This operator is in charge of configuring the idp client service. It will also install the dex operator.
Please fork this repo and clone from the fork. All your work should be against the forked repo.
Run test
make test
Run functional test
make functional-test-full
You must meet the following requirements:
- OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) 4.6+
(ver. 4.6+)kustomize
(ver. 4.2.0+)
Ensure you are logged in to the correct OCP hub
oc cluster-info
Setup Hub to use a signed certificate
This is required for the Dex server we will be using under the covers to authenticate the managed clusters OpenID OAuth requests. The quickest way to do this is using a tool from
Here is a summary of the commands you need to run for an AWS based hub:
- Clone the acmesh-official repo and setup AWS account environment variables
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID={your AWS Access Key ID}
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={your AWS Secret Access Key}
cd /tmp
git clone
- Query OCP to setup some environment variables
export API=$(oc whoami --show-server | cut -f 2 -d ':' | cut -f 3 -d '/' | sed 's/-api././')
export WILDCARD=$(oc get ingresscontroller default -n openshift-ingress-operator -o jsonpath='{.status.domain}')
- If this is the first time running, register your email address
./ --register-account -m {your email address}
- Generate the certificate
./ --issue --dns dns_aws -d ${API} -d "*.${WILDCARD}"
- Apply the certificate to OCP
pushd ${PWD}
cd ${HOME}/${API}
oc create secret tls router-certs --cert=fullchain.cer --key=${API}.key -n openshift-ingress
oc patch ingresscontroller default -n openshift-ingress-operator --type=merge --patch='{"spec": { "defaultCertificate": { "name": "router-certs" } } }'
After running these commands, various pods on the OCP hub will restart in order to use the new certificate. Wait a while, sometimes 10-20 minutes for all the required pods to restart. The OCP UI Overview page can be used to check the overall health of OCP. The Status section will show which operators are updating due to the certificate update.
NOTE: To use the ACME certificate process, you must have Amazon AWS credentials to allow a Route53 domain to be added for certificate verification during creation.
Setup GitHub OAuth
If you are going to use GitHub as the OAuth provider.
On, go to Settings > Developer Settings > OAuth Apps (The shortcut is
Add a
New OAuth App
. -
Fill in the
Application name
with something to help identify the owner and hub it will be used for. NOTE: If you have more than one hub, each one will need it's own entry. -
Fill in
Homepage URL
andAuthorization callback URL
with the hub console URL.
(NOTE: A little bit later we will correct theAuthorization callback URL
value once we have the generated value.) -
Register Application
Copy the
Client ID
andClient Secret
values. You will need them later on.
NOTE: You will need to return to the GitHub OAuth a little bit later to correct the Authorization callback URL
, once the value is generated for you.
Setup OpenID Connect (OIDC) Keycloak OAuth
If you are going to use OpenID Connect as the OAuth provider and want to use Keycloak.
Use Operator Hub to install the Keycloak community operator to the
namespace. -
Configure the following environment variables to define required keycloak Information
export KEYCLOAK_NAMESPACE=keycloak
export OPENID_ROUTE_SUBDOMAIN=openid-subdomain
- Generate and apply Keycloak YAML to configure a realm, a client and a user on Keycloak. Ensure you are
oc login
to the hub cluster before you run the script! Use the script in thehack
cd hack
- Save the output of the script. It will provide you with information needed for the following environment variables used by the
script to create an AuthRealm for OpenID and Keycloak:
Install the operator using one of two methods
Method 1: Install the operator from this repo
- Fork and clone this repo
git clone<git username>/idp-mgmt-operator.git
cd idp-mgmt-operator
- Login to Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management or Multi Cluster Engine hub
- Verify you are logged into the hub cluster
oc cluster-info
- From the cloned idp-mgmt-operator directory:
export QUAY_USER=<your_user>
export IMG_TAG=<tag_you_want_to_use>
make docker-build docker-push deploy
- Verify the installer is running
There is one pod that should be running:
- idp-mgmt-installer-controller-manager
Check using the following command:
oc get pods -n idp-mgmt-config
- Create an idpconfig
echo '
kind: IDPConfig
name: idp-config
namespace: idp-mgmt-config
spec:' | oc create -f -
- Verify pods are running
There is now three pods that should be running
- idp-mgmt-installer-controller-manager
- idp-mgmt-operator-manager
- idp-mgmt-webhook-service
Check using the following command:
oc get pods -n idp-mgmt-config
Method 2: Install the operator from a Catalog
NOTE: To install via the catalog, you must be on OpenShift 4.8.12 or newer due to this OLM bug - a backport to OCP 4.7 is in progress.
If you built an operator bundle and catalog as documented later, or if you wish to use the latest published operator bundle and catalog to deploy:
- Login to Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management or Multi Cluster Engine hub
- Verify you are logged into the hub cluster
oc cluster-info
- From the idp-mgmt-operator directory run
make deploy-catalog
- this will create a CatalogSource on your cluster. - Create a subscription to the operator via the OperatorHub UI or by applying a subscription to the Operator - which looks something like:
kind: Subscription
name: idp-mgmt-operator
namespace: idp-mgmt-config
channel: alpha
installPlanApproval: Automatic
name: idp-mgmt-operator
source: idp-mgmt-config-catalog
sourceNamespace: idp-mgmt-config
startingCSV: idp-mgmt-operator.v0.4.1
- Create an idpconfig
echo '
kind: IDPConfig
name: idp-config
namespace: idp-mgmt-config
spec:' | oc create -f -
- Wait for the operator to install - then move on to the next step!
Create an AuthRealm, ManagedClusterSet, etc
We need to create a few custom resources to get idp-mgmt-operator to trigger. Use the
script in
the hack
directory to generate a yaml file with all the CRs needed.
- Setup the required environment variables:
export GITHUB_APP_CLIENT_ID={your GitHub App Client ID}
export GITHUB_APP_CLIENT_SECRET={your GitHub App Client Secret}
export GITHUB_APP_CLIENT_ORG={your GitHub organization}
export IDP_NAME=sample-idp
export AUTHREALM_GITHUB_NAME=authrealm-sample-github
export AUTHREALM_GITHUB_NS=authrealm-sample-github-ns
- Verify you are logged into the hub cluster
oc cluster-info
- run the script
cd hack
script will create the yaml and output the name of the yaml file. In addition, it will
provide values that need to be copied back into the GitHub Auth App.
A list of labels will also be displayed which will need to be added to the managed cluster to add it to the cluster set.
Correct the GitHub OAuth App
Select the OAuth App you had created above
Correct the
Authorization callback URL
with the value displayed in theAuthorization callback URL
output produced from running
script. -
Update application
Apply the Custom Resources
Apply the custom resources using the yaml generated by the
- Verify you are logged into the hub cluster
oc cluster-info
- Apply the YAML
oc apply -f {your YAML file}
Create or Import a managed cluster
A managed cluster is needed so that the OAuth policy can be configured by idp-mgmt-operator. Make sure you have a managed cluster defined in the hub.
Add labels to managed cluster to join the ClusterSet
Use the labels displayed by the
script and add them to the managed cluster.
oc label managedclusters {managed cluster name} {key=value}
Wait for managed cluster to have new OAuth method configured
It will take a little while for the Placement to cause a ManifestWork to be generated and applied to the managed cluster. You can monitor the managed cluster's OAuth CR to see if the new OAuth entry appears. Once the entry appears, you can logout of the managed cluster and when you attempt to login, the new OAuth option will appear on the login screen.
Remove labels to remove managed cluster from the ClusterSet
If you want to undo the OAuth on the managed cluster, remove the labels you added and the managed cluster will be removed from the cluster set.
oc label managedclusters {managed cluster name} {key}-
Uninstall the Custom Resources
To delete the custom resources using the yaml generated by the
oc delete -f {your YAML file}
Uninstall the operator
make undeploy
Build a Bundle and Catalog
You can build and push an operator bundle and installable catalog for this operator, which will allow you to apply a CatalogSource to your cluster and install via the OperatorHub UI or via an Operator Subscription object.
To build and publish a bundle and catalog:
- [IMPORTANT] Use your own registry! Do the following to enable you to use your own registry and create repos in your org (your user org) named
and, if so,
If you don’t do this, you need push permissions to identitatem - and you’ll push straight to the source identitatem org. - Which only the build system should do!
You might need to make these personal repos public to allow the images to be downloaded by OLM 2. Set the VERSION as a timestamp. For example:
export VERSION=`date -u "+0.0.0-%Y%m%d-%H-%M-%S"`
DOCKER_USER and DOCKER_PASS equal to a docker user and password that will allow you to push to the quay repositories outlined in step 1.- If you want to use a specific idp-mgmt-operator image, set the IMG environment variable to that image. For example, to point to a PR built image:
Otherwise use:
You can also use an image located in your own repo. To create such image run:
make docker-build docker-push
- If you upgrade from a prior version set the PREV_BUNDLE_INDEX_IMG to the previous catalog image
- run
make bundle
to generate bundle manifests - run
make publish
- this should acquire any dependencies and push to quay! - To test, run
make deploy-catalog
. This will create a catalogsource on your hub cluster and you can install the test catalog from OperatorHub. - PS: Before commit, double check the file idp-mgmt-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml to make sure it doesn't contain your own name, image and version as this file is used as-is by downstream.
ClusterServiceVersion updates
After making changes to config/manifests/bases/idp-mgmt-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
you will need to run make bundle
to get the changes into bundle/manifests/idp-mgmt-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
. You should not see any image or version changes in bundle/manifests/idp-mgmt-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
. If you do, revert those changes before checking in the file.
Tagging and Generating a Release
We have a GitHub action defined to generate a tagged bundle and catalog image when a SemVer GitHub tag is created on this repo. To create a new release that will generate a versioned Bundle/Catalog there are two methods:
NOTE: Filter more generic as of Feb 2022 The Major.Minor SemVer is watched by the mid/downstream processes. If you must change the version from 0.2.*, you MUST notify CICD so they can change the tag_filter they use to watch for changes!!!
Method One - Use GitHub UI
- Run the following command to generate the value we will use as part of the release and tag for non-shipped releases
date -u "+0.4.0-%Y%m%d-%H-%M-%S"
If you are building a release candidate, the format should be 0.4.0-rc#. (Where # is the release candidate number. Do not use UPPERCASE characters!) If you are building the final release, the format should be 0.4.0.
- Go to dex-operator github page and select Releases (
- Select Draft a new release
- For Release title, enter v and then paste the value from the date command above
- Select Choose a tag
- In the Find or create a new tag field, paste the value from the date command above
- Select Create new tab on publish
- Select Publish release. This will cause a github action to start. Once the github action is complete, the new dex-operator quay image will be available at Now we need to pull this new dex-operator image into the idp-mgmt-operator.
- In your fork of the repo, create a new branch
- Update
to reference the new tag, for 0.4.0-20220509-18-32-00
- Run
go mod tidy -compat=1.17
. Thego.mod
entry will be updated to the correct value and the end of the new value will have the dex-operator git tag commit id. - Update so RELATED_IMAGE_DEX_OPERATOR points to the new dex-operator image in quay.
- Export IMG variable to point to latest
- Run
make bundle
to update You should not see any changes toimage:
. If you do, revert those changes before checking in the file. Also MAKE SUREreplaces:
IS CORRECT AND POINTS TO THE PREVIOUS VERSION so upgrade works properly! - Test the changes using
make test
thenmake deploy
. Apply an IDPConfig and apply an AuthRealm to a managed cluster and be sure it works. - Commit the PR changes and get them reviewed and merged.
- Run the following command to generate the value we will use as part of the release and tag (OR possibly use the same tag dex-operator used)
date -u "+0.4.0-%Y%m%d-%H-%M-%S"
If you are building a release candidate, the format should be 0.4.0-rc#. (Where # is the release candidate number. Do not use UPPERCASE characters!) If you are building the final release, the format should be 0.4.0.
- Go to idp-mgmt-operator github page and select Releases (
- Select Draft a new release
- For Release title, enter v and then paste the value from the date command above
- Select Choose a tag
- In the Find or create a new tag field, paste the value from the date command above
- Select Create new tab on publish
- Select Publish release. This will cause a github action to start. Once the github action is complete a new Operator Hub catalog will be available at which you can reference in your catalog source.
Method Two - Create a tag in non-forked repo (NOT USED)
git tag <semver-tag>
git push --tags
- Wait for the GitHub Action to complete.
- The action will create and push an idp-mgmt-operator-bundle and idp-mgmt-operator-catalog image and push to quay, tagged with the same SemVer tag you applied to the GitHub repo to generate that release.
In order to deploy this version - follow the Catalog deploy method but set:
There is no documentation for this package.