
v0.11.4 Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 29, 2021 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 8 Imported by: 0




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var (
	MsgConfigFailed                = ffm("FF10101", "Failed to read config")
	MsgTBD                         = ffm("FF10102", "TODO: Description")
	MsgJSONDecodeFailed            = ffm("FF10103", "Failed to decode input JSON")
	MsgAPIServerStartFailed        = ffm("FF10104", "Unable to start listener on %s: %s")
	MsgTLSConfigFailed             = ffm("FF10105", "Failed to initialize TLS configuration")
	MsgInvalidCAFile               = ffm("FF10106", "Invalid CA certificates file")
	MsgResponseMarshalError        = ffm("FF10107", "Failed to serialize response data", 400)
	MsgWebsocketClientError        = ffm("FF10108", "Error received from WebSocket client: %s")
	Msg404NotFound                 = ffm("FF10109", "Not found", 404)
	MsgUnknownBlockchainPlugin     = ffm("FF10110", "Unknown blockchain plugin: %s")
	MsgEthconnectRESTErr           = ffm("FF10111", "Error from ethconnect: %s")
	MsgDBInitFailed                = ffm("FF10112", "Database initialization failed")
	MsgDBQueryBuildFailed          = ffm("FF10113", "Database query builder failed")
	MsgDBBeginFailed               = ffm("FF10114", "Database begin transaction failed")
	MsgDBQueryFailed               = ffm("FF10115", "Database query failed")
	MsgDBInsertFailed              = ffm("FF10116", "Database insert failed")
	MsgDBUpdateFailed              = ffm("FF10117", "Database update failed")
	MsgDBDeleteFailed              = ffm("FF10118", "Database delete failed")
	MsgDBCommitFailed              = ffm("FF10119", "Database commit failed")
	MsgDBMissingJoin               = ffm("FF10120", "Database missing expected join entry in table '%s' for id '%s'")
	MsgDBReadErr                   = ffm("FF10121", "Database resultset read error from table '%s'")
	MsgUnknownDatabasePlugin       = ffm("FF10122", "Unknown database plugin '%s'")
	MsgNullDataReferenceID         = ffm("FF10123", "Data id is null in message data reference %d")
	MsgDupDataReferenceID          = ffm("FF10124", "Duplicate data ID in message '%s'")
	MsgScanFailed                  = ffm("FF10125", "Failed to restore type '%T' into '%T'")
	MsgUnregisteredBatchType       = ffm("FF10126", "Unregistered batch type '%s'")
	MsgBatchDispatchTimeout        = ffm("FF10127", "Timed out dispatching work to batch")
	MsgInitializationNilDepError   = ffm("FF10128", "Initialization error due to unmet dependency")
	MsgNilResponseNon204           = ffm("FF10129", "No output from API call")
	MsgInvalidContentType          = ffm("FF10130", "Invalid content type", 415)
	MsgInvalidName                 = ffm("FF10131", "Field '%s' must be 1-64 characters, including alphanumerics (a-zA-Z0-9), dot (.), dash (-) and underscore (_), and must start/end in an alphanumeric", 400)
	MsgUnknownFieldValue           = ffm("FF10132", "Unknown %s '%v'", 400)
	MsgDataNotFound                = ffm("FF10133", "Data not found for message %s", 400)
	MsgUnknownPublicStoragePlugin  = ffm("FF10134", "Unknown Public Storage plugin '%s'")
	MsgIPFSHashDecodeFailed        = ffm("FF10135", "Failed to decode IPFS hash into 32byte value '%s'")
	MsgIPFSRESTErr                 = ffm("FF10136", "Error from IPFS: %s")
	MsgSerializationFailed         = ffm("FF10137", "Serialization failed")
	MsgMissingPluginConfig         = ffm("FF10138", "Missing configuration '%s' for %s")
	MsgMissingDataHashIndex        = ffm("FF10139", "Missing data hash for index '%d' in message", 400)
	MsgMissingRequiredField        = ffm("FF10140", "Field '%s' is required", 400)
	MsgInvalidEthAddress           = ffm("FF10141", "Supplied ethereum address is invalid", 400)
	MsgInvalidUUID                 = ffm("FF10142", "Invalid UUID supplied", 400)
	Msg404NoResult                 = ffm("FF10143", "No result found", 404)
	MsgNilDataReferenceSealFail    = ffm("FF10144", "Invalid message: nil data reference at index %d", 400)
	MsgDupDataReferenceSealFail    = ffm("FF10145", "Invalid message: duplicate data reference at index %d", 400)
	MsgVerifyFailedInvalidHashes   = ffm("FF10146", "Invalid message: hashes do not match Hash=%s Expected=%s DataHash=%s DataHashExpected=%s", 400)
	MsgVerifyFailedNilHashes       = ffm("FF10147", "Invalid message: nil hashes", 400)
	MsgInvalidFilterField          = ffm("FF10148", "Unknown filter '%s'", 400)
	MsgInvalidValueForFilterField  = ffm("FF10149", "Unable to parse value for filter '%s'", 400)
	MsgUnsupportedSQLOpInFilter    = ffm("FF10150", "No SQL mapping implemented for filter operator '%s'", 400)
	MsgJSONObjectParseFailed       = ffm("FF10151", "Failed to parse '%s' as JSON")
	MsgFilterParamDesc             = ffm("FF10152", "Data filter field. Prefixes supported: > >= < <= @ ^ ! !@ !^")
	MsgSuccessResponse             = ffm("FF10153", "Success")
	MsgFilterSortDesc              = ffm("FF10154", "Sort field. For multi-field sort use comma separated values (or multiple query values) with '-' prefix for descending")
	MsgFilterDescendingDesc        = ffm("FF10155", "Descending sort order (overrides all fields in a multi-field sort)")
	MsgFilterSkipDesc              = ffm("FF10156", "The number of records to skip (max: %d). Unsuitable for bulk operations")
	MsgFilterLimitDesc             = ffm("FF10157", "The maximum number of records to return (max: %d)")
	MsgContextCanceled             = ffm("FF10158", "Context cancelled")
	MsgWSSendTimedOut              = ffm("FF10159", "Websocket send timed out")
	MsgWSClosing                   = ffm("FF10160", "Websocket closing")
	MsgWSConnectFailed             = ffm("FF10161", "Websocket connect failed")
	MsgInvalidURL                  = ffm("FF10162", "Invalid URL: '%s'")
	MsgDBMigrationFailed           = ffm("FF10163", "Database migration failed")
	MsgHashMismatch                = ffm("FF10164", "Hash mismatch")
	MsgTimeParseFail               = ffm("FF10165", "Cannot parse time as RFC3339, Unix, or UnixNano: '%s'", 400)
	MsgDefaultNamespaceNotFound    = ffm("FF10166", "namespaces.default '%s' must be included in the namespaces.predefined configuration")
	MsgDurationParseFail           = ffm("FF10167", "Unable to parse '%s' as duration string, or millisecond number", 400)
	MsgEventTypesParseFail         = ffm("FF10168", "Unable to parse list of event types", 400)
	MsgUnknownEventType            = ffm("FF10169", "Unknown event type '%s'", 400)
	MsgIDMismatch                  = ffm("FF10170", "ID mismatch")
	MsgRegexpCompileFailed         = ffm("FF10171", "Unable to compile '%s' regexp '%s'")
	MsgUnknownEventTransportPlugin = ffm("FF10172", "Unknown event transport plugin: %s")
	MsgWSConnectionNotActive       = ffm("FF10173", "Websocket connection '%s' no longer active")
	MsgWSSubAlreadyInFlight        = ffm("FF10174", "Websocket subscription '%s' already has a message in flight")
	MsgWSMsgSubNotMatched          = ffm("FF10175", "Acknowledgment does not match an inflight event + subscription")
	MsgWSClientSentInvalidData     = ffm("FF10176", "Invalid data")
	MsgWSClientUnknownAction       = ffm("FF10177", "Unknown action '%s'")
	MsgWSInvalidStartAction        = ffm("FF10178", "A start action must set namespace and either a name or ephemeral=true")
	MsgWSAutoAckChanged            = ffm("FF10179", "The autoack option must be set consistently on all start requests")
	MsgWSAutoAckEnabled            = ffm("FF10180", "The autoack option is enabled on this connection")
	MsgConnSubscriptionNotStarted  = ffm("FF10181", "Subscription %v is not started on connection")
	MsgDispatcherClosing           = ffm("FF10182", "Event dispatcher closing")
	MsgMaxFilterSkip               = ffm("FF10183", "You have reached the maximum pagination limit for this query (%d)")
	MsgMaxFilterLimit              = ffm("FF10184", "Your query exceeds the maximum filter limit (%d)")
	MsgAPIServerStaticFail         = ffm("FF10185", "An error occurred loading static content", 500)
	MsgEventListenerClosing        = ffm("FF10186", "Event listener closing")
	MsgNamespaceNotExist           = ffm("FF10187", "Namespace does not exist")
	MsgFieldTooLong                = ffm("FF10188", "Field '%s' maximum length is %d", 400)
	MsgInvalidSubscription         = ffm("FF10189", "Invalid subscription", 400)
	MsgMismatchedTransport         = ffm("FF10190", "Connection ID '%s' appears not to be unique between transport '%s' and '%s'", 400)
	MsgInvalidFirstEvent           = ffm("FF10191", "Invalid firstEvent definition - must be 'newest','oldest' or a sequence number", 400)
	MsgNumberMustBeGreaterEqual    = ffm("FF10192", "Number must be greater than or equal to %d", 400)
	MsgAlreadyExists               = ffm("FF10193", "A %s with name '%s:%s' already exists", 409)
	MsgJSONValidatorBadRef         = ffm("FF10194", "Cannot use JSON validator for data with type '%s' and validator reference '%v'", 400)
	MsgDatatypeNotFound            = ffm("FF10195", "Datatype '%v' not found", 400)
	MsgSchemaLoadFailed            = ffm("FF10196", "Datatype '%s' schema invalid", 400)
	MsgDataCannotBeValidated       = ffm("FF10197", "Data cannot be validated", 400)
	MsgJSONDataInvalidPerSchema    = ffm("FF10198", "Data does not conform to the JSON schema of datatype '%s': %s", 400)
	MsgDataValueIsNull             = ffm("FF10199", "Data value is null", 400)
	MsgUnknownValidatorType        = ffm("FF10200", "Unknown validator type: '%s'", 400)
	MsgDataInvalidHash             = ffm("FF10201", "Invalid data: hashes do not match Hash=%s Expected=%s", 400)
	MsgSystemNSDescription         = ffm("FF10202", "FireFly system namespace")
	MsgNilID                       = ffm("FF10203", "ID is nil")
	MsgDataReferenceUnresolvable   = ffm("FF10204", "Data reference %d cannot be resolved", 400)
	MsgDataMissing                 = ffm("FF10205", "Data entry %d has neither 'id' to refer to existing data, or 'value' to include in-line JSON data", 400)
	MsgAuthorInvalid               = ffm("FF10206", "Invalid author specified", 400)
	MsgNoTransaction               = ffm("FF10207", "Message does not have a transaction", 404)
	MsgBatchNotSet                 = ffm("FF10208", "Message does not have an assigned batch", 404)
	MsgBatchNotFound               = ffm("FF10209", "Batch '%s' not found for message", 500)
	MsgBatchTXNotSet               = ffm("FF10210", "Batch '%s' does not have an assigned transaction", 404)
	MsgOwnerMissing                = ffm("FF10211", "Owner missing", 400)
	MsgUnknownIdentityPlugin       = ffm("FF10212", "Unknown Identity plugin '%s'")
	MsgUnknownDataExchangePlugin   = ffm("FF10213", "Unknown Data Exchange plugin '%s'")
	MsgParentIdentityNotFound      = ffm("FF10214", "Organization with identity '%s' not found in identity chain for %s '%s'")
	MsgInvalidSigningIdentity      = ffm("FF10215", "Invalid signing identity")
	MsgNodeAndOrgIDMustBeSet       = ffm("FF10216", "node.name, org.name and org.key must be configured first", 409)
	MsgBlobStreamingFailed         = ffm("FF10217", "Blob streaming terminated with error", 500)
	MsgMultiPartFormReadError      = ffm("FF10218", "Error reading multi-part form input", 400)
	MsgGroupMustHaveMembers        = ffm("FF10219", "Group must have at least one member", 400)
	MsgEmptyMemberIdentity         = ffm("FF10220", "Identity is blank in member %d")
	MsgEmptyMemberNode             = ffm("FF10221", "Node is blank in member %d")
	MsgDuplicateMember             = ffm("FF10222", "Member %d is a duplicate org+node combination")
	MsgOrgNotFound                 = ffm("FF10223", "Org with name or identity '%s' not found", 400)
	MsgNodeNotFound                = ffm("FF10224", "Node with name or identity '%s' not found", 400)
	MsgLocalNodeResolveFailed      = ffm("FF10225", "Unable to find local node to add to group. Check the status API to confirm the node is registered", 500)
	MsgGroupNotFound               = ffm("FF10226", "Group '%s' not found", 404)
	MsgTooManyItems                = ffm("FF10227", "Maximum number of %s items is %d (supplied=%d)", 400)
	MsgDuplicateArrayEntry         = ffm("FF10228", "Duplicate %s at index %d: '%s'", 400)
	MsgDXRESTErr                   = ffm("FF10229", "Error from data exchange: %s")
	MsgGroupInvalidHash            = ffm("FF10230", "Invalid group: hashes do not match Hash=%s Expected=%s", 400)
	MsgInvalidHex                  = ffm("FF10231", "Invalid hex supplied", 400)
	MsgInvalidWrongLenB32          = ffm("FF10232", "Byte length must be 32 (64 hex characters)", 400)
	MsgNodeNotFoundInOrg           = ffm("FF10233", "Unable to find any nodes owned by org '%s', or parent orgs", 400)
	MsgFilterAscendingDesc         = ffm("FF10234", "Ascending sort order (overrides all fields in a multi-field sort)")
	MsgPreInitCheckFailed          = ffm("FF10235", "Pre-initialization has not yet been completed. Add config records with the admin API complete initialization and reset the node")
	MsgFieldsAfterFile             = ffm("FF10236", "Additional form field sent after file in multi-part form (ignored): '%s'", 400)
	MsgDXBadResponse               = ffm("FF10237", "Unexpected '%s' in data exchange response: %s")
	MsgDXBadHash                   = ffm("FF10238", "Unexpected hash returned from data exchange upload. Hash=%s Expected=%s")
	MsgBlobNotFound                = ffm("FF10239", "No blob has been uploaded or confirmed received, with hash=%s", 404)
	MsgDownloadBlobFailed          = ffm("FF10240", "Error download blob with reference '%s' from local data exchange")
	MsgDataDoesNotHaveBlob         = ffm("FF10241", "Data does not have a blob attachment", 404)
	MsgWebhookURLEmpty             = ffm("FF10242", "Webhook subscription option 'url' cannot be empty", 400)
	MsgWebhookInvalidStringMap     = ffm("FF10243", "Webhook subscription option '%s' must be map of string values. %s=%T", 400)
	MsgWebsocketsNoData            = ffm("FF10244", "Websockets subscriptions do not support streaming the full data payload, just the references (withData must be false)", 400)
	MsgWebhooksWithData            = ffm("FF10245", "Webhook subscriptions require the full data payload (withData must be true)", 400)
	MsgWebhooksOptURL              = ffm("FF10246", "Webhook url to invoke. Can be relative if a base URL is set in the webhook plugin config")
	MsgWebhooksOptMethod           = ffm("FF10247", "Webhook method to invoke. Default=POST")
	MsgWebhooksOptJSON             = ffm("FF10248", "Whether to assume the response body is JSON, regardless of the returned Content-Type")
	MsgWebhooksOptReply            = ffm("FF10249", "Whether to automatically send a reply event, using the body returned by the webhook")
	MsgWebhooksOptHeaders          = ffm("FF10250", "Static headers to set on the webhook request")
	MsgWebhooksOptQuery            = ffm("FF10251", "Static query params to set on the webhook request")
	MsgWebhooksOptInput            = ffm("FF10252", "A set of options to extract data from the first JSON input data in the incoming message. Only applies if withData=true")
	MsgWebhooksOptInputQuery       = ffm("FF10253", "A top-level property of the first data input, to use for query parameters")
	MsgWebhooksOptInputHeaders     = ffm("FF10254", "A top-level property of the first data input, to use for headers")
	MsgWebhooksOptInputBody        = ffm("FF10255", "A top-level property of the first data input, to use for the request body. Default is the whole first body")
	MsgWebhooksOptFastAck          = ffm("FF10256", "When true the event will be acknowledged before the webhook is invoked, allowing parallel invocations")
	MsgWebhooksReplyBadJSON        = ffm("FF10257", "Failed to process reply from webhook as JSON")
	MsgWebhooksOptReplyTag         = ffm("FF10258", "The tag to set on the reply message")
	MsgWebhooksOptReplyTx          = ffm("FF10259", "The transaction type to set on the reply message")
	MsgRequestTimeout              = ffm("FF10260", "The request with id '%s' timed out after %.2fms", 408)
	MsgRequestReplyTagRequired     = ffm("FF10261", "For request messages 'header.tag' must be set on the request message to route it to a suitable responder", 400)
	MsgRequestCannotHaveCID        = ffm("FF10262", "For request messages 'header.cid' must be unset", 400)
	MsgRequestTimeoutDesc          = ffm("FF10263", "Server-side request timeout (millseconds, or set a custom suffix like 10s)")
	MsgWebhooksOptInputPath        = ffm("FF10264", "A top-level property of the first data input, to use for a path to append with escaping to the webhook path")
	MsgWebhooksOptInputReplyTx     = ffm("FF10265", "A top-level property of the first data input, to use to dynamically set whether to pin the response (so the requester can choose)")
	MsgSystemTransportInternal     = ffm("FF10266", "You cannot create subscriptions on the system events transport")
	MsgFilterCountNotSupported     = ffm("FF10267", "This query does not support generating a count of all results")
	MsgFilterCountDesc             = ffm("FF10268", "Return a total count as well as items (adds extra database processing)")
	MsgRejected                    = ffm("FF10269", "Message with ID '%s' was rejected. Please check the FireFly logs for more information")
	MsgConfirmQueryParam           = ffm("FF10270", "When true the HTTP request blocks until the message is confirmed")
	MsgRequestMustBePrivate        = ffm("FF10271", "For request messages you must specify a group of private recipients", 400)
	MsgUnknownTokensPlugin         = ffm("FF10272", "Unknown tokens plugin '%s'", 400)
	MsgMissingTokensPluginConfig   = ffm("FF10273", "Invalid tokens configuration - name and connector are required", 400)
	MsgTokensRESTErr               = ffm("FF10274", "Error from tokens service: %s")
	MsgTokenPoolDuplicate          = ffm("FF10275", "Duplicate token pool")
	MsgTokenPoolRejected           = ffm("FF10276", "Token pool with ID '%s' was rejected. Please check the FireFly logs for more information")
	MsgAuthorNotFoundByDID         = ffm("FF10277", "Author could not be resolved via DID '%s'")
	MsgAuthorOrgNotFoundByName     = ffm("FF10278", "Author organization could not be resolved via name '%s'")
	MsgAuthorOrgSigningKeyMismatch = ffm("FF10279", "Author organization '%s' is not associated with signing key '%s'")
	MsgCannotTransferToSelf        = ffm("FF10280", "From and to addresses must be different", 400)
	MsgLocalOrgLookupFailed        = ffm("FF10281", "Unable resolve the local org by the configured signing key on the node. Please confirm the org is registered with key '%s'", 500)
	MsgBigIntTooLarge              = ffm("FF10282", "Byte length of serialized integer is too large %d (max=%d)")
	MsgBigIntParseFailed           = ffm("FF10283", "Failed to parse JSON value '%s' into BigInt")
	MsgFabconnectRESTErr           = ffm("FF10284", "Error from fabconnect: %s")
	MsgInvalidIdentity             = ffm("FF10285", "Supplied Fabric signer identity is invalid", 400)
	MsgFailedToDecodeCertificate   = ffm("FF10286", "Failed to decode certificate: %s", 500)
	MsgInvalidMessageType          = ffm("FF10287", "Invalid message type - allowed types are %s", 400)
	MsgNoUUID                      = ffm("FF10288", "Field '%s' must not be a UUID", 400)
	MsgFetchDataDesc               = ffm("FF10289", "Fetch the data and include it in the messages returned", 400)
	MsgWSClosed                    = ffm("FF10290", "Websocket closed")
	MsgTokenTransferFailed         = ffm("FF10291", "Token transfer with ID '%s' failed. Please check the FireFly logs for more information")
	MsgFieldNotSpecified           = ffm("FF10292", "Field '%s' must be specified", 400)
	MsgTokenPoolNotConfirmed       = ffm("FF10293", "Token pool is not yet confirmed")
	MsgHistogramStartTimeParam     = ffm("FF10294", "Start time of the data to be fetched")
	MsgHistogramEndTimeParam       = ffm("FF10295", "End time of the data to be fetched")
	MsgHistogramBucketsParam       = ffm("FF10296", "Number of buckets between start time and end time")
	MsgHistogramCollectionParam    = ffm("FF10297", "Collection to fetch")
	MsgInvalidNumberOfIntervals    = ffm("FF10298", "Number of time intervals must be between %d and %d", 400)
	MsgInvalidChartNumberParam     = ffm("FF10299", "Invalid %s. Must be a number.", 400)
	MsgHistogramInvalidTimes       = ffm("FF10300", "Start time must be before end time", 400)
	MsgUnsupportedCollection       = ffm("FF10301", "%s collection is not supported", 400)


func Expand

func Expand(ctx context.Context, key MessageKey, inserts ...interface{}) string

Expand for use in docs and logging - returns a translated message, translated the language of the context

func ExpandWithCode

func ExpandWithCode(ctx context.Context, key MessageKey, inserts ...interface{}) string

ExpandWithCode for use in error scenarios - returns a translated message with a "MSG012345:" prefix, translated the language of the context

func GetStatusHint

func GetStatusHint(code string) (int, bool)

func NewError

func NewError(ctx context.Context, msg MessageKey, inserts ...interface{}) error

NewError creates a new error

func SanitizeLimit

func SanitizeLimit(s string, limit int) string

func SetLang

func SetLang(lang string)

func WithLang

func WithLang(ctx context.Context, lang language.Tag) context.Context

WithLang sets the language on the context

func WrapError

func WrapError(ctx context.Context, err error, msg MessageKey, inserts ...interface{}) error

WrapError wraps an error


type MessageKey

type MessageKey string

MessageKey is the english translation text

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