OBSOLETE - USE l10nextract INSTEAD -
A programmer's tool to extract string literals from source files.
This command generates output data that can be used as input to the
string localization tool stringl10n. Data must be edited.
There is not much intelligence implemented. A lot of useless
literals get extracted. Remove them by editing.
Provided that your Go environment is ready, i.e. $GOPATH is set, you just do:
$ go get github.com/hwheinzen/stringl10n/cmd/stringl10nextract
In your project directory:
$ find . | stringl10nextract > example.json
$ stringl10nextract -dir=. -o=example.json
If you control the source you could prepare all strings you want translated with
let's say a prefix 'PACKAGE:'. Then try this one:
$ find . | grep .go | stringl10nextract -regexp=^PACKAGE: > tmp.json
You'll get a file tmp.json
that looks something like:
# ... some instructions here ...
"Copyright": "2015 Itts Mee"
,"Package": "example"
,"ErrorType": "Err"
,"ErrorPref": ""
,"GenFile": "l10n_generated.go"
,"Vars": [
{"Name": "", "Type": ""}
,{"Name": "", "Type": ""}
,"Funcs": [
{"Name": "", "Function": "", "Path": ""}
,{"Name": "", "Function": ""}
,"Texts": {
"I18N:programmer's words 1": [
{"Lang": "", "Value": ""}
# somesource.go:112:22
,"I18N:programmer's words 2": [
{"Lang": "", "Value": ""}
# somesource.go:128:22