Clone of rss2email in Go that I've used to learn Go.
*Basic Architecture:
Config is stored in json format. By default the config lives in ~/.config/rss2go/config.json
List of Feeds and their state (what guids we've already seen) are kept in a
SQLite database.
When started up in daemon or runone mode:
Goroutine Pool of HTTP Crawlers
- all listen to channel of FeedCrawlRequests
One FeedWatcher goroutine per Feed
- handles getting the feed, finding new items and sending them out for mailing
One goroutine for the mailer
One gorouting for a HTTP server that exports
/feedz -> shows last poll status of each feed
/debug/... -> pprof endpoint for debugging
Example usage:
go build -o rss2go main.go
mkdir -p ~/.config/rss2go
cp config_example.json ~/.config/rss2go/config.json
Edit ~/.config/rss2go/config.json to have the right addresses and paths in it.
./rss2go --config ~/.config/rss2go/config.json feeds add "FeedName" 'http://feed/url.atom'
./rss2go --config ~/.config/rss2go/config.json users add yourname your@email password 'http://feed/url.atom'
./rss2go feeds runone --send_mail=false http://localhost/test.rss
To Build a binary:
go build -o rss2go main.go
Upstart config for Ubuntu is in initscripts/upstart/rss2go.conf. Copy it to
/etc/init/rss2go.conf and install a built binary where it says to have rss2go
run as a service.
Rss2Go can expose a REST API which can be used to edit users and feeds in the system.
To enable it set "enableAPI" to true in the web_server section of the config:
listenAddress = "localhost:7000"
enableAPI = false
webui/webui.go documents the endpoints. See for a hacky Ember.js based client.
Note: There is no authentication whatsoever on the API yet so be careful.