Overview ¶
This file was automatically generated by gen-unicode-table.js. Do not edit.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CanChangeStrictToLoose(a Expr, b Expr) bool
- func CheckEqualityBigInt(a string, b string) (equal bool, ok bool)
- func CheckEqualityIfNoSideEffects(left E, right E, kind EqualityKind) (equal bool, ok bool)
- func EnsureValidIdentifier(base string) string
- func ForEachIdentifierBinding(binding Binding, callback func(loc logger.Loc, b *BIdentifier))
- func ForEachIdentifierBindingInDecls(decls []Decl, callback func(loc logger.Loc, b *BIdentifier))
- func ForceValidIdentifier(prefix string, text string) string
- func GenerateNonUniqueNameFromPath(path string) string
- func IsBinaryNullAndUndefined(left Expr, right Expr, op OpCode) (Expr, Expr, bool)
- func IsIdentifier(text string) bool
- func IsIdentifierContinue(codePoint rune) bool
- func IsIdentifierContinueES5AndESNext(codePoint rune) bool
- func IsIdentifierES5AndESNext(text string) bool
- func IsIdentifierES5AndESNextUTF16(text []uint16) bool
- func IsIdentifierStart(codePoint rune) bool
- func IsIdentifierStartES5AndESNext(codePoint rune) bool
- func IsIdentifierUTF16(text []uint16) bool
- func IsOptionalChain(value Expr) bool
- func IsPrimitiveLiteral(data E) bool
- func IsPropertyAccess(expr Expr) bool
- func IsSymbolInstance(data E) bool
- func IsWhitespace(codePoint rune) bool
- func ShouldFoldBinaryArithmeticWhenMinifying(binary *EBinary) bool
- func StringToEquivalentNumberValue(value []uint16) (float64, bool)
- func ToInt32(f float64) int32
- func ToNumberWithoutSideEffects(data E) (float64, bool)
- func ToStringWithoutSideEffects(data E) (string, bool)
- func ToUint32(f float64) uint32
- func TryToInsertOptionalChain(test Expr, expr Expr) bool
- func TryToStringOnNumberSafely(n float64, radix int) (string, bool)
- func TypeofWithoutSideEffects(data E) (string, bool)
- func ValuesLookTheSame(left E, right E) bool
- type AST
- type AnnotationFlags
- type Arg
- type ArrayBinding
- type AssignTarget
- type B
- type BArray
- type BIdentifier
- type BMissing
- type BObject
- type Binding
- type CallKind
- type Case
- type Catch
- type Class
- type ClassStaticBlock
- type ClauseItem
- type ConstValue
- type ConstValueKind
- type Decl
- type DeclaredSymbol
- type Decorator
- type Dependency
- type E
- type EAnnotation
- type EArray
- type EArrow
- type EAwait
- type EBigInt
- type EBinary
- type EBoolean
- type ECall
- type EClass
- type EDot
- type EFunction
- type EIdentifier
- type EIf
- type EImportCall
- type EImportIdentifier
- type EImportMeta
- type EImportString
- type EIndex
- type EInlinedEnum
- type EJSXElement
- type EJSXText
- type EMissing
- type ENameOfSymbol
- type ENew
- type ENewTarget
- type ENull
- type ENumber
- type EObject
- type EPrivateIdentifier
- type ERegExp
- type ERequireResolveString
- type ERequireString
- type ESpread
- type EString
- type ESuper
- type ETemplate
- type EThis
- type EUnary
- type EUndefined
- type EYield
- type EnumValue
- type EqualityKind
- type ExportStarAlias
- type ExportsKind
- type Expr
- func Assign(a Expr, b Expr) Expr
- func ConstValueToExpr(loc logger.Loc, value ConstValue) Expr
- func ConvertBindingToExpr(binding Binding, wrapIdentifier func(logger.Loc, ast.Ref) Expr) Expr
- func FoldBinaryArithmetic(loc logger.Loc, e *EBinary) Expr
- func FoldStringAddition(left Expr, right Expr, kind StringAdditionKind) Expr
- func InlinePrimitivesIntoTemplate(loc logger.Loc, e *ETemplate) Expr
- func InlineSpreadsOfArrayLiterals(values []Expr) (results []Expr)
- func JoinAllWithComma(all []Expr) (result Expr)
- func JoinWithComma(a Expr, b Expr) Expr
- func JoinWithLeftAssociativeOp(op OpCode, a Expr, b Expr) Expr
- func MaybeSimplifyEqualityComparison(loc logger.Loc, e *EBinary, unsupportedFeatures compat.JSFeature) (Expr, bool)
- func MaybeSimplifyNot(expr Expr) (Expr, bool)
- func Not(expr Expr) Expr
- type Finally
- type Fn
- type FnBody
- type HelperContext
- func (ctx HelperContext) ClassCanBeRemovedIfUnused(class Class) bool
- func (ctx HelperContext) ExprCanBeRemovedIfUnused(expr Expr) bool
- func (ctx HelperContext) MangleIfExpr(loc logger.Loc, e *EIf, unsupportedFeatures compat.JSFeature) Expr
- func (ctx HelperContext) SimplifyBooleanExpr(expr Expr) Expr
- func (ctx HelperContext) SimplifyUnusedExpr(expr Expr, unsupportedFeatures compat.JSFeature) Expr
- func (ctx HelperContext) StmtsCanBeRemovedIfUnused(stmts []Stmt, flags StmtsCanBeRemovedIfUnusedFlags) bool
- type L
- type LocalKind
- type ModuleType
- type ModuleTypeData
- type NamedExport
- type NamedImport
- type OpCode
- type OpTableEntry
- type OptionalChain
- type Part
- type PrimitiveType
- type Property
- type PropertyBinding
- type PropertyFlags
- type PropertyKind
- type S
- type SBlock
- type SBreak
- type SClass
- type SComment
- type SContinue
- type SDebugger
- type SDirective
- type SDoWhile
- type SEmpty
- type SEnum
- type SExportClause
- type SExportDefault
- type SExportEquals
- type SExportFrom
- type SExportStar
- type SExpr
- type SFor
- type SForIn
- type SForOf
- type SFunction
- type SIf
- type SImport
- type SLabel
- type SLazyExport
- type SLocal
- type SNamespace
- type SReturn
- type SSwitch
- type SThrow
- type STry
- type STypeScript
- type SWhile
- type SWith
- type Scope
- type ScopeKind
- type ScopeMember
- type SideEffects
- type Stmt
- type StmtsCanBeRemovedIfUnusedFlags
- type StrictModeKind
- type StringAdditionKind
- type SymbolCallUse
- type SymbolUse
- type TSEnumValue
- type TSNamespaceMember
- type TSNamespaceMemberData
- type TSNamespaceMemberEnumNumber
- type TSNamespaceMemberEnumString
- type TSNamespaceMemberNamespace
- type TSNamespaceMemberProperty
- type TSNamespaceMembers
- type TSNamespaceScope
- type TemplatePart
Constants ¶
const NSExportPartIndex = uint32(0)
This is the index to the automatically-generated part containing code that calls "__export(exports, { ... getters ... })". This is used to generate getters on an exports object for ES6 export statements, and is both for ES6 star imports and CommonJS-style modules. All files have one of these, although it may contain no statements if there is nothing to export.
Variables ¶
These help reduce unnecessary memory allocations
var OpTable = []OpTableEntry{ {"+", LPrefix, false}, {"-", LPrefix, false}, {"~", LPrefix, false}, {"!", LPrefix, false}, {"void", LPrefix, true}, {"typeof", LPrefix, true}, {"delete", LPrefix, true}, {"--", LPrefix, false}, {"++", LPrefix, false}, {"--", LPostfix, false}, {"++", LPostfix, false}, {"+", LAdd, false}, {"-", LAdd, false}, {"*", LMultiply, false}, {"/", LMultiply, false}, {"%", LMultiply, false}, {"**", LExponentiation, false}, {"<", LCompare, false}, {"<=", LCompare, false}, {">", LCompare, false}, {">=", LCompare, false}, {"in", LCompare, true}, {"instanceof", LCompare, true}, {"<<", LShift, false}, {">>", LShift, false}, {">>>", LShift, false}, {"==", LEquals, false}, {"!=", LEquals, false}, {"===", LEquals, false}, {"!==", LEquals, false}, {"??", LNullishCoalescing, false}, {"||", LLogicalOr, false}, {"&&", LLogicalAnd, false}, {"|", LBitwiseOr, false}, {"&", LBitwiseAnd, false}, {"^", LBitwiseXor, false}, {",", LComma, false}, {"=", LAssign, false}, {"+=", LAssign, false}, {"-=", LAssign, false}, {"*=", LAssign, false}, {"/=", LAssign, false}, {"%=", LAssign, false}, {"**=", LAssign, false}, {"<<=", LAssign, false}, {">>=", LAssign, false}, {">>>=", LAssign, false}, {"|=", LAssign, false}, {"&=", LAssign, false}, {"^=", LAssign, false}, {"??=", LAssign, false}, {"||=", LAssign, false}, {"&&=", LAssign, false}, }
Functions ¶
func CanChangeStrictToLoose ¶ added in v0.16.6
func CheckEqualityBigInt ¶ added in v0.19.7
func CheckEqualityIfNoSideEffects ¶ added in v0.14.36
func CheckEqualityIfNoSideEffects(left E, right E, kind EqualityKind) (equal bool, ok bool)
Returns "equal, ok". If "ok" is false, then nothing is known about the two values. If "ok" is true, the equality or inequality of the two values is stored in "equal".
func EnsureValidIdentifier ¶ added in v0.11.0
func ForEachIdentifierBinding ¶ added in v0.18.10
func ForEachIdentifierBinding(binding Binding, callback func(loc logger.Loc, b *BIdentifier))
func ForEachIdentifierBindingInDecls ¶ added in v0.18.10
func ForEachIdentifierBindingInDecls(decls []Decl, callback func(loc logger.Loc, b *BIdentifier))
func ForceValidIdentifier ¶ added in v0.16.6
func GenerateNonUniqueNameFromPath ¶
For readability, the names of certain automatically-generated symbols are derived from the file name. For example, instead of the CommonJS wrapper for a file being called something like "require273" it can be called something like "require_react" instead. This function generates the part of these identifiers that's specific to the file path. It can take both an absolute path (OS-specific) and a path in the source code (OS-independent).
Note that these generated names do not at all relate to the correctness of the code as far as avoiding symbol name collisions. These names still go through the renaming logic that all other symbols go through to avoid name collisions.
func IsBinaryNullAndUndefined ¶ added in v0.16.6
func IsIdentifier ¶ added in v0.16.6
func IsIdentifierContinue ¶ added in v0.16.6
func IsIdentifierContinueES5AndESNext ¶ added in v0.16.6
func IsIdentifierES5AndESNext ¶ added in v0.16.6
func IsIdentifierES5AndESNextUTF16 ¶ added in v0.16.6
This does "IsIdentifierES5AndESNext(UTF16ToString(text))" without any allocations
func IsIdentifierStart ¶ added in v0.16.6
func IsIdentifierStartES5AndESNext ¶ added in v0.16.6
func IsIdentifierUTF16 ¶ added in v0.16.6
This does "IsIdentifier(UTF16ToString(text))" without any allocations
func IsOptionalChain ¶ added in v0.11.0
func IsPrimitiveLiteral ¶ added in v0.16.6
func IsPropertyAccess ¶ added in v0.16.6
If this returns true, then calling this expression captures the target of the property access as "this" when calling the function in the property.
func IsSymbolInstance ¶ added in v0.19.11
func IsWhitespace ¶ added in v0.16.6
See the "White Space Code Points" table in the ECMAScript standard
func ShouldFoldBinaryArithmeticWhenMinifying ¶ added in v0.16.6
func StringToEquivalentNumberValue ¶ added in v0.16.6
func ToNumberWithoutSideEffects ¶ added in v0.14.36
func ToStringWithoutSideEffects ¶ added in v0.19.7
func TryToInsertOptionalChain ¶ added in v0.14.36
func TryToStringOnNumberSafely ¶ added in v0.19.7
String concatenation with numbers is required by the TypeScript compiler for "constant expression" handling in enums. However, we don't want to introduce correctness bugs by accidentally stringifying a number differently than how a real JavaScript VM would do it. So we are conservative and we only do this when we know it'll be the same result.
func TypeofWithoutSideEffects ¶ added in v0.16.6
Returns true if the result of the "typeof" operator on this expression is statically determined and this expression has no side effects (i.e. can be removed without consequence).
func ValuesLookTheSame ¶ added in v0.14.36
Types ¶
type AST ¶
type AST struct { ModuleTypeData ModuleTypeData Parts []Part Symbols []ast.Symbol ExprComments map[logger.Loc][]string ModuleScope *Scope CharFreq *ast.CharFreq // This is internal-only data used for the implementation of Yarn PnP ManifestForYarnPnP Expr Hashbang string Directives []string URLForCSS string // Note: If you're in the linker, do not use this map directly. This map is // filled in by the parser and is considered immutable. For performance reasons, // the linker doesn't mutate this map (cloning a map is slow in Go). Instead the // linker super-imposes relevant information on top in a method call. You should // call "TopLevelSymbolToParts" instead. TopLevelSymbolToPartsFromParser map[ast.Ref][]uint32 // This contains all top-level exported TypeScript enum constants. It exists // to enable cross-module inlining of constant enums. TSEnums map[ast.Ref]map[string]TSEnumValue // This contains the values of all detected inlinable constants. It exists // to enable cross-module inlining of these constants. ConstValues map[ast.Ref]ConstValue // Properties in here are represented as symbols instead of strings, which // allows them to be renamed to smaller names. MangledProps map[string]ast.Ref // Properties in here are existing non-mangled properties in the source code // and must not be used when generating mangled names to avoid a collision. ReservedProps map[string]bool // These are stored at the AST level instead of on individual AST nodes so // they can be manipulated efficiently without a full AST traversal ImportRecords []ast.ImportRecord // These are used when bundling. They are filled in during the parser pass // since we already have to traverse the AST then anyway and the parser pass // is conveniently fully parallelized. NamedImports map[ast.Ref]NamedImport NamedExports map[string]NamedExport ExportStarImportRecords []uint32 SourceMapComment logger.Span // This is a list of ES6 features. They are ranges instead of booleans so // that they can be used in log messages. Check to see if "Len > 0". ExportKeyword logger.Range // Does not include TypeScript-specific syntax TopLevelAwaitKeyword logger.Range LiveTopLevelAwaitKeyword logger.Range // Excludes top-level await in dead branches ExportsRef ast.Ref ModuleRef ast.Ref WrapperRef ast.Ref ApproximateLineCount int32 NestedScopeSlotCounts ast.SlotCounts HasLazyExport bool // This is a list of CommonJS features. When a file uses CommonJS features, // it's not a candidate for "flat bundling" and must be wrapped in its own // closure. Note that this also includes top-level "return" but these aren't // here because only the parser checks those. UsesExportsRef bool UsesModuleRef bool ExportsKind ExportsKind }
type AnnotationFlags ¶ added in v0.18.2
type AnnotationFlags uint8
const ( // This is sort of like an IIFE with a "/* @__PURE__ */" comment except it's an // inline annotation on an expression itself without the nested scope. Sometimes // we can't easily introduce a new scope (e.g. if the expression uses "await"). CanBeRemovedIfUnusedFlag AnnotationFlags = 1 << iota )
func (AnnotationFlags) Has ¶ added in v0.18.2
func (flags AnnotationFlags) Has(flag AnnotationFlags) bool
type ArrayBinding ¶
type AssignTarget ¶
type AssignTarget uint8
const ( AssignTargetNone AssignTarget = iota AssignTargetReplace // "a = b" AssignTargetUpdate // "a += b" )
type B ¶
type B interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
This interface is never called. Its purpose is to encode a variant type in Go's type system.
type BArray ¶
type BArray struct { Items []ArrayBinding CloseBracketLoc logger.Loc HasSpread bool IsSingleLine bool }
type BIdentifier ¶
type BObject ¶
type BObject struct { Properties []PropertyBinding CloseBraceLoc logger.Loc IsSingleLine bool }
type Class ¶
type Class struct { Decorators []Decorator Name *ast.LocRef ExtendsOrNil Expr Properties []Property ClassKeyword logger.Range BodyLoc logger.Loc CloseBraceLoc logger.Loc // If true, property field initializers cannot be assumed to have no side // effects. For example: // // class Foo { // static set foo(x) { importantSideEffect(x) } // } // class Bar extends Foo { // foo = 1 // } // // This happens in TypeScript when "useDefineForClassFields" is disabled // because TypeScript (and esbuild) transforms the above class into this: // // class Foo { // static set foo(x) { importantSideEffect(x); } // } // class Bar extends Foo { // } // = 1; // UseDefineForClassFields bool }
type ClassStaticBlock ¶ added in v0.14.36
type ClauseItem ¶
type ClauseItem struct { Alias string // This is the original name of the symbol stored in "Name". It's needed for // "SExportClause" statements such as this: // // export {foo as bar} from 'path' // // In this case both "foo" and "bar" are aliases because it's a re-export. // We need to preserve both aliases in case the symbol is renamed. In this // example, "foo" is "OriginalName" and "bar" is "Alias". OriginalName string AliasLoc logger.Loc Name ast.LocRef }
type ConstValue ¶ added in v0.14.36
type ConstValue struct { Number float64 // Use this for "ConstValueNumber" Kind ConstValueKind }
func ExprToConstValue ¶ added in v0.14.36
func ExprToConstValue(expr Expr) ConstValue
type ConstValueKind ¶ added in v0.14.36
type ConstValueKind uint8
const ( ConstValueNone ConstValueKind = iota ConstValueNull ConstValueUndefined ConstValueTrue ConstValueFalse ConstValueNumber )
type DeclaredSymbol ¶
type Dependency ¶ added in v0.12.24
type E ¶
type E interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
This interface is never called. Its purpose is to encode a variant type in Go's type system.
type EAnnotation ¶ added in v0.18.2
type EAnnotation struct { Value Expr Flags AnnotationFlags }
type ECall ¶
type ECall struct { Target Expr Args []Expr CloseParenLoc logger.Loc OptionalChain OptionalChain Kind CallKind IsMultiLine bool // True if there is a comment containing "@__PURE__" or "#__PURE__" preceding // this call expression. This is an annotation used for tree shaking, and // means that the call can be removed if it's unused. It does not mean the // call is pure (e.g. it may still return something different if called twice). // // Note that the arguments are not considered to be part of the call. If the // call itself is removed due to this annotation, the arguments must remain // if they have side effects. CanBeUnwrappedIfUnused bool }
func (*ECall) HasSameFlagsAs ¶
type EDot ¶
type EDot struct { Target Expr Name string NameLoc logger.Loc OptionalChain OptionalChain // If true, this property access is known to be free of side-effects. That // means it can be removed if the resulting value isn't used. CanBeRemovedIfUnused bool // If true, this property access is a function that, when called, can be // unwrapped if the resulting value is unused. Unwrapping means discarding // the call target but keeping any arguments with side effects. CallCanBeUnwrappedIfUnused bool // Symbol values are known to not have side effects when used as property // names in class declarations and object literals. IsSymbolInstance bool }
func (*EDot) HasSameFlagsAs ¶
type EIdentifier ¶
type EIdentifier struct { Ref ast.Ref // If we're inside a "with" statement, this identifier may be a property // access. In that case it would be incorrect to remove this identifier since // the property access may be a getter or setter with side effects. MustKeepDueToWithStmt bool // If true, this identifier is known to not have a side effect (i.e. to not // throw an exception) when referenced. If false, this identifier may or may // not have side effects when referenced. This is used to allow the removal // of known globals such as "Object" if they aren't used. CanBeRemovedIfUnused bool // If true, this identifier represents a function that, when called, can be // unwrapped if the resulting value is unused. Unwrapping means discarding // the call target but keeping any arguments with side effects. CallCanBeUnwrappedIfUnused bool }
type EImportCall ¶ added in v0.12.24
type EImportIdentifier ¶
type EImportIdentifier struct { Ref ast.Ref PreferQuotedKey bool // If true, this was originally an identifier expression such as "foo". If // false, this could potentially have been a member access expression such // as "" off of an imported namespace object. WasOriginallyIdentifier bool }
This is similar to an EIdentifier but it represents a reference to an ES6 import item.
Depending on how the code is linked, the file containing this EImportIdentifier may or may not be in the same module group as the file it was imported from.
If it's the same module group than we can just merge the import item symbol with the corresponding symbol that was imported, effectively renaming them to be the same thing and statically binding them together.
But if it's a different module group, then the import must be dynamically evaluated using a property access off the corresponding namespace symbol, which represents the result of a require() call.
It's stored as a separate type so it's not easy to confuse with a plain identifier. For example, it'd be bad if code trying to convert "{x: x}" into "{x}" shorthand syntax wasn't aware that the "x" in this case is actually "{x: importedNamespace.x}". This separate type forces code to opt-in to doing this instead of opt-out.
type EImportMeta ¶
type EImportMeta struct {
RangeLen int32
type EImportString ¶ added in v0.12.24
type EIndex ¶
type EIndex struct { Target Expr Index Expr CloseBracketLoc logger.Loc OptionalChain OptionalChain // If true, this property access is known to be free of side-effects. That // means it can be removed if the resulting value isn't used. CanBeRemovedIfUnused bool // If true, this property access is a function that, when called, can be // unwrapped if the resulting value is unused. Unwrapping means discarding // the call target but keeping any arguments with side effects. CallCanBeUnwrappedIfUnused bool // Symbol values are known to not have side effects when used as property // names in class declarations and object literals. IsSymbolInstance bool }
func (*EIndex) HasSameFlagsAs ¶
type EInlinedEnum ¶ added in v0.14.36
type EJSXElement ¶
type EJSXElement struct { TagOrNil Expr Properties []Property // Note: This array may contain nil entries. Be careful about nil entries // when iterating over this array. // // Each nil entry corresponds to the "JSXChildExpression_opt" part of the // grammar ( // // JSXChild : // JSXText // JSXElement // JSXFragment // { JSXChildExpression_opt } // // This is the "{}" part in "<a>{}</a>". We allow this because some people // put comments there and then expect to be able to process them from // esbuild's output. These absent AST nodes are completely omitted when // JSX is transformed to JS. They are only present when JSX preservation is // enabled. NullableChildren []Expr CloseLoc logger.Loc IsTagSingleLine bool }
type EJSXText ¶ added in v0.19.12
type EJSXText struct {
Raw string
The JSX specification doesn't say how JSX text is supposed to be interpreted so our "preserve" JSX transform should reproduce the original source code verbatim. One reason why this matters is because there is no canonical way to interpret JSX text (Babel and TypeScript differ in what newlines mean). Another reason is that some people want to do custom things such as this:
type ENameOfSymbol ¶ added in v0.18.17
type ENameOfSymbol struct { Ref ast.Ref HasPropertyKeyComment bool // If true, a preceding comment contains "@__KEY__" }
This represents an internal property name that can be mangled. The symbol referenced by this expression should be a "SymbolMangledProp" symbol.
type ENewTarget ¶
type EPrivateIdentifier ¶
This is similar to EIdentifier but it represents class-private fields and methods. It can be used where computed properties can be used, such as EIndex and Property.
type ERequireResolveString ¶ added in v0.12.24
type ERequireString ¶ added in v0.12.24
type EString ¶
type EString struct { Value []uint16 LegacyOctalLoc logger.Loc PreferTemplate bool HasPropertyKeyComment bool // If true, a preceding comment contains "@__KEY__" ContainsUniqueKey bool // If true, this string must not be wrapped }
This is used for both strings and no-substitution template literals to reduce the number of cases that need to be checked for string optimization code
type ETemplate ¶
type ETemplate struct { TagOrNil Expr HeadRaw string // Only use when "TagOrNil" is not nil HeadCooked []uint16 // Only use when "TagOrNil" is nil Parts []TemplatePart HeadLoc logger.Loc LegacyOctalLoc logger.Loc // True if this is a tagged template literal with a comment that indicates // this function call can be removed if the result is unused. Note that the // arguments are not considered to be part of the call. If the call itself // is removed due to this annotation, the arguments must remain if they have // side effects (including the string conversions). CanBeUnwrappedIfUnused bool // If the tag is present, it is expected to be a function and is called. If // the tag is a syntactic property access, then the value for "this" in the // function call is the object whose property was accessed (e.g. in "a.b“" // the value for "this" in "a.b" is "a"). We need to ensure that if "a“" // ever becomes "b.c“" later on due to optimizations, it is written as // "(0, b.c)“" to avoid a behavior change. TagWasOriginallyPropertyAccess bool }
type EUnary ¶
type EUnary struct { Value Expr Op OpCode // The expression "typeof (0, x)" must not become "typeof x" if "x" // is unbound because that could suppress a ReferenceError from "x". // // Also if we know a typeof operator was originally an identifier, then // we know that this typeof operator always has no side effects (even if // we consider the identifier by itself to have a side effect). // // Note that there *is* actually a case where "typeof x" can throw an error: // when "x" is being referenced inside of its TDZ (temporal dead zone). TDZ // checks are not yet handled correctly by esbuild, so this possibility is // currently ignored. WasOriginallyTypeofIdentifier bool // Similarly the expression "delete (0, x)" must not become "delete x" // because that syntax is invalid in strict mode. We also need to make sure // we don't accidentally change the return value: // // Returns false: // "var a; delete (a)" // "var a = Object.freeze({b: 1}); delete (a.b)" // "var a = Object.freeze({b: 1}); delete (a?.b)" // "var a = Object.freeze({b: 1}); delete (a['b'])" // "var a = Object.freeze({b: 1}); delete (a?.['b'])" // // Returns true: // "var a; delete (0, a)" // "var a = Object.freeze({b: 1}); delete (true && a.b)" // "var a = Object.freeze({b: 1}); delete (false || a?.b)" // "var a = Object.freeze({b: 1}); delete (null ?? a?.['b'])" // "var a = Object.freeze({b: 1}); delete (true ? a['b'] : a['b'])" // WasOriginallyDeleteOfIdentifierOrPropertyAccess bool }
type EUndefined ¶
type EUndefined struct{}
type EqualityKind ¶ added in v0.17.10
type EqualityKind uint8
const ( LooseEquality EqualityKind = iota StrictEquality )
type ExportStarAlias ¶
type ExportsKind ¶ added in v0.11.0
type ExportsKind uint8
const ( // This file doesn't have any kind of export, so it's impossible to say what // kind of file this is. An empty file is in this category, for example. ExportsNone ExportsKind = iota // The exports are stored on "module" and/or "exports". Calling "require()" // on this module returns "module.exports". All imports to this module are // allowed but may return undefined. ExportsCommonJS // All export names are known explicitly. Calling "require()" on this module // generates an exports object (stored in "exports") with getters for the // export names. Named imports to this module are only allowed if they are // in the set of export names. ExportsESM // Some export names are known explicitly, but others fall back to a dynamic // run-time object. This is necessary when using the "export * from" syntax // with either a CommonJS module or an external module (i.e. a module whose // export names are not known at compile-time). // // Calling "require()" on this module generates an exports object (stored in // "exports") with getters for the export names. All named imports to this // module are allowed. Direct named imports reference the corresponding export // directly. Other imports go through property accesses on "exports". ExportsESMWithDynamicFallback )
func (ExportsKind) IsDynamic ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (kind ExportsKind) IsDynamic() bool
type Expr ¶
func ConstValueToExpr ¶ added in v0.14.36
func ConstValueToExpr(loc logger.Loc, value ConstValue) Expr
func ConvertBindingToExpr ¶ added in v0.11.0
func FoldBinaryArithmetic ¶ added in v0.16.6
This function intentionally avoids mutating the input AST so it can be called after the AST has been frozen (i.e. after parsing ends).
func FoldStringAddition ¶ added in v0.16.6
func FoldStringAddition(left Expr, right Expr, kind StringAdditionKind) Expr
This function intentionally avoids mutating the input AST so it can be called after the AST has been frozen (i.e. after parsing ends).
func InlinePrimitivesIntoTemplate ¶ added in v0.19.11
"`a${'b'}c`" => "`abc`"
This function intentionally avoids mutating the input AST so it can be called after the AST has been frozen (i.e. after parsing ends).
func InlineSpreadsOfArrayLiterals ¶ added in v0.16.6
This function intentionally avoids mutating the input AST so it can be called after the AST has been frozen (i.e. after parsing ends).
func JoinAllWithComma ¶
func JoinWithComma ¶
func JoinWithLeftAssociativeOp ¶ added in v0.11.0
The goal of this function is to "rotate" the AST if it's possible to use the left-associative property of the operator to avoid unnecessary parentheses.
When using this, make absolutely sure that the operator is actually associative. For example, the "+" operator is not associative for floating-point numbers.
This function intentionally avoids mutating the input AST so it can be called after the AST has been frozen (i.e. after parsing ends).
func MaybeSimplifyEqualityComparison ¶ added in v0.16.6
func MaybeSimplifyEqualityComparison(loc logger.Loc, e *EBinary, unsupportedFeatures compat.JSFeature) (Expr, bool)
This function intentionally avoids mutating the input AST so it can be called after the AST has been frozen (i.e. after parsing ends).
func MaybeSimplifyNot ¶ added in v0.11.0
The given "expr" argument should be the operand of a "!" prefix operator (i.e. the "x" in "!x"). This returns a simplified expression for the whole operator (i.e. the "!x") if it can be simplified, or false if not. It's separate from "Not()" above to avoid allocation on failure in case that is undesired.
This function intentionally avoids mutating the input AST so it can be called after the AST has been frozen (i.e. after parsing ends).
type Fn ¶
type Fn struct { Name *ast.LocRef Args []Arg Body FnBody ArgumentsRef ast.Ref OpenParenLoc logger.Loc IsAsync bool IsGenerator bool HasRestArg bool HasIfScope bool // See: HasNoSideEffectsComment bool // This is true if the function is a method IsUniqueFormalParameters bool }
type HelperContext ¶ added in v0.19.7
type HelperContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func MakeHelperContext ¶ added in v0.19.7
func MakeHelperContext(isUnbound func(ast.Ref) bool) HelperContext
func (HelperContext) ClassCanBeRemovedIfUnused ¶ added in v0.19.7
func (ctx HelperContext) ClassCanBeRemovedIfUnused(class Class) bool
func (HelperContext) ExprCanBeRemovedIfUnused ¶ added in v0.19.7
func (ctx HelperContext) ExprCanBeRemovedIfUnused(expr Expr) bool
func (HelperContext) MangleIfExpr ¶ added in v0.19.7
func (ctx HelperContext) MangleIfExpr(loc logger.Loc, e *EIf, unsupportedFeatures compat.JSFeature) Expr
This function intentionally avoids mutating the input AST so it can be called after the AST has been frozen (i.e. after parsing ends).
func (HelperContext) SimplifyBooleanExpr ¶ added in v0.19.7
func (ctx HelperContext) SimplifyBooleanExpr(expr Expr) Expr
Simplify syntax when we know it's used inside a boolean context
This function intentionally avoids mutating the input AST so it can be called after the AST has been frozen (i.e. after parsing ends).
func (HelperContext) SimplifyUnusedExpr ¶ added in v0.19.7
func (ctx HelperContext) SimplifyUnusedExpr(expr Expr, unsupportedFeatures compat.JSFeature) Expr
This will return a nil expression if the expression can be totally removed.
This function intentionally avoids mutating the input AST so it can be called after the AST has been frozen (i.e. after parsing ends).
func (HelperContext) StmtsCanBeRemovedIfUnused ¶ added in v0.19.7
func (ctx HelperContext) StmtsCanBeRemovedIfUnused(stmts []Stmt, flags StmtsCanBeRemovedIfUnusedFlags) bool
type L ¶
type L uint8
const ( LLowest L = iota LComma LSpread LYield LAssign LConditional LNullishCoalescing LLogicalOr LLogicalAnd LBitwiseOr LBitwiseXor LBitwiseAnd LEquals LCompare LShift LAdd LMultiply LExponentiation LPrefix LPostfix LNew LCall LMember )
type ModuleType ¶ added in v0.14.36
type ModuleType uint8
const ( ModuleUnknown ModuleType = iota // ".cjs" or ".cts" or "type: commonjs" in package.json ModuleCommonJS_CJS ModuleCommonJS_CTS ModuleCommonJS_PackageJSON // ".mjs" or ".mts" or "type: module" in package.json ModuleESM_MJS ModuleESM_MTS ModuleESM_PackageJSON )
func (ModuleType) IsCommonJS ¶ added in v0.14.36
func (mt ModuleType) IsCommonJS() bool
func (ModuleType) IsESM ¶ added in v0.14.36
func (mt ModuleType) IsESM() bool
type ModuleTypeData ¶ added in v0.14.36
type ModuleTypeData struct { Source *logger.Source Range logger.Range Type ModuleType }
type NamedImport ¶
type NamedImport struct { Alias string // Parts within this file that use this import LocalPartsWithUses []uint32 AliasLoc logger.Loc NamespaceRef ast.Ref ImportRecordIndex uint32 // If true, the alias refers to the entire export namespace object of a // module. This is no longer represented as an alias called "*" because of // the upcoming "Arbitrary module namespace identifier names" feature: // AliasIsStar bool // It's useful to flag exported imports because if they are in a TypeScript // file, we can't tell if they are a type or a value. IsExported bool }
type OpCode ¶
type OpCode uint8
const ( // Prefix UnOpPos OpCode = iota UnOpNeg UnOpCpl UnOpNot UnOpVoid UnOpTypeof UnOpDelete // Prefix update UnOpPreDec UnOpPreInc // Postfix update UnOpPostDec UnOpPostInc // Left-associative BinOpAdd BinOpSub BinOpMul BinOpDiv BinOpRem BinOpPow BinOpLt BinOpLe BinOpGt BinOpGe BinOpIn BinOpInstanceof BinOpShl BinOpShr BinOpUShr BinOpLooseEq BinOpLooseNe BinOpStrictEq BinOpStrictNe BinOpNullishCoalescing BinOpLogicalOr BinOpLogicalAnd BinOpBitwiseOr BinOpBitwiseAnd BinOpBitwiseXor // Non-associative BinOpComma // Right-associative BinOpAssign BinOpAddAssign BinOpSubAssign BinOpMulAssign BinOpDivAssign BinOpRemAssign BinOpPowAssign BinOpShlAssign BinOpShrAssign BinOpUShrAssign BinOpBitwiseOrAssign BinOpBitwiseAndAssign BinOpBitwiseXorAssign BinOpNullishCoalescingAssign BinOpLogicalOrAssign BinOpLogicalAndAssign )
If you add a new token, remember to add it to "OpTable" too
func (OpCode) BinaryAssignTarget ¶
func (op OpCode) BinaryAssignTarget() AssignTarget
func (OpCode) IsLeftAssociative ¶
func (OpCode) IsRightAssociative ¶
func (OpCode) IsShortCircuit ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (OpCode) UnaryAssignTarget ¶
func (op OpCode) UnaryAssignTarget() AssignTarget
type OpTableEntry ¶ added in v0.17.10
type OptionalChain ¶
type OptionalChain uint8
const ( // "a.b" OptionalChainNone OptionalChain = iota // "a?.b" OptionalChainStart // "a?.b.c" => ".c" is OptionalChainContinue // "(a?.b).c" => ".c" is OptionalChainNone OptionalChainContinue )
type Part ¶
type Part struct { Stmts []Stmt Scopes []*Scope // Each is an index into the file-level import record list ImportRecordIndices []uint32 // All symbols that are declared in this part. Note that a given symbol may // have multiple declarations, and so may end up being declared in multiple // parts (e.g. multiple "var" declarations with the same name). Also note // that this list isn't deduplicated and may contain duplicates. DeclaredSymbols []DeclaredSymbol // An estimate of the number of uses of all symbols used within this part. SymbolUses map[ast.Ref]SymbolUse // An estimate of the number of uses of all symbols used as the target of // function calls within this part. SymbolCallUses map[ast.Ref]SymbolCallUse // This tracks property accesses off of imported symbols. We don't know // during parsing if an imported symbol is going to be an inlined enum // value or not. This is only known during linking. So we defer adding // a dependency on these imported symbols until we know whether the // property access is an inlined enum value or not. ImportSymbolPropertyUses map[ast.Ref]map[string]SymbolUse // The indices of the other parts in this file that are needed if this part // is needed. Dependencies []Dependency // If true, this part can be removed if none of the declared symbols are // used. If the file containing this part is imported, then all parts that // don't have this flag enabled must be included. CanBeRemovedIfUnused bool // This is used for generated parts that we don't want to be present if they // aren't needed. This enables tree shaking for these parts even if global // tree shaking isn't enabled. ForceTreeShaking bool // This is true if this file has been marked as live by the tree shaking // algorithm. IsLive bool }
Each file is made up of multiple parts, and each part consists of one or more top-level statements. Parts are used for tree shaking and code splitting analysis. Individual parts of a file can be discarded by tree shaking and can be assigned to separate chunks (i.e. output files) by code splitting.
type PrimitiveType ¶ added in v0.14.36
type PrimitiveType uint8
const ( PrimitiveUnknown PrimitiveType = iota PrimitiveMixed PrimitiveNull PrimitiveUndefined PrimitiveBoolean PrimitiveNumber PrimitiveString PrimitiveBigInt )
func KnownPrimitiveType ¶ added in v0.14.36
func KnownPrimitiveType(expr E) PrimitiveType
Note: This function does not say whether the expression is side-effect free or not. For example, the expression "++x" always returns a primitive.
func MergedKnownPrimitiveTypes ¶ added in v0.14.36
func MergedKnownPrimitiveTypes(a Expr, b Expr) PrimitiveType
This can be used when the returned type is either one or the other
type Property ¶
type Property struct { ClassStaticBlock *ClassStaticBlock Key Expr // This is omitted for class fields ValueOrNil Expr // This is used when parsing a pattern that uses default values: // // [a = 1] = []; // ({a = 1} = {}); // // It's also used for class fields: // // class Foo { a = 1 } // InitializerOrNil Expr Decorators []Decorator Loc logger.Loc CloseBracketLoc logger.Loc Kind PropertyKind Flags PropertyFlags }
func MangleObjectSpread ¶ added in v0.16.6
This function intentionally avoids mutating the input AST so it can be called after the AST has been frozen (i.e. after parsing ends).
type PropertyBinding ¶
type PropertyFlags ¶ added in v0.14.50
type PropertyFlags uint8
const ( PropertyIsComputed PropertyFlags = 1 << iota PropertyIsStatic PropertyWasShorthand PropertyPreferQuotedKey )
func (PropertyFlags) Has ¶ added in v0.14.50
func (flags PropertyFlags) Has(flag PropertyFlags) bool
type PropertyKind ¶
type PropertyKind uint8
const ( PropertyField PropertyKind = iota PropertyMethod PropertyGetter PropertySetter PropertyAutoAccessor PropertySpread PropertyDeclareOrAbstract PropertyClassStaticBlock )
func (PropertyKind) IsMethodDefinition ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (kind PropertyKind) IsMethodDefinition() bool
This returns true if and only if this property matches the "MethodDefinition" grammar from the specification. That means it's one of the following forms:
foo() {} *foo() {} async foo() {} async *foo() {} get foo() {} set foo(_) {}
If this returns true, the "ValueOrNil" field of the property is always an "EFunction" expression and it is always printed as a method.
type S ¶
type S interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
This interface is never called. Its purpose is to encode a variant type in Go's type system.
type SDirective ¶
type SExportClause ¶
type SExportClause struct { Items []ClauseItem IsSingleLine bool }
type SExportDefault ¶
type SExportEquals ¶
type SExportEquals struct {
Value Expr
This is an "export = value;" statement in TypeScript
type SExportFrom ¶
type SExportFrom struct { Items []ClauseItem NamespaceRef ast.Ref ImportRecordIndex uint32 IsSingleLine bool }
type SExportStar ¶
type SExportStar struct { Alias *ExportStarAlias NamespaceRef ast.Ref ImportRecordIndex uint32 }
type SExpr ¶
type SExpr struct { Value Expr // This is set to true for automatically-generated expressions that are part // of class syntax lowering. A single class declaration may end up with many // generated expressions after it (e.g. class field initializations, a call // to keep the original value of the "name" property). When this happens we // can't tell that the class is side-effect free anymore because all of these // methods mutate the class. We use this annotation for that instead. IsFromClassOrFnThatCanBeRemovedIfUnused bool }
type SImport ¶
type SImport struct { DefaultName *ast.LocRef Items *[]ClauseItem StarNameLoc *logger.Loc // If this is a star import: This is a Ref for the namespace symbol. The Loc // for the symbol is StarLoc. // // Otherwise: This is an auto-generated Ref for the namespace representing // the imported file. In this case StarLoc is nil. The NamespaceRef is used // when converting this module to a CommonJS module. NamespaceRef ast.Ref ImportRecordIndex uint32 IsSingleLine bool }
This object represents all of these types of import statements:
import 'path' import {item1, item2} from 'path' import * as ns from 'path' import defaultItem, {item1, item2} from 'path' import defaultItem, * as ns from 'path'
Many parts are optional and can be combined in different ways. The only restriction is that you cannot have both a clause and a star namespace.
type SLazyExport ¶
type SLazyExport struct {
Value Expr
The decision of whether to export an expression using "module.exports" or "export default" is deferred until linking using this statement kind
type STypeScript ¶
type STypeScript struct {
WasDeclareClass bool
This is a stand-in for a TypeScript type declaration
type Scope ¶
type Scope struct { // This will be non-nil if this is a TypeScript "namespace" or "enum" TSNamespace *TSNamespaceScope Parent *Scope Children []*Scope Members map[string]ScopeMember Replaced []ScopeMember Generated []ast.Ref // The location of the "use strict" directive for ExplicitStrictMode UseStrictLoc logger.Loc // This is used to store the ref of the label symbol for ScopeLabel scopes. Label ast.LocRef LabelStmtIsLoop bool // If a scope contains a direct eval() expression, then none of the symbols // inside that scope can be renamed. We conservatively assume that the // evaluated code might reference anything that it has access to. ContainsDirectEval bool // This is to help forbid "arguments" inside class body scopes ForbidArguments bool // As a special case, we enable constant propagation for any chain of "const" // declarations at the start of a statement list. This special case doesn't // have any TDZ considerations because no other statements come before it. IsAfterConstLocalPrefix bool StrictMode StrictModeKind Kind ScopeKind }
func (*Scope) RecursiveSetStrictMode ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (s *Scope) RecursiveSetStrictMode(kind StrictModeKind)
type ScopeKind ¶
type ScopeKind uint8
const ( ScopeBlock ScopeKind = iota ScopeWith ScopeLabel ScopeClassName ScopeClassBody ScopeCatchBinding // The scopes below stop hoisted variables from extending into parent scopes ScopeEntry // This is a module, TypeScript enum, or TypeScript namespace ScopeFunctionArgs ScopeFunctionBody ScopeClassStaticInit )
func (ScopeKind) StopsHoisting ¶
type SideEffects ¶ added in v0.14.36
type SideEffects uint8
const ( CouldHaveSideEffects SideEffects = iota NoSideEffects )
func ToBooleanWithSideEffects ¶ added in v0.14.36
func ToBooleanWithSideEffects(data E) (boolean bool, sideEffects SideEffects, ok bool)
func ToNullOrUndefinedWithSideEffects ¶ added in v0.14.36
func ToNullOrUndefinedWithSideEffects(data E) (isNullOrUndefined bool, sideEffects SideEffects, ok bool)
type Stmt ¶
func AssignStmt ¶
type StmtsCanBeRemovedIfUnusedFlags ¶ added in v0.16.6
type StmtsCanBeRemovedIfUnusedFlags uint8
const ( KeepExportClauses StmtsCanBeRemovedIfUnusedFlags = 1 << iota ReturnCanBeRemovedIfUnused )
type StrictModeKind ¶ added in v0.11.0
type StrictModeKind uint8
const ( SloppyMode StrictModeKind = iota ExplicitStrictMode ImplicitStrictModeClass ImplicitStrictModeESM ImplicitStrictModeTSAlwaysStrict ImplicitStrictModeJSXAutomaticRuntime )
type StringAdditionKind ¶ added in v0.17.10
type StringAdditionKind uint8
const ( StringAdditionNormal StringAdditionKind = iota StringAdditionWithNestedLeft )
type SymbolCallUse ¶ added in v0.14.36
type TSEnumValue ¶ added in v0.14.36
type TSNamespaceMember ¶ added in v0.14.36
type TSNamespaceMember struct { Data TSNamespaceMemberData Loc logger.Loc IsEnumValue bool }
type TSNamespaceMemberData ¶ added in v0.14.36
type TSNamespaceMemberData interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
type TSNamespaceMemberEnumNumber ¶ added in v0.14.36
type TSNamespaceMemberEnumNumber struct {
Value float64
"enum ns { it }"
type TSNamespaceMemberEnumString ¶ added in v0.14.36
type TSNamespaceMemberEnumString struct {
Value []uint16
"enum ns { it = 'it' }"
type TSNamespaceMemberNamespace ¶ added in v0.14.36
type TSNamespaceMemberNamespace struct {
ExportedMembers TSNamespaceMembers
"namespace ns { export namespace it {} }"
type TSNamespaceMemberProperty ¶ added in v0.14.36
type TSNamespaceMemberProperty struct{}
"namespace ns { export let it }"
type TSNamespaceMembers ¶ added in v0.14.36
type TSNamespaceMembers map[string]TSNamespaceMember
type TSNamespaceScope ¶ added in v0.14.36
type TSNamespaceScope struct { // This is shared between all sibling namespace blocks ExportedMembers TSNamespaceMembers // This is a lazily-generated map of identifiers that actually represent // property accesses to this namespace's properties. For example: // // namespace x { // export let y = 123 // } // namespace x { // export let z = y // } // // This should be compiled into the following code: // // var x; // (function(x2) { // x2.y = 123; // })(x || (x = {})); // (function(x3) { // x3.z = x3.y; // })(x || (x = {})); // // When we try to find the symbol "y", we instead return one of these lazily // generated proxy symbols that represent the property access "x3.y". This // map is unique per namespace block because "x3" is the argument symbol that // is specific to that particular namespace block. LazilyGeneratedProperyAccesses map[string]ast.Ref // This is specific to this namespace block. It's the argument of the // immediately-invoked function expression that the namespace block is // compiled into: // // var ns; // (function (ns2) { // ns2.x = 123; // })(ns || (ns = {})); // // This variable is "ns2" in the above example. It's the symbol to use when // generating property accesses off of this namespace when it's in scope. ArgRef ast.Ref // Even though enums are like namespaces and both enums and namespaces allow // implicit references to properties of sibling scopes, they behave like // separate, er, namespaces. Implicit references only work namespace-to- // namespace and enum-to-enum. They do not work enum-to-namespace. And I'm // not sure what's supposed to happen for the namespace-to-enum case because // the compiler crashes: // So basically these both work: // // enum a { b = 1 } // enum a { c = b } // // namespace x { export let y = 1 } // namespace x { export let z = y } // // This doesn't work: // // enum a { b = 1 } // namespace a { export let c = b } // // And this crashes the TypeScript compiler: // // namespace a { export let b = 1 } // enum a { c = b } // // Therefore we only allow enum/enum and namespace/namespace interactions. IsEnumScope bool }
This is for TypeScript "enum" and "namespace" blocks. Each block can potentially be instantiated multiple times. The exported members of each block are merged into a single namespace while the non-exported code is still scoped to just within that block:
let x = 1; namespace Foo { let x = 2; export let y = 3; } namespace Foo { console.log(x); // 1 console.log(y); // 3 }
Doing this also works inside an enum:
enum Foo { A = 3, B = A + 1, } enum Foo { C = A + 2, } console.log(Foo.B) // 4 console.log(Foo.C) // 5
This is a form of identifier lookup that works differently than the hierarchical scope-based identifier lookup in JavaScript. Lookup now needs to search sibling scopes in addition to parent scopes. This is accomplished by sharing the map of exported members between all matching sibling scopes.