Overview ¶
Package nzgo is a pure Go language driver for the database/sql package to work with IBM PDA (aka Netezza)
In most cases clients will use the database/sql package instead of using this package directly. For example:
import ( "database/sql" _ "" ) func main() { connStr := "user=nz dbname=db1 sslmode=verify-full " db, err := sql.Open("nzgo", connStr) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } age := 21 rows, err := db.Query("SELECT name FROM users WHERE age = ?", age) … }
Logging ¶
nzgo defines a simple logger interface. Set logLevel to control logging verbosity and logPath to specify log file path. By default logging will be enabled with logLevel=Info and current directory as logPath.
You can configure logLevel and logPath (i.e. log file directory) as per your requirement.
There is one more configuration parameter with logger "additionalLogFile". This parameter can be used to set additional logger file. additionalLogFile can be used to enable writing logs to stdout, this can be achieved by simply setting "additionalLogFile=stdout"
Valid values for 'logLevel' are : "OFF" , "DEBUG", "INFO" and "FATAL". logLevel=OFF can be used to turn off logging. It will turn of both internal and additionalLogFile logs.
These logger configuration parameters should be mentinoed in connection string.
SecurityLevel ¶
The level of security (SSL/TLS) that the driver uses for the connection to the data store.
onlyUnSecured: The driver does not use SSL. preferredUnSecured: If the server provides a choice, the driver does not use SSL. preferredSecured: If the server provides a choice, the driver uses SSL. onlySecured: The driver does not connect unless an SSL connection is available.
Similarly, Netezza server has above securityLevel.
Cases which would fail: Client tries to connect with 'Only secured' or 'Preferred secured' mode while server is 'Only Unsecured' mode. Client tries to connect with 'Only secured' or 'Preferred secured' mode while server is 'Preferred Unsecured' mode. Client tries to connect with 'Only Unsecured' or 'Preferred Unsecured' mode while server is 'Only Secured' mode. Client tries to connect with 'Only Unsecured' or 'Preferred Unsecured' mode while server is 'Preferred Secured' mode.
Below are the securityLevel you can pass in connection string :
0: Preferred Unsecured session 1: Only Unsecured session 2: Preferred Secured session 3: Only Secured session
Connection String ¶
Use Open to create a database handle with connection parameters:
db, err := sql.Open("nzgo", "<connection string>")
The Go Netezza Driver supports the following connection syntaxes (or data source name formats):
"host=localhost user=admin dbname=db1 port=5480 password=password sslmode=require sslrootcert=C:/Users/root31.crt securityLevel=3 logLevel=Info logPath=./ additionalLogFile=stdout"
In this case, application is running from NPS server itself so using 'localhost'. Golang driver should connect on port 5480(postgres port). The user is admin, password is password, database is db1, sslmode is require, and the location of the root certificate file is C:/Users/root31.crt with securityLevel as 'Only Secured session'
Connection Parameters ¶
When establishing a connection using nzgo you are expected to supply a connection string containing zero or more parameters. Below are subset of the connection parameters supported by nzgo.
The following special connection parameters are supported:
- dbname - The name of the database to connect to
- user - The user to sign in as
- password - The user's password
- host - The host to connect to. Values that start with / are for unix domain sockets. (default is localhost)
- port - The port to bind to. (default is 5480)
- sslmode - Whether or not to use SSL (default is require)
- sslcert - Cert file location. The file must contain PEM encoded data.
- sslkey - Key file location. The file must contain PEM encoded data.
- sslrootcert - The location of the root certificate file. The file must contain PEM encoded data.
- logLevel - Log Level[Info/Debug/Fatal/Off]
- logPath - Path to write log files
- additionalLogPath - Additional log file can be mentioned here or stdout
Valid values for sslmode are:
- disable - No SSL
- require - Always SSL (skip verification)
- verify-ca - Always SSL (verify that the certificate presented by the server was signed by a trusted CA)
Use single quotes for values that contain whitespace:
"user=nz password='with spaces'"
A backslash will escape the next character in values:
"user=space\ man password='it\'s valid'"
Note that the connection parameter client_encoding (which sets the text encoding for the connection) may be set but must be "UTF8", matching with the same rules as Postgres. It is an error to provide any other value.
Queries ¶
database/sql does not dictate any specific format for parameter markers in query strings, but nzgo uses the Netezza-specific parameter markers i.e. '?', as shown below.
rows, err := db.Query(`SELECT name FROM users WHERE favorite_fruit = ? OR age = ? `, "orange", 64)
First parameter marker in the query would be replaced by first arguement, second parameter marker in the query would be replaced by second arguement and so on.
nzgo supports the RowsAffected() method of the Result type in database/sql.
var row int result, err := db.Exec(`INSERT INTO users(name, favorite_fruit, age) VALUES('beatrice', 'starfruit', 93) ) if err == nil { row, _ := result.RowsAffected() }
For additional instructions on querying see the documentation for the database/sql package. nzgo also supports transaction queries as specified in database/sql package
Transactions are started by calling Begin.
tx, err := conn.Begin() if err != nil { return err } // Rollback is safe to call even if the tx is already closed, so if // the tx commits successfully, this is a no-op defer tx.Rollback() _, err = tx.Exec("insert into foo(id) values (1)") if err != nil { return err } err = tx.Commit() if err != nil { return err }
Supported Data Types ¶
This package returns the following types for values from the Netezza backend:
- integer types byteint, smallint, integer, and bigint are returned as int8, int 16, int 32 and int64 respectively
- floating-point types real and double precision are returned as float32 and float64 respectively
- character types char, varchar, nchar and nvarchar are returned as string
- temporal types date, time, timetz, timestamp, interval and timestamptz are returned as string
- numeric and geometry are returned as string
- the boolean type is returned as bool
External table ¶
You can unload data from an IBM Netezza database table on a Netezza host system to a remote client. This unload does not remove rows from the database but instead stores the unloaded data in a flat file (external table) that is suitable for loading back into a Netezza database. Below query would create a file 'et1.txt' on remote system from Netezza table t2 with data delimeted by '|'.
result, err := db.Exec("create external table et1 'C:\\et1.txt' using (remotesource 'golang' delim '|') as select * from t2;") if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error in creating external table", err) } else { fmt.Println("External Table created successfully") }
See for more information about external table
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func Array(a interface{}) interface{ ... }
- func CTable_FieldAt(tupdesc DbosTupleDesc, recP readBuf, field int) readBuf
- func CTable_i_fieldNumericDigit32Count(tupdesc DbosTupleDesc, coldex int) int
- func CTable_i_fieldPrecision(tupdesc DbosTupleDesc, coldex int) int
- func CTable_i_fieldScale(tupdesc DbosTupleDesc, coldex int) int
- func CTable_i_fieldSize(tupdesc DbosTupleDesc, coldex int) int
- func CTable_i_fieldType(tupdesc DbosTupleDesc, coldex int) int
- func CTable_i_fixedFieldPtr(recP readBuf, offset int) readBuf
- func CTable_i_varFieldPtr(recP readBuf, fixedOffset int, varDex int) readBuf
- func CopyIn(table string, columns ...string) string
- func CopyInSchema(schema, table string, columns ...string) string
- func DialOpen(d Dialer, dsn string) (_ driver.Conn, err error)
- func EnableInfinityTs(negative time.Time, positive time.Time)
- func EncodeTimeOnly(tm *timeStamp, fusec float64, tzp int) (str string)
- func EncodeTimeSpan(tm *timeStamp, fsec float64) (str string)
- func FormatTimestamp(t time.Time) []byte
- func GOLANG_numeric_load_var(varP *NumericVar, dataP []TNumericDigit, precision int, scale int, ...)
- func Init()
- func IntervalToText(span *Interval) string
- func Open(dsn string) (_ driver.Conn, err error)
- func ParseTimestamp(currentLocation *time.Location, str string) (time.Time, error)
- func ParseURL(url string) (string, error)
- func QuoteIdentifier(name string) string
- type ArrayDelimiter
- type BoolArray
- type ByteaArray
- type Connector
- type DbosTupleDesc
- type Dialer
- type DialerContext
- type Driver
- type Error
- type ErrorClass
- type ErrorCode
- type EventCallbackType
- type Float64Array
- type GenericArray
- type HSV2Msg
- type HsVersion
- type Int64Array
- type Interval
- type Listener
- type ListenerConn
- func (l *ListenerConn) Close() error
- func (l *ListenerConn) Err() error
- func (l *ListenerConn) ExecSimpleQuery(q string) (executed bool, err error)
- func (l *ListenerConn) Listen(channel string) (bool, error)
- func (l *ListenerConn) Ping() error
- func (l *ListenerConn) Unlisten(channel string) (bool, error)
- func (l *ListenerConn) UnlistenAll() (bool, error)
- type ListenerEventType
- type NZLogger
- func (elog NZLogger) Debugf(fname string, s string, args ...interface{})
- func (elog NZLogger) Debugln(args ...interface{})
- func (elog NZLogger) Fatalf(fname string, s string, args ...interface{})
- func (elog NZLogger) Fatalln(args ...interface{})
- func (elog NZLogger) Infof(fname string, s string, args ...interface{})
- func (elog NZLogger) Infoln(args ...interface{})
- func (elog NZLogger) Initialize(logLevel, logPath, additionalLogFile string)
- type Notification
- type NullTime
- type NumericVar
- type PGError
- type StringArray
- type TNumericData
- type TNumericDigit
- type TimeTzADT
Constants ¶
const ( EXTAB_SOCK_DATA = 1 + iota // block of records EXTAB_SOCK_ERROR // error message EXTAB_SOCK_DONE // normal wrap-up EXTAB_SOCK_FLUSH // Flush the current buffer/data )
External table stuff (copied from nde/client/exttable.h)
const ( PGRES_EMPTY_QUERY = 0 + iota PGRES_COMMAND_OK /* a query command that doesn't return */ /* anything was executed properly by the backend */ PGRES_TUPLES_OK /* a query command that returns tuples */ /* was executed properly by the backend */ PGRES_FIELDS_OK /* field information from a query was successful */ PGRES_END_TUPLES /* all is ok till here; all after this is error */ PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR PGRES_FATAL_ERROR PGRES_BAD_RESPONSE /* an unexpected response was recv'd from the backend */ PGRES_INTERNAL_ERROR /* memory allocation error in driver */ )
const ( NzTypeRecAddr = 1 + iota // !NOTE-bmz need to add this to all switch stmts NzTypeDouble NzTypeInt NzTypeFloat NzTypeMoney NzTypeDate NzTypeNumeric NzTypeTime NzTypeTimestamp NzTypeInterval NzTypeTimeTz NzTypeBool NzTypeInt1 NzTypeBinary NzTypeChar NzTypeVarChar NzDEPR_Text // OBSOLETE 3.0: BLAST Era Large 'text' Object, (Postgres 'text' datatype overload, too) NzTypeUnknown // corresponds to PG UNKNOWNOID data type - an untyped string literal NzTypeInt2 NzTypeInt8 NzTypeVarFixedChar NzTypeGeometry NzTypeVarBinary NzDEPR_Blob // OBSOLETE 3.0: BLAST Era Large 'binary' Object NzTypeNChar NzTypeNVarChar NzDEPR_NText // OBSOLETE 3.0: BLAST Era Large 'nchar text' Object NzTypeJson // 30 NzTypeJsonb NzTypeJsonpath NzTypeLastEntry // KEEP THIS ENTRY LAST - used internally to size an array )
const ( CONN_NOT_CONNECTED = 0 + iota /* Connection has not been established */ CONN_CONNECTED /* Connection is up and has been established */ CONN_EXECUTING /* the connection is currently executing a statement */ CONN_FETCHING /* the connection is currently executing a select */ CONN_CANCELLED /* the connection is currently cancelling a statement */ )
const ( NPS_CLIENT = 0 + iota IPS_CLIENT )
Client type
Authentication types
* This is used by the postmaster and clients in their handshake. * This indicates type of information being exchanged between NPS and driver.
const ( PG_PROTOCOL_3 = 3 + iota PG_PROTOCOL_4 PG_PROTOCOL_5 )
const ( Efatal = "FATAL" Epanic = "PANIC" Ewarning = "WARNING" Enotice = "NOTICE" Edebug = "DEBUG" Einfo = "INFO" Elog = "LOG" )
Error severities
const ( TLS1_CK_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 = 0x09C TLS1_CK_RSA_WITH_AES_128_SHA256 = 0x03c TLS1_CK_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_SHA256 = 0xc023 TLS1_CK_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_SHA256 = 0xc027 )
const HI32_MASK uint64 = 0xffffffff00000000
const NDIGIT_INT64 bool = false
const (
Client Type
const USE_MUL_DOUBLE bool = false
Variables ¶
var ( ErrNotSupported = errors.New("pq: Unsupported command") ErrInFailedTransaction = errors.New("pq: Could not complete operation in a failed transaction") ErrSSLNotSupported = errors.New("pq: SSL is not enabled on the server") ErrSSLKeyHasWorldPermissions = errors.New("pq: Private key file has group or world access. Permissions should be u=rw (0600) or less") ErrCouldNotDetectUsername = errors.New("pq: Could not detect default username. Please provide one explicitly") )
Common error types
var ErrChannelAlreadyOpen = errors.New("pq: channel is already open")
ErrChannelAlreadyOpen is returned from Listen when a channel is already open.
var ErrChannelNotOpen = errors.New("pq: channel is not open")
ErrChannelNotOpen is returned from Unlisten when a channel is not open.
Functions ¶
func Array ¶
Array returns the optimal driver.Valuer and sql.Scanner for an array or slice of any dimension.
For example:
db.Query(`SELECT * FROM t WHERE id = ANY($1)`, pq.Array([]int{235, 401})) var x []sql.NullInt64 db.QueryRow('SELECT ARRAY[235, 401]').Scan(pq.Array(&x))
Scanning multi-dimensional arrays is not supported. Arrays where the lower bound is not one (such as `[0:0]={1}') are not supported.
func CTable_FieldAt ¶
func CTable_FieldAt(tupdesc DbosTupleDesc, recP readBuf, field int) readBuf
func CTable_i_fieldNumericDigit32Count ¶
func CTable_i_fieldNumericDigit32Count(tupdesc DbosTupleDesc, coldex int) int
func CTable_i_fieldPrecision ¶
func CTable_i_fieldPrecision(tupdesc DbosTupleDesc, coldex int) int
func CTable_i_fieldScale ¶
func CTable_i_fieldScale(tupdesc DbosTupleDesc, coldex int) int
func CTable_i_fieldSize ¶
func CTable_i_fieldSize(tupdesc DbosTupleDesc, coldex int) int
func CTable_i_fieldType ¶
func CTable_i_fieldType(tupdesc DbosTupleDesc, coldex int) int
func CTable_i_fixedFieldPtr ¶
func CTable_i_fixedFieldPtr(recP readBuf, offset int) readBuf
func CTable_i_varFieldPtr ¶
func CopyIn ¶
CopyIn creates a COPY FROM statement which can be prepared with Tx.Prepare(). The target table should be visible in search_path.
func CopyInSchema ¶
CopyInSchema creates a COPY FROM statement which can be prepared with Tx.Prepare().
func EnableInfinityTs ¶
EnableInfinityTs controls the handling of Postgres' "-infinity" and "infinity" "timestamp"s.
If EnableInfinityTs is not called, "-infinity" and "infinity" will return []byte("-infinity") and []byte("infinity") respectively, and potentially cause error "sql: Scan error on column index 0: unsupported driver -> Scan pair: []uint8 -> *time.Time", when scanning into a time.Time value.
Once EnableInfinityTs has been called, all connections created using this driver will decode Postgres' "-infinity" and "infinity" for "timestamp", "timestamp with time zone" and "date" types to the predefined minimum and maximum times, respectively. When encoding time.Time values, any time which equals or precedes the predefined minimum time will be encoded to "-infinity". Any values at or past the maximum time will similarly be encoded to "infinity".
If EnableInfinityTs is called with negative >= positive, it will panic. Calling EnableInfinityTs after a connection has been established results in undefined behavior. If EnableInfinityTs is called more than once, it will panic.
func EncodeTimeOnly ¶
EncodeTimeOnly() * Encode time fields only.
func EncodeTimeSpan ¶
func FormatTimestamp ¶
FormatTimestamp formats t into Postgres' text format for timestamps.
func GOLANG_numeric_load_var ¶
func GOLANG_numeric_load_var(varP *NumericVar, dataP []TNumericDigit, precision int, scale int, digitCount int)
func Init ¶
func Init()
Create logger handler with some predefined prefix setting, * this will be overwritten in actual logging. * Mostly this setting is not used
func IntervalToText ¶
func Open ¶
Open opens a new connection to the database. dsn is a connection string. Most users should only use it through database/sql package from the standard library.
func ParseTimestamp ¶
ParseTimestamp parses Postgres' text format. It returns a time.Time in currentLocation iff that time's offset agrees with the offset sent from the Postgres server. Otherwise, ParseTimestamp returns a time.Time with the fixed offset offset provided by the Postgres server.
func ParseURL ¶
ParseURL no longer needs to be used by clients of this library since supplying a URL as a connection string to sql.Open() is now supported:
sql.Open("postgres", "postgres://bob:secret@")
It remains exported here for backwards-compatibility.
ParseURL converts a url to a connection string for driver.Open. Example:
converts to:
"user=bob password=secret host= port=5432 dbname=mydb sslmode=verify-full"
A minimal example:
This will be blank, causing driver.Open to use all of the defaults
func QuoteIdentifier ¶
QuoteIdentifier quotes an "identifier" (e.g. a table or a column name) to be used as part of an SQL statement. For example:
tblname := "my_table" data := "my_data" quoted := pq.QuoteIdentifier(tblname) err := db.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO %s VALUES ($1)", quoted), data)
Any double quotes in name will be escaped. The quoted identifier will be case sensitive when used in a query. If the input string contains a zero byte, the result will be truncated immediately before it.
Types ¶
type ArrayDelimiter ¶
type ArrayDelimiter interface { // ArrayDelimiter returns the delimiter character(s) for this element's type. ArrayDelimiter() string }
ArrayDelimiter may be optionally implemented by driver.Valuer or sql.Scanner to override the array delimiter used by GenericArray.
type BoolArray ¶
type BoolArray []bool
BoolArray represents a one-dimensional array of the PostgreSQL boolean type.
type ByteaArray ¶
type ByteaArray [][]byte
ByteaArray represents a one-dimensional array of the PostgreSQL bytea type.
func (*ByteaArray) Scan ¶
func (a *ByteaArray) Scan(src interface{}) error
Scan implements the sql.Scanner interface.
type Connector ¶
type Connector struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Connector represents a fixed configuration for the pq driver with a given name. Connector satisfies the database/sql/driver Connector interface and can be used to create any number of DB Conn's via the database/sql OpenDB function.
See See
func NewConnector ¶
NewConnector returns a connector for the pq driver in a fixed configuration with the given dsn. The returned connector can be used to create any number of equivalent Conn's. The returned connector is intended to be used with database/sql.OpenDB.
See See
type DATE_STRUCT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type DbosTupleDesc ¶
type Dialer ¶
type Dialer interface { Dial(network, address string) (net.Conn, error) DialTimeout(network, address string, timeout time.Duration) (net.Conn, error) }
Dialer is the dialer interface. It can be used to obtain more control over how pq creates network connections.
type DialerContext ¶
type Error ¶
type Error struct { Severity string Code ErrorCode Message string Detail string Hint string Position string InternalPosition string InternalQuery string Where string Schema string Table string Column string DataTypeName string Constraint string File string Line string Routine string }
Error represents an error communicating with the server.
See for details of the fields
type ErrorClass ¶
type ErrorClass string
ErrorClass is only the class part of an error code.
func (ErrorClass) Name ¶
func (ec ErrorClass) Name() string
Name returns the condition name of an error class. It is equivalent to the condition name of the "standard" error code (i.e. the one having the last three characters "000").
type ErrorCode ¶
type ErrorCode string
ErrorCode is a five-character error code.
func (ErrorCode) Class ¶
func (ec ErrorCode) Class() ErrorClass
Class returns the error class, e.g. "28".
See for details.
func (ErrorCode) Name ¶
Name returns a more human friendly rendering of the error code, namely the "condition name".
See for details.
type EventCallbackType ¶
type EventCallbackType func(event ListenerEventType, err error)
EventCallbackType is the event callback type. See also ListenerEventType constants' documentation.
type Float64Array ¶
type Float64Array []float64
Float64Array represents a one-dimensional array of the PostgreSQL double precision type.
func (*Float64Array) Scan ¶
func (a *Float64Array) Scan(src interface{}) error
Scan implements the sql.Scanner interface.
type GenericArray ¶
type GenericArray struct{ A interface{} }
GenericArray implements the driver.Valuer and sql.Scanner interfaces for an array or slice of any dimension.
func (GenericArray) Scan ¶
func (a GenericArray) Scan(src interface{}) error
Scan implements the sql.Scanner interface.
type HsVersion ¶
type HsVersion struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NPS handshake version negotiation packet structure
type Int64Array ¶
type Int64Array []int64
Int64Array represents a one-dimensional array of the PostgreSQL integer types.
func (*Int64Array) Scan ¶
func (a *Int64Array) Scan(src interface{}) error
Scan implements the sql.Scanner interface.
type Listener ¶
type Listener struct { // Channel for receiving notifications from the database. In some cases a // nil value will be sent. See section "Notifications" above. Notify chan *Notification // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Listener provides an interface for listening to notifications from a PostgreSQL database. For general usage information, see section "Notifications".
Listener can safely be used from concurrently running goroutines.
func NewDialListener ¶
func NewDialListener(d Dialer, name string, minReconnectInterval time.Duration, maxReconnectInterval time.Duration, eventCallback EventCallbackType) *Listener
NewDialListener is like NewListener but it takes a Dialer.
func NewListener ¶
func NewListener(name string, minReconnectInterval time.Duration, maxReconnectInterval time.Duration, eventCallback EventCallbackType) *Listener
NewListener creates a new database connection dedicated to LISTEN / NOTIFY.
name should be set to a connection string to be used to establish the database connection (see section "Connection String Parameters" above).
minReconnectInterval controls the duration to wait before trying to re-establish the database connection after connection loss. After each consecutive failure this interval is doubled, until maxReconnectInterval is reached. Successfully completing the connection establishment procedure resets the interval back to minReconnectInterval.
The last parameter eventCallback can be set to a function which will be called by the Listener when the state of the underlying database connection changes. This callback will be called by the goroutine which dispatches the notifications over the Notify channel, so you should try to avoid doing potentially time-consuming operations from the callback.
func (*Listener) Close ¶
Close disconnects the Listener from the database and shuts it down. Subsequent calls to its methods will return an error. Close returns an error if the connection has already been closed.
func (*Listener) Listen ¶
Listen starts listening for notifications on a channel. Calls to this function will block until an acknowledgement has been received from the server. Note that Listener automatically re-establishes the connection after connection loss, so this function may block indefinitely if the connection can not be re-established.
Listen will only fail in three conditions:
- The channel is already open. The returned error will be ErrChannelAlreadyOpen.
- The query was executed on the remote server, but PostgreSQL returned an error message in response to the query. The returned error will be a pq.Error containing the information the server supplied.
- Close is called on the Listener before the request could be completed.
The channel name is case-sensitive.
func (*Listener) NotificationChannel ¶
func (l *Listener) NotificationChannel() <-chan *Notification
NotificationChannel returns the notification channel for this listener. This is the same channel as Notify, and will not be recreated during the life time of the Listener.
func (*Listener) Ping ¶
Ping the remote server to make sure it's alive. Non-nil return value means that there is no active connection.
func (*Listener) Unlisten ¶
Unlisten removes a channel from the Listener's channel list. Returns ErrChannelNotOpen if the Listener is not listening on the specified channel. Returns immediately with no error if there is no connection. Note that you might still get notifications for this channel even after Unlisten has returned.
The channel name is case-sensitive.
func (*Listener) UnlistenAll ¶
UnlistenAll removes all channels from the Listener's channel list. Returns immediately with no error if there is no connection. Note that you might still get notifications for any of the deleted channels even after UnlistenAll has returned.
type ListenerConn ¶
type ListenerConn struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ListenerConn is a low-level interface for waiting for notifications. You should use Listener instead.
func NewListenerConn ¶
func NewListenerConn(name string, notificationChan chan<- *Notification) (*ListenerConn, error)
NewListenerConn creates a new ListenerConn. Use NewListener instead.
func (*ListenerConn) Err ¶
func (l *ListenerConn) Err() error
Err returns the reason the connection was closed. It is not safe to call this function until l.Notify has been closed.
func (*ListenerConn) ExecSimpleQuery ¶
func (l *ListenerConn) ExecSimpleQuery(q string) (executed bool, err error)
ExecSimpleQuery executes a "simple query" (i.e. one with no bindable parameters) on the connection. The possible return values are:
- "executed" is true; the query was executed to completion on the database server. If the query failed, err will be set to the error returned by the database, otherwise err will be nil.
- If "executed" is false, the query could not be executed on the remote server. err will be non-nil.
After a call to ExecSimpleQuery has returned an executed=false value, the connection has either been closed or will be closed shortly thereafter, and all subsequently executed queries will return an error.
func (*ListenerConn) Listen ¶
func (l *ListenerConn) Listen(channel string) (bool, error)
Listen sends a LISTEN query to the server. See ExecSimpleQuery.
func (*ListenerConn) Ping ¶
func (l *ListenerConn) Ping() error
Ping the remote server to make sure it's alive. Non-nil error means the connection has failed and should be abandoned.
func (*ListenerConn) Unlisten ¶
func (l *ListenerConn) Unlisten(channel string) (bool, error)
Unlisten sends an UNLISTEN query to the server. See ExecSimpleQuery.
func (*ListenerConn) UnlistenAll ¶
func (l *ListenerConn) UnlistenAll() (bool, error)
UnlistenAll sends an `UNLISTEN *` query to the server. See ExecSimpleQuery.
type ListenerEventType ¶
type ListenerEventType int
ListenerEventType is an enumeration of listener event types.
const ( // ListenerEventConnected is emitted only when the database connection // has been initially initialized. The err argument of the callback // will always be nil. ListenerEventConnected ListenerEventType = iota // ListenerEventDisconnected is emitted after a database connection has // been lost, either because of an error or because Close has been // called. The err argument will be set to the reason the database // connection was lost. ListenerEventDisconnected // ListenerEventReconnected is emitted after a database connection has // been re-established after connection loss. The err argument of the // callback will always be nil. After this event has been emitted, a // nil pq.Notification is sent on the Listener.Notify channel. ListenerEventReconnected // ListenerEventConnectionAttemptFailed is emitted after a connection // to the database was attempted, but failed. The err argument will be // set to an error describing why the connection attempt did not // succeed. ListenerEventConnectionAttemptFailed )
type NZLogger ¶
Valid log levels : DEBUG, INFO, FATAL, OFF
func (NZLogger) Debugln ¶
func (elog NZLogger) Debugln(args ...interface{})
Used for adding debug log without format
func (NZLogger) Fatalf ¶
Fatal logs error and panic, forcing application to exit with message on stdout
func (NZLogger) Initialize ¶
Initialize logger and set output to file
type Notification ¶
type Notification struct { // Process ID (PID) of the notifying postgres backend. BePid int // Name of the channel the notification was sent on. Channel string // Payload, or the empty string if unspecified. Extra string }
Notification represents a single notification from the database.
type NullTime ¶
NullTime represents a time.Time that may be null. NullTime implements the sql.Scanner interface so it can be used as a scan destination, similar to sql.NullString.
type NumericVar ¶
type NumericVar struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type PGError ¶
PGError is an interface used by previous versions of pq. It is provided only to support legacy code. New code should use the Error type.
type StringArray ¶
type StringArray []string
StringArray represents a one-dimensional array of the PostgreSQL character types.
func (*StringArray) Scan ¶
func (a *StringArray) Scan(src interface{}) error
Scan implements the sql.Scanner interface.
type TIMESTAMP_STRUCT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type TIME_STRUCT struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type TNumericData ¶
type TNumericData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type TNumericDigit ¶
type TNumericDigit uint32
Source Files
Path | Synopsis |
Package listen is a self-contained Go program which uses the LISTEN / NOTIFY mechanism to avoid polling the database while waiting for more work to arrive.
Package listen is a self-contained Go program which uses the LISTEN / NOTIFY mechanism to avoid polling the database while waiting for more work to arrive. |
Package oid contains OID constants as defined by the Postgres server.
Package oid contains OID constants as defined by the Postgres server. |