Index ¶
- Constants
- func StructValsToURLVals(v interface{}) (url.Values, error)
- type APIKey
- type APIKeyParams
- type AffiliateStatus
- type Alias
- type Announcement
- type AnnouncementData
- type Bitmex
- func (b *Bitmex) AmendBulkOrders(ctx context.Context, params OrderAmendBulkParams) ([]Order, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) AmendOrder(ctx context.Context, params *OrderAmendParams) (Order, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) AuthenticateWebsocket(_ context.Context) error
- func (b *Bitmex) CancelAllExistingOrders(ctx context.Context, params OrderCancelAllParams) ([]Order, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) CancelAllOrders(ctx context.Context, _ *order.Cancel) (order.CancelAllResponse, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) CancelAllOrdersAfterTime(ctx context.Context, params OrderCancelAllAfterParams) ([]Order, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) CancelBatchOrders(ctx context.Context, o []order.Cancel) (order.CancelBatchResponse, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) CancelOrder(ctx context.Context, o *order.Cancel) error
- func (b *Bitmex) CancelOrders(ctx context.Context, params *OrderCancelParams) ([]Order, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) CancelWithdraw(ctx context.Context, token string) (TransactionInfo, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) CaptureError(resp, reType interface{}) error
- func (b *Bitmex) CheckReferalCode(ctx context.Context, referralCode string) (float64, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) ClosePosition(ctx context.Context, params OrderClosePositionParams) ([]Order, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) ConfirmEmail(ctx context.Context, token string) (ConfirmEmail, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) ConfirmTwoFactorAuth(ctx context.Context, token, typ string) (bool, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) ConfirmWithdrawal(ctx context.Context, token string) (TransactionInfo, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) CreateBulkOrders(ctx context.Context, params OrderNewBulkParams) ([]Order, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) CreateOrder(ctx context.Context, params *OrderNewParams) (Order, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) DisableAPIKey(ctx context.Context, params APIKeyParams) (APIKey, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) DisableTFA(ctx context.Context, token, typ string) (bool, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) EnableAPIKey(ctx context.Context, params APIKeyParams) (APIKey, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) EnableTFA(ctx context.Context, typ string) (bool, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) FetchAccountInfo(ctx context.Context, assetType asset.Item) (account.Holdings, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) FetchOrderbook(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (*orderbook.Base, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) FetchTicker(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (*ticker.Price, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) FetchTradablePairs(ctx context.Context, asset asset.Item) ([]string, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GenerateAuthenticatedSubscriptions() ([]stream.ChannelSubscription, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GenerateDefaultSubscriptions() ([]stream.ChannelSubscription, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetAPIKeys(ctx context.Context) ([]APIKey, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetAccountExecutionTradeHistory(ctx context.Context, params *GenericRequestParams) ([]Execution, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetAccountExecutions(ctx context.Context, params *GenericRequestParams) ([]Execution, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetActiveAndIndexInstruments(ctx context.Context) ([]Instrument, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetActiveInstruments(ctx context.Context, params *GenericRequestParams) ([]Instrument, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetActiveIntervals(ctx context.Context) (InstrumentInterval, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetActiveOrders(ctx context.Context, req *order.GetOrdersRequest) ([]order.Detail, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetAffiliateStatus(ctx context.Context) (AffiliateStatus, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetAliasOnLeaderboard(ctx context.Context) (Alias, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetAllUserMargin(ctx context.Context) ([]UserMargin, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetAnnouncement(ctx context.Context) ([]Announcement, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetCompositeIndex(ctx context.Context, symbol, count, filter, columns, start, reverse string, ...) ([]IndexComposite, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetCryptoDepositAddress(ctx context.Context, cryptoCurrency string) (string, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetCurrentNotifications(ctx context.Context) ([]Notification, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetDefaultConfig() (*config.Exchange, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetDepositAddress(ctx context.Context, cryptocurrency currency.Code, _, _ string) (*deposit.Address, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetFee(feeBuilder *exchange.FeeBuilder) (float64, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetFeeByType(ctx context.Context, feeBuilder *exchange.FeeBuilder) (float64, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetFullFundingHistory(ctx context.Context, symbol, count, filter, columns, start string, ...) ([]Funding, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetFundingHistory(ctx context.Context) ([]exchange.FundHistory, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetHistoricCandles(ctx context.Context, pair currency.Pair, a asset.Item, start, end time.Time, ...) (kline.Item, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetHistoricCandlesExtended(ctx context.Context, pair currency.Pair, a asset.Item, start, end time.Time, ...) (kline.Item, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetHistoricTrades(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item, ...) ([]trade.Data, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetIndices(ctx context.Context) ([]Instrument, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetInstruments(ctx context.Context, params *GenericRequestParams) ([]Instrument, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetInsuranceFundHistory(ctx context.Context, params *GenericRequestParams) ([]Insurance, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetLeaderboard(ctx context.Context, params LeaderboardGetParams) ([]Leaderboard, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetLiquidationOrders(ctx context.Context, params *GenericRequestParams) ([]Liquidation, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetMinimumWithdrawalFee(ctx context.Context, currency string) (MinWithdrawalFee, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, req *order.GetOrdersRequest) ([]order.Detail, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetOrderInfo(ctx context.Context, orderID string, pair currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (order.Detail, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetOrderbook(ctx context.Context, params OrderBookGetL2Params) ([]OrderBookL2, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetOrders(ctx context.Context, params *OrdersRequest) ([]Order, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetPositions(ctx context.Context, params PositionGetParams) ([]Position, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetPreviousTrades(ctx context.Context, params *TradeGetBucketedParams) ([]Trade, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetQuotes(ctx context.Context, params *GenericRequestParams) ([]Quote, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetQuotesByBuckets(ctx context.Context, params *QuoteGetBucketedParams) ([]Quote, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetRecentTrades(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) ([]trade.Data, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetSettlementHistory(ctx context.Context, params *GenericRequestParams) ([]Settlement, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetStatSummary(ctx context.Context) ([]StatsUSD, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetStats(ctx context.Context) ([]Stats, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetStatsHistorical(ctx context.Context) ([]StatsHistory, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetTrade(ctx context.Context, params *GenericRequestParams) ([]Trade, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetTrollboxChannels(ctx context.Context) ([]ChatChannel, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetTrollboxConnectedUsers(ctx context.Context) (ConnectedUsers, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetTrollboxMessages(ctx context.Context, params ChatGetParams) ([]Chat, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetUrgentAnnouncement(ctx context.Context) ([]Announcement, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetUserCommision(ctx context.Context) (UserCommission, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetUserInfo(ctx context.Context) (User, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetUserMargin(ctx context.Context, currency string) (UserMargin, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetUserPreferences(ctx context.Context, params UserPreferencesParams) (User, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetWalletHistory(ctx context.Context, currency string) ([]TransactionInfo, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetWalletInfo(ctx context.Context, currency string) (WalletInfo, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetWalletSummary(ctx context.Context, currency string) ([]TransactionInfo, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) GetWithdrawalsHistory(ctx context.Context, c currency.Code) (resp []exchange.WithdrawalHistory, err error)
- func (b *Bitmex) IsolatePosition(ctx context.Context, params PositionIsolateMarginParams) (Position, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) LeveragePosition(ctx context.Context, params PositionUpdateLeverageParams) (Position, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) ModifyOrder(ctx context.Context, action *order.Modify) (order.Modify, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) RemoveAPIKey(ctx context.Context, params APIKeyParams) (bool, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) Run()
- func (b *Bitmex) SendAuthenticatedHTTPRequest(ctx context.Context, ep exchange.URL, verb, path string, params Parameter, ...) error
- func (b *Bitmex) SendHTTPRequest(ctx context.Context, ep exchange.URL, path string, params Parameter, ...) error
- func (b *Bitmex) SendTrollboxMessage(ctx context.Context, params ChatSendParams) ([]Chat, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) SetDefaults()
- func (b *Bitmex) Setup(exch *config.Exchange) error
- func (b *Bitmex) Start(wg *sync.WaitGroup) error
- func (b *Bitmex) SubmitOrder(ctx context.Context, s *order.Submit) (order.SubmitResponse, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) Subscribe(channelsToSubscribe []stream.ChannelSubscription) error
- func (b *Bitmex) TransferMargin(ctx context.Context, params PositionTransferIsolatedMarginParams) (Position, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) Unsubscribe(channelsToUnsubscribe []stream.ChannelSubscription) error
- func (b *Bitmex) UpdateAccountInfo(ctx context.Context, assetType asset.Item) (account.Holdings, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) UpdateOrderbook(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (*orderbook.Base, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) UpdateRiskLimit(ctx context.Context, params PositionUpdateRiskLimitParams) (Position, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) UpdateTicker(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, a asset.Item) (*ticker.Price, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) UpdateTickers(ctx context.Context, a asset.Item) error
- func (b *Bitmex) UpdateTradablePairs(ctx context.Context, forceUpdate bool) error
- func (b *Bitmex) UpdateUserInfo(ctx context.Context, params *UserUpdateParams) (User, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) UserLogOut(ctx context.Context) error
- func (b *Bitmex) UserLogOutAll(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) UserRequestWithdrawal(ctx context.Context, params UserRequestWithdrawalParams) (TransactionInfo, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) ValidateCredentials(ctx context.Context, assetType asset.Item) error
- func (b *Bitmex) WithdrawCryptocurrencyFunds(ctx context.Context, withdrawRequest *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) WithdrawFiatFunds(_ context.Context, _ *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) WithdrawFiatFundsToInternationalBank(_ context.Context, _ *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)
- func (b *Bitmex) WsConnect() error
- type Chat
- type ChatChannel
- type ChatGetParams
- type ChatSendParams
- type ConfirmEmail
- type ConnectedUsers
- type Execution
- type Funding
- type GenericRequestParams
- type IndexComposite
- type Instrument
- type InstrumentInterval
- type Insurance
- type Leaderboard
- type LeaderboardGetParams
- type Liquidation
- type MinWithdrawalFee
- type Notification
- type Order
- type OrderAmendBulkParams
- type OrderAmendParams
- type OrderBookData
- type OrderBookGetL2Params
- type OrderBookL2
- type OrderCancelAllAfterParams
- type OrderCancelAllParams
- type OrderCancelParams
- type OrderClosePositionParams
- type OrderInsertData
- type OrderNewBulkParams
- type OrderNewParams
- type OrdersRequest
- type Parameter
- type Position
- type PositionGetParams
- type PositionIsolateMarginParams
- type PositionTransferIsolatedMarginParams
- type PositionUpdateLeverageParams
- type PositionUpdateRiskLimitParams
- type Quote
- type QuoteGetBucketedParams
- type RateLimit
- type RequestError
- type Settlement
- type Stats
- type StatsHistory
- type StatsUSD
- type Trade
- type TradeData
- type TradeGetBucketedParams
- type TransactionInfo
- type User
- type UserCheckReferralCodeParams
- type UserCommission
- type UserConfirmTFAParams
- type UserCurrencyParams
- type UserMargin
- type UserPreferences
- type UserPreferencesParams
- type UserRequestWithdrawalParams
- type UserTokenParams
- type UserUpdateParams
- type WalletInfo
- type WebsocketErrorResponse
- type WebsocketMainResponse
- type WebsocketRequest
- type WebsocketSubscribeResp
- type WebsocketWelcome
- type WsAffiliateResponse
- type WsAffiliateResponseAttributes
- type WsAffiliateResponseFilter
- type WsDataResponse
- type WsExecutionResponse
- type WsExecutionResponseAttributes
- type WsExecutionResponseFilter
- type WsExecutionResponseForeignKeys
- type WsMarginResponse
- type WsMarginResponseAttributes
- type WsMarginResponseData
- type WsMarginResponseFilter
- type WsOrderResponse
- type WsOrderResponseAttributes
- type WsOrderResponseFilter
- type WsOrderResponseForeignKeys
- type WsPositionResponse
- type WsPositionResponseAttributes
- type WsPositionResponseFilter
- type WsPositionResponseForeignKeys
- type WsPrivateNotificationsResponse
- type WsTransactResponse
- type WsTransactResponseAttributes
- type WsTransactResponseFilter
- type WsWalletResponse
- type WsWalletResponseAttributes
- type WsWalletResponseData
- type WsWalletResponseFilter
Constants ¶
const ( // ContractPerpetual perpetual contract type ContractPerpetual = iota // ContractFutures futures contract type ContractFutures // ContractDownsideProfit downside profit contract type ContractDownsideProfit // ContractUpsideProfit upside profit contract type ContractUpsideProfit )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func StructValsToURLVals ¶
StructValsToURLVals converts a struct into url.values for easy encoding can set json tags for outgoing naming conventions.
Types ¶
type APIKey ¶
type APIKey struct { Cidr string `json:"cidr"` Created string `json:"created"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Nonce int64 `json:"nonce"` Permissions []interface{} `json:"permissions"` Secret string `json:"secret"` UserID int32 `json:"userId"` }
APIKey Persistent API Keys for Developers
type APIKeyParams ¶
type APIKeyParams struct { // API Key ID (public component). APIKeyID string `json:"apiKeyID,omitempty"` }
APIKeyParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (*APIKeyParams) IsNil ¶
func (p *APIKeyParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (*APIKeyParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p *APIKeyParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (*APIKeyParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p *APIKeyParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type AffiliateStatus ¶
type AffiliateStatus struct { Account int64 `json:"account"` Currency string `json:"currency"` ExecComm int64 `json:"execComm"` ExecTurnover int64 `json:"execTurnover"` PayoutPcnt float64 `json:"payoutPcnt"` PendingPayout int64 `json:"pendingPayout"` PrevComm int64 `json:"prevComm"` PrevPayout int64 `json:"prevPayout"` PrevTimestamp time.Time `json:"prevTimestamp"` PrevTurnover int64 `json:"prevTurnover"` ReferrerAccount float64 `json:"referrerAccount"` Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` TotalComm int64 `json:"totalComm"` TotalReferrals int64 `json:"totalReferrals"` TotalTurnover int64 `json:"totalTurnover"` }
AffiliateStatus affiliate Status details
type Alias ¶
type Alias struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Alias Name refers to Trollbox client name
type Announcement ¶
type Announcement struct { Content string `json:"content"` Date string `json:"date"` ID int32 `json:"id"` Link string `json:"link"` Title string `json:"title"` }
Announcement General Announcements
type AnnouncementData ¶
type AnnouncementData struct { Data []Announcement `json:"data"` Action string `json:"action"` }
AnnouncementData contains announcement resp data with action to be taken
type Bitmex ¶
Bitmex is the overarching type across this package
func (*Bitmex) AmendBulkOrders ¶
AmendBulkOrders amends multiple orders for the same symbol
func (*Bitmex) AmendOrder ¶
AmendOrder amends the quantity or price of an open order
func (*Bitmex) AuthenticateWebsocket ¶
AuthenticateWebsocket sends an authentication message to the websocket
func (*Bitmex) CancelAllExistingOrders ¶
func (b *Bitmex) CancelAllExistingOrders(ctx context.Context, params OrderCancelAllParams) ([]Order, error)
CancelAllExistingOrders cancels all open orders on the exchange
func (*Bitmex) CancelAllOrders ¶
func (b *Bitmex) CancelAllOrders(ctx context.Context, _ *order.Cancel) (order.CancelAllResponse, error)
CancelAllOrders cancels all orders associated with a currency pair
func (*Bitmex) CancelAllOrdersAfterTime ¶
func (b *Bitmex) CancelAllOrdersAfterTime(ctx context.Context, params OrderCancelAllAfterParams) ([]Order, error)
CancelAllOrdersAfterTime closes all positions after a certain time period
func (*Bitmex) CancelBatchOrders ¶
func (b *Bitmex) CancelBatchOrders(ctx context.Context, o []order.Cancel) (order.CancelBatchResponse, error)
CancelBatchOrders cancels an orders by their corresponding ID numbers
func (*Bitmex) CancelOrder ¶
CancelOrder cancels an order by its corresponding ID number
func (*Bitmex) CancelOrders ¶
CancelOrders cancels one or a batch of orders on the exchange and returns a cancelled order list
func (*Bitmex) CancelWithdraw ¶
CancelWithdraw cancels a current withdrawal
func (*Bitmex) CaptureError ¶
CaptureError little hack that captures an error
func (*Bitmex) CheckReferalCode ¶
CheckReferalCode checks a code, will return a percentage eg 0.1 for 10% or if err a 404
func (*Bitmex) ClosePosition ¶
func (b *Bitmex) ClosePosition(ctx context.Context, params OrderClosePositionParams) ([]Order, error)
ClosePosition closes a position WARNING deprecated use /order endpoint
func (*Bitmex) ConfirmEmail ¶
ConfirmEmail confirms email address with a token
func (*Bitmex) ConfirmTwoFactorAuth ¶
ConfirmTwoFactorAuth confirms 2FA for this account.
func (*Bitmex) ConfirmWithdrawal ¶
ConfirmWithdrawal confirms a withdrawal
func (*Bitmex) CreateBulkOrders ¶
CreateBulkOrders creates multiple orders for the same symbol
func (*Bitmex) CreateOrder ¶
CreateOrder creates a new order
func (*Bitmex) DisableAPIKey ¶
DisableAPIKey disables an Apikey from the bitmex trading engine
func (*Bitmex) DisableTFA ¶
DisableTFA dsiables 2 factor authentication for your account
func (*Bitmex) EnableAPIKey ¶
EnableAPIKey enables an Apikey from the bitmex trading engine
func (*Bitmex) FetchAccountInfo ¶
func (b *Bitmex) FetchAccountInfo(ctx context.Context, assetType asset.Item) (account.Holdings, error)
FetchAccountInfo retrieves balances for all enabled currencies
func (*Bitmex) FetchOrderbook ¶
func (b *Bitmex) FetchOrderbook(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (*orderbook.Base, error)
FetchOrderbook returns orderbook base on the currency pair
func (*Bitmex) FetchTicker ¶
func (b *Bitmex) FetchTicker(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (*ticker.Price, error)
FetchTicker returns the ticker for a currency pair
func (*Bitmex) FetchTradablePairs ¶
FetchTradablePairs returns a list of the exchanges tradable pairs
func (*Bitmex) GenerateAuthenticatedSubscriptions ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GenerateAuthenticatedSubscriptions() ([]stream.ChannelSubscription, error)
GenerateAuthenticatedSubscriptions Adds authenticated subscriptions to websocket to be handled by ManageSubscriptions()
func (*Bitmex) GenerateDefaultSubscriptions ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GenerateDefaultSubscriptions() ([]stream.ChannelSubscription, error)
GenerateDefaultSubscriptions Adds default subscriptions to websocket to be handled by ManageSubscriptions()
func (*Bitmex) GetAPIKeys ¶
GetAPIKeys returns the APIkeys from bitmex
func (*Bitmex) GetAccountExecutionTradeHistory ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetAccountExecutionTradeHistory(ctx context.Context, params *GenericRequestParams) ([]Execution, error)
GetAccountExecutionTradeHistory returns all balance-affecting executions. This includes each trade, insurance charge, and settlement.
func (*Bitmex) GetAccountExecutions ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetAccountExecutions(ctx context.Context, params *GenericRequestParams) ([]Execution, error)
GetAccountExecutions returns all raw transactions, which includes order opening and cancelation, and order status changes. It can be quite noisy. More focused information is available at /execution/tradeHistory.
func (*Bitmex) GetActiveAndIndexInstruments ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetActiveAndIndexInstruments(ctx context.Context) ([]Instrument, error)
GetActiveAndIndexInstruments returns all active instruments and all indices
func (*Bitmex) GetActiveInstruments ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetActiveInstruments(ctx context.Context, params *GenericRequestParams) ([]Instrument, error)
GetActiveInstruments returns active instruments
func (*Bitmex) GetActiveIntervals ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetActiveIntervals(ctx context.Context) (InstrumentInterval, error)
GetActiveIntervals returns funding history
func (*Bitmex) GetActiveOrders ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetActiveOrders(ctx context.Context, req *order.GetOrdersRequest) ([]order.Detail, error)
GetActiveOrders retrieves any orders that are active/open This function is not concurrency safe due to orderSide/orderType maps
func (*Bitmex) GetAffiliateStatus ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetAffiliateStatus(ctx context.Context) (AffiliateStatus, error)
GetAffiliateStatus returns your affiliate status
func (*Bitmex) GetAliasOnLeaderboard ¶
GetAliasOnLeaderboard returns your alias on the leaderboard
func (*Bitmex) GetAllUserMargin ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetAllUserMargin(ctx context.Context) ([]UserMargin, error)
GetAllUserMargin returns user margin information
func (*Bitmex) GetAnnouncement ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetAnnouncement(ctx context.Context) ([]Announcement, error)
GetAnnouncement returns the general announcements from Bitmex
func (*Bitmex) GetCompositeIndex ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetCompositeIndex(ctx context.Context, symbol, count, filter, columns, start, reverse string, startTime, endTime time.Time) ([]IndexComposite, error)
GetCompositeIndex returns composite index
func (*Bitmex) GetCryptoDepositAddress ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetCryptoDepositAddress(ctx context.Context, cryptoCurrency string) (string, error)
GetCryptoDepositAddress returns a deposit address for a cryptocurency
func (*Bitmex) GetCurrentNotifications ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetCurrentNotifications(ctx context.Context) ([]Notification, error)
GetCurrentNotifications returns your current notifications
func (*Bitmex) GetDefaultConfig ¶
GetDefaultConfig returns a default exchange config
func (*Bitmex) GetDepositAddress ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetDepositAddress(ctx context.Context, cryptocurrency currency.Code, _, _ string) (*deposit.Address, error)
GetDepositAddress returns a deposit address for a specified currency
func (*Bitmex) GetFee ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetFee(feeBuilder *exchange.FeeBuilder) (float64, error)
GetFee returns an estimate of fee based on type of transaction
func (*Bitmex) GetFeeByType ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetFeeByType(ctx context.Context, feeBuilder *exchange.FeeBuilder) (float64, error)
GetFeeByType returns an estimate of fee based on type of transaction
func (*Bitmex) GetFullFundingHistory ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetFullFundingHistory(ctx context.Context, symbol, count, filter, columns, start string, reverse bool, startTime, endTime time.Time) ([]Funding, error)
GetFullFundingHistory returns funding history
func (*Bitmex) GetFundingHistory ¶
GetFundingHistory returns funding history, deposits and withdrawals
func (*Bitmex) GetHistoricCandles ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetHistoricCandles(ctx context.Context, pair currency.Pair, a asset.Item, start, end time.Time, interval kline.Interval) (kline.Item, error)
GetHistoricCandles returns candles between a time period for a set time interval
func (*Bitmex) GetHistoricCandlesExtended ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetHistoricCandlesExtended(ctx context.Context, pair currency.Pair, a asset.Item, start, end time.Time, interval kline.Interval) (kline.Item, error)
GetHistoricCandlesExtended returns candles between a time period for a set time interval
func (*Bitmex) GetHistoricTrades ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetHistoricTrades(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item, timestampStart, timestampEnd time.Time) ([]trade.Data, error)
GetHistoricTrades returns historic trade data within the timeframe provided
func (*Bitmex) GetIndices ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetIndices(ctx context.Context) ([]Instrument, error)
GetIndices returns all price indices
func (*Bitmex) GetInstruments ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetInstruments(ctx context.Context, params *GenericRequestParams) ([]Instrument, error)
GetInstruments returns instrument data
func (*Bitmex) GetInsuranceFundHistory ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetInsuranceFundHistory(ctx context.Context, params *GenericRequestParams) ([]Insurance, error)
GetInsuranceFundHistory returns insurance fund history
func (*Bitmex) GetLeaderboard ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetLeaderboard(ctx context.Context, params LeaderboardGetParams) ([]Leaderboard, error)
GetLeaderboard returns leaderboard information
func (*Bitmex) GetLiquidationOrders ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetLiquidationOrders(ctx context.Context, params *GenericRequestParams) ([]Liquidation, error)
GetLiquidationOrders returns liquidation orders
func (*Bitmex) GetMinimumWithdrawalFee ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetMinimumWithdrawalFee(ctx context.Context, currency string) (MinWithdrawalFee, error)
GetMinimumWithdrawalFee returns minimum withdrawal fee information
func (*Bitmex) GetOrderHistory ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetOrderHistory(ctx context.Context, req *order.GetOrdersRequest) ([]order.Detail, error)
GetOrderHistory retrieves account order information Can Limit response to specific order status This function is not concurrency safe due to orderSide/orderType maps
func (*Bitmex) GetOrderInfo ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetOrderInfo(ctx context.Context, orderID string, pair currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (order.Detail, error)
GetOrderInfo returns order information based on order ID
func (*Bitmex) GetOrderbook ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetOrderbook(ctx context.Context, params OrderBookGetL2Params) ([]OrderBookL2, error)
GetOrderbook returns layer two orderbook data
func (*Bitmex) GetPositions ¶
GetPositions returns positions
func (*Bitmex) GetPreviousTrades ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetPreviousTrades(ctx context.Context, params *TradeGetBucketedParams) ([]Trade, error)
GetPreviousTrades previous trade history in time buckets
func (*Bitmex) GetQuotesByBuckets ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetQuotesByBuckets(ctx context.Context, params *QuoteGetBucketedParams) ([]Quote, error)
GetQuotesByBuckets returns previous quotes in time buckets
func (*Bitmex) GetRecentTrades ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetRecentTrades(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) ([]trade.Data, error)
GetRecentTrades returns the most recent trades for a currency and asset
func (*Bitmex) GetSettlementHistory ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetSettlementHistory(ctx context.Context, params *GenericRequestParams) ([]Settlement, error)
GetSettlementHistory returns settlement history
func (*Bitmex) GetStatSummary ¶
GetStatSummary returns the stats summary in USD terms
func (*Bitmex) GetStatsHistorical ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetStatsHistorical(ctx context.Context) ([]StatsHistory, error)
GetStatsHistorical historic stats
func (*Bitmex) GetTrollboxChannels ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetTrollboxChannels(ctx context.Context) ([]ChatChannel, error)
GetTrollboxChannels the channels from the the bitmex trollbox
func (*Bitmex) GetTrollboxConnectedUsers ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetTrollboxConnectedUsers(ctx context.Context) (ConnectedUsers, error)
GetTrollboxConnectedUsers the channels from the the bitmex trollbox
func (*Bitmex) GetTrollboxMessages ¶
GetTrollboxMessages returns messages from the bitmex trollbox
func (*Bitmex) GetUrgentAnnouncement ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetUrgentAnnouncement(ctx context.Context) ([]Announcement, error)
GetUrgentAnnouncement returns an urgent announcement for your account
func (*Bitmex) GetUserCommision ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetUserCommision(ctx context.Context) (UserCommission, error)
GetUserCommision returns your account's commission status.
func (*Bitmex) GetUserInfo ¶
GetUserInfo returns your user information
func (*Bitmex) GetUserMargin ¶
GetUserMargin returns user margin information
func (*Bitmex) GetUserPreferences ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetUserPreferences(ctx context.Context, params UserPreferencesParams) (User, error)
GetUserPreferences returns user preferences
func (*Bitmex) GetWalletHistory ¶
GetWalletHistory returns user wallet history transaction data
func (*Bitmex) GetWalletInfo ¶
GetWalletInfo returns user wallet information
func (*Bitmex) GetWalletSummary ¶
GetWalletSummary returns user wallet summary
func (*Bitmex) GetWithdrawalsHistory ¶
func (b *Bitmex) GetWithdrawalsHistory(ctx context.Context, c currency.Code) (resp []exchange.WithdrawalHistory, err error)
GetWithdrawalsHistory returns previous withdrawals data
func (*Bitmex) IsolatePosition ¶
func (b *Bitmex) IsolatePosition(ctx context.Context, params PositionIsolateMarginParams) (Position, error)
IsolatePosition enables isolated margin or cross margin per-position
func (*Bitmex) LeveragePosition ¶
func (b *Bitmex) LeveragePosition(ctx context.Context, params PositionUpdateLeverageParams) (Position, error)
LeveragePosition chooses leverage for a position
func (*Bitmex) ModifyOrder ¶
ModifyOrder will allow of changing orderbook placement and limit to market conversion
func (*Bitmex) RemoveAPIKey ¶
RemoveAPIKey removes an Apikey from the bitmex trading engine
func (*Bitmex) SendAuthenticatedHTTPRequest ¶
func (b *Bitmex) SendAuthenticatedHTTPRequest(ctx context.Context, ep exchange.URL, verb, path string, params Parameter, result interface{}) error
SendAuthenticatedHTTPRequest sends an authenticated HTTP request to bitmex
func (*Bitmex) SendHTTPRequest ¶
func (b *Bitmex) SendHTTPRequest(ctx context.Context, ep exchange.URL, path string, params Parameter, result interface{}) error
SendHTTPRequest sends an unauthenticated HTTP request
func (*Bitmex) SendTrollboxMessage ¶
SendTrollboxMessage sends a message to the bitmex trollbox
func (*Bitmex) SetDefaults ¶
func (b *Bitmex) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults sets the basic defaults for Bitmex
func (*Bitmex) SubmitOrder ¶
SubmitOrder submits a new order
func (*Bitmex) Subscribe ¶
func (b *Bitmex) Subscribe(channelsToSubscribe []stream.ChannelSubscription) error
Subscribe subscribes to a websocket channel
func (*Bitmex) TransferMargin ¶
func (b *Bitmex) TransferMargin(ctx context.Context, params PositionTransferIsolatedMarginParams) (Position, error)
TransferMargin transfers equity in or out of a position
func (*Bitmex) Unsubscribe ¶
func (b *Bitmex) Unsubscribe(channelsToUnsubscribe []stream.ChannelSubscription) error
Unsubscribe sends a websocket message to stop receiving data from the channel
func (*Bitmex) UpdateAccountInfo ¶
func (b *Bitmex) UpdateAccountInfo(ctx context.Context, assetType asset.Item) (account.Holdings, error)
UpdateAccountInfo retrieves balances for all enabled currencies for the Bitmex exchange
func (*Bitmex) UpdateOrderbook ¶
func (b *Bitmex) UpdateOrderbook(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (*orderbook.Base, error)
UpdateOrderbook updates and returns the orderbook for a currency pair
func (*Bitmex) UpdateRiskLimit ¶
func (b *Bitmex) UpdateRiskLimit(ctx context.Context, params PositionUpdateRiskLimitParams) (Position, error)
UpdateRiskLimit updates risk limit on a position
func (*Bitmex) UpdateTicker ¶
func (b *Bitmex) UpdateTicker(ctx context.Context, p currency.Pair, a asset.Item) (*ticker.Price, error)
UpdateTicker updates and returns the ticker for a currency pair
func (*Bitmex) UpdateTickers ¶
UpdateTickers updates the ticker for all currency pairs of a given asset type
func (*Bitmex) UpdateTradablePairs ¶
UpdateTradablePairs updates the exchanges available pairs and stores them in the exchanges config
func (*Bitmex) UpdateUserInfo ¶
UpdateUserInfo updates user information
func (*Bitmex) UserLogOut ¶
UserLogOut logs you out of BitMEX
func (*Bitmex) UserLogOutAll ¶
UserLogOutAll logs you out of all systems for BitMEX
func (*Bitmex) UserRequestWithdrawal ¶
func (b *Bitmex) UserRequestWithdrawal(ctx context.Context, params UserRequestWithdrawalParams) (TransactionInfo, error)
UserRequestWithdrawal This will send a confirmation email to the email address on record, unless requested via an API Key with the withdraw permission.
func (*Bitmex) ValidateCredentials ¶
ValidateCredentials validates current credentials used for wrapper functionality
func (*Bitmex) WithdrawCryptocurrencyFunds ¶
func (b *Bitmex) WithdrawCryptocurrencyFunds(ctx context.Context, withdrawRequest *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)
WithdrawCryptocurrencyFunds returns a withdrawal ID when a withdrawal is submitted
func (*Bitmex) WithdrawFiatFunds ¶
func (b *Bitmex) WithdrawFiatFunds(_ context.Context, _ *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)
WithdrawFiatFunds returns a withdrawal ID when a withdrawal is submitted
func (*Bitmex) WithdrawFiatFundsToInternationalBank ¶
func (b *Bitmex) WithdrawFiatFundsToInternationalBank(_ context.Context, _ *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)
WithdrawFiatFundsToInternationalBank returns a withdrawal ID when a withdrawal is submitted
type Chat ¶
type Chat struct { ChannelID float64 `json:"channelID"` Date string `json:"date"` FromBot bool `json:"fromBot"` HTML string `json:"html"` ID int32 `json:"id"` Message string `json:"message"` User string `json:"user"` }
Chat Trollbox Data
type ChatChannel ¶
ChatChannel chat channel
type ChatGetParams ¶
type ChatGetParams struct { // ChannelID - [Optional] Leave blank for all. ChannelID float64 `json:"channelID,omitempty"` // Count - [Optional] Number of results to fetch. Count int32 `json:"count,omitempty"` // Reverse - [Optional] If true, will sort results newest first. Reverse bool `json:"reverse,omitempty"` // Start - [Optional] Starting ID for results. Start int32 `json:"start,omitempty"` }
ChatGetParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (*ChatGetParams) IsNil ¶
func (p *ChatGetParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (*ChatGetParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p *ChatGetParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (*ChatGetParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p *ChatGetParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type ChatSendParams ¶
type ChatSendParams struct { // ChannelID - Channel to post to. Default 1 (English). ChannelID float64 `json:"channelID,omitempty"` // Message to send Message string `json:"message,omitempty"` }
ChatSendParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (*ChatSendParams) IsNil ¶
func (p *ChatSendParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (ChatSendParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p ChatSendParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (ChatSendParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p ChatSendParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type ConfirmEmail ¶
type ConfirmEmail struct { ID string `json:"id"` TTL int64 `json:"ttl"` Created string `json:"created"` UserID int64 `json:"userId"` }
ConfirmEmail confirmatin email endpoint data
type ConnectedUsers ¶
ConnectedUsers connected users
type Execution ¶
type Execution struct { Account int64 `json:"account"` AvgPx float64 `json:"avgPx"` ClOrdID string `json:"clOrdID"` ClOrdLinkID string `json:"clOrdLinkID"` Commission float64 `json:"commission"` ContingencyType string `json:"contingencyType"` CumQty int64 `json:"cumQty"` Currency string `json:"currency"` DisplayQuantity int64 `json:"displayQty"` ExDestination string `json:"exDestination"` ExecComm int64 `json:"execComm"` ExecCost int64 `json:"execCost"` ExecID string `json:"execID"` ExecInst string `json:"execInst"` ExecType string `json:"execType"` ForeignNotional float64 `json:"foreignNotional"` HomeNotional float64 `json:"homeNotional"` LastLiquidityInd string `json:"lastLiquidityInd"` LastMkt string `json:"lastMkt"` LastPx float64 `json:"lastPx"` LastQty int64 `json:"lastQty"` LeavesQty int64 `json:"leavesQty"` MultiLegReportingType string `json:"multiLegReportingType"` OrdRejReason string `json:"ordRejReason"` OrdStatus string `json:"ordStatus"` OrdType string `json:"ordType"` OrderID string `json:"orderID"` OrderQty int64 `json:"orderQty"` PegOffsetValue float64 `json:"pegOffsetValue"` PegPriceType string `json:"pegPriceType"` Price float64 `json:"price"` SettlCurrency string `json:"settlCurrency"` Side string `json:"side"` SimpleCumQty float64 `json:"simpleCumQty"` SimpleLeavesQty float64 `json:"simpleLeavesQty"` SimpleOrderQty float64 `json:"simpleOrderQty"` StopPx float64 `json:"stopPx"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Text string `json:"text"` TimeInForce string `json:"timeInForce"` Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` TradePublishIndicator string `json:"tradePublishIndicator"` TransactTime string `json:"transactTime"` TrdMatchID string `json:"trdMatchID"` Triggered string `json:"triggered"` UnderlyingLastPx float64 `json:"underlyingLastPx"` WorkingIndicator bool `json:"workingIndicator"` }
Execution Raw Order and Balance Data
type Funding ¶
type Funding struct { FundingInterval string `json:"fundingInterval"` FundingRate float64 `json:"fundingRate"` FundingRateDaily float64 `json:"fundingRateDaily"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` }
Funding Swap Funding History
type GenericRequestParams ¶
type GenericRequestParams struct { // Columns - [Optional] Array of column names to fetch. If omitted, will // return all columns. // NOTE that this method will always return item keys, even when not // specified, so you may receive more columns that you expect. Columns string `json:"columns,omitempty"` // Count - Number of results to fetch. Count int32 `json:"count,omitempty"` // EndTime - Ending date filter for results. EndTime string `json:"endTime,omitempty"` // Filter - Generic table filter. Send JSON key/value pairs, such as // `{"key": "value"}`. You can key on individual fields, and do more advanced // querying on timestamps. See the // [Timestamp Docs]( // for more details. Filter string `json:"filter,omitempty"` // Reverse - If true, will sort results newest first. Reverse bool `json:"reverse,omitempty"` // Start - Starting point for results. Start int32 `json:"start,omitempty"` // StartTime - Starting date filter for results. StartTime string `json:"startTime,omitempty"` // Symbol - Instrument symbol. Send a bare series (e.g. XBU) to get data for // the nearest expiring contract in that series. // You can also send a timeframe, e.g. `XBU:monthly`. Timeframes are `daily`, // `weekly`, `monthly`, `quarterly`, and `biquarterly`. Symbol string `json:"symbol,omitempty"` }
GenericRequestParams contains all the parameters for some general functions
func (*GenericRequestParams) IsNil ¶
func (p *GenericRequestParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (*GenericRequestParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p *GenericRequestParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (*GenericRequestParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p *GenericRequestParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type IndexComposite ¶
type IndexComposite struct { IndexSymbol string `json:"indexSymbol"` LastPrice float64 `json:"lastPrice"` Logged string `json:"logged"` Reference string `json:"reference"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` Weight float64 `json:"weight"` }
IndexComposite index composite
type Instrument ¶
type Instrument struct { AskPrice float64 `json:"askPrice"` BankruptLimitDownPrice float64 `json:"bankruptLimitDownPrice"` BankruptLimitUpPrice float64 `json:"bankruptLimitUpPrice"` BidPrice float64 `json:"bidPrice"` BuyLeg string `json:"buyLeg"` CalcInterval string `json:"calcInterval"` Capped bool `json:"capped"` ClosingTimestamp time.Time `json:"closingTimestamp"` Deleverage bool `json:"deleverage"` Expiry string `json:"expiry"` FairBasis float64 `json:"fairBasis"` FairBasisRate float64 `json:"fairBasisRate"` FairMethod string `json:"fairMethod"` FairPrice float64 `json:"fairPrice"` Front string `json:"front"` FundingBaseSymbol string `json:"fundingBaseSymbol"` FundingInterval string `json:"fundingInterval"` FundingPremiumSymbol string `json:"fundingPremiumSymbol"` FundingQuoteSymbol string `json:"fundingQuoteSymbol"` FundingRate float64 `json:"fundingRate"` FundingTimestamp time.Time `json:"fundingTimestamp"` HasLiquidity bool `json:"hasLiquidity"` HighPrice float64 `json:"highPrice"` ImpactAskPrice float64 `json:"impactAskPrice"` ImpactBidPrice float64 `json:"impactBidPrice"` ImpactMidPrice float64 `json:"impactMidPrice"` IndicativeFundingRate float64 `json:"indicativeFundingRate"` IndicativeSettlePrice float64 `json:"indicativeSettlePrice"` IndicativeTaxRate float64 `json:"indicativeTaxRate"` InitMargin float64 `json:"initMargin"` InsuranceFee float64 `json:"insuranceFee"` InverseLeg string `json:"inverseLeg"` IsInverse bool `json:"isInverse"` IsQuanto bool `json:"isQuanto"` LastChangePcnt float64 `json:"lastChangePcnt"` LastPrice float64 `json:"lastPrice"` LastPriceProtected float64 `json:"lastPriceProtected"` LastTickDirection string `json:"lastTickDirection"` Limit float64 `json:"limit"` LimitDownPrice float64 `json:"limitDownPrice"` LimitUpPrice float64 `json:"limitUpPrice"` Listing string `json:"listing"` LotSize int64 `json:"lotSize"` LowPrice float64 `json:"lowPrice"` MaintMargin float64 `json:"maintMargin"` MakerFee float64 `json:"makerFee"` MarkMethod string `json:"markMethod"` MarkPrice float64 `json:"markPrice"` MaxOrderQty int64 `json:"maxOrderQty"` MaxPrice float64 `json:"maxPrice"` MidPrice float64 `json:"midPrice"` Multiplier int64 `json:"multiplier"` OpenInterest int64 `json:"openInterest"` OpenValue int64 `json:"openValue"` OpeningTimestamp time.Time `json:"openingTimestamp"` OptionMultiplier float64 `json:"optionMultiplier"` OptionStrikePcnt float64 `json:"optionStrikePcnt"` OptionStrikePrice float64 `json:"optionStrikePrice"` OptionStrikeRound float64 `json:"optionStrikeRound"` OptionUnderlyingPrice float64 `json:"optionUnderlyingPrice"` PositionCurrency string `json:"positionCurrency"` PrevClosePrice float64 `json:"prevClosePrice"` PrevPrice24h float64 `json:"prevPrice24h"` PrevTotalTurnover int64 `json:"prevTotalTurnover"` PrevTotalVolume int64 `json:"prevTotalVolume"` PublishInterval string `json:"publishInterval"` PublishTime string `json:"publishTime"` QuoteCurrency string `json:"quoteCurrency"` QuoteToSettleMultiplier int64 `json:"quoteToSettleMultiplier"` RebalanceInterval string `json:"rebalanceInterval"` RebalanceTimestamp time.Time `json:"rebalanceTimestamp"` Reference string `json:"reference"` ReferenceSymbol string `json:"referenceSymbol"` RelistInterval string `json:"relistInterval"` RiskLimit int64 `json:"riskLimit"` RiskStep int64 `json:"riskStep"` RootSymbol string `json:"rootSymbol"` SellLeg string `json:"sellLeg"` SessionInterval string `json:"sessionInterval"` SettlCurrency string `json:"settlCurrency"` Settle string `json:"settle"` SettledPrice float64 `json:"settledPrice"` SettlementFee float64 `json:"settlementFee"` State string `json:"state"` Symbol currency.Pair `json:"symbol"` TakerFee float64 `json:"takerFee"` Taxed bool `json:"taxed"` TickSize float64 `json:"tickSize"` Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` TotalTurnover int64 `json:"totalTurnover"` TotalVolume int64 `json:"totalVolume"` Turnover int64 `json:"turnover"` Turnover24h int64 `json:"turnover24h"` Typ string `json:"typ"` Underlying string `json:"underlying"` UnderlyingSymbol string `json:"underlyingSymbol"` UnderlyingToPositionMultiplier int64 `json:"underlyingToPositionMultiplier"` UnderlyingToSettleMultiplier int64 `json:"underlyingToSettleMultiplier"` Volume float64 `json:"volume"` Volume24h float64 `json:"volume24h"` Vwap float64 `json:"vwap"` }
Instrument Tradeable Contracts, Indices, and History
type InstrumentInterval ¶
type InstrumentInterval struct { Intervals []string `json:"intervals"` Symbols []string `json:"symbols"` }
InstrumentInterval instrument interval
type Insurance ¶
type Insurance struct { Currency string `json:"currency"` Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` WalletBalance int64 `json:"walletBalance"` }
Insurance Insurance Fund Data
type Leaderboard ¶
type Leaderboard struct { IsRealName bool `json:"isRealName"` Name string `json:"name"` Profit float64 `json:"profit"` }
Leaderboard Information on Top Users
type LeaderboardGetParams ¶
type LeaderboardGetParams struct { // MethodRanking - [Optional] type. Options: "notional", "ROE" Method string `json:"method,omitempty"` }
LeaderboardGetParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (LeaderboardGetParams) IsNil ¶
func (p LeaderboardGetParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (LeaderboardGetParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p LeaderboardGetParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (LeaderboardGetParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p LeaderboardGetParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type Liquidation ¶
type Liquidation struct { LeavesQty int64 `json:"leavesQty"` OrderID string `json:"orderID"` Price float64 `json:"price"` Side string `json:"side"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` }
Liquidation Active Liquidations
type MinWithdrawalFee ¶
type MinWithdrawalFee struct { Currency string `json:"currency"` Fee int64 `json:"fee"` MinFee int64 `json:"minFee"` }
MinWithdrawalFee minimum withdrawal fee information
type Notification ¶
type Notification struct { Body string `json:"body"` Closable bool `json:"closable"` Date string `json:"date"` ID int32 `json:"id"` Persist bool `json:"persist"` Sound string `json:"sound"` Title string `json:"title"` TTL int32 `json:"ttl"` Type string `json:"type"` WaitForVisibility bool `json:"waitForVisibility"` }
Notification Account Notifications
type Order ¶
type Order struct { Account int64 `json:"account"` AvgPx float64 `json:"avgPx"` ClOrdID string `json:"clOrdID"` ClOrdLinkID string `json:"clOrdLinkID"` ContingencyType string `json:"contingencyType"` CumQty float64 `json:"cumQty"` Currency string `json:"currency"` DisplayQuantity int64 `json:"displayQty"` ExDestination string `json:"exDestination"` ExecInst string `json:"execInst"` LeavesQty float64 `json:"leavesQty"` MultiLegReportingType string `json:"multiLegReportingType"` OrdRejReason string `json:"ordRejReason"` OrdStatus string `json:"ordStatus"` OrdType int64 `json:"ordType,string"` OrderID string `json:"orderID"` OrderQty float64 `json:"orderQty"` PegOffsetValue float64 `json:"pegOffsetValue"` PegPriceType string `json:"pegPriceType"` Price float64 `json:"price"` SettlCurrency string `json:"settlCurrency"` Side int64 `json:"side,string"` SimpleCumQty float64 `json:"simpleCumQty"` SimpleLeavesQty float64 `json:"simpleLeavesQty"` SimpleOrderQty float64 `json:"simpleOrderQty"` StopPx float64 `json:"stopPx"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Text string `json:"text"` TimeInForce string `json:"timeInForce"` Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` TransactTime time.Time `json:"transactTime"` Triggered string `json:"triggered"` WorkingIndicator bool `json:"workingIndicator"` }
Order Placement, Cancellation, Amending, and History
type OrderAmendBulkParams ¶
type OrderAmendBulkParams struct { // Orders - An array of orders. Orders []OrderAmendParams `json:"orders,omitempty"` }
OrderAmendBulkParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (OrderAmendBulkParams) IsNil ¶
func (p OrderAmendBulkParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (OrderAmendBulkParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p OrderAmendBulkParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (OrderAmendBulkParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p OrderAmendBulkParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type OrderAmendParams ¶
type OrderAmendParams struct { // ClientOrderID - [Optional] new Client Order ID, requires `origClOrdID`. ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdID,omitempty"` // LeavesQuantity - [Optional] leaves quantity in units of the instrument // (i.e. contracts). Useful for amending partially filled orders. LeavesQuantity int32 `json:"leavesQty,omitempty"` OrderID string `json:"orderID,omitempty"` // OrderQuantity - [Optional] order quantity in units of the instrument // (i.e. contracts). OrderQty int32 `json:"orderQty,omitempty"` // OrigClOrdID - Client Order ID. See POST /order. OrigClOrdID string `json:"origClOrdID,omitempty"` // PegOffsetValue - [Optional] trailing offset from the current price for // 'Stop', 'StopLimit', 'MarketIfTouched', and 'LimitIfTouched' orders; use a // negative offset for stop-sell orders and buy-if-touched orders. [Optional] // offset from the peg price for 'Pegged' orders. PegOffsetValue float64 `json:"pegOffsetValue,omitempty"` // Price - [Optional] limit price for 'Limit', 'StopLimit', and // 'LimitIfTouched' orders. Price float64 `json:"price,omitempty"` // SimpleLeavesQuantity - [Optional] leaves quantity in units of the underlying // instrument (i.e. Bitcoin). Useful for amending partially filled orders. SimpleLeavesQuantity float64 `json:"simpleLeavesQty,omitempty"` // SimpleOrderQuantity - [Optional] order quantity in units of the underlying // instrument (i.e. Bitcoin). SimpleOrderQuantity float64 `json:"simpleOrderQty,omitempty"` // StopPrice - [Optional] trigger price for 'Stop', 'StopLimit', // 'MarketIfTouched', and 'LimitIfTouched' orders. Use a price below the // current price for stop-sell orders and buy-if-touched orders. StopPx float64 `json:"stopPx,omitempty"` // Text - [Optional] amend annotation. e.g. 'Adjust skew'. Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` }
OrderAmendParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for the order amend operation
func (*OrderAmendParams) IsNil ¶
func (p *OrderAmendParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (*OrderAmendParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p *OrderAmendParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (*OrderAmendParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p *OrderAmendParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type OrderBookData ¶
type OrderBookData struct { Data []OrderBookL2 `json:"data"` Action string `json:"action"` }
OrderBookData contains orderbook resp data with action to be taken
type OrderBookGetL2Params ¶
type OrderBookGetL2Params struct { // Depth - Orderbook depth per side. Send 0 for full depth. Depth int32 `json:"depth,omitempty"` // Symbol -Instrument symbol. Send a series (e.g. XBT) to get data for the // nearest contract in that series. Symbol string `json:"symbol,omitempty"` }
OrderBookGetL2Params contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (OrderBookGetL2Params) IsNil ¶
func (p OrderBookGetL2Params) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (OrderBookGetL2Params) ToURLVals ¶
func (p OrderBookGetL2Params) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (OrderBookGetL2Params) VerifyData ¶
func (p OrderBookGetL2Params) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type OrderBookL2 ¶
type OrderBookL2 struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Price float64 `json:"price"` Side string `json:"side"` Size int64 `json:"size"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` }
OrderBookL2 contains order book l2
type OrderCancelAllAfterParams ¶
type OrderCancelAllAfterParams struct { // Timeout in ms. Set to 0 to cancel this timer. Timeout float64 `json:"timeout,omitempty"` }
OrderCancelAllAfterParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (OrderCancelAllAfterParams) IsNil ¶
func (p OrderCancelAllAfterParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (OrderCancelAllAfterParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p OrderCancelAllAfterParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (OrderCancelAllAfterParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p OrderCancelAllAfterParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type OrderCancelAllParams ¶
type OrderCancelAllParams struct { // Filter - [Optional] filter for cancellation. Use to only cancel some // orders, e.g. `{"side": "Buy"}`. Filter string `json:"filter,omitempty"` // Symbol - [Optional] symbol. If provided, only cancels orders for that // symbol. Symbol string `json:"symbol,omitempty"` // Text - [Optional] cancellation annotation. e.g. 'Spread Exceeded' Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` }
OrderCancelAllParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint for cancelling all your orders
func (OrderCancelAllParams) IsNil ¶
func (p OrderCancelAllParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (OrderCancelAllParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p OrderCancelAllParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (OrderCancelAllParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p OrderCancelAllParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type OrderCancelParams ¶
type OrderCancelParams struct { // ClientOrderID - Client Order ID(s). See POST /order. ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdID,omitempty"` // OrderID - Order ID(s). OrderID string `json:"orderID,omitempty"` // Text - [Optional] cancellation annotation. e.g. 'Spread Exceeded'. Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` }
OrderCancelParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (OrderCancelParams) IsNil ¶
func (p OrderCancelParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (OrderCancelParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p OrderCancelParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (OrderCancelParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p OrderCancelParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type OrderClosePositionParams ¶
type OrderClosePositionParams struct { // Price - [Optional] limit price. Price float64 `json:"price,omitempty"` // Symbol of position to close. Symbol string `json:"symbol,omitempty"` }
OrderClosePositionParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (OrderClosePositionParams) IsNil ¶
func (p OrderClosePositionParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (OrderClosePositionParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p OrderClosePositionParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (OrderClosePositionParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p OrderClosePositionParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type OrderInsertData ¶
type OrderInsertData struct { WorkingIndicator bool `json:"workingIndicator"` Account int64 `json:"account"` AveragePrice float64 `json:"avgPx"` Commission float64 `json:"commission"` FilledQuantity float64 `json:"cumQty"` DisplayQuantity float64 `json:"displayQty"` ExecComm float64 `json:"execComm"` ExecCost float64 `json:"execCost"` ForeignNotional float64 `json:"foreignNotional"` HomeNotional float64 `json:"homeNotional"` LastPrice float64 `json:"lastPx"` LastQuantity float64 `json:"lastQty"` LeavesQuantity float64 `json:"leavesQty"` OrderQuantity float64 `json:"orderQty"` PegOffsetValue float64 `json:"pegOffsetValue"` Price float64 `json:"price"` SimpleFilledQuantity float64 `json:"simpleCumQty"` SimpleLeavesQuantity float64 `json:"simpleLeavesQty"` SimpleOrderQuantity float64 `json:"simpleOrderQty"` StopPrice float64 `json:"stopPx"` ExDestination string `json:"exDestination"` ContingencyType string `json:"contingencyType"` Currency string `json:"currency"` ExecutionID string `json:"execID"` ExecutionInstance string `json:"execInst"` ExecutionType string `json:"execType"` LastLiquidityInd string `json:"lastLiquidityInd"` LastMkt string `json:"lastMkt"` UnderlyingLastPrice float64 `json:"underlyingLastPx"` MultiLegReportingType string `json:"multiLegReportingType"` OrderRejectedReason string `json:"ordRejReason"` OrderStatus string `json:"ordStatus"` OrderType string `json:"ordType"` OrderID string `json:"orderID"` PegPriceType string `json:"pegPriceType"` ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdID"` ClientOrderLinkID string `json:"clOrdLinkID"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Text string `json:"text"` TimeInForce string `json:"timeInForce"` Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` TradePublishIndicator string `json:"tradePublishIndicator"` TransactTime time.Time `json:"transactTime"` TradingMatchID string `json:"trdMatchID"` Triggered string `json:"triggered"` SettleCurrency string `json:"settlCurrency"` Side string `json:"side"` }
OrderInsertData holds order data from an order response
type OrderNewBulkParams ¶
type OrderNewBulkParams struct { // Orders - An array of orders. Orders []OrderNewParams `json:"orders,omitempty"` }
OrderNewBulkParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (OrderNewBulkParams) IsNil ¶
func (p OrderNewBulkParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (OrderNewBulkParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p OrderNewBulkParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (OrderNewBulkParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p OrderNewBulkParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type OrderNewParams ¶
type OrderNewParams struct { // ClientOrderID - [Optional] Client Order ID. This clOrdID will come back on the // order and any related executions. ClientOrderID string `json:"clOrdID,omitempty"` // ClientOrderLinkID - [Optional] Client Order Link ID for contingent orders. ClientOrderLinkID string `json:"clOrdLinkID,omitempty"` // ContingencyType - [Optional] contingency type for use with `clOrdLinkID`. // Valid options: OneCancelsTheOther, OneTriggersTheOther, // OneUpdatesTheOtherAbsolute, OneUpdatesTheOtherProportional. ContingencyType string `json:"contingencyType,omitempty"` // DisplayQuantity- [Optional] quantity to display in the book. Use 0 for a fully // hidden order. DisplayQuantity float64 `json:"displayQty,omitempty"` // ExecutionInstance - [Optional] execution instructions. Valid options: // ParticipateDoNotInitiate, AllOrNone, MarkPrice, IndexPrice, LastPrice, // Close, ReduceOnly, Fixed. 'AllOrNone' instruction requires `displayQty` // to be 0. 'MarkPrice', 'IndexPrice' or 'LastPrice' instruction valid for // 'Stop', 'StopLimit', 'MarketIfTouched', and 'LimitIfTouched' orders. ExecInst string `json:"execInst,omitempty"` // OrderType - Order type. Valid options: Market, Limit, Stop, StopLimit, // MarketIfTouched, LimitIfTouched, MarketWithLeftOverAsLimit, Pegged. // Defaults to 'Limit' when `price` is specified. Defaults to 'Stop' when // `stopPx` is specified. Defaults to 'StopLimit' when `price` and `stopPx` // are specified. OrderType string `json:"ordType,omitempty"` // OrderQuantity Order quantity in units of the instrument (i.e. contracts). OrderQuantity float64 `json:"orderQty,omitempty"` // PegOffsetValue - [Optional] trailing offset from the current price for // 'Stop', 'StopLimit', 'MarketIfTouched', and 'LimitIfTouched' orders; use a // negative offset for stop-sell orders and buy-if-touched orders. [Optional] // offset from the peg price for 'Pegged' orders. PegOffsetValue float64 `json:"pegOffsetValue,omitempty"` // PegPriceType - [Optional] peg price type. Valid options: LastPeg, // MidPricePeg, MarketPeg, PrimaryPeg, TrailingStopPeg. PegPriceType string `json:"pegPriceType,omitempty"` // Price - [Optional] limit price for 'Limit', 'StopLimit', and // 'LimitIfTouched' orders. Price float64 `json:"price,omitempty"` // Side - Order side. Valid options: Buy, Sell. Defaults to 'Buy' unless // `orderQty` or `simpleOrderQty` is negative. Side string `json:"side,omitempty"` // SimpleOrderQuantity - Order quantity in units of the underlying instrument // (i.e. Bitcoin). SimpleOrderQuantity float64 `json:"simpleOrderQty,omitempty"` // StopPrice - [Optional] trigger price for 'Stop', 'StopLimit', // 'MarketIfTouched', and 'LimitIfTouched' orders. Use a price below the // current price for stop-sell orders and buy-if-touched orders. Use // `execInst` of 'MarkPrice' or 'LastPrice' to define the current price used // for triggering. StopPx float64 `json:"stopPx,omitempty"` // Symbol - Instrument symbol. e.g. 'XBTUSD'. Symbol string `json:"symbol,omitempty"` // Text - [Optional] order annotation. e.g. 'Take profit'. Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` // TimeInForce - Valid options: Day, GoodTillCancel, ImmediateOrCancel, // FillOrKill. Defaults to 'GoodTillCancel' for 'Limit', 'StopLimit', // 'LimitIfTouched', and 'MarketWithLeftOverAsLimit' orders. TimeInForce string `json:"timeInForce,omitempty"` }
OrderNewParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (*OrderNewParams) IsNil ¶
func (p *OrderNewParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (*OrderNewParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p *OrderNewParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (*OrderNewParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p *OrderNewParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type OrdersRequest ¶
type OrdersRequest struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol,omitempty"` Filter string `json:"filter,omitempty"` Columns string `json:"columns,omitempty"` Count float64 `json:"count,omitempty"` Start float64 `json:"start,omitempty"` Reverse bool `json:"reverse,omitempty"` StartTime string `json:"startTime,omitempty"` EndTime string `json:"endTime,omitempty"` }
OrdersRequest used for GetOrderHistory
func (*OrdersRequest) IsNil ¶
func (p *OrdersRequest) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (*OrdersRequest) ToURLVals ¶
func (p *OrdersRequest) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (*OrdersRequest) VerifyData ¶
func (p *OrdersRequest) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies parameter data during SendAuthenticatedHTTPRequest
type Position ¶
type Position struct { Account int64 `json:"account"` AvgCostPrice float64 `json:"avgCostPrice"` AvgEntryPrice float64 `json:"avgEntryPrice"` BankruptPrice float64 `json:"bankruptPrice"` BreakEvenPrice float64 `json:"breakEvenPrice"` Commission float64 `json:"commission"` CrossMargin bool `json:"crossMargin"` Currency string `json:"currency"` CurrentComm int64 `json:"currentComm"` CurrentCost int64 `json:"currentCost"` CurrentQty int64 `json:"currentQty"` CurrentTimestamp time.Time `json:"currentTimestamp"` DeleveragePercentile float64 `json:"deleveragePercentile"` ExecBuyCost int64 `json:"execBuyCost"` ExecBuyQty int64 `json:"execBuyQty"` ExecComm int64 `json:"execComm"` ExecCost int64 `json:"execCost"` ExecQty int64 `json:"execQty"` ExecSellCost int64 `json:"execSellCost"` ExecSellQty int64 `json:"execSellQty"` ForeignNotional float64 `json:"foreignNotional"` GrossExecCost int64 `json:"grossExecCost"` GrossOpenCost int64 `json:"grossOpenCost"` GrossOpenPremium int64 `json:"grossOpenPremium"` HomeNotional float64 `json:"homeNotional"` IndicativeTax int64 `json:"indicativeTax"` IndicativeTaxRate float64 `json:"indicativeTaxRate"` InitMargin int64 `json:"initMargin"` InitMarginReq float64 `json:"initMarginReq"` IsOpen bool `json:"isOpen"` LastPrice float64 `json:"lastPrice"` LastValue int64 `json:"lastValue"` Leverage float64 `json:"leverage"` LiquidationPrice float64 `json:"liquidationPrice"` LongBankrupt int64 `json:"longBankrupt"` MaintMargin int64 `json:"maintMargin"` MaintMarginReq float64 `json:"maintMarginReq"` MarginCallPrice float64 `json:"marginCallPrice"` MarkPrice float64 `json:"markPrice"` MarkValue int64 `json:"markValue"` OpenOrderBuyCost int64 `json:"openOrderBuyCost"` OpenOrderBuyPremium int64 `json:"openOrderBuyPremium"` OpenOrderBuyQty int64 `json:"openOrderBuyQty"` OpenOrderSellCost int64 `json:"openOrderSellCost"` OpenOrderSellPremium int64 `json:"openOrderSellPremium"` OpenOrderSellQty int64 `json:"openOrderSellQty"` OpeningComm int64 `json:"openingComm"` OpeningCost int64 `json:"openingCost"` OpeningQty int64 `json:"openingQty"` OpeningTimestamp time.Time `json:"openingTimestamp"` PosAllowance int64 `json:"posAllowance"` PosComm int64 `json:"posComm"` PosCost int64 `json:"posCost"` PosCost2 int64 `json:"posCost2"` PosCross int64 `json:"posCross"` PosInit int64 `json:"posInit"` PosLoss int64 `json:"posLoss"` PosMaint int64 `json:"posMaint"` PosMargin int64 `json:"posMargin"` PosState string `json:"posState"` PrevClosePrice float64 `json:"prevClosePrice"` PrevRealisedPnl int64 `json:"prevRealisedPnl"` PrevUnrealisedPnl int64 `json:"prevUnrealisedPnl"` QuoteCurrency string `json:"quoteCurrency"` RealisedCost int64 `json:"realisedCost"` RealisedGrossPnl int64 `json:"realisedGrossPnl"` RealisedPnl int64 `json:"realisedPnl"` RealisedTax int64 `json:"realisedTax"` RebalancedPnl int64 `json:"rebalancedPnl"` RiskLimit int64 `json:"riskLimit"` RiskValue int64 `json:"riskValue"` SessionMargin int64 `json:"sessionMargin"` ShortBankrupt int64 `json:"shortBankrupt"` SimpleCost float64 `json:"simpleCost"` SimplePnl float64 `json:"simplePnl"` SimplePnlPcnt float64 `json:"simplePnlPcnt"` SimpleQty float64 `json:"simpleQty"` SimpleValue float64 `json:"simpleValue"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` TargetExcessMargin int64 `json:"targetExcessMargin"` TaxBase int64 `json:"taxBase"` TaxableMargin int64 `json:"taxableMargin"` Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` Underlying string `json:"underlying"` UnrealisedCost int64 `json:"unrealisedCost"` UnrealisedGrossPnl int64 `json:"unrealisedGrossPnl"` UnrealisedPnl int64 `json:"unrealisedPnl"` UnrealisedPnlPcnt float64 `json:"unrealisedPnlPcnt"` UnrealisedRoePcnt float64 `json:"unrealisedRoePcnt"` UnrealisedTax int64 `json:"unrealisedTax"` VarMargin int64 `json:"varMargin"` }
Position Summary of Open and Closed Positions
type PositionGetParams ¶
type PositionGetParams struct { // Columns - Which columns to fetch. For example, send ["columnName"]. Columns string `json:"columns,omitempty"` // Count - Number of rows to fetch. Count int32 `json:"count,omitempty"` // Filter - Table filter. For example, send {"symbol": "XBTUSD"}. Filter string `json:"filter,omitempty"` }
PositionGetParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (PositionGetParams) IsNil ¶
func (p PositionGetParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (PositionGetParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p PositionGetParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (PositionGetParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p PositionGetParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type PositionIsolateMarginParams ¶
type PositionIsolateMarginParams struct { // Enabled - True for isolated margin, false for cross margin. Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` // Symbol - Position symbol to isolate. Symbol string `json:"symbol,omitempty"` }
PositionIsolateMarginParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (PositionIsolateMarginParams) IsNil ¶
func (p PositionIsolateMarginParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (PositionIsolateMarginParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p PositionIsolateMarginParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (PositionIsolateMarginParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p PositionIsolateMarginParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type PositionTransferIsolatedMarginParams ¶
type PositionTransferIsolatedMarginParams struct { // Amount - Amount to transfer, in Satoshis. May be negative. Amount int64 `json:"amount,omitempty"` // Symbol - Symbol of position to isolate. Symbol string `json:"symbol,omitempty"` }
PositionTransferIsolatedMarginParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (PositionTransferIsolatedMarginParams) IsNil ¶
func (p PositionTransferIsolatedMarginParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (PositionTransferIsolatedMarginParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p PositionTransferIsolatedMarginParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (PositionTransferIsolatedMarginParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p PositionTransferIsolatedMarginParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type PositionUpdateLeverageParams ¶
type PositionUpdateLeverageParams struct { // Leverage - Leverage value. Send a number between 0.01 and 100 to enable // isolated margin with a fixed leverage. Send 0 to enable cross margin. Leverage float64 `json:"leverage,omitempty"` // Symbol - Symbol of position to adjust. Symbol string `json:"symbol,omitempty"` }
PositionUpdateLeverageParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (PositionUpdateLeverageParams) IsNil ¶
func (p PositionUpdateLeverageParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (PositionUpdateLeverageParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p PositionUpdateLeverageParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (PositionUpdateLeverageParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p PositionUpdateLeverageParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type PositionUpdateRiskLimitParams ¶
type PositionUpdateRiskLimitParams struct { // RiskLimit - New Risk Limit, in Satoshis. RiskLimit int64 `json:"riskLimit,omitempty"` // Symbol - Symbol of position to update risk limit on. Symbol string `json:"symbol,omitempty"` }
PositionUpdateRiskLimitParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (PositionUpdateRiskLimitParams) IsNil ¶
func (p PositionUpdateRiskLimitParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (PositionUpdateRiskLimitParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p PositionUpdateRiskLimitParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (PositionUpdateRiskLimitParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p PositionUpdateRiskLimitParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type Quote ¶
type Quote struct { AskPrice float64 `json:"askPrice"` AskSize int64 `json:"askSize"` BidPrice float64 `json:"bidPrice"` BidSize int64 `json:"bidSize"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` }
Quote Best Bid/Offer Snapshots & Historical Bins
type QuoteGetBucketedParams ¶
type QuoteGetBucketedParams struct { // BinSize - Time interval to bucket by. Available options: [1m,5m,1h,1d]. BinSize string `json:"binSize,omitempty"` // Columns - Array of column names to fetch. If omitted, will return all // columns. NOTE that this method will always return item keys, even when not // specified, so you may receive more columns that you expect. Columns string `json:"columns,omitempty"` // Count - Number of results to fetch. Count int32 `json:"count,omitempty"` // EndTime - Ending date filter for results. EndTime string `json:"endTime,omitempty"` // Filter - Generic table filter. Send JSON key/value pairs, such as // `{"key": "value"}`. You can key on individual fields, and do more advanced // querying on timestamps. See the // [Timestamp Docs]( // for more details. Filter string `json:"filter,omitempty"` // Partial - If true, will send in-progress (incomplete) bins for the current // time period. Partial bool `json:"partial,omitempty"` // Reverse - If true, will sort results newest first. Reverse bool `json:"reverse,omitempty"` // Start - Starting point for results. Start int32 `json:"start,omitempty"` // StartTime - Starting date filter for results. StartTime string `json:"startTime,omitempty"` // Symbol - Instrument symbol. Send a bare series (e.g. XBU) to get data for // the nearest expiring contract in that series.You can also send a timeframe, // e.g. `XBU:monthly`. Timeframes are `daily`, `weekly`, `monthly`, // `quarterly`, and `biquarterly`. Symbol string `json:"symbol,omitempty"` }
QuoteGetBucketedParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (*QuoteGetBucketedParams) IsNil ¶
func (p *QuoteGetBucketedParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (*QuoteGetBucketedParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p *QuoteGetBucketedParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (*QuoteGetBucketedParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p *QuoteGetBucketedParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type RateLimit ¶
RateLimit implements the request.Limiter interface
func SetRateLimit ¶
func SetRateLimit() *RateLimit
SetRateLimit returns the rate limit for the exchange
type RequestError ¶
type RequestError struct { Error struct { Message string `json:"message"` Name string `json:"name"` } `json:"error"` }
RequestError allows for a general error capture from requests
type Settlement ¶
type Settlement struct { Bankrupt int64 `json:"bankrupt"` OptionStrikePrice float64 `json:"optionStrikePrice"` OptionUnderlyingPrice float64 `json:"optionUnderlyingPrice"` SettledPrice float64 `json:"settledPrice"` SettlementType string `json:"settlementType"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` TaxBase int64 `json:"taxBase"` TaxRate float64 `json:"taxRate"` Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` }
Settlement Historical Settlement Data
type Stats ¶
type Stats struct { Currency string `json:"currency"` OpenInterest int64 `json:"openInterest"` OpenValue int64 `json:"openValue"` RootSymbol string `json:"rootSymbol"` Turnover24h int64 `json:"turnover24h"` Volume24h int64 `json:"volume24h"` }
Stats Exchange Statistics
type StatsHistory ¶
type StatsHistory struct { Currency string `json:"currency"` Date string `json:"date"` RootSymbol string `json:"rootSymbol"` Turnover int64 `json:"turnover"` Volume int64 `json:"volume"` }
StatsHistory stats history
type StatsUSD ¶
type StatsUSD struct { Currency string `json:"currency"` RootSymbol string `json:"rootSymbol"` Turnover int64 `json:"turnover"` Turnover24h int64 `json:"turnover24h"` Turnover30d int64 `json:"turnover30d"` Turnover365d int64 `json:"turnover365d"` }
StatsUSD contains summary of exchange stats
type Trade ¶
type Trade struct { ForeignNotional float64 `json:"foreignNotional"` GrossValue int64 `json:"grossValue"` HomeNotional float64 `json:"homeNotional"` Price float64 `json:"price"` Side string `json:"side"` Size int64 `json:"size"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` TickDirection string `json:"tickDirection"` Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` TrdMatchID string `json:"trdMatchID"` }
Trade Individual & Bucketed Trades
type TradeGetBucketedParams ¶
type TradeGetBucketedParams struct { // BinSize - Time interval to bucket by. Available options: [1m,5m,1h,1d]. BinSize string `json:"binSize,omitempty"` // Columns - Array of column names to fetch. If omitted, will return all // columns. // Note that this method will always return item keys, even when not // specified, so you may receive more columns that you expect. Columns string `json:"columns,omitempty"` // Count - Number of results to fetch. Count int32 `json:"count,omitempty"` // EndTime - Ending date filter for results. EndTime string `json:"endTime,omitempty"` // Filter - Generic table filter. Send JSON key/value pairs, such as // `{"key": "value"}`. You can key on individual fields, and do more advanced // querying on timestamps. See the // [Timestamp Docs]( // for more details. Filter string `json:"filter,omitempty"` // Partial - If true, will send in-progress (incomplete) bins for the current // time period. Partial bool `json:"partial,omitempty"` // Reverse - If true, will sort results newest first. Reverse bool `json:"reverse,omitempty"` // Start - Starting point for results. Start int32 `json:"start,omitempty"` // StartTime - Starting date filter for results. StartTime string `json:"startTime,omitempty"` // Symbol - Instrument symbol. Send a bare series (e.g. XBU) to get data for // the nearest expiring contract in that series.You can also send a timeframe, // e.g. `XBU:monthly`. Timeframes are `daily`, `weekly`, `monthly`, // `quarterly`, and `biquarterly`. Symbol string `json:"symbol,omitempty"` }
TradeGetBucketedParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (*TradeGetBucketedParams) IsNil ¶
func (p *TradeGetBucketedParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (*TradeGetBucketedParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p *TradeGetBucketedParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (*TradeGetBucketedParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p *TradeGetBucketedParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type TransactionInfo ¶
type TransactionInfo struct { Account int64 `json:"account"` Address string `json:"address"` Amount int64 `json:"amount"` Currency string `json:"currency"` Fee int64 `json:"fee"` Text string `json:"text"` Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` TransactID string `json:"transactID"` TransactStatus string `json:"transactStatus"` TransactTime string `json:"transactTime"` TransactType string `json:"transactType"` Tx string `json:"tx"` }
TransactionInfo Information
type User ¶
type User struct { TFAEnabled string `json:"TFAEnabled"` AffiliateID string `json:"affiliateID"` Country string `json:"country"` Created string `json:"created"` Email string `json:"email"` Firstname string `json:"firstname"` GeoipCountry string `json:"geoipCountry"` GeoipRegion string `json:"geoipRegion"` ID int32 `json:"id"` LastUpdated string `json:"lastUpdated"` Lastname string `json:"lastname"` OwnerID int32 `json:"ownerId"` PgpPubKey string `json:"pgpPubKey"` Phone string `json:"phone"` Preferences UserPreferences `json:"preferences"` Typ string `json:"typ"` Username string `json:"username"` }
User Account Operations
type UserCheckReferralCodeParams ¶
type UserCheckReferralCodeParams struct {
ReferralCode string `json:"referralCode,omitempty"`
UserCheckReferralCodeParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (UserCheckReferralCodeParams) IsNil ¶
func (p UserCheckReferralCodeParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (UserCheckReferralCodeParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p UserCheckReferralCodeParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (UserCheckReferralCodeParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p UserCheckReferralCodeParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type UserCommission ¶
type UserCommission struct { MakerFee float64 `json:"makerFee"` MaxFee float64 `json:"maxFee"` SettlementFee float64 `json:"settlementFee"` TakerFee float64 `json:"takerFee"` }
UserCommission user commission
type UserConfirmTFAParams ¶
type UserConfirmTFAParams struct { // Token - Token from your selected TFA type. Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` // Type - Two-factor auth type. Supported types: 'GA' (Google Authenticator), // 'Yubikey' Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
UserConfirmTFAParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (UserConfirmTFAParams) IsNil ¶
func (p UserConfirmTFAParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (UserConfirmTFAParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p UserConfirmTFAParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (UserConfirmTFAParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p UserConfirmTFAParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type UserCurrencyParams ¶
type UserCurrencyParams struct {
Currency string `json:"currency,omitempty"`
UserCurrencyParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (UserCurrencyParams) IsNil ¶
func (p UserCurrencyParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (UserCurrencyParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p UserCurrencyParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (UserCurrencyParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p UserCurrencyParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type UserMargin ¶
type UserMargin struct { Account int64 `json:"account"` Action string `json:"action"` Amount int64 `json:"amount"` AvailableMargin int64 `json:"availableMargin"` Commission float64 `json:"commission"` ConfirmedDebit int64 `json:"confirmedDebit"` Currency string `json:"currency"` ExcessMargin int64 `json:"excessMargin"` ExcessMarginPcnt float64 `json:"excessMarginPcnt"` GrossComm int64 `json:"grossComm"` GrossExecCost int64 `json:"grossExecCost"` GrossLastValue int64 `json:"grossLastValue"` GrossMarkValue int64 `json:"grossMarkValue"` GrossOpenCost int64 `json:"grossOpenCost"` GrossOpenPremium int64 `json:"grossOpenPremium"` IndicativeTax int64 `json:"indicativeTax"` InitMargin int64 `json:"initMargin"` MaintMargin int64 `json:"maintMargin"` MarginBalance int64 `json:"marginBalance"` MarginBalancePcnt float64 `json:"marginBalancePcnt"` MarginLeverage float64 `json:"marginLeverage"` MarginUsedPcnt float64 `json:"marginUsedPcnt"` PendingCredit int64 `json:"pendingCredit"` PendingDebit int64 `json:"pendingDebit"` PrevRealisedPnl int64 `json:"prevRealisedPnl"` PrevState string `json:"prevState"` PrevUnrealisedPnl int64 `json:"prevUnrealisedPnl"` RealisedPnl int64 `json:"realisedPnl"` RiskLimit int64 `json:"riskLimit"` RiskValue int64 `json:"riskValue"` SessionMargin int64 `json:"sessionMargin"` State string `json:"state"` SyntheticMargin int64 `json:"syntheticMargin"` TargetExcessMargin int64 `json:"targetExcessMargin"` TaxableMargin int64 `json:"taxableMargin"` Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` UnrealisedPnl int64 `json:"unrealisedPnl"` UnrealisedProfit int64 `json:"unrealisedProfit"` VarMargin int64 `json:"varMargin"` WalletBalance int64 `json:"walletBalance"` WithdrawableMargin int64 `json:"withdrawableMargin"` }
UserMargin margin information
type UserPreferences ¶
type UserPreferences struct { AlertOnLiquidations bool `json:"alertOnLiquidations"` AnimationsEnabled bool `json:"animationsEnabled"` AnnouncementsLastSeen string `json:"announcementsLastSeen"` ChatChannelID float64 `json:"chatChannelID"` ColorTheme string `json:"colorTheme"` Currency string `json:"currency"` Debug bool `json:"debug"` DisableEmails []string `json:"disableEmails"` HideConfirmDialogs []string `json:"hideConfirmDialogs"` HideConnectionModal bool `json:"hideConnectionModal"` HideFromLeaderboard bool `json:"hideFromLeaderboard"` HideNameFromLeaderboard bool `json:"hideNameFromLeaderboard"` HideNotifications []string `json:"hideNotifications"` Locale string `json:"locale"` MsgsSeen []string `json:"msgsSeen"` OrderBookBinning interface{} `json:"orderBookBinning"` OrderBookType string `json:"orderBookType"` OrderClearImmediate bool `json:"orderClearImmediate"` OrderControlsPlusMinus bool `json:"orderControlsPlusMinus"` ShowLocaleNumbers bool `json:"showLocaleNumbers"` Sounds []string `json:"sounds"` StrictIPCheck bool `json:"strictIPCheck"` StrictTimeout bool `json:"strictTimeout"` TickerGroup string `json:"tickerGroup"` TickerPinned bool `json:"tickerPinned"` TradeLayout string `json:"tradeLayout"` }
UserPreferences user preferences
type UserPreferencesParams ¶
type UserPreferencesParams struct { // Overwrite - If true, will overwrite all existing preferences. Overwrite bool `json:"overwrite,omitempty"` // Prefs - preferences Prefs string `json:"prefs,omitempty"` }
UserPreferencesParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (UserPreferencesParams) IsNil ¶
func (p UserPreferencesParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (UserPreferencesParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p UserPreferencesParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (UserPreferencesParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p UserPreferencesParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type UserRequestWithdrawalParams ¶
type UserRequestWithdrawalParams struct { // Address - Destination Address. Address string `json:"address,omitempty"` // Amount - Amount of withdrawal currency. Amount float64 `json:"amount,omitempty"` // Currency - Currency you're withdrawing. Options: `XBt` Currency string `json:"currency,omitempty"` // Fee - Network fee for Bitcoin withdrawals. If not specified, a default // value will be calculated based on Bitcoin network conditions. You will have // a chance to confirm this via email. Fee float64 `json:"fee,omitempty"` // OtpToken - 2FA token. Required if 2FA is enabled on your account. OtpToken int64 `json:"otpToken,omitempty"` }
UserRequestWithdrawalParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (UserRequestWithdrawalParams) IsNil ¶
func (p UserRequestWithdrawalParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (UserRequestWithdrawalParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p UserRequestWithdrawalParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (UserRequestWithdrawalParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p UserRequestWithdrawalParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type UserTokenParams ¶
type UserTokenParams struct {
Token string `json:"token,omitempty"`
UserTokenParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (UserTokenParams) IsNil ¶
func (p UserTokenParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (UserTokenParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p UserTokenParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (UserTokenParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p UserTokenParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type UserUpdateParams ¶
type UserUpdateParams struct { // Country - Country of residence. Country string `json:"country,omitempty"` // New Password string NewPassword string `json:"newPassword,omitempty"` // Confirmation string - must match NewPasswordConfirm string `json:"newPasswordConfirm,omitempty"` // old password string OldPassword string `json:"oldPassword,omitempty"` // PGP Public Key. If specified, automated emails will be sent with this key. PgpPubKey string `json:"pgpPubKey,omitempty"` // Username can only be set once. To reset, email support. Username string `json:"username,omitempty"` }
UserUpdateParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
func (*UserUpdateParams) IsNil ¶
func (p *UserUpdateParams) IsNil() bool
IsNil checks to see if any values has been set for the paramater
func (*UserUpdateParams) ToURLVals ¶
func (p *UserUpdateParams) ToURLVals(path string) (string, error)
ToURLVals converts struct values to url.values and encodes it on the supplied path
func (*UserUpdateParams) VerifyData ¶
func (p *UserUpdateParams) VerifyData() error
VerifyData verifies outgoing data sets
type WalletInfo ¶
type WalletInfo struct { Account int64 `json:"account"` Addr string `json:"addr"` Amount float64 `json:"amount"` ConfirmedDebit int64 `json:"confirmedDebit"` Currency string `json:"currency"` DeltaAmount int64 `json:"deltaAmount"` DeltaDeposited int64 `json:"deltaDeposited"` DeltaTransferIn int64 `json:"deltaTransferIn"` DeltaTransferOut int64 `json:"deltaTransferOut"` DeltaWithdrawn int64 `json:"deltaWithdrawn"` Deposited int64 `json:"deposited"` PendingCredit int64 `json:"pendingCredit"` PendingDebit int64 `json:"pendingDebit"` PrevAmount int64 `json:"prevAmount"` PrevDeposited int64 `json:"prevDeposited"` PrevTimestamp time.Time `json:"prevTimestamp"` PrevTransferIn int64 `json:"prevTransferIn"` PrevTransferOut int64 `json:"prevTransferOut"` PrevWithdrawn int64 `json:"prevWithdrawn"` Script string `json:"script"` Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` TransferIn int64 `json:"transferIn"` TransferOut int64 `json:"transferOut"` WithdrawalLock []string `json:"withdrawalLock"` Withdrawn int64 `json:"withdrawn"` }
WalletInfo wallet information
type WebsocketErrorResponse ¶
type WebsocketErrorResponse struct { Status int64 `json:"status"` Error string `json:"error"` Meta interface{} `json:"meta"` Request WebsocketRequest `json:"request"` }
WebsocketErrorResponse main error response
type WebsocketMainResponse ¶
type WebsocketMainResponse struct { Table string `json:"table"` Keys []string `json:"keys"` Types struct { ID string `json:"id"` Price string `json:"price"` Side string `json:"side"` Size string `json:"size"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` } `json:"types"` ForeignKeys struct { Side string `json:"side"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` } `json:"foreignKeys"` Attributes struct { ID string `json:"id"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` } `json:"Attributes"` Action string `json:"action,omitempty"` }
WebsocketMainResponse main table defined response
type WebsocketRequest ¶
type WebsocketRequest struct { Command string `json:"op"` Arguments []interface{} `json:"args"` }
WebsocketRequest is the main request type
type WebsocketSubscribeResp ¶
type WebsocketSubscribeResp struct { Success bool `json:"success"` Subscribe string `json:"subscribe"` Request WebsocketRequest `json:"request"` }
WebsocketSubscribeResp is a response that occurs after a subscription
type WebsocketWelcome ¶
type WebsocketWelcome struct { Info string `json:"info"` Version string `json:"version"` Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` Docs string `json:"docs"` Limit struct { Remaining int64 `json:"remaining"` } `json:"limit"` }
WebsocketWelcome initial welcome type
type WsAffiliateResponse ¶
type WsAffiliateResponse struct { WsDataResponse ForeignKeys interface{} `json:"foreignKeys"` Attributes WsAffiliateResponseAttributes `json:"attributes"` Filter WsAffiliateResponseFilter `json:"filter"` Data []interface{} `json:"data"` }
WsAffiliateResponse private api response
type WsAffiliateResponseAttributes ¶
type WsAffiliateResponseAttributes struct { Account string `json:"account"` Currency string `json:"currency"` }
WsAffiliateResponseAttributes private api data
type WsAffiliateResponseFilter ¶
type WsAffiliateResponseFilter struct {
Account int64 `json:"account"`
WsAffiliateResponseFilter private api data
type WsDataResponse ¶
type WsDataResponse struct { Table string `json:"table"` Action string `json:"action"` Keys []string `json:"keys"` Types map[string]string `json:"types"` }
WsDataResponse contains common elements
type WsExecutionResponse ¶
type WsExecutionResponse struct { WsDataResponse ForeignKeys WsExecutionResponseForeignKeys `json:"foreignKeys"` Attributes WsExecutionResponseAttributes `json:"attributes"` Filter WsExecutionResponseFilter `json:"filter"` Data []wsExecutionData `json:"data"` }
WsExecutionResponse private api response
type WsExecutionResponseAttributes ¶
type WsExecutionResponseAttributes struct { ExecID string `json:"execID"` Account string `json:"account"` ExecType string `json:"execType"` TransactTime string `json:"transactTime"` }
WsExecutionResponseAttributes private api data
type WsExecutionResponseFilter ¶
type WsExecutionResponseFilter struct { Account int64 `json:"account"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` }
WsExecutionResponseFilter private api data
type WsExecutionResponseForeignKeys ¶
type WsExecutionResponseForeignKeys struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Side string `json:"side"` OrdStatus string `json:"ordStatus"` }
WsExecutionResponseForeignKeys private api data
type WsMarginResponse ¶
type WsMarginResponse struct { WsDataResponse ForeignKeys interface{} `json:"foreignKeys"` Attributes WsMarginResponseAttributes `json:"attributes"` Filter WsMarginResponseFilter `json:"filter"` Data []WsMarginResponseData `json:"data"` }
WsMarginResponse private api response
type WsMarginResponseAttributes ¶
type WsMarginResponseAttributes struct { Account string `json:"account"` Currency string `json:"currency"` }
WsMarginResponseAttributes private api data
type WsMarginResponseData ¶
type WsMarginResponseData struct { Account int64 `json:"account"` Currency string `json:"currency"` RiskLimit float64 `json:"riskLimit"` PrevState string `json:"prevState"` State string `json:"state"` Action string `json:"action"` Amount float64 `json:"amount"` PendingCredit float64 `json:"pendingCredit"` PendingDebit float64 `json:"pendingDebit"` ConfirmedDebit float64 `json:"confirmedDebit"` PrevRealisedPnl float64 `json:"prevRealisedPnl"` PrevUnrealisedPnl float64 `json:"prevUnrealisedPnl"` GrossComm float64 `json:"grossComm"` GrossOpenCost float64 `json:"grossOpenCost"` GrossOpenPremium float64 `json:"grossOpenPremium"` GrossExecCost float64 `json:"grossExecCost"` GrossMarkValue float64 `json:"grossMarkValue"` RiskValue float64 `json:"riskValue"` TaxableMargin float64 `json:"taxableMargin"` InitMargin float64 `json:"initMargin"` MaintMargin float64 `json:"maintMargin"` SessionMargin float64 `json:"sessionMargin"` TargetExcessMargin float64 `json:"targetExcessMargin"` VarMargin float64 `json:"varMargin"` RealisedPnl float64 `json:"realisedPnl"` UnrealisedPnl float64 `json:"unrealisedPnl"` IndicativeTax float64 `json:"indicativeTax"` UnrealisedProfit float64 `json:"unrealisedProfit"` SyntheticMargin interface{} `json:"syntheticMargin"` WalletBalance float64 `json:"walletBalance"` MarginBalance float64 `json:"marginBalance"` MarginBalancePcnt float64 `json:"marginBalancePcnt"` MarginLeverage float64 `json:"marginLeverage"` MarginUsedPcnt float64 `json:"marginUsedPcnt"` ExcessMargin float64 `json:"excessMargin"` ExcessMarginPcnt float64 `json:"excessMarginPcnt"` AvailableMargin float64 `json:"availableMargin"` WithdrawableMargin float64 `json:"withdrawableMargin"` Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` GrossLastValue float64 `json:"grossLastValue"` Commission interface{} `json:"commission"` }
WsMarginResponseData private api data
type WsMarginResponseFilter ¶
type WsMarginResponseFilter struct {
Account int64 `json:"account"`
WsMarginResponseFilter private api data
type WsOrderResponse ¶
type WsOrderResponse struct { WsDataResponse ForeignKeys WsOrderResponseForeignKeys `json:"foreignKeys"` Attributes WsOrderResponseAttributes `json:"attributes"` Filter WsOrderResponseFilter `json:"filter"` Data []OrderInsertData `json:"data"` }
WsOrderResponse private api response
type WsOrderResponseAttributes ¶
type WsOrderResponseAttributes struct { OrderID string `json:"orderID"` Account string `json:"account"` OrdStatus string `json:"ordStatus"` WorkingIndicator string `json:"workingIndicator"` }
WsOrderResponseAttributes private api data
type WsOrderResponseFilter ¶
type WsOrderResponseFilter struct {
Account int64 `json:"account"`
WsOrderResponseFilter private api data
type WsOrderResponseForeignKeys ¶
type WsOrderResponseForeignKeys struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Side string `json:"side"` OrdStatus string `json:"ordStatus"` }
WsOrderResponseForeignKeys private api data
type WsPositionResponse ¶
type WsPositionResponse struct { WsDataResponse ForeignKeys WsPositionResponseForeignKeys `json:"foreignKeys"` Attributes WsPositionResponseAttributes `json:"attributes"` Filter WsPositionResponseFilter `json:"filter"` Data []wsPositionData `json:"data"` }
WsPositionResponse private api response
type WsPositionResponseAttributes ¶
type WsPositionResponseAttributes struct { Account string `json:"account"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Currency string `json:"currency"` Underlying string `json:"underlying"` QuoteCurrency string `json:"quoteCurrency"` }
WsPositionResponseAttributes private api data
type WsPositionResponseFilter ¶
type WsPositionResponseFilter struct { Account int64 `json:"account"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` }
WsPositionResponseFilter private api data
type WsPositionResponseForeignKeys ¶
type WsPositionResponseForeignKeys struct {
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
WsPositionResponseForeignKeys private api data
type WsPrivateNotificationsResponse ¶
type WsPrivateNotificationsResponse struct { Table string `json:"table"` Action string `json:"action"` Data []interface{} `json:"data"` }
WsPrivateNotificationsResponse private api response
type WsTransactResponse ¶
type WsTransactResponse struct { WsDataResponse ForeignKeys interface{} `json:"foreignKeys"` Attributes WsTransactResponseAttributes `json:"attributes"` Filter WsTransactResponseFilter `json:"filter"` Data []interface{} `json:"data"` }
WsTransactResponse private api response
type WsTransactResponseAttributes ¶
type WsTransactResponseAttributes struct { TransactID string `json:"transactID"` TransactTime string `json:"transactTime"` }
WsTransactResponseAttributes private api data
type WsTransactResponseFilter ¶
type WsTransactResponseFilter struct {
Account int64 `json:"account"`
WsTransactResponseFilter private api data
type WsWalletResponse ¶
type WsWalletResponse struct { WsDataResponse ForeignKeys interface{} `json:"foreignKeys"` Attributes WsWalletResponseAttributes `json:"attributes"` Filter WsWalletResponseFilter `json:"filter"` Data []WsWalletResponseData `json:"data"` }
WsWalletResponse private api response
type WsWalletResponseAttributes ¶
type WsWalletResponseAttributes struct { Account string `json:"account"` Currency string `json:"currency"` }
WsWalletResponseAttributes private api data
type WsWalletResponseData ¶
type WsWalletResponseData struct { Account int64 `json:"account"` Currency string `json:"currency"` PrevDeposited float64 `json:"prevDeposited"` PrevWithdrawn float64 `json:"prevWithdrawn"` PrevTransferIn float64 `json:"prevTransferIn"` PrevTransferOut float64 `json:"prevTransferOut"` PrevAmount float64 `json:"prevAmount"` PrevTimestamp string `json:"prevTimestamp"` DeltaDeposited float64 `json:"deltaDeposited"` DeltaWithdrawn float64 `json:"deltaWithdrawn"` DeltaTransferIn float64 `json:"deltaTransferIn"` DeltaTransferOut float64 `json:"deltaTransferOut"` DeltaAmount float64 `json:"deltaAmount"` Deposited float64 `json:"deposited"` Withdrawn float64 `json:"withdrawn"` TransferIn float64 `json:"transferIn"` TransferOut float64 `json:"transferOut"` Amount float64 `json:"amount"` PendingCredit float64 `json:"pendingCredit"` PendingDebit float64 `json:"pendingDebit"` ConfirmedDebit int64 `json:"confirmedDebit"` Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` Addr string `json:"addr"` Script string `json:"script"` WithdrawalLock []interface{} `json:"withdrawalLock"` }
WsWalletResponseData private api data
type WsWalletResponseFilter ¶
type WsWalletResponseFilter struct {
Account int64 `json:"account"`
WsWalletResponseFilter private api data