This was originally a project to predict how crowded the muni trains would be, but given the current circumstances with COVID-19, I have decided to pivot this project to be a feature test admin tool.
Create a new feature test (DONE)
Start date
End date
Is control?
Delete an existing feature test (DONE)
Cascade to feature test variants
Cascade to users with those test variants
Update an existing feature test (DONE)
End date
Create a feature test variant (DONE)
Is control?
Update a feature test variant (DONE)
Is control?
Delete a feature test variant (DONE)
Cascade to users with that test variant
List user test variants (DONE)
List feature tests (DONE)
List feature test variants (DONE)
Assign users to a test variant (create user test variant) (DONE)
Change test variants for a user (update user test variant) (DONE)
Delete user test variant (DONE)
Only allow changes to feature test variant id for user feature test variant update (DONE)
Better error messages for constraint violations (DONE)
check constraint on test variant percentage sum <= 100 (DONE)
check constraint on test variants for a test only having one row is_control = true
insert (DONE)
update (leaving alone for now)
How to run locally
Navigate to the go repo directory (go\src\\hwangm\isthemunibusy-go)
In a terminal window, run go run .\main.go.
To restart, Ctrl-C and re-run.
graphql DateTime field expects an input like "2020-05-05T00:00:00Z". It's pretty picky about the time formatting.
2/15/2021: added a websocket handler at "ws://localhost:8080/websocket" to test notification service. React app currently configured to auto-connect to this WS endpoint. Incoming messages will be printed in stdout, then sleep for 5 seconds and send a message to the client.