leonai 🦁🤖
leonai is an unofficial CLI tool for Leonardo AI
📢 Connect with us! Join our Telegram group for support and collaboration: t.me/igohub
🚀 Features
- Video generation from image prompts
📦 Installation
You can use the Golang binary to install leonai:
go install github.com/igolaizola/leonai/cmd/leonai@latest
Or you can download the binary from the releases
📋 Requirements
You need to capture the cookie from Leonardo AI website.
- Go to https://app.leonardo.ai/
- Login if you are not already logged in
- Open the developer tools (F12)
- Go to the "Network" tab
- Refresh the page
- Click on the first request to https://app.leonardo.ai/api/auth/session
- Go to the "Request Headers"
- Copy the "cookie" header and save it in a file, e.g.
🕹️ Usage
Generate a video from an image prompt:
leonai generate --cookie cookie.txt --image car.jpg --output car.mp4 --motion-strength 5
Launch leonai
with the --help
flag to see all available commands and options:
leonai --help
You can use the --help
flag with any command to view available options:
leonai video --help
How to launch commands
Launch commands using a configuration file:
leonai video --config leonai.conf
# leonai.conf
cookie cookie.txt
image car.jpg
output car.mp4
motion-strength 5
Using environment variables (LEONAI_
prefix, uppercase and underscores):
export LEONAI_COOKIE=cookie.txt
export LEONAI_IMAGE="car.jpg"
export LEONAI_OUTPUT="car.mp4"
leonai video
Using command line arguments:
leonai video --cookie cookie.txt --image car.jpg --output car.mp4 --motion-strength 5
⚠️ Disclaimer
The automation of LeonardoAI accounts is a violation of their Terms of Service and will result in your account(s) being terminated.
Read about LeonardoAI Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.
leonai was written as a proof of concept and the code has been released for educational purposes only. The authors are released of any liabilities which your usage may entail.
💖 Support
If you have found my code helpful, please give the repository a star ⭐
Additionally, if you would like to support my late-night coding efforts and the coffee that keeps me going, I would greatly appreciate a donation.
You can invite me for a coffee at ko-fi (0% fees):
Or at buymeacoffee:
Donate to my PayPal:
Sponsor me on GitHub:
Or donate to any of my crypto addresses:
- USDT (TRC20)
- USDC (BEP20) / BUSD (BEP20)
- Monero
Thanks for your support!