iSCSI-targetd provisioner
iSCSI-targetd provisioner is an out of tree provisioner for iSCSI storage for Kubernetes and OpenShift. The provisioniner uses the API provided by targetd to create and export iSCSI storage on a remote server.
iSCSI-targetd provisioner has the following prerequisistes:
- an iSCSI server managed by
- all the openshift nodes correclty configured to communicate with the iSCSI server
- sufficient disk space available as LVM2 volume group (thinly provisioned volumes are also supported and can be used to alleviate this requirement)
How it works
When a pvc request is issued for an iscsi provisioner controlled storage class the following happens:
- a new volume in the configured volume group is created, the size of the volume corresponds to the size requested in the pvc
- the volume is exported to the first available lun and made accessible to all the configured initiators.
- the corresponding pv is created and bound to the pvc.
Each storage class is tied to an iSCSI target and a volume group. Because a target can manage a maximum of 255 LUNs, each storage class manages at most 255 pvs. iSCSI-targetd provisioner can manage multiple storage classes.
Installing the prerequisites
These instructions should work for RHEL/CentOS 7+ and Fedora 24+.
On Fedora 24, current updates to the SELinux policy do not work with targetd. There is a bug filed: Until this bug is resolve, SELinux must be set to permissive mode on Fedora 25+.
For RHEL and Centos make sure you install targetd >= 0.8.6-1 as in previous versions there a bug that prevented exposing a volume to more than one initiator
A note about names
In various places, iSCSI Qualified Names (IQNs) need to be created. These need to be unique. So every target must have it's own unique IQN, and every client (initiator) must have its own IQN.
IQNs have a specific format:
See the wikipedia article for more information.
Configure Storage
Before configuring the iSCSI server, it needs to have storage
configured. targetd
uses LVM to provision storage.
If possible, it's best to have a dedicated disk or partition that can be configured as a volume group. However, if this is not possible, a loopback device can be used to simulate a dedicated block device.
Create a Volume Group with a dedicated disk or partition
This requires an additional dedicated disk or partition to use for the volume group. If that's not possible, see the section on using a loopback device.
Assuming that the dedicated block device is /dev/vdb
and that
is configured to use vg-targetd
pvcreate /dev/vdb
vgcreate vg-targetd /dev/vdb
Create a Volume Group on a Loopback Device
the volume group should be called vg-target
, this way you don' have to change any default
here is how you would do it in minishift
cd /var/lib/minishift
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.img bs=1G count=2
export LOOP=`sudo losetup -f`
sudo losetup $LOOP disk.img
sudo vgcreate vg-targetd $LOOP
Optional: Enable Thin Provisioning
Logical Volumes created in a volume group are thick provisioned by default, i.e. space is reserved at time of creation. Optionally, a LVM can use a thin provisioning pool to create thin provisioned volumes.
To create a thin provisioning pool, called pool
this example,
execute the following commands:
# This will create a 15GB thin pool in the vg-targetd volume group
lvcreate -L 15G --thinpool pool vg-targetd
When configuring targetd
, the pool_name setting in targetd.yaml will
need to be set to /. In this
example, it would be vg-targetd/pool
Configure the iSCSI server
Install targetd and targetcli
Only targetd
needs to be installed. However, it's highly recommended
to also install targetcli
as it provides a simple user interface for
looking at the state of the iSCSI system.
sudo yum install -y targetcli targetd
Configure target
Enable and start target.service
. This will ensure that iSCSI
configuration persists through reboot.
sudo systemctl enable target
sudo systemctl start target
Configure targetd
First, edit /etc/target/targetd.yaml
. A working sample
configuration is provided below:
password: ciao
# defaults below; uncomment and edit
# if using a thin pool, use <volume group name>/<thin pool name>
# e.g vg-targetd/pool
pool_name: vg-targetd
user: admin
ssl: false
Next, enable and start targetd.service
sudo systemctl enable targetd
sudo systemctl start targetd
Configure the Firewall
The default configuration requires that port 3260/tcp, 3260/udp and 18700/tcp be open on the iSCSI server.
If using firewalld
firewall-cmd --add-service=iscsi-target --permanent
firewall-cmd --add-port=18700/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload
Otherwise, add the following iptables rules to /etc/sysconfig/iptables
Configure the nodes (iscsi clients)
Install the iscsi-initiator-utils package
The iscsiadm
command is required for all clients. This is provided
by the iscsi-initiator-utils
package and should be part of the
standard RHEL, CentOS or Fedora installation.
sudo yum install -y iscsi-initiator-utils
Configure the Initiator Name
By default, a random initiator name is generated when the
package is installed. This usually unique
enough, but is not guaranteed. It's also not very descriptive.
To set a custom initiator name, edit the file /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi
In the above example, the initiator name is set to
After changing the initiator name, restart iscsid.service
sudo systemctl restart iscsid
Install the iscsi provisioner pod in Kubernetes
Run the following commands. The secret correspond to username and password you have chosen for targetd (admin is the default for the username).
This set of command will install iSCSI-targetd provisioner in the default
export NS=default
kubectl create secret generic targetd-account --from-literal=username=admin --from-literal=password=ciao -n $NS
kubectl apply -f -n $NS
kubectl apply -f -n $NS
Install the iscsi provisioner pod in Openshift
Run the following commands. The secret correspond to username and password you have chosen for targetd (admin is the default for the username)
oc new-project iscsi-provisioner
oc create sa iscsi-provisioner
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-reader system:serviceaccount:iscsi-provisioner:iscsi-provisioner
# if Openshift is version < 3.6 add the iscsi-provisioner-runner role
oc create -f
# else if Openshift is version >= 3.6 add the system:persistent-volume-provisioner role
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user system:persistent-volume-provisioner system:serviceaccount:iscsi-provisioner:iscsi-provisioner
oc secret new-basicauth targetd-account --username=admin --password=ciao
oc create -f
Start iscsi provisioner as docker container.
Alternatively, you can start a provisioner as a container locally.
docker run -ti -v /root/.kube:/kube -v /var/run/kubernetes:/var/run/kubernetes --privileged --net=host start --kubeconfig=/kube/config --master= --log-level=debug --targetd-address= --targetd-password=ciao --targetd-username=admin
Create a storage class
storage classes should look like the following
kind: StorageClass
name: iscsi
provisioner: iscsi
# this id where the iscsi server is running
# this is the iscsi server iqn
# this is the iscsi interface to be used, the default is default
# iscsiInterface: default
# this must be on eof the volume groups condifgured in targed.yaml, the default is vg-targetd
# volumeGroup: vg-targetd
# this is a comma separated list of initiators that will be give access to the created volumes, they must correspond to what you have configured in your nodes.
# whether or not to use chap authentication for discovery operations
chapAuthDiscovery: "true"
# whether or not to use chap authentication for session operations
chapAuthSession: "true"
you can create one with the following command in kubernetes
kubectl create -f
or this command in openshift
oc create -f
Test iscsi provisioner
Create a pvc
oc create -f
verify that the pv has been created
oc get pv
you may also want to verify that the volume has been created in you volume group
targetcli ls
deploy a pod that uses the pvc
oc create -f
Installing iSCSI provisioner using ansible
If you have installed OpenShift using the ansible installer you can use a set of playbook to automate the above instructions. You can find more documentation on these playbooks here before running the playbooks you need to annotate the inventory file with some additional variables and the nodes with the iscsi inititator name that you want to be created. Here is a summary of the variables:
Variable Name | Description |
targetd_lvm_volume_group | the volume group to be created |
targetd_lvm_physical_volumes | comma separated list of devices to add to the volume group |
targetd_password | the password used to authenticate the connection to targetd, you may want to not store this on your inventory file, you can pass this as {{ lookup('env','TARGETD_PASSWORD') }} |
targetd_user | the username used to authenticate the connection to targetd, you may want to not store this on your inventory file, you can pass this as {{ lookup('env','TARGETD_USERNAME') }} |
targetd_iscsi_target | the name of the target to be created in the target server |
iscsi_provisioner_pullspec | the location of the iSCSI-targetd provisioner image |
iscsi_provisioner_default_storage_class | whether the created storage class should be the default class |
iscsi_provisioner_portals | optional, comma separated list of alternative IP:port where the iscsi server can be found, specifying this parameters trigger the usage of multipath |
chap_auth_discovery | true/false whether to use chap authentication for discovery operations |
discovery_sendtargets_auth_username | initiator username |
discovery_sendtargets_auth_password | initiator password, you can pass this as {{ lookup('env','SENDTARGET_PASSWORD') }} |
discovery_sendtargets_auth_username_in | target username |
discovery_sendtargets_auth_password_in | target password, you can pass this as {{ lookup('env','SENDTARGET_PASSWORD_IN') }} |
chap_auth_session | true/false whether to use chap authentication for session operations |
session_auth_username | initiator username |
session_auth_password | initiator password, you can pass this as {{ lookup('env','SESSION_PASSWORD') }} |
session_auth_username_in | target username |
session_auth_password_in | target password, you can pass this as {{ lookup('env','SESSION_PASSWORD_IN') }} |
All the nodes should have a label with their defining the initiator name for that node, here is an example:
ose-node1.cscc openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary', 'zone': 'default'}"
ose-node2.cscc openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary', 'zone': 'default'}"
see also the individual roles documentation
To install iSCSI provisioner using ansible, run the following
ansible-playbook -i <your inventory file> ansible/playbook/all.yaml
on iSCSI authentication
If you enable iSCSI CHAP-based authentication, the ansible installer will set the target configuration consinstently and also configure the storage class.
However at provisioning time the provisioner will not setup the chap secret. Having the permissions to setup a secret in any namespace would make the provisioner too powerful and insecure.
So, it is up to the project administrator to setup the secret.
The name of the expected secret name will be <provisioner-name>-chap-secret
An example of the secret format can be found here
There is no documentation for this package.