FabCar as an external service
See the "Chaincode as an external service" documentation for running chaincode as an external service.
This includes details of the external builder and launcher scripts which will peers in your Fabric network will require.
The FabCar chaincode requires two environment variables to run, CHAINCODE_SERVER_ADDRESS
, which are described in the chaincode.env.example
file. Copy this file to chaincode.env
before continuing.
Note: each organization in a Fabric network will need to follow the instructions below to host their own instance of the FabCar external service.
Packaging and installing
Make sure the value of CHAINCODE_SERVER_ADDRESS
in chaincode.env
is correct for the FabCar external service you will be running.
The peer needs a connection.json
configuration file so that it can connect to the external FabCar service.
value in chaincode.env
to create the connection.json
file with the following command (requires jq):
env $(cat chaincode.env | grep -v "#" | xargs) jq -n '{"address":env.CHAINCODE_SERVER_ADDRESS,"dial_timeout": "10s","tls_required": false}' > connection.json
Add this file to a code.tar.gz
archive ready for adding to a FabCar external service package:
tar cfz code.tar.gz connection.json
Package the FabCar external service using the supplied metadata.json
tar cfz fabcar-pkg.tgz metadata.json code.tar.gz
Install the fabcar-pkg.tgz
chaincode as usual, for example:
peer lifecycle chaincode install ./fabcar-pkg.tgz
Running the FabCar external service
To run the service in a container, build a FabCar docker image:
docker build -t hyperledger/fabcar-sample .
Edit the chaincode.env
file to configure the CHAINCODE_ID
variable before starting a FabCar container using the following command:
docker run -it --rm --name fabcar.org1.example.com --hostname fabcar.org1.example.com --env-file chaincode.env --network=net_test hyperledger/fabcar-sample
Starting the FabCar external service
Complete the remaining lifecycle steps to start the FabCar chaincode!