A service that orchestrates various pieces to run workload profiling
create a test cluster first by running the following for a target app (e.g., redis, mongo)
Plase check the Makefile in the hyperpilot-demo/workloads/{TARGET APP}
create deployed.config by:
cd documents/template.config documents/deployed.config
vi documents/deployed.config
run clusterMetrics api by:
Change clusterMetrics.sh request json
./clusterMetrics.sh <deploymentId>
Job Workflow
Workload profiler
HTTP client -> curl -XPOST localhost:7777/...../benchmarks/....
API -> HTTP Requests
- Serialize the HTTP Request
- Create jobs
- Submit multiple jobs to the Job Manager
Job Manager
- Pops job off the queue
- Worker take the job, first create a cluster calling the Deployer. Application Config's template + task defitions -> deploy-k8s.json
- Waits until the Deployer finishes launching the cluster
- Calls the job's Run method
Job (SingleInfluxBenchmarkRun)
- Calls the Run method logic, calling individual services launched in the cluster through HTTP calls