# init
make init
# test
make test
# build
make build
# for developer
make dev-test
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperpilotio/deployer
make init
go build
./deployer -v 1 --config documents/template.config
API Server
Deployment state (Created, Status)
Call Deployer for cluster manager specific actions
Handles launching EC2 servers for running a cluster manager
Handles launching GKE servers for running a cluster manager
Install gcloud
Create your GCP projectId first (Use GCP web console or gcloud)
System will auto create 'compute Engine default service account' when you first click 'Container Engine' from GCP web console
Need initialization GCP Datastore service, If your Deployer blobStore use this
gcloud init (Set to be used projectId)
Run deployer/build_gcp_serviceAccoutFile.sh to gen your serviceAccount JSON file (You can also change iam-account)
Set gcpServiceAccountJSONFile path to serviceAccount JSON file path (See template.config). (Note that a tilde does not currently map to $HOME in this workflow, i.e. use /Users/<username>/... instead of ~/... on OSX).
Change 'hyperpilot-shared-gcp.use' to true, If you need to use GCP hyperpilot-shared-gcp project (See template.config).
Run deployer
Use $DEPLOYER_URL:7777/ui/users to write your serviceAccount file content