Text Demo
What does it do?
It demonstrates how one can efficiently draw text onto the screen.
What are important aspects of the code?
First off, we have to load the ttf
(TrueType Font) file within the Preload
err := engo.Files.Load("Roboto-Regular.ttf")
Then, whenever we want to use it, we can load it like this:
fnt := &common.Font{
URL: "Roboto-Regular.ttf", // This is the sme URL as defined with the Preload method
FG: color.Black, // This is the color of the text
Size: 64, // This is the size
err := fnt.CreatePreloaded() // This is required to load the preloaded file into this struct
Next, whenever we want to draw something, we set the Drawable
of the RenderComponent
label1.RenderComponent.Drawable = common.Text{
Font: fnt, // This is the `fnt` in the snippet above
Text: "Hello world !", // This can be anything, and may include newlines
And finally, we add the whole thing to the RenderSystem
for _, system := range w.Systems() {
switch sys := system.(type) {
case *common.RenderSystem:
sys.Add(&label1.BasicEntity, &label1.RenderComponent, &label1.SpaceComponent)