Hyper Protect Virtual Servers Kubernetes Operator
By using the k8s-operator-hpcr you can implement a solution that manages Hyper Protect Virtual Servers based on a custom resource definition from within your Kubernetes cluster. By using Hyper Protect Virtual Servers, you can run industry-standard, Open Container Initiative (OCI) images within a secure enclave which provides a highly isolated, highly trusted environment for your workloads.
Hyper Protect Virtual Servers are provided by IBM Cloud Hyper Protect Virtual Servers for VPC (HPVS for VPC) in IBM Cloud data centers, or by IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers on a IBM Z(R) or LinuxONE system in your own hybrid mulitcloud environments.
To get started, see how to setup the controller in your cluster. Once installed:
- To use the operator to manage IBM Cloud Hyper Protect Virtual Servers for VPC, see Using-OnCloud.md.
- To use the operator to manage IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers, see Using-OnPrem.md.
- only support the Default k8s namespace for the moment
- poor error handling in case the VSI startup fails (e.g. because of a wrong encryption key, fixed for onprem)
- all disks for the onprem case are created on the same storage pool
Installing the Controller
You need a Kubernetes cluster with Internet connectivity.
kubectl apply -k https://github.com/metacontroller/metacontroller/manifests/production
2. Install the Hyper Protect Virtual Servers Kubernetes Operator
kubectl apply -k https://github.com/ibm-hyper-protect/k8s-operator-hpcr/manifests
3. Verify your installation by checking for the existence of the custom resources
kubectl get crds
compositecontrollers.metacontroller.k8s.io 2023-03-15T21:32:11Z
controllerrevisions.metacontroller.k8s.io 2023-03-15T21:32:11Z
decoratorcontrollers.metacontroller.k8s.io 2023-03-15T21:32:11Z
onprem-hpcrs.hpse.ibm.com 2023-03-17T12:44:30Z
vpc-hpcrs.hpse.ibm.com 2023-03-17T12:44:30Z
kubectl get compositecontrollers
k8s-operator-hpcr-onprem 5m37s
k8s-operator-hpcr-vpc 5m37s
kubectl get deployments
k8s-operator-hpcr 1/1 1 1 6m35s
Show Logs
kubectl logs -l app=k8s-operator-hpcr