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Published: Mar 6, 2020 License: MIT Imports: 23 Imported by: 0


Go API client for smartthings


This is the reference documentation for the SmartThings API.

The SmartThings API supports REST, resources are protected with OAuth 2.0 Bearer Tokens, and all responses are sent as JSON.


All SmartThings resources are protected with OAuth 2.0 Bearer Tokens sent on the request as an Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN> header, and operations require specific OAuth scopes that specify the exact permissions authorized by the user.

Token types

There are two types of tokens: SmartApp tokens, and personal access tokens.

SmartApp tokens are used to communicate between third-party integrations, or SmartApps, and the SmartThings API. When a SmartApp is called by the SmartThings platform, it is sent an authorization token that can be used to interact with the SmartThings API.

Personal access tokens are used to interact with the API for non-SmartApp use cases. They can be created and managed on the personal access tokens page.

OAuth2 scopes

Operations may be protected by one or more OAuth security schemes, which specify the required permissions. Each scope for a given scheme is required. If multiple schemes are specified (not common), you may use either scheme.

SmartApp token scopes are derived from the permissions requested by the SmartApp and granted by the end-user during installation. Personal access token scopes are associated with the specific permissions authorized when creating them.

Scopes are generally in the form permission:entity-type:entity-id.

An * used for the entity-id specifies that the permission may be applied to all entities that the token type has access to, or may be replaced with a specific ID.

For more information about authrization and permissions, please see the Authorization and permissions guide.


The SmartThings API uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of a request. In general, a 2XX response code indicates success, a 4XX response code indicates an error given the inputs for the request, and a 5XX response code indicates a failure on the SmartThings platform.

API errors will contain a JSON response body with more information about the error:

  \"requestId\": \"031fec1a-f19f-470a-a7da-710569082846\"
  \"error\": {
    \"code\": \"ConstraintViolationError\",
    \"message\": \"Validation errors occurred while process your request.\",
    \"details\": [
      { \"code\": \"PatternError\", \"target\": \"latitude\", \"message\": \"Invalid format.\" },
      { \"code\": \"SizeError\", \"target\": \"name\", \"message\": \"Too small.\" },
      { \"code\": \"SizeError\", \"target\": \"description\", \"message\": \"Too big.\" }

Error Response Body

The error response attributes are:

Property Type Required Description
requestId String No A request identifier that can be used to correlate an error to additional logging on the SmartThings servers.
error Error Yes The Error object, documented below.

Error Object

The Error object contains the following attributes:

Property Type Required Description
code String Yes A SmartThings-defined error code that serves as a more specific indicator of the error than the HTTP error code specified in the response. See SmartThings Error Codes for more information.
message String Yes A description of the error, intended to aid developers in debugging of error responses.
target String No The target of the particular error. For example, it could be the name of the property that caused the error.
details Error[] No An array of Error objects that typically represent distinct, related errors that occurred during the request. As an optional attribute, this may be null or an empty array.

Standard HTTP Error Codes

The following table lists the most common HTTP error response:

Code Name Description
400 Bad Request The client has issued an invalid request. This is commonly used to specify validation errors in a request payload.
401 Unauthorized Authorization for the API is required, but the request has not been authenticated.
403 Forbidden The request has been authenticated but does not have appropriate permissions, or a requested resource is not found.
404 Not Found Specifies the requested path does not exist.
406 Not Acceptable The client has requested a MIME type via the Accept header for a value not supported by the server.
415 Unsupported Media Type The client has defined a contentType header that is not supported by the server.
422 Unprocessable Entity The client has made a valid request, but the server cannot process it. This is often used for APIs for which certain limits have been exceeded.
429 Too Many Requests The client has exceeded the number of requests allowed for a given time window.
500 Internal Server Error An unexpected error on the SmartThings servers has occurred. These errors should be rare.
501 Not Implemented The client request was valid and understood by the server, but the requested feature has yet to be implemented. These errors should be rare.

SmartThings Error Codes

SmartThings specifies several standard custom error codes. These provide more information than the standard HTTP error response codes. The following table lists the standard SmartThings error codes and their description:

Code Typical HTTP Status Codes Description
PatternError 400, 422 The client has provided input that does not match the expected pattern.
ConstraintViolationError 422 The client has provided input that has violated one or more constraints.
NotNullError 422 The client has provided a null input for a field that is required to be non-null.
NullError 422 The client has provided an input for a field that is required to be null.
NotEmptyError 422 The client has provided an empty input for a field that is required to be non-empty.
SizeError 400, 422 The client has provided a value that does not meet size restrictions.
Unexpected Error 500 A non-recoverable error condition has occurred. Indicates a problem occurred on the SmartThings server that is no fault of the client.
UnprocessableEntityError 422 The client has sent a malformed request body.
TooManyRequestError 429 The client issued too many requests too quickly.
LimitError 422 The client has exceeded certain limits an API enforces.
UnsupportedOperationError 400, 422 The client has issued a request to a feature that currently isn't supported by the SmartThings platform. These should be rare.

Custom Error Codes

An API may define its own error codes where appropriate. These custom error codes are documented as part of that specific API's documentation.


The SmartThings API issues warning messages via standard HTTP Warning headers. These messages do not represent a request failure, but provide additional information that the requester might want to act upon. For instance a warning will be issued if you are using an old API version.

API Versions

The SmartThings API supports both path and header-based versioning. The following are equivalent:

Currently, only version 1 is available.


Operations that return a list of objects return a paginated response. The _links object contains the items returned, and links to the next and previous result page, if applicable.

  \"items\": [
      \"locationId\": \"6b3d1909-1e1c-43ec-adc2-5f941de4fbf9\",
      \"name\": \"Home\"
      \"locationId\": \"6b3d1909-1e1c-43ec-adc2-5f94d6g4fbf9\",
      \"name\": \"Work\"
  \"_links\": {
    \"next\": {
      \"href\": \"\"
    \"previous\": {
      \"href\": \"\"


Some SmartThings API's support localization. Specific information regarding localization endpoints are documented in the API itself. However, the following should apply to all endpoints that support localization.

Fallback Patterns

When making a request with the Accept-Language header, this fallback pattern is observed.

  • Response will be translated with exact locale tag.
  • If a translation does not exist for the requested language and region, the translation for the language will be returned.
  • If a translation does not exist for the language, English (en) will be returned.
  • Finally, an untranslated response will be returned in the absense of the above translations.

Accept-Language Header

The format of the Accept-Language header follows what is defined in RFC 7231, section 5.3.5


The Content-Language header should be set on the response from the server to indicate which translation was given back to the client. The absense of the header indicates that the server did not recieve a request with the Accept-Language header set.


This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the OpenAPI-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: 1.0-PREVIEW
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen


Install the following dependencies:

go get
go get
go get
go get

Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:

import "./smartthings"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AppsApi CreateApp Post /apps Create an app.
AppsApi DeleteApp Delete /apps/{appNameOrId} Delete an app.
AppsApi GenerateAppOauth Post /apps/{appNameOrId}/oauth/generate Generate an app's oauth client/secret.
AppsApi GetApp Get /apps/{appNameOrId} Get an app.
AppsApi GetAppOauth Get /apps/{appNameOrId}/oauth Get an app's oauth settings.
AppsApi GetAppSettings Get /apps/{appNameOrId}/settings Get settings.
AppsApi ListApps Get /apps List apps.
AppsApi Register Put /apps/{appNameOrId}/register Sends a confirmation request to App.
AppsApi UpdateApp Put /apps/{appNameOrId} Update an app.
AppsApi UpdateAppOauth Put /apps/{appNameOrId}/oauth Update an app's oauth settings.
AppsApi UpdateAppSettings Put /apps/{appNameOrId}/settings Update settings.
AppsApi UpdateSignatureType Put /apps/{appNameOrId}/signature-type Update an app's signature type.
DeviceprofilesApi CreateDeviceProfile Post /deviceprofiles Create a device profile
DeviceprofilesApi DeleteDeviceProfile Delete /deviceprofiles/{deviceProfileId} Delete a device profile
DeviceprofilesApi GetDeviceProfile Get /deviceprofiles/{deviceProfileId} GET a device profile
DeviceprofilesApi ListDeviceProfiles Get /deviceprofiles List all device profiles for the authenticated user
DeviceprofilesApi UpdateDeviceProfile Put /deviceprofiles/{deviceProfileId} Update a device profile.
DevicesApi CreateDeviceEvents Post /devices/{deviceId}/events Create Device Events.
DevicesApi DeleteDevice Delete /devices/{deviceId} Delete a Device.
DevicesApi ExecuteDeviceCommands Post /devices/{deviceId}/commands Execute commands on device.
DevicesApi GetDevice Get /devices/{deviceId} Get a device's description.
DevicesApi GetDeviceComponentStatus Get /devices/{deviceId}/components/{componentId}/status Get a device component's status.
DevicesApi GetDeviceStatus Get /devices/{deviceId}/status Get the full status of a device.
DevicesApi GetDeviceStatusByCapability Get /devices/{deviceId}/components/{componentId}/capabilities/{capabilityId}/status Get a capability's status.
DevicesApi GetDevices Get /devices List devices.
DevicesApi InstallDevice Post /devices Install a Device.
DevicesApi UpdateDevice Put /devices/{deviceId} Update a device.
InstalledappsApi CreateInstalledAppEvents Post /installedapps/{installedAppId}/events Create Installed App events.
InstalledappsApi DeleteInstallation Delete /installedapps/{installedAppId} Delete an installed app.
InstalledappsApi GetInstallation Get /installedapps/{installedAppId} Get an installed app.
InstalledappsApi GetInstallationConfig Get /installedapps/{installedAppId}/configs/{configurationId} Get an installed app configuration.
InstalledappsApi ListInstallationConfig Get /installedapps/{installedAppId}/configs List an installed app's configurations.
InstalledappsApi ListInstallations Get /installedapps List installed apps.
LocationsApi CreateLocation Post /locations Create a Location.
LocationsApi DeleteLocation Delete /locations/{locationId} Delete a Location.
LocationsApi GetLocation Get /locations/{locationId} Get a Location.
LocationsApi ListLocations Get /locations List Locations.
LocationsApi UpdateLocation Put /locations/{locationId} Update a Location.
RoomsApi CreateRoom Post /locations/{locationId}/rooms Create a Room.
RoomsApi DeleteRoom Delete /locations/{locationId}/rooms/{roomId} Delete a Room.
RoomsApi GetRoom Get /locations/{locationId}/rooms/{roomId} Get a Room.
RoomsApi ListRooms Get /locations/{locationId}/rooms List Rooms.
RoomsApi UpdateRoom Put /locations/{locationId}/rooms/{roomId} Update a Room.
RulesApi CreateRule Post /rules Create a rule
RulesApi DeleteRule Delete /rules/{ruleId} Delete a rule
RulesApi ExecuteRule Post /rules/execute/{ruleId} Execute a rule
RulesApi GetRule Get /rules/{ruleId} Get a Rule
RulesApi ListRules Get /rules Rules list
RulesApi UpdateRule Put /rules/{ruleId} Update a rule
ScenesApi ExecuteScene Post /scenes/{sceneId}/execute Execute Scene
ScenesApi ListScenes Get /scenes List Scenes
SchedulesApi CreateSchedule Post /installedapps/{installedAppId}/schedules Save an installed app schedule.
SchedulesApi DeleteSchedule Delete /installedapps/{installedAppId}/schedules/{scheduleName} Delete a schedule.
SchedulesApi DeleteSchedules Delete /installedapps/{installedAppId}/schedules Delete all of an installed app's schedules.
SchedulesApi GetSchedule Get /installedapps/{installedAppId}/schedules/{scheduleName} Get an installed app's schedule.
SchedulesApi GetSchedules Get /installedapps/{installedAppId}/schedules List installed app schedules.
SubscriptionsApi DeleteAllSubscriptions Delete /installedapps/{installedAppId}/subscriptions Delete all of an installed app's subscriptions.
SubscriptionsApi DeleteSubscription Delete /installedapps/{installedAppId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId} Delete an installed app's subscription.
SubscriptionsApi GetSubscription Get /installedapps/{installedAppId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId} Get an installed app's subscription.
SubscriptionsApi ListSubscriptions Get /installedapps/{installedAppId}/subscriptions List an installed app's subscriptions.
SubscriptionsApi SaveSubscription Post /installedapps/{installedAppId}/subscriptions Create a subscription for an installed app.

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextBasicAuth, sw.BasicAuth{
    UserName: "username",
    Password: "password",
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)


  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: implicit
  • Authorization URL:
  • Scopes:
  • r:installedapps:*: Read details about installed SmartApps, such as which devices have been configured for the installation. For SmartApp tokens, the scope is restricted to the location the SmartApp is installed into. For personal access tokens, the scope is limited to the account associated with the token.
  • l:installedapps: View a list of installed SmartApps. For SmartApp tokens, the scope is restricted to the location the SmartApp is installed into. For personal access tokens, the scope is limited to the account associated with the token.
  • w:installedapps:*: Create, update, or delete installed SmartApps. For SmartApp tokens, the scope is restricted to the location the SmartApp is installed into. For personal access tokens, the scope is limited to the account associated with the token.
  • r:apps:*: Read details about a SmartApp. Only applicable for personal access tokens, and the scope is limited to the SmartApps associated with the token's account.
  • w:apps:*: Create, update, or delete SmartApps. For SmartApp tokens, the scope is restricted to the location the SmartApp is installed into. For personal access tokens, the scope is limited to the account associated with the token.
  • l:devices: View a list of devices. For SmartApp tokens, the scope is restricted to the location the SmartApp is installed into. For personal access tokens, the scope is limited to the account associated with the token.
  • r:devices:*: Read details about a device, including device attribute state. For SmartApp tokens, the scope is restricted to the location the SmartApp is installed into. For personal access tokens, the scope is limited to the account associated with the token. This scope is required to create subscriptions.
  • w:devices:*: Update details such as the device name, or delete a device. For SmartApp tokens, the scope is restricted to the location the SmartApp is installed into. For personal access tokens, the scope is limited to the account associated with the token.
  • x:devices:*: Execute commands on a device. For SmartApp tokens, the scope is restricted to the location the SmartApp is installed into. For personal access tokens, the scope is limited to the account associated with the token.
  • r:deviceprofiles: View details of device profiles associated with the account. Only applicable for personal access tokens.
  • w:deviceprofiles: Create, update, or delete device profiles. Only applicable to personal access tokens, and the device profile must be owned by the same account associated with the token.
  • i:deviceprofiles: Create devices of the type associated with the device profile. Only applicable for SmartApp tokens, and is requires the device profile and the SmartApp have the same account owner.
  • r:scenes:*: Read details about a scene. For personal access tokens, the scope is limited to the account associated with the token.
  • x:scenes:*: Execute a scene. For personal access tokens, the scope is limited to the account associated with the token.
  • r:schedules: Read details of scheduled executions. For SmartApp tokens, the scope is restricted to the installed SmartApp. For personal access tokens, the scope is limited to the account associated with the token.
  • w:schedules: Create, update, or delete schedules. For SmartApp tokens, the scope is restricted to the installed SmartApp. For personal access tokens, the scope is limited to the account associated with the token.
  • l:locations: View a list of locations. Only applicable for personal access tokens, and the scope is limited to the account associated with the token.
  • r:locations:*: Read details of a location, such as geocoordinates and temperature scale. For SmartApp tokens, the scope is restricted to the installed SmartApp. For personal access tokens, the scope is limited to the account associated with the token.
  • w:locations:*: Create, update, and delete locations. Only applicable for personal access tokens (the scope is limited to the account associated with the token).
  • r:hubs: Read hubs.
  • r:security:locations:*:armstate: Read arm state in the given location.


auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextAccessToken, "ACCESSTOKENSTRING")
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)

Or via OAuth2 module to automatically refresh tokens and perform user authentication.

import ""

/* Perform OAuth2 round trip request and obtain a token */

tokenSource := oauth2cfg.TokenSource(createContext(httpClient), &token)
auth := context.WithValue(oauth2.NoContext, sw.ContextOAuth2, tokenSource)
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)


Documentation ¶

Index ¶

Constants ¶

This section is empty.

Variables ¶

View Source
var (
	// ContextOAuth2 takes an oauth2.TokenSource as authentication for the request.
	ContextOAuth2 = contextKey("token")

	// ContextBasicAuth takes BasicAuth as authentication for the request.
	ContextBasicAuth = contextKey("basic")

	// ContextAccessToken takes a string oauth2 access token as authentication for the request.
	ContextAccessToken = contextKey("accesstoken")

	// ContextAPIKey takes an APIKey as authentication for the request
	ContextAPIKey = contextKey("apikey")

Functions ¶

func CacheExpires ¶

func CacheExpires(r *http.Response) time.Time

CacheExpires helper function to determine remaining time before repeating a request.

Types ¶

type APIClient ¶

type APIClient struct {
	AppsApi *AppsApiService

	DeviceprofilesApi *DeviceprofilesApiService

	DevicesApi *DevicesApiService

	InstalledappsApi *InstalledappsApiService

	LocationsApi *LocationsApiService

	RoomsApi *RoomsApiService

	RulesApi *RulesApiService

	ScenesApi *ScenesApiService

	SchedulesApi *SchedulesApiService

	SubscriptionsApi *SubscriptionsApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

APIClient manages communication with the SmartThings API API v1.0-PREVIEW In most cases there should be only one, shared, APIClient.

func NewAPIClient ¶

func NewAPIClient(cfg *Configuration) *APIClient

NewAPIClient creates a new API client. Requires a userAgent string describing your application. optionally a custom http.Client to allow for advanced features such as caching.

func (*APIClient) ChangeBasePath ¶

func (c *APIClient) ChangeBasePath(path string)

ChangeBasePath changes base path to allow switching to mocks

func (*APIClient) GetConfig ¶

func (c *APIClient) GetConfig() *Configuration

Allow modification of underlying config for alternate implementations and testing Caution: modifying the configuration while live can cause data races and potentially unwanted behavior

type APIKey ¶

type APIKey struct {
	Key    string
	Prefix string

APIKey provides API key based authentication to a request passed via context using ContextAPIKey

type APIResponse ¶

type APIResponse struct {
	*http.Response `json:"-"`
	Message        string `json:"message,omitempty"`
	// Operation is the name of the OpenAPI operation.
	Operation string `json:"operation,omitempty"`
	// RequestURL is the request URL. This value is always available, even if the
	// embedded *http.Response is nil.
	RequestURL string `json:"url,omitempty"`
	// Method is the HTTP method used for the request.  This value is always
	// available, even if the embedded *http.Response is nil.
	Method string `json:"method,omitempty"`
	// Payload holds the contents of the response body (which may be nil or empty).
	// This is provided here as the raw response.Body() reader will have already
	// been drained.
	Payload []byte `json:"-"`

APIResponse stores the API response returned by the server.

func NewAPIResponse ¶

func NewAPIResponse(r *http.Response) *APIResponse

NewAPIResponse returns a new APIResonse object.

func NewAPIResponseWithError ¶

func NewAPIResponseWithError(errorMessage string) *APIResponse

NewAPIResponseWithError returns a new APIResponse object with the provided error message.

type Action ¶

type Action struct {
	If       IfAction       `json:"if,omitempty"`
	Sleep    SleepAction    `json:"sleep,omitempty"`
	Command  CommandAction  `json:"command,omitempty"`
	Every    EveryAction    `json:"every,omitempty"`
	Location LocationAction `json:"location,omitempty"`

Action struct for Action

type AdhocMessage ¶

type AdhocMessage struct {
	// The tag of the locale as defined in [RFC bcp47](
	FallbackLocale string `json:"fallbackLocale"`
	// A map<string,string> with the key representing the variable name, and the value representing the verbiage to be replaced in template string. `defaultVariables` will only be used if there are no matching locale-level (template) variables for that key.
	DefaultVariables map[string]string `json:"defaultVariables,omitempty"`
	// A list of templates representing the same message in different languages.
	Templates []AdhocMessageTemplate `json:"templates"`

AdhocMessage An adhoc message contains a list of message templates representing the same message in different locales. The system will serve the template with the locale that best matches the Recipient's language preferences. If the user's language preferences do not correlate to any message templates, the template defined by the `fallbackLocale` will be used. Variables from the template matching the locale of the Message will be assigned first, then `defaultVariables`.

type AdhocMessageTemplate ¶

type AdhocMessageTemplate struct {
	// The tag of the locale as defined in [RFC bcp47](
	LocaleTag string `json:"localeTag"`
	// A map<string,string> with the key representing the variable name, and the value representing the verbiage to be replaced in template string.
	Variables map[string]string `json:"variables,omitempty"`
	// A message template string.  Specify variables using the double curly braces convention. i.e. \"Hello, {{ firstName }}!\"
	Template string `json:"template"`

AdhocMessageTemplate A message template definition, representing a message in a specific locale and it's variables.

type App ¶

type App struct {
	// A user defined unique identifier for an app.  It is alpha-numeric, may contain dashes, underscores, periods, and be less then 250 characters long.  It must be unique within your account.
	AppName string `json:"appName,omitempty"`
	// A globally unique identifier for an app.
	AppId         string        `json:"appId,omitempty"`
	AppType       AppType       `json:"appType,omitempty"`
	PrincipalType PrincipalType `json:"principalType,omitempty"`
	// An App maybe associated to many classifications.  A classification drives how the integration is presented to the user in the SmartThings mobile clients.  These classifications include: * AUTOMATION - Denotes an integration that should display under the \"Automation\" tab in mobile clients. * SERVICE - Denotes an integration that is classified as a \"Service\". * DEVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the \"Device\" tab in mobile clients. * CONNECTED_SERVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the \"Connected Services\" menu in mobile clients. * HIDDEN - Denotes an integration that should not display in mobile clients
	Classifications []AppClassification `json:"classifications,omitempty"`
	// A default display name for an app.
	DisplayName string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	// A default description for an app.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// Inform the installation systems that a particular app can only be installed once within a user's account.
	SingleInstance bool      `json:"singleInstance,omitempty"`
	IconImage      IconImage `json:"iconImage,omitempty"`
	// System generated metadata that impacts eligibility requirements around installing an App.
	InstallMetadata map[string]string `json:"installMetadata,omitempty"`
	Owner           Owner             `json:"owner,omitempty"`
	// A UTC ISO-8601 Date-Time String
	CreatedDate time.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"`
	// A UTC ISO-8601 Date-Time String
	LastUpdatedDate time.Time       `json:"lastUpdatedDate,omitempty"`
	LambdaSmartApp  LambdaSmartApp  `json:"lambdaSmartApp,omitempty"`
	WebhookSmartApp WebhookSmartApp `json:"webhookSmartApp,omitempty"`
	Ui              AppUiSettings   `json:"ui,omitempty"`

App struct for App

type AppClassification ¶

type AppClassification string

AppClassification An App maybe associated to many classifications. A classification drives how the integration is presented to the user in the SmartThings mobile clients. These classifications include: * AUTOMATION - Denotes an integration that should display under the \"Automation\" tab in mobile clients. * SERVICE - Denotes an integration that is classified as a \"Service\". * DEVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the \"Device\" tab in mobile clients. * CONNECTED_SERVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the \"Connected Services\" menu in mobile clients. * HIDDEN - Denotes an integration that should not display in mobile clients

const (
	APPCLASSIFICATION_SERVICE           AppClassification = "SERVICE"
	APPCLASSIFICATION_DEVICE            AppClassification = "DEVICE"
	APPCLASSIFICATION_HIDDEN            AppClassification = "HIDDEN"

List of AppClassification

type AppDeviceDetails ¶

type AppDeviceDetails struct {
	// The ID of the installed app that integrates this device.
	InstalledAppId string `json:"installedAppId,omitempty"`
	// A field to store an ID from a system external to SmartThings.
	ExternalId string                 `json:"externalId,omitempty"`
	Profile    DeviceProfileReference `json:"profile,omitempty"`

AppDeviceDetails struct for AppDeviceDetails

type AppOAuth ¶

type AppOAuth struct {
	// A name given to the OAuth Client.
	ClientName string `json:"clientName,omitempty"`
	// A list of SmartThings API OAuth scope identifiers that maybe required to execute your integration.
	Scope []string `json:"scope,omitempty"`
	// A list of redirect URIs.
	RedirectUris []string `json:"redirectUris,omitempty"`

AppOAuth struct for AppOAuth

type AppTargetStatus ¶

type AppTargetStatus string

AppTargetStatus The registration status of a target url.

const (

List of AppTargetStatus

type AppType ¶

type AppType string

AppType Denotes the type of app.

const (

List of AppType

type AppUiSettings ¶

type AppUiSettings struct {
	PluginId                        string `json:"pluginId,omitempty"`
	PluginUri                       string `json:"pluginUri,omitempty"`
	DashboardCardsEnabled           bool   `json:"dashboardCardsEnabled"`
	PreInstallDashboardCardsEnabled bool   `json:"preInstallDashboardCardsEnabled"`

AppUiSettings A collection of settings to drive user interface in SmartThings clients. Currently, only applicable for LAMBDA_SMART_APP and WEBHOOK_SMART_APP app types.

type AppsApiService ¶

type AppsApiService service

AppsApiService AppsApi service

func (*AppsApiService) CreateApp ¶

func (a *AppsApiService) CreateApp(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, createOrUpdateAppRequest CreateAppRequest, localVarOptionals *CreateAppOpts) (CreateAppResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)

CreateApp Create an app. Create an app integration. A single developer account is allowed to contain a maximum of 100 apps. Upon hitting that limit a 422 error response is returned with an error code of LimitError.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param createOrUpdateAppRequest
  • @param optional nil or *CreateAppOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "SignatureType" (optional.String) - The Signature Type of the application. For WEBHOOK_SMART_APP only.
  • @param "RequireConfirmation" (optional.Bool) - Override default configuration to use either PING or CONFIRMATION lifecycle. For WEBHOOK_SMART_APP only.

@return CreateAppResponse

func (*AppsApiService) DeleteApp ¶

func (a *AppsApiService) DeleteApp(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, appNameOrId string) (map[string]interface{}, *_nethttp.Response, error)

DeleteApp Delete an app. Delete an app.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param appNameOrId The appName or appId field of an app.

@return map[string]interface{}

func (*AppsApiService) GenerateAppOauth ¶

func (a *AppsApiService) GenerateAppOauth(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, appNameOrId string, generateAppOAuthRequest GenerateAppOAuthRequest) (GenerateAppOAuthResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GenerateAppOauth Generate an app's oauth client/secret. When an app is first created an OAuth client/secret are automatically generated for the integration. However, there are times when it maybe useful to re-generate a client/secret. Such as in cases where a secret becomes compromised.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param appNameOrId The appName or appId field of an app.
  • @param generateAppOAuthRequest

@return GenerateAppOAuthResponse

func (*AppsApiService) GetApp ¶

func (a *AppsApiService) GetApp(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, appNameOrId string) (App, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetApp Get an app. Get a single app.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param appNameOrId The appName or appId field of an app.

@return App

func (*AppsApiService) GetAppOauth ¶

func (a *AppsApiService) GetAppOauth(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, appNameOrId string) (AppOAuth, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetAppOauth Get an app's oauth settings. Get an app&#39;s oauth settings.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param appNameOrId The appName or appId field of an app.

@return AppOAuth

func (*AppsApiService) GetAppSettings ¶

func (a *AppsApiService) GetAppSettings(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, appNameOrId string) (GetAppSettingsResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetAppSettings Get settings. Get settings for an app.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param appNameOrId The appName or appId field of an app.

@return GetAppSettingsResponse

func (*AppsApiService) ListApps ¶

func (a *AppsApiService) ListApps(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, localVarOptionals *ListAppsOpts) (PagedApps, *_nethttp.Response, error)

ListApps List apps. List all apps configured in an account.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param optional nil or *ListAppsOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "AppType" (optional.String) - The App Type of the application.
  • @param "Classification" (optional.String) - An App maybe associated to many classifications. A classification drives how the integration is presented to the user in the SmartThings mobile clients. These classifications include: * AUTOMATION - Denotes an integration that should display under the \"Automation\" tab in mobile clients. * SERVICE - Denotes an integration that is classified as a \"Service\". * DEVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the \"Device\" tab in mobile clients. * CONNECTED_SERVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the \"Connected Services\" menu in mobile clients.
  • @param "Tag" (optional.String) - May be used to filter a resource by it's assigned user-tags. Multiple tag query params are automatically joined with OR. Example usage in query string: ``` ?tag:key_name=value1&tag:key_name=value2 ```

@return PagedApps

func (*AppsApiService) Register ¶

func (a *AppsApiService) Register(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, appNameOrId string, appRegisterRequest map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, *_nethttp.Response, error)

Register Sends a confirmation request to App. Prepares to register an App by sending the endpoint a confirmation message.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param appNameOrId The appName or appId field of an app.
  • @param appRegisterRequest

@return map[string]interface{}

func (*AppsApiService) UpdateApp ¶

func (a *AppsApiService) UpdateApp(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, appNameOrId string, updateAppRequest UpdateAppRequest, localVarOptionals *UpdateAppOpts) (App, *_nethttp.Response, error)

UpdateApp Update an app. Update an app.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param appNameOrId The appName or appId field of an app.
  • @param updateAppRequest
  • @param optional nil or *UpdateAppOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "SignatureType" (optional.String) - The Signature Type of the application. For WEBHOOK_SMART_APP only.
  • @param "RequireConfirmation" (optional.Bool) - Override default configuration to use either PING or CONFIRMATION lifecycle. For WEBHOOK_SMART_APP only.

@return App

func (*AppsApiService) UpdateAppOauth ¶

func (a *AppsApiService) UpdateAppOauth(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, appNameOrId string, updateAppOAuthRequest UpdateAppOAuthRequest) (AppOAuth, *_nethttp.Response, error)

UpdateAppOauth Update an app's oauth settings. Update an app&#39;s oauth settings.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param appNameOrId The appName or appId field of an app.
  • @param updateAppOAuthRequest

@return AppOAuth

func (*AppsApiService) UpdateAppSettings ¶

func (a *AppsApiService) UpdateAppSettings(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, appNameOrId string, updateAppSettingsRequest UpdateAppSettingsRequest) (UpdateAppSettingsResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)

UpdateAppSettings Update settings. Update settings for an app.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param appNameOrId The appName or appId field of an app.
  • @param updateAppSettingsRequest

@return UpdateAppSettingsResponse

func (*AppsApiService) UpdateSignatureType ¶

func (a *AppsApiService) UpdateSignatureType(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, appNameOrId string, updateSignatureTypeRequest UpdateSignatureTypeRequest) (map[string]interface{}, *_nethttp.Response, error)

UpdateSignatureType Update an app's signature type. Updates the signature type of an App. Signature options: * APP_RSA - Legacy signing mechanism comprised of a public / private key generated for an App during registration. This mechanism requires an App to download the public key and deploy along side their integration to verify the signature in the authorization header. * ST_PADLOCK - App callbacks are signed with a SmartThings certificate which is publicly available at App&#39;s authorize callbacks by fetching the certificate over HTTPS and using it to validate the signature in the authorization header. Note that when upgrading an App from APP_RSA to ST_PADLOCK it is recommended to implement both verification methods. This will provide the ability to seamlessly switch between mechanisms in case a rollback is needed.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param appNameOrId The appName or appId field of an app.
  • @param updateSignatureTypeRequest

@return map[string]interface{}

type Argument ¶

type Argument struct {
	// A name that is unique within the command. Used for i18n and named argument command execution.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Whether or not the argument must be supplied. If the argument is at the end of the arguments array then it can be completely ignored. If the argument is followed by another argument `null` must be supplied.
	Optional bool `json:"optional,omitempty"`
	// [JSON schema]( for the argument.
	Schema map[string]interface{} `json:"schema"`

Argument struct for Argument

type ArrayOperand ¶

type ArrayOperand struct {
	Operands    []Operand              `json:"operands"`
	Aggregation OperandAggregationMode `json:"aggregation,omitempty"`

ArrayOperand struct for ArrayOperand

type AttributeProperties ¶

type AttributeProperties struct {
	Value map[string]map[string]interface{} `json:"value"`
	Unit  AttributePropertiesUnit           `json:"unit,omitempty"`
	Data  AttributePropertiesData           `json:"data,omitempty"`

AttributeProperties struct for AttributeProperties

type AttributePropertiesData ¶

type AttributePropertiesData struct {
	Type                 string                 `json:"type"`
	AdditionalProperties bool                   `json:"additionalProperties,omitempty"`
	Required             []string               `json:"required,omitempty"`
	Properties           map[string]interface{} `json:"properties,omitempty"`

AttributePropertiesData struct for AttributePropertiesData

type AttributePropertiesUnit ¶

type AttributePropertiesUnit struct {
	Type    string   `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Enum    []string `json:"enum,omitempty"`
	Default string   `json:"default,omitempty"`

AttributePropertiesUnit struct for AttributePropertiesUnit

type AttributeSchema ¶

type AttributeSchema struct {
	Title                string              `json:"title,omitempty"`
	Type                 string              `json:"type"`
	Properties           AttributeProperties `json:"properties"`
	AdditionalProperties bool                `json:"additionalProperties"`
	Required             []string            `json:"required,omitempty"`

AttributeSchema [JSON schema]( for the attribute.

type AttributeState ¶

type AttributeState struct {
	Value map[string]interface{}            `json:"value,omitempty"`
	Unit  string                            `json:"unit,omitempty"`
	Data  map[string]map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`
	// Will always be 0 timezone offset
	Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`

AttributeState struct for AttributeState

type BasicAuth ¶

type BasicAuth struct {
	UserName string `json:"userName,omitempty"`
	Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`

BasicAuth provides basic http authentication to a request passed via context using ContextBasicAuth

type BetweenCondition ¶

type BetweenCondition struct {
	// Unique id for the condition
	Id          string                   `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Value       Operand                  `json:"value"`
	Start       Operand                  `json:"start"`
	End         Operand                  `json:"end"`
	Aggregation ConditionAggregationMode `json:"aggregation,omitempty"`

BetweenCondition struct for BetweenCondition

type CapabilityAttribute ¶

type CapabilityAttribute struct {
	Schema AttributeSchema `json:"schema,omitempty"`
	// The name of the command that sets this attribute
	Setter string `json:"setter,omitempty"`
	// a list of objects that specify which commands set this attribute
	EnumCommands []CapabilityAttributeEnumCommands `json:"enumCommands,omitempty"`

CapabilityAttribute struct for CapabilityAttribute

type CapabilityAttributeEnumCommands ¶

type CapabilityAttributeEnumCommands struct {
	// the command that sets this attribute to the associated value
	Command string `json:"command,omitempty"`
	// the value that this command will set the attribute to
	Value string `json:"value,omitempty"`

CapabilityAttributeEnumCommands struct for CapabilityAttributeEnumCommands

type CapabilityCommand ¶

type CapabilityCommand struct {
	// The name of the command. Unique for the capability
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// An array of argument definitions. The arguments must be supplied in the order specified.
	Arguments []Argument `json:"arguments,omitempty"`

CapabilityCommand struct for CapabilityCommand

type CapabilityReference ¶

type CapabilityReference struct {
	Id      string `json:"id"`
	Version int32  `json:"version,omitempty"`

CapabilityReference struct for CapabilityReference

type CapabilitySubscriptionDetail ¶

type CapabilitySubscriptionDetail struct {
	// The id of the location that both the app and source device are in.
	LocationId string `json:"locationId"`
	// Name of the capability that is subscribed to.
	Capability string `json:"capability"`
	// Name of the capabilities attribute or * for all.
	Attribute string `json:"attribute,omitempty"`
	// A particular value for the attribute that will trigger the subscription or * for all.
	Value map[string]interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"`
	// Only execute the subscription if the subscribed event is a state change from previous events.
	StateChangeOnly bool `json:"stateChangeOnly,omitempty"`
	// A name for the subscription that will be passed to the installed app. Must be unique per installed app.
	SubscriptionName string `json:"subscriptionName,omitempty"`
	// List of modes that the subscription will execute for. If not provided then all modes will be supported.
	Modes []string `json:"modes,omitempty"`

CapabilitySubscriptionDetail Details of a subscription of source type CAPABILITY. The combination of subscribed values must be unique per installed app.

type CapabilitySummary ¶

type CapabilitySummary struct {
	// A URL safe unique identifier for the capability.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The version number of the capability.
	Version int32 `json:"version,omitempty"`
	// The status of the capability. * __proposed__ - The capability is under a review and refinement process. The capability definition may go through changes, some of which may be breaking. * __live__ - The capability has been through review and the definition has been solidified. Live capabilities can no longer be altered. * __deprecated__ - The capability is marked for removal and should only be used during a period of migration to allow for existing integrations and automations to continue to work. * __dead__ - The usage of a deprecated capability has dropped to a sufficiently low level to warrant removal. The capability definition still exists but can no longer be used by automations or implemented by devices.
	Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`

CapabilitySummary struct for CapabilitySummary

type ChangesCondition ¶

type ChangesCondition struct {
	// Unique id for the condition
	Id          string                   `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Left        Operand                  `json:"left"`
	Aggregation ConditionAggregationMode `json:"aggregation,omitempty"`

ChangesCondition struct for ChangesCondition

type CommandAction ¶

type CommandAction struct {
	// Unique id for the action
	Id       string          `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Devices  []string        `json:"devices"`
	Commands []DeviceCommand `json:"commands"`

CommandAction struct for CommandAction

type ComponentTranslations ¶

type ComponentTranslations struct {
	// Short UTF-8 text used when displaying the component.
	Label string `json:"label,omitempty"`
	// UTF-8 text describing the component.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`

ComponentTranslations A map of i18n translations.

type Condition ¶

type Condition struct {
	And []Condition `json:"and,omitempty"`
	Or  []Condition `json:"or,omitempty"`
	//Not Condition `json:"not,omitempty"`
	Equals              EqualsCondition              `json:"equals,omitempty"`
	GreaterThan         GreaterThanCondition         `json:"greater_than,omitempty"`
	GreaterThanOrEquals GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition `json:"greater_than_or_equals,omitempty"`
	LessThan            LessThanCondition            `json:"less_than,omitempty"`
	LessThanOrEquals    LessThanOrEqualsCondition    `json:"less_than_or_equals,omitempty"`
	Between             BetweenCondition             `json:"between,omitempty"`
	Changes             ChangesCondition             `json:"changes,omitempty"`

Condition struct for Condition

type ConditionAggregationMode ¶

type ConditionAggregationMode string

ConditionAggregationMode the model 'ConditionAggregationMode'

const (
	CONDITIONAGGREGATIONMODE_ANY ConditionAggregationMode = "Any"
	CONDITIONAGGREGATIONMODE_ALL ConditionAggregationMode = "All"

List of ConditionAggregationMode

type ConfigEntry ¶

type ConfigEntry struct {
	// The value type.
	ValueType        string           `json:"valueType,omitempty"`
	StringConfig     StringConfig     `json:"stringConfig,omitempty"`
	DeviceConfig     DeviceConfig     `json:"deviceConfig,omitempty"`
	PermissionConfig PermissionConfig `json:"permissionConfig,omitempty"`
	ModeConfig       ModeConfig       `json:"modeConfig,omitempty"`
	SceneConfig      SceneConfig      `json:"sceneConfig,omitempty"`
	MessageConfig    MessageConfig    `json:"messageConfig,omitempty"`

ConfigEntry A configuration value type and the correspodning configuration.

type Configuration ¶

type Configuration struct {
	BasePath      string            `json:"basePath,omitempty"`
	Host          string            `json:"host,omitempty"`
	Scheme        string            `json:"scheme,omitempty"`
	DefaultHeader map[string]string `json:"defaultHeader,omitempty"`
	UserAgent     string            `json:"userAgent,omitempty"`
	Debug         bool              `json:"debug,omitempty"`
	Servers       []ServerConfiguration
	HTTPClient    *http.Client

Configuration stores the configuration of the API client

func NewConfiguration ¶

func NewConfiguration() *Configuration

NewConfiguration returns a new Configuration object

func (*Configuration) AddDefaultHeader ¶

func (c *Configuration) AddDefaultHeader(key string, value string)

AddDefaultHeader adds a new HTTP header to the default header in the request

func (*Configuration) ServerUrl ¶

func (c *Configuration) ServerUrl(index int, variables map[string]string) (string, error)

ServerUrl returns URL based on server settings

type CreateAppOpts ¶

type CreateAppOpts struct {
	SignatureType       optional.String
	RequireConfirmation optional.Bool

CreateAppOpts Optional parameters for the method 'CreateApp'

type CreateAppRequest ¶

type CreateAppRequest struct {
	// A globally unique, developer-defined identifier for an app. It is alpha-numeric, may contain dashes, underscores, periods, and must be less then 250 characters long.
	AppName string `json:"appName"`
	// A default display name for an app.
	DisplayName string `json:"displayName"`
	// A default description for an app.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// Inform the installation systems that a particular app can only be installed once within a user's account.
	SingleInstance bool          `json:"singleInstance,omitempty"`
	IconImage      IconImage     `json:"iconImage,omitempty"`
	AppType        AppType       `json:"appType"`
	PrincipalType  PrincipalType `json:"principalType,omitempty"`
	// An App maybe associated to many classifications.  A classification drives how the integration is presented to the user in the SmartThings mobile clients.  These classifications include: * AUTOMATION - Denotes an integration that should display under the \"Automation\" tab in mobile clients. * SERVICE - Denotes an integration that is classified as a \"Service\". * DEVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the \"Device\" tab in mobile clients. * CONNECTED_SERVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the \"Connected Services\" menu in mobile clients. * HIDDEN - Denotes an integration that should not display in mobile clients
	Classifications []AppClassification                  `json:"classifications"`
	LambdaSmartApp  CreateOrUpdateLambdaSmartAppRequest  `json:"lambdaSmartApp,omitempty"`
	WebhookSmartApp CreateOrUpdateWebhookSmartAppRequest `json:"webhookSmartApp,omitempty"`
	Oauth           AppOAuth                             `json:"oauth,omitempty"`
	Ui              AppUiSettings                        `json:"ui,omitempty"`

CreateAppRequest struct for CreateAppRequest

type CreateAppResponse ¶

type CreateAppResponse struct {
	App App `json:"app,omitempty"`
	// The OAuth Client ID.
	OauthClientId string `json:"oauthClientId,omitempty"`
	// The OAuth Client Secret.
	OauthClientSecret string `json:"oauthClientSecret,omitempty"`

CreateAppResponse A response object containing the newly created App and OAuth client details.

type CreateDeviceProfileOpts ¶

type CreateDeviceProfileOpts struct {
	Request optional.Interface

CreateDeviceProfileOpts Optional parameters for the method 'CreateDeviceProfile'

type CreateDeviceProfileRequest ¶

type CreateDeviceProfileRequest struct {
	// A name for the device profile.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// A list of components for this profile. Exactly 1 component ID must be `main`.
	Components []DeviceComponentReference `json:"components"`
	// Additional information about the device profile, limited to 10 entries.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

CreateDeviceProfileRequest struct for CreateDeviceProfileRequest

type CreateInstalledAppEventsRequest ¶

type CreateInstalledAppEventsRequest struct {
	// An array of smartapp events used to trigger client behavior in loaded web plugin detail pages.  Events will be delivered to JavaScript event handler of all active client processes related to parameterized installed app.
	SmartAppEvents []SmartAppEventRequest `json:"smartAppEvents,omitempty"`
	// An array of smartapp dashboard card events used to trigger client behavior for dashboard cards. Dashboard card events are directives to a SmartThings client to take actions in relation to lifecycle changes to a specific dashboard card.  These events are not delivered to the web plugin event handler.
	SmartAppDashboardCardEvents []SmartAppDashboardCardEventRequest `json:"smartAppDashboardCardEvents,omitempty"`

CreateInstalledAppEventsRequest struct for CreateInstalledAppEventsRequest

type CreateLocationRequest ¶

type CreateLocationRequest struct {
	// A nickname given for the location (eg. Home)
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// An ISO Alpha-3 country code.  (i.e. GBR, USA)
	CountryCode string `json:"countryCode"`
	// A geographical latitude.
	Latitude float32 `json:"latitude,omitempty"`
	// A geographical longitude.
	Longitude float32 `json:"longitude,omitempty"`
	// The radius in meters around latitude and longitude which defines this location.
	RegionRadius int32 `json:"regionRadius,omitempty"`
	// The desired temperature scale used within location. Value can be F or C.
	TemperatureScale string `json:"temperatureScale,omitempty"`
	// An IETF BCP 47 language tag representing the chosen locale for this location.
	Locale string `json:"locale,omitempty"`
	// Additional information about the location that allows SmartThings to further define your location.
	AdditionalProperties map[string]string `json:"additionalProperties,omitempty"`

CreateLocationRequest struct for CreateLocationRequest

type CreateOrUpdateLambdaSmartAppRequest ¶

type CreateOrUpdateLambdaSmartAppRequest struct {
	// A list of AWS arns referencing a Lambda function.
	Functions []string `json:"functions"`

CreateOrUpdateLambdaSmartAppRequest Details related to a Lambda Smart App implementation. This model should only be specified for apps of type LAMBDA_SMART_APP.

type CreateOrUpdateWebhookSmartAppRequest ¶

type CreateOrUpdateWebhookSmartAppRequest struct {
	// A URL that should be invoked during execution.
	TargetUrl string `json:"targetUrl"`

CreateOrUpdateWebhookSmartAppRequest Details related to a Webhook Smart App implementation. This model should only be specified for apps of type WEBHOOK_SMART_APP.

type CreateRoomRequest ¶

type CreateRoomRequest struct {
	// A name given for the room (eg. Living Room)
	Name string `json:"name"`

CreateRoomRequest struct for CreateRoomRequest

type CreateScheduleOpts ¶

type CreateScheduleOpts struct {
	Request optional.Interface

CreateScheduleOpts Optional parameters for the method 'CreateSchedule'

type CronSchedule ¶

type CronSchedule struct {
	// The cron expression for the schedule for CRON schedules. The format matches that specified by the [Quartz scheduler]( but should not include the seconds (1st) field. The exact second will be chosen at random but will remain consistent. The years part must be les than 2 years from now.
	Expression string `json:"expression"`
	// The timezone id for CRON schedules.
	Timezone string `json:"timezone"`

CronSchedule struct for CronSchedule

type DashboardCardLifecycle ¶

type DashboardCardLifecycle string

DashboardCardLifecycle the model 'DashboardCardLifecycle'

const (

List of DashboardCardLifecycle

type DateOperand ¶

type DateOperand struct {
	// A java time zone ID reference
	TimeZoneId string      `json:"timeZoneId,omitempty"`
	DaysOfWeek []DayOfWeek `json:"daysOfWeek,omitempty"`
	Year       int32       `json:"year,omitempty"`
	Month      int32       `json:"month,omitempty"`
	Day        int32       `json:"day,omitempty"`

DateOperand struct for DateOperand

type DateTimeOperand ¶

type DateTimeOperand struct {
	// A java time zone ID reference
	TimeZoneId string        `json:"timeZoneId,omitempty"`
	DaysOfWeek []DayOfWeek   `json:"daysOfWeek,omitempty"`
	Year       int32         `json:"year,omitempty"`
	Month      int32         `json:"month,omitempty"`
	Day        int32         `json:"day,omitempty"`
	Reference  TimeReference `json:"reference"`
	Offset     Interval      `json:"offset,omitempty"`

DateTimeOperand struct for DateTimeOperand

type DayOfWeek ¶

type DayOfWeek string

DayOfWeek the model 'DayOfWeek'

const (
	DAYOFWEEK_SUN DayOfWeek = "Sun"
	DAYOFWEEK_MON DayOfWeek = "Mon"
	DAYOFWEEK_TUE DayOfWeek = "Tue"
	DAYOFWEEK_WED DayOfWeek = "Wed"
	DAYOFWEEK_THU DayOfWeek = "Thu"
	DAYOFWEEK_FRI DayOfWeek = "Fri"
	DAYOFWEEK_SAT DayOfWeek = "Sat"

List of DayOfWeek

type DeleteAllSubscriptionsOpts ¶

type DeleteAllSubscriptionsOpts struct {
	DeviceId optional.String
	ModeId   optional.String

DeleteAllSubscriptionsOpts Optional parameters for the method 'DeleteAllSubscriptions'

type DeleteInstalledAppResponse ¶

type DeleteInstalledAppResponse struct {
	Count int32 `json:"count,omitempty"`

DeleteInstalledAppResponse The number of deleted installed apps.

type Device ¶

type Device struct {
	// The identifier for the device instance.
	DeviceId string `json:"deviceId,omitempty"`
	// The name that the device integration (Device Handler or SmartApp) defines for the device.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// The name that a user chooses for the device. This defaults to the same value as name.
	Label string `json:"label,omitempty"`
	// The device manufacturer code.
	DeviceManufacturerCode string `json:"deviceManufacturerCode,omitempty"`
	// The ID of the Location with which the device is associated.
	LocationId string `json:"locationId,omitempty"`
	// The ID of the Room with which the device is associated. If the device is not associated with any room, then this field will be null.
	RoomId string `json:"roomId,omitempty"`
	// Deprecated please look under \"dth\".
	DeviceTypeId string `json:"deviceTypeId,omitempty"`
	// Deprecated please look under \"dth\".
	DeviceTypeName string `json:"deviceTypeName,omitempty"`
	// Deprecated please look under \"dth\".
	DeviceNetworkType string `json:"deviceNetworkType,omitempty"`
	// The IDs of all compenents on the device.
	Components []DeviceComponent `json:"components,omitempty"`
	// Device details for all child devices of the device.
	ChildDevices []Device               `json:"childDevices,omitempty"`
	Profile      DeviceProfileReference `json:"profile,omitempty"`
	App          AppDeviceDetails       `json:"app,omitempty"`
	Dth          DthDeviceDetails       `json:"dth,omitempty"`
	Ir           IrDeviceDetails        `json:"ir,omitempty"`
	IrOcf        IrDeviceDetails        `json:"irOcf,omitempty"`
	Viper        ViperDeviceDetails     `json:"viper,omitempty"`
	Type         DeviceIntegrationType  `json:"type,omitempty"`

Device struct for Device

type DeviceActivity ¶

type DeviceActivity struct {
	// Device ID
	DeviceId string `json:"deviceId,omitempty"`
	// Device nick name
	DeviceName string `json:"deviceName,omitempty"`
	// Location ID
	LocationId string `json:"locationId,omitempty"`
	// Location name
	LocationName string `json:"locationName,omitempty"`
	// The IS0-8601 date time strings in UTC of the activity
	Time time.Time `json:"time,omitempty"`
	// Translated human readable string (localized)
	Text string `json:"text,omitempty"`
	// device component ID. Not nullable.
	Component string `json:"component"`
	// device component label. Nullable.
	ComponentLabel string `json:"componentLabel,omitempty"`
	// capability name
	Capability string `json:"capability,omitempty"`
	// attribute name
	Attribute string `json:"attribute,omitempty"`
	// attribute value
	Value map[string]interface{}            `json:"value,omitempty"`
	Unit  string                            `json:"unit,omitempty"`
	Data  map[string]map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`

DeviceActivity struct for DeviceActivity

type DeviceCategory ¶

type DeviceCategory struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`

DeviceCategory A case-sensitive string from the pre-defined list of valid categories [/devicecategories](#/operation/listCategories).

type DeviceCommand ¶

type DeviceCommand struct {
	// The name of the component on this device, default is 'main'. The component must be valid for the device.
	Component string `json:"component,omitempty"`
	// Capability that this command relates to. This must be a capability of the component.
	Capability string `json:"capability"`
	// Name of the command, this must be valid for the capability.
	Command string `json:"command"`
	// Arguments of the command. All the required arguments defined in the capability's command argument definition must be provided. The type of the arguments are dependent on the type of the capability's command argument. Please refer to the capabilities definition at
	Arguments []map[string]interface{} `json:"arguments,omitempty"`

DeviceCommand struct for DeviceCommand

type DeviceCommandsEvent ¶

type DeviceCommandsEvent struct {
	// The id of the event.
	EventId string `json:"eventId,omitempty"`
	// The guid of the device that the commands are for.
	DeviceId string `json:"deviceId,omitempty"`
	// The device profile ID of the device instance.
	ProfileId string `json:"profileId,omitempty"`
	// The external ID that was set during install of a device.
	ExternalId string                       `json:"externalId,omitempty"`
	Commands   []DeviceCommandsEventCommand `json:"commands,omitempty"`

DeviceCommandsEvent An event that contains commands for devices that were created by this app.

type DeviceCommandsEventCommand ¶

type DeviceCommandsEventCommand struct {
	ComponentId string                   `json:"componentId,omitempty"`
	Capability  string                   `json:"capability,omitempty"`
	Command     string                   `json:"command,omitempty"`
	Arguments   []map[string]interface{} `json:"arguments,omitempty"`

DeviceCommandsEventCommand struct for DeviceCommandsEventCommand

type DeviceCommandsRequest ¶

type DeviceCommandsRequest struct {
	// An array of commands to execute on the Device.
	Commands []DeviceCommand `json:"commands,omitempty"`

DeviceCommandsRequest struct for DeviceCommandsRequest

type DeviceComponent ¶

type DeviceComponent struct {
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// UTF-8 label for the component.
	Label        string                `json:"label,omitempty"`
	Capabilities []CapabilityReference `json:"capabilities,omitempty"`

DeviceComponent struct for DeviceComponent

type DeviceComponentReference ¶

type DeviceComponentReference struct {
	Id string `json:"id"`
	// A list of `[ 1..20 ]` capabilities for this component.
	Capabilities []CapabilityReference `json:"capabilities"`
	Categories   []DeviceCategory      `json:"categories,omitempty"`

DeviceComponentReference struct for DeviceComponentReference

type DeviceConfig ¶

type DeviceConfig struct {
	// The ID of the device.
	DeviceId string `json:"deviceId,omitempty"`
	// The component ID on the device.
	ComponentId string   `json:"componentId,omitempty"`
	Permissions []string `json:"permissions,omitempty"`

DeviceConfig A device and component configuration with any required permissions.

type DeviceEvent ¶

type DeviceEvent struct {
	// The ID of the event.
	EventId string `json:"eventId,omitempty"`
	// The ID of the location in which the event was triggered.
	LocationId string `json:"locationId,omitempty"`
	// The ID of the device associated with the DEVICE_EVENT.
	DeviceId string `json:"deviceId,omitempty"`
	// The name of the component on the device that the event is associated with.
	ComponentId string `json:"componentId,omitempty"`
	// The name of the capability associated with the DEVICE_EVENT.
	Capability string `json:"capability,omitempty"`
	// The name of the DEVICE_EVENT. This typically corresponds to an attribute name of the device-handler’s capabilities.
	Attribute string `json:"attribute,omitempty"`
	// The value of the event. The type of the value is dependent on the capability's attribute type.
	Value map[string]interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"`
	// The root level data type of the value field. The data types are representitive of standard JSON data types.
	ValueType string `json:"valueType,omitempty"`
	// Whether or not the state of the device has changed as a result of the DEVICE_EVENT.
	StateChange bool `json:"stateChange,omitempty"`
	// json map as defined by capability data schema
	Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`
	// The name of subscription that caused delivery.
	SubscriptionName string `json:"subscriptionName,omitempty"`

DeviceEvent An event on a device that matched a subscription for this app.

type DeviceEventsRequest ¶

type DeviceEventsRequest struct {
	// An array of attribute state updates.
	DeviceEvents []DeviceStateEvent `json:"deviceEvents,omitempty"`

DeviceEventsRequest struct for DeviceEventsRequest

type DeviceHealthDetail ¶

type DeviceHealthDetail struct {
	// An array of GUIDs of devices being subscribed to. A max of 20 GUIDs are allowed.
	DeviceIds []string `json:"deviceIds,omitempty"`
	// A name for the subscription that will be passed to the installed app.
	SubscriptionName string `json:"subscriptionName,omitempty"`
	// The id of the location that both the app and source device are in.
	LocationId string `json:"locationId,omitempty"`

DeviceHealthDetail Details of a subscription of source type DEVICE_HEALTH. Only one of deviceIds or locationId should be supplied.

type DeviceHealthEvent ¶

type DeviceHealthEvent struct {
	// The id of the event.
	EventId string `json:"eventId,omitempty"`
	// The id of the location in which the event was triggered.
	LocationId string `json:"locationId,omitempty"`
	// The id of the device.
	DeviceId string `json:"deviceId,omitempty"`
	// The id of the hub.
	HubId string `json:"hubId,omitempty"`
	// The status of the device.
	Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// The reason the device is offline.
	Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"`

DeviceHealthEvent An event that represents a change in the health of the a device.

type DeviceInstallRequest ¶

type DeviceInstallRequest struct {
	// The label for the device.
	Label string `json:"label,omitempty"`
	// The ID of the Location with which the device is associated.
	LocationId string                  `json:"locationId"`
	App        DeviceInstallRequestApp `json:"app"`

DeviceInstallRequest struct for DeviceInstallRequest

type DeviceInstallRequestApp ¶

type DeviceInstallRequestApp struct {
	// The device profile Id
	ProfileId string `json:"profileId"`
	// The ID of the installed application
	InstalledAppId string `json:"installedAppId"`
	// A field to store an ID from a system external to SmartThings.
	ExternalId string `json:"externalId,omitempty"`

DeviceInstallRequestApp struct for DeviceInstallRequestApp

type DeviceIntegrationType ¶

type DeviceIntegrationType string

DeviceIntegrationType The type of device integration (may be null). If the type is DTH, the device implementation is a groovy Device Handler and the details are in the \"dth\" field. If the type is ENDPOINT_APP, the device implementation is a SmartApp and the details are in the \"app\" field. If the type is IR, the details are in the \"ir\" field. If the type is IR_OCF, the details are in the \"irOcf\" field. If the type is VIPER, the details are in the \"viper\" field.

const (
	DEVICEINTEGRATIONTYPE_BLE          DeviceIntegrationType = "BLE"
	DEVICEINTEGRATIONTYPE_BLE_D2_D     DeviceIntegrationType = "BLE_D2D"
	DEVICEINTEGRATIONTYPE_DTH          DeviceIntegrationType = "DTH"
	DEVICEINTEGRATIONTYPE_HUB          DeviceIntegrationType = "HUB"
	DEVICEINTEGRATIONTYPE_IR           DeviceIntegrationType = "IR"
	DEVICEINTEGRATIONTYPE_IR_OCF       DeviceIntegrationType = "IR_OCF"
	DEVICEINTEGRATIONTYPE_MQTT         DeviceIntegrationType = "MQTT"
	DEVICEINTEGRATIONTYPE_OCF          DeviceIntegrationType = "OCF"

List of DeviceIntegrationType

type DeviceLifecycle ¶

type DeviceLifecycle string

DeviceLifecycle The device lifecycle. The lifecycle will be one of: * CREATE - Invoked when a device is created. * DELETE - Invoked when a device is deleted. * UPDATE - Invoked when a device is updated. * MOVE_FROM - Invoked when a device is moved from a location. * MOVE_TO - Invoked when a device is moved to a location.

const (

List of DeviceLifecycle

type DeviceLifecycleDetail ¶

type DeviceLifecycleDetail struct {
	// An array of GUIDs of devices being subscribed to. A max of 20 GUIDs are allowed.
	DeviceIds []string `json:"deviceIds,omitempty"`
	// A name for the subscription that will be passed to the installed app.
	SubscriptionName string `json:"subscriptionName,omitempty"`
	// The id of the location that both the app and source device are in.
	LocationId string `json:"locationId,omitempty"`

DeviceLifecycleDetail Details of a subscription of source type DEVICE_LIFECYCLE. Only one of deviceIds or locationId should be supplied.

type DeviceLifecycleEvent ¶

type DeviceLifecycleEvent struct {
	Lifecycle DeviceLifecycle `json:"lifecycle,omitempty"`
	// The id of the event.
	EventId string `json:"eventId,omitempty"`
	// The id of the location in which the event was triggered.
	LocationId string `json:"locationId,omitempty"`
	// The id of the device.
	DeviceId string `json:"deviceId,omitempty"`
	// The name of the device
	DeviceName string `json:"deviceName,omitempty"`
	// The principal that made the change
	Principal string `json:"principal,omitempty"`
	// Create device lifecycle.
	Create map[string]interface{} `json:"create,omitempty"`
	// Delete device lifecycle.
	Delete map[string]interface{} `json:"delete,omitempty"`
	// Update device lifecycle.
	Update   map[string]interface{} `json:"update,omitempty"`
	MoveFrom DeviceLifecycleMove    `json:"moveFrom,omitempty"`
	MoveTo   DeviceLifecycleMove    `json:"moveTo,omitempty"`

DeviceLifecycleEvent A device lifecycle event.

type DeviceLifecycleMove ¶

type DeviceLifecycleMove struct {
	LocationId string `json:"locationId,omitempty"`

DeviceLifecycleMove Move device lifecycle.

type DeviceNetworkSecurityLevel ¶

type DeviceNetworkSecurityLevel string

DeviceNetworkSecurityLevel For hub-connected devices on protocols with multiple security levels, the security level the device was added with. Values ZWAVE_S2_FAILED, ZWAVE_S0_FAILED, ZWAVE_S2_DOWNGRADE, and ZWAVE_S0_DOWNGRADE should be treated as failures and prompt the user to remove and re-add the device. Other Z-Wave values are success cases.

const (
	DEVICENETWORKSECURITYLEVEL_UNKNOWN                  DeviceNetworkSecurityLevel = "UNKNOWN"

List of DeviceNetworkSecurityLevel

type DeviceOperand ¶

type DeviceOperand struct {
	Devices          []string               `json:"devices,omitempty"`
	Component        string                 `json:"component"`
	Capability       string                 `json:"capability"`
	Attribute        string                 `json:"attribute"`
	Path             string                 `json:"path,omitempty"`
	Aggregation      OperandAggregationMode `json:"aggregation,omitempty"`
	SubscriptionMode SubscriptionMode       `json:"subscriptionMode,omitempty"`

DeviceOperand struct for DeviceOperand

type DeviceProfile ¶

type DeviceProfile struct {
	Id         string            `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name       string            `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Owner      Owner             `json:"owner,omitempty"`
	Components []DeviceComponent `json:"components,omitempty"`
	// Additional information about the device profile, limited to 10 entries.
	Metadata map[string]string   `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
	Status   DeviceProfileStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

DeviceProfile struct for DeviceProfile

type DeviceProfileReference ¶

type DeviceProfileReference struct {
	// The device profile Id
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`

DeviceProfileReference struct for DeviceProfileReference

type DeviceProfileStatus ¶

type DeviceProfileStatus string

DeviceProfileStatus The lifecycle status of a device profile. 'DEVELOPMENT' - Device profile can be modified. The profile is only available to the developer and can only be used with a self-published app. 'PUBLISHED' - Device profile can be shared with other users, but cannot be modified.

const (

List of DeviceProfileStatus

type DeviceResults ¶

type DeviceResults struct {
	// deviceId created by DM
	DeviceId string `json:"deviceId,omitempty"`
	// initial device name from the partner
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

DeviceResults struct for DeviceResults

type DeviceStateEvent ¶

type DeviceStateEvent struct {
	// The name of the component on this device, default is 'main'.
	Component string `json:"component,omitempty"`
	// Capability that this event relates to.
	Capability string `json:"capability,omitempty"`
	// Name of the capability attribute that this event relates to.
	Attribute string `json:"attribute,omitempty"`
	// Value associated with the event. The valid value depends on the capability.
	Value map[string]interface{} `json:"value"`
	// Unit of the value field.
	Unit string `json:"unit,omitempty"`
	// Key value pairs about the state of the device. Valid values depend on the capability.
	Data map[string]map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`

DeviceStateEvent struct for DeviceStateEvent

type DeviceStatus ¶

type DeviceStatus struct {
	// A map of componentId to Component status.
	Components map[string]map[string]map[string]AttributeState `json:"components,omitempty"`

DeviceStatus The status of a Device.

type DeviceSubscriptionDetail ¶

type DeviceSubscriptionDetail struct {
	// The GUID of the device that is subscribed to.
	DeviceId string `json:"deviceId"`
	// The component ID on the device that is subscribed to or * for all.
	ComponentId string `json:"componentId,omitempty"`
	// Name of the capability that is subscribed to or * for all.
	Capability string `json:"capability,omitempty"`
	// Name of the capabilities attribute or * for all.
	Attribute string `json:"attribute,omitempty"`
	// A particular value for the attribute that will trigger the subscription or * for all.
	Value map[string]interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"`
	// Only execute the subscription if the subscribed event is a state change from previous events.
	StateChangeOnly bool `json:"stateChangeOnly,omitempty"`
	// A name for the subscription that will be passed to the installed app. Must be unique per installed app.
	SubscriptionName string `json:"subscriptionName,omitempty"`
	// List of mode ID's that the subscription will execute for. If not provided then all modes will be supported.
	Modes []string `json:"modes,omitempty"`

DeviceSubscriptionDetail Details of a subscription of source type DEVICE. The combination of subscribed values must be unique per installed app.

type DeviceprofilesApiService ¶

type DeviceprofilesApiService service

DeviceprofilesApiService DeviceprofilesApi service

func (*DeviceprofilesApiService) CreateDeviceProfile ¶

func (a *DeviceprofilesApiService) CreateDeviceProfile(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, localVarOptionals *CreateDeviceProfileOpts) (DeviceProfile, *_nethttp.Response, error)

CreateDeviceProfile Create a device profile Create a device profile.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param optional nil or *CreateDeviceProfileOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "Request" (optional.Interface of CreateDeviceProfileRequest) - The device profile to be created.

@return DeviceProfile

func (*DeviceprofilesApiService) DeleteDeviceProfile ¶

func (a *DeviceprofilesApiService) DeleteDeviceProfile(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, deviceProfileId string) (map[string]interface{}, *_nethttp.Response, error)

DeleteDeviceProfile Delete a device profile Delete a device profile by ID. Admin use only.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param deviceProfileId the device profile ID

@return map[string]interface{}

func (*DeviceprofilesApiService) GetDeviceProfile ¶

func (a *DeviceprofilesApiService) GetDeviceProfile(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, deviceProfileId string, localVarOptionals *GetDeviceProfileOpts) (DeviceProfile, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetDeviceProfile GET a device profile GET a device profile.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param deviceProfileId the device profile ID
  • @param optional nil or *GetDeviceProfileOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "AcceptLanguage" (optional.String) - Language header representing the client's preferred language. The format of the `Accept-Language` header follows what is defined in [RFC 7231, section 5.3.5](

@return DeviceProfile

func (*DeviceprofilesApiService) ListDeviceProfiles ¶

func (a *DeviceprofilesApiService) ListDeviceProfiles(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, localVarOptionals *ListDeviceProfilesOpts) (PagedDeviceProfiles, *_nethttp.Response, error)

ListDeviceProfiles List all device profiles for the authenticated user List device profiles.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param optional nil or *ListDeviceProfilesOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "ProfileId" (optional.Interface of []string) - The device profiles IDs to filter the results by.

@return PagedDeviceProfiles

func (*DeviceprofilesApiService) UpdateDeviceProfile ¶

func (a *DeviceprofilesApiService) UpdateDeviceProfile(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, deviceProfileId string, localVarOptionals *UpdateDeviceProfileOpts) (DeviceProfile, *_nethttp.Response, error)

UpdateDeviceProfile Update a device profile. Update a device profile. The device profile has to be in development status

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param deviceProfileId the device profile ID
  • @param optional nil or *UpdateDeviceProfileOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "Request" (optional.Interface of UpdateDeviceProfileRequest) - The device profile to be updated.

@return DeviceProfile

type DevicesApiService ¶

type DevicesApiService service

DevicesApiService DevicesApi service

func (*DevicesApiService) CreateDeviceEvents ¶

func (a *DevicesApiService) CreateDeviceEvents(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, deviceId string, deviceEventRequest DeviceEventsRequest) (map[string]interface{}, *_nethttp.Response, error)

CreateDeviceEvents Create Device Events. Create events for a device. When a device is managed by a SmartApp then it is responsible for creating events to update the attributes of the device in the SmartThings platform. The token must be for a SmartApp and it must be the SmartApp that created the Device.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param deviceId the device ID
  • @param deviceEventRequest

@return map[string]interface{}

func (*DevicesApiService) DeleteDevice ¶

func (a *DevicesApiService) DeleteDevice(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, deviceId string) (map[string]interface{}, *_nethttp.Response, error)

DeleteDevice Delete a Device. Delete a device by device id. If the token is for a SmartApp that created the device then it implicitly has permission for this api.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param deviceId the device ID

@return map[string]interface{}

func (*DevicesApiService) ExecuteDeviceCommands ¶

func (a *DevicesApiService) ExecuteDeviceCommands(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, deviceId string, executeCapabilityCommand DeviceCommandsRequest) (map[string]interface{}, *_nethttp.Response, error)

ExecuteDeviceCommands Execute commands on device. Execute commands on a device.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param deviceId the device ID
  • @param executeCapabilityCommand

@return map[string]interface{}

func (*DevicesApiService) GetDevice ¶

func (a *DevicesApiService) GetDevice(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, deviceId string) (Device, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetDevice Get a device's description. Get a device&#39;s description.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param deviceId the device ID

@return Device

func (*DevicesApiService) GetDeviceComponentStatus ¶

func (a *DevicesApiService) GetDeviceComponentStatus(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, deviceId string, componentId string) (map[string]map[string]AttributeState, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetDeviceComponentStatus Get a device component's status. Get the status of all attributes of a the component. The results may be filtered if the requester only has permission to view a subset of the component&#39;s capabilities. If the token is for a SmartApp that created the device then it implicitly has permission for this api.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param deviceId the device ID
  • @param componentId The name of the component.

@return map[string]map[string]AttributeState

func (*DevicesApiService) GetDeviceStatus ¶

func (a *DevicesApiService) GetDeviceStatus(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, deviceId string) (DeviceStatus, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetDeviceStatus Get the full status of a device. Get the current status of all of a device&#39;s component&#39;s attributes. The results may be filtered if the requester only has permission to view a subset of the device&#39;s components or capabilities. If the token is for a SmartApp that created the device then it implicitly has permission for this api.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param deviceId the device ID

@return DeviceStatus

func (*DevicesApiService) GetDeviceStatusByCapability ¶

func (a *DevicesApiService) GetDeviceStatusByCapability(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, deviceId string, componentId string, capabilityId string) (map[string]AttributeState, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetDeviceStatusByCapability Get a capability's status. Get the current status of a device component&#39;s capability. If the token is for a SmartApp that created the device then it implicitly has permission for this api.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param deviceId the device ID
  • @param componentId The name of the component.
  • @param capabilityId The ID of the capability

@return map[string]AttributeState

func (*DevicesApiService) GetDevices ¶

func (a *DevicesApiService) GetDevices(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, localVarOptionals *GetDevicesOpts) (PagedDevices, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetDevices List devices. Get a list of devices.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param optional nil or *GetDevicesOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "Capability" (optional.Interface of []string) - The device capabilities to filter the results by. The capabilities are treated as an \"and\" so all capabilities must be present.
  • @param "LocationId" (optional.Interface of []string) - The device locations to filter the results by.
  • @param "DeviceId" (optional.Interface of []string) - The device ids to filter the results by.
  • @param "CapabilitiesMode" (optional.String) - Treat all capability filter query params as a logical \"or\" or \"and\" with a default of \"and\".

@return PagedDevices

func (*DevicesApiService) InstallDevice ¶

func (a *DevicesApiService) InstallDevice(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, installationRequest DeviceInstallRequest) (Device, *_nethttp.Response, error)

InstallDevice Install a Device. Install a device. This is only available for SmartApp managed devices. The SmartApp that creates the device is responsible for handling commands for the device and updating the status of the device by creating events.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param installationRequest Installation Request

@return Device

func (*DevicesApiService) UpdateDevice ¶

func (a *DevicesApiService) UpdateDevice(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, deviceId string, updateDeviceRequest UpdateDeviceRequest) (Device, *_nethttp.Response, error)

UpdateDevice Update a device. Update the properties of a device. If the token is for a SmartApp that created the device then it implicitly has permission for this api.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param deviceId the device ID
  • @param updateDeviceRequest

@return Device

type DthDeviceDetails ¶

type DthDeviceDetails struct {
	// The identifier for the device's DeviceType.
	DeviceTypeId string `json:"deviceTypeId"`
	// The name for the device's DeviceType.
	DeviceTypeName string `json:"deviceTypeName"`
	// The device network type.
	DeviceNetworkType string `json:"deviceNetworkType,omitempty"`
	// True if the device setup has been completed so the device is ready to use.
	CompletedSetup       bool                       `json:"completedSetup"`
	NetworkSecurityLevel DeviceNetworkSecurityLevel `json:"networkSecurityLevel,omitempty"`
	// The hub that the device is connected to.
	HubId string `json:"hubId,omitempty"`

DthDeviceDetails struct for DthDeviceDetails

type EndpointApp ¶

type EndpointApp struct {
	// The name of the endpoint app
	AppName string `json:"appName,omitempty"`
	// The name of the partner/brand
	PartnerName string `json:"partnerName,omitempty"`
	// oAuth authorization url of the partner
	OAuthAuthorizationUrl string `json:"oAuthAuthorizationUrl,omitempty"`
	// lambda arn of the partner for US region (default)
	LambdaArn string `json:"lambdaArn,omitempty"`
	// lambda arn of the partner for EU region
	LambdaArnEU string `json:"lambdaArnEU,omitempty"`
	// lambda arn of the partner for AP region
	LambdaArnAP string `json:"lambdaArnAP,omitempty"`
	// lambda arn of the partner for CN region
	LambdaArnCN string `json:"lambdaArnCN,omitempty"`
	// url of partner icon
	Icon string `json:"icon,omitempty"`
	// url of partner icon in 2x dimensions
	Icon2x string `json:"icon2x,omitempty"`
	// url of partner icon in 3x dimensions
	Icon3x string `json:"icon3x,omitempty"`
	// Viper endpoint app id for the partner
	EndpointAppId string `json:"endpointAppId,omitempty"`
	// Client id for the partner oAuth
	OAuthClientId string `json:"oAuthClientId,omitempty"`
	// Client secret for the partner oAuth
	OAuthClientSecret string `json:"oAuthClientSecret,omitempty"`
	// oAuth token refresh url of the partner
	OAuthTokenUrl string `json:"oAuthTokenUrl,omitempty"`
	// oAuth scope for the partner. Example \"remote_control:all\" for Lifx
	OAuthScope string `json:"oAuthScope,omitempty"`
	// user id for the partner
	UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"`
	// Possible values - \"lambda\" or \"webhook\"
	HostingType string `json:"hostingType,omitempty"`
	// Possible values - \"alexa-schema\", \"st-schema\", \"google-schema\"
	SchemaType string `json:"schemaType,omitempty"`
	// webhook url for the partner
	WebhookUrl string `json:"webhookUrl,omitempty"`
	// Possible values - \"\", \"cst\", \"wwst\"
	CertificationStatus string `json:"certificationStatus,omitempty"`

EndpointApp struct for EndpointApp

type EqualsCondition ¶

type EqualsCondition struct {
	// Unique id for the condition
	Id          string                   `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Left        Operand                  `json:"left"`
	Right       Operand                  `json:"right"`
	Aggregation ConditionAggregationMode `json:"aggregation,omitempty"`

EqualsCondition struct for EqualsCondition

type Error ¶

type Error struct {
	// Machine readable error code.
	Code string `json:"code,omitempty"`
	// Human readable error message.
	Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
	// Optional field used to point to a problamatic part of the request.
	Target  string  `json:"target,omitempty"`
	Details []Error `json:"details,omitempty"`

Error Details about the error.

type ErrorResponse ¶

type ErrorResponse struct {
	// A correlation id used for reference when contacting support.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	Error     Error  `json:"error,omitempty"`

ErrorResponse struct for ErrorResponse

type EventType ¶

type EventType string

EventType The type of event passed to the app being executed. The type will be one of: * DEVICE_COMMANDS_EVENT - _Only applicable for cloud-to-cloud device integration apps._ An event as a result of a device command execution request. * DEVICE_EVENT - A device event as a result of a subscription the app created. * DEVICE_HEALTH_EVENT - A device health event as a result of a change in a device's health. * DEVICE_LIFECYCLE_EVENT - A device lifecycle event as the result of a life change to the device. * HUB_HEALTH_EVENT - A hub health event as a result of a change in a hub's health. * MODE_EVENT - A mode event is triggered when the location's mode is changed. * SCENE_LIFECYCLE_EVENT - A scene lifecycle event as a result of a life change to the scene. * SECURITY_ARM_STATE_EVENT - A security arm state event as a result of a change in the arm state of a security system. * TIMER_EVENT - An event as a result of a scheduled app execution.

const (
	EVENTTYPE_DEVICE_EVENT                  EventType = "DEVICE_EVENT"
	EVENTTYPE_MODE_EVENT                    EventType = "MODE_EVENT"
	EVENTTYPE_TIMER_EVENT                   EventType = "TIMER_EVENT"

List of EventType

type EveryAction ¶

type EveryAction struct {
	// Unique id for the action
	Id       string      `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Interval Interval    `json:"interval,omitempty"`
	Specific TimeOperand `json:"specific,omitempty"`
	Actions  []Action    `json:"actions"`

EveryAction struct for EveryAction

type ExecuteSceneOpts ¶

type ExecuteSceneOpts struct {
	LocationId optional.String

ExecuteSceneOpts Optional parameters for the method 'ExecuteScene'

type ExecutionResult ¶

type ExecutionResult string

ExecutionResult the model 'ExecutionResult'

const (
	EXECUTIONRESULT_SUCCESS ExecutionResult = "Success"
	EXECUTIONRESULT_FAILURE ExecutionResult = "Failure"

List of ExecutionResult

type GenerateAppOAuthRequest ¶

type GenerateAppOAuthRequest struct {
	// A name given to the OAuth Client.
	ClientName string `json:"clientName,omitempty"`
	// A list of SmartThings API OAuth scope identifiers that maybe required to execute your integration.
	Scope []string `json:"scope,omitempty"`

GenerateAppOAuthRequest struct for GenerateAppOAuthRequest

type GenerateAppOAuthResponse ¶

type GenerateAppOAuthResponse struct {
	OauthClientDetails AppOAuth `json:"oauthClientDetails,omitempty"`
	// The OAuth Client ID.
	OauthClientId string `json:"oauthClientId,omitempty"`
	// The OAuth Client Secret.
	OauthClientSecret string `json:"oauthClientSecret,omitempty"`

GenerateAppOAuthResponse A response object containing a new OAuth Client and it's details.

type GenericOpenAPIError ¶

type GenericOpenAPIError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GenericOpenAPIError Provides access to the body, error and model on returned errors.

func (GenericOpenAPIError) Body ¶

func (e GenericOpenAPIError) Body() []byte

Body returns the raw bytes of the response

func (GenericOpenAPIError) Error ¶

func (e GenericOpenAPIError) Error() string

Error returns non-empty string if there was an error.

func (GenericOpenAPIError) Model ¶

func (e GenericOpenAPIError) Model() interface{}

Model returns the unpacked model of the error

type GetAppSettingsResponse ¶

type GetAppSettingsResponse struct {
	Settings map[string]string `json:"settings,omitempty"`

GetAppSettingsResponse Settings for a given app

type GetDeviceProfileOpts ¶

type GetDeviceProfileOpts struct {
	AcceptLanguage optional.String

GetDeviceProfileOpts Optional parameters for the method 'GetDeviceProfile'

type GetDevicesOpts ¶

type GetDevicesOpts struct {
	Capability       optional.Interface
	LocationId       optional.Interface
	DeviceId         optional.Interface
	CapabilitiesMode optional.String

GetDevicesOpts Optional parameters for the method 'GetDevices'

type GreaterThanCondition ¶

type GreaterThanCondition struct {
	// Unique id for the condition
	Id          string                   `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Left        Operand                  `json:"left"`
	Right       Operand                  `json:"right"`
	Aggregation ConditionAggregationMode `json:"aggregation,omitempty"`

GreaterThanCondition struct for GreaterThanCondition

type GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition ¶

type GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition struct {
	// Unique id for the condition
	Id          string                   `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Left        Operand                  `json:"left"`
	Right       Operand                  `json:"right"`
	Aggregation ConditionAggregationMode `json:"aggregation,omitempty"`

GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition struct for GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition

type HubHealthDetail ¶

type HubHealthDetail struct {
	// A name for the subscription that will be passed to the installed app.
	SubscriptionName string `json:"subscriptionName,omitempty"`
	// The id of the location that both the app and hubs are in
	LocationId string `json:"locationId"`

HubHealthDetail Details of a subscription of souce type HUB_HEALTH

type HubHealthEvent ¶

type HubHealthEvent struct {
	// The id of the event.
	EventId string `json:"eventId,omitempty"`
	// The id of the location in which the event was triggered.
	LocationId string `json:"locationId,omitempty"`
	// The id of the hub.
	HubId string `json:"hubId,omitempty"`
	// The status of the hub.
	Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// The reason the hub is offline.
	Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"`

HubHealthEvent An event that represents a change in the health of a hub.

type IconImage ¶

type IconImage struct {
	// A default icon image url for an app. https url required.
	Url string `json:"url,omitempty"`

IconImage A default icon image for the app.

type IfAction ¶

type IfAction struct {
	And                 []Condition                  `json:"and,omitempty"`
	Or                  []Condition                  `json:"or,omitempty"`
	Not                 Condition                    `json:"not,omitempty"`
	Equals              EqualsCondition              `json:"equals,omitempty"`
	GreaterThan         GreaterThanCondition         `json:"greater_than,omitempty"`
	GreaterThanOrEquals GreaterThanOrEqualsCondition `json:"greater_than_or_equals,omitempty"`
	LessThan            LessThanCondition            `json:"less_than,omitempty"`
	LessThanOrEquals    LessThanOrEqualsCondition    `json:"less_than_or_equals,omitempty"`
	Between             BetweenCondition             `json:"between,omitempty"`
	Changes             ChangesCondition             `json:"changes,omitempty"`
	// Unique id for the action
	Id               string           `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Then             []Action         `json:"then,omitempty"`
	Else             []Action         `json:"else,omitempty"`
	SubscriptionMode SubscriptionMode `json:"subscriptionMode,omitempty"`

IfAction struct for IfAction

type IfActionAllOf ¶

type IfActionAllOf struct {
	// Unique id for the action
	Id               string           `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Then             []Action         `json:"then,omitempty"`
	Else             []Action         `json:"else,omitempty"`
	SubscriptionMode SubscriptionMode `json:"subscriptionMode,omitempty"`

IfActionAllOf struct for IfActionAllOf

type InstallConfiguration ¶

type InstallConfiguration struct {
	// The ID of the installed app.
	InstalledAppId string `json:"installedAppId,omitempty"`
	// The ID to this configration instance.
	ConfigurationId     string                     `json:"configurationId,omitempty"`
	ConfigurationStatus InstallConfigurationStatus `json:"configurationStatus,omitempty"`
	// A UTC ISO-8601 Date-Time String
	CreatedDate time.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"`
	// A UTC ISO-8601 Date-Time String
	LastUpdatedDate time.Time `json:"lastUpdatedDate,omitempty"`

InstallConfiguration An configuration instance of an Installed App.

type InstallConfigurationDetail ¶

type InstallConfigurationDetail struct {
	// The ID of the installed app.
	InstalledAppId string `json:"installedAppId,omitempty"`
	// The ID to this configration instance.
	ConfigurationId     string                     `json:"configurationId,omitempty"`
	ConfigurationStatus InstallConfigurationStatus `json:"configurationStatus,omitempty"`
	// A multi-map of configurations for an Installed App.  The map 'key' is the configuration name and the 'value' is an array of ConfigEntry models each containing a value and associated permissions.  The config key is alpha-numeric, may contain dashes, underscores, periods, and must be less then 50 characters long.
	Config map[string][]ConfigEntry `json:"config,omitempty"`
	// A UTC ISO-8601 Date-Time String
	CreatedDate time.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"`
	// A UTC ISO-8601 Date-Time String
	LastUpdatedDate time.Time `json:"lastUpdatedDate,omitempty"`

InstallConfigurationDetail Encompasses both a configuration value, and any required permissions that maybe needed.

type InstallConfigurationStatus ¶

type InstallConfigurationStatus string

InstallConfigurationStatus Denotes the current state of a configuration instance. 'STAGED' configuration is used during active modification to config. A configuration is marked 'DONE' once it is deemed finished. At this point it is immutable, meaning it can't be changed. A status of 'AUTHORIZED' means the apps permissions have been authorized by the consumer. Installed Apps in 'AUTHORIZED' state are fully installed and used by the SmartThings platform. A status of 'REVOKED' means the apps permissions have been revoked.

const (
	INSTALLCONFIGURATIONSTATUS_DONE       InstallConfigurationStatus = "DONE"

List of InstallConfigurationStatus

type InstalledApp ¶

type InstalledApp struct {
	// The ID of the installed app.
	InstalledAppId     string             `json:"installedAppId"`
	InstalledAppType   InstalledAppType   `json:"installedAppType"`
	InstalledAppStatus InstalledAppStatus `json:"installedAppStatus"`
	// A user defined name for the installed app. May be null.
	DisplayName string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	// The ID of the app.
	AppId string `json:"appId"`
	// A reference to an upstream system.  For example, Behaviors would reference the behaviorId. May be null.
	ReferenceId string `json:"referenceId,omitempty"`
	// The ID of the location to which the installed app may belong.
	LocationId string   `json:"locationId,omitempty"`
	Owner      Owner    `json:"owner"`
	Notices    []Notice `json:"notices"`
	// A UTC ISO-8601 Date-Time String
	CreatedDate time.Time `json:"createdDate"`
	// A UTC ISO-8601 Date-Time String
	LastUpdatedDate time.Time             `json:"lastUpdatedDate"`
	Ui              InstalledAppUi        `json:"ui,omitempty"`
	IconImage       InstalledAppIconImage `json:"iconImage,omitempty"`
	// An App maybe associated to many classifications.  A classification drives how the integration is presented to the user in the SmartThings mobile clients.  These classifications include: * AUTOMATION - Denotes an integration that should display under the \"Automation\" tab in mobile clients. * SERVICE - Denotes an integration that is classified as a \"Service\". * DEVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the \"Device\" tab in mobile clients. * CONNECTED_SERVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the \"Connected Services\" menu in mobile clients. * HIDDEN - Denotes an integration that should not display in mobile clients
	Classifications []string `json:"classifications"`
	// Denotes the principal type to be used with the app.  Default is LOCATION.
	PrincipalType string `json:"principalType"`
	// Inform the installation systems that the associated app can only be installed once within a user's account.
	SingleInstance bool `json:"singleInstance"`

InstalledApp struct for InstalledApp

type InstalledAppIconImage ¶

type InstalledAppIconImage struct {
	// A default icon image url for an app. https url required.
	Url string `json:"url,omitempty"`

InstalledAppIconImage A default icon image for the app.

type InstalledAppLifecycle ¶

type InstalledAppLifecycle string

InstalledAppLifecycle The installed app lifecycle. The lifecycle will be one of: * CREATE - Invoked when an application is created. * INSTALL - Invoked when an application is installed. * UPDATE - Invoked when an application is updated. * DELETE - Invoked when an application is deleted. * OTHER -

const (

List of InstalledAppLifecycle

type InstalledAppLifecycleError ¶

type InstalledAppLifecycleError struct {
	Code    string                       `json:"code,omitempty"`
	Message string                       `json:"message,omitempty"`
	Target  string                       `json:"target,omitempty"`
	Details []InstalledAppLifecycleError `json:"details,omitempty"`

InstalledAppLifecycleError struct for InstalledAppLifecycleError

type InstalledAppLifecycleEvent ¶

type InstalledAppLifecycleEvent struct {
	// The id of the event.
	EventId string `json:"eventId,omitempty"`
	// The ID of the location in which the event was triggered.
	LocationId string `json:"locationId,omitempty"`
	// The ID of the installed application.
	InstalledAppId string `json:"installedAppId,omitempty"`
	// The ID of the application.
	AppId     string                `json:"appId,omitempty"`
	Lifecycle InstalledAppLifecycle `json:"lifecycle,omitempty"`
	// Create installed app lifecycle.
	Create map[string]interface{} `json:"create,omitempty"`
	// Install installed app lifecycle.
	Install map[string]interface{} `json:"install,omitempty"`
	// Update installed app lifecycle.
	Update map[string]interface{} `json:"update,omitempty"`
	// Delete installed app lifecycle.
	Delete map[string]interface{} `json:"delete,omitempty"`
	// Other installed app lifecycle.
	Other map[string]interface{}     `json:"other,omitempty"`
	Error InstalledAppLifecycleError `json:"error,omitempty"`

InstalledAppLifecycleEvent An Installed App Lifecycle Event.

type InstalledAppStatus ¶

type InstalledAppStatus string

InstalledAppStatus Denotes the current state of an install. 'PENDING' is used during active modification to the install's config prior to 'AUTHORIZATION'. A status of 'AUTHORIZED' means the install's permissions have been authorized by the consumer. Installed Apps in 'AUTHORIZED' state are fully installed and usable by the SmartThings platform. A status of 'REVOKED' means the install's permissions have been revoked. A status of 'DISABLED' means a previously 'AUTHORIZED' Installed App will not execute.

const (

List of InstalledAppStatus

type InstalledAppType ¶

type InstalledAppType string

InstalledAppType Denotes the type of installed app.

const (

List of InstalledAppType

type InstalledAppUi ¶

type InstalledAppUi struct {
	PluginId                        string `json:"pluginId,omitempty"`
	PluginUri                       string `json:"pluginUri,omitempty"`
	DashboardCardsEnabled           bool   `json:"dashboardCardsEnabled"`
	PreInstallDashboardCardsEnabled bool   `json:"preInstallDashboardCardsEnabled"`

InstalledAppUi A collection of settings to drive user interface in SmartThings clients. Currently, only applicable for LAMBDA_SMART_APP and WEBHOOK_SMART_APP app types.

type InstalledappsApiService ¶

type InstalledappsApiService service

InstalledappsApiService InstalledappsApi service

func (*InstalledappsApiService) CreateInstalledAppEvents ¶

func (a *InstalledappsApiService) CreateInstalledAppEvents(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, installedAppId string, createInstalledAppEventsRequest CreateInstalledAppEventsRequest) (map[string]interface{}, *_nethttp.Response, error)

CreateInstalledAppEvents Create Installed App events. Create events for an installed app. This API allows Apps to create events to trigger custom behavior in installed apps. Requires a SmartApp token.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param installedAppId The ID of the installed application.
  • @param createInstalledAppEventsRequest

@return map[string]interface{}

func (*InstalledappsApiService) DeleteInstallation ¶

func (a *InstalledappsApiService) DeleteInstallation(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, installedAppId string) (DeleteInstalledAppResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)

DeleteInstallation Delete an installed app. Delete an Installed App.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param installedAppId The ID of the installed application.

@return DeleteInstalledAppResponse

func (*InstalledappsApiService) GetInstallation ¶

func (a *InstalledappsApiService) GetInstallation(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, installedAppId string) (InstalledApp, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetInstallation Get an installed app. Fetch a single installed application.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param installedAppId The ID of the installed application.

@return InstalledApp

func (*InstalledappsApiService) GetInstallationConfig ¶

func (a *InstalledappsApiService) GetInstallationConfig(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, installedAppId string, configurationId string) (InstallConfigurationDetail, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetInstallationConfig Get an installed app configuration. Fetch a detailed install configuration model containing actual config entries / values.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param installedAppId The ID of the installed application.
  • @param configurationId The ID of the install configuration.

@return InstallConfigurationDetail

func (*InstalledappsApiService) ListInstallationConfig ¶

func (a *InstalledappsApiService) ListInstallationConfig(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, installedAppId string, localVarOptionals *ListInstallationConfigOpts) (PagedInstallConfigurations, *_nethttp.Response, error)

ListInstallationConfig List an installed app's configurations. List all configurations potentially filtered by status for an installed app.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param installedAppId The ID of the installed application.
  • @param optional nil or *ListInstallationConfigOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "ConfigurationStatus" (optional.String) - Filter for configuration status.

@return PagedInstallConfigurations

func (*InstalledappsApiService) ListInstallations ¶

func (a *InstalledappsApiService) ListInstallations(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, localVarOptionals *ListInstallationsOpts) (PagedInstalledApps, *_nethttp.Response, error)

ListInstallations List installed apps. List all installed applications within the specified locations. If no locations are provided, then list all installed apps accessible by the principle.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param optional nil or *ListInstallationsOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "LocationId" (optional.String) - The ID of the location that both the installed smart app and source are associated with.
  • @param "InstalledAppStatus" (optional.String) - State of the Installed App.
  • @param "InstalledAppType" (optional.String) - Denotes the type of installed app.
  • @param "Tag" (optional.String) - May be used to filter a resource by it's assigned user-tags. Multiple tag query params are automatically joined with OR. Example usage in query string: ``` ?tag:key_name=value1&tag:key_name=value2 ```
  • @param "AppId" (optional.String) - The ID of an App
  • @param "ModeId" (optional.String) - The ID of the mode
  • @param "DeviceId" (optional.String) - The ID of the device

@return PagedInstalledApps

type Interval ¶

type Interval struct {
	//Value Operand `json:"value"`
	Unit IntervalUnit `json:"unit"`

Interval struct for Interval

type IntervalUnit ¶

type IntervalUnit string

IntervalUnit the model 'IntervalUnit'

const (
	INTERVALUNIT_SECOND IntervalUnit = "Second"
	INTERVALUNIT_MINUTE IntervalUnit = "Minute"
	INTERVALUNIT_HOUR   IntervalUnit = "Hour"
	INTERVALUNIT_DAY    IntervalUnit = "Day"
	INTERVALUNIT_WEEK   IntervalUnit = "Week"
	INTERVALUNIT_MONTH  IntervalUnit = "Month"
	INTERVALUNIT_YEAR   IntervalUnit = "Year"

List of IntervalUnit

type IrDeviceDetails ¶

type IrDeviceDetails struct {
	// The id of the Parent device.
	ParentDeviceId string `json:"parentDeviceId,omitempty"`
	// The id of the profile that describes the device components and capabilities.
	ProfileId string `json:"profileId,omitempty"`
	// The OCF Device Type
	OcfDeviceType string `json:"ocfDeviceType,omitempty"`
	// The id of the ircode
	IrCode        string                       `json:"irCode,omitempty"`
	FunctionCodes IrDeviceDetailsFunctionCodes `json:"functionCodes,omitempty"`
	// list of child devices
	ChildDevices []IrDeviceDetails `json:"childDevices,omitempty"`
	// Key value pairs stored in the conductor for the device. UI Metadata information
	Metadata map[string]interface{} `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

IrDeviceDetails struct for IrDeviceDetails

type IrDeviceDetailsFunctionCodes ¶

type IrDeviceDetailsFunctionCodes struct {
	Default string `json:"default,omitempty"`

IrDeviceDetailsFunctionCodes List of IR function codes

type IsaResults ¶

type IsaResults struct {
	// isaId installed for the user
	IsaId string `json:"isaId,omitempty"`
	// Viper connector name given by partner in DevWorkspace eg Lifx (Connect)
	AppName string `json:"appName,omitempty"`
	// Parnter name eg Lifx Inc
	PartnerName string `json:"partnerName,omitempty"`
	// url of partner icon
	Icon string `json:"icon,omitempty"`
	// url of partner icon in 2x dimensions
	Icon2x string `json:"icon2x,omitempty"`
	// url of partner icon in 3x dimensions
	Icon3x string `json:"icon3x,omitempty"`
	// location of the installed smart app
	LocationId string `json:"locationId,omitempty"`

IsaResults struct for IsaResults

type LambdaSmartApp ¶

type LambdaSmartApp struct {
	// A list of AWS arns referencing a Lambda function.
	Functions []string `json:"functions,omitempty"`

LambdaSmartApp Details related to a Lambda Smart App implementation. This model will only be available for apps of type LAMBDA_SMART_APP.

type LessThanCondition ¶

type LessThanCondition struct {
	// Unique id for the condition
	Id          string                   `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Left        Operand                  `json:"left"`
	Right       Operand                  `json:"right"`
	Aggregation ConditionAggregationMode `json:"aggregation,omitempty"`

LessThanCondition struct for LessThanCondition

type LessThanOrEqualsCondition ¶

type LessThanOrEqualsCondition struct {
	// Unique id for the condition
	Id          string                   `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Left        Operand                  `json:"left"`
	Right       Operand                  `json:"right"`
	Aggregation ConditionAggregationMode `json:"aggregation,omitempty"`

LessThanOrEqualsCondition struct for LessThanOrEqualsCondition

type Link struct {
	// An absolute URL linking to a resource.
	Href string `json:"href,omitempty"`

Link struct for Link

type Links struct {
	Next     Link `json:"next,omitempty"`
	Previous Link `json:"previous,omitempty"`

Links struct for Links

type ListAppsOpts ¶

type ListAppsOpts struct {
	AppType        optional.String
	Classification optional.String
	Tag            optional.String

ListAppsOpts Optional parameters for the method 'ListApps'

type ListDeviceProfilesOpts ¶

type ListDeviceProfilesOpts struct {
	ProfileId optional.Interface

ListDeviceProfilesOpts Optional parameters for the method 'ListDeviceProfiles'

type ListInstallationConfigOpts ¶

type ListInstallationConfigOpts struct {
	ConfigurationStatus optional.String

ListInstallationConfigOpts Optional parameters for the method 'ListInstallationConfig'

type ListInstallationsOpts ¶

type ListInstallationsOpts struct {
	LocationId         optional.String
	InstalledAppStatus optional.String
	InstalledAppType   optional.String
	Tag                optional.String
	AppId              optional.String
	ModeId             optional.String
	DeviceId           optional.String

ListInstallationsOpts Optional parameters for the method 'ListInstallations'

type ListRulesOpts ¶

type ListRulesOpts struct {
	Max    optional.Int32
	Offset optional.Int32

ListRulesOpts Optional parameters for the method 'ListRules'

type ListScenesOpts ¶

type ListScenesOpts struct {
	LocationId optional.String

ListScenesOpts Optional parameters for the method 'ListScenes'

type LocaleReference ¶

type LocaleReference struct {
	// The tag of the locale as defined in [RFC bcp47](
	Tag string `json:"tag,omitempty"`

LocaleReference struct for LocaleReference

type LocaleVariables ¶

type LocaleVariables struct {
	// The tag of the locale as defined in [RFC bcp47](
	LocaleTag string `json:"localeTag"`
	// A map<string,string> with the key representing the variable name, and the value representing the verbiage to be replaced in template string.
	Variables map[string]string `json:"variables,omitempty"`

LocaleVariables Message template variables associated with a certain locale.

type Location ¶

type Location struct {
	// The ID of the location.
	LocationId string `json:"locationId,omitempty"`
	// A name given for the location (eg. Home)
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// An ISO Alpha-3 country code.  (i.e. GBR, USA)
	CountryCode string `json:"countryCode,omitempty"`
	// A geographical latitude.
	Latitude float32 `json:"latitude,omitempty"`
	// A geographical longitude.
	Longitude float32 `json:"longitude,omitempty"`
	// The radius in meters around latitude and longitude which defines this location.
	RegionRadius int32 `json:"regionRadius,omitempty"`
	// The desired temperature scale used within location. Value can be F or C.
	TemperatureScale string `json:"temperatureScale,omitempty"`
	// An ID matching the Java Time Zone ID of the location. Automatically generated if latitude and longitude have been provided.
	TimeZoneId string `json:"timeZoneId,omitempty"`
	// An IETF BCP 47 language tag representing the chosen locale for this location.
	Locale string `json:"locale,omitempty"`
	// Not currently in use.
	BackgroundImage string `json:"backgroundImage,omitempty"`
	// Additional information about the location that allows SmartThings to further define your location.
	AdditionalProperties map[string]string `json:"additionalProperties,omitempty"`

Location struct for Location

type LocationAction ¶

type LocationAction struct {
	// Unique id for the action
	Id   string `json:"id"`
	Mode string `json:"mode,omitempty"`

LocationAction struct for LocationAction

type LocationAttribute ¶

type LocationAttribute string

LocationAttribute the model 'LocationAttribute'

const (
	LOCATIONATTRIBUTE_MODE      LocationAttribute = "Mode"
	LOCATIONATTRIBUTE_ARM_STATE LocationAttribute = "ArmState"

List of LocationAttribute

type LocationOperand ¶

type LocationOperand struct {
	Attribute LocationAttribute `json:"attribute"`
	// Optional value to allow UI to reference a location attribute by id. If value is provided, the operand resolves to this value rather than calling the backend API
	Value string `json:"value,omitempty"`

LocationOperand struct for LocationOperand

type LocationsApiService ¶

type LocationsApiService service

LocationsApiService LocationsApi service

func (*LocationsApiService) CreateLocation ¶

func (a *LocationsApiService) CreateLocation(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, createLocationRequest CreateLocationRequest) (Location, *_nethttp.Response, error)

CreateLocation Create a Location. Create a Location for a user. We will try and create the Location geographically close to the country code provided in the request body. If we do not support Location creation in the requested country code, then the API will return a 422 error response with an error code of UnsupportedGeoRegionError.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param createLocationRequest

@return Location

func (*LocationsApiService) DeleteLocation ¶

func (a *LocationsApiService) DeleteLocation(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, locationId string) (map[string]interface{}, *_nethttp.Response, error)

DeleteLocation Delete a Location. Delete a Location from a user&#39;s account.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param locationId The ID of the location.

@return map[string]interface{}

func (*LocationsApiService) GetLocation ¶

func (a *LocationsApiService) GetLocation(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, locationId string) (Location, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetLocation Get a Location. Get a specific Location from a user&#39;s account.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param locationId The ID of the location.

@return Location

func (*LocationsApiService) ListLocations ¶

func (a *LocationsApiService) ListLocations(ctx _context.Context, authorization string) (PagedLocations, *_nethttp.Response, error)

ListLocations List Locations. List all Locations currently available in a user account.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token

@return PagedLocations

func (*LocationsApiService) UpdateLocation ¶

func (a *LocationsApiService) UpdateLocation(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, locationId string, updateLocationRequest UpdateLocationRequest) (Location, *_nethttp.Response, error)

UpdateLocation Update a Location. All the fields in the request body are optional. Only the specified fields will be updated.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param locationId The ID of the location.
  • @param updateLocationRequest

@return Location

type Message ¶

type Message struct {
	// The tag of the locale as defined in [RFC bcp47](
	FallbackLocale string `json:"fallbackLocale"`
	// A list of templates representing the same message in different languages.
	Templates []MessageTemplate `json:"templates"`

Message A Message contains a list of message templates representing the same message in different locales. The system will serve the template with the locale that best matches the Recipient's language preferences. If the user's language preferences do not correlate to any message templates, the template defined by the `fallbackLocale` will be used.

type MessageConfig ¶

type MessageConfig struct {
	// The key value of the message group.
	MessageGroupKey string `json:"messageGroupKey,omitempty"`

MessageConfig A message configuration.

type MessageTemplate ¶

type MessageTemplate struct {
	// The tag of the locale as defined in [RFC bcp47](
	LocaleTag string `json:"localeTag"`
	// A message template string. Specify variables using the double curly braces convention. i.e. \"Hello, {{ firstName }}!\"
	Template string `json:"template"`

MessageTemplate A message template definition, representing a message in a specific locale.

type MessageType ¶

type MessageType string

MessageType The expected message format to be sent.

const (

List of MessageType

type Mode ¶

type Mode struct {
	// Globally unique id for the mode.
	Id string `json:"id"`
	// A name provided by the User. Unique per location, updatable.
	Label string `json:"label"`
	// A name provided when the mode was created. The name is unique per location, and can not be updated.
	Name string `json:"name"`

Mode struct for Mode

type ModeConfig ¶

type ModeConfig struct {
	// The ID of the mode.
	ModeId string `json:"modeId,omitempty"`

ModeConfig A mode configuration.

type ModeEvent ¶

type ModeEvent struct {
	// The id of the event.
	EventId string `json:"eventId,omitempty"`
	// The id of the location in which the event was triggered.
	LocationId string `json:"locationId,omitempty"`
	// The ID of the mode associated with a MODE_EVENT.
	ModeId string `json:"modeId,omitempty"`

ModeEvent struct for ModeEvent

type ModeSubscriptionDetail ¶

type ModeSubscriptionDetail struct {
	// The GUID for the location to subscribe to mode changes.
	LocationId string `json:"locationId"`

ModeSubscriptionDetail Details of a subscription of source type MODE. This will subscribe to all mode changes for the given location. The installed app can then act on the resulting mode change event accordingly.

type Notice ¶

type Notice struct {
	Code NoticeCode `json:"code,omitempty"`
	// The url of the badge icon for the notice card
	BadgeUrl string `json:"badgeUrl,omitempty"`
	// The localized message to be displayed
	Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
	// The action(s) a user can take to resolve this notice
	Actions []NoticeAction `json:"actions,omitempty"`

Notice struct for Notice

type NoticeAction ¶

type NoticeAction string

NoticeAction An action the user can take to resolve a notice

const (

List of NoticeAction

type NoticeCode ¶

type NoticeCode string

NoticeCode * USER_PAUSE - Denotes installed app is paused by the user and user action is required to unpause it. * REVISIT - Denotes installed app is still running and user action may be required to reconcile a configuration. * RECONFIGURE - Denotes installed app is no longer running and user action is required to resolve a configuration issue.

const (

List of NoticeCode

type OnceSchedule ¶

type OnceSchedule struct {
	// The time in millis from jan 1 1970 UTC for ONCE schedules. Must be less than 2 years from now.
	Time      int64 `json:"time"`
	Overwrite bool  `json:"overwrite,omitempty"`

OnceSchedule struct for OnceSchedule

type Operand ¶

type Operand struct {
	Boolean  bool               `json:"boolean,omitempty"`
	Decimal  float64            `json:"decimal,omitempty"`
	Integer  int64              `json:"integer,omitempty"`
	String   string             `json:"string,omitempty"`
	Array    ArrayOperand       `json:"array,omitempty"`
	Map      map[string]Operand `json:"map,omitempty"`
	Device   DeviceOperand      `json:"device,omitempty"`
	Location LocationOperand    `json:"location,omitempty"`
	Date     DateOperand        `json:"date,omitempty"`
	Time     TimeOperand        `json:"time,omitempty"`
	Datetime DateTimeOperand    `json:"datetime,omitempty"`

Operand struct for Operand

type OperandAggregationMode ¶

type OperandAggregationMode string

OperandAggregationMode the model 'OperandAggregationMode'

const (
	OPERANDAGGREGATIONMODE_NONE  OperandAggregationMode = "None"
	OPERANDAGGREGATIONMODE_AVG   OperandAggregationMode = "Avg"
	OPERANDAGGREGATIONMODE_SUM   OperandAggregationMode = "Sum"
	OPERANDAGGREGATIONMODE_MIN   OperandAggregationMode = "Min"
	OPERANDAGGREGATIONMODE_MAX   OperandAggregationMode = "Max"
	OPERANDAGGREGATIONMODE_LEAST OperandAggregationMode = "Least"
	OPERANDAGGREGATIONMODE_MOST  OperandAggregationMode = "Most"

List of OperandAggregationMode

type Owner ¶

type Owner struct {
	// The account type which owns the specific domain item.
	OwnerType string `json:"ownerType,omitempty"`
	// A global idenfifier for owner.
	OwnerId string `json:"ownerId,omitempty"`

Owner A typed model which provides information around ownership of a specific domain.

type PagedApp ¶

type PagedApp struct {
	// A user defined unique identifier for an app.  It is alpha-numeric, may contain dashes, underscores, periods, and be less then 250 characters long.  It must be unique within your account.
	AppName string `json:"appName,omitempty"`
	// A globally unique identifier for an app.
	AppId   string  `json:"appId,omitempty"`
	AppType AppType `json:"appType,omitempty"`
	// An App maybe associated to many classifications.  A classification drives how the integration is presented to the user in the SmartThings mobile clients.  These classifications include: * AUTOMATION - Denotes an integration that should display under the \"Automation\" tab in mobile clients. * SERVICE - Denotes an integration that is classified as a \"Service\". * DEVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the \"Device\" tab in mobile clients. * CONNECTED_SERVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the \"Connected Services\" menu in mobile clients. * HIDDEN - Denotes an integration that should not display in mobile clients
	Classifications []AppClassification `json:"classifications,omitempty"`
	// A default display name for an app.
	DisplayName string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	// A default description for an app.
	Description string    `json:"description,omitempty"`
	IconImage   IconImage `json:"iconImage,omitempty"`
	Owner       Owner     `json:"owner,omitempty"`
	// A UTC ISO-8601 Date-Time String
	CreatedDate time.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"`
	// A UTC ISO-8601 Date-Time String
	LastUpdatedDate time.Time `json:"lastUpdatedDate,omitempty"`

PagedApp struct for PagedApp

type PagedApps ¶

type PagedApps struct {
	Items []PagedApp `json:"items,omitempty"`
	Links Links      `json:"_links,omitempty"`

PagedApps Represents a single page of Apps available in an account.

type PagedDeviceProfiles ¶

type PagedDeviceProfiles struct {
	Items []DeviceProfile `json:"items,omitempty"`
	Links Links           `json:"_links,omitempty"`

PagedDeviceProfiles struct for PagedDeviceProfiles

type PagedDevices ¶

type PagedDevices struct {
	Items []Device `json:"items,omitempty"`
	Links Links    `json:"_links,omitempty"`

PagedDevices A paginated array of devices.

type PagedInstallConfigurations ¶

type PagedInstallConfigurations struct {
	Items []InstallConfiguration `json:"items,omitempty"`
	Links Links                  `json:"_links,omitempty"`

PagedInstallConfigurations Represents a single page of InstallConfiguration models available for an InstalledApp.

type PagedInstalledApps ¶

type PagedInstalledApps struct {
	Items []InstalledApp `json:"items,omitempty"`
	Links Links          `json:"_links,omitempty"`

PagedInstalledApps Represents a single page of InstalledApps available in a user account.

type PagedLocation ¶

type PagedLocation struct {
	// The ID of the location.
	LocationId string `json:"locationId,omitempty"`
	// A name given for the location (eg. Home)
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

PagedLocation A slimmed down represenation of the Location model.

type PagedLocations ¶

type PagedLocations struct {
	Items []PagedLocation `json:"items,omitempty"`
	Links Links           `json:"_links,omitempty"`

PagedLocations Represents a single page of Locations available in a user account.

type PagedMessageTemplate ¶

type PagedMessageTemplate struct {
	// A globally unique identifier for an app.
	AppId              string `json:"appId"`
	MessageTemplateKey string `json:"messageTemplateKey"`

PagedMessageTemplate A simplified Message model which is retured during a list operation.

type PagedRooms ¶

type PagedRooms struct {
	Items []Room `json:"items,omitempty"`
	Links Links  `json:"_links,omitempty"`

PagedRooms Represents a single page of Rooms available in a Location.

type PagedRules ¶

type PagedRules struct {
	Items []Rule `json:"items,omitempty"`
	Links Links  `json:"_links,omitempty"`

PagedRules An array of rules

type PagedSchedules ¶

type PagedSchedules struct {
	Items []Schedule `json:"items,omitempty"`
	Links Links      `json:"_links,omitempty"`

PagedSchedules An array of schedules

type PagedSubscriptions ¶

type PagedSubscriptions struct {
	Items []Subscription `json:"items,omitempty"`
	Links Links          `json:"_links,omitempty"`

PagedSubscriptions An array of subscriptions

type ParentType ¶

type ParentType string

ParentType The source of the rule

const (
	PARENTTYPE_ISA  ParentType = "Isa"
	PARENTTYPE_USER ParentType = "User"

List of ParentType

type PermissionConfig ¶

type PermissionConfig struct {
	Permissions []string `json:"permissions,omitempty"`

PermissionConfig Required permissions for the installed app.

type PredefinedMessage ¶

type PredefinedMessage struct {
	MessageTemplateKey string `json:"messageTemplateKey"`
	// A map<string,string> with the key representing the variable name, and the value representing the verbiage to be replaced in template string. `defaultVariables` are only used when there are no matching `localeVariables`.
	DefaultVariables map[string]string `json:"defaultVariables,omitempty"`
	// Variables to resolve for specific locales.
	LocaleVariables []LocaleVariables `json:"localeVariables,omitempty"`

PredefinedMessage Predefined message options. Variables from `localeVariables` matching the locale of the Message will be assigned first, then `defaultVariables`.

type PrincipalType ¶

type PrincipalType string

PrincipalType Denotes the principal type to be used with the app. Default is LOCATION.

const (

List of PrincipalType

type Room ¶

type Room struct {
	// The ID of the room.
	RoomId string `json:"roomId,omitempty"`
	// The ID of the parent location.
	LocationId string `json:"locationId,omitempty"`
	// A name given for the room (eg. Living Room)
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// Not currently in use.
	BackgroundImage string `json:"backgroundImage,omitempty"`

Room struct for Room

type RoomsApiService ¶

type RoomsApiService service

RoomsApiService RoomsApi service

func (*RoomsApiService) CreateRoom ¶

func (a *RoomsApiService) CreateRoom(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, locationId string, createRoomRequest CreateRoomRequest) (Room, *_nethttp.Response, error)

CreateRoom Create a Room. Create a Room for the Location.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param locationId The ID of the location.
  • @param createRoomRequest

@return Room

func (*RoomsApiService) DeleteRoom ¶

func (a *RoomsApiService) DeleteRoom(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, locationId string, roomId string) (map[string]interface{}, *_nethttp.Response, error)

DeleteRoom Delete a Room. Delete a Room from a location.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param locationId The ID of the location.
  • @param roomId The ID of the room.

@return map[string]interface{}

func (*RoomsApiService) GetRoom ¶

func (a *RoomsApiService) GetRoom(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, locationId string, roomId string) (Room, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetRoom Get a Room. Get a specific Room.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param locationId The ID of the location.
  • @param roomId The ID of the room.

@return Room

func (*RoomsApiService) ListRooms ¶

func (a *RoomsApiService) ListRooms(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, locationId string) (PagedRooms, *_nethttp.Response, error)

ListRooms List Rooms. List all Rooms currently available in a Location.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param locationId The ID of the location.

@return PagedRooms

func (*RoomsApiService) UpdateRoom ¶

func (a *RoomsApiService) UpdateRoom(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, locationId string, roomId string, updateRoomRequest UpdateRoomRequest) (Room, *_nethttp.Response, error)

UpdateRoom Update a Room. All the fields in the request body are optional. Only the specified fields will be updated.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param locationId The ID of the location.
  • @param roomId The ID of the room.
  • @param updateRoomRequest

@return Room

type Rule ¶

type Rule struct {
	// Name for the rule
	Name    string   `json:"name"`
	Actions []Action `json:"actions"`
	// Time zone ID for this rule. This overrides the location time zone ID, but is overridden by time zone ID provided by each operand individually
	TimeZoneId string `json:"timeZoneId,omitempty"`
	// Unique id for the rule
	Id string `json:"id"`

Rule struct for Rule

type RuleAllOf ¶

type RuleAllOf struct {
	// Unique id for the rule
	Id string `json:"id"`

RuleAllOf struct for RuleAllOf

type RuleExecutionResponse ¶

type RuleExecutionResponse struct {
	RuleId string          `json:"ruleId"`
	Result ExecutionResult `json:"result"`

RuleExecutionResponse The result of a rule execution

type RuleMetadata ¶

type RuleMetadata struct {
	Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`
	Rule    Rule   `json:"rule"`
	// The ID of the installed application.
	InstalledAppId string `json:"installedAppId"`
	// The ID of the location.
	LocationId string `json:"locationId"`
	// The source ID that created the rule
	ParentId   string     `json:"parentId,omitempty"`
	ParentType ParentType `json:"parentType,omitempty"`
	// The uuid of the user
	UserUuid string `json:"userUuid,omitempty"`
	// Boolean for whether rule is installed locally
	ExecutingLocally bool `json:"executingLocally,omitempty"`
	// The date when rule was created
	DateCreated string `json:"dateCreated,omitempty"`
	// The date when rule was last updated
	DateUpdated string `json:"dateUpdated,omitempty"`

RuleMetadata Defines a rule with its associated meta data.

type RuleRequest ¶

type RuleRequest struct {
	// Name for the rule
	Name    string   `json:"name"`
	Actions []Action `json:"actions"`
	// Time zone ID for this rule. This overrides the location time zone ID, but is overridden by time zone ID provided by each operand individually
	TimeZoneId string `json:"timeZoneId,omitempty"`

RuleRequest struct for RuleRequest

type RulesApiService ¶

type RulesApiService service

RulesApiService RulesApi service

func (*RulesApiService) CreateRule ¶

func (a *RulesApiService) CreateRule(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, locationId string, request RuleRequest) (map[string]interface{}, *_nethttp.Response, error)

CreateRule Create a rule Create a rule for the location and token principal

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param locationId The ID of the location in which to create the rule in.
  • @param request The rule to be created.

@return map[string]interface{}

func (*RulesApiService) DeleteRule ¶

func (a *RulesApiService) DeleteRule(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, ruleId string, locationId string) (Rule, *_nethttp.Response, error)

DeleteRule Delete a rule Delete a rule

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param ruleId The rule ID
  • @param locationId The ID of the location in which to delete the rule in.

@return Rule

func (*RulesApiService) ExecuteRule ¶

func (a *RulesApiService) ExecuteRule(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, ruleId string, locationId string) (RuleExecutionResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)

ExecuteRule Execute a rule Trigger Rule execution given a rule ID

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param ruleId The rule ID
  • @param locationId The ID of the location that both the installed smart app and source are associated with.

@return RuleExecutionResponse

func (*RulesApiService) GetRule ¶

func (a *RulesApiService) GetRule(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, ruleId string, locationId string) (Rule, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetRule Get a Rule Get a rule

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param ruleId The rule ID
  • @param locationId The ID of the location to list the rules for.

@return Rule

func (*RulesApiService) ListRules ¶

func (a *RulesApiService) ListRules(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, locationId string, localVarOptionals *ListRulesOpts) (PagedRules, *_nethttp.Response, error)

ListRules Rules list List of rules for the location for the given token principal

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param locationId The ID of the location to list the rules for.
  • @param optional nil or *ListRulesOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "Max" (optional.Int32) - The max number of rules to fetch
  • @param "Offset" (optional.Int32) - The start index of rules to fetch

@return PagedRules

func (*RulesApiService) UpdateRule ¶

func (a *RulesApiService) UpdateRule(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, ruleId string, locationId string, request RuleRequest) (Rule, *_nethttp.Response, error)

UpdateRule Update a rule Update a rule

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param ruleId The rule ID
  • @param locationId The ID of the location in which to update the rule in.
  • @param request The rule to be updated.

@return Rule

type SaveSubscriptionOpts ¶

type SaveSubscriptionOpts struct {
	Request optional.Interface

SaveSubscriptionOpts Optional parameters for the method 'SaveSubscription'

type SceneAction ¶

type SceneAction struct {
	DeviceRequest      SceneDeviceRequest      `json:"deviceRequest,omitempty"`
	ModeRequest        SceneModeRequest        `json:"modeRequest,omitempty"`
	SleepRequest       SceneSleepRequest       `json:"sleepRequest,omitempty"`
	DeviceGroupRequest SceneDeviceGroupRequest `json:"deviceGroupRequest,omitempty"`

SceneAction Possible scene actions, mutually exclusive

type SceneArgument ¶

type SceneArgument struct {
	// the name of the command
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// the schema of the command
	Schema map[string]interface{} `json:"schema,omitempty"`
	// The value being set for the capability command
	Value map[string]interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"`

SceneArgument A capability command argument

type SceneCapability ¶

type SceneCapability struct {
	// The id of the capability
	CapabilityId string `json:"capabilityId,omitempty"`
	// The status of the capability
	Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// Capability commands
	Commands map[string]SceneCommand `json:"commands,omitempty"`

SceneCapability A device component capability

type SceneCommand ¶

type SceneCommand struct {
	// the command arguments
	Arguments []SceneArgument `json:"arguments,omitempty"`

SceneCommand A component capability command

type SceneComponent ¶

type SceneComponent struct {
	// the id of the component
	ComponentId  string            `json:"componentId,omitempty"`
	Capabilities []SceneCapability `json:"capabilities,omitempty"`

SceneComponent A component of the scene device

type SceneConfig ¶

type SceneConfig struct {
	// The ID of the scene.
	SceneId     string   `json:"sceneId,omitempty"`
	Permissions []string `json:"permissions,omitempty"`

SceneConfig A scene configuration.

type SceneDevice ¶

type SceneDevice struct {
	// the id of the device
	DeviceId string `json:"deviceId,omitempty"`
	// the label of the device
	DeviceLabel string `json:"deviceLabel,omitempty"`
	// the name of the device
	DeviceName string `json:"deviceName,omitempty"`
	// The identifier for the device's DeviceType.
	DeviceTypeId string           `json:"deviceTypeId,omitempty"`
	Components   []SceneComponent `json:"components,omitempty"`
	// Location of the device
	LocationId string `json:"locationId,omitempty"`

SceneDevice struct for SceneDevice

type SceneDeviceGroup ¶

type SceneDeviceGroup struct {
	// the id of the device
	DeviceGroupId string          `json:"deviceGroupId,omitempty"`
	Capability    SceneCapability `json:"capability,omitempty"`

SceneDeviceGroup struct for SceneDeviceGroup

type SceneDeviceGroupRequest ¶

type SceneDeviceGroupRequest struct {
	// the id of the device group
	DeviceGroupId string `json:"deviceGroupId"`
	// the id of the action to be created. Optional, sent by Reaver only
	ActionId   string          `json:"actionId,omitempty"`
	Capability SceneCapability `json:"capability,omitempty"`

SceneDeviceGroupRequest JSON structure for a device group when creating a Scene

type SceneDeviceRequest ¶

type SceneDeviceRequest struct {
	// the id of the device
	DeviceId string `json:"deviceId,omitempty"`
	// the id of the action to be created. Optional, sent by Reaver only
	ActionId   string           `json:"actionId,omitempty"`
	Components []SceneComponent `json:"components,omitempty"`

SceneDeviceRequest JSON structure for a device when creating a Scene

type SceneLifecycle ¶

type SceneLifecycle string

SceneLifecycle The scene lifecycle. The lifecycle will be one of: * CREATE - Invoked when a scene is created. * UPDATE - Invoked when a scene is updated. * DELETE - Invoked when a scene is deleted.

const (

List of SceneLifecycle

type SceneLifecycleDetail ¶

type SceneLifecycleDetail struct {
	// A name for the subscription that will be passed to the installed app.
	SubscriptionName string `json:"subscriptionName,omitempty"`
	// The id of the location that both the app and scenes are in.
	LocationId string `json:"locationId"`

SceneLifecycleDetail Details of a subscription of source type SCENE_LIFECYCLE.

type SceneLifecycleEvent ¶

type SceneLifecycleEvent struct {
	Lifecycle SceneLifecycle `json:"lifecycle,omitempty"`
	// The id of the event.
	EventId string `json:"eventId,omitempty"`
	// The id of the location in which the event was triggered.
	LocationId string `json:"locationId,omitempty"`
	// The id of the scene.
	SceneId string `json:"sceneId,omitempty"`
	// Create scene lifecycle.
	Create map[string]interface{} `json:"create,omitempty"`
	// Update scene lifecycle.
	Update map[string]interface{} `json:"update,omitempty"`
	// Delete scene lifecycle.
	Delete map[string]interface{} `json:"delete,omitempty"`

SceneLifecycleEvent A scene lifecycle event.

type SceneMode ¶

type SceneMode struct {
	// the id of the mode
	ModeId string `json:"modeId,omitempty"`
	// the name of the mode
	ModeName string `json:"modeName,omitempty"`

SceneMode The mode activated by the Scene

type SceneModeRequest ¶

type SceneModeRequest struct {
	// The id of the mode
	ModeId string `json:"modeId"`
	// the id of the action to be created. Optional, sent by Reaver only
	ActionId string `json:"actionId,omitempty"`
	// The name of the mode
	ModeName string `json:"modeName,omitempty"`

SceneModeRequest The mode to be activated by the Scene

type ScenePagedResult ¶

type ScenePagedResult struct {
	Items []SceneSummary `json:"items,omitempty"`
	Links Links          `json:"_links,omitempty"`

ScenePagedResult struct for ScenePagedResult

type SceneRequest ¶

type SceneRequest struct {
	// The user-defined name of the Scene
	SceneName string `json:"sceneName"`
	// The name of the icon
	SceneIcon string `json:"sceneIcon,omitempty"`
	// The color of the icon
	SceneColor string `json:"sceneColor,omitempty"`
	// Non-sequential list of device actions
	Devices []SceneDeviceRequest `json:"devices"`
	// List of parallel action sequences
	Sequences    [][]SceneAction          `json:"sequences,omitempty"`
	Mode         SceneModeRequest         `json:"mode,omitempty"`
	SecurityMode SceneSecurityModeRequest `json:"securityMode,omitempty"`
	// List of device group actions
	Devicegroups []SceneDeviceGroupRequest `json:"devicegroups,omitempty"`

SceneRequest JSON body for creating or updating a Scene

type SceneSecurityModeRequest ¶

type SceneSecurityModeRequest struct {
	// the id of the action to be created. Optional, sent by Reaver only
	ActionId string `json:"actionId,omitempty"`
	// The id of the security mode
	Security string `json:"security"`
	// Additional query param
	Arguments string `json:"arguments,omitempty"`

SceneSecurityModeRequest The security mode to be activated by the Scene

type SceneSleepRequest ¶

type SceneSleepRequest struct {
	// Number of seconds to sleep the sequence
	Seconds int32 `json:"seconds"`

SceneSleepRequest Sleep a particular sequence

type SceneSummary ¶

type SceneSummary struct {
	// The unique identifier of the Scene
	SceneId string `json:"sceneId,omitempty"`
	// The user-defined name of the Scene
	SceneName string `json:"sceneName,omitempty"`
	// The name of the icon
	SceneIcon string `json:"sceneIcon,omitempty"`
	// The color of the icon
	SceneColor string `json:"sceneColor,omitempty"`
	// Location of the Scene
	LocationId string `json:"locationId,omitempty"`
	// The unique identifier of the user that created the scene
	CreatedBy string `json:"createdBy,omitempty"`
	// The date the scene was created
	CreatedDate time.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"`
	// The date the scene was last updated
	LastUpdatedDate time.Time `json:"lastUpdatedDate,omitempty"`
	// The date the scene was last executed
	LastExecutedDate time.Time `json:"lastExecutedDate,omitempty"`
	// Whether or not this scene can be edited by the logged in user using the version of the app that made the request
	Editable   bool   `json:"editable,omitempty"`
	ApiVersion string `json:"apiVersion,omitempty"`

SceneSummary struct for SceneSummary

type ScenesApiService ¶

type ScenesApiService service

ScenesApiService ScenesApi service

func (*ScenesApiService) ExecuteScene ¶

func (a *ScenesApiService) ExecuteScene(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, sceneId string, localVarOptionals *ExecuteSceneOpts) (StandardSuccessResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)

ExecuteScene Execute Scene Execute a Scene by id for the logged in user and given locationId

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param sceneId The ID of the Scene.
  • @param optional nil or *ExecuteSceneOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "LocationId" (optional.String) - The location of a scene.

@return StandardSuccessResponse

func (*ScenesApiService) ListScenes ¶

func (a *ScenesApiService) ListScenes(ctx _context.Context, authorization string, localVarOptionals *ListScenesOpts) (ScenePagedResult, *_nethttp.Response, error)

ListScenes List Scenes Fetch a list of Scenes for the logged in user filtered by locationIds. If no locationId is sent, return scenes for all available locations

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param optional nil or *ListScenesOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "LocationId" (optional.String) - The location of a scene.

@return ScenePagedResult

type Schedule ¶

type Schedule struct {
	// The ID of the installed app.
	InstalledAppId string `json:"installedAppId,omitempty"`
	// The ID of the location the installed app is in.
	LocationId string `json:"locationId,omitempty"`
	// list of scheduled execution times in millis from jan 1 1970 UTC
	ScheduledExecutions []int64 `json:"scheduledExecutions,omitempty"`
	// The unique per installed app name of the schedule.
	Name string       `json:"name"`
	Cron CronSchedule `json:"cron,omitempty"`

Schedule struct for Schedule

type ScheduleRequest ¶

type ScheduleRequest struct {
	Once OnceSchedule `json:"once,omitempty"`
	// The unique per installed app name of the schedule.
	Name string       `json:"name"`
	Cron CronSchedule `json:"cron,omitempty"`

ScheduleRequest struct for ScheduleRequest

type SchedulesApiService ¶

type SchedulesApiService service

SchedulesApiService SchedulesApi service

func (*SchedulesApiService) CreateSchedule ¶

func (a *SchedulesApiService) CreateSchedule(ctx _context.Context, installedAppId string, authorization string, localVarOptionals *CreateScheduleOpts) (Schedule, *_nethttp.Response, error)

CreateSchedule Save an installed app schedule. Create a schedule for an installed app. The installed app must be in the location specified and the installed app must have permission to create schedules.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param installedAppId The ID of the installed application.
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param optional nil or *CreateScheduleOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "Request" (optional.Interface of ScheduleRequest) - The schedule to be created.

@return Schedule

func (*SchedulesApiService) DeleteSchedule ¶

func (a *SchedulesApiService) DeleteSchedule(ctx _context.Context, installedAppId string, scheduleName string, authorization string) (map[string]interface{}, *_nethttp.Response, error)

DeleteSchedule Delete a schedule. Delete a specific schedule for the installed app.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param installedAppId The ID of the installed application.
  • @param scheduleName The name of the schedule
  • @param authorization OAuth token

@return map[string]interface{}

func (*SchedulesApiService) DeleteSchedules ¶

func (a *SchedulesApiService) DeleteSchedules(ctx _context.Context, installedAppId string, authorization string) (map[string]interface{}, *_nethttp.Response, error)

DeleteSchedules Delete all of an installed app's schedules. Delete all schedules for the installed app.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param installedAppId The ID of the installed application.
  • @param authorization OAuth token

@return map[string]interface{}

func (*SchedulesApiService) GetSchedule ¶

func (a *SchedulesApiService) GetSchedule(ctx _context.Context, installedAppId string, scheduleName string, authorization string) (Schedule, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetSchedule Get an installed app's schedule. Get a specific schedule for the installed app.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param installedAppId The ID of the installed application.
  • @param scheduleName The name of the schedule
  • @param authorization OAuth token

@return Schedule

func (*SchedulesApiService) GetSchedules ¶

func (a *SchedulesApiService) GetSchedules(ctx _context.Context, installedAppId string, authorization string) (PagedSchedules, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetSchedules List installed app schedules. List the schedules for the installed app.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param installedAppId The ID of the installed application.
  • @param authorization OAuth token

@return PagedSchedules

type SecurityArmStateDetail ¶

type SecurityArmStateDetail struct {
	// A name for the subscription that will be passed to the installed app.
	SubscriptionName string `json:"subscriptionName,omitempty"`
	// The id of the location that both the app and the security system are in.
	LocationId string `json:"locationId"`

SecurityArmStateDetail Details of a subscription of souce type SECURITY_ARM_STATE

type SecurityArmStateEvent ¶

type SecurityArmStateEvent struct {
	// The id of the event.
	EventId string `json:"eventId,omitempty"`
	// The id of the location in which the event was triggered.
	LocationId string `json:"locationId,omitempty"`
	// The arm state of a security system.
	ArmState string `json:"armState,omitempty"`
	// A set of key / value pairs useful for passing any optional arguments.
	OptionalArguments map[string]SimpleValue `json:"optionalArguments,omitempty"`

SecurityArmStateEvent An event that represents a change in the arm state of a security system.

type ServerConfiguration ¶

type ServerConfiguration struct {
	Url         string
	Description string
	Variables   map[string]ServerVariable

ServerConfiguration stores the information about a server

type ServerVariable ¶

type ServerVariable struct {
	Description  string
	DefaultValue string
	EnumValues   []string

ServerVariable stores the information about a server variable

type SignatureType ¶

type SignatureType string

SignatureType The http signature type used for authorizing event delivery. APP_RSA generates an RSA key pair that will be used to verify requests from SmartThings. ST_PADLOCK requires verifcation through SmartThings public certificate.

const (

List of SignatureType

type SimpleCondition ¶

type SimpleCondition struct {
	// Unique id for the condition
	Id          string                   `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Left        Operand                  `json:"left"`
	Right       Operand                  `json:"right"`
	Aggregation ConditionAggregationMode `json:"aggregation,omitempty"`

SimpleCondition struct for SimpleCondition

type SimpleValue ¶

type SimpleValue struct {
	// The type of the value.
	ValueType   string  `json:"valueType,omitempty"`
	IntValue    int32   `json:"intValue,omitempty"`
	DoubleValue float64 `json:"doubleValue,omitempty"`
	StringValue string  `json:"stringValue,omitempty"`
	BoolValue   bool    `json:"boolValue,omitempty"`

SimpleValue A simple value.

type SingleOperandCondition ¶

type SingleOperandCondition struct {
	// Unique id for the condition
	Id          string                   `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Left        Operand                  `json:"left"`
	Aggregation ConditionAggregationMode `json:"aggregation,omitempty"`

SingleOperandCondition struct for SingleOperandCondition

type SleepAction ¶

type SleepAction struct {
	// Unique id for the action
	Id       string   `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Duration Interval `json:"duration"`

SleepAction struct for SleepAction

type SmartAppDashboardCardEventRequest ¶

type SmartAppDashboardCardEventRequest struct {
	// A developer defined dashboard card ID.
	CardId    string                 `json:"cardId,omitempty"`
	Lifecycle DashboardCardLifecycle `json:"lifecycle,omitempty"`

SmartAppDashboardCardEventRequest An event used to trigger a client action on a SmartApp dashboard card.

type SmartAppEventRequest ¶

type SmartAppEventRequest struct {
	// An arbitrary name for the custom SmartApp event.  Typically useful as a hook for in-app routing.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// An arbitrary set of key / value pairs useful for passing any custom metadata.  * Supports a maximum of 10 entries. * Maximum key length: 36 Unicode characters in UTF-8 * Maximum value length: 256 Unicode characters in UTF-8 * Allowed characters for *keys* are letters, plus the following special characters: `:`, `_` * Allowed characters for *values* are letters, whitespace, and numbers, plus the following special characters: `+`, `-`, `=`, `.`, `_`, `:`, `/` * If you need characters outside this allowed set, you can apply standard base-64 encoding.
	Attributes map[string]string `json:"attributes,omitempty"`

SmartAppEventRequest struct for SmartAppEventRequest

type StandardSuccessResponse ¶

type StandardSuccessResponse struct {
	Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`

StandardSuccessResponse {\"status\": \"success\"}

type StringConfig ¶

type StringConfig struct {
	// A config value
	Value string `json:"value,omitempty"`

StringConfig A simple string configuration.

type Subscription ¶

type Subscription struct {
	// The id of the subscription.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The id of the subscribing app.
	InstalledAppId   string                       `json:"installedAppId,omitempty"`
	SourceType       SubscriptionSource           `json:"sourceType,omitempty"`
	Device           DeviceSubscriptionDetail     `json:"device,omitempty"`
	Capability       CapabilitySubscriptionDetail `json:"capability,omitempty"`
	Mode             ModeSubscriptionDetail       `json:"mode,omitempty"`
	DeviceLifecycle  DeviceLifecycleDetail        `json:"deviceLifecycle,omitempty"`
	DeviceHealth     DeviceHealthDetail           `json:"deviceHealth,omitempty"`
	SecurityArmState SecurityArmStateDetail       `json:"securityArmState,omitempty"`
	HubHealth        HubHealthDetail              `json:"hubHealth,omitempty"`
	SceneLifecycle   SceneLifecycleDetail         `json:"sceneLifecycle,omitempty"`

Subscription struct for Subscription

type SubscriptionDelete ¶

type SubscriptionDelete struct {
	Count int32 `json:"count,omitempty"`

SubscriptionDelete The number of deleted subscriptions

type SubscriptionFilter ¶

type SubscriptionFilter struct {
	Type SubscriptionFilterTypes `json:"type,omitempty"`
	// An array of subscription filter values.
	Value      []string `json:"value,omitempty"`
	EventType  []string `json:"eventType,omitempty"`
	Attribute  []string `json:"attribute,omitempty"`
	Capability []string `json:"capability,omitempty"`
	Component  []string `json:"component,omitempty"`

SubscriptionFilter struct for SubscriptionFilter

type SubscriptionFilterTypes ¶

type SubscriptionFilterTypes string

SubscriptionFilterTypes The type of filter

const (
	SUBSCRIPTIONFILTERTYPES_ROOMIDS              SubscriptionFilterTypes = "ROOMIDS"

List of SubscriptionFilterTypes

type SubscriptionMode ¶

type SubscriptionMode string

SubscriptionMode the model 'SubscriptionMode'

const (
	SUBSCRIPTIONMODE_AUTO   SubscriptionMode = "Auto"
	SUBSCRIPTIONMODE_ALWAYS SubscriptionMode = "Always"
	SUBSCRIPTIONMODE_NEVER  SubscriptionMode = "Never"

List of SubscriptionMode

type SubscriptionRequest ¶

type SubscriptionRequest struct {
	SourceType       SubscriptionSource           `json:"sourceType"`
	Device           DeviceSubscriptionDetail     `json:"device,omitempty"`
	Capability       CapabilitySubscriptionDetail `json:"capability,omitempty"`
	Mode             ModeSubscriptionDetail       `json:"mode,omitempty"`
	DeviceLifecycle  DeviceLifecycleDetail        `json:"deviceLifecycle,omitempty"`
	DeviceHealth     DeviceHealthDetail           `json:"deviceHealth,omitempty"`
	SecurityArmState SecurityArmStateDetail       `json:"securityArmState,omitempty"`
	HubHealth        HubHealthDetail              `json:"hubHealth,omitempty"`
	SceneLifecycle   SceneLifecycleDetail         `json:"sceneLifecycle,omitempty"`

SubscriptionRequest struct for SubscriptionRequest

type SubscriptionSource ¶

type SubscriptionSource string

SubscriptionSource The type of the event that is being subscribed to.

const (
	SUBSCRIPTIONSOURCE_DEVICE             SubscriptionSource = "DEVICE"
	SUBSCRIPTIONSOURCE_MODE               SubscriptionSource = "MODE"

List of SubscriptionSource

type SubscriptionTarget ¶

type SubscriptionTarget struct {
	// The address to send events to.
	Url string `json:"url,omitempty"`

SubscriptionTarget struct for SubscriptionTarget

type SubscriptionsApiService ¶

type SubscriptionsApiService service

SubscriptionsApiService SubscriptionsApi service

func (*SubscriptionsApiService) DeleteAllSubscriptions ¶

func (a *SubscriptionsApiService) DeleteAllSubscriptions(ctx _context.Context, installedAppId string, authorization string, localVarOptionals *DeleteAllSubscriptionsOpts) (SubscriptionDelete, *_nethttp.Response, error)

DeleteAllSubscriptions Delete all of an installed app's subscriptions. Delete all subscriptions for the installed app.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param installedAppId The ID of the installed application.
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param optional nil or *DeleteAllSubscriptionsOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "DeviceId" (optional.String) - Limit deletion to subscriptions for a particular device.
  • @param "ModeId" (optional.String) - Limit deletion to subscriptions for a particular mode or deletes parent if last mode

@return SubscriptionDelete

func (*SubscriptionsApiService) DeleteSubscription ¶

func (a *SubscriptionsApiService) DeleteSubscription(ctx _context.Context, installedAppId string, subscriptionId string, authorization string) (SubscriptionDelete, *_nethttp.Response, error)

DeleteSubscription Delete an installed app's subscription. Delete a specific subscription for the installed app.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param installedAppId The ID of the installed application.
  • @param subscriptionId The ID of the subscription
  • @param authorization OAuth token

@return SubscriptionDelete

func (*SubscriptionsApiService) GetSubscription ¶

func (a *SubscriptionsApiService) GetSubscription(ctx _context.Context, installedAppId string, subscriptionId string, authorization string) (Subscription, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetSubscription Get an installed app's subscription. Get a specific subscription for the installed app.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param installedAppId The ID of the installed application.
  • @param subscriptionId The ID of the subscription
  • @param authorization OAuth token

@return Subscription

func (*SubscriptionsApiService) ListSubscriptions ¶

func (a *SubscriptionsApiService) ListSubscriptions(ctx _context.Context, installedAppId string, authorization string) (PagedSubscriptions, *_nethttp.Response, error)

ListSubscriptions List an installed app's subscriptions. List the subscriptions for the installed app.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param installedAppId The ID of the installed application.
  • @param authorization OAuth token

@return PagedSubscriptions

func (*SubscriptionsApiService) SaveSubscription ¶

func (a *SubscriptionsApiService) SaveSubscription(ctx _context.Context, installedAppId string, authorization string, localVarOptionals *SaveSubscriptionOpts) (Subscription, *_nethttp.Response, error)

SaveSubscription Create a subscription for an installed app. Create a subscription to a type of event from the specified source. Both the source and the installed app must be in the location specified and the installed app must have read access to the event being subscribed to. An installed app is only permitted to created 20 subscriptions. ### Authorization scopes For installed app principal: * installed app id matches the incoming request installed app id location must match the installed app location | Subscription Type | Scope required | | ------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DEVICE | &#x60;r:devices:$deviceId&#x60; | | CAPABILITY | &#x60;r:devices:*:*:$capability&#x60; or &#x60;r:devices:*&#x60;, | | MODE | &#x60;r:locations:$locationId&#x60; or &#x60;r:locations:*&#x60; | | DEVICE_LIFECYCLE | &#x60;r:devices:$deviceId&#x60; or &#x60;r:devices:*&#x60; | | DEVICE_HEALTH | &#x60;r:devices:$deviceId&#x60; or &#x60;r:devices:*&#x60; | | SECURITY_ARM_STATE | &#x60;r:security:locations:$locationId:armstate&#x60; or &#x60;r:security:locations:*:armstate&#x60; | | HUB_HEALTH | &#x60;r:hubs&#x60; | | SCENE_LIFECYCLE | &#x60;r:scenes:*&#x60; |

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param installedAppId The ID of the installed application.
  • @param authorization OAuth token
  • @param optional nil or *SaveSubscriptionOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "Request" (optional.Interface of SubscriptionRequest) - The Subscription to be created.

@return Subscription

type TimeOperand ¶

type TimeOperand struct {
	// A java time zone ID reference
	TimeZoneId string        `json:"timeZoneId,omitempty"`
	Reference  TimeReference `json:"reference"`
	Offset     Interval      `json:"offset,omitempty"`

TimeOperand struct for TimeOperand

type TimeReference ¶

type TimeReference string

TimeReference the model 'TimeReference'

const (
	TIMEREFERENCE_NOW      TimeReference = "Now"
	TIMEREFERENCE_MIDNIGHT TimeReference = "Midnight"
	TIMEREFERENCE_SUNRISE  TimeReference = "Sunrise"
	TIMEREFERENCE_NOON     TimeReference = "Noon"
	TIMEREFERENCE_SUNSET   TimeReference = "Sunset"

List of TimeReference

type TimerEvent ¶

type TimerEvent struct {
	// The ID of the event.
	EventId string `json:"eventId,omitempty"`
	// The name of the schedule that caused this event.
	Name string    `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Type TimerType `json:"type,omitempty"`
	// The IS0-8601 date time strings in UTC that this event was scheduled for.
	Time time.Time `json:"time,omitempty"`
	// The CRON expression if the schedule was of type CRON.
	Expression string `json:"expression,omitempty"`

TimerEvent An event that is caused by a schedule for this app being fired.

type TimerType ¶

type TimerType string

TimerType The type of TIMER_EVENT.

const (

List of TimerType

type UpdateAppOAuthRequest ¶

type UpdateAppOAuthRequest struct {
	// A name given to the OAuth Client.
	ClientName string `json:"clientName"`
	// A list of SmartThings API OAuth scope identifiers that maybe required to execute your integration.
	Scope []string `json:"scope"`
	// A list of redirect URIs.
	RedirectUris []string `json:"redirectUris"`

UpdateAppOAuthRequest struct for UpdateAppOAuthRequest

type UpdateAppOpts ¶

type UpdateAppOpts struct {
	SignatureType       optional.String
	RequireConfirmation optional.Bool

UpdateAppOpts Optional parameters for the method 'UpdateApp'

type UpdateAppRequest ¶

type UpdateAppRequest struct {
	// A default display name for an app.
	DisplayName string `json:"displayName"`
	// A default description for an app.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// Inform the installation systems that a particular app can only be installed once within a user's account.
	SingleInstance bool      `json:"singleInstance,omitempty"`
	IconImage      IconImage `json:"iconImage,omitempty"`
	AppType        AppType   `json:"appType"`
	// An App maybe associated to many classifications.  A classification drives how the integration is presented to the user in the SmartThings mobile clients.  These classifications include: * AUTOMATION - Denotes an integration that should display under the \"Automation\" tab in mobile clients. * SERVICE - Denotes an integration that is classified as a \"Service\". * DEVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the \"Device\" tab in mobile clients. * CONNECTED_SERVICE - Denotes an integration that should display under the \"Connected Services\" menu in mobile clients. * HIDDEN - Denotes an integration that should not display in mobile clients
	Classifications []AppClassification                  `json:"classifications"`
	LambdaSmartApp  CreateOrUpdateLambdaSmartAppRequest  `json:"lambdaSmartApp,omitempty"`
	WebhookSmartApp CreateOrUpdateWebhookSmartAppRequest `json:"webhookSmartApp,omitempty"`
	Ui              AppUiSettings                        `json:"ui,omitempty"`

UpdateAppRequest struct for UpdateAppRequest

type UpdateAppSettingsRequest ¶

type UpdateAppSettingsRequest struct {
	Settings map[string]string `json:"settings,omitempty"`

UpdateAppSettingsRequest Settings for a given app

type UpdateAppSettingsResponse ¶

type UpdateAppSettingsResponse struct {
	Settings map[string]string `json:"settings,omitempty"`

UpdateAppSettingsResponse Settings for a given app

type UpdateDeviceProfileOpts ¶

type UpdateDeviceProfileOpts struct {
	Request optional.Interface

UpdateDeviceProfileOpts Optional parameters for the method 'UpdateDeviceProfile'

type UpdateDeviceProfileRequest ¶

type UpdateDeviceProfileRequest struct {
	// A list of `[ 1..20 ]` components for this profile.
	Components []DeviceComponentReference `json:"components,omitempty"`
	// Additional information about the device profile, limited to 10 entries.
	Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

UpdateDeviceProfileRequest struct for UpdateDeviceProfileRequest

type UpdateDeviceRequest ¶

type UpdateDeviceRequest struct {
	// The label for the device.
	Label      string                          `json:"label"`
	Components []UpdateDeviceRequestComponents `json:"components,omitempty"`

UpdateDeviceRequest struct for UpdateDeviceRequest

type UpdateDeviceRequestComponents ¶

type UpdateDeviceRequestComponents struct {
	Id string `json:"id"`
	// A case-sensitive string from the pre-defined list of valid categories [/devicecategories](#/operation/listCategories).
	Categories []string `json:"categories"`

UpdateDeviceRequestComponents struct for UpdateDeviceRequestComponents

type UpdateLocationRequest ¶

type UpdateLocationRequest struct {
	// A nickname for the location.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// A geographical latitude.
	Latitude float32 `json:"latitude,omitempty"`
	// A geographical longitude.
	Longitude float32 `json:"longitude,omitempty"`
	// The radius in meters around latitude and longitude which defines this location.
	RegionRadius int32 `json:"regionRadius,omitempty"`
	// The desired temperature scale used within location. Value can be F or C.
	TemperatureScale string `json:"temperatureScale,omitempty"`
	// An IETF BCP 47 language tag representing the chosen locale for this location.
	Locale string `json:"locale,omitempty"`
	// Additional information about the location that allows SmartThings to further define your location.
	AdditionalProperties map[string]string `json:"additionalProperties,omitempty"`

UpdateLocationRequest struct for UpdateLocationRequest

type UpdateRoomRequest ¶

type UpdateRoomRequest struct {
	// A name for the room.
	Name string `json:"name"`

UpdateRoomRequest struct for UpdateRoomRequest

type UpdateSignatureTypeRequest ¶

type UpdateSignatureTypeRequest struct {
	SignatureType SignatureType `json:"signatureType,omitempty"`

UpdateSignatureTypeRequest A request object used to switch the signing mechanism for authorizing SmartApp callbacks.

type ViperDeviceDetails ¶

type ViperDeviceDetails struct {
	UniqueIdentifier string `json:"uniqueIdentifier,omitempty"`
	ManufacturerName string `json:"manufacturerName,omitempty"`
	ModelName        string `json:"modelName,omitempty"`
	SwVersion        string `json:"swVersion,omitempty"`
	HwVersion        string `json:"hwVersion,omitempty"`

ViperDeviceDetails struct for ViperDeviceDetails

type WebhookSmartApp ¶

type WebhookSmartApp struct {
	// A URL that should be invoked during execution.
	TargetUrl    string          `json:"targetUrl,omitempty"`
	TargetStatus AppTargetStatus `json:"targetStatus,omitempty"`
	// The public half of an RSA key pair.  Useful for verifying a Webhook execution request signature to ensure it came from SmartThings.
	PublicKey     string        `json:"publicKey,omitempty"`
	SignatureType SignatureType `json:"signatureType,omitempty"`

WebhookSmartApp Details related to a Webhook Smart App implementation. This model will only be available for apps of type WEBHOOK_SMART_APP.

Source Files ¶

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