Index ¶
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Variables ¶
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var ( APIEndpointPostRoot = ffm("", "RPC/webhook style interface initiate a submit transactions, and execute queries") APIEndpointPostRootQueryOutput = ffm("", "The data result of a query against a smart contract") APIEndpointPostEventStream = ffm("", "Create a new event stream") APIEndpointPatchEventStream = ffm("api.endpoints.patch.eventstreams", "Update an existing event stream") APIEndpointPostEventStreamSuspend = ffm("", "Suspend an event stream") APIEndpointPostEventStreamResume = ffm("", "Resume an event stream") APIEndpointGetEventStreams = ffm("api.endpoints.get.eventstreams", "List event streams") APIEndpointGetEventStream = ffm("api.endpoints.get.eventstream", "Get an event stream with status") APIEndpointDeleteEventStream = ffm("api.endpoints.delete.eventstream", "Delete an event stream") APIEndpointDeleteTransaction = ffm("api.endpoints.delete.transaction", "Request transaction deletion by the policy engine. Result could be immediate (200), asynchronous (202), or rejected with an error") APIEndpointGetSubscriptions = ffm("api.endpoints.get.subscriptions", "Get listeners - route deprecated in favor of /eventstreams/{streamId}/listeners") APIEndpointGetSubscription = ffm("api.endpoints.get.subscription", "Get listener - route deprecated in favor of /eventstreams/{streamId}/listeners/{listenerId}") APIEndpointPostSubscriptions = ffm("", "Create new listener - route deprecated in favor of /eventstreams/{streamId}/listeners") APIEndpointPostSubscriptionReset = ffm("", "Reset listener - route deprecated in favor of /eventstreams/{streamId}/listeners/{listenerId}/reset") APIEndpointPatchSubscription = ffm("api.endpoints.patch.subscription", "Update listener - route deprecated in favor of /eventstreams/{streamId}/listeners/{listenerId}") APIEndpointDeleteSubscription = ffm("api.endpoints.delete.subscription", "Delete listener - route deprecated in favor of /eventstreams/{streamId}/listeners/{listenerId}") APIEndpointGetEventStreamListeners = ffm("api.endpoints.get.eventstream.listeners", "List event stream listeners") APIEndpointGetEventStreamListener = ffm("api.endpoints.get.eventstream.listener", "Get event stream listener") APIEndpointPostEventStreamListener = ffm("", "Create event stream listener") APIEndpointPostEventStreamListenerReset = ffm("", "Reset an event stream listener, to redeliver all events since the specified block") APIEndpointPatchEventStreamListener = ffm("api.endpoints.patch.eventstream.listener", "Update event stream listener") APIEndpointDeleteEventStreamListener = ffm("api.endpoints.delete.eventstream.listener", "Delete event stream listener") APIParamStreamID = ffm("api.params.streamId", "Event Stream ID") APIParamListenerID = ffm("api.params.listenerId", "Listener ID") APIParamTransactionID = ffm("api.params.transactionId", "Transaction ID") APIParamLimit = ffm("api.params.limit", "Maximum number of entries to return") APIParamAfter = ffm("api.params.after", "Return entries after this ID - for pagination (non-inclusive)") APIParamTXSigner = ffm("api.params.txSigner", "Return only transactions for a specific signing address, in reverse nonce order") APIParamTXPending = ffm("api.params.txPending", "Return only pending transactions, in reverse submission sequence (a 'sequenceId' is assigned to each transaction to determine its sequence") APIParamSortDirection = ffm("api.params.sortDirection", "Sort direction: 'asc'/'ascending' or 'desc'/'descending'") )
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var ( ConfigAPIDefaultRequestTimeout = ffc("config.api.defaultRequestTimeout", "Default server-side request timeout for API calls", i18n.TimeDurationType) ConfigAPIMaxRequestTimeout = ffc("config.api.maxRequestTimeout", "Maximum server-side request timeout a caller can request with a Request-Timeout header", i18n.TimeDurationType) ConfigAPIAddress = ffc("config.api.address", "Listener address for API", i18n.StringType) ConfigAPIPort = ffc("config.api.port", "Listener port for API", i18n.IntType) ConfigAPIPublicURL = ffc("config.api.publicURL", "External address callers should access API over", i18n.StringType) ConfigAPIReadTimeout = ffc("config.api.readTimeout", "The maximum time to wait when reading from an HTTP connection", i18n.TimeDurationType) ConfigAPIWriteTimeout = ffc("config.api.writeTimeout", "The maximum time to wait when writing to a HTTP connection", i18n.TimeDurationType) ConfigAPIShutdownTimeout = ffc("config.api.shutdownTimeout", "The maximum amount of time to wait for any open HTTP requests to finish before shutting down the HTTP server", i18n.TimeDurationType) ConfigConfirmationsBlockCacheSize = ffc("config.confirmations.blockCacheSize", "The maximum number of block headers to keep in the cache", i18n.IntType) ConfigConfirmationsBlockQueueLength = ffc("config.confirmations.blockQueueLength", "Internal queue length for notifying the confirmations manager of new blocks", i18n.IntType) ConfigConfirmationsNotificationsQueueLength = ffc("config.confirmations.notificationQueueLength", "Internal queue length for notifying the confirmations manager of new transactions/events", i18n.IntType) ConfigConfirmationsRequired = ffc("config.confirmations.required", "Number of confirmations required to consider a transaction/event final", i18n.IntType) ConfigConfirmationsStaleReceiptTimeout = ffc("config.confirmations.staleReceiptTimeout", "Duration after which to force a receipt check for a pending transaction", i18n.TimeDurationType) ConfigTransactionsErrorHistoryCount = ffc("config.transactions.errorHistoryCount", "The number of historical errors to retain in the operation", i18n.IntType) ConfigTransactionsMaxInflight = ffc("config.transactions.maxInFlight", "The maximum number of transactions to have in-flight with the policy engine / blockchain transaction pool", i18n.IntType) ConfigTransactionsNonceStateTimeout = ffc("config.transactions.nonceStateTimeout", "How old the most recently submitted transaction record in our local state needs to be, before we make a request to the node to query the next nonce for a signing address", i18n.TimeDurationType) ConfigPolicyEngineName = ffc("", "The name of the policy engine to use", i18n.StringType) ConfigLoopInterval = ffc("config.policyloop.interval", "Interval at which to invoke the policy engine to evaluate outstanding transactions", i18n.TimeDurationType) ConfigPolicyEngineSimpleFixedGasPrice = ffc("config.policyengine.simple.fixedGasPrice", "A fixed gasPrice value/structure to pass to the connector", "Raw JSON") ConfigPolicyEngineSimpleResubmitInterval = ffc("config.policyengine.simple.resubmitInterval", "The time between warning and re-sending a transaction (same nonce) when a blockchain transaction has not been allocated a receipt", i18n.TimeDurationType) ConfigPolicyEngineSimpleGasOracleEnabled = ffc("config.policyengine.simple.gasOracle.mode", "The gas oracle mode", "connector | restapi | disabled") ConfigPolicyEngineSimpleGasOracleGoTemplate = ffc("config.policyengine.simple.gasOracle.template", "REST API Gas Oracle: A go template to execute against the result from the Gas Oracle, to create a JSON block that will be passed as the gas price to the connector", i18n.GoTemplateType) ConfigPolicyEngineSimpleGasOracleURL = ffc("config.policyengine.simple.gasOracle.url", "REST API Gas Oracle: The URL of a Gas Oracle REST API to call", i18n.StringType) ConfigPolicyEngineSimpleGasOracleProxyURL = ffc("config.policyengine.simple.gasOracle.proxy.url", "Optional HTTP proxy URL to use for the Gas Oracle REST API", i18n.StringType) ConfigPolicyEngineSimpleGasOracleMethod = ffc("config.policyengine.simple.gasOracle.method", "The HTTP Method to use when invoking the Gas Oracle REST API", i18n.StringType) ConfigPolicyEngineSimpleGasOracleQueryInterval = ffc("config.policyengine.simple.gasOracle.queryInterval", "The minimum interval between queries to the Gas Oracle", i18n.TimeDurationType) ConfigEventStreamsDefaultsBatchSize = ffc("config.eventstreams.defaults.batchSize", "Default batch size for newly created event streams", i18n.IntType) ConfigEventStreamsDefaultsBatchTimeout = ffc("config.eventstreams.defaults.batchTimeout", "Default batch timeout for newly created event streams", i18n.TimeDurationType) ConfigEventStreamsDefaultsErrorHandling = ffc("config.eventstreams.defaults.errorHandling", "Default error handling for newly created event streams", "'skip' or 'block'") ConfigEventStreamsDefaultsRetryTimeout = ffc("config.eventstreams.defaults.retryTimeout", "Default retry timeout for newly created event streams", i18n.TimeDurationType) ConfigEventStreamsDefaultsBlockedRetryDelay = ffc("config.eventstreams.defaults.blockedRetryDelay", "Default blocked retry delay for newly created event streams", i18n.TimeDurationType) ConfigEventStreamsDefaultsWebhookRequestTimeout = ffc("config.eventstreams.defaults.webhookRequestTimeout", "Default WebHook request timeout for newly created event streams", i18n.TimeDurationType) ConfigEventStreamsDefaultsWebsocketDistributionMode = ffc("config.eventstreams.defaults.websocketDistributionMode", "Default WebSocket distribution mode for newly created event streams", "'load_balance' or 'broadcast'") ConfigEventStreamsCheckpointInterval = ffc("config.eventstreams.checkpointInterval", "Regular interval to write checkpoints for an event stream listener that is not actively detecting/delivering events", i18n.TimeDurationType) ConfigEventStreamsRetryInitDelay = ffc("config.eventstreams.retry.initialDelay", "Initial retry delay", i18n.TimeDurationType) ConfigEventStreamsRetryMaxDelay = ffc("config.eventstreams.retry.maxDelay", "Maximum delay between retries", i18n.TimeDurationType) ConfigEventStreamsRetryFactor = ffc("config.eventstreams.retry.factor", "Factor to increase the delay by, between each retry", i18n.FloatType) ConfigPersistenceType = ffc("config.persistence.type", "The type of persistence to use", "Only 'leveldb' currently supported") ConfigPersistenceLevelDBPath = ffc("config.persistence.leveldb.path", "The path for the LevelDB persistence directory", i18n.StringType) ConfigPersistenceLevelDBMaxHandles = ffc("config.persistence.leveldb.maxHandles", "The maximum number of cached file handles LevelDB should keep open", i18n.IntType) ConfigPersistenceLevelDBSyncWrites = ffc("config.persistence.leveldb.syncWrites", "Whether to synchronously perform writes to the storage", i18n.BooleanType) ConfigWebhooksAllowPrivateIPs = ffc("config.webhooks.allowPrivateIPs", "Whether to allow WebHook URLs that resolve to Private IP address ranges (vs. internet addresses)", i18n.BooleanType) ConfigWebhooksURL = ffc("config.webhooks.url", "Unused (overridden by the WebHook configuration of an individual event stream)", i18n.IgnoredType) ConfigWebhooksProxyURL = ffc("config.webhooks.proxy.url", "Optional HTTP proxy to use when invoking WebHooks", i18n.StringType) )
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var ( MsgInvalidOutputType = ffe("FF21010", "Invalid output type: %s") MsgConnectorError = ffe("FF21012", "Connector failed request. requestId=%s reason=%s error: %s") MsgConnectorInvalidContentType = ffe("FF21013", "Connector failed request. requestId=%s invalid response content type: %s") MsgInvalidConfirmationRequest = ffe("FF21016", "Invalid confirmation request %+v") MsgCoreError = ffe("FF21017", "Error from core status=%d: %s") MsgConfigParamNotSet = ffe("FF21018", "Configuration parameter '%s' must be set") MsgPolicyEngineNotRegistered = ffe("FF21019", "No policy engine registered with name '%s'") MsgNoGasConfigSetForPolicyEngine = ffe("FF21020", "A fixed gas price must be set when not using a gas oracle") MsgErrorQueryingGasOracleAPI = ffe("FF21021", "Error from gas station API [%d]: %s") MsgInvalidRequestErr = ffe("FF21022", "Invalid '%s' request: %s", http.StatusBadRequest) MsgUnsupportedRequestType = ffe("FF21023", "Unsupported request type: %s", http.StatusBadRequest) MsgMissingGOTemplate = ffe("FF21024", "Missing template for processing response from Gas Oracle REST API") MsgBadGOTemplate = ffe("FF21025", "Invalid Go template: %s") MsgGasOracleResultError = ffe("FF21026", "Error processing result from gas station API via template") MsgStreamStateError = ffe("FF21027", "Event stream is in %s state", http.StatusConflict) MsgMissingName = ffe("FF21028", "Name is required", http.StatusBadRequest) MsgInvalidStreamType = ffe("FF21029", "Invalid event stream type '%s'", http.StatusBadRequest) MsgMissingWebhookURL = ffe("FF21030", "'url' is required for webhook configuration", http.StatusBadRequest) MsgStopFailedUpdatingESConfig = ffe("FF21031", "Failed to stop event stream to apply updated configuration: %s") MsgStartFailedUpdatingESConfig = ffe("FF21032", "Failed to restart event stream while applying updated configuration: %s") MsgBlockWebhookAddress = ffe("FF21033", "Cannot send Webhook POST to address '%s' for host '%s'") MsgInvalidDistributionMode = ffe("FF21034", "Invalid distribution mode for WebSocket: %s", http.StatusBadRequest) MsgWebhookFailedStatus = ffe("FF21035", "Webhook request failed with status %d") MsgWSErrorFromClient = ffe("FF21036", "Error received from WebSocket client: %s") MsgWebSocketClosed = ffe("FF21037", "WebSocket '%s' closed") MsgWebSocketInterruptedSend = ffe("FF21038", "Interrupted waiting for WebSocket connection to send event") MsgWebSocketInterruptedReceive = ffe("FF21039", "Interrupted waiting for WebSocket acknowledgment") MsgBadListenerOptions = ffe("FF21040", "Invalid listener options: %s", http.StatusBadRequest) MsgInvalidHost = ffe("FF21041", "Cannot send Webhook POST to host '%s': %s") MsgWebhookErr = ffe("FF21042", "Webhook request failed: %s") MsgUnknownPersistence = ffe("FF21043", "Unknown persistence type '%s'") MsgInvalidLimit = ffe("FF21044", "Invalid limit string '%s': %s") MsgStreamNotFound = ffe("FF21045", "Event stream '%v' not found", http.StatusNotFound) MsgListenerNotFound = ffe("FF21046", "Event listener '%v' not found", http.StatusNotFound) MsgDuplicateStreamName = ffe("FF21047", "Duplicate event stream name '%s' used by stream '%s'", http.StatusConflict) MsgMissingID = ffe("FF21048", "ID is required", http.StatusBadRequest) MsgPersistenceInitFail = ffe("FF21049", "Failed to initialize '%s' persistence: %s") MsgLevelDBPathMissing = ffe("FF21050", "Path must be supplied for LevelDB persistence") MsgFilterUpdateNotAllowed = ffe("FF21051", "Event filters cannot be updated after a listener is created. Previous signature: '%s'. New signature: '%s'") MsgResetStreamNotFound = ffe("FF21052", "Attempt to reset listener '%s', which is not currently registered on stream '%s'", http.StatusNotFound) MsgPersistenceMarshalFailed = ffe("FF21053", "JSON serialization failed while writing to persistence") MsgPersistenceUnmarshalFailed = ffe("FF21054", "JSON parsing failed while reading from persistence") MsgPersistenceReadFailed = ffe("FF21055", "Failed to read key '%s' from persistence") MsgPersistenceWriteFailed = ffe("FF21056", "Failed to read key '%s' from persistence") MsgPersistenceDeleteFailed = ffe("FF21057", "Failed to delete key '%s' from persistence") MsgPersistenceInitFailed = ffe("FF21058", "Failed to initialize persistence at path '%s'") MsgPersistenceTXIncomplete = ffe("FF21059", "Transaction is missing indexed fields") MsgNotStarted = ffe("FF21060", "Connector has not fully started yet", http.StatusServiceUnavailable) MsgPaginationErrTxNotFound = ffe("FF21062", "The ID specified in the 'after' option (for pagination) must match an existing transaction: '%s'", http.StatusNotFound) MsgTXConflictSignerPending = ffe("FF21063", "Only one of 'signer' and 'pending' can be supplied when querying transactions", http.StatusBadRequest) MsgInvalidSortDirection = ffe("FF21064", "Sort direction must be 'asc'/'ascending' or 'desc'/'descending': '%s'", http.StatusBadRequest) MsgDuplicateID = ffe("FF21065", "ID '%s' is not unique", http.StatusConflict) MsgTransactionFailed = ffe("FF21066", "Transaction execution failed") MsgTransactionNotFound = ffe("FF21067", "Transaction '%s' not found", http.StatusNotFound) MsgPolicyEngineRequestTimeout = ffe("FF21068", "The policy engine did not acknowledge the request after %.2fs", 408) MsgPolicyEngineRequestInvalid = ffe("FF21069", "Invalid policy engine request type '%d'") )
Functions ¶
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Types ¶
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