JWT and SSO Authentication with Go (Gin/Gorm) and MySQL
This is a simple project demonstrating JWT (JSON Web Token) and SSO authentication in Go using Gin for the backend and Gorm as the ORM (Object Relational Mapper) with MySQL database. The project includes basic frontend HTML/CSS for login, signup, and forgot password functionality.
User authentication with JWT
Signup, login, forgot password, and reset password functionality
MySQL database integration with Gorm
Basic HTML/CSS frontend for user interaction
Go installed on your machine
MySQL installed and running
Basic understanding of Go, Gin, Gorm, JWT, HTML, and CSS
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/imrkaofficial/jwtssoauthapp.git
cd jwtssoauthapp
Install Dependencies:
go mod download
Set up MySQL database:
Update the MySQL DSN in main.go with your database connection details.