
v1.2.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 10, 2020 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 3 Imported by: 1



Package repcmd models player commands.



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const (
	TypeIDKeepAlive          byte = 0x05
	TypeIDSaveGame           byte = 0x06
	TypeIDLoadGame           byte = 0x07
	TypeIDRestartGame        byte = 0x08
	TypeIDSelect             byte = 0x09
	TypeIDSelectAdd          byte = 0x0a
	TypeIDSelectRemove       byte = 0x0b
	TypeIDBuild              byte = 0x0c
	TypeIDVision             byte = 0x0d
	TypeIDAlliance           byte = 0x0e
	TypeIDGameSpeed          byte = 0x0f
	TypeIDPause              byte = 0x10
	TypeIDResume             byte = 0x11
	TypeIDCheat              byte = 0x12
	TypeIDHotkey             byte = 0x13
	TypeIDRightClick         byte = 0x14
	TypeIDTargetedOrder      byte = 0x15
	TypeIDCancelBuild        byte = 0x18
	TypeIDCancelMorph        byte = 0x19
	TypeIDStop               byte = 0x1a
	TypeIDCarrierStop        byte = 0x1b
	TypeIDReaverStop         byte = 0x1c
	TypeIDOrderNothing       byte = 0x1d
	TypeIDReturnCargo        byte = 0x1e
	TypeIDTrain              byte = 0x1f
	TypeIDCancelTrain        byte = 0x20
	TypeIDCloack             byte = 0x21
	TypeIDDecloack           byte = 0x22
	TypeIDUnitMorph          byte = 0x23
	TypeIDUnsiege            byte = 0x25
	TypeIDSiege              byte = 0x26
	TypeIDTrainFighter       byte = 0x27 // Build interceptor / scarab
	TypeIDUnloadAll          byte = 0x28
	TypeIDUnload             byte = 0x29
	TypeIDMergeArchon        byte = 0x2a
	TypeIDHoldPosition       byte = 0x2b
	TypeIDBurrow             byte = 0x2c
	TypeIDUnburrow           byte = 0x2d
	TypeIDCancelNuke         byte = 0x2e
	TypeIDLiftOff            byte = 0x2f
	TypeIDTech               byte = 0x30
	TypeIDCancelTech         byte = 0x31
	TypeIDUpgrade            byte = 0x32
	TypeIDCancelUpgrade      byte = 0x33
	TypeIDCancelAddon        byte = 0x34
	TypeIDBuildingMorph      byte = 0x35
	TypeIDStim               byte = 0x36
	TypeIDSync               byte = 0x37
	TypeIDVoiceEnable        byte = 0x38
	TypeIDVoiceDisable       byte = 0x39
	TypeIDVoiceSquelch       byte = 0x3a
	TypeIDVoiceUnsquelch     byte = 0x3b
	TypeIDStartGame          byte = 0x3c
	TypeIDDownloadPercentage byte = 0x3d
	TypeIDChangeGameSlot     byte = 0x3e
	TypeIDNewNetPlayer       byte = 0x3f
	TypeIDJoinedGame         byte = 0x40
	TypeIDChangeRace         byte = 0x41
	TypeIDTeamGameTeam       byte = 0x42
	TypeIDUMSTeam            byte = 0x43
	TypeIDMeleeTeam          byte = 0x44
	TypeIDSwapPlayers        byte = 0x45
	TypeIDSavedData          byte = 0x48
	TypeIDBriefingStart      byte = 0x54
	TypeIDLatency            byte = 0x55
	TypeIDReplaySpeed        byte = 0x56
	TypeIDLeaveGame          byte = 0x57
	TypeIDMinimapPing        byte = 0x58
	TypeIDMergeDarkArchon    byte = 0x5a
	TypeIDMakeGamePublic     byte = 0x5b
	TypeIDChat               byte = 0x5c
	TypeIDRightClick121      byte = 0x60
	TypeIDTargetedOrder121   byte = 0x61
	TypeIDUnload121          byte = 0x62
	TypeIDSelect121          byte = 0x63
	TypeIDSelectAdd121       byte = 0x64
	TypeIDSelectRemove121    byte = 0x65

Type IDs of command types

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const (
	UnitIDCommandCenter   = 0x6A
	UnitIDComSat          = 0x6B
	UnitIDNuclearSilo     = 0x6C
	UnitIDSupplyDepot     = 0x6D
	UnitIDRefinery        = 0x6E
	UnitIDBarracks        = 0x6F
	UnitIDAcademy         = 0x70
	UnitIDFactory         = 0x71
	UnitIDStarport        = 0x72
	UnitIDControlTower    = 0x73
	UnitIDScienceFacility = 0x74
	UnitIDCovertOps       = 0x75
	UnitIDPhysicsLab      = 0x76
	UnitIDMachineShop     = 0x78
	UnitIDEngineeringBay  = 0x7A
	UnitIDArmory          = 0x7B
	UnitIDMissileTurret   = 0x7C
	UnitIDBunker          = 0x7D

	UnitIDInfestedCC       = 0x82
	UnitIDHatchery         = 0x83
	UnitIDLair             = 0x84
	UnitIDHive             = 0x85
	UnitIDNydusCanal       = 0x86
	UnitIDHydraliskDen     = 0x87
	UnitIDDefilerMound     = 0x88
	UnitIDGreaterSpire     = 0x89
	UnitIDQueensNest       = 0x8A
	UnitIDEvolutionChamber = 0x8B
	UnitIDUltraliskCavern  = 0x8C
	UnitIDSpire            = 0x8D
	UnitIDSpawningPool     = 0x8E
	UnitIDCreepColony      = 0x8F
	UnitIDSporeColony      = 0x90
	UnitIDSunkenColony     = 0x92
	UnitIDExtractor        = 0x95

	UnitIDNexus              = 0x9A
	UnitIDRoboticsFacility   = 0x9B
	UnitIDPylon              = 0x9C
	UnitIDAssimilator        = 0x9D
	UnitIDObservatory        = 0x9F
	UnitIDGateway            = 0xA0
	UnitIDPhotonCannon       = 0xA2
	UnitIDCitadelOfAdun      = 0xA3
	UnitIDCyberneticsCore    = 0xA4
	UnitIDTemplarArchives    = 0xA5
	UnitIDForge              = 0xA6
	UnitIDStargate           = 0xA7
	UnitIDFleetBeacon        = 0xA9
	UnitIDArbiterTribunal    = 0xAA
	UnitIDRoboticsSupportBay = 0xAB
	UnitIDShieldBattery      = 0xAC

	UnitIDMineralField1 = 0xB0
	UnitIDMineralField2 = 0xB1
	UnitIDMineralField3 = 0xB2
	UnitIDVespeneGeyser = 0xBC
	UnitIDStartLocation = 0xD6

	UnitIDNone = 0xE4

Unit IDs


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var (
	TypeKeepAlive          = Types[0]
	TypeSaveGame           = Types[1]
	TypeLoadGame           = Types[2]
	TypeRestartGame        = Types[3]
	TypeSelect             = Types[4]
	TypeSelectAdd          = Types[5]
	TypeSelectRemove       = Types[6]
	TypeBuild              = Types[7]
	TypeVision             = Types[8]
	TypeAlliance           = Types[9]
	TypeGameSpeed          = Types[10]
	TypePause              = Types[11]
	TypeResume             = Types[12]
	TypeCheat              = Types[13]
	TypeHotkey             = Types[14]
	TypeRightClick         = Types[15]
	TypeTargetedOrder      = Types[16]
	TypeCancelBuild        = Types[17]
	TypeCancelMorph        = Types[18]
	TypeStop               = Types[19]
	TypeCarrierStop        = Types[20]
	TypeReaverStop         = Types[21]
	TypeOrderNothing       = Types[22]
	TypeReturnCargo        = Types[23]
	TypeTrain              = Types[24]
	TypeCancelTrain        = Types[25]
	TypeCloack             = Types[26]
	TypeDecloack           = Types[27]
	TypeUnitMorph          = Types[28]
	TypeUnsiege            = Types[29]
	TypeSiege              = Types[30]
	TypeTrainFighter       = Types[31] // Build interceptor / scarab
	TypeUnloadAll          = Types[32]
	TypeUnload             = Types[33]
	TypeMergeArchon        = Types[34]
	TypeHoldPosition       = Types[35]
	TypeBurrow             = Types[36]
	TypeUnburrow           = Types[37]
	TypeCancelNuke         = Types[38]
	TypeLiftOff            = Types[39]
	TypeTech               = Types[40]
	TypeCancelTech         = Types[41]
	TypeUpgrade            = Types[42]
	TypeCancelUpgrade      = Types[43]
	TypeCancelAddon        = Types[44]
	TypeBuildingMorph      = Types[45]
	TypeStim               = Types[46]
	TypeSync               = Types[47]
	TypeVoiceEnable        = Types[48]
	TypeVoiceDisable       = Types[49]
	TypeVoiceSquelch       = Types[50]
	TypeVoiceUnsquelch     = Types[51]
	TypeStartGame          = Types[52]
	TypeDownloadPercentage = Types[53]
	TypeChangeGameSlot     = Types[54]
	TypeNewNetPlayer       = Types[55]
	TypeJoinedGame         = Types[56]
	TypeChangeRace         = Types[57]
	TypeTeamGameTeam       = Types[58]
	TypeUMSTeam            = Types[59]
	TypeMeleeTeam          = Types[60]
	TypeSwapPlayers        = Types[61]
	TypeSavedData          = Types[62]
	TypeBriefingStart      = Types[63]
	TypeLatency            = Types[64]
	TypeReplaySpeed        = Types[65]
	TypeLeaveGame          = Types[66]
	TypeMinimapPing        = Types[67]
	TypeMergeDarkArchon    = Types[68]
	TypeMakeGamePublic     = Types[69]
	TypeChat               = Types[70]
	TypeRightClick121      = Types[71]
	TypeTargetedOrder121   = Types[72]
	TypeUnload121          = Types[73]
	TypeSelect121          = Types[74]
	TypeSelectAdd121       = Types[75]
	TypeSelectRemove121    = Types[76]

Named command types

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var HotkeyTypes = []*HotkeyType{
	{e("Assign"), 0x00},
	{e("Select"), 0x01},
	{e("Add"), 0x02},

HotkeyTypes is an enumeration of the possible hotkey types.

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var Latencies = []*Latency{
	{e("Low"), 0x00},
	{e("High"), 0x01},
	{e("Extra High"), 0x02},

Latencies is an enumeration of the possible latencies.

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var LeaveReasons = []*LeaveReason{
	{e("Quit"), 0x01},
	{e("Defeat"), 0x02},
	{e("Victory"), 0x03},
	{e("Finished"), 0x04},
	{e("Draw"), 0x05},
	{e("Dropped"), 0x06},

LeaveReasons is an enumeration of the possible leave reasons.

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var Orders = []*Order{}/* 190 elements not displayed */

Orders is an enumeration of the possible unit orders.

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var Techs = []*Tech{
	{e("Stim Packs"), 0x00},
	{e("Lockdown"), 0x01},
	{e("EMP Shockwave"), 0x02},
	{e("Spider Mines"), 0x03},
	{e("Scanner Sweep"), 0x04},
	{e("Tank Siege Mode"), 0x05},
	{e("Defensive Matrix"), 0x06},
	{e("Irradiate"), 0x07},
	{e("Yamato Gun"), 0x08},
	{e("Cloaking Field"), 0x09},
	{e("Personnel Cloaking"), 0x0a},
	{e("Burrowing"), 0x0b},
	{e("Infestation"), 0x0c},
	{e("Spawn Broodlings"), 0x0d},
	{e("Dark Swarm"), 0x0e},
	{e("Plague"), 0x0f},
	{e("Consume"), 0x10},
	{e("Ensnare"), 0x11},
	{e("Parasite"), 0x12},
	{e("Psionic Storm"), 0x13},
	{e("Hallucination"), 0x14},
	{e("Recall"), 0x15},
	{e("Stasis Field"), 0x16},
	{e("Archon Warp"), 0x17},
	{e("Restoration"), 0x18},
	{e("Disruption Web"), 0x19},
	{e("Unused 26"), 0x1a},
	{e("Mind Control"), 0x1b},
	{e("Dark Archon Meld"), 0x1c},
	{e("Feedback"), 0x1d},
	{e("Optical Flare"), 0x1e},
	{e("Maelstrom"), 0x1f},
	{e("Lurker Aspect"), 0x20},
	{e("Unused 33"), 0x21},
	{e("Healing"), 0x22},

Techs is an enumeration of the possible techs.

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var Types = []*Type{
	{e("Keep Alive"), TypeIDKeepAlive},
	{e("Save Game"), TypeIDSaveGame},
	{e("Load Game"), TypeIDLoadGame},
	{e("Restart Game"), TypeIDRestartGame},
	{e("Select"), TypeIDSelect},
	{e("Select Add"), TypeIDSelectAdd},
	{e("Select Remove"), TypeIDSelectRemove},
	{e("Build"), TypeIDBuild},
	{e("Vision"), TypeIDVision},
	{e("Alliance"), TypeIDAlliance},
	{e("Game Speed"), TypeIDGameSpeed},
	{e("Pause"), TypeIDPause},
	{e("Resume"), TypeIDResume},
	{e("Cheat"), TypeIDCheat},
	{e("Hotkey"), TypeIDHotkey},
	{e("Right Click"), TypeIDRightClick},
	{e("Targeted Order"), TypeIDTargetedOrder},
	{e("Cancel Build"), TypeIDCancelBuild},
	{e("Cancel Morph"), TypeIDCancelMorph},
	{e("Stop"), TypeIDStop},
	{e("Carrier Stop"), TypeIDCarrierStop},
	{e("Reaver Stop"), TypeIDReaverStop},
	{e("Order Nothing"), TypeIDOrderNothing},
	{e("Return Cargo"), TypeIDReturnCargo},
	{e("Train"), TypeIDTrain},
	{e("Cancel Train"), TypeIDCancelTrain},
	{e("Cloack"), TypeIDCloack},
	{e("Decloack"), TypeIDDecloack},
	{e("Unit Morph"), TypeIDUnitMorph},
	{e("Unsiege"), TypeIDUnsiege},
	{e("Siege"), TypeIDSiege},
	{e("Train Fighter"), TypeIDTrainFighter},
	{e("Unload All"), TypeIDUnloadAll},
	{e("Unload"), TypeIDUnload},
	{e("Merge Archon"), TypeIDMergeArchon},
	{e("Hold Position"), TypeIDHoldPosition},
	{e("Burrow"), TypeIDBurrow},
	{e("Unburrow"), TypeIDUnburrow},
	{e("Cancel Nuke"), TypeIDCancelNuke},
	{e("Lift Off"), TypeIDLiftOff},
	{e("Tech"), TypeIDTech},
	{e("Cancel Tech"), TypeIDCancelTech},
	{e("Upgrade"), TypeIDUpgrade},
	{e("Cancel Upgrade"), TypeIDCancelUpgrade},
	{e("Cancel Addon"), TypeIDCancelAddon},
	{e("Building Morph"), TypeIDBuildingMorph},
	{e("Stim"), TypeIDStim},
	{e("Sync"), TypeIDSync},
	{e("Voice Enable"), TypeIDVoiceEnable},
	{e("Voice Disable"), TypeIDVoiceDisable},
	{e("Voice Squelch"), TypeIDVoiceSquelch},
	{e("Voice Unsquelch"), TypeIDVoiceUnsquelch},
	{e("[Lobby] Start Game"), TypeIDStartGame},
	{e("[Lobby] Download Percentage"), TypeIDDownloadPercentage},
	{e("[Lobby] Change Game Slot"), TypeIDChangeGameSlot},
	{e("[Lobby] New Net Player"), TypeIDNewNetPlayer},
	{e("[Lobby] Joined Game"), TypeIDJoinedGame},
	{e("[Lobby] Change Race"), TypeIDChangeRace},
	{e("[Lobby] Team Game Team"), TypeIDTeamGameTeam},
	{e("[Lobby] UMS Team"), TypeIDUMSTeam},
	{e("[Lobby] Melee Team"), TypeIDMeleeTeam},
	{e("[Lobby] Swap Players"), TypeIDSwapPlayers},
	{e("[Lobby] Saved Data"), TypeIDSavedData},
	{e("Briefing Start"), TypeIDBriefingStart},
	{e("Latency"), TypeIDLatency},
	{e("Replay Speed"), TypeIDReplaySpeed},
	{e("Leave Game"), TypeIDLeaveGame},
	{e("Minimap Ping"), TypeIDMinimapPing},
	{e("Merge Dark Archon"), TypeIDMergeDarkArchon},
	{e("Make Game Public"), TypeIDMakeGamePublic},
	{e("Chat"), TypeIDChat},
	{e("Right Click"), TypeIDRightClick121},
	{e("Targeted Order"), TypeIDTargetedOrder121},
	{e("Unload"), TypeIDUnload121},
	{e("Select"), TypeIDSelect121},
	{e("Select Add"), TypeIDSelectAdd121},
	{e("Select Remove"), TypeIDSelectRemove121},

Types is an enumeration of the possible command types

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var Units = []*Unit{}/* 227 elements not displayed */

Units is an enumeration of the possible units

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var Upgrades = []*Upgrade{
	{e("Terran Infantry Armor"), 0x00},
	{e("Terran Vehicle Plating"), 0x01},
	{e("Terran Ship Plating"), 0x02},
	{e("Zerg Carapace"), 0x03},
	{e("Zerg Flyer Carapace"), 0x04},
	{e("Protoss Ground Armor"), 0x05},
	{e("Protoss Air Armor"), 0x06},
	{e("Terran Infantry Weapons"), 0x07},
	{e("Terran Vehicle Weapons"), 0x08},
	{e("Terran Ship Weapons"), 0x09},
	{e("Zerg Melee Attacks"), 0x0A},
	{e("Zerg Missile Attacks"), 0x0B},
	{e("Zerg Flyer Attacks"), 0x0C},
	{e("Protoss Ground Weapons"), 0x0D},
	{e("Protoss Air Weapons"), 0x0E},
	{e("Protoss Plasma Shields"), 0x0F},
	{e("U-238 Shells (Marine Range)"), 0x10},
	{e("Ion Thrusters (Vulture Speed)"), 0x11},
	{e("Titan Reactor (Science Vessel Energy)"), 0x13},
	{e("Ocular Implants (Ghost Sight)"), 0x14},
	{e("Moebius Reactor (Ghost Energy)"), 0x15},
	{e("Apollo Reactor (Wraith Energy)"), 0x16},
	{e("Colossus Reactor (Battle Cruiser Energy)"), 0x17},
	{e("Ventral Sacs (Overlord Transport)"), 0x18},
	{e("Antennae (Overlord Sight)"), 0x19},
	{e("Pneumatized Carapace (Overlord Speed)"), 0x1A},
	{e("Metabolic Boost (Zergling Speed)"), 0x1B},
	{e("Adrenal Glands (Zergling Attack)"), 0x1C},
	{e("Muscular Augments (Hydralisk Speed)"), 0x1D},
	{e("Grooved Spines (Hydralisk Range)"), 0x1E},
	{e("Gamete Meiosis (Queen Energy)"), 0x1F},
	{e("Defiler Energy"), 0x20},
	{e("Singularity Charge (Dragoon Range)"), 0x21},
	{e("Leg Enhancement (Zealot Speed)"), 0x22},
	{e("Scarab Damage"), 0x23},
	{e("Reaver Capacity"), 0x24},
	{e("Gravitic Drive (Shuttle Speed)"), 0x25},
	{e("Sensor Array (Observer Sight)"), 0x26},
	{e("Gravitic Booster (Observer Speed)"), 0x27},
	{e("Khaydarin Amulet (Templar Energy)"), 0x28},
	{e("Apial Sensors (Scout Sight)"), 0x29},
	{e("Gravitic Thrusters (Scout Speed)"), 0x2A},
	{e("Carrier Capacity"), 0x2B},
	{e("Khaydarin Core (Arbiter Energy)"), 0x2C},
	{e("Argus Jewel (Corsair Energy)"), 0x2F},
	{e("Argus Talisman (Dark Archon Energy)"), 0x31},
	{e("Caduceus Reactor (Medic Energy)"), 0x33},
	{e("Chitinous Plating (Ultralisk Armor)"), 0x34},
	{e("Anabolic Synthesis (Ultralisk Speed)"), 0x35},
	{e("Charon Boosters (Goliath Range)"), 0x36},

Upgrades is an enumeration of the possible upgrades.


This section is empty.


type Base

type Base struct {
	// Frame at which the command was issued
	Frame repcore.Frame

	// PlayerID this command was issued by
	PlayerID byte

	// Type of the command
	Type *Type

Base is the base of all player commands.

func (*Base) BaseCmd

func (b *Base) BaseCmd() *Base

BaseCmd implements Cmd.BaseCmd().

func (*Base) Params added in v1.2.0

func (b *Base) Params(verbose bool) string

Params implements Cmd.Params().

type BuildCmd

type BuildCmd struct {

	// Order type
	Order *Order

	// Pos tells the point where the building is placed.
	Pos repcore.Point

	// Unit is the building issued to be built.
	Unit *Unit

BuildCmd describes a build command. Type: TypeBuild

func (*BuildCmd) Params added in v1.2.0

func (bc *BuildCmd) Params(verbose bool) string

Params implements Cmd.Params().

type BuildingMorphCmd

type BuildingMorphCmd struct {

	// Unit is the unit to morph into (e.g. Lair from Hatchery).
	Unit *Unit

BuildingMorphCmd describes a building morph command. Type: TypeBuildingMorph

func (*BuildingMorphCmd) Params added in v1.2.0

func (bmc *BuildingMorphCmd) Params(verbose bool) string

Params implements Cmd.Params().

type CancelTrainCmd

type CancelTrainCmd struct {

	// UnitTag is the cancelled unit tag.
	UnitTag UnitTag

CancelTrainCmd describes a cancel train command. Type: TypeCancelTrain

func (*CancelTrainCmd) Params added in v1.2.0

func (ctc *CancelTrainCmd) Params(verbose bool) string

Params implements Cmd.Params().

type ChatCmd

type ChatCmd struct {

	// SenderSlotID tells the slot ID of the message sender.
	SenderSlotID byte

	// Message sent.
	Message string

ChatCmd describes an in-game receive chat command. Type: TypeChat Owner of the command receives the message sent by the user identified by SenderSlotID.

func (*ChatCmd) Params added in v1.2.0

func (cc *ChatCmd) Params(verbose bool) string

Params implements Cmd.Params().

type Cmd

type Cmd interface {
	// Base returns the base command.
	BaseCmd() *Base

	// Params returns human-readable concrete command-specific parameters.
	Params(verbose bool) string

Cmd is the command interface.

type GameSpeedCmd

type GameSpeedCmd struct {

	// Speed is the new game speed.
	Speed *repcore.Speed

GameSpeedCmd describes a set game speed command. Type: TypeGameSpeed

func (*GameSpeedCmd) Params added in v1.2.0

func (gc *GameSpeedCmd) Params(verbose bool) string

Params implements Cmd.Params().

type GeneralCmd

type GeneralCmd struct {

	// Data is the "raw" parameters of the command.
	Data []byte

GeneralCmd represents a general command whose parameters are not handled / cared for.

func (*GeneralCmd) Params added in v1.2.0

func (gc *GeneralCmd) Params(verbose bool) string

Params implements Cmd.Params().

type HotkeyCmd

type HotkeyCmd struct {

	// HotkeyType is the type of the hotkey command
	// (named like this to avoid same name from Base.Type).
	HotkeyType *HotkeyType

	// Group (the "number"): 0..9.
	Group byte

HotkeyCmd describes a hotkey command. Type: TypeHotkey

func (*HotkeyCmd) Params added in v1.2.0

func (hc *HotkeyCmd) Params(verbose bool) string

Params implements Cmd.Params().

type HotkeyType

type HotkeyType struct {

	// ID as it appears in replays
	ID byte

HotkeyType describes the hotkey type.

func HotkeyTypeByID

func HotkeyTypeByID(ID byte) *HotkeyType

HotkeyTypeByID returns the HotkeyType for a given ID. A new HotkeyType with Unknown name is returned if one is not found for the given ID (preserving the unknown ID).

type Latency

type Latency struct {

	// ID as it appears in replays
	ID byte

Latency describes the latency.

func LatencyTypeByID

func LatencyTypeByID(ID byte) *Latency

LatencyTypeByID returns the Latency for a given ID. A new Latency with Unknown name is returned if one is not found for the given ID (preserving the unknown ID).

type LatencyCmd

type LatencyCmd struct {

	// Latency is the new latency.
	Latency *Latency

LatencyCmd describes a latency change command. Type: TypeLatency

func (*LatencyCmd) Params added in v1.2.0

func (lc *LatencyCmd) Params(verbose bool) string

Params implements Cmd.Params().

type LeaveGameCmd

type LeaveGameCmd struct {

	// Speed is the new game speed.
	Reason *LeaveReason

LeaveGameCmd describes a leave game command. Type: TypeLeaveGame

func (*LeaveGameCmd) Params added in v1.2.0

func (lgc *LeaveGameCmd) Params(verbose bool) string

Params implements Cmd.Params().

type LeaveReason

type LeaveReason struct {

	// ID as it appears in replays
	ID byte

LeaveReason describes the leave reason.

func LeaveReasonByID

func LeaveReasonByID(ID byte) *LeaveReason

LeaveReasonByID returns the LeaveReason for a given ID. A new LeaveReason with Unknown name is returned if one is not found for the given ID (preserving the unknown ID).

type LiftOffCmd

type LiftOffCmd struct {

	// Pos tells the location of the lift off.
	Pos repcore.Point

LiftOffCmd describes a lift off command. Type: TypeLiftOff

func (*LiftOffCmd) Params added in v1.2.0

func (loc *LiftOffCmd) Params(verbose bool) string

Params implements Cmd.Params().

type MinimapPingCmd

type MinimapPingCmd struct {

	// Pos tells the pinged location.
	Pos repcore.Point

MinimapPingCmd describes a minimap ping command. Type: TypeMinimapPing

func (*MinimapPingCmd) Params added in v1.2.0

func (mpc *MinimapPingCmd) Params(verbose bool) string

Params implements Cmd.Params().

type Order

type Order struct {

	// ID as it appears in replays
	ID byte

Order describes the unit order.

func OrderByID

func OrderByID(ID byte) *Order

OrderByID returns the Order for a given ID. A new Order with Unknown name is returned if one is not found for the given ID (preserving the unknown ID).

type ParseErrCmd

type ParseErrCmd struct {

	// PrevCmd is the command preceding the parse error command.
	PrevCmd Cmd

ParseErrCmd represents a command where parsing error encountered. It stores a reference to the preceding command for debugging purposes (often a parse error is the result of improperly parsing the preceding command).

func (*ParseErrCmd) Params added in v1.2.0

func (pec *ParseErrCmd) Params(verbose bool) string

Params implements Cmd.Params().

type QueueableCmd

type QueueableCmd struct {

	// Queued tells if the command is queued. If not, it's instant.
	Queued bool

QueueableCmd describes a generic command that holds whether it is queued. Types: TypeStop, TypeReturnCargo, TypeUnloadAll, TypeHoldPosition, TypeBurrow, TypeUnburrow, TypeSiege, TypeUnsiege, TypeCloack, TypeDecloack

func (*QueueableCmd) Params added in v1.2.0

func (qc *QueueableCmd) Params(verbose bool) string

Params implements Cmd.Params().

type RightClickCmd

type RightClickCmd struct {

	// Pos tells the right-clicked target point.
	Pos repcore.Point

	// UnitTag is the right-clicked unit's unit tag if it's valid.
	UnitTag UnitTag

	// Unit is the right-clicked unit (if UnitTag is valid).
	Unit *Unit

	// Queued tells if the command is queued. If not, it's instant.
	Queued bool

RightClickCmd represents a right click command. Type: TypeRightClick

func (*RightClickCmd) Params added in v1.2.0

func (rcc *RightClickCmd) Params(verbose bool) string

Params implements Cmd.Params().

type SelectCmd

type SelectCmd struct {

	// UnitTags contains the unit tags involved in the select command.
	UnitTags []UnitTag

SelectCmd describes commands of types: TypeSelect, TypeSelectAdd, TypeSelectRemove

func (*SelectCmd) Params added in v1.2.0

func (sc *SelectCmd) Params(verbose bool) string

Params implements Cmd.Params().

type TargetedOrderCmd

type TargetedOrderCmd struct {

	// Pos tells the targeted order's target point.
	Pos repcore.Point

	// UnitTag is the targeted order's unit tag if it's valid.
	UnitTag UnitTag

	// Unit is the targeted order's unit (if UnitTag is valid).
	Unit *Unit

	// Order type
	Order *Order

	// Queued tells if the command is queued. If not, it's instant.
	Queued bool

TargetedOrderCmd describes a targeted order command. Type: TypeTargetedOrder

func (*TargetedOrderCmd) Params added in v1.2.0

func (toc *TargetedOrderCmd) Params(verbose bool) string

Params implements Cmd.Params().

type Tech

type Tech struct {

	// ID as it appears in replays
	ID byte

Tech describes the tech (research).

func TechByID

func TechByID(ID byte) *Tech

TechByID returns the Tech for a given ID. A new Tech with Unknown name is returned if one is not found for the given ID (preserving the unknown ID).

type TechCmd

type TechCmd struct {

	// Tech that was started.
	Tech *Tech

TechCmd describes a tech (research) command. Type: TypeTech

func (*TechCmd) Params added in v1.2.0

func (tc *TechCmd) Params(verbose bool) string

Params implements Cmd.Params().

type TrainCmd

type TrainCmd struct {

	// Unit is the trained unit.
	Unit *Unit

TrainCmd describes a train command. Type: TypeTrain, TypeUnitMorph

func (*TrainCmd) Params added in v1.2.0

func (tc *TrainCmd) Params(verbose bool) string

Params implements Cmd.Params().

type Type

type Type struct {

	// ID as it appears in replays
	ID byte

Type describes the command type.

func TypeByID

func TypeByID(ID byte) *Type

TypeByID returns the Type for a given ID. A new Type with Unknown name is returned if one is not found for the given ID (preserving the unknown ID).

type Unit

type Unit struct {

	// ID as it appears in replays
	ID uint16

Unit describes the unit.

func UnitByID

func UnitByID(ID uint16) *Unit

UnitByID returns the Unit for a given ID. A new Unit with Unknown name is returned if one is not found for the given ID (preserving the unknown ID).

type UnitTag

type UnitTag uint16

UnitTag itentifies a unit in the game (engine). Contains its in-game ID and a recycle counter.

func (UnitTag) Index

func (ut UnitTag) Index() uint16

Index returns the unit's tag index (in-game ID).

func (UnitTag) Recycle

func (ut UnitTag) Recycle() byte

Recycle returns the tag resycle.

func (UnitTag) Valid

func (ut UnitTag) Valid() bool

Valid tells if this is a valid unit tag.

type UnloadCmd added in v1.1.2

type UnloadCmd struct {

	// UnitTag is the unloaded unit's tag if it's valid.
	UnitTag UnitTag

UnloadCmd describes an unload command.

func (*UnloadCmd) Params added in v1.2.0

func (uc *UnloadCmd) Params(verbose bool) string

Params implements Cmd.Params().

type Upgrade

type Upgrade struct {

	// ID as it appears in replays
	ID byte

Upgrade describes the upgrade.

func UpgradeByID

func UpgradeByID(ID byte) *Upgrade

UpgradeByID returns the Upgrade for a given ID. A new Upgrade with Unknown name is returned if one is not found for the given ID (preserving the unknown ID).

type UpgradeCmd

type UpgradeCmd struct {

	// Upgrade that was started.
	Upgrade *Upgrade

UpgradeCmd describes an upgrade command. Type: TypeUpgrade

func (*UpgradeCmd) Params added in v1.2.0

func (uc *UpgradeCmd) Params(verbose bool) string

Params implements Cmd.Params().

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL