Aries JS Worker
Aries Framework Go via Javascript.
Build it
To build you will need:
- Go 1.16.x
- npm 6.13.x
- Node.JS 12.14.x
- bash
Run npm install
in this directory. The output bundles will be placed in dist/
Note: the API is in the very early stages of development and is still subject to a few changes.
has several entrypoints tailored to the environment and needs:
: for use in node.jsdist/web/aries.js
: for use in the browserdist/rest/aries.js
: for use in any environment but relying on an external REST controller API server instead of the bundled webassembly module.
Example: accept a did-exchange invitation:
// in the browser
const aries = await new Aries.Framework({
assetsPath: "/public/dist/assets",
"agent-default-label": "dem-js-agent",
"http-resolver-url": [],
"auto-accept": true,
"outbound-transport": ["ws", "http"],
"transport-return-route": "all",
"log-level": "debug"
// sample invitation
const invitation = {
// listen for connection 'received' notification
aries.startNotifier(notice => {
const event = notice.payload
if (event.Type === "post_state") {
// accept invitation
}, ["didexchange_states"])
// receive invitation
// listen for connection 'completed' notification
aries.startNotifier(notice => {
const event = notice.payload
if (event.StateID === "completed" && event.Type === "post_state") {
console.log("connection completed!")
}, ["didexchange_states"])
// release resources
Note: make sure the assets are served correctly.
Source aries.js
in your <script>
<script src="dist/web/aries.js"></script>
Then initialize your aries instance:
const aries = await new Aries.Framework({
assetsPath: "/path/serving/the/assets",
"agent-default-label": "dem-js-agent",
"http-resolver-url": [],
"auto-accept": true,
"outbound-transport": ["ws", "http"],
"transport-return-route": "all",
"log-level": "debug"
Note: make sure the assets are served correctly if you're running aries in the browser.
Assuming you're in the browser, source aries.js
in your <script>
<script src="dist/rest/aries.js"></script>
Then initialize your aries instance:
const aries = await new Aries.Framework({
assetsPath: "/path/serving/the/assets", // still required for assets other than the wasm
"agent-rest-url": "", // REST controller URL of the agent
"agent-rest-wshook": "ws://", // Optional REST controller websocket URL from which you can listen to notifications
"agent-rest-token": "sample_auth_token" // Optional authorization header to be based to rest endpoint for each request
See vue-framework-go
for a sample agent built with Vue.js.
Note: is the webpack devserver (npm run serve
) not working for you? Note the points about
serving the assets below. See how vue-aries-framework-go
fixes this.
Note: currently broken, see #1237
const { Framework } = require('./node_modules/@hyperledger/aries-framework-go/dist/node/aries.js');
const aries = await new Framework({
assetsPath: process.cwd() + "/node_modules/@hyperledger/aries-framework-go/dist/assets",
"agent-default-label": "dem-js-agent",
"http-resolver-url": [],
"auto-accept": true,
"outbound-transport": ["ws", "http"],
"transport-return-route": "all",
"log-level": "debug",
Important - Serving the Assets
Note: this applies if you are running in the browser.
loads some assets at runtime: the web assembly binary and a couple of JS scripts. These assets are
located in the dist/assets
directory (if you npm install
it, you'll find them in
Things that need to work if you are to use aries-js-worker
on the client side:
Make sure the content server adds the appropriate headers when serving the compressed aries-js-worker.wasm
uses the Fetch API to fetch the wasm.
Serving gzipped wasm:
Content-Type: application/wasm
Content-Encoding: gzip
Serving wasm compressed with brotli:
If your browser supports it, then the headers are:
Content-Type: application/wasm
Content-Encoding: br
Note, however, that your browser may not support this compression mode.
Not all browsers include br
in Accept-Encoding
when using fetch()
(Firefox doesn't) and it is impossible to
override because Accept-Encoding
is a forbidden header name.
Serving uncompressed wasm (not recommended):
Content-Type: application/wasm
The URL used to fetch the WASM file is always <assetsPath>/aries-js-worker.wasm
This path needs to exist even if your content server is serving a compressed version.
Configuring your content server
Here are some examples:
Sending compressed files:
enabling gzip_static
on a location will automatically serve requests to
with aries-js-worker.wasm.gz
if it exists.
Example: Nginx serving your assets under /public/assets
with gzipped wasm:
location ~ aries-js-worker\.wasm$ {
gzip_static on;
types {
application/wasm wasm;
Files in /public/assets
├── aries-js-worker.wasm.gz
├── wasm_exec.js
├── worker-impl-node.js
└── worker-impl-web.js
Requests for
will be served with the .gz
Here is a hacky one-liner when using goexec
(for development purposes):
goexec -quiet 'http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {dir := http.Dir("."); if strings.HasSuffix(r.RequestURI, ".wasm") && !strings.Contains(r.RequestURI, "wasm=") {w.Header().Add("Content-Encoding", "gzip"); w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "application/wasm"); fmt.Sprintf(r.URL.Path); file, err := dir.Open(r.URL.Path + ".gz"); if err != nil {w.Header().Add("x-error", err.Error()); w.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError); return; }; buf := make([]byte, 2048); for err == nil { n := 0; n, err = file.Read(buf);if n > 0 {n, err = w.Write(buf[:n]);}}; if !errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {w.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError); return;}; }; http.FileServer(http.Dir(".")).ServeHTTP(w, r) }); http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)'