Implementation of "core" wyUpdate functionality. wyUpdate is a utility written in C# for updating Windows applications. We used wyUpdate dependably for years, but couldn't rely on a standard version of .NET across our customer install base. Ultimately we decided to reimplement the wyUpdate functionality we used in GoLang.
Support for TLS1.3 (default with GoLang 1.13 and main reason for creating this updater)
Drop in replacement for use in existing service update commands (should work for any update, there is just no GUI)
Compatibility with existing wyUpdate binary files
Features Implemented
Basic update functionality works.
Check for update only (/justcheck /quickcheck arguments)
Replacement of %urlargs% in URLs when -urlargs argument is provided
Update file signature verification
Full file update with ability to stop/start services before/after the update
Rollback on failure
Logging (-logging and /outputinfo arguments)
Current Limitations/Differences
Support only for A.B.C.D (or A.B.C) version numbering; No "alpha", "beta", "pre", etc.
No GUI component, created to be run from a service or command-line
Only full binary replacement (no diff)
Only supports stopping/starting services before/after update
No registry updates, COM updates, etc.
No functionality to elevate privileges (need admin to install a service anyway)
Only "installs" files to the "base directory" (directory the updater is run from)
No FTP support
Does not self-update
No uninstall
Arguments supported
"/fromservice" (normal operation, but added so the argument parser doesn't error)
Run go build in cmd/updater for main updater executable
Run go generate first to embed version info into .exe (requires you to go install
Run go build in cmd/wycparser for WYC parser executable (specifically the iuclient.iuc inside the archive)
Run go build in cmd/wysparser for WYS parser executable
Run go build in cmd/wyuparser for WYU parser executable (specifically the updtdetails.udt inside the archive)
General Operation
To check if an update is available:
Download the .wys file (URL specified in client.wyc)
Compare the available update (specified in the .wys file) with the version currently installed
If an update is required:
Download the .wyu file (URL specified in the .wys file)
If the update is signed, verify the signature of the update otherwise verify the checksum
Apply the update
Update the version number contained within the client.wyc