnshieldID ¶
func (us *WaitingUnshieldRequest) SetUnshieldID(unshieldID string)
func (*WaitingUnshieldRequest) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (us *WaitingUnshieldRequest) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
Source Files ¶
- accessor_beacon_committeestate.go
- accessor_bridge.go
- accessor_bridge_agg.go
- accessor_burn.go
- accessor_consensus.go
- accessor_pde.go
- accessor_pdexv3.go
- accessor_portal.go
- accessor_portalv4.go
- accessor_reward.go
- accessor_slash.go
- accessor_token.go
- accessor_tx.go
- constants.go
- database_access_warper.go
- error.go
- retrieve.go
- schema.go
- statedb.go
- stateobject.go
- stateobject_beaconshareprice.go
- stateobject_beaconstaker.go
- stateobject_blacklistproducer.go
- stateobject_bridge_agg_param.go
- stateobject_bridge_agg_status.go
- stateobject_bridge_agg_unified_token.go
- stateobject_bridge_agg_vault.go
- stateobject_bridge_agg_waitunshieldreq.go
- stateobject_bridge_auroratx.go
- stateobject_bridge_avaxtx.go
- stateobject_bridge_bsctx.go
- stateobject_bridge_ethtx.go
- stateobject_bridge_ftmtx.go
- stateobject_bridge_neartx.go
- stateobject_bridge_plgtx.go
- stateobject_bridge_prv_evm.go
- stateobject_bridge_status.go
- stateobject_bridge_tokeninfo.go
- stateobject_burn.go
- stateobject_committee.go
- stateobject_committee_slashing.go
- stateobject_committeedata.go
- stateobject_committeereward.go
- stateobject_delegationreward.go
- stateobject_pde_poolpair.go
- stateobject_pde_share.go
- stateobject_pde_status.go
- stateobject_pde_trading_fee.go
- stateobject_pde_waitingcontribution.go
- stateobject_pdexv3_contribution.go
- stateobject_pdexv3_inscription.go
- stateobject_pdexv3_nft.go
- stateobject_pdexv3_order.go
- stateobject_pdexv3_params.go
- stateobject_pdexv3_pool_pair.go
- stateobject_pdexv3_pool_pair_lm_locked_share.go
- stateobject_pdexv3_pool_pair_lm_reward_per_share.go
- stateobject_pdexv3_pool_pair_lp_fee_per_share.go
- stateobject_pdexv3_pool_pair_making_volume.go
- stateobject_pdexv3_pool_pair_order_reward.go
- stateobject_pdexv3_pool_pair_protocol_fee.go
- stateobject_pdexv3_pool_pair_staking_pool_fee.go
- stateobject_pdexv3_share.go
- stateobject_pdexv3_share_last_lm_reward_per_share.go
- stateobject_pdexv3_share_last_lp_fee_per_share.go
- stateobject_pdexv3_share_trading_fee.go
- stateobject_pdexv3_staker.go
- stateobject_pdexv3_staker_last_reward_per_share.go
- stateobject_pdexv3_staker_reward.go
- stateobject_pdexv3_staking_pool_reward_per_share.go
- stateobject_pdexv3_status.go
- stateobject_portal_confirm_proof.go
- stateobject_portal_custodian.go
- stateobject_portal_external_tx.go
- stateobject_portal_final_exchange_rates.go
- stateobject_portal_liquidation_exchangerates_pool.go
- stateobject_portal_lockedcollateral.go
- stateobject_portal_reward.go
- stateobject_portal_status.go
- stateobject_portal_unlock_over_rate_collaterals.go
- stateobject_portal_waiting_porting_request.go
- stateobject_portal_waitingredeem.go
- stateobject_portalv4_batchunshield.go
- stateobject_portalv4_shieldrequest.go
- stateobject_portalv4_status.go
- stateobject_portalv4_utxo.go
- stateobject_portalv4_waitingunshield.go
- stateobject_reward_feature.go
- stateobject_rewardrequest.go
- stateobject_rewardrequestv3.go
- stateobject_staker.go
- stateobject_testobject.go
- stateobject_token.go
- stateobject_token_tx.go
- stateobject_tx_commitment.go
- stateobject_tx_onetimeaddress.go
- stateobject_tx_otacoin.go
- stateobject_tx_outputcoin.go
- stateobject_tx_serialnumber.go
- stateobject_tx_snd.go
- test.go
- validation.go