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Published: Jun 28, 2019 License: Apache-2.0


Commands Runner

This project allows you to orchestrate commands by creating a descriptor file which is an array of states. Each state have a command to run, a status, a log locatio, a status which can have values (READY, SKIP, RUNNING, SUCCEEDED and FAILED) and other parameters. The command runner will run the descriptor file and mark the state as SUCCEEDED or FAILED depending on the exit code of the command. You can also extend this project with your own specific requirements.

Getting Started

You can run the commands runner by installing it as a server or by calling it programmatically. You can also extend the server if needed.


This project uses dep to manage dependencies.

  1. Install dep install
  2. Create your project
  3. Run dep init
  4. In the newly created Gopkg.toml file add a constraint section. (once the code will be migrated to a simple `dep ensure -add will replace this insertion)
  name = ""
  1. Create your client and server (see below)
  2. run dep ensure -v, this will download all dependencies.
Create a commands-runner server
  1. Create server: There a server example at examples/server. In that example the server is enriched with a helloWorld API.
  2. Build server: Once you created the server, you can build it with for example: go build -o cr-server
  3. Create certificates (optional): You can secure the communication between the client and the server using SSL.
  4. openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout <your_data_directory>/cr-key.pem -out <your_data_directory>/cr-cert.crt -days 365 -subj "/C=YourContry/ST=YourState/L=YourLocation/O=YourOrg/OU=YourOrgUnit/CN=localhost" -nodes
  5. Install the certificate on the machine which will run the server. For example on Ubuntu or MaxOS: 1. cp <your_data_directory>/cr-cert.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ 2. update-ca-certificates
  6. Launch the server: run the command ./cr-server listen -c <your_data_dir>. The data directory must be an absolute path. (see below for details on states_file). You can specify the log level by setting the global varialbe CR_TRACE to debug, info,... (default is info)
Create a commands-runner client
  1. Create the client: There a client example at examples/client. In that example the client is enriched with a command hello which call the helloWorld API on the server side.
  2. Build the client: Once you created the client, you can build it with for example: go build -o cr-cli
  3. Create token: The server uses a token for authentication, run the command: ./cr-cli token create > <your_data_directory>/cr-token, this will create a file cr-token in <your_data_directory>.
  4. Setup the client: ./cr-cli --url <https_server_url> --token <token> --cacert <cert_path> -e <your_main_extension_name> api save or simply ./cr-cli --url <http_server_url> --token <token> -e <your_main_extension_name> api save if you don't want to use SSL. This setup is stored in $HOME/.commandsRunner.conf The <token> is the content of your cr-token file. In the examples and as you can see in examples/server/server.go the <your_main_extension_name> is default-extension.
  5. launch ./cr-cli for more information on all available commands. (ie: ./cr-cli states to check states, ./cr-cli extension deploy to run the deployment)
Use commands-runner in a program.

There is code examples at examples/code

Sever Overview

The server is in charge of running extensions. An extension contains a file extension-manifest.yml which contains the states the extension must execute. You can find an examples/extensions/simple-custom-extension.yml.
When a extension is registered, the states attribute of the extension-manifest.yml is extracted into a file called states-file.yml The states are executed sequentially but you can alter the sequence by adding for each state what should be the next state, in that case a preprocessing will be done to re-order the states in a topological order. At the first run all states are marked either READY or SKIP, after the first execution the states can be marked as "SUCCEEDED" (if the execution SUCCEEDED), "FAILED" (if the execution failed), "SKIP" (if the state must be skipped) or "READY" (if the state is not executed and probably because a previous state failed). When the command runner starts the execution of the states file and it runs each state marked READY or FAILED, if the state execution failed then the state will be marked FAILED and the execution stops otherwise the state is marked "SUCCEEDED" and the execution continues. If a state is marked as SUCCEEDED or "SKIP" it will be not executed and the command runner will start the execution a the next READY or FAILED state.

States attribute format:
states: An array of state
- name: name of the state
  phase: If the value is "AtEachRun" then this state will run each time whatever the status except if "SKIP"
  label: label of the state
  log_path: log path, the stdin/out of the script command will be forwared in that file.
  status: status "READY", "SUCCEEDED", "RUNNING", "FAILED", "SKIP"
  start_time: The last start time the state ran
  end_time: The last end time the state ran
  reason: The reason of failue
  script: The command to execute, it can be an absolute path or a path relative to location of the state files.
  script_timeout: The timoute for executing that state
  protected: If true then the state can not be removed using the client CLI
  deleted: If true then the state will be deleted at the next merge between the old states file and the new state file.
  states_to_rerun: An array of states (name) to rerun once this state is executed. The states to rerun must be placed after the current state in the topological order.
  next_states: An array of the next states to run after this one.
  previous_states: This is calculated array and so every information set here will be overwritten by the command runner.
- name:
Send config file to the server

You can send a config file to the server before starting the processing of the state engine and this using the client command: ./cr-cli config -e <extension-name> save -c <config_file_path>

The config file is a yaml file in the form of:

  property1: hello world

The root attribute config is configurable using config.SetConfigRootKey("myconfig") along with the config file name config.SetConfigFileName("myconfig.yml") (see: examples/server/server.go)

Launch the commands-runner

Once the server is up and running with your states file, you can launch the commands-runner using the command: ./cr-cli engine -e <extension-name> start

You can check the progress using command: ./cr-cli -e <extension-name> logs -f

The command runner works as follow:

  1. Read the state files
  2. Stops if one of the state has a status RUNNING
  3. Starts the execution at the first state with status READY or FAILED, if the state is an extension then the commands runner will start the first state (READY or FAILED) of the extension process.
  4. If the state failed, the commands runner stops.
  5. If the state succeeded, the commands runner search for the next READY or FAILED status to execute.
  6. If no more state to process then the commands runner stops.

You can insert extension in a states file using the client CLI or API. An extension is an artificat which contains a manifest describing (sub-)states to execute and where to insert this execution in the states file. Inserting an extension will create a new state in the states file and this new state will call the extension process and run it using the commands-runner client command cr-cli extension -e <extension_name> deploy and so it is important that the client is in the directory from which the server is launched or in the PATH.

The extension can be either "embedded" or "customer", "embeded" means that the artifact is already provided in the environement (ie: part of the product distribution) and should not be register and can not be deleted. A "embeded" extension is defined in a extensions yaml file as in examples/data/test-extensions.yml. A "custom" extension must be registered using the client CLI and for that it must be embobined in a zip file.

Once the extension is in the environment (register), the exentions must be registered and then inserted in the states file and so when the commands-runner will be launched, the extension will get executed along the states file.

Extensions can be inserted in an extension states file once the parent extension is registered.

Extension directory structure

An simple example is provided here examples/extenions/simple-extension-with-version or examples/extenions/simple-extension-without-version. The version is an intermediate directory under the extension itself, it allows to see in the reposity which version gets deployed. The commands-runner doesn't support multiple versions in the repository for the time being. The only constraint is that the extension must have a extension-manifest.yml in the extenision root directory.

Extension manifest format

The extension-manifest is a yaml file. Only one attribute is mandatory states which is an array of state. The state structure can be found at api/commandsRunner/stateManager/state.go.
Manifest examples can be found in the examples/extensions

How to setup the server to manage extension

In examples/server example you can see that the extensionManager is initialized with files and directory values.

Embeded extension

Embeded extension are provided by your distribution and so the "end-user" doesn't need to register them into the environment. They are automatically registered based on the content embeddedExtensionDescriptor provided in the extension.Init method. You can find an example of this file at examples/data/test-extensions.yml.

Register custom extensions

If the end-user wants to register its own extension, he must create a zip file containing the extension structure.
For example by executing: zip simple-custom-extension/*

and then use the client CLI: ./cr-cli extension -e <extension_name> register -p <archive_path>

Send extension's configuration in the environment

Like for the main state file, You can send a file (configuration) to the environemnt using:

./cr-cli extension -e <extension_name> save -c <config_file>

The config will be saved in the extension directory.

Format see: config file format

Insert extensions

As the previous state and next state are defined in the call_state attribute of the extension_manifest.yml, to insert the extension in the states file, you have to execute.

./cr-cli states insert -i <extension_name>


When calling the engine start command, in fact behind the scene the same code runs as though the command extension -e crs-name deploy was launched. Each time a extension is deployed, a state manager is created for that extension name and runs in its own thread. So the commands-runner support concurrency if each concurrent deployment have a different extension name. If a deployment with the same extension name is launched, the commands-runner will stop mentioning that the deployment is already running.


An extension can multiple languages, to do so, a directory i18n must be created in the root directory of the extension. That directory will contains the translation file for each language. Check default-extension.

Convert uimetadata for localization

If you want to generate the locatiozation files afterward you can this tool.

The tool was created to generate from an existing ui_metadata.yml, a new ui_metadata.yml where the labels, descriptions, sample_values and validation_error_messages are replaced by a key and that key references an entry in the generated i18n yaml file. The key is the property path. For exanple in the following ui_metadat:

    label: vmware.label
    - label: vmware.vmware_config.label
      name: vmware_config
      - description: vmware.vmware_config.vmware_address.description
        label: vmware.vmware_config.vmware_address.label
        mandatory: true
        name: vmware_address
        sample_value: vmware.vmware_config.vmware_address.sample_value
        type: text
        validation_error_message: vmware.vmware_config.vmware_address.validation_error_message

each property have the path as value to reference the i18n. The label in vmware and groups vmware_config has for key vmware.vmware_config.label. <config_name>.<groupe_name>.<attribute_name> description has : <config_name>.<group_name>.<property_name>.<attribute_name>

The source code is in

Build the localization tool
  • make localization, the binary is generated in tools/_build/localization/darwin_amd64/localization
Run the tool
  • tools/_build/localization/darwin_amd64/localization convert -s <extension_manifest_source_file> -d <extension_manifest_source_file> -t <i18n_yaml_destination_file>
In case of update of the ui_metadata file
  • If you add a new attribute in the ui_metadata (ie: description: "hello world"), the tool will add that entry in the destination i18n file as the related key doesn't exist their yet and the ui_metadata attribute will be updated with that key.
  • if the key already exist in the destination file then no replacement is done.

verify locatization

Another tool was created to verify if the ui_metadata of an extension can be translated in each languages set in the i18n directory. If a message can not be translated (ie: the key can not be found in the i18n translation file) then an error message is shown.

The source code is in convertUIMetadataLocalization

Build the localization tool
  • make verify-localization, the binary is generated in tools/_build/verify-localization/<platform>/verify-localization
Run the tool
  • migrationTools/_build/verify-localization verify -p <extension_path> [-l <languages>]

The source code is in verifyLocalization


Path Synopsis
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################################################################################ # Copyright 2019 IBM Corp.
################################################################################ # Copyright 2019 IBM Corp.
################################################################################ # Copyright 2019 IBM Corp.
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################################################################################ # Copyright 2019 IBM Corp.
################################################################################ # Copyright 2019 IBM Corp.
################################################################################ # Copyright 2019 IBM Corp.
################################################################################ # Copyright 2019 IBM Corp.
################################################################################ # Copyright 2019 IBM Corp.
################################################################################ # Copyright 2019 IBM Corp.
################################################################################ # Copyright 2019 IBM Corp.
################################################################################ # Copyright 2019 IBM Corp.
################################################################################ # Copyright 2019 IBM Corp.
################################################################################ # Copyright 2019 IBM Corp.
################################################################################ # Copyright 2019 IBM Corp.
################################################################################ # Copyright 2019 IBM Corp.
################################################################################ # Copyright 2019 IBM Corp.
################################################################################ # Copyright 2019 IBM Corp.
################################################################################ # Copyright 2019 IBM Corp.
################################################################################ # Copyright 2019 IBM Corp.
################################################################################ # Copyright 2019 IBM Corp.
################################################################################ # Copyright 2019 IBM Corp.
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################################################################################ # Copyright 2019 IBM Corp.
################################################################################ # Copyright 2019 IBM Corp.

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