Etu is a simple journaling tool that uses Charm's database and end to end encryption.
$ etu
Etu. A personal command line journal.
etu [flags]
etu [command]
Available Commands:
create Create a new journal entry. If no date provided, current time will be used.
delete Delete a journal entry.
help Help about any command
link Link multiple machines to your Charm account
list List journal entries, with an optional starting datetime.
reset Delete local db and pull down fresh copy from Charm Cloud.
sync Sync local db with latest Charm Cloud db.
-h, --help help for etu
-v, --version version for etu
Use "etu [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Etu is the personifcation of time according to the Lakota.
Etu is inspired heavily by the work of @neauoire at, Time Travelers, and the screenshots in the inspiration folder.
Other projects that inspired me:
I've rewritten this aproximately six times. Originally I made this to be a location based blogging app. Then it turned into a time tracking app. Then into a wiki. Then another time tracking app. Then a journaling tool.