golang-schema-validator is a zod like API used to validation user input. It allows user to define a validation schema and add a custom message while creating validation schema and returns the custom message on validation failed.
One of the big pain point of using go-playground/validator is that it doesn't allow user to define custom message for validation error. This package provides a simple API to create a validation schema and add custom message for each validation rule.
This package is the wrapper around go-playground/validator package.
Install Package
go get github.com/iambpn/go-schema-validator/schema
package main
import (
func main() {
// Simple field validation
customSchema := schema.New().
AddValidation("min=3", "Must be at least 3 characters").
AddValidation("max=10", "Must be at most 10 characters").
AddValidation("required", "This field is required")
err := customSchema.Validate("hello")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Validation error:", err)
// Using helper methods
emailSchema := schema.New().
Email("Must be a valid email").
Required("Email is required")
err = emailSchema.Validate("not-an-email")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Email validation error:", err)
// Struct validation
type User struct {
Name string
Email string
Age int
userSchema := schema.New().Struct().
Field("Name", schema.New().
AddValidation("min=2", "Name must be at least 2 characters").
AddValidation("max=50", "Name must be at most 50 characters")).
Field("Email", schema.New().
Email("Must be a valid email")).
Field("Age", schema.New().
Int("Age must be an integer").
AddValidation("min=18", "Must be at least 18 years old").
AddValidation("max=120", "Must be at most 120 years old"))
user := User{
Name: "J",
Email: "not-an-email",
Age: 15,
err = userSchema.Validate(user)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("User validation error:", err)