Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- type API
- func (_m *API) AddChannelMember(channelId string, userId string) (*model.ChannelMember, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) AddReaction(reaction *model.Reaction) (*model.Reaction, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) AddUserToChannel(channelId string, userId string, asUserId string) (*model.ChannelMember, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) CopyFileInfos(userId string, fileIds []string) ([]string, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) CreateBot(bot *model.Bot) (*model.Bot, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) CreateChannel(channel *model.Channel) (*model.Channel, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) CreatePost(post *model.Post) (*model.Post, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) CreateTeam(team *model.Team) (*model.Team, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) CreateTeamMember(teamId string, userId string) (*model.TeamMember, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) CreateTeamMembers(teamId string, userIds []string, requestorId string) ([]*model.TeamMember, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) CreateUser(user *model.User) (*model.User, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) DeleteBotIconImage(botUserId string) *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) DeleteChannel(channelId string) *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) DeleteChannelMember(channelId string, userId string) *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) DeleteEphemeralPost(userId string, postId string)
- func (_m *API) DeletePost(postId string) *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) DeleteTeam(teamId string) *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) DeleteTeamMember(teamId string, userId string, requestorId string) *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) DeleteUser(userId string) *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) DisablePlugin(id string) *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) EnablePlugin(id string) *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) GetBot(botUserId string, includeDeleted bool) (*model.Bot, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetBotIconImage(botUserId string) ([]byte, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetBots(options *model.BotGetOptions) ([]*model.Bot, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetBundlePath() (string, error)
- func (_m *API) GetChannel(channelId string) (*model.Channel, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetChannelByName(teamId string, name string, includeDeleted bool) (*model.Channel, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetChannelByNameForTeamName(teamName string, channelName string, includeDeleted bool) (*model.Channel, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetChannelMember(channelId string, userId string) (*model.ChannelMember, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetChannelMembers(channelId string, page int, perPage int) (*model.ChannelMembers, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetChannelMembersByIds(channelId string, userIds []string) (*model.ChannelMembers, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetChannelMembersForUser(teamId string, userId string, page int, perPage int) ([]*model.ChannelMember, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetChannelStats(channelId string) (*model.ChannelStats, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetChannelsForTeamForUser(teamId string, userId string, includeDeleted bool) ([]*model.Channel, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetConfig() *model.Config
- func (_m *API) GetDiagnosticId() string
- func (_m *API) GetDirectChannel(userId1 string, userId2 string) (*model.Channel, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetEmoji(emojiId string) (*model.Emoji, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetEmojiByName(name string) (*model.Emoji, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetEmojiImage(emojiId string) ([]byte, string, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetEmojiList(sortBy string, page int, perPage int) ([]*model.Emoji, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetFile(fileId string) ([]byte, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetFileInfo(fileId string) (*model.FileInfo, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetFileLink(fileId string) (string, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetGroup(groupId string) (*model.Group, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetGroupByName(name string) (*model.Group, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetGroupChannel(userIds []string) (*model.Channel, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetGroupsForUser(userId string) ([]*model.Group, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetLDAPUserAttributes(userId string, attributes []string) (map[string]string, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetLicense() *model.License
- func (_m *API) GetPluginConfig() map[string]interface{}
- func (_m *API) GetPluginStatus(id string) (*model.PluginStatus, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetPlugins() ([]*model.Manifest, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetPost(postId string) (*model.Post, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetPostThread(postId string) (*model.PostList, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetPostsAfter(channelId string, postId string, page int, perPage int) (*model.PostList, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetPostsBefore(channelId string, postId string, page int, perPage int) (*model.PostList, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetPostsForChannel(channelId string, page int, perPage int) (*model.PostList, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetPostsSince(channelId string, time int64) (*model.PostList, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetProfileImage(userId string) ([]byte, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetPublicChannelsForTeam(teamId string, page int, perPage int) ([]*model.Channel, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetReactions(postId string) ([]*model.Reaction, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetServerVersion() string
- func (_m *API) GetSession(sessionId string) (*model.Session, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetSystemInstallDate() (int64, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetTeam(teamId string) (*model.Team, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetTeamByName(name string) (*model.Team, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetTeamIcon(teamId string) ([]byte, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetTeamMember(teamId string, userId string) (*model.TeamMember, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetTeamMembers(teamId string, page int, perPage int) ([]*model.TeamMember, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetTeamMembersForUser(userId string, page int, perPage int) ([]*model.TeamMember, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetTeamStats(teamId string) (*model.TeamStats, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetTeams() ([]*model.Team, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetTeamsForUser(userId string) ([]*model.Team, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetTeamsUnreadForUser(userId string) ([]*model.TeamUnread, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetUnsanitizedConfig() *model.Config
- func (_m *API) GetUser(userId string) (*model.User, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetUserByEmail(email string) (*model.User, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetUserByUsername(name string) (*model.User, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetUserStatus(userId string) (*model.Status, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetUserStatusesByIds(userIds []string) ([]*model.Status, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetUsers(options *model.UserGetOptions) ([]*model.User, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetUsersByUsernames(usernames []string) ([]*model.User, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetUsersInChannel(channelId string, sortBy string, page int, perPage int) ([]*model.User, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) GetUsersInTeam(teamId string, page int, perPage int) ([]*model.User, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) HasPermissionTo(userId string, permission *model.Permission) bool
- func (_m *API) HasPermissionToChannel(userId string, channelId string, permission *model.Permission) bool
- func (_m *API) HasPermissionToTeam(userId string, teamId string, permission *model.Permission) bool
- func (_m *API) InstallPlugin(file io.Reader, replace bool) (*model.Manifest, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) KVCompareAndDelete(key string, oldValue []byte) (bool, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) KVCompareAndSet(key string, oldValue []byte, newValue []byte) (bool, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) KVDelete(key string) *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) KVDeleteAll() *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) KVGet(key string) ([]byte, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) KVList(page int, perPage int) ([]string, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) KVSet(key string, value []byte) *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) KVSetWithExpiry(key string, value []byte, expireInSeconds int64) *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) KVSetWithOptions(key string, newValue interface{}, options model.PluginKVSetOptions) (bool, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) LoadPluginConfiguration(dest interface{}) error
- func (_m *API) LogDebug(msg string, keyValuePairs ...interface{})
- func (_m *API) LogError(msg string, keyValuePairs ...interface{})
- func (_m *API) LogInfo(msg string, keyValuePairs ...interface{})
- func (_m *API) LogWarn(msg string, keyValuePairs ...interface{})
- func (_m *API) OpenInteractiveDialog(dialog model.OpenDialogRequest) *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) PatchBot(botUserId string, botPatch *model.BotPatch) (*model.Bot, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) PermanentDeleteBot(botUserId string) *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) PluginHTTP(request *http.Request) *http.Response
- func (_m *API) PublishWebSocketEvent(event string, payload map[string]interface{}, ...)
- func (_m *API) ReadFile(path string) ([]byte, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) RegisterCommand(command *model.Command) error
- func (_m *API) RemovePlugin(id string) *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) RemoveReaction(reaction *model.Reaction) *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) RemoveTeamIcon(teamId string) *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) SaveConfig(config *model.Config) *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) SavePluginConfig(config map[string]interface{}) *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) SearchChannels(teamId string, term string) ([]*model.Channel, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) SearchPostsInTeam(teamId string, paramsList []*model.SearchParams) ([]*model.Post, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) SearchTeams(term string) ([]*model.Team, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) SearchUsers(search *model.UserSearch) ([]*model.User, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) SendEphemeralPost(userId string, post *model.Post) *model.Post
- func (_m *API) SendMail(to string, subject string, htmlBody string) *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) SetBotIconImage(botUserId string, data []byte) *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) SetProfileImage(userId string, data []byte) *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) SetTeamIcon(teamId string, data []byte) *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) UnregisterCommand(teamId string, trigger string) error
- func (_m *API) UpdateBotActive(botUserId string, active bool) (*model.Bot, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) UpdateChannel(channel *model.Channel) (*model.Channel, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) UpdateChannelMemberNotifications(channelId string, userId string, notifications map[string]string) (*model.ChannelMember, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) UpdateChannelMemberRoles(channelId string, userId string, newRoles string) (*model.ChannelMember, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) UpdateEphemeralPost(userId string, post *model.Post) *model.Post
- func (_m *API) UpdatePost(post *model.Post) (*model.Post, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) UpdateTeam(team *model.Team) (*model.Team, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) UpdateTeamMemberRoles(teamId string, userId string, newRoles string) (*model.TeamMember, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) UpdateUser(user *model.User) (*model.User, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) UpdateUserActive(userId string, active bool) *model.AppError
- func (_m *API) UpdateUserStatus(userId string, status string) (*model.Status, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *API) UploadFile(data []byte, channelId string, filename string) (*model.FileInfo, *model.AppError)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type API ¶
API is an autogenerated mock type for the API type
func (*API) AddChannelMember ¶
func (_m *API) AddChannelMember(channelId string, userId string) (*model.ChannelMember, *model.AppError)
AddChannelMember provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, userId
func (*API) AddReaction ¶
AddReaction provides a mock function with given fields: reaction
func (*API) AddUserToChannel ¶
func (_m *API) AddUserToChannel(channelId string, userId string, asUserId string) (*model.ChannelMember, *model.AppError)
AddUserToChannel provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, userId, asUserId
func (*API) CopyFileInfos ¶
CopyFileInfos provides a mock function with given fields: userId, fileIds
func (*API) CreateChannel ¶
CreateChannel provides a mock function with given fields: channel
func (*API) CreatePost ¶
CreatePost provides a mock function with given fields: post
func (*API) CreateTeam ¶
CreateTeam provides a mock function with given fields: team
func (*API) CreateTeamMember ¶
CreateTeamMember provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, userId
func (*API) CreateTeamMembers ¶
func (_m *API) CreateTeamMembers(teamId string, userIds []string, requestorId string) ([]*model.TeamMember, *model.AppError)
CreateTeamMembers provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, userIds, requestorId
func (*API) CreateUser ¶
CreateUser provides a mock function with given fields: user
func (*API) DeleteBotIconImage ¶
DeleteBotIconImage provides a mock function with given fields: botUserId
func (*API) DeleteChannel ¶
DeleteChannel provides a mock function with given fields: channelId
func (*API) DeleteChannelMember ¶
DeleteChannelMember provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, userId
func (*API) DeleteEphemeralPost ¶
DeleteEphemeralPost provides a mock function with given fields: userId, postId
func (*API) DeletePost ¶
DeletePost provides a mock function with given fields: postId
func (*API) DeleteTeam ¶
DeleteTeam provides a mock function with given fields: teamId
func (*API) DeleteTeamMember ¶
DeleteTeamMember provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, userId, requestorId
func (*API) DeleteUser ¶
DeleteUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*API) DisablePlugin ¶
DisablePlugin provides a mock function with given fields: id
func (*API) EnablePlugin ¶
EnablePlugin provides a mock function with given fields: id
func (*API) GetBotIconImage ¶
GetBotIconImage provides a mock function with given fields: botUserId
func (*API) GetBundlePath ¶
GetBundlePath provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*API) GetChannel ¶
GetChannel provides a mock function with given fields: channelId
func (*API) GetChannelByName ¶
func (_m *API) GetChannelByName(teamId string, name string, includeDeleted bool) (*model.Channel, *model.AppError)
GetChannelByName provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, name, includeDeleted
func (*API) GetChannelByNameForTeamName ¶
func (_m *API) GetChannelByNameForTeamName(teamName string, channelName string, includeDeleted bool) (*model.Channel, *model.AppError)
GetChannelByNameForTeamName provides a mock function with given fields: teamName, channelName, includeDeleted
func (*API) GetChannelMember ¶
func (_m *API) GetChannelMember(channelId string, userId string) (*model.ChannelMember, *model.AppError)
GetChannelMember provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, userId
func (*API) GetChannelMembers ¶
func (_m *API) GetChannelMembers(channelId string, page int, perPage int) (*model.ChannelMembers, *model.AppError)
GetChannelMembers provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, page, perPage
func (*API) GetChannelMembersByIds ¶
func (_m *API) GetChannelMembersByIds(channelId string, userIds []string) (*model.ChannelMembers, *model.AppError)
GetChannelMembersByIds provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, userIds
func (*API) GetChannelMembersForUser ¶
func (_m *API) GetChannelMembersForUser(teamId string, userId string, page int, perPage int) ([]*model.ChannelMember, *model.AppError)
GetChannelMembersForUser provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, userId, page, perPage
func (*API) GetChannelStats ¶
GetChannelStats provides a mock function with given fields: channelId
func (*API) GetChannelsForTeamForUser ¶
func (_m *API) GetChannelsForTeamForUser(teamId string, userId string, includeDeleted bool) ([]*model.Channel, *model.AppError)
GetChannelsForTeamForUser provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, userId, includeDeleted
func (*API) GetDiagnosticId ¶
GetDiagnosticId provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*API) GetDirectChannel ¶
GetDirectChannel provides a mock function with given fields: userId1, userId2
func (*API) GetEmojiByName ¶
GetEmojiByName provides a mock function with given fields: name
func (*API) GetEmojiImage ¶
GetEmojiImage provides a mock function with given fields: emojiId
func (*API) GetEmojiList ¶
GetEmojiList provides a mock function with given fields: sortBy, page, perPage
func (*API) GetFileInfo ¶
GetFileInfo provides a mock function with given fields: fileId
func (*API) GetFileLink ¶
GetFileLink provides a mock function with given fields: fileId
func (*API) GetGroupByName ¶
GetGroupByName provides a mock function with given fields: name
func (*API) GetGroupChannel ¶
GetGroupChannel provides a mock function with given fields: userIds
func (*API) GetGroupsForUser ¶
GetGroupsForUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*API) GetLDAPUserAttributes ¶
func (_m *API) GetLDAPUserAttributes(userId string, attributes []string) (map[string]string, *model.AppError)
GetLDAPUserAttributes provides a mock function with given fields: userId, attributes
func (*API) GetLicense ¶
GetLicense provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*API) GetPluginConfig ¶
GetPluginConfig provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*API) GetPluginStatus ¶
GetPluginStatus provides a mock function with given fields: id
func (*API) GetPlugins ¶
GetPlugins provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*API) GetPostThread ¶
GetPostThread provides a mock function with given fields: postId
func (*API) GetPostsAfter ¶
func (_m *API) GetPostsAfter(channelId string, postId string, page int, perPage int) (*model.PostList, *model.AppError)
GetPostsAfter provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, postId, page, perPage
func (*API) GetPostsBefore ¶
func (_m *API) GetPostsBefore(channelId string, postId string, page int, perPage int) (*model.PostList, *model.AppError)
GetPostsBefore provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, postId, page, perPage
func (*API) GetPostsForChannel ¶
func (_m *API) GetPostsForChannel(channelId string, page int, perPage int) (*model.PostList, *model.AppError)
GetPostsForChannel provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, page, perPage
func (*API) GetPostsSince ¶
GetPostsSince provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, time
func (*API) GetProfileImage ¶
GetProfileImage provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*API) GetPublicChannelsForTeam ¶
func (_m *API) GetPublicChannelsForTeam(teamId string, page int, perPage int) ([]*model.Channel, *model.AppError)
GetPublicChannelsForTeam provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, page, perPage
func (*API) GetReactions ¶
GetReactions provides a mock function with given fields: postId
func (*API) GetServerVersion ¶
GetServerVersion provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*API) GetSession ¶
GetSession provides a mock function with given fields: sessionId
func (*API) GetSystemInstallDate ¶
GetSystemInstallDate provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*API) GetTeamByName ¶
GetTeamByName provides a mock function with given fields: name
func (*API) GetTeamIcon ¶
GetTeamIcon provides a mock function with given fields: teamId
func (*API) GetTeamMember ¶
GetTeamMember provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, userId
func (*API) GetTeamMembers ¶
func (_m *API) GetTeamMembers(teamId string, page int, perPage int) ([]*model.TeamMember, *model.AppError)
GetTeamMembers provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, page, perPage
func (*API) GetTeamMembersForUser ¶
func (_m *API) GetTeamMembersForUser(userId string, page int, perPage int) ([]*model.TeamMember, *model.AppError)
GetTeamMembersForUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId, page, perPage
func (*API) GetTeamStats ¶
GetTeamStats provides a mock function with given fields: teamId
func (*API) GetTeamsForUser ¶
GetTeamsForUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*API) GetTeamsUnreadForUser ¶
GetTeamsUnreadForUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*API) GetUnsanitizedConfig ¶
GetUnsanitizedConfig provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*API) GetUserByEmail ¶
GetUserByEmail provides a mock function with given fields: email
func (*API) GetUserByUsername ¶
GetUserByUsername provides a mock function with given fields: name
func (*API) GetUserStatus ¶
GetUserStatus provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*API) GetUserStatusesByIds ¶
GetUserStatusesByIds provides a mock function with given fields: userIds
func (*API) GetUsersByUsernames ¶
GetUsersByUsernames provides a mock function with given fields: usernames
func (*API) GetUsersInChannel ¶
func (_m *API) GetUsersInChannel(channelId string, sortBy string, page int, perPage int) ([]*model.User, *model.AppError)
GetUsersInChannel provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, sortBy, page, perPage
func (*API) GetUsersInTeam ¶
func (_m *API) GetUsersInTeam(teamId string, page int, perPage int) ([]*model.User, *model.AppError)
GetUsersInTeam provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, page, perPage
func (*API) HasPermissionTo ¶
func (_m *API) HasPermissionTo(userId string, permission *model.Permission) bool
HasPermissionTo provides a mock function with given fields: userId, permission
func (*API) HasPermissionToChannel ¶
func (_m *API) HasPermissionToChannel(userId string, channelId string, permission *model.Permission) bool
HasPermissionToChannel provides a mock function with given fields: userId, channelId, permission
func (*API) HasPermissionToTeam ¶
HasPermissionToTeam provides a mock function with given fields: userId, teamId, permission
func (*API) InstallPlugin ¶
InstallPlugin provides a mock function with given fields: file, replace
func (*API) KVCompareAndDelete ¶
KVCompareAndDelete provides a mock function with given fields: key, oldValue
func (*API) KVCompareAndSet ¶
func (_m *API) KVCompareAndSet(key string, oldValue []byte, newValue []byte) (bool, *model.AppError)
KVCompareAndSet provides a mock function with given fields: key, oldValue, newValue
func (*API) KVDeleteAll ¶
KVDeleteAll provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*API) KVSetWithExpiry ¶
KVSetWithExpiry provides a mock function with given fields: key, value, expireInSeconds
func (*API) KVSetWithOptions ¶
func (_m *API) KVSetWithOptions(key string, newValue interface{}, options model.PluginKVSetOptions) (bool, *model.AppError)
KVSetWithOptions provides a mock function with given fields: key, newValue, options
func (*API) LoadPluginConfiguration ¶
LoadPluginConfiguration provides a mock function with given fields: dest
func (*API) OpenInteractiveDialog ¶
func (_m *API) OpenInteractiveDialog(dialog model.OpenDialogRequest) *model.AppError
OpenInteractiveDialog provides a mock function with given fields: dialog
func (*API) PermanentDeleteBot ¶
PermanentDeleteBot provides a mock function with given fields: botUserId
func (*API) PluginHTTP ¶
PluginHTTP provides a mock function with given fields: request
func (*API) PublishWebSocketEvent ¶
func (_m *API) PublishWebSocketEvent(event string, payload map[string]interface{}, broadcast *model.WebsocketBroadcast)
PublishWebSocketEvent provides a mock function with given fields: event, payload, broadcast
func (*API) RegisterCommand ¶
RegisterCommand provides a mock function with given fields: command
func (*API) RemovePlugin ¶
RemovePlugin provides a mock function with given fields: id
func (*API) RemoveReaction ¶
RemoveReaction provides a mock function with given fields: reaction
func (*API) RemoveTeamIcon ¶
RemoveTeamIcon provides a mock function with given fields: teamId
func (*API) SaveConfig ¶
SaveConfig provides a mock function with given fields: config
func (*API) SavePluginConfig ¶
SavePluginConfig provides a mock function with given fields: config
func (*API) SearchChannels ¶
SearchChannels provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, term
func (*API) SearchPostsInTeam ¶
func (_m *API) SearchPostsInTeam(teamId string, paramsList []*model.SearchParams) ([]*model.Post, *model.AppError)
SearchPostsInTeam provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, paramsList
func (*API) SearchTeams ¶
SearchTeams provides a mock function with given fields: term
func (*API) SearchUsers ¶
SearchUsers provides a mock function with given fields: search
func (*API) SendEphemeralPost ¶
SendEphemeralPost provides a mock function with given fields: userId, post
func (*API) SetBotIconImage ¶
SetBotIconImage provides a mock function with given fields: botUserId, data
func (*API) SetProfileImage ¶
SetProfileImage provides a mock function with given fields: userId, data
func (*API) SetTeamIcon ¶
SetTeamIcon provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, data
func (*API) UnregisterCommand ¶
UnregisterCommand provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, trigger
func (*API) UpdateBotActive ¶
UpdateBotActive provides a mock function with given fields: botUserId, active
func (*API) UpdateChannel ¶
UpdateChannel provides a mock function with given fields: channel
func (*API) UpdateChannelMemberNotifications ¶
func (_m *API) UpdateChannelMemberNotifications(channelId string, userId string, notifications map[string]string) (*model.ChannelMember, *model.AppError)
UpdateChannelMemberNotifications provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, userId, notifications
func (*API) UpdateChannelMemberRoles ¶
func (_m *API) UpdateChannelMemberRoles(channelId string, userId string, newRoles string) (*model.ChannelMember, *model.AppError)
UpdateChannelMemberRoles provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, userId, newRoles
func (*API) UpdateEphemeralPost ¶
UpdateEphemeralPost provides a mock function with given fields: userId, post
func (*API) UpdatePost ¶
UpdatePost provides a mock function with given fields: post
func (*API) UpdateTeam ¶
UpdateTeam provides a mock function with given fields: team
func (*API) UpdateTeamMemberRoles ¶
func (_m *API) UpdateTeamMemberRoles(teamId string, userId string, newRoles string) (*model.TeamMember, *model.AppError)
UpdateTeamMemberRoles provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, userId, newRoles
func (*API) UpdateUser ¶
UpdateUser provides a mock function with given fields: user
func (*API) UpdateUserActive ¶
UpdateUserActive provides a mock function with given fields: userId, active
func (*API) UpdateUserStatus ¶
UpdateUserStatus provides a mock function with given fields: userId, status