Full design/build/deploy doc se doc/README
An GO module allowing calls to Rust code code with Apache Arrow data. Operate in either one-shot mode or IPC streaming.
An example application in need of this is Thund , An Go/Rust based Apache Arrow centric DAG executor
Alloy means a mixture between two or more components and is a joint venture between Wilhelm Ågren (Rust) and Rickard Lundin(GO).
Usage example
The example main.go should envision how your GO application utilize Alloy.
func main() {
mem := memory.NewGoAllocator()
var b api.Bridge
b = rust.Bridge{api.CommonParameter{mem}}
values := [][]int32{
{1, 2, 3, -4},
{2, 3, 4, 5},
{3, 4, 5, 6},
builders, arrays := buildAndAppend(mem, values)
ret, err := b.FromChunks(arrays)
if nil != err {
} else {
rust.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Rust counted %v arrays sent through ffi", ret))
Output, where default dummy Rust backend echoes out the sent data. It will be up to the Rust guys to implent code to process the data to their hearts content !!
$ ./alloy
[2022-10-17 18:09:34] [INFO] [Go] Exporting ArrowSchema and ArrowArray #1 to C
[2022-10-17 18:09:34] [INFO] [Go] Exporting ArrowSchema and ArrowArray #2 to C
[2022-10-17 18:09:34] [INFO] [Go] Exporting ArrowSchema and ArrowArray #3 to C
[2022-10-17 18:09:34] [INFO] [Go] Calling Rust through C rust now with 3 ArrowArrays
[2022-10-17 18:09:34] [INFO] [Rust] Hello! Reading the rust pointers now.
[2022-10-17 18:09:34] [INFO] [Rust] array1: Int32[1, 2, 3, -4]
[2022-10-17 18:09:34] [INFO] [Rust] array2: Int32[2, 3, 4, 5]
[2022-10-17 18:09:34] [INFO] [Rust] array3: Int32[3, 4, 5, 6]
[2022-10-17 18:09:34] [INFO] [Go] Hello, again! Successfully sent Arrow data to Rust.
[2022-10-17 18:09:34] [INFO] [Go] Rust counted 3 arrays sent through rust
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