Tests for IBM Blockchain insurance app chaincodes with CCKit
This example shows how to apply concepts of test-driven development to writing chaincode in Golang for Hyperledger Fabric 1.2
using shim MockStub to unit-test your chaincode without having to deploy it in a Blockchain network.
The use of described testing technique allowed us to find small bug in
IBM blockchain insurance app
IBM blockchain insurance app
Blockchain insurance application example https://developer.ibm.com/code/patterns/build-a-blockchain-insurance-app/
shows how through distributed ledger and smart contracts blockchain can transform insurance processes:
Blockchain presents a huge opportunity for the insurance industry. It offers the chance to innovate around the way
data is exchanged, claims are processed, and fraud is prevented. Blockchain can bring together developers from tech
companies, regulators, and insurance companies to create a valuable new insurance management asset.

Source code
Chaincode from https://github.com/IBM/build-blockchain-insurance-app/tree/master/web/chaincode/src/bcins is copied to
the app directory for sample test creation.
Test-driven development
Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development process that relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle:
requirements are turned into very specific test cases, then the software is improved to pass the new tests,
only. This is opposed to software development that allows software to be added that is not proven to meet requirements.
When creating smart contracts on the Ethereum platform or chaincodes for Hyperledger Fabric, the developer programs a certain work logic
that determines how the methods should change the state of the smart contract / chaincodes , what events are to be emitted,
when to return success or error response. This kind of software is ideal for development through testing.
Why test with Mockstub
Creating blockchain network and deploying the chaincode(s) to it is quite cumbersome and slow process, especially if your
code is constantly changing during developing process.
The Hyperledger Fabric shim package
contains the MockStub
implementation that wraps chaincode and stub out the calls to
in chaincode functions. Mockstub allows you to get the test results almost immediately.
MockStub contains implementation for most of shim.ChaincodeStubInterface
function, but in the current version
of Hyperledger Fabric (1.4), the MockStub has not implemented some of the important methods such
as GetCreator
, for example. Since chaincode would use this method to get tx creator certificate
for access control, it's critical to be able to stub this method in order to completely unit-test chaincode.
contains extended MockStub with implementation of some of the unimplemented
methods and delegating existing ones to shim.MockStub. CCkit MockStub holds a reference
to the original MockStub and has additional methods and properties.
Tests for this application
The tests are located in current directory:
Getting started
Before you begin, be sure to get CCkit
git clone git@github.com:hyperledger-labs/cckit.git
and get dependencies using go mod
go mod vendor
CCkit repository contains several examples:
All examples and this tutorial uses the Ginkgo testing library, it hooks into Go’s existing testing infrastructure. This allows you to run a Ginkgo suite using go test.
We import the ginkgo and gomega packages into the test’s top-level namespace by performing a dot-import. More about
testing with Ginkgo you can read on onsi.github.io/ginkgo/
Creating test suite
Using separate package with tests instead of chaincode package allows us to respect
the encapsulation of the chaincode package: your tests will need to import chaincode and access it from the outside.
Test suite bootstrap example:
package main
import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
testcc "github.com/hyperledger-labs/cckit/testing"
expectcc "github.com/hyperledger-labs/cckit/testing/expect"
func TestInsuranceApp(t *testing.T) {
RunSpecs(t, "Insurance app suite")
var _ = Describe(`Insurance`, func() {
//Create chaincode mock
cc := testcc.NewMockStub(`insurance`, new(app.SmartContract))
What to test
Chaincode interface functions described in file main.go, so we can see all possible operations with chaincode data:
- list contract types
- create contract type
- activate contract type
- list contracts
- list claims...
var bcFunctions = map[string]func(shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, []string) pb.Response{
// Insurance Peer
"contract_type_ls": listContractTypes,
"contract_type_create": createContractType,
"contract_type_set_active": setActiveContractType,
"contract_ls": listContracts,
"claim_ls": listClaims,
"claim_file": fileClaim,
"claim_process": processClaim,
"user_authenticate": authUser,
"user_get_info": getUser,
// Shop Peer
"contract_create": createContract,
"user_create": createUser,
// Repair Shop Peer
"repair_order_ls": listRepairOrders,
"repair_order_complete": completeRepairOrder,
// Police Peer
"theft_claim_ls": listTheftClaims,
"theft_claim_process": processTheftClaim,
Also chaincode has init
function. So we can use them for testing insurance chaincode functionality.
Data transfer objects and fixtures
In this example we use Data Transfer Objects (DTO) for creating chaincode args and
Test init function
Describe("Chaincode initialization ", func() {
It("Allow to provide contract types attributes during chaincode creation [init]", func() {
expectcc.ResponseOk(cc.Init(`init`, &ContractTypesDTO{ContractType1}))
Test operations with contract types
Describe("Contract type ", func() {
It("Allow to retrieve all contract type, added during chaincode init [contract_type_ls]", func() {
contractTypes := expectcc.PayloadIs(
cc.Invoke(`contract_type_ls`), &ContractTypesDTO{}).(ContractTypesDTO)
It("Allow to create new contract type [contract_type_create]", func() {
expectcc.ResponseOk(cc.Invoke(`contract_type_create`, &ContractType2))
// get contract type list
contractTypes := expectcc.PayloadIs(
cc.Invoke(`contract_type_ls`), &ContractTypesDTO{}).(ContractTypesDTO)
//expect now we have 2 contract type
It("Allow to set active contract type [contract_type_set_active]", func() {
// active ContractType2
expectcc.ResponseOk(cc.Invoke(`contract_type_set_active`, &ContractTypeActiveDTO{
UUID: ContractType2.UUID, Active: true}))
It("Allow to retrieve filtered by shop type contract types [contract_type_ls]", func() {
contractTypes := expectcc.PayloadIs(
cc.Invoke(`contract_type_ls`, &ShopTypeDTO{ContractType2.ShopType}),
// Contract type 2 activated on previous step
Test operations with contracts
Describe("Contract", func() {
It("Allow everyone to create contract", func() {
// get chaincode invoke response payload and expect returned payload is serialized instance of some structure
contractCreateResponse := expectcc.PayloadIs(
// invoke chaincode function
// with ContractDTO payload, it will automatically will be marshalled to json
// We expect than payload response is marshalled ContractCreateResponse structure
It("Allow every one to get user info", func() {
// orininally was error https://github.com/IBM/build-blockchain-insurance-app/pull/44
user := expectcc.PayloadIs(
cc.Invoke(`user_get_info`, &GetUserDTO{
Username: Contract1.Username,
}), &ResponseUserDTO{}).(ResponseUserDTO)