
v0.0.0-...-5fd17ea Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 19, 2020 License: BSD-3-Clause, BSD-3-Clause Imports: 98 Imported by: 0



Code used in populating JSON objects to generating Keybase-style signatures.

A KeyFamily is a group of sibling keys that have equal power for a user. A family can consist of 1 PGP keys, and arbitrarily many NaCl Sibkeys. There also can be some subkeys dangling off for ECDH.

A module for syncing secrets with the server, such as SKB PGP keys, and server-halves of our various secret keys.

A module for syncing trackers from the server



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const (
	NONE = iota
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const (
	DevelServerURI      = "http://localhost:3000"
	StagingServerURI    = ""
	ProductionServerURI = ""
	TorServerURI        = "http://fncuwbiisyh6ak3i.onion"
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const (
	DevelGregorServerURI      = "fmprpc://localhost:9911"
	StagingGregorServerURI    = "fmprpc+tls://"
	ProductionGregorServerURI = "fmprpc+tls://"
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const (
	ConfigFile           = "config.json"
	SessionFile          = "session.json"
	UpdaterConfigFile    = "updater.json"
	DeviceCloneStateFile = "device_clone.json"
	DBFile               = "keybase.leveldb"
	ChatDBFile           = ""
	SocketFile           = "keybased.sock"
	PIDFile              = ""

	SecretKeyringTemplate = "secretkeys.%u.mpack"

	APIVersion           = "1.0"
	APIURIPathPrefix     = "/_/api/" + APIVersion
	DaemonPort           = 40933
	GoClientID           = " go client"
	KeybaseSaltpackBrand = "KEYBASE"
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const (
	PermFile          os.FileMode = 0600
	PermDir           os.FileMode = 0700
	UmaskablePermFile os.FileMode = 0666
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const (
	UserCacheMaxAge      = 5 * time.Minute
	PGPFingerprintHexLen = 40

	ProofCacheSize      = 0x1000
	ProofCacheLongDur   = 48 * time.Hour
	ProofCacheMediumDur = 6 * time.Hour
	ProofCacheShortDur  = 30 * time.Minute

	// How old the merkle root must be to ask for a refresh.
	// Measures time since the root was fetched, not time since published.
	MerkleStoreShouldRefresh time.Duration = 1 * time.Hour
	// An older merkle root than this is too old to use. All identifies will fail.
	MerkleStoreRequireRefresh time.Duration = 24 * time.Hour

	Identify2CacheLongTimeout   = 6 * time.Hour
	Identify2CacheBrokenTimeout = 1 * time.Hour
	Identify2CacheShortTimeout  = 1 * time.Minute

	// How long we'll go without rerequesting hints/merkle seqno. This is used in both
	// CachedUPAKLoader and FullSelfCacher. Note that this timeout has to exceed the
	// dtime value for Gregor IBMs that deal with user and key family changed notifications.
	// Because if the client is offline for more than that amount of time, then our cache
	// could be stale.
	CachedUserTimeout = 10 * time.Minute

	LinkCacheSize     = 4000
	LinkCacheCleanDur = 1 * time.Minute

	UPAKCacheSize                     = 2000
	UIDMapFullNameCacheSize           = 100000
	ImplicitTeamConflictInfoCacheSize = 10000

	PayloadCacheSize = 1000

	SigShortIDBytes  = 27
	LocalTrackMaxAge = 48 * time.Hour

	CriticalClockSkewLimit = time.Hour

	ChatBoxerMerkleFreshness    = 10 * time.Minute
	TeamMerkleFreshnessForAdmin = 30 * time.Second
	EphemeralKeyMerkleFreshness = 30 * time.Second

	// By default, only 64 files can be opened.
	LevelDBNumFiles = 64

	HomeCacheTimeout       = (time.Hour - time.Minute)
	HomePeopleCacheTimeout = 10 * time.Minute
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const (
	OneYearInSeconds = 24 * 60 * 60 * 365

	SigExpireIn            = OneYearInSeconds * 16 // 16 years
	NaclEdDSAExpireIn      = OneYearInSeconds * 16 // 16 years
	NaclDHExpireIn         = OneYearInSeconds * 16 // 16 years
	NaclPerUserKeyExpireIn = OneYearInSeconds * 16 // 16 years
	KeyExpireIn            = OneYearInSeconds * 16 // 16 years
	SubkeyExpireIn         = OneYearInSeconds * 16 // 16 years
	AuthExpireIn           = OneYearInSeconds      // 1 year

	ProvisioningKeyMemoryTimeout = time.Hour
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const (
	SCOk                               = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCOk)
	SCInputError                       = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCInputError)
	SCLoginRequired                    = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCLoginRequired)
	SCBadSession                       = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCBadSession)
	SCNoSession                        = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCNoSession)
	SCBadLoginUserNotFound             = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCBadLoginUserNotFound)
	SCBadLoginPassword                 = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCBadLoginPassword)
	SCNotFound                         = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCNotFound)
	SCDeleted                          = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCDeleted)
	SCThrottleControl                  = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCThrottleControl)
	SCGeneric                          = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCGeneric)
	SCAlreadyLoggedIn                  = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCAlreadyLoggedIn)
	SCCanceled                         = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCCanceled)
	SCInputCanceled                    = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCInputCanceled)
	SCExists                           = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCExists)
	SCInvalidAddress                   = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCInvalidAddress)
	SCReloginRequired                  = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCReloginRequired)
	SCResolutionFailed                 = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCResolutionFailed)
	SCProfileNotPublic                 = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCProfileNotPublic)
	SCBadSignupUsernameTaken           = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCBadSignupUsernameTaken)
	SCBadInvitationCode                = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCBadInvitationCode)
	SCFeatureFlag                      = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCFeatureFlag)
	SCMissingResult                    = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCMissingResult)
	SCKeyNotFound                      = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCKeyNotFound)
	SCKeyCorrupted                     = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCKeyCorrupted)
	SCKeyInUse                         = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCKeyInUse)
	SCKeyBadGen                        = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCKeyBadGen)
	SCKeyNoSecret                      = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCKeyNoSecret)
	SCKeyBadUIDs                       = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCKeyBadUIDs)
	SCKeyNoActive                      = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCKeyNoActive)
	SCKeyNoSig                         = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCKeyNoSig)
	SCKeyBadSig                        = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCKeyBadSig)
	SCKeyBadEldest                     = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCKeyBadEldest)
	SCKeyNoEldest                      = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCKeyNoEldest)
	SCKeyDuplicateUpdate               = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCKeyDuplicateUpdate)
	SCKeySyncedPGPNotFound             = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCKeySyncedPGPNotFound)
	SCKeyNoMatchingGPG                 = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCKeyNoMatchingGPG)
	SCKeyRevoked                       = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCKeyRevoked)
	SCSigCannotVerify                  = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCSigCannotVerify)
	SCSibkeyAlreadyExists              = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCSibkeyAlreadyExists)
	SCDecryptionKeyNotFound            = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCDecryptionKeyNotFound)
	SCBadTrackSession                  = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCBadTrackSession)
	SCDeviceBadName                    = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCDeviceBadName)
	SCDeviceNameInUse                  = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCDeviceNameInUse)
	SCDeviceNotFound                   = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCDeviceNotFound)
	SCDeviceMismatch                   = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCDeviceMismatch)
	SCDeviceRequired                   = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCDeviceRequired)
	SCDevicePrevProvisioned            = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCDevicePrevProvisioned)
	SCDeviceProvisionViaDevice         = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCDeviceProvisionViaDevice)
	SCDeviceNoProvision                = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCDeviceNoProvision)
	SCDeviceProvisionOffline           = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCDeviceProvisionOffline)
	SCStreamExists                     = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCStreamExists)
	SCStreamNotFound                   = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCStreamNotFound)
	SCStreamWrongKind                  = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCStreamWrongKind)
	SCStreamEOF                        = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCStreamEOF)
	SCGenericAPIError                  = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCGenericAPIError)
	SCAPINetworkError                  = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCAPINetworkError)
	SCTimeout                          = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCTimeout)
	SCProofError                       = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCProofError)
	SCIdentificationExpired            = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCIdentificationExpired)
	SCSelfNotFound                     = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCSelfNotFound)
	SCBadKexPhrase                     = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCBadKexPhrase)
	SCNoUI                             = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCNoUI)
	SCNoUIDelegation                   = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCNoUIDelegation)
	SCIdentifyFailed                   = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCIdentifyFailed)
	SCTrackingBroke                    = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCTrackingBroke)
	SCKeyNoPGPEncryption               = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCKeyNoPGPEncryption)
	SCKeyNoNaClEncryption              = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCKeyNoNaClEncryption)
	SCWrongCryptoFormat                = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCWrongCryptoFormat)
	SCGPGUnavailable                   = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCGPGUnavailable)
	SCDecryptionError                  = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCDecryptionError)
	SCChatInternal                     = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCChatInternal)
	SCChatRateLimit                    = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCChatRateLimit)
	SCChatConvExists                   = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCChatConvExists)
	SCChatUnknownTLFID                 = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCChatUnknownTLFID)
	SCChatNotInConv                    = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCChatNotInConv)
	SCChatNotInTeam                    = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCChatNotInTeam)
	SCChatBadMsg                       = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCChatBadMsg)
	SCChatBroadcast                    = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCChatBroadcast)
	SCChatAlreadySuperseded            = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCChatAlreadySuperseded)
	SCChatAlreadyDeleted               = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCChatAlreadyDeleted)
	SCChatTLFFinalized                 = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCChatTLFFinalized)
	SCChatCollision                    = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCChatCollision)
	SCChatStalePreviousState           = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCChatStalePreviousState)
	SCMerkleClientError                = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCMerkleClientError)
	SCBadEmail                         = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCBadEmail)
	SCIdentifySummaryError             = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCIdentifySummaryError)
	SCNeedSelfRekey                    = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCNeedSelfRekey)
	SCNeedOtherRekey                   = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCNeedOtherRekey)
	SCChatMessageCollision             = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCChatMessageCollision)
	SCChatDuplicateMessage             = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCChatDuplicateMessage)
	SCChatClientError                  = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCChatClientError)
	SCAccountReset                     = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCAccountReset)
	SCIdentifiesFailed                 = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCIdentifiesFailed)
	SCTeamReadError                    = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCTeamReadError)
	SCTeamWritePermDenied              = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCTeamWritePermDenied)
	SCNoOp                             = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCNoOp)
	SCTeamNotFound                     = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCTeamNotFound)
	SCTeamTarDuplicate                 = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCTeamTarDuplicate)
	SCTeamTarNotFound                  = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCTeamTarNotFound)
	SCTeamMemberExists                 = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCTeamMemberExists)
	SCTeamFTLOutdated                  = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCTeamFTLOutdated)
	SCLoginStateTimeout                = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCLoginStateTimeout)
	SCRevokeCurrentDevice              = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCRevokeCurrentDevice)
	SCRevokeLastDevice                 = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCRevokeLastDevice)
	SCRevokeLastDevicePGP              = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCRevokeLastDevicePGP)
	SCTeamKeyMaskNotFound              = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCTeamKeyMaskNotFound)
	SCGitInternal                      = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCGitInternal)
	SCGitRepoAlreadyExists             = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCGitRepoAlreadyExists)
	SCGitInvalidRepoName               = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCGitInvalidRepoName)
	SCGitCannotDelete                  = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCGitCannotDelete)
	SCGitRepoDoesntExist               = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCGitRepoDoesntExist)
	SCTeamBanned                       = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCTeamBanned)
	SCTeamInvalidBan                   = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCTeamInvalidBan)
	SCNoSpaceOnDevice                  = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCNoSpaceOnDevice)
	SCTeamInviteBadToken               = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCTeamInviteBadToken)
	SCTeamInviteTokenReused            = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCTeamInviteTokenReused)
	SCTeamBadMembership                = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCTeamBadMembership)
	SCTeamProvisionalCanKey            = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCTeamProvisionalCanKey)
	SCTeamProvisionalCannotKey         = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCTeamProvisionalCannotKey)
	SCBadSignupUsernameDeleted         = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCBadSignupUsernameDeleted)
	SCEphemeralPairwiseMACsMissingUIDs = int(keybase1.StatusCode_SCEphemeralPairwiseMACsMissingUIDs)

Status codes. This list should match keybase/lib/status_codes.iced.

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const (
	MerkleTreeNode = 1
	MerkleTreeLeaf = 2
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const (
	LinkTypeAuthentication    LinkType = "auth"
	LinkTypeCryptocurrency    LinkType = "cryptocurrency"
	LinkTypeRevoke            LinkType = "revoke"
	LinkTypeTrack             LinkType = "track"
	LinkTypeUntrack           LinkType = "untrack"
	LinkTypeUpdatePassphrase  LinkType = "update_passphrase_hash"
	LinkTypeUpdateSettings    LinkType = "update_settings"
	LinkTypeWebServiceBinding LinkType = "web_service_binding"
	LinkTypePerUserKey        LinkType = "per_user_key"
	LinkTypeWalletStellar     LinkType = "wallet.stellar"

	// team links
	LinkTypeTeamRoot         LinkType = "team.root"
	LinkTypeNewSubteam       LinkType = "team.new_subteam"
	LinkTypeChangeMembership LinkType = "team.change_membership"
	LinkTypeRotateKey        LinkType = "team.rotate_key"
	LinkTypeLeave            LinkType = "team.leave"
	LinkTypeSubteamHead      LinkType = "team.subteam_head"
	LinkTypeRenameSubteam    LinkType = "team.rename_subteam"
	LinkTypeInvite           LinkType = "team.invite"
	LinkTypeRenameUpPointer  LinkType = "team.rename_up_pointer"
	LinkTypeDeleteRoot       LinkType = "team.delete_root"
	LinkTypeDeleteSubteam    LinkType = "team.delete_subteam"
	LinkTypeDeleteUpPointer  LinkType = "team.delete_up_pointer"
	LinkTypeKBFSSettings     LinkType = "team.kbfs"
	LinkTypeSettings         LinkType = "team.settings"

	DelegationTypeEldest    DelegationType = "eldest"
	DelegationTypePGPUpdate DelegationType = "pgp_update"
	DelegationTypeSibkey    DelegationType = "sibkey"
	DelegationTypeSubkey    DelegationType = "subkey"
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const (
	SigTypeNone           = 0
	SigTypeSelfSig        = 1
	SigTypeRemoteProof    = 2
	SigTypeTrack          = 3
	SigTypeUntrack        = 4
	SigTypeRevoke         = 5
	SigTypeCryptocurrency = 6
	SigTypeAnnouncement   = 7
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const (
	DeviceStatusNone    = 0
	DeviceStatusActive  = 1
	DeviceStatusDefunct = 2
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const (
	DeviceTypeDesktop = "desktop"
	DeviceTypeMobile  = "mobile"
	DeviceTypePaper   = "backup"

these strings need to match the keys in keybase/lib_public/public_constants.iced -> public_constants.device.type

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const (
	HTTPDefaultTimeout        = 60 * time.Second
	HTTPDefaultScraperTimeout = 10 * time.Second
	HTTPPollMaximum           = 5 * time.Second
	HTTPFastTimeout           = 5 * time.Second
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const (
	HTTPRetryInitialTimeout = 1 * time.Second
	HTTPRetryMutliplier     = 1.5
	HTTPRetryCount          = 6

The following constants apply to APIArg parameters for critical idempotent API calls

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const (
	RevSimpleDelete = 0
	RevFull         = 1
	RevDated        = 2


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const (
	KexScryptCost       = 32768
	KexScryptR          = 8
	KexScryptP          = 1
	KexScryptKeylen     = 32
	KexSessionIDEntropy = 65 // kex doc specifies 65 bits of entropy
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const (
	Kex2PhraseEntropy  = 88
	Kex2PhraseEntropy2 = 99 // we've upped the entropy to 99 bits after the 2018 NCC Audit
	Kex2ScryptCost     = 1 << 17
	Kex2ScryptLiteCost = 1 << 10
	Kex2ScryptR        = 8
	Kex2ScryptP        = 1
	Kex2ScryptKeylen   = 32
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const (
	PaperKeyScryptCost    = 32768
	PaperKeyScryptR       = 8
	PaperKeyScryptP       = 1
	PaperKeyScryptKeylen  = 128
	PaperKeySecretEntropy = 117
	PaperKeyIDBits        = 22
	PaperKeyVersionBits   = 4
	PaperKeyVersion       = 0
	PaperKeyWordCountMin  = 13 // this should never change to a value greater than 13

PaperKeyWordCountMin of 13 is based on the current state: entropy: 143 (PaperKeySecretEntropy [117] + PaperKeyIDBits [22] + PaperKeyVersionBits [4]) len(secwords): 2048

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const (
	IdentifySourceKBFS = "kbfs"
	TestInvitationCode = "202020202020202020202020"
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const (
	ServiceLogFileName = "keybase.service.log"
	KBFSLogFileName    = kbconst.KBFSLogFileName
	GitLogFileName     = "keybase.git.log"
	UpdaterLogFileName = "keybase.updater.log"
	DesktopLogFileName = ""
	// StartLogFileName is where services can log to (on startup) before they handle their own logging
	StartLogFileName = "keybase.start.log"
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const (
	NotificationDismissPGPPrefix = "pgp_secret_store"
	NotificationDismissPGPValue  = "dismissed"
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const (
	TeamDHDerivationString               = "Keybase-Derived-Team-NaCl-DH-1"
	TeamEdDSADerivationString            = "Keybase-Derived-Team-NaCl-EdDSA-1"
	TeamKBFSDerivationString             = "Keybase-Derived-Team-NaCl-KBFS-1"
	TeamChatDerivationString             = "Keybase-Derived-Team-NaCl-Chat-1"
	TeamSaltpackDerivationString         = "Keybase-Derived-Team-NaCl-Saltpack-1"
	TeamPrevKeySecretBoxDerivationString = "Keybase-Derived-Team-NaCl-SecretBox-1"
	TeamGitMetadataDerivationString      = "Keybase-Derived-Team-NaCl-GitMetadata-1"
	TeamSeitanTokenDerivationString      = "Keybase-Derived-Team-NaCl-SeitanInviteToken-1"
	TeamStellarRelayDerivationString     = "Keybase-Derived-Team-NaCl-StellarRelay-1"
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const (
	DBUser              = 0x00
	DBSig               = 0x0f
	DBTeamChain         = 0x10
	DBUserPlusAllKeysV1 = 0x19

	DBTeamAuditor              = 0xce
	DBAttachmentUploader       = 0xcf
	DBDiskLRUEntries           = 0xda
	DBDiskLRUIndex             = 0xdb
	DBImplicitTeamConflictInfo = 0xdc
	DBUidToFullName            = 0xdd
	DBUidToUsername            = 0xde
	DBUserPlusKeysVersioned    = 0xdf
	DBLink                     = 0xe0
	DBLocalTrack               = 0xe1
	DBPGPKey                   = 0xe3
	DBSigHints                 = 0xe4
	DBProofCheck               = 0xe5
	DBUserSecretKeys           = 0xe6
	DBSigChainTailPublic       = 0xe7
	DBSigChainTailSemiprivate  = 0xe8
	DBSigChainTailEncrypted    = 0xe9
	DBChatActive               = 0xea
	DBUserEKBox                = 0xeb
	DBTeamEKBox                = 0xec
	DBChatIndex                = 0xed
	DBMerkleRoot               = 0xf0
	DBTrackers                 = 0xf1
	DBGregor                   = 0xf2
	DBTrackers2                = 0xf3
	DBTrackers2Reverse         = 0xf4
	DBNotificationDismiss      = 0xf5
	DBChatBlockIndex           = 0xf6
	DBChatBlocks               = 0xf7
	DBChatOutbox               = 0xf8
	DBChatInbox                = 0xf9
	DBIdentify                 = 0xfa
	DBResolveUsernameToUID     = 0xfb
	DBChatBodyHashIndex        = 0xfc
	DBMerkleStore              = 0xfd
	DBChatConvFailures         = 0xfe
	DBTeamList                 = 0xff
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const (
	DBLookupUsername   = 0x00
	DBLookupMerkleRoot = 0x01
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const (
	DeviceIDLen    = 16
	DeviceIDSuffix = 0x18
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const (
	NodeHashLenLong  = sha512.Size // = 64
	NodeHashLenShort = sha256.Size // = 32
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const (
	ResolveCacheMaxAge        = 12 * time.Hour
	ResolveCacheMaxAgeMutable = 20 * time.Minute
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const (
	TrackStatusNone     = 0
	TrackStatusTracking = 1
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const APICA = `` /* 2351-byte string literal not displayed */
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const CanonicalHost = ""
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const CurrentGitMetadataEncryptionVersion = 1
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const (
	DefaultCloneTokenValue string = "00000000000000000000000000000000"
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const DefaultRunMode = DevelRunMode
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const DeriveReasonPUKStellarNoteShared string = "Keybase-Derived-Stellar-Note-PUK-Sbox-NaCl-DH-1"

Not a DeriveReason because it is not used in the same way.

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const DownloadURL = ""
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const EphemeralKeyGenInterval = time.Hour * 24 // one day

Everyday we want to generate a new key if possible

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const (
	FeatureFTL = Feature("ftl")
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const GenericSocialWebServiceBinding = "web_service_binding.generic_social"
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const (
	InviteIDTag = 0x27
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const IsBrewBuild = false
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const KBFSDevCA = `
` + `
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const KBFSProdCA = `
` + `
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const KeyPseudonymVersion = 1
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const LKSecLen = 32
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const LKSecVersion = 100
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const (
	LinkIDLen = 32
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const LoginSessionMemoryTimeout time.Duration = time.Minute * 5
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const MaxCPUProfileFileCount = 5

The number of CPU profile files to keep around and to bundle with sent logs.

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const MaxEphemeralContentLifetime = time.Hour * 24 * 7

NOTE if you change these values you should change them in go/chatbase/storage/ephemeral.go as well.

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const MaxEphemeralKeyStaleness = time.Hour * 24 * 30 // one month

NOTE: If you change this value you should change it in lib/constants.iced and go/ekreaperd/reaper.go as well. Keys last at most one week

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const MaxTeamMembersForPairwiseMAC = 100
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const MaxTraceFileCount = 5

The number of trace files to keep around and to bundle with sent logs.

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const MinEphemeralContentLifetime = time.Second * 30

Our keys must last at least this long.

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const MinPassphraseLength = 6
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const NaclDHKeySecretSize = 32

TODO: Ideally, box would expose how many random bytes it needs.

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const NaclDHKeysize = 32
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const NaclDHNonceSize = 24

Todo: Ideally, box would specify nonce size

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const NaclSecretBoxKeySize = 32
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const NaclSigningKeySecretSize = 32

TODO: Ideally, ed25519 would expose how many random bytes it needs.

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const (
	PGPAssertionKey = "pgp"
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const (
	PGPFingerprintLen = 20
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const PerUserKeySeedSize = 32
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const RemoteIdentifyUITimeout = 5 * time.Second
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const (
	SecretPromptCancelDuration = 5 * time.Minute
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const (
	ServerUpdateLag = time.Minute
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const SharedTeamKeyBoxVersion1 = 1
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const TAliceUID = keybase1.UID("295a7eea607af32040647123732bc819")

UID of t_alice

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const TrackingRateLimitSeconds = 50
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const UPK2MinorVersionCurrent = keybase1.UPK2MinorVersion_V6

NOTE(max) 2018.02.28 When bumping this next, please see the fussy logic surrounding the fact that minor version 5 is still OK for non-reset accounts.

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const UserSummaryLimit = 500 // max number of user summaries in one request
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const Version = "2.7.0"

Version is the current version (should be MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH)


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var AllDeviceTypes = DeviceTypeSet{
	DeviceTypeDesktop: true,
	DeviceTypeMobile:  true,
	DeviceTypePaper:   true,
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var BackoffDefault = BackoffPolicy{
	[]int{0, 10, 10, 100, 100, 500, 500, 3000, 3000, 5000},

BackoffDefault is a backoff policy ranging up to 5 seconds.

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var CheckDeviceName = Checker{
	F: func(s string) bool {
		return len(s) >= 3 && len(s) <= 64 && deviceRE.MatchString(s) && !badDeviceRE.MatchString(s)
	Hint: "between 3 and 64 characters long; use a-Z, 0-9, space, plus, underscore, dash and apostrophe",
View Source
var CheckEmail = Checker{
	F: func(s string) bool {
		return len(s) > 3 && emailRE.MatchString(s)
	Hint: "must be a valid email address",
View Source
var CheckEmailOrUsername = Checker{
	F: func(s string) bool {
		return CheckEmail.F(s) || CheckUsername.F(s)
	Hint: "valid usernames are 2-16 letters long",
View Source
var CheckInviteCode = Checker{
	F: func(s string) bool {
		return len(s) > 4
	Hint: "Invite codes are 4 or more characters",
View Source
var CheckNotEmpty = Checker{
	F: func(s string) bool {
		return len(s) > 0
	Hint: "cannot be empty",
View Source
var CheckPassphraseNew = Checker{
	F: func(s string) bool {
		r := []rune(s)
		if len(r) > 0 && unicode.IsSpace(r[0]) {
			return false
		return len(s) >= MinPassphraseLength
	Hint:          fmt.Sprintf("passphrase must be %d or more characters", MinPassphraseLength),
	PreserveSpace: true,
View Source
var CheckPassphraseSimple = Checker{
	F: func(s string) bool {
		return len(s) > 0
	Hint: "passphrase cannot be empty",
View Source
var CheckUsername = Checker{
	F:    kbun.CheckUsername,
	Hint: "between 2 and 16 characters long",
View Source
var CheckYesNo = Checker{
	F: func(s string) bool {
		return IsYes(s) || IsNo(s)
	Hint: "'yes' or 'no'",
View Source
var CodeSigningProdKIDs = []string{
View Source
var CodeSigningStagingKIDs = []string{}
View Source
var CodeSigningTestKIDs = []string{}
View Source
var DefaultDeviceTypes = DeviceTypeSet{
	DeviceTypeDesktop: true,
	DeviceTypeMobile:  true,
View Source
var ErrLoginSessionCleared = errors.New("LoginSession already cleared")
View Source
var ErrLoginSessionNotLoaded = errors.New("LoginSession not loaded")
View Source
var ErrNilUser = errors.New("User is nil")
View Source
var ErrSecretForUserNotFound = NotFoundError{Msg: "No secret found for user"}
View Source
var ErrTrackingExpired = errors.New("Local track expired")
View Source
var ErrUnlockNotPossible = errors.New("unlock not possible")
View Source
var FirstProdMerkleSeqnoWithSigs = keybase1.Seqno(796)

We didn't have valid signatures before 796, so don't try to load them.

View Source
var FirstProdMerkleSeqnoWithSkips = keybase1.Seqno(835903)

FirstPRodMerkleSeqnoWithSkips is the first merkle root on production that has skip pointers indicating log(n) previous merkle roots.

View Source
var FirstProdMerkleTreeWithModernShape = keybase1.Seqno(531408)

Before this merkle seqno, we had the other, more bushy shape. From this point on, we have the modern shape. It's possible to tweak our clients to handle both shapes, but it's not really worth it at this time.

View Source
var MerkleProdKIDs = []string{
View Source
var MerkleStagingKIDs = []string{
View Source
var MerkleTestKIDs = []string{
View Source
var PGPArmorHeaders = map[string]string{
	"Version": PGPVersion,
	"Comment": DownloadURL,
View Source
var PGPVersion = "Keybase Go " + Version + " (" + runtime.GOOS + ")"
View Source
var PrereleaseBuild string

PrereleaseBuild can be set at compile time for prerelease builds. CAUTION: Don't change the name of this variable without grepping for occurrences in shell scripts!

View Source
var ProofErrorDNSOverTor = &ProofErrorImpl{
	Status: keybase1.ProofStatus_TOR_SKIPPED,
	Desc:   "DNS proofs aren't reliable over Tor",
View Source
var ProofErrorHTTPOverTor = &ProofErrorImpl{
	Status: keybase1.ProofStatus_TOR_SKIPPED,
	Desc:   "HTTP proofs aren't reliable over Tor",
View Source
var ProofErrorUnchecked = &ProofErrorImpl{
	Status: keybase1.ProofStatus_UNCHECKED,
	Desc:   "Proof unchecked due to privacy concerns",
View Source
var PublicChain = &ChainType{
	DbType:          DBSigChainTailPublic,
	Private:         false,
	Encrypted:       false,
	GetMerkleTriple: func(u *MerkleUserLeaf) *MerkleTriple { return u.public },
View Source
var TorProxy = "localhost:9050"
View Source
var UserAgent = runtime.GOOS + ":" + "Keybase CLI (" + runtime.Version() + "):" + Version

Right now reddit is the only site that seems to have any requirements for our User-Agent string. (See something else comes up, we'll want to make this more configurable.


func AddPerUserKeyServerArg

func AddPerUserKeyServerArg(serverArg JSONPayload, generation keybase1.PerUserKeyGeneration,
	pukBoxes []keybase1.PerUserKeyBox, pukPrev *PerUserKeyPrev)

Make the "per_user_key" section of an API arg. Requires one or more `pukBoxes` `pukPrev` is optional. Modifies `serverArg`.

func AddToProofSetNoChecks

func AddToProofSetNoChecks(r RemoteProofChainLink, ps *ProofSet)

func AddUserEKReBoxServerArg

func AddUserEKReBoxServerArg(serverArg JSONPayload, arg *keybase1.UserEkReboxArg)

Make the "user_ek_rebox" and "device_eks" section of an API arg. Modifies `serverArg` unless arg is nil.

func AppDataDir

func AppDataDir() (string, error)

func AssertionIsTeam

func AssertionIsTeam(au AssertionURL) bool

func AttachedSignWrapper

func AttachedSignWrapper(out io.WriteCloser, key PGPKeyBundle, armored bool) (
	in io.WriteCloser, err error)

func BootstrapActiveDeviceFromConfig

func BootstrapActiveDeviceFromConfig(m MetaContext, online bool) (uid keybase1.UID, err error)

BootstrapActiveDeviceFromConfig takes the user's config.json, keys.mpack file and secret store to populate ActiveDevice, and to have all credentials necessary to sign NIST tokens, allowing the user to act as if "logged in". Will return nil if everything work, LoginRequiredError if a real "login" is required to make the app work, and various errors on unexpected failures.

func BootstrapActiveDeviceWithMetaContext

func BootstrapActiveDeviceWithMetaContext(m MetaContext) (ok bool, uid keybase1.UID, err error)

BootstrapActiveDeviceWithMetaContext will setup an ActiveDevice with a NIST Factory for the caller. The m.loginContext passed through isn't really needed for anything aside from assertions, but as we phase out LoginState, we'll leave it here so that assertions in LoginState can still pass.

func BoxPublicKeyToKeybaseKID

func BoxPublicKeyToKeybaseKID(k saltpack.BoxPublicKey) (ret keybase1.KID)

func BtcAddrCheck

func BtcAddrCheck(s string, _ *BtcOpts) (version int, pkhash []byte, err error)

func CITimeMultiplier

func CITimeMultiplier(g *GlobalContext) time.Duration

func CTimeLog

func CTimeLog(ctx context.Context, name string, start time.Time, out func(context.Context, string, ...interface{}))

CTimeLog calls out with the time since start. Use like this:

defer CTimeLog(ctx, "MyFunc", time.Now(), e.G().Log.Warning)

func CTrace

func CTrace(ctx context.Context, log logger.Logger, msg string, f func() error) func()

func CTraceOK

func CTraceOK(ctx context.Context, log logger.Logger, msg string, f func() bool) func()

func CTraceTimed

func CTraceTimed(ctx context.Context, log logger.Logger, msg string, f func() error, cl clockwork.Clock) func()

func CanEncrypt

func CanEncrypt(key GenericKey) bool

func CanExec

func CanExec(p string) error

func CancelDowngradeLease

func CancelDowngradeLease(ctx context.Context, g *GlobalContext, l keybase1.LeaseID) error

func CanonicalProofName

func CanonicalProofName(t TypedChainLink) string

func ChangeMountIcon

func ChangeMountIcon(oldMount string, newMount string) error

func CheckCurrentUIDDeviceID

func CheckCurrentUIDDeviceID(m MetaContext) (err error)

func CheckInstance

func CheckInstance(name string) bool

CheckInstance is a non-op on non-Windows

func CheckInvitationCode

func CheckInvitationCode(m MetaContext, code string) error

func CheckKID

func CheckKID(u *keybase1.UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations, kid keybase1.KID) (found bool, revokedAt *keybase1.KeybaseTime, deleted bool)

func CheckPosted

func CheckPosted(m MetaContext, proofID string) (found bool, status keybase1.ProofStatus, state keybase1.ProofState, err error)

func CheckPostedViaSigID

func CheckPostedViaSigID(m MetaContext, sigID keybase1.SigID) (found bool, status keybase1.ProofStatus, state keybase1.ProofState, err error)

func CheckTracking

func CheckTracking(g *GlobalContext) error

func CheckUIDAgainstCasedUsername

func CheckUIDAgainstCasedUsername(uid keybase1.UID, username string) (err error)

CheckUIDAgainstCasedUsername takes the input string, does not convert toLower, and then hashes it to recover a UID. This is a workaround for some users whose UIDs were computed incorrectly.

func CheckUIDAgainstUsername

func CheckUIDAgainstUsername(uid keybase1.UID, username string) (err error)

func Cicmp

func Cicmp(s1, s2 string) bool

func ClearSecretsOnDeprovision

func ClearSecretsOnDeprovision(m MetaContext, username NormalizedUsername) error

XXX: THIS DELETES SECRET KEYS. Deleting the wrong secret keys can make you lose all your data forever. We only run this in the DeprovisionEngine and if we detect that our device was revoked in LogoutAndDeprovisionIfRevoked.

func ClearStoredSecret

func ClearStoredSecret(m MetaContext, username NormalizedUsername) error

func CollectAssertions

func CollectAssertions(e AssertionExpression) (remotes AssertionAnd, locals AssertionAnd)

func CombineErrors

func CombineErrors(errs ...error) error

CombineErrors returns a single error for multiple errors, or nil if none.

func Contains

func Contains(s string, list []string) bool

Contains returns true if string is contained in string slice

func CopyTagsToBackground

func CopyTagsToBackground(ctx context.Context) context.Context

func CreateClonedDevice

func CreateClonedDevice(tc TestContext, m MetaContext)

func CurrentBinaryRealpath

func CurrentBinaryRealpath() (string, error)

func CurrentSaltpackVersion

func CurrentSaltpackVersion() saltpack.Version

func DebugDumpKey

func DebugDumpKey(g *GlobalContext, name string, b []byte)

DebugDumpKey is used only in debugging. For now it's not in use but we might need it in the future.

func Decode58

func Decode58(inp string) (outp []byte, err error)

Decode58 base58 decodes the input or returns an error.

func DecodeHexFixed

func DecodeHexFixed(dst, src []byte) error

Decode decodes src into dst. Errors unless all of: - src is valid hex - src decodes into exactly len(dst) bytes

func DefaultPassphraseArg

func DefaultPassphraseArg(m MetaContext) keybase1.GUIEntryArg

func DefaultPassphrasePromptArg

func DefaultPassphrasePromptArg(m MetaContext, username string) keybase1.GUIEntryArg

func DelegatorAggregator

func DelegatorAggregator(m MetaContext, ds []Delegator, extra AggSigProducer,
	pukBoxes []keybase1.PerUserKeyBox, pukPrev *PerUserKeyPrev, userEKReboxArg *keybase1.UserEkReboxArg) (err error)

Run posts an array of delegations to the server. Keeping this simple as we don't need any state (yet) `extra` is optional and adds an extra sig, produced by something other than a Delegator, after the others.

func DeleteAccount

func DeleteAccount(m MetaContext, username NormalizedUsername, passphrase string) (err error)

func DeletePrimary

func DeletePrimary(m MetaContext) (err error)

func DeriveFromSecret

func DeriveFromSecret(inKey [32]byte, reason DeriveReason) (outKey [32]byte, err error)

Derive a key from another. Uses HMAC(key=key, data=reason) Not to be confused with DeriveSymmetricKey which has hmac inputs swapped. This one makes sense for derivation from secrets used only to derive from.

func DeviceStatusToString

func DeviceStatusToString(i *int) string

func Digest

func Digest(r io.Reader) (string, error)

Digest returns a SHA256 digest

func DigestForFileAtPath

func DigestForFileAtPath(path string) (string, error)

DigestForFileAtPath returns a SHA256 digest for file at specified path

func DisableProcessTracing

func DisableProcessTracing() error

func DiscardAndCloseBody

func DiscardAndCloseBody(resp *http.Response) error

DiscardAndCloseBody reads as much as possible from the body of the given response, and then closes it.

This is because, in order to free up the current connection for re-use, a response body must be read from before being closed; see .

Instead of doing:

res, _ := ...
defer res.Body.Close()


res, _ := ...
defer DiscardAndCloseBody(res)


func DisplayTrackArg

func DisplayTrackArg(sessionID int, stmt string) *keybase1.DisplayTrackStatementArg

func DrainPipe

func DrainPipe(rc io.Reader, sink func(string)) error

func Encode58

func Encode58(inp []byte) string

Encode58 base58 encodes the input.

func EncryptPGPKey

func EncryptPGPKey(bundle *openpgp.Entity, passphrase string) error

func EncryptionKIDToPublicKeyBytes

func EncryptionKIDToPublicKeyBytes(bk []byte) ([]byte, error)

func ErrToOk

func ErrToOk(err error) string

func ExportErrorAsStatus

func ExportErrorAsStatus(g *GlobalContext, e error) (ret *keybase1.Status)

func ExportPGPIdentity

func ExportPGPIdentity(identity *openpgp.Identity) keybase1.PGPIdentity

func ExportProofError

func ExportProofError(pe ProofError) (ret keybase1.ProofResult)

func ExportTrackDiff

func ExportTrackDiff(d TrackDiff) (res *keybase1.TrackDiff)

func ExportTrackIDComponentToRevokedProof

func ExportTrackIDComponentToRevokedProof(tidc TrackIDComponent) keybase1.RevokedProof

func ExportTrackSummary

func ExportTrackSummary(l *TrackLookup, username string) *keybase1.TrackSummary

func FastByteArrayEq

func FastByteArrayEq(a, b []byte) bool

func FileExists

func FileExists(path string) (bool, error)

exists returns whether the given file or directory exists or not

func FindBase64Block

func FindBase64Block(s string, pattern []byte, url bool) bool

func FindBase64Blocks

func FindBase64Blocks(s string) []string

func FindBase64Snippets

func FindBase64Snippets(s string) []string

func FindBestIdentifyComponent

func FindBestIdentifyComponent(e AssertionExpression) string

func FindFirstBase64Block

func FindFirstBase64Block(s string) string

func FindNextMerkleRootAfterRevoke

func FindNextMerkleRootAfterRevoke(m MetaContext, arg keybase1.FindNextMerkleRootAfterRevokeArg) (res keybase1.NextMerkleRootRes, err error)

FindNextMerkleRootAfterRevoke loads the user for the given UID, and find the next merkle root after the given key revocation happens. It uses the paremter arg.Prev to figure out where to start looking and then keeps searching forward until finding a leaf that matches arg.Loc.

func FindPGPPrivateKey

func FindPGPPrivateKey(k *PGPKeyBundle) bool

FindPGPPrivateKey checks if supposed secret key PGPKeyBundle contains any valid PrivateKey entities. Sometimes primary private key is stoopped out but there are subkeys with secret keys.

func ForceWallClock

func ForceWallClock(t time.Time) time.Time

ForceWallClock takes a multi-personality Go time and converts it to a regular old WallClock time.

func FormatImplicitTeamDisplayNameSuffix

func FormatImplicitTeamDisplayNameSuffix(conflict keybase1.ImplicitTeamConflictInfo) string

func FormatTime

func FormatTime(tm time.Time) string

func GenericKeyEqual

func GenericKeyEqual(k1, k2 GenericKey) bool

func GetAllProvisionedUsernames

func GetAllProvisionedUsernames(m MetaContext) (current NormalizedUsername, all []NormalizedUsername, err error)

GetAllProvisionedUsernames looks into the current config.json file, and finds all usernames that are currently provisioned on this device. That is, it filters out those that are on revoked devices or have reset their accounts. It uses UPAK loading for verifying the current user/device statuses, so should be fast if everything is cached recently.

func GetAppStatusCode

func GetAppStatusCode(err error) (code keybase1.StatusCode, ok bool)

If the error is an AppStatusError, returns its code. Otherwise returns (SCGeneric, false).

func GetBundledCAsFromHost

func GetBundledCAsFromHost(host string) (rootCA []byte, ok bool)

GetBundledCAsFromHost returns in root CA in []byte for given host, or nil if no matching CA is found for host.

func GetExtendedStatus

func GetExtendedStatus(m MetaContext) (res keybase1.ExtendedStatus, err error)

func GetInvitationCode

func GetInvitationCode(m MetaContext) (string, error)

func GetKID

func GetKID(w *jsonw.Wrapper) (kid keybase1.KID, err error)

func GetKeybasePassphrase

func GetKeybasePassphrase(m MetaContext, ui SecretUI, username, retryMsg string) (keybase1.GetPassphraseRes, error)

func GetLinkIDVoid

func GetLinkIDVoid(w *jsonw.Wrapper, l *LinkID, e *error)

func GetNodeHashVoid

func GetNodeHashVoid(w *jsonw.Wrapper, nhp *NodeHash, errp *error)

func GetOneKey

func GetOneKey(jw *jsonw.Wrapper) (*PGPKeyBundle, *Warnings, error)

func GetPGPFingerprintVoid

func GetPGPFingerprintVoid(w *jsonw.Wrapper, p *PGPFingerprint, e *error)

func GetPaperKeyForCryptoPassphrase

func GetPaperKeyForCryptoPassphrase(m MetaContext, ui SecretUI, reason string, devices []*Device) (string, error)

func GetPaperKeyPassphrase

func GetPaperKeyPassphrase(m MetaContext, ui SecretUI, username string, lastErr error) (string, error)

func GetPassphraseStreamViaPrompt

func GetPassphraseStreamViaPrompt(m MetaContext) (pps *PassphraseStream, tsec Triplesec, err error)

GetPassphraseStreamViaPrompt prompts the user for a passphrase and on success returns a PassphraseStream and Triplesec derived from the user's passphrase. As a side effect, it stores the full LKSec in the secret store.

func GetPassphraseUntilCheckWithChecker

func GetPassphraseUntilCheckWithChecker(m MetaContext, arg keybase1.GUIEntryArg, prompter PassphrasePrompter, checker *Checker) (keybase1.GetPassphraseRes, error)

func GetPlatformString

func GetPlatformString() string

func GetProxyCAs

func GetProxyCAs(out *x509.CertPool, r ConfigReader) (ret *x509.CertPool, err error)

func GetSecret

func GetSecret(m MetaContext, ui SecretUI, title, prompt, retryMsg string, allowSecretStore bool) (keybase1.GetPassphraseRes, error)

func GetSigID

func GetSigID(w *jsonw.Wrapper, suffix bool) (keybase1.SigID, error)

func GetSortedCPUProfileFiles

func GetSortedCPUProfileFiles(dir string) ([]string, error)

GetSortedCPUProfileFiles returns all CPU profile files in the given directory approximately sorted by increasing start time.

func GetSortedTraceFiles

func GetSortedTraceFiles(dir string) ([]string, error)

GetSortedTraceFiles returns all trace files in the given directory approximately sorted by increasing start time.

func GetTriplesecMaybePrompt

func GetTriplesecMaybePrompt(m MetaContext) (tsec Triplesec, ppgen PassphraseGeneration, err error)

GetTriplesecMaybePrompt will try to get the user's current triplesec. It will either pluck it out of the environment or prompt the user for a passphrase if it can't be found. The secret store is of no use here, so skip it. Recall that the full passphrase stream isn't stored to the secret store, only the bits that encrypt local keys.

func GetUID

func GetUID(w *jsonw.Wrapper) (keybase1.UID, error)

func GetUIDVoid

func GetUIDVoid(w *jsonw.Wrapper, u *keybase1.UID, e *error)

func GiveMeAnS

func GiveMeAnS(i int) string

func HexDecodeQuoted

func HexDecodeQuoted(data []byte) ([]byte, error)

func ImportStatusAsError

func ImportStatusAsError(g *GlobalContext, s *keybase1.Status) error

func IsAppStatusCode

func IsAppStatusCode(err error, code keybase1.StatusCode) bool

func IsAppStatusErrorCode

func IsAppStatusErrorCode(err error, code keybase1.StatusCode) bool

func IsArmored

func IsArmored(buf []byte) bool

func IsDirEmpty

func IsDirEmpty(dir string) (bool, error)

IsDirEmpty returns whether directory has any files.

func IsEmpty

func IsEmpty(s string) bool

func IsExecError

func IsExecError(err error) bool

func IsIdentifyProofError

func IsIdentifyProofError(err error) bool

func IsIn

func IsIn(needle string, haystack []string, ci bool) bool

IsIn checks for needle in haystack, ci means case-insensitive.

func IsKeybaseAdmin

func IsKeybaseAdmin(uid keybase1.UID) bool

IsKeybaseAdmin returns true if uid is a keybase admin.

func IsMobilePlatform

func IsMobilePlatform() bool

func IsNo

func IsNo(s string) bool

func IsNoKeyError

func IsNoKeyError(err error) bool

func IsNoSpaceOnDeviceError

func IsNoSpaceOnDeviceError(err error) bool

IsNoSpaceOnDeviceError will return true if err is an `os` error for "no space left on device".

func IsNotFoundError

func IsNotFoundError(err error) bool

func IsPGP

func IsPGP(key GenericKey) bool

func IsPGPAlgo

func IsPGPAlgo(algo kbcrypto.AlgoType) bool

func IsResolutionError

func IsResolutionError(err error) bool

func IsSocialAssertion

func IsSocialAssertion(ctx AssertionContext, s string) bool

IsSocialAssertion returns true for strings that are valid social assertions. They do not need to be normalized, so user@twitter and twitter:user will work, as will USER@Twitter.

func IsSocketClosedError

func IsSocketClosedError(e error) bool

net.errClosing isn't exported, so do this.. UGLY!

func IsSystemAdminUser

func IsSystemAdminUser() (isAdminUser bool, match string, err error)

IsSystemAdminUser returns true if current user is root or admin (system user, not Keybase user). WARNING: You shouldn't rely on this for security purposes.

func IsValidHostname

func IsValidHostname(s string) bool

func IsYes

func IsYes(s string) bool

func JoinPredicate

func JoinPredicate(arr []string, delimeter string, f func(s string) bool) string

JoinPredicate joins strings with predicate

func KIDIsDeviceEncrypt

func KIDIsDeviceEncrypt(kid keybase1.KID) bool

func KIDIsDeviceVerify

func KIDIsDeviceVerify(kid keybase1.KID) bool


func KIDIsPGP(kid keybase1.KID) bool

func KbOpenSig

func KbOpenSig(armored string) ([]byte, error)

func KeyLookupByBoxPublicKey

func KeyLookupByBoxPublicKey(g *GlobalContext, k saltpack.BoxPublicKey) (username string, uid keybase1.UID, err error)

func KeyLookupKIDIncludingRevoked

func KeyLookupKIDIncludingRevoked(g *GlobalContext, k keybase1.KID) (username string, uid keybase1.UID, err error)

func KeyMatchesQuery

func KeyMatchesQuery(key GenericKey, q string, exact bool) bool

Any valid key matches the empty string.

func KeyProof

func KeyProof(m MetaContext, arg Delegator) (ret *jsonw.Wrapper, err error)

arg.Me user is used to get the last known seqno in ProofMetadata. If arg.Me == nil, set arg.Seqno.

func KeybaseEmailAddress

func KeybaseEmailAddress(s string) string

func LinkEntropy

func LinkEntropy() (string, error)

func LoadUnlockedDeviceKeys

func LoadUnlockedDeviceKeys(m MetaContext, uid keybase1.UID, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID, online bool) (uv keybase1.UserVersion, sib GenericKey, sub GenericKey, deviceName string, err error)

func LoadUserEmails

func LoadUserEmails(g *GlobalContext) (emails []keybase1.Email, err error)

LoadUserEmails returns emails for logged in user

func LoadUserPlusKeys

func LoadUserPlusKeys(ctx context.Context, g *GlobalContext, uid keybase1.UID, pollForKID keybase1.KID) (keybase1.UserPlusKeys, error)

LoadUserPlusKeys loads user and keys for the given UID. If `pollForKID` is provided, we'll request this user potentially twice: the first time can hit the cache for the UID, but will force a repoll unless the pollForKID is found for the user. If pollForKID is empty, then just access the cache as normal.

func LocalDataDir

func LocalDataDir() (string, error)

func LogTagsFromContext

func LogTagsFromContext(ctx context.Context) (map[interface{}]string, bool)

LogTagsFromContext is a wrapper around logger.LogTagsFromContext that simply casts the result to the type expected by rpc.Connection.

func LogTagsToString

func LogTagsToString(ctx context.Context) string

func LookupSaltForUID

func LookupSaltForUID(m MetaContext, uid keybase1.UID) (salt []byte, err error)

func MPackDecode

func MPackDecode(data []byte, res interface{}) error

func MPackEncode

func MPackEncode(input interface{}) ([]byte, error)

func MakeAndPostKeyPseudonyms

func MakeAndPostKeyPseudonyms(m MetaContext, pnymInfos *[]KeyPseudonymInfo) (err error)

MakeAndPostKeyPseudonyms fills the KeyPseudonym field of each of the pnymInfos with the appropriate KeyPseudonym.

func MakeByte24

func MakeByte24(a []byte) [24]byte

func MakeByte32

func MakeByte32(a []byte) [32]byte

func MakeByte32Soft

func MakeByte32Soft(a []byte) ([32]byte, error)

func MakeCPUProfileFilename

func MakeCPUProfileFilename(dir string, start time.Time, duration time.Duration) string

MakeCPUProfileFilename returns a filename to use for a CPU profile file in the given directory with the given start time and duration.

func MakeParentDirs

func MakeParentDirs(log SkinnyLogger, filename string) error

func MakeTraceFilename

func MakeTraceFilename(dir string, start time.Time, duration time.Duration) string

MakeTraceFilename returns a filename to use for a trace file in the given directory with the given start time and duration.

func MakeURI

func MakeURI(prot string, host string) string

MakeURI makes a URI string out of the given protocol and host strings, adding necessary punctuation in between.

func MakeWrapError

func MakeWrapError(g *GlobalContext) func(e error) interface{}

func MobilePermissionDeniedCheck

func MobilePermissionDeniedCheck(g *GlobalContext, err error, msg string)

MobilePermissionDeniedCheck panics if err is a permission denied error and if app is a mobile app. This has caused issues opening config.json and secretkeys files, where it seems to be stuck in a permission denied state and force-killing the app is the only option.

func MsgpackDecode

func MsgpackDecode(dst interface{}, src []byte) (err error)

func MsgpackDecodeAll

func MsgpackDecodeAll(data []byte, handle *codec.MsgpackHandle, out interface{}) error

Decode data into out, but make sure that all bytes in data are used.

func MsgpackEncode

func MsgpackEncode(src interface{}) (dst []byte, err error)

func NameCmp

func NameCmp(n1, n2 string) bool

NameCmp removes whitespace and underscores, compares tolower.

func NameTrim

func NameTrim(s string) string

func NewAPIEngines

Make a new InternalApiEngine and a new ExternalApiEngine, which share the same network config (i.e., TOR and Proxy parameters)

func NewChainLinkWrongSeqnoError

func NewChainLinkWrongSeqnoError(s string) error

func NewDeviceID

func NewDeviceID() (keybase1.DeviceID, error)

func NewFeatureFlagError

func NewFeatureFlagError(s string, f Feature) error

func NewHTTPSrv

func NewHTTPSrv(g *GlobalContext, listenerSource HTTPSrvListenerSource) *kbhttp.Srv

func NewLoginRequiredError

func NewLoginRequiredError(s string) error

func NewLoopbackConnPair

func NewLoopbackConnPair() (*LoopbackConn, *LoopbackConn)

NewLoopbackConnPair makes a new loopback connection pair

func NewNoTriplesecError

func NewNoTriplesecError() error

func NewPerUserKeyBox

func NewPerUserKeyBox(contents PerUserKeySeed, receiverKey NaclDHKeyPair, senderKey NaclDHKeyPair, generation keybase1.PerUserKeyGeneration) (keybase1.PerUserKeyBox, error)

func NewPortRangeListenerSource

func NewPortRangeListenerSource(low, high int) *kbhttp.PortRangeListenerSource

func NewRecipientNotFoundError

func NewRecipientNotFoundError(message string) error

func NewTeamFTLOutdatedError

func NewTeamFTLOutdatedError(s string) error

func NewTeamProvisionalError

func NewTeamProvisionalError(canKey bool, isPublic bool, dn string) error

func NewTransportFromSocket

func NewTransportFromSocket(g *GlobalContext, s net.Conn) rpc.Transporter
func NewTypedChainLink(cl *ChainLink) (ret TypedChainLink, w Warning)

func NoiseXOR

func NoiseXOR(secret [32]byte, noise NoiseBytes) ([]byte, error)

func NormalizeSocialAssertion

func NormalizeSocialAssertion(ctx AssertionContext, s string) (keybase1.SocialAssertion, bool)

NormalizeSocialAssertion creates a SocialAssertion from its input and normalizes it. The service name will be lowercased. If the service is case-insensitive, then the username will also be lowercased. Colon assertions (twitter:user) will be transformed to the user@twitter format.

func OpenSig

func OpenSig(armored string) (ret []byte, id keybase1.SigID, err error)

OpenSig takes an armored PGP or Keybase signature and opens the armor. It will return the body of the signature, the sigID of the body, or an error if it didn't work out.

func OpenTempFile

func OpenTempFile(prefix string, suffix string, mode os.FileMode) (string, *os.File, error)

OpenTempFile creates an opened termporary file. Use mode=0 for default permissions.

OpenTempFile("foo", ".zip", 0755) => "" OpenTempFile(path.Join(os.TempDir(), "foo"), "", 0) => "/tmp/foo.RCG2KUSCGYOO3PCKNWQHBOXBKACOPIKL"

func PGPEncrypt

func PGPEncrypt(source io.Reader, sink io.WriteCloser, signer *PGPKeyBundle, recipients []*PGPKeyBundle) error

func PGPEncryptString

func PGPEncryptString(input string, signer *PGPKeyBundle, recipients []*PGPKeyBundle) ([]byte, error)

func PGPKeyRawToArmored

func PGPKeyRawToArmored(raw []byte, priv bool) (ret string, err error)

func PGPLookup

func PGPLookup(g *GlobalContext, id uint64) (username string, uid keybase1.UID, err error)

func PGPLookupFingerprint

func PGPLookupFingerprint(g *GlobalContext, fp *PGPFingerprint) (username string, uid keybase1.UID, err error)

func PGPLookupHex

func PGPLookupHex(g *GlobalContext, hexID string) (username string, uid keybase1.UID, err error)

func ParseCA

func ParseCA(raw string) (*x509.CertPool, error)

func ParseGenericKey

func ParseGenericKey(bundle string) (GenericKey, *Warnings, error)

func ParseGpgIndexStream

func ParseGpgIndexStream(g *GlobalContext, stream io.Reader) (ki *GpgKeyIndex, w Warnings, err error)

func ParseImplicitTeamDisplayName

func ParseImplicitTeamDisplayName(ctx AssertionContext, s string, isPublic bool) (ret keybase1.ImplicitTeamDisplayName, err error)

Parse a name like "mlsteele,malgorithms@twitter#bot (conflicted copy 2017-03-04 #2)"

func ParseImplicitTeamDisplayNameSuffix

func ParseImplicitTeamDisplayNameSuffix(suffix string) (ret *keybase1.ImplicitTeamConflictInfo, err error)

func ParseImplicitTeamTLFName

func ParseImplicitTeamTLFName(ctx AssertionContext, s string) (keybase1.ImplicitTeamDisplayName, error)

Parse a name like "/keybase/private/mlsteele,malgorithms@twitter#bot (conflicted copy 2017-03-04 #2)"

func ParseStellarAccountID

func ParseStellarAccountID(idStr string) (stellar1.AccountID, error)

ParseStellarAccountID parses an account ID and returns it. Returns helpful error messages than can be shown to users.

func ParseStellarSecretKey

func ParseStellarSecretKey(secStr string) (stellar1.SecretKey, stellar1.AccountID, *keypair.Full, error)

ParseStellarSecretKey parses a secret key and returns it and the AccountID it is the master key of. Returns helpful error messages than can be shown to users.

func ParseTeamPrivateKBFSPath

func ParseTeamPrivateKBFSPath(s string) (ret keybase1.TeamName, err error)

Parse a name like "/keybase/team/happy.toucans"

func PassphraseLoginNoPrompt

func PassphraseLoginNoPrompt(m MetaContext, usernameOrEmail string, passphrase string) (err error)

func PassphraseLoginNoPromptThenSecretStore

func PassphraseLoginNoPromptThenSecretStore(m MetaContext, usernameOrEmail string, passphrase string, failOnStoreError bool) (err error)

func PassphraseLoginPrompt

func PassphraseLoginPrompt(m MetaContext, usernameOrEmail string, maxAttempts int) (err error)

func PassphraseLoginPromptThenSecretStore

func PassphraseLoginPromptThenSecretStore(m MetaContext, usernameOrEmail string, maxAttempts int, failOnStoreError bool) (err error)

func PerUserKeyProof

func PerUserKeyProof(m MetaContext,
	me *User,
	pukSigKID keybase1.KID,
	pukEncKID keybase1.KID,
	generation keybase1.PerUserKeyGeneration,
	signingKey GenericKey) (*jsonw.Wrapper, error)

PerUserKeyProof creates a proof introducing a new per-user-key generation. `signingKey` is the key signing in this new key. Not to be confused with the derived per-user-key signing key.

func PickFirstError

func PickFirstError(errors ...error) error

func PlatformSpecificUpgradeInstructions

func PlatformSpecificUpgradeInstructions(g *GlobalContext, upgradeURI string)

func PlatformSpecificUpgradeInstructionsString

func PlatformSpecificUpgradeInstructionsString() (string, error)

func Pluralize

func Pluralize(n int, singular string, plural string, nshow bool) string

Pluralize returns pluralized string with value. For example,

Pluralize(1, "zebra", "zebras", true) => "1 zebra"
Pluralize(2, "zebra", "zebras", true) => "2 zebras"
Pluralize(2, "zebra", "zebras", false) => "zebras"

func PosixLineEndings

func PosixLineEndings(arg string) string

func PostDeviceLKS

func PostDeviceLKS(m MetaContext, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID, deviceType string, serverHalf LKSecServerHalf,
	ppGen PassphraseGeneration,
	clientHalfRecovery string, clientHalfRecoveryKID keybase1.KID) error

func PostInviteRequest

func PostInviteRequest(m MetaContext, arg InviteRequestArg) (err error)

func ProofErrorIsPvlBad

func ProofErrorIsPvlBad(pe ProofError) bool

func ProofErrorIsSoft

func ProofErrorIsSoft(pe ProofError) bool

func ProofErrorToState

func ProofErrorToState(pe ProofError) keybase1.ProofState

func RandBytes

func RandBytes(length int) ([]byte, error)

func RandBytesWithSuffix

func RandBytesWithSuffix(length int, suffix byte) ([]byte, error)

func RandHexString

func RandHexString(prefix string, numbytes int) (string, error)

func RandInt

func RandInt() (int, error)

func RandInt64

func RandInt64() (int64, error)

func RandIntn

func RandIntn(n int) int

func RandString

func RandString(prefix string, numbytes int) (string, error)

RandString returns random (base32) string with prefix.

func RandStringB64

func RandStringB64(numTriads int) string

func RandomHmacKey

func RandomHmacKey() [32]byte

func RandomNaclDHNonce

func RandomNaclDHNonce() (nonce [NaclDHNonceSize]byte, err error)

func ReadOneKeyFromBytes

func ReadOneKeyFromBytes(b []byte) (*PGPKeyBundle, *Warnings, error)

func ReadOneKeyFromString

func ReadOneKeyFromString(originalArmor string) (*PGPKeyBundle, *Warnings, error)

note: openpgp.ReadArmoredKeyRing only returns the first block. It will never return multiple entities.

func ReadOneKeyFromStringLiberal

func ReadOneKeyFromStringLiberal(originalArmor string) (*PGPKeyBundle, *Warnings, error)

note: openpgp.ReadArmoredKeyRing only returns the first block. It will never return multiple entities.

func ReadPrivateKeyFromString

func ReadPrivateKeyFromString(s string) (*PGPKeyBundle, *Warnings, error)

ReadPrivateKeyFromString finds the first private key block in s and decodes it into a PGPKeyBundle. It is useful in the case where s contains multiple key blocks and you want the private key block. For example, the result of gpg export.

func RemoteSettingsRepairman

func RemoteSettingsRepairman(g *GlobalContext) error

func RemoveLocalTracks

func RemoveLocalTracks(m MetaContext, tracker keybase1.UID, trackee keybase1.UID) error

func RemoveNilErrors

func RemoveNilErrors(errs []error) []error

RemoveNilErrors returns error slice with ni errors removed.

func RequestDowngradeLeaseByKID

func RequestDowngradeLeaseByKID(ctx context.Context, g *GlobalContext, kids []keybase1.KID) (lease *Lease, mr *MerkleRoot, err error)

func RequestDowngradeLeaseBySigIDs

func RequestDowngradeLeaseBySigIDs(ctx context.Context, g *GlobalContext, sigIDs []keybase1.SigID) (lease *Lease, mr *MerkleRoot, err error)

func RequestDowngradeLeaseByTeam

func RequestDowngradeLeaseByTeam(ctx context.Context, g *GlobalContext, teamID keybase1.TeamID, uids []keybase1.UID) (lease *Lease, mr *MerkleRoot, err error)

func ResetAccount

func ResetAccount(m MetaContext, username NormalizedUsername, passphrase string) (err error)

func RunBug3964Repairman

func RunBug3964Repairman(m MetaContext) error

func RunSyncer

func RunSyncer(m MetaContext, s Syncer, uid keybase1.UID, loggedIn bool, forceReload bool) (err error)

func RunSyncerCached

func RunSyncerCached(m MetaContext, s Syncer, uid keybase1.UID) (err error)

func SafeWriteToFile

func SafeWriteToFile(g SafeWriteLogger, t SafeWriter, mode os.FileMode) error

SafeWriteToFile is a pass-through to safeWriteToFileOnce on non-Windows.

func SaferDLLLoading

func SaferDLLLoading() error

SaferDLLLoading dummy for platforms not needing this.

func SaltpackDecrypt

func SaltpackDecrypt(m MetaContext, source io.Reader, sink io.WriteCloser,
	decryptionKeyring saltpack.SigncryptKeyring,
	checkSenderMki func(*saltpack.MessageKeyInfo) error,
	checkSenderSigningKey func(saltpack.SigningPublicKey) error,
	keyResolver saltpack.SymmetricKeyResolver) (*saltpack.MessageKeyInfo, error)

func SaltpackEncrypt

func SaltpackEncrypt(m MetaContext, arg *SaltpackEncryptArg) error

SaltpackEncrypt reads from the given source, encrypts it for the given receivers from the given sender, and writes it to sink. If Binary is false, the data written to sink will be armored.

func SaltpackSign

func SaltpackSign(g *GlobalContext, source io.ReadCloser, sink io.WriteCloser, key NaclSigningKeyPair, binary bool, saltpackVersion saltpack.Version) error

func SaltpackSignDetached

func SaltpackSignDetached(g *GlobalContext, source io.ReadCloser, sink io.WriteCloser, key NaclSigningKeyPair, binary bool, saltpackVersion saltpack.Version) error

func SaltpackVerify

func SaltpackVerify(g SaltpackVerifyContext, source io.Reader, sink io.WriteCloser, checkSender func(saltpack.SigningPublicKey) error) error

func SaltpackVerifyDetached

func SaltpackVerifyDetached(g SaltpackVerifyContext, message io.Reader, signature []byte, checkSender func(saltpack.SigningPublicKey) error) error

func SaltpackVersionFromArg

func SaltpackVersionFromArg(saltpackVersionArg int) (saltpack.Version, error)

func SecWordList

func SecWordList(entropy int) ([]string, error)

SecWordList returns an array of words from secwords. It returns enough words to satisfy the desired entropy.

func SecureByteArrayEq

func SecureByteArrayEq(a, b []byte) bool

func SetDeviceCloneState

func SetDeviceCloneState(m MetaContext, d DeviceCloneState) error

func ShortCA

func ShortCA(raw string) string

func ShredFile

func ShredFile(filename string) error

func SigAssertKbPayload

func SigAssertKbPayload(armored string, expected []byte) (sigID keybase1.SigID, err error)

func SigAssertPGPPayload

func SigAssertPGPPayload(armored string, expected []byte) (sigID keybase1.SigID, err error)

func SigAssertPayload

func SigAssertPayload(armored string, expected []byte) (sigID keybase1.SigID, err error)

func SigExtractKbPayloadAndKID

func SigExtractKbPayloadAndKID(armored string) (payload []byte, kid keybase1.KID, sigID keybase1.SigID, err error)

func SigExtractPGPPayload

func SigExtractPGPPayload(armored string) (payload []byte, sigID keybase1.SigID, err error)

func SigExtractPayloadAndKID

func SigExtractPayloadAndKID(armored string) (payload []byte, kid keybase1.KID, sigID keybase1.SigID, err error)

SigExtractPayloadAndKID extracts the payload and KID of the key that was supposedly used to sign this message. A KID will only be returned for KB messages, and not for PGP messages

func SigningPublicKeyToKeybaseKID

func SigningPublicKeyToKeybaseKID(k saltpack.SigningPublicKey) (ret keybase1.KID)

func SimpleSign

func SimpleSign(payload []byte, key PGPKeyBundle) (out string, id keybase1.SigID, err error)

SimpleSign signs the given data stream, outputs an armored string which is the attached signature of the input data

func SleepUntilWithContext

func SleepUntilWithContext(ctx context.Context, clock clockwork.Clock, deadline time.Time) error

Sleep until `deadline` or until `ctx` is canceled, whichever occurs first. Returns an error BUT the error is not really an error. It is nil if the sleep finished, and the non-nil result of Context.Err()

func SplitByRunes

func SplitByRunes(s string, separators []rune) []string

SplitByRunes splits string by runes

func SplitHost

func SplitHost(joined string) (host string, port int, err error)

func SplitPath

func SplitPath(s string) []string

SplitPath return string split by path separator: SplitPath("/a/b/c") => []string{"a", "b", "c"}

func StatSKBKeyringMTime

func StatSKBKeyringMTime(un NormalizedUsername, g *GlobalContext) (mtime time.Time, err error)

func StellarProof

func StellarProof(m MetaContext, me *User, walletAddress stellar1.AccountID,
	signingKey GenericKey) (*jsonw.Wrapper, error)

StellarProof creates a proof of a stellar wallet.

func StellarSimplifyAmount

func StellarSimplifyAmount(amount string) string

SimplifyAmount Amount must be a decimal amount like "1.0" or "50" Strip trailing zeros after a "." Example: "1.0010000" -> "1.001" Example: "1.0000000" -> "1"

func StoreLocalTrack

func StoreLocalTrack(m MetaContext, tracker keybase1.UID, trackee keybase1.UID, expiringLocal bool, statement *jsonw.Wrapper) error

func StoreSecretAfterLogin

func StoreSecretAfterLogin(m MetaContext, n NormalizedUsername, uid keybase1.UID, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID) (err error)

func StoreSecretAfterLoginWithLKS

func StoreSecretAfterLoginWithLKS(m MetaContext, n NormalizedUsername, lks *LKSec) (err error)

func StretchPassphrase

func StretchPassphrase(g *GlobalContext, passphrase string, salt []byte) (tsec Triplesec, pps *PassphraseStream, err error)

func Tablify

func Tablify(writer io.Writer, headings []string, rowfunc func() []string)

func TablifyWithTabWriter

func TablifyWithTabWriter(w *tabwriter.Writer, headings []string, rowfunc func() []string)

func TempFile

func TempFile(prefix string) (string, error)

TempFile returns a random path name in os.TempDir()

func TempFileName

func TempFileName(prefix string) (tmp string, err error)

TempFileName returns a temporary random filename

func TimeLog

func TimeLog(name string, start time.Time, out func(string, ...interface{}))

TimeLog calls out with the time since start. Use like this:

defer TimeLog("MyFunc", time.Now(), e.G().Log.Warning)

func TorParseProxy

func TorParseProxy(s string) (*url.URL, error)

func Trace

func Trace(log logger.Logger, msg string, f func() error) func()

func TraceOK

func TraceOK(log logger.Logger, msg string, f func() bool) func()

func TraceTimed

func TraceTimed(log logger.Logger, msg string, f func() error) func()

func TrimCicmp

func TrimCicmp(s1, s2 string) bool

func UIDFromHex

func UIDFromHex(s string) (keybase1.UID, error)

func UIDWrapper

func UIDWrapper(uid keybase1.UID) *jsonw.Wrapper

func UidsToString

func UidsToString(uids []keybase1.UID) string

func Uniquify

func Uniquify(inp []string) []string

func UnixToTimeMappingZero

func UnixToTimeMappingZero(unixTime int64) time.Time

The standard time.Unix() converter interprets 0 as the Unix epoch (1970). But in PGP, an expiry time of zero indicates that a key never expires, and it would be nice to be able to check for that case with Time.IsZero(). This conversion special-cases 0 to be time.Time's zero-value (1 AD), so that we get that nice property.

func Unquote

func Unquote(data []byte) string

func UnverifiedPassphraseStream

func UnverifiedPassphraseStream(m MetaContext, uid keybase1.UID, passphrase string) (tsec Triplesec, ret *PassphraseStream, err error)

UnverifiedPassphraseStream takes a passphrase as a parameter and also the salt from the Account and computes a Triplesec and a passphrase stream. It's not verified through a Login.

func UpdateDeviceCloneState

func UpdateDeviceCloneState(m MetaContext) (before int, after int, err error)

func UseCITime

func UseCITime(g *GlobalContext) bool

func UserErrorFromStatus

func UserErrorFromStatus(s keybase1.StatusCode) error

func UsernameToUID

func UsernameToUID(s string) keybase1.UID

UsernameToUID works for users created after "Fri Feb 6 19:33:08 EST 2015", with some exceptions, since we didn't ToLower() for all UIDs

func UsernameToUIDPreserveCase

func UsernameToUIDPreserveCase(s string) keybase1.UID

UsernameToUID works for users created after "Fri Feb 6 19:33:08 EST 2015". Some of them had buggy Username -> UID conversions, in which case we need to hash the original case to recover their UID.

func VerifyMerkleRootAndKBFS

func VerifyMerkleRootAndKBFS(m MetaContext, arg keybase1.VerifyMerkleRootAndKBFSArg) (err error)

func VerifyReverseSig

func VerifyReverseSig(g *GlobalContext, key GenericKey, path string, payload *jsonw.Wrapper, reverseSig string) (err error)

VerifyReverseSig checks reverse signature using the key provided. does not modify `payload`. `path` is the path to the reverse sig spot to null before checking.

func VersionMessage

func VersionMessage(linefn func(string))

func VersionString

func VersionString() string

VersionString returns semantic version string

func WhitespaceNormalize

func WhitespaceNormalize(s string) string

func WithLogTag

func WithLogTag(ctx context.Context, k string) context.Context

func WithLogTagWithValue

func WithLogTagWithValue(ctx context.Context, k, v string) context.Context

func WrapError

func WrapError(e error) interface{}

func XORBytes

func XORBytes(dst, a, b []byte) int


type API

type API interface {
	Get(APIArg) (*APIRes, error)
	GetDecode(APIArg, APIResponseWrapper) error
	GetResp(APIArg) (*http.Response, func(), error)
	Post(APIArg) (*APIRes, error)
	PostJSON(APIArg) (*APIRes, error)
	PostDecode(APIArg, APIResponseWrapper) error
	PostRaw(APIArg, string, io.Reader) (*APIRes, error)
	Delete(APIArg) (*APIRes, error)

type APIArg

type APIArg struct {
	Endpoint string

	Args            HTTPArgs
	JSONPayload     JSONPayload
	SessionType     APISessionType
	HTTPStatus      []int
	AppStatusCodes  []int
	InitialTimeout  time.Duration // optional
	RetryMultiplier float64       // optional
	RetryCount      int           // optional
	NetContext      context.Context
	MetaContext     MetaContext
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewAPIArg

func NewAPIArg(endpoint string) APIArg

NewAPIArg creates a standard APIArg that will result in one API request with the default timeout.

func NewAPIArgWithMetaContext

func NewAPIArgWithMetaContext(m MetaContext, endpoint string) APIArg

func NewAPIArgWithNetContext

func NewAPIArgWithNetContext(ctx context.Context, endpoint string) APIArg

func NewRetryAPIArg

func NewRetryAPIArg(endpoint string) APIArg

NewRetryAPIArg creates an APIArg that will cause the http client to use a much smaller request timeout, but retry the request several times, backing off on the timeout each time.

func (APIArg) GetMetaContext

func (a APIArg) GetMetaContext(g *GlobalContext) MetaContext

type APIContext

type APIContext interface {
	GetExternalAPI() ExternalAPI
	GetServerURI() string

APIContext defines methods for accessing API server

type APIError

type APIError struct {
	Msg  string
	Code int

func NewAPIErrorFromHTTPResponse

func NewAPIErrorFromHTTPResponse(r *http.Response) *APIError

func (*APIError) Error

func (a *APIError) Error() string

func (*APIError) ToStatus

func (a *APIError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type APINetError

type APINetError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (APINetError) Error

func (e APINetError) Error() string

func (APINetError) ToStatus

func (e APINetError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type APIRes

type APIRes struct {
	Status     *jsonw.Wrapper
	Body       *jsonw.Wrapper
	HTTPStatus int
	AppStatus  *AppStatus

type APIResponseWrapper

type APIResponseWrapper interface {
	GetAppStatus() *AppStatus

type APISessionType

type APISessionType int
const (
	APISessionTypeNONE     APISessionType = 0
	APISessionTypeOPTIONAL APISessionType = 1
	APISessionTypeREQUIRED APISessionType = 2

type APIStatus

type APIStatus struct {
	Code int    `json:"code"`
	Name string `json:"name"`

type APITokener

type APITokener interface {
	Tokens() (session, csrf string)

type AccountResetError

type AccountResetError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AccountResetError) Error

func (e AccountResetError) Error() string

func (AccountResetError) ToStatus

func (e AccountResetError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type ActiveDevice

type ActiveDevice struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func LoadProvisionalActiveDevice

func LoadProvisionalActiveDevice(m MetaContext, uid keybase1.UID, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID, online bool) (ret *ActiveDevice, err error)

func NewActiveDevice

func NewActiveDevice() *ActiveDevice

func NewActiveDeviceWithDeviceWithKeys

func NewActiveDeviceWithDeviceWithKeys(m MetaContext, uv keybase1.UserVersion, d *DeviceWithKeys) *ActiveDevice

func NewProvisionalActiveDevice

func NewProvisionalActiveDevice(m MetaContext, uv keybase1.UserVersion, d keybase1.DeviceID, sigKey GenericKey, encKey GenericKey, deviceName string) *ActiveDevice

NewProvisionalActiveDevice creates an ActiveDevice that is "provisional", in that it should not be considered the global ActiveDevice. Instead, it should reside in thread-local context, and can be weaved through the login machinery without trampling the actual global ActiveDevice.

func NewProvisioningKeyActiveDevice

func NewProvisioningKeyActiveDevice(m MetaContext, uv keybase1.UserVersion, d *DeviceWithKeys) *ActiveDevice

func (*ActiveDevice) AllFields

func (a *ActiveDevice) AllFields() (uv keybase1.UserVersion, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID, deviceName string, sigKey GenericKey, encKey GenericKey)

AllFields returns all the ActiveDevice fields via one lock for consistency. Safe for use by concurrent goroutines.

func (*ActiveDevice) CachePassphraseStream

func (a *ActiveDevice) CachePassphraseStream(c *PassphraseStreamCache)

func (*ActiveDevice) CacheProvisioningKey

func (a *ActiveDevice) CacheProvisioningKey(m MetaContext, k *DeviceWithKeys)

func (*ActiveDevice) CheckForUsername

func (a *ActiveDevice) CheckForUsername(m MetaContext, n NormalizedUsername) (err error)

func (*ActiveDevice) Clear

func (a *ActiveDevice) Clear() error

func (*ActiveDevice) ClearCaches

func (a *ActiveDevice) ClearCaches()

func (*ActiveDevice) ClearPassphraseStreamCache

func (a *ActiveDevice) ClearPassphraseStreamCache()

func (*ActiveDevice) ClearProvisioningKey

func (a *ActiveDevice) ClearProvisioningKey(m MetaContext)

func (*ActiveDevice) Copy

func (a *ActiveDevice) Copy(m MetaContext, src *ActiveDevice) error

Copy ActiveDevice info from the given ActiveDevice.

func (*ActiveDevice) CopyCacheToLoginContextIfForUserVersion

func (a *ActiveDevice) CopyCacheToLoginContextIfForUserVersion(m MetaContext, lc LoginContext, uv keybase1.UserVersion) (err error)

func (*ActiveDevice) DeviceID

func (a *ActiveDevice) DeviceID() keybase1.DeviceID

DeviceID returns the device ID that was provided when the device keys were cached. Safe for use by concurrent goroutines.

func (*ActiveDevice) Dump

func (a *ActiveDevice) Dump(m MetaContext, prefix string)

func (*ActiveDevice) EncryptionKey

func (a *ActiveDevice) EncryptionKey() (GenericKey, error)

EncryptionKey returns the encryption key for the active device. Safe for use by concurrent goroutines.

func (*ActiveDevice) GetUsernameAndUserVersionIfValid

func (a *ActiveDevice) GetUsernameAndUserVersionIfValid(m MetaContext) (uv keybase1.UserVersion, un NormalizedUsername)

func (*ActiveDevice) HaveKeys

func (a *ActiveDevice) HaveKeys() bool

func (*ActiveDevice) IsValidFor

func (a *ActiveDevice) IsValidFor(uid keybase1.UID, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID) bool

func (*ActiveDevice) KeyByType

func (a *ActiveDevice) KeyByType(t SecretKeyType) (GenericKey, error)

KeyByType returns a cached key based on SecretKeyType. Safe for use by concurrent goroutines.

func (*ActiveDevice) Keyring

func (a *ActiveDevice) Keyring(m MetaContext) (ret *SKBKeyringFile, err error)

func (*ActiveDevice) NIST

func (a *ActiveDevice) NIST(ctx context.Context) (*NIST, error)

func (*ActiveDevice) NISTAndUID

func (a *ActiveDevice) NISTAndUID(ctx context.Context) (*NIST, keybase1.UID, error)

func (*ActiveDevice) NaclEncryptionKey

func (a *ActiveDevice) NaclEncryptionKey() (*NaclDHKeyPair, error)

NaclEncryptionKey returns the encryption key for the active device, as a NaclDHKeyPair. If the cast fails (though that should never happen), it returns an error.

func (*ActiveDevice) Name

func (a *ActiveDevice) Name() string

func (*ActiveDevice) PassphraseStream

func (a *ActiveDevice) PassphraseStream() *PassphraseStream

func (*ActiveDevice) PassphraseStreamCache

func (a *ActiveDevice) PassphraseStreamCache() *PassphraseStreamCache

func (*ActiveDevice) ProvisioningKey

func (a *ActiveDevice) ProvisioningKey(m MetaContext) *DeviceWithKeys

func (*ActiveDevice) ProvisioningKeyWrapper

func (a *ActiveDevice) ProvisioningKeyWrapper(m MetaContext) *SelfDestructingDeviceWithKeys

func (*ActiveDevice) SecretPromptCancelTimer

func (a *ActiveDevice) SecretPromptCancelTimer() *CancelTimer

func (*ActiveDevice) Set

func (a *ActiveDevice) Set(m MetaContext, uv keybase1.UserVersion, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID, sigKey, encKey GenericKey, deviceName string) error

Set acquires the write lock and sets all the fields in ActiveDevice. The acct parameter is not used for anything except to help ensure that this is called from inside a LogingState account request.

func (*ActiveDevice) SetOrClear

func (a *ActiveDevice) SetOrClear(m MetaContext, a2 *ActiveDevice) error

func (*ActiveDevice) SigningKey

func (a *ActiveDevice) SigningKey() (GenericKey, error)

SigningKey returns the signing key for the active device. Safe for use by concurrent goroutines.

func (*ActiveDevice) SigningKeyForUID

func (a *ActiveDevice) SigningKeyForUID(u keybase1.UID) GenericKey

func (*ActiveDevice) SyncSecrets

func (a *ActiveDevice) SyncSecrets(m MetaContext) (ret *SecretSyncer, err error)

func (*ActiveDevice) SyncSecretsForUID

func (a *ActiveDevice) SyncSecretsForUID(m MetaContext, u keybase1.UID, force bool) (ret *SecretSyncer, err error)

func (*ActiveDevice) SyncSecretsForce

func (a *ActiveDevice) SyncSecretsForce(m MetaContext) (ret *SecretSyncer, err error)

func (*ActiveDevice) TriplesecAndGeneration

func (a *ActiveDevice) TriplesecAndGeneration() (Triplesec, PassphraseGeneration)

func (*ActiveDevice) UID

func (a *ActiveDevice) UID() keybase1.UID

UID returns the user ID that was provided when the device keys were cached. Safe for use by concurrent goroutines.

func (*ActiveDevice) UserVersion

func (a *ActiveDevice) UserVersion() keybase1.UserVersion

func (*ActiveDevice) Username

Username tries to get the active user's username by looking into the current environment and mapping an UID to a username based on our config file. It won't work halfway through a provisioning.

func (*ActiveDevice) Valid

func (a *ActiveDevice) Valid() bool

type AggSigProducer

type AggSigProducer func() (JSONPayload, error)

DelegatorAggregator manages delegating multiple keys in one post to the server When run produces a map which goes into the 'key/multi' 'sigs' list.

type AlreadyRegisteredError

type AlreadyRegisteredError struct {
	UID keybase1.UID

func (AlreadyRegisteredError) Error

func (u AlreadyRegisteredError) Error() string

type AppConfig

type AppConfig struct {
	HomeDir                        string
	MobileSharedHomeDir            string
	LogFile                        string
	RunMode                        RunMode
	Debug                          bool
	LocalRPCDebug                  string
	ServerURI                      string
	VDebugSetting                  string
	SecurityAccessGroupOverride    bool
	ChatInboxSourceLocalizeThreads int
	MobileExtension                bool
	AttachmentHTTPStartPort        int
	AttachmentDisableMulti         bool
	LinkCacheSize                  int
	UPAKCacheSize                  int
	PayloadCacheSize               int
	ProofCacheSize                 int

func (AppConfig) GetAppType

func (c AppConfig) GetAppType() AppType

func (AppConfig) GetAttachmentDisableMulti

func (c AppConfig) GetAttachmentDisableMulti() (bool, bool)

func (AppConfig) GetAttachmentHTTPStartPort

func (c AppConfig) GetAttachmentHTTPStartPort() (int, bool)

func (AppConfig) GetChatInboxSourceLocalizeThreads

func (c AppConfig) GetChatInboxSourceLocalizeThreads() (int, bool)

func (AppConfig) GetDebug

func (c AppConfig) GetDebug() (bool, bool)

func (AppConfig) GetHome

func (c AppConfig) GetHome() string

func (AppConfig) GetLevelDBNumFiles

func (c AppConfig) GetLevelDBNumFiles() (int, bool)

Default is 500, compacted size of each file is 2MB, so turning this down on mobile to reduce mem usage.

func (AppConfig) GetLinkCacheSize

func (c AppConfig) GetLinkCacheSize() (int, bool)

func (AppConfig) GetLocalRPCDebug

func (c AppConfig) GetLocalRPCDebug() string

func (AppConfig) GetLogFile

func (c AppConfig) GetLogFile() string

func (AppConfig) GetMobileSharedHome

func (c AppConfig) GetMobileSharedHome() string

func (AppConfig) GetPayloadCacheSize

func (c AppConfig) GetPayloadCacheSize() (int, bool)

func (AppConfig) GetProofCacheSize

func (c AppConfig) GetProofCacheSize() (int, bool)

func (AppConfig) GetRunMode

func (c AppConfig) GetRunMode() (RunMode, error)

func (AppConfig) GetSecurityAccessGroupOverride

func (c AppConfig) GetSecurityAccessGroupOverride() (bool, bool)

func (AppConfig) GetServerURI

func (c AppConfig) GetServerURI() string

func (AppConfig) GetSlowGregorConn

func (c AppConfig) GetSlowGregorConn() (bool, bool)

func (AppConfig) GetUPAKCacheSize

func (c AppConfig) GetUPAKCacheSize() (int, bool)

func (AppConfig) GetVDebugSetting

func (c AppConfig) GetVDebugSetting() string

func (AppConfig) IsMobileExtension

func (c AppConfig) IsMobileExtension() (bool, bool)

type AppState

type AppState struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AppState tracks the state of foreground/background status of the app in which the service is running in.

func NewAppState

func NewAppState(g *GlobalContext) *AppState

NewAppState returns a new AppState

func (*AppState) NextUpdate

func (a *AppState) NextUpdate(lastState *keybase1.AppState) chan keybase1.AppState

NextUpdate returns a channel that triggers when the app state changes

func (*AppState) State

func (a *AppState) State() keybase1.AppState

State returns the current app state

func (*AppState) Update

func (a *AppState) Update(state keybase1.AppState)

Update updates the current app state, and notifies any waiting calls from NextUpdate

type AppStatus

type AppStatus struct {
	Code   int               `json:"code"`
	Name   string            `json:"name"`
	Desc   string            `json:"desc"`
	Fields map[string]string `json:"fields"`

type AppStatusEmbed

type AppStatusEmbed struct {
	Status AppStatus `json:"status"`

func (*AppStatusEmbed) GetAppStatus

func (s *AppStatusEmbed) GetAppStatus() *AppStatus

type AppStatusError

type AppStatusError struct {
	Code   int
	Name   string
	Desc   string
	Fields map[string]string

func NewAppStatusError

func NewAppStatusError(ast *AppStatus) AppStatusError

func (AppStatusError) Error

func (a AppStatusError) Error() string

func (AppStatusError) IsBadField

func (a AppStatusError) IsBadField(s string) bool

func (AppStatusError) ToStatus

func (a AppStatusError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type AppType

type AppType string
const (
	MobileAppType  AppType = "mobile"
	DesktopAppType AppType = "desktop"
	NoAppType      AppType = ""

func StringToAppType

func StringToAppType(s string) AppType

type ApplyFn

type ApplyFn func(i ConnectionID, xp rpc.Transporter) bool

ApplyFn can be applied to every connection. It is called with the RPC transporter, and also the connectionID. It should return a bool true to keep going and false to stop.

type AssertionAnd

type AssertionAnd struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewAssertionAnd

func NewAssertionAnd(left, right AssertionExpression) AssertionAnd

func (AssertionAnd) CollectUrls

func (a AssertionAnd) CollectUrls(v []AssertionURL) []AssertionURL

func (AssertionAnd) HasFactor

func (a AssertionAnd) HasFactor(pf Proof) bool

func (AssertionAnd) HasOr

func (a AssertionAnd) HasOr() bool

func (AssertionAnd) Len

func (a AssertionAnd) Len() int

func (AssertionAnd) MatchSet

func (a AssertionAnd) MatchSet(ps ProofSet) bool

func (AssertionAnd) NeedsParens

func (a AssertionAnd) NeedsParens() bool

func (AssertionAnd) String

func (a AssertionAnd) String() string

func (AssertionAnd) ToSocialAssertion

func (a AssertionAnd) ToSocialAssertion() (sa keybase1.SocialAssertion, err error)

type AssertionContext

type AssertionContext interface {
	NormalizeSocialName(service string, username string) (string, error)

type AssertionDNS

type AssertionDNS struct{ AssertionURLBase }

func (AssertionDNS) CheckAndNormalize

func (a AssertionDNS) CheckAndNormalize(_ AssertionContext) (AssertionURL, error)

func (AssertionDNS) CollectUrls

func (a AssertionDNS) CollectUrls(v []AssertionURL) []AssertionURL

func (AssertionDNS) IsRemote

func (a AssertionDNS) IsRemote() bool

func (AssertionDNS) MatchSet

func (a AssertionDNS) MatchSet(ps ProofSet) bool

func (AssertionDNS) ToLookup

func (a AssertionDNS) ToLookup() (key, value string, err error)

func (AssertionDNS) ToSocialAssertion

func (a AssertionDNS) ToSocialAssertion() (sa keybase1.SocialAssertion, err error)

type AssertionExpression

type AssertionExpression interface {
	String() string
	MatchSet(ps ProofSet) bool
	HasOr() bool
	NeedsParens() bool
	CollectUrls([]AssertionURL) []AssertionURL
	ToSocialAssertion() (keybase1.SocialAssertion, error)

func AssertionParse

func AssertionParse(ctx AssertionContext, s string) (AssertionExpression, error)

func AssertionParseAndOnly

func AssertionParseAndOnly(ctx AssertionContext, s string) (AssertionExpression, error)

func ParseAssertionList

func ParseAssertionList(ctx AssertionContext, assertionsStr string) (res []AssertionExpression, err error)

Parse a string into one or more assertions. Only AND assertions are allowed within each part. like "alice,bob&&bob@twitter"

func ParseAssertionsWithReaders

func ParseAssertionsWithReaders(ctx AssertionContext, assertions string) (writers, readers []AssertionExpression, err error)

Parse an assertion list like "alice,bob&&bob@twitter#char" OR nodes are not allowed (asides from the commas)

type AssertionFingerprint

type AssertionFingerprint struct{ AssertionURLBase }

func (AssertionFingerprint) CheckAndNormalize

func (a AssertionFingerprint) CheckAndNormalize(_ AssertionContext) (AssertionURL, error)

func (AssertionFingerprint) CollectUrls

func (a AssertionFingerprint) CollectUrls(v []AssertionURL) []AssertionURL

func (AssertionFingerprint) IsFingerprint

func (a AssertionFingerprint) IsFingerprint() bool

func (AssertionFingerprint) MatchProof

func (a AssertionFingerprint) MatchProof(proof Proof) bool

Fingerprint matching is on the suffixes. If the assertion matches any suffix of the proof, then we're OK

func (AssertionFingerprint) MatchSet

func (a AssertionFingerprint) MatchSet(ps ProofSet) bool

func (AssertionFingerprint) ToLookup

func (a AssertionFingerprint) ToLookup() (key, value string, err error)

func (AssertionFingerprint) ToSocialAssertion

func (a AssertionFingerprint) ToSocialAssertion() (sa keybase1.SocialAssertion, err error)

type AssertionHTTP

type AssertionHTTP struct{ AssertionURLBase }

func (AssertionHTTP) CheckAndNormalize

func (a AssertionHTTP) CheckAndNormalize(_ AssertionContext) (AssertionURL, error)

func (AssertionHTTP) CollectUrls

func (a AssertionHTTP) CollectUrls(v []AssertionURL) []AssertionURL

func (AssertionHTTP) IsRemote

func (a AssertionHTTP) IsRemote() bool

func (AssertionHTTP) Keys

func (a AssertionHTTP) Keys() []string

func (AssertionHTTP) MatchSet

func (a AssertionHTTP) MatchSet(ps ProofSet) bool

func (AssertionHTTP) ToLookup

func (a AssertionHTTP) ToLookup() (key, value string, err error)

func (AssertionHTTP) ToSocialAssertion

func (a AssertionHTTP) ToSocialAssertion() (sa keybase1.SocialAssertion, err error)

type AssertionHTTPS

type AssertionHTTPS struct{ AssertionURLBase }

func (AssertionHTTPS) CheckAndNormalize

func (a AssertionHTTPS) CheckAndNormalize(_ AssertionContext) (AssertionURL, error)

func (AssertionHTTPS) CollectUrls

func (a AssertionHTTPS) CollectUrls(v []AssertionURL) []AssertionURL

func (AssertionHTTPS) IsRemote

func (a AssertionHTTPS) IsRemote() bool

func (AssertionHTTPS) MatchSet

func (a AssertionHTTPS) MatchSet(ps ProofSet) bool

func (AssertionHTTPS) ToLookup

func (a AssertionHTTPS) ToLookup() (key, value string, err error)

func (AssertionHTTPS) ToSocialAssertion

func (a AssertionHTTPS) ToSocialAssertion() (sa keybase1.SocialAssertion, err error)

type AssertionKeybase

type AssertionKeybase struct{ AssertionURLBase }

func NewAssertionKeybaseUsername

func NewAssertionKeybaseUsername(username string) AssertionKeybase

func (AssertionKeybase) CheckAndNormalize

func (a AssertionKeybase) CheckAndNormalize(_ AssertionContext) (AssertionURL, error)

func (AssertionKeybase) CollectUrls

func (a AssertionKeybase) CollectUrls(v []AssertionURL) []AssertionURL

func (AssertionKeybase) IsKeybase

func (a AssertionKeybase) IsKeybase() bool

func (AssertionKeybase) MatchSet

func (a AssertionKeybase) MatchSet(ps ProofSet) bool

func (AssertionKeybase) String

func (a AssertionKeybase) String() string

func (AssertionKeybase) ToLookup

func (a AssertionKeybase) ToLookup() (key, value string, err error)

func (AssertionKeybase) ToSocialAssertion

func (a AssertionKeybase) ToSocialAssertion() (sa keybase1.SocialAssertion, err error)

type AssertionOr

type AssertionOr struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewAssertionOr

func NewAssertionOr(left, right AssertionExpression, symbol string) AssertionOr

func (AssertionOr) CollectUrls

func (a AssertionOr) CollectUrls(v []AssertionURL) []AssertionURL

func (AssertionOr) HasOr

func (a AssertionOr) HasOr() bool

func (AssertionOr) MatchSet

func (a AssertionOr) MatchSet(ps ProofSet) bool

func (AssertionOr) NeedsParens

func (a AssertionOr) NeedsParens() bool

func (AssertionOr) String

func (a AssertionOr) String() string

func (AssertionOr) ToSocialAssertion

func (a AssertionOr) ToSocialAssertion() (sa keybase1.SocialAssertion, err error)

type AssertionParseError

type AssertionParseError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewAssertionParseError

func NewAssertionParseError(s string, a ...interface{}) AssertionParseError

func NewNeedInputError

func NewNeedInputError(s string, a ...interface{}) AssertionParseError

func (AssertionParseError) Error

func (e AssertionParseError) Error() string

type AssertionSocial

type AssertionSocial struct{ AssertionURLBase }

func (AssertionSocial) CheckAndNormalize

func (a AssertionSocial) CheckAndNormalize(ctx AssertionContext) (AssertionURL, error)

func (AssertionSocial) CollectUrls

func (a AssertionSocial) CollectUrls(v []AssertionURL) []AssertionURL

func (AssertionSocial) GetValue

func (a AssertionSocial) GetValue() string

func (AssertionSocial) IsRemote

func (a AssertionSocial) IsRemote() bool

func (AssertionSocial) IsSocial

func (a AssertionSocial) IsSocial() bool

func (AssertionSocial) MatchSet

func (a AssertionSocial) MatchSet(ps ProofSet) bool

func (AssertionSocial) ToLookup

func (a AssertionSocial) ToLookup() (key, value string, err error)

func (AssertionSocial) ToSocialAssertion

func (a AssertionSocial) ToSocialAssertion() (sa keybase1.SocialAssertion, err error)

type AssertionTeamID

type AssertionTeamID struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AssertionTeamID) CheckAndNormalize

func (a AssertionTeamID) CheckAndNormalize(_ AssertionContext) (AssertionURL, error)

func (AssertionTeamID) CollectUrls

func (a AssertionTeamID) CollectUrls(v []AssertionURL) []AssertionURL

func (AssertionTeamID) IsTeamID

func (a AssertionTeamID) IsTeamID() bool

func (AssertionTeamID) MatchSet

func (a AssertionTeamID) MatchSet(ps ProofSet) bool

func (AssertionTeamID) ToLookup

func (a AssertionTeamID) ToLookup() (key, value string, err error)

func (AssertionTeamID) ToSocialAssertion

func (a AssertionTeamID) ToSocialAssertion() (sa keybase1.SocialAssertion, err error)

func (AssertionTeamID) ToTeamID

func (a AssertionTeamID) ToTeamID() keybase1.TeamID

type AssertionTeamName

type AssertionTeamName struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AssertionTeamName) CheckAndNormalize

func (a AssertionTeamName) CheckAndNormalize(_ AssertionContext) (AssertionURL, error)

func (AssertionTeamName) CollectUrls

func (a AssertionTeamName) CollectUrls(v []AssertionURL) []AssertionURL

func (AssertionTeamName) IsTeamName

func (a AssertionTeamName) IsTeamName() bool

func (AssertionTeamName) MatchSet

func (a AssertionTeamName) MatchSet(ps ProofSet) bool

func (AssertionTeamName) ToLookup

func (a AssertionTeamName) ToLookup() (key, value string, err error)

func (AssertionTeamName) ToSocialAssertion

func (a AssertionTeamName) ToSocialAssertion() (sa keybase1.SocialAssertion, err error)

func (AssertionTeamName) ToTeamName

func (a AssertionTeamName) ToTeamName() keybase1.TeamName

type AssertionUID

type AssertionUID struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AssertionUID) CheckAndNormalize

func (a AssertionUID) CheckAndNormalize(_ AssertionContext) (AssertionURL, error)

func (AssertionUID) CollectUrls

func (a AssertionUID) CollectUrls(v []AssertionURL) []AssertionURL

func (AssertionUID) IsUID

func (a AssertionUID) IsUID() bool

func (AssertionUID) MatchSet

func (a AssertionUID) MatchSet(ps ProofSet) bool

func (AssertionUID) ToLookup

func (a AssertionUID) ToLookup() (key, value string, err error)

func (AssertionUID) ToSocialAssertion

func (a AssertionUID) ToSocialAssertion() (sa keybase1.SocialAssertion, err error)

func (AssertionUID) ToUID

func (a AssertionUID) ToUID() keybase1.UID

type AssertionURL

type AssertionURL interface {
	Keys() []string
	CheckAndNormalize(ctx AssertionContext) (AssertionURL, error)
	IsKeybase() bool
	IsUID() bool
	IsTeamID() bool
	IsTeamName() bool
	IsSocial() bool
	IsRemote() bool
	IsFingerprint() bool
	MatchProof(p Proof) bool
	ToUID() keybase1.UID
	ToTeamID() keybase1.TeamID
	ToTeamName() keybase1.TeamName
	ToKeyValuePair() (string, string)
	CacheKey() string
	GetValue() string
	GetKey() string
	ToLookup() (string, string, error)

func FindBestIdentifyComponentURL

func FindBestIdentifyComponentURL(e AssertionExpression) AssertionURL

func ParseAssertionURL

func ParseAssertionURL(ctx AssertionContext, s string, strict bool) (ret AssertionURL, err error)

func ParseAssertionURLKeyValue

func ParseAssertionURLKeyValue(ctx AssertionContext, key string, val string, strict bool) (ret AssertionURL, err error)

type AssertionURLBase

type AssertionURLBase struct {
	Key, Value string

func (AssertionURLBase) CacheKey

func (b AssertionURLBase) CacheKey() string

func (AssertionURLBase) GetKey

func (b AssertionURLBase) GetKey() string

func (AssertionURLBase) GetValue

func (b AssertionURLBase) GetValue() string

func (AssertionURLBase) HasOr

func (b AssertionURLBase) HasOr() bool

func (AssertionURLBase) IsFingerprint

func (b AssertionURLBase) IsFingerprint() bool

func (AssertionURLBase) IsKeybase

func (b AssertionURLBase) IsKeybase() bool

func (AssertionURLBase) IsRemote

func (b AssertionURLBase) IsRemote() bool

func (AssertionURLBase) IsSocial

func (b AssertionURLBase) IsSocial() bool

func (AssertionURLBase) IsTeamID

func (b AssertionURLBase) IsTeamID() bool

func (AssertionURLBase) IsTeamName

func (b AssertionURLBase) IsTeamName() bool

func (AssertionURLBase) IsUID

func (b AssertionURLBase) IsUID() bool

func (AssertionURLBase) Keys

func (b AssertionURLBase) Keys() []string

func (AssertionURLBase) MatchProof

func (b AssertionURLBase) MatchProof(proof Proof) bool

func (AssertionURLBase) NeedsParens

func (b AssertionURLBase) NeedsParens() bool

func (AssertionURLBase) String

func (b AssertionURLBase) String() string

func (AssertionURLBase) ToKeyValuePair

func (b AssertionURLBase) ToKeyValuePair() (string, string)

func (AssertionURLBase) ToSocialAssertionHelper

func (b AssertionURLBase) ToSocialAssertionHelper() (sa keybase1.SocialAssertion, err error)

func (AssertionURLBase) ToTeamID

func (b AssertionURLBase) ToTeamID() (ret keybase1.TeamID)

func (AssertionURLBase) ToTeamName

func (b AssertionURLBase) ToTeamName() (ret keybase1.TeamName)

func (AssertionURLBase) ToUID

func (b AssertionURLBase) ToUID() (ret keybase1.UID)

type AssertionWeb

type AssertionWeb struct{ AssertionURLBase }

func (AssertionWeb) CheckAndNormalize

func (a AssertionWeb) CheckAndNormalize(_ AssertionContext) (AssertionURL, error)

func (AssertionWeb) CollectUrls

func (a AssertionWeb) CollectUrls(v []AssertionURL) []AssertionURL

func (AssertionWeb) IsRemote

func (a AssertionWeb) IsRemote() bool

func (AssertionWeb) Keys

func (a AssertionWeb) Keys() []string

func (AssertionWeb) MatchSet

func (a AssertionWeb) MatchSet(ps ProofSet) bool

func (AssertionWeb) ToLookup

func (a AssertionWeb) ToLookup() (key, value string, err error)

func (AssertionWeb) ToSocialAssertion

func (a AssertionWeb) ToSocialAssertion() (sa keybase1.SocialAssertion, err error)

type B

type B struct {
	Val bool

func (B) String

func (b B) String() string

type BackoffPolicy

type BackoffPolicy struct {
	Millis []int

BackoffPolicy implements a backoff policy, randomizing its delays and saturating at the final value in Millis.

func (BackoffPolicy) Duration

func (b BackoffPolicy) Duration(n int) time.Duration

Duration returns the time duration of the n'th wait cycle in a backoff policy. This is b.Millis[n], randomized to avoid thundering herds.

type BadEmailError

type BadEmailError struct {
	Msg string

func (BadEmailError) Error

func (e BadEmailError) Error() string

func (BadEmailError) ToStatus

func (e BadEmailError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type BadFingerprintError

type BadFingerprintError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (BadFingerprintError) Error

func (b BadFingerprintError) Error() string

type BadInvitationCodeError

type BadInvitationCodeError struct{}

func (BadInvitationCodeError) Error

func (e BadInvitationCodeError) Error() string

func (BadInvitationCodeError) ToStatus

func (e BadInvitationCodeError) ToStatus(s keybase1.Status)

type BadNameError

type BadNameError string

func (BadNameError) Error

func (e BadNameError) Error() string

type BadRevocationError

type BadRevocationError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (BadRevocationError) Error

func (e BadRevocationError) Error() string

type BadServiceError

type BadServiceError struct {
	Service string

func (BadServiceError) Error

func (e BadServiceError) Error() string

type BadSessionError

type BadSessionError struct {
	Desc string

func (BadSessionError) Error

func (e BadSessionError) Error() string

func (BadSessionError) ToStatus

func (e BadSessionError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type BadSigError

type BadSigError struct {
	E string

func (BadSigError) Error

func (e BadSigError) Error() string

type BadUsernameError

type BadUsernameError struct {
	N string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewBadUsernameError

func NewBadUsernameError(n string) BadUsernameError

func NewBadUsernameErrorWithFullMessage

func NewBadUsernameErrorWithFullMessage(msg string) BadUsernameError

func (BadUsernameError) Error

func (e BadUsernameError) Error() string

type Base

type Base struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (Base) Join

func (b Base) Join(elem ...string) string

type Base64Finder

type Base64Finder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewBase64Finder

func NewBase64Finder(i string) *Base64Finder

func (*Base64Finder) Run

func (s *Base64Finder) Run() []string

type BaseAPIEngine

type BaseAPIEngine struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Shared code across Internal and External APIs

func (*BaseAPIEngine) PrepareGet

func (api *BaseAPIEngine) PrepareGet(url1 url.URL, arg APIArg) (*http.Request, error)

func (*BaseAPIEngine) PrepareMethodWithBody

func (api *BaseAPIEngine) PrepareMethodWithBody(method string, url1 url.URL, arg APIArg) (*http.Request, error)

type BaseServiceType

type BaseServiceType struct{}

func (BaseServiceType) BaseAllStringKeys

func (t BaseServiceType) BaseAllStringKeys(st ServiceType) []string

func (BaseServiceType) BaseCheckProofForURL

func (t BaseServiceType) BaseCheckProofForURL(text string, id keybase1.SigID) (err error)

func (BaseServiceType) BaseCheckProofTextFull

func (t BaseServiceType) BaseCheckProofTextFull(text string, id keybase1.SigID, sig string) (err error)

func (BaseServiceType) BaseCheckProofTextShort

func (t BaseServiceType) BaseCheckProofTextShort(text string, id keybase1.SigID, med bool) error

func (BaseServiceType) BaseGetProofType

func (t BaseServiceType) BaseGetProofType(st ServiceType) string

func (BaseServiceType) BaseRecheckProofPosting

func (t BaseServiceType) BaseRecheckProofPosting(tryNumber int, status keybase1.ProofStatus) (warning *Markup, err error)

func (BaseServiceType) BaseToServiceJSON

func (t BaseServiceType) BaseToServiceJSON(st ServiceType, un string) *jsonw.Wrapper

func (BaseServiceType) FormatProofText

func (t BaseServiceType) FormatProofText(m MetaContext, ppr *PostProofRes,
	kbUsername string, sigID keybase1.SigID) (string, error)

func (BaseServiceType) GetAPIArgKey

func (t BaseServiceType) GetAPIArgKey() string

func (BaseServiceType) IsDevelOnly

func (t BaseServiceType) IsDevelOnly() bool

func (BaseServiceType) LastWriterWins

func (t BaseServiceType) LastWriterWins() bool

func (BaseServiceType) PreProofCheck

func (t BaseServiceType) PreProofCheck(MetaContext, string) (*Markup, error)

func (BaseServiceType) PreProofWarning

func (t BaseServiceType) PreProofWarning(remotename string) *Markup

type BgTicker

type BgTicker struct {
	C <-chan time.Time
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewBgTicker

func NewBgTicker(duration time.Duration) *BgTicker

NewBgTicker will panic if wait > duration as time.Ticker does with a negative duration.

func NewBgTickerWithWait

func NewBgTickerWithWait(duration time.Duration, wait time.Duration) *BgTicker

func (*BgTicker) Stop

func (t *BgTicker) Stop()

type BtcOpts

type BtcOpts struct{}

type BucketDict

type BucketDict struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewBuckDict

func NewBuckDict() *BucketDict

func (*BucketDict) Add

func (bd *BucketDict) Add(k string, v *GpgPrimaryKey)

func (BucketDict) Get

func (bd BucketDict) Get(k string) []*GpgPrimaryKey

func (BucketDict) Get0Or1

func (bd BucketDict) Get0Or1(k string) (ret *GpgPrimaryKey, err error)

type BufferCloser

type BufferCloser struct {

BufferCloser is a Buffer that satisfies the io.Closer interface.

func NewBufferCloser

func NewBufferCloser() *BufferCloser

func (*BufferCloser) Close

func (b *BufferCloser) Close() error

type BurstCache

type BurstCache struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

BurstCachce is an LRU+SingleFlighter useful for absorbing short-lived bursts of lookups. If multiple goroutines are fetching resource A, they all will block on the first fetch, and can (if the fetch returns without error) share the answer of the first request.

func NewBurstCache

func NewBurstCache(g *GlobalContext, cacheSize int, cacheLife time.Duration, cacheName string) *BurstCache

NewBurstCache makes a new burst cache with the given size and cacheLife. The cache will be at most cacheSize items long, and items will live in there for at most cacheLife duration. For debug logging purposes, this cache will be known as cacheName.

func (*BurstCache) Load

func (b *BurstCache) Load(ctx context.Context, key BurstCacheKey, loader BurstCacheLoader) (ret interface{}, err error)

Load item key from the burst cache. On a cache miss, load with the given loader function. Return the object as an interface{}, so the caller needs to cast out of this burst cache.

type BurstCacheKey

type BurstCacheKey interface {
	String() string

BurstCacheKey is a key for a burst cache resource. Needs to implement the one method --- String() --- used for turning the key into an LRU and LockTab key.

type BurstCacheLoader

type BurstCacheLoader func() (obj interface{}, err error)

BurstCacherLoader is a function that loads an item (from network or whatnot). On success, its result will be cached into the burst cache. Maps a key to an object as an interface{}. The caller to Load() should wrap into the closure all parameters needed to actually fetch the object. They called Load(), so they likely have them handy.

type CachedFullSelf

type CachedFullSelf struct {

	TestDeadlocker func()
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CachedFullSelf caches a full-on *User for the "me" or "self" user. Because it's a full-on *User, it contains many pointers and can't reasonably be deep-copied. So we're going to insist that access to the cached user is protected inside a lock.

func NewCachedFullSelf

func NewCachedFullSelf(g *GlobalContext) *CachedFullSelf

NewCachedFullSelf makes a new full self cacher in the given GlobalContext

func (*CachedFullSelf) HandleUserChanged

func (m *CachedFullSelf) HandleUserChanged(u keybase1.UID) error

HandleUserChanged clears the cached self user if it's the UID of the self user.

func (*CachedFullSelf) New

func (m *CachedFullSelf) New() FullSelfer

func (*CachedFullSelf) OnLogin

func (m *CachedFullSelf) OnLogin() error

OnLogin clears the cached self user if it differs from what's already cached.

func (*CachedFullSelf) Update

func (m *CachedFullSelf) Update(ctx context.Context, u *User) (err error)

Update updates the CachedFullSelf with a User loaded from someplace else -- let's say the UPAK loader. We throw away objects for other users or that aren't newer than the one we have.

CALLER BEWARE! You must only provide this function with a user you know to be "self". This function will not do any checking along those lines (see comment below).

func (*CachedFullSelf) WithSelf

func (m *CachedFullSelf) WithSelf(ctx context.Context, f func(u *User) error) error

WithSelf loads only the self user, and maybe hits the cache. It takes a closure, in which the user object is locked and accessible, but we should be sure the user never escapes this closure. If the user is fresh-loaded, then it is stored in memory.

func (*CachedFullSelf) WithSelfForcePoll

func (m *CachedFullSelf) WithSelfForcePoll(ctx context.Context, f func(u *User) error) error

WithSelfForcePoll is like WithSelf but forces a poll. I.e., it will always go to the server for a merkle check, regardless of when the existing self was cached.

func (*CachedFullSelf) WithUser

func (m *CachedFullSelf) WithUser(arg LoadUserArg, f func(u *User) error) (err error)

WithUser loads any old user. If it happens to be the self user, then it behaves as in WithSelf. Otherwise, it will just load the user, and throw it out when done. WithUser supports other so that code doesn't need to change if we're doing the operation for the user or someone else.

type CachedUPAKLoader

type CachedUPAKLoader struct {

	Freshness time.Duration

	TestDeadlocker func()
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CachedUPAKLoader is a UPAKLoader implementation that can cache results both in memory and on disk.

func NewCachedUPAKLoader

func NewCachedUPAKLoader(g *GlobalContext, f time.Duration) *CachedUPAKLoader

NewCachedUPAKLoader constructs a new CachedUPAKLoader

func (*CachedUPAKLoader) Batcher

func (u *CachedUPAKLoader) Batcher(ctx context.Context, getArg func(int) *LoadUserArg, processResult func(int, *keybase1.UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations), window int) (err error)

Batcher loads a batch of UPAKs with the given window width. It keeps calling getArg(i) with an increasing i, until that getArg return nil, in which case the production of UPAK loads is over. UPAKs will be loaded and fed into processResult() as they come in. Both getArg() and processResult() are called in the same mutex to simplify synchronization.

func (*CachedUPAKLoader) CheckDeviceForUIDAndUsername

func (u *CachedUPAKLoader) CheckDeviceForUIDAndUsername(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, did keybase1.DeviceID, n NormalizedUsername) (err error)

func (*CachedUPAKLoader) CheckKIDForUID

func (u *CachedUPAKLoader) CheckKIDForUID(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, kid keybase1.KID) (found bool, revokedAt *keybase1.KeybaseTime, deleted bool, err error)

func (*CachedUPAKLoader) ClearMemory

func (u *CachedUPAKLoader) ClearMemory()

func (*CachedUPAKLoader) Disable

func (u *CachedUPAKLoader) Disable()

func (*CachedUPAKLoader) Invalidate

func (u *CachedUPAKLoader) Invalidate(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID)

func (*CachedUPAKLoader) ListFollowedUIDs

func (u *CachedUPAKLoader) ListFollowedUIDs(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID) ([]keybase1.UID, error)

func (*CachedUPAKLoader) Load

Load a UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations from the local cache, falls back to LoadUser, and cache the user. Can only perform lookups by UID. Will return a non-nil UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations, or a non-nil error, but never both non-nil, nor never both nil. If we had to do a full LoadUser as part of the request, it's returned too. Convert to UserPlusAllKeys on the way out, for backwards compatibility.

func (*CachedUPAKLoader) LoadDeviceKey

func (u *CachedUPAKLoader) LoadDeviceKey(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID) (upakv1 *keybase1.UserPlusAllKeys, deviceKey *keybase1.PublicKey, revoked *keybase1.RevokedKey, err error)

Load the PublicKey for a user's device from the local cache, falling back to LoadUser, and cache the user. If the user exists but the device doesn't, will force a load in case the device is very new.

func (*CachedUPAKLoader) LoadKeyV2

LoadKeyV2 looks through all incarnations for the user and returns the incarnation with the given KID, as well as the Key data associated with that KID. It picks the latest such incarnation if there are multiple.

func (*CachedUPAKLoader) LoadUPAKWithDeviceID

func (u *CachedUPAKLoader) LoadUPAKWithDeviceID(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID) (*keybase1.UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations, error)

If the user exists but the device doesn't, will force a load in case the device is very new.

func (*CachedUPAKLoader) LoadUserPlusKeys

func (u *CachedUPAKLoader) LoadUserPlusKeys(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, pollForKID keybase1.KID) (keybase1.UserPlusKeys, error)

func (*CachedUPAKLoader) LoadV2

Load a UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations from the local cache, falls back to LoadUser, and cache the user. Can only perform lookups by UID. Will return a non-nil UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations, or a non-nil error, but never both non-nil, nor never both nil. If we had to do a full LoadUser as part of the request, it's returned too.

func (*CachedUPAKLoader) LoadV2WithKID

func (*CachedUPAKLoader) LookupUID

LookupUID is a verified map of username -> UID. IT calls into the resolver, which gives un untrusted UID, but verifies with the UPAK loader that the mapping UID -> username is correct.

func (*CachedUPAKLoader) LookupUsername

func (u *CachedUPAKLoader) LookupUsername(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID) (NormalizedUsername, error)

LookupUsername uses the UIDMapper to find a username for uid.

func (*CachedUPAKLoader) LookupUsernameAndDevice

func (u *CachedUPAKLoader) LookupUsernameAndDevice(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, did keybase1.DeviceID) (username NormalizedUsername, deviceName string, deviceType string, err error)

func (*CachedUPAKLoader) LookupUsernameUPAK

func (u *CachedUPAKLoader) LookupUsernameUPAK(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID) (NormalizedUsername, error)

LookupUsernameUPAK uses the upak loader to find a username for uid.

func (*CachedUPAKLoader) PutUserToCache

func (u *CachedUPAKLoader) PutUserToCache(ctx context.Context, user *User) error

type CachedUserLoadInfo

type CachedUserLoadInfo struct {
	InCache      bool
	InDiskCache  bool
	TimedOut     bool
	StaleVersion bool
	LoadedLeaf   bool
	LoadedUser   bool

type CancelTimer

type CancelTimer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CancelTimer) Reset

func (c *CancelTimer) Reset()

func (*CancelTimer) SetNow

func (c *CancelTimer) SetNow(m MetaContext)

func (*CancelTimer) WasRecentlyCanceled

func (c *CancelTimer) WasRecentlyCanceled(m MetaContext) bool

type CanceledError

type CanceledError struct {
	M string

func NewCanceledError

func NewCanceledError(m string) CanceledError

func (CanceledError) Error

func (c CanceledError) Error() string

func (CanceledError) ToStatus

func (c CanceledError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)
type ChainLink struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func ImportLinkFromServer

func ImportLinkFromServer(m MetaContext, parent *SigChain, data []byte, selfUID keybase1.UID) (ret *ChainLink, err error)

func ImportLinkFromStorage

func ImportLinkFromStorage(m MetaContext, id LinkID, selfUID keybase1.UID) (*ChainLink, error)
func NewChainLink(g *GlobalContext, parent *SigChain, id LinkID) *ChainLink

func (ChainLink) AllowStubbing

func (c ChainLink) AllowStubbing() bool

func (*ChainLink) CheckNameAndID

func (c *ChainLink) CheckNameAndID(s NormalizedUsername, i keybase1.UID) error

func (*ChainLink) Copy

func (c *ChainLink) Copy() ChainLink

func (*ChainLink) GetCTime

func (c *ChainLink) GetCTime() time.Time

func (*ChainLink) GetETime

func (c *ChainLink) GetETime() time.Time

func (*ChainLink) GetFirstAppearedMerkleSeqnoUnverified

func (c *ChainLink) GetFirstAppearedMerkleSeqnoUnverified() keybase1.Seqno

func (*ChainLink) GetIgnoreIfSupported

func (c *ChainLink) GetIgnoreIfSupported() SigIgnoreIfUnsupported

func (*ChainLink) GetKID

func (c *ChainLink) GetKID() keybase1.KID

func (*ChainLink) GetMerkleHashMeta

func (c *ChainLink) GetMerkleHashMeta() (keybase1.HashMeta, error)

func (*ChainLink) GetMerkleSeqno

func (c *ChainLink) GetMerkleSeqno() keybase1.Seqno

func (*ChainLink) GetPGPFingerprint

func (c *ChainLink) GetPGPFingerprint() *PGPFingerprint

func (*ChainLink) GetPrev

func (c *ChainLink) GetPrev() LinkID

func (*ChainLink) GetRevocations

func (c *ChainLink) GetRevocations() []keybase1.SigID

func (*ChainLink) GetRevokeKids

func (c *ChainLink) GetRevokeKids() []keybase1.KID

func (*ChainLink) GetSeqno

func (c *ChainLink) GetSeqno() keybase1.Seqno

func (*ChainLink) GetSigCheckCache

func (c *ChainLink) GetSigCheckCache() (cki *ComputedKeyInfos)

func (*ChainLink) GetSigID

func (c *ChainLink) GetSigID() keybase1.SigID

func (*ChainLink) GetSigchainV2Type

func (c *ChainLink) GetSigchainV2Type(ignoreIfUnsupported SigIgnoreIfUnsupported) (SigchainV2Type, error)

func (*ChainLink) GetSigchainV2TypeFromV2Shell

func (c *ChainLink) GetSigchainV2TypeFromV2Shell() (SigchainV2Type, error)

func (*ChainLink) GetUID

func (c *ChainLink) GetUID() keybase1.UID

func (*ChainLink) HasRevocations

func (c *ChainLink) HasRevocations() bool

func (*ChainLink) IsBad

func (c *ChainLink) IsBad() (isBad bool, reason string, err error)

func (*ChainLink) IsEldest

func (c *ChainLink) IsEldest() bool

func (*ChainLink) IsInCurrentFamily

func (c *ChainLink) IsInCurrentFamily(u *User) bool

========================================================================= IsInCurrentFamily checks to see if the given chainlink was signed by a key in the current family.

func (*ChainLink) IsStubbed

func (c *ChainLink) IsStubbed() bool

func (ChainLink) LinkID

func (c ChainLink) LinkID() LinkID

func (*ChainLink) MatchFingerprint

func (c *ChainLink) MatchFingerprint(fp PGPFingerprint) bool

func (*ChainLink) Pack

func (c *ChainLink) Pack() (*jsonw.Wrapper, error)

func (*ChainLink) Parent

func (c *ChainLink) Parent() *SigChain

func (*ChainLink) PutSigCheckCache

func (c *ChainLink) PutSigCheckCache(cki *ComputedKeyInfos)

func (*ChainLink) SetParent

func (c *ChainLink) SetParent(parent *SigChain)

func (*ChainLink) Store

func (c *ChainLink) Store(m MetaContext) (didStore bool, err error)

func (*ChainLink) ToEldestKID

func (c *ChainLink) ToEldestKID() keybase1.KID

func (ChainLink) ToMerkleTriple

func (c ChainLink) ToMerkleTriple() *MerkleTriple

ToLinkSummary converts a ChainLink into a MerkleTriple object.

func (*ChainLink) ToSigChainLocation

func (c *ChainLink) ToSigChainLocation() keybase1.SigChainLocation

func (*ChainLink) Typed

func (c *ChainLink) Typed() TypedChainLink

func (*ChainLink) UnmarshalPayloadJSON

func (c *ChainLink) UnmarshalPayloadJSON() *jsonw.Wrapper

func (*ChainLink) Unpack

func (c *ChainLink) Unpack(m MetaContext, trusted bool, selfUID keybase1.UID, packed []byte) error

func (*ChainLink) UnpackComputedKeyInfos

func (c *ChainLink) UnpackComputedKeyInfos(data []byte) error

func (*ChainLink) UnpackLocal

func (c *ChainLink) UnpackLocal(payload []byte) (err error)
func (c *ChainLink) VerifyLink() error

func (*ChainLink) VerifySigWithKeyFamily

func (c *ChainLink) VerifySigWithKeyFamily(ckf ComputedKeyFamily) (err error)

type ChainLinkError

type ChainLinkError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ChainLinkError) Error

func (c ChainLinkError) Error() string

type ChainLinkFingerprintMismatchError

type ChainLinkFingerprintMismatchError struct {
	Msg string

func (ChainLinkFingerprintMismatchError) Error

type ChainLinkKIDMismatchError

type ChainLinkKIDMismatchError struct {
	Msg string

func (ChainLinkKIDMismatchError) Error

type ChainLinkPrevHashMismatchError

type ChainLinkPrevHashMismatchError struct {
	Msg string

func (ChainLinkPrevHashMismatchError) Error

type ChainLinkStubbedUnsupportedError

type ChainLinkStubbedUnsupportedError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ChainLinkStubbedUnsupportedError) Error

type ChainLinkUnpacked

type ChainLinkUnpacked struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ChainLinkUnpacked) HasRevocations

func (tmp *ChainLinkUnpacked) HasRevocations(payload []byte) bool

func (*ChainLinkUnpacked) Payload

func (tmp *ChainLinkUnpacked) Payload() ([]byte, error)

type ChainLinkWrongSeqnoError

type ChainLinkWrongSeqnoError struct {
	Msg string

func (ChainLinkWrongSeqnoError) Error

func (e ChainLinkWrongSeqnoError) Error() string
type ChainLinks []*ChainLink

func (ChainLinks) EldestSeqno

func (c ChainLinks) EldestSeqno() keybase1.Seqno

func (ChainLinks) GetComputedKeyInfos

func (c ChainLinks) GetComputedKeyInfos() (cki *ComputedKeyInfos)

type ChainType

type ChainType struct {
	DbType          ObjType
	Private         bool
	Encrypted       bool
	GetMerkleTriple func(u *MerkleUserLeaf) *MerkleTriple

type ChatAlreadyDeletedError

type ChatAlreadyDeletedError struct {
	Msg string

func (ChatAlreadyDeletedError) Error

func (e ChatAlreadyDeletedError) Error() string

func (ChatAlreadyDeletedError) IsImmediateFail

func (e ChatAlreadyDeletedError) IsImmediateFail() (chat1.OutboxErrorType, bool)

func (ChatAlreadyDeletedError) ToStatus

type ChatAlreadySupersededError

type ChatAlreadySupersededError struct {
	Msg string

func (ChatAlreadySupersededError) Error

func (ChatAlreadySupersededError) IsImmediateFail

func (e ChatAlreadySupersededError) IsImmediateFail() (chat1.OutboxErrorType, bool)

func (ChatAlreadySupersededError) ToStatus

type ChatBadMsgError

type ChatBadMsgError struct {
	Msg string

func (ChatBadMsgError) Error

func (e ChatBadMsgError) Error() string

func (ChatBadMsgError) IsImmediateFail

func (e ChatBadMsgError) IsImmediateFail() (chat1.OutboxErrorType, bool)

func (ChatBadMsgError) ToStatus

func (e ChatBadMsgError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type ChatBroadcastError

type ChatBroadcastError struct {
	Msg string

func (ChatBroadcastError) Error

func (e ChatBroadcastError) Error() string

func (ChatBroadcastError) ToStatus

func (e ChatBroadcastError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type ChatClientError

type ChatClientError struct {
	Msg string

func (ChatClientError) Error

func (e ChatClientError) Error() string

func (ChatClientError) IsImmediateFail

func (e ChatClientError) IsImmediateFail() (chat1.OutboxErrorType, bool)

func (ChatClientError) ToStatus

func (e ChatClientError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type ChatCollisionError

type ChatCollisionError struct {

func (ChatCollisionError) Error

func (e ChatCollisionError) Error() string

func (ChatCollisionError) ToStatus

func (e ChatCollisionError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type ChatConvExistsError

type ChatConvExistsError struct {
	ConvID chat1.ConversationID

func (ChatConvExistsError) Error

func (e ChatConvExistsError) Error() string

func (ChatConvExistsError) ToStatus

func (e ChatConvExistsError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type ChatDuplicateMessageError

type ChatDuplicateMessageError struct {
	OutboxID chat1.OutboxID

func (ChatDuplicateMessageError) Error

func (ChatDuplicateMessageError) IsImmediateFail

func (e ChatDuplicateMessageError) IsImmediateFail() (chat1.OutboxErrorType, bool)

func (ChatDuplicateMessageError) ToStatus

type ChatHelper

type ChatHelper interface {
	SendTextByID(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID,
		trip chat1.ConversationIDTriple, tlfName string, text string) error
	SendMsgByID(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID,
		trip chat1.ConversationIDTriple, tlfName string, body chat1.MessageBody, msgType chat1.MessageType) error
	SendTextByIDNonblock(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID,
		trip chat1.ConversationIDTriple, tlfName string, text string) error
	SendMsgByIDNonblock(ctx context.Context, convID chat1.ConversationID,
		trip chat1.ConversationIDTriple, tlfName string, body chat1.MessageBody, msgType chat1.MessageType) error
	SendTextByName(ctx context.Context, name string, topicName *string,
		membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, ident keybase1.TLFIdentifyBehavior, text string) error
	SendMsgByName(ctx context.Context, name string, topicName *string,
		membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, ident keybase1.TLFIdentifyBehavior, body chat1.MessageBody,
		msgType chat1.MessageType) error
	SendTextByNameNonblock(ctx context.Context, name string, topicName *string,
		membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, ident keybase1.TLFIdentifyBehavior, text string) error
	SendMsgByNameNonblock(ctx context.Context, name string, topicName *string,
		membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, ident keybase1.TLFIdentifyBehavior, body chat1.MessageBody,
		msgType chat1.MessageType) error
	FindConversations(ctx context.Context, useLocalData bool, name string, topicName *string,
		topicType chat1.TopicType, membersType chat1.ConversationMembersType, vis keybase1.TLFVisibility) ([]chat1.ConversationLocal, error)
	FindConversationsByID(ctx context.Context, convIDs []chat1.ConversationID) ([]chat1.ConversationLocal, error)
	GetChannelTopicName(context.Context, keybase1.TeamID, chat1.TopicType, chat1.ConversationID) (string, error)
	GetMessages(ctx context.Context, uid gregor1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID,
		msgIDs []chat1.MessageID, resolveSupersedes bool) ([]chat1.MessageUnboxed, error)
	UpgradeKBFSToImpteam(ctx context.Context, tlfName string, tlfID chat1.TLFID, public bool) error

type ChatInternalError

type ChatInternalError struct{}

func (ChatInternalError) Error

func (e ChatInternalError) Error() string

func (ChatInternalError) ToStatus

func (e ChatInternalError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type ChatMessageCollisionError

type ChatMessageCollisionError struct {
	HeaderHash string

func (ChatMessageCollisionError) Error

func (ChatMessageCollisionError) ToStatus

type ChatNotInConvError

type ChatNotInConvError struct {
	UID gregor.UID

func (ChatNotInConvError) Error

func (e ChatNotInConvError) Error() string

func (ChatNotInConvError) IsImmediateFail

func (e ChatNotInConvError) IsImmediateFail() (chat1.OutboxErrorType, bool)

func (ChatNotInConvError) ToStatus

func (e ChatNotInConvError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type ChatNotInTeamError

type ChatNotInTeamError struct {
	UID gregor.UID

func (ChatNotInTeamError) Error

func (e ChatNotInTeamError) Error() string

func (ChatNotInTeamError) IsImmediateFail

func (e ChatNotInTeamError) IsImmediateFail() (chat1.OutboxErrorType, bool)

func (ChatNotInTeamError) ToStatus

func (e ChatNotInTeamError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type ChatRateLimitError

type ChatRateLimitError struct {
	Msg       string
	RateLimit chat1.RateLimit

func (ChatRateLimitError) Error

func (e ChatRateLimitError) Error() string

func (ChatRateLimitError) ToStatus

func (e ChatRateLimitError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type ChatStalePreviousStateError

type ChatStalePreviousStateError struct{}

func (ChatStalePreviousStateError) Error

func (ChatStalePreviousStateError) ToStatus

type ChatTLFFinalizedError

type ChatTLFFinalizedError struct {
	TlfID chat1.TLFID

func (ChatTLFFinalizedError) Error

func (e ChatTLFFinalizedError) Error() string

func (ChatTLFFinalizedError) ToStatus

func (e ChatTLFFinalizedError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type ChatUI

type ChatUI interface {
	ChatAttachmentDownloadStart(context.Context) error
	ChatAttachmentDownloadProgress(context.Context, chat1.ChatAttachmentDownloadProgressArg) error
	ChatAttachmentDownloadDone(context.Context) error
	ChatInboxUnverified(context.Context, chat1.ChatInboxUnverifiedArg) error
	ChatInboxConversation(context.Context, chat1.ChatInboxConversationArg) error
	ChatInboxFailed(context.Context, chat1.ChatInboxFailedArg) error
	ChatThreadCached(context.Context, chat1.ChatThreadCachedArg) error
	ChatThreadFull(context.Context, chat1.ChatThreadFullArg) error
	ChatConfirmChannelDelete(context.Context, chat1.ChatConfirmChannelDeleteArg) (bool, error)
	ChatSearchHit(context.Context, chat1.ChatSearchHitArg) error
	ChatSearchDone(context.Context, chat1.ChatSearchDoneArg) error

type ChatUnknownTLFIDError

type ChatUnknownTLFIDError struct {
	TlfID chat1.TLFID

func (ChatUnknownTLFIDError) Error

func (e ChatUnknownTLFIDError) Error() string

func (ChatUnknownTLFIDError) ToStatus

func (e ChatUnknownTLFIDError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type CheckCompletedListener

type CheckCompletedListener interface {
	CCLCheckCompleted(lcr *LinkCheckResult)

type CheckMember

type CheckMember struct {
	Set []string

func (CheckMember) Checker

func (c CheckMember) Checker() Checker

type CheckResult

type CheckResult struct {
	Status  ProofError // Or nil if it was a success
	Time    time.Time  // When the last check was
	PvlHash string     // Added after other fields. Some entries may not have this packed.

func NewCheckResult

func NewCheckResult(g *GlobalContext, jw *jsonw.Wrapper) (res *CheckResult, err error)

func NewNowCheckResult

func NewNowCheckResult(g *GlobalContext, pe ProofError) *CheckResult

func (CheckResult) Export

func (cr CheckResult) Export() *keybase1.CheckResult

func (CheckResult) Freshness

func (cr CheckResult) Freshness() keybase1.CheckResultFreshness

func (CheckResult) Pack

func (cr CheckResult) Pack() *jsonw.Wrapper

type Checker

type Checker struct {
	F             func(string) bool
	Hint          string
	PreserveSpace bool

func MakeCheckKex2SecretPhrase

func MakeCheckKex2SecretPhrase(g *GlobalContext) Checker

type CheckerWrapper

type CheckerWrapper struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CheckerWrapper wraps a Checker type to make it conform to the PassphraseChecker interface.

func (*CheckerWrapper) Check

func (w *CheckerWrapper) Check(m MetaContext, s string) error

Check s using checker, respond with checker.Hint if check fails.

type Client

type Client struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewClient

func NewClient(e *Env, config *ClientConfig, needCookie bool) *Client

type ClientConfig

type ClientConfig struct {
	Host       string
	Port       int
	UseTLS     bool // XXX unused?
	URL        *url.URL
	RootCAs    *x509.CertPool
	Prefix     string
	UseCookies bool
	Timeout    time.Duration

type Clock

type Clock interface {
	Now() time.Time

type ClockContext

type ClockContext interface {
	GetClock() clockwork.Clock

type Command

type Command interface {
	GetUsage() Usage

type CommandLine

type CommandLine interface {
	GetAPIDump() (bool, bool)
	GetPGPFingerprint() *PGPFingerprint
	GetNoAutoFork() (bool, bool)

	// Lower-level functions
	GetGString(string) string
	GetString(string) string
	GetBool(string, bool) (bool, bool)
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

type ComputedKeyFamily

type ComputedKeyFamily struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ComputedKeyFamily is a joining of two sets of data; the KeyFamily is what the server returned and is not to be trusted; the ComputedKeyInfos is what we compute as a result of playing the user's sigchain forward.

func (*ComputedKeyFamily) ClearActivePGPHash

func (ckf *ComputedKeyFamily) ClearActivePGPHash(kid keybase1.KID)

ClearActivePGPHash clears authoritative hash of PGP key, after a revoke.

func (*ComputedKeyFamily) Delegate

func (ckf *ComputedKeyFamily) Delegate(tcl TypedChainLink) (err error)

Delegate performs a delegation to the key described in the given TypedChainLink. This maybe be a sub- or sibkey delegation.

func (*ComputedKeyFamily) DelegatePerUserKey

func (ckf *ComputedKeyFamily) DelegatePerUserKey(perUserKey keybase1.PerUserKey) (err error)

func (ComputedKeyFamily) Export

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) Export() []keybase1.PublicKey

Export is used by IDRes. It includes PGP keys.

func (ComputedKeyFamily) ExportAllPGPKeys

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) ExportAllPGPKeys() (keys []keybase1.PublicKey)

ExportAllPGPKeys exports all pgp keys.

func (ComputedKeyFamily) ExportDeletedDeviceKeys

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) ExportDeletedDeviceKeys() []keybase1.PublicKey

ExportDeletedDeviceKeys is used by ExportToUserPlusKeys. The key list only contains deleted device keys.

func (ComputedKeyFamily) ExportDeviceKeys

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) ExportDeviceKeys() (exportedKeys []keybase1.PublicKey, pgpKeyCount int)

ExportDeviceKeys is used by ExportToUserPlusKeys. The key list only contains device keys. It also returns the number of PGP keys in the key family.

func (ComputedKeyFamily) ExportPerUserKeys

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) ExportPerUserKeys() (ret []keybase1.PerUserKey)

ExportPerUserKeys exports the per-user public KIDs.

func (ComputedKeyFamily) ExportRevokedDeviceKeys

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) ExportRevokedDeviceKeys() []keybase1.RevokedKey

func (ComputedKeyFamily) FindActiveEncryptionSubkey

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) FindActiveEncryptionSubkey(kid keybase1.KID) (ret GenericKey, cki ComputedKeyInfo, err error)

FindActiveEncryptionSubkey takes a given KID and finds the corresponding active encryption subkey in the current key family. If for any reason it cannot find the key, it will return an error saying why. Otherwise, it will return the key. In this case either key is non-nil, or err is non-nil.

func (ComputedKeyFamily) FindActiveSibkey

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) FindActiveSibkey(kid keybase1.KID) (key GenericKey, cki ComputedKeyInfo, err error)

FindActiveSibkey takes a given KID and finds the corresponding active sibkey in the current key family. If it cannot find the key, or if the key is no longer active (either by revocation, or by expiring), it will return an error saying why. Otherwise, it will return the key. In this case either key is non-nil, or err is non-nil.

func (ComputedKeyFamily) FindActiveSibkeyAtTime

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) FindActiveSibkeyAtTime(kid keybase1.KID, t time.Time) (key GenericKey, cki ComputedKeyInfo, err error)

As FindActiveSibkey, but for a specific time. Note that going back in time only affects expiration, not revocation. Thus this function is mainly useful for validating the sigchain, when each delegation and revocation is getting replayed in order.

func (ComputedKeyFamily) FindKIDFromFingerprint

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) FindKIDFromFingerprint(fp PGPFingerprint) (kid keybase1.KID, err error)

func (ComputedKeyFamily) FindKeyWithKIDUnsafe

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) FindKeyWithKIDUnsafe(kid keybase1.KID) (GenericKey, error)

FindKeyWithKIDUnsafe returns a key given a KID. It doesn't check if the key is expired or revoked, so most callers should use the FindActive* methods.

func (ComputedKeyFamily) FindKeybaseName

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) FindKeybaseName(s string) bool

FindKeybaseName looks at all PGP keys in this key family that are active sibkeys to find a key with a signed identity of <>. IF found return true, and otherwise false.

func (ComputedKeyFamily) GetActivePGPKeys

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) GetActivePGPKeys(sibkey bool) (ret []*PGPKeyBundle)

GetActivePGPKeys gets the active PGP keys from the ComputedKeyFamily. If sibkey is False it will return all active PGP keys. Otherwise, it will return only the Sibkeys. Note the keys need to be non-canceled, and non-expired.

func (*ComputedKeyFamily) GetAllActiveDevices

func (ckf *ComputedKeyFamily) GetAllActiveDevices() []*Device

func (ComputedKeyFamily) GetAllActiveKeysForDevice

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) GetAllActiveKeysForDevice(deviceID keybase1.DeviceID) ([]keybase1.KID, error)

func (ComputedKeyFamily) GetAllActiveKeysWithRoleAtTime

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) GetAllActiveKeysWithRoleAtTime(role KeyRole, t time.Time) (ret []GenericKey)

GetAllActiveSibkeys gets all active Sibkeys from given ComputedKeyFamily.

func (ComputedKeyFamily) GetAllActiveSibkeys

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) GetAllActiveSibkeys() []GenericKey

GetAllActiveSibkeys gets all active Sibkeys from given ComputedKeyFamily.

func (ComputedKeyFamily) GetAllActiveSibkeysAtTime

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) GetAllActiveSibkeysAtTime(t time.Time) []GenericKey

GetAllActiveSibkeys gets all active Sibkeys from given ComputedKeyFamily.

func (ComputedKeyFamily) GetAllActiveSubkeys

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) GetAllActiveSubkeys() []GenericKey

func (ComputedKeyFamily) GetAllActiveSubkeysAtTime

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) GetAllActiveSubkeysAtTime(t time.Time) (ret []GenericKey)

func (*ComputedKeyFamily) GetAllDevices

func (ckf *ComputedKeyFamily) GetAllDevices() []*Device

func (ComputedKeyFamily) GetAllSibkeysUnchecked

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) GetAllSibkeysUnchecked() (ret []GenericKey)

GetAllSibkeysUnchecked gets all sibkeys, dead or otherwise, that were at one point associated with this key family.

func (ComputedKeyFamily) GetAllSubkeysUnchecked

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) GetAllSubkeysUnchecked() (ret []GenericKey)

GetAllSubkeysUnchecked gets all sibkeys, dead or otherwise, that were at one point associated with this key family.

func (*ComputedKeyFamily) GetCurrentDevice

func (ckf *ComputedKeyFamily) GetCurrentDevice(g *GlobalContext) (*Device, error)

GetCurrentDevice returns the current device.

func (ComputedKeyFamily) GetDeletedKeys

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) GetDeletedKeys() []GenericKey

func (*ComputedKeyFamily) GetDeviceForKID

func (ckf *ComputedKeyFamily) GetDeviceForKID(kid keybase1.KID) (*Device, error)

func (*ComputedKeyFamily) GetDeviceForKey

func (ckf *ComputedKeyFamily) GetDeviceForKey(key GenericKey) (*Device, error)

GetDeviceForKey gets the device that this key is bound to, if any.

func (*ComputedKeyFamily) GetEncryptionSubkeyForDevice

func (ckf *ComputedKeyFamily) GetEncryptionSubkeyForDevice(did keybase1.DeviceID) (key GenericKey, err error)

GetEncryptionSubkeyForDevice gets the current encryption subkey for the given device.

func (ComputedKeyFamily) GetKeyRole

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) GetKeyRole(kid keybase1.KID) (ret KeyRole)

GetKeyRole returns the KeyRole (sibkey/subkey/none), taking into account whether the key has been cancelled.

func (ComputedKeyFamily) GetKeyRoleAtTime

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) GetKeyRoleAtTime(kid keybase1.KID, t time.Time) (ret KeyRole)

GetKeyRoleAtTime returns the KeyRole (sibkey/subkey/none), taking into account whether the key has been cancelled at time t.

func (*ComputedKeyFamily) GetLatestPerUserKey

func (ckf *ComputedKeyFamily) GetLatestPerUserKey() *keybase1.PerUserKey

If there aren't any per-user-keys for the user, return nil.

func (ComputedKeyFamily) GetRevokedKeys

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) GetRevokedKeys() []RevokedKey

func (ComputedKeyFamily) GetSaltpackSenderTypeIfInactive

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) GetSaltpackSenderTypeIfInactive(kid keybase1.KID) (*keybase1.SaltpackSenderType, error)

Returns (&senderType, err). A non-nil error indicates some unexpected condition (like the key doesn't exist at all), which should be propagated. If the sender type is nil, the key is active, and the caller should proceed with an identify. Otherwise the key is no longer active, and the sender type indicates why.

func (*ComputedKeyFamily) GetSibkeyForDevice

func (ckf *ComputedKeyFamily) GetSibkeyForDevice(did keybase1.DeviceID) (key GenericKey, err error)

GetSibkeyForDevice gets the current per-device key for the given Device. Will return nil if one isn't found, and set err for a real error. The sibkey should be a signing key, not an encryption key of course.

func (*ComputedKeyFamily) HasActiveDevice

func (ckf *ComputedKeyFamily) HasActiveDevice() bool

func (*ComputedKeyFamily) HasActiveEncryptionSubkey

func (ckf *ComputedKeyFamily) HasActiveEncryptionSubkey() bool

func (ComputedKeyFamily) HasActiveKey

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) HasActiveKey() bool

HasActiveKey returns if the given ComputeKeyFamily has any active keys. The key has to be in the server-given KeyFamily and also in our ComputedKeyFamily. The former check is so that we can handle the case nuked sigchains.

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) InsertEldestLink(tcl TypedChainLink, username NormalizedUsername) (err error)

func (*ComputedKeyFamily) Revoke

func (ckf *ComputedKeyFamily) Revoke(tcl TypedChainLink) (err error)

Revoke examines a TypeChainLink and applies any revocations in the link to the current ComputedKeyInfos.

func (*ComputedKeyFamily) RevokeKid

func (ckf *ComputedKeyFamily) RevokeKid(kid keybase1.KID, tcl TypedChainLink) (err error)

func (*ComputedKeyFamily) RevokeSig

func (ckf *ComputedKeyFamily) RevokeSig(sig keybase1.SigID, tcl TypedChainLink) (err error)

func (*ComputedKeyFamily) SetActivePGPHash

func (ckf *ComputedKeyFamily) SetActivePGPHash(kid keybase1.KID, hash string)

SetPGPHash sets the authoritative version (by hash) of a PGP key

func (ComputedKeyFamily) ShallowCopy

func (ckf ComputedKeyFamily) ShallowCopy() *ComputedKeyFamily

func (*ComputedKeyFamily) UpdateDevices

func (ckf *ComputedKeyFamily) UpdateDevices(tcl TypedChainLink) (err error)

UpdateDevices takes the Device object from the given ChainLink and updates keys to reflects any device changes encoded therein.

type ComputedKeyInfo

type ComputedKeyInfo struct {

	// Repeat the KID inside, for lookups if we get here via the
	// `Sigs` map in ComputedKeyInfos
	KID keybase1.KID

	Status KeyStatus
	Eldest bool
	Sibkey bool

	// These have to be ints so they can be written to disk and read
	// back in.
	CTime int64 // In Seconds since the Epoch
	ETime int64 // In Seconds since the Epoch or 0 if none

	// For subkeys, the KID of our parent (if valid)
	Parent keybase1.KID

	// For sibkeys, the KID of last-added subkey (if valid)
	Subkey keybase1.KID

	// Map of SigID -> KID
	Delegations map[keybase1.SigID]keybase1.KID

	// List of the same delegations as above, in a way that preserves ordering.
	// NOTE: This is not populated in older cached CKI's.
	DelegationsList []Delegation

	// Merkle Timestamps and Friends for delegation. Suboptimal grouping of concerns
	// due to backwards compatibility and sensitivity to preexisting ondisk representations.
	DelegatedAt                 *KeybaseTime              // The Seqno/Ctime signed into the link, so jus before the actual delegation!
	DelegatedAtHashMeta         keybase1.HashMeta         // The HashMeta at the time of the delegation
	FirstAppearedUnverified     keybase1.Seqno            // What the server claims was the first merkle appearance of this seqno
	DelegatedAtSigChainLocation keybase1.SigChainLocation // Where the delegation was in our sigchain

	// Merkle Timestamps and Friends for revocation.
	RevokedAt                     *KeybaseTime // The Seqno/Ctime signed into the signature
	RevokedBy                     keybase1.KID
	RevokedAtHashMeta             keybase1.HashMeta          // The hash_meta signed in at the time of the revocation
	RevokeFirstAppearedUnverified keybase1.Seqno             // What the server claims was the first merkle appearance of this revoke
	RevokedAtSigChainLocation     *keybase1.SigChainLocation // Where the revocation was in our sigchain

	// For PGP keys, the active version of the key. If unspecified, use the
	// legacy behavior of combining every instance of this key that we got from
	// the server minus revocations.
	ActivePGPHash string

refers to exactly one ServerKeyInfo.

func NewComputedKeyInfo

func NewComputedKeyInfo(kid keybase1.KID, eldest, sibkey bool, status KeyStatus, ctime, etime int64, activePGPHash string) ComputedKeyInfo

func (ComputedKeyInfo) GetCTime

func (cki ComputedKeyInfo) GetCTime() time.Time

func (ComputedKeyInfo) GetETime

func (cki ComputedKeyInfo) GetETime() time.Time

type ComputedKeyInfos

type ComputedKeyInfos struct {

	// Now set to 1. Everything before that is thrown away on sigchain load.
	Version ComputedKeyInfosVersion

	// Map of KID to a computed info
	Infos map[keybase1.KID]*ComputedKeyInfo

	// Map of a SigID (in binary) to the ComputedKeyInfo describing when the key was
	// delegated.
	Sigs map[keybase1.SigID]*ComputedKeyInfo

	// Map of DeviceID to the most current device object
	Devices map[keybase1.DeviceID]*Device

	// Map of KID -> DeviceID
	KIDToDeviceID map[keybase1.KID]keybase1.DeviceID

	// For each generation, the public KIDs that correspond to the
	// per-user-key for a given generation.
	// Starts at gen=1.
	PerUserKeys map[keybase1.PerUserKeyGeneration]keybase1.PerUserKey
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

When we play a sigchain forward, it yields ComputedKeyInfos (CKIs). We're going to store CKIs separately from the keys, since the server can clobber the former. We should rewrite CKIs every time we (re)check a user's SigChain

func NewComputedKeyInfos

func NewComputedKeyInfos(g *GlobalContext) *ComputedKeyInfos

func (*ComputedKeyInfos) Delegate

func (cki *ComputedKeyInfos) Delegate(kid keybase1.KID, tm *KeybaseTime, sigid keybase1.SigID, signingKid, parentKID keybase1.KID,
	pgpHash string, isSibkey bool, ctime, etime time.Time,
	merkleHashMeta keybase1.HashMeta, fau keybase1.Seqno,
	dascl keybase1.SigChainLocation) (err error)

Delegate marks the given ComputedKeyInfos object that the given kid is now delegated, as of time tm, in sigid, as signed by signingKid, etc. fau = "FirstAppearedUnverified", a hint from the server that we're going to persist. dascl = "DelegatedAtSigChainLocation"

func (*ComputedKeyInfos) DelegatePerUserKey

func (cki *ComputedKeyInfos) DelegatePerUserKey(perUserKey keybase1.PerUserKey) (err error)

DelegatePerUserKey inserts the new per-user key into the list of known per-user keys.

func (*ComputedKeyInfos) Insert

func (cki *ComputedKeyInfos) Insert(i *ComputedKeyInfo)

Insert inserts the given ComputedKeyInfo object 1 or 2 times, depending on if a KID or PGPFingerprint or both are available.

func (ComputedKeyInfos) InsertLocalEldestKey

func (cki ComputedKeyInfos) InsertLocalEldestKey(kid keybase1.KID)

func (ComputedKeyInfos) InsertServerEldestKey

func (cki ComputedKeyInfos) InsertServerEldestKey(eldestKey GenericKey, un NormalizedUsername) error

For use when there are no chain links at all, so all we can do is trust the eldest key that the server reported.

func (*ComputedKeyInfos) IsStaleVersion

func (cki *ComputedKeyInfos) IsStaleVersion() bool

func (*ComputedKeyInfos) PaperDevices

func (cki *ComputedKeyInfos) PaperDevices() []*Device

PaperDevices returns a list of all the paperkey devices.

func (ComputedKeyInfos) ShallowCopy

func (cki ComputedKeyInfos) ShallowCopy() *ComputedKeyInfos

TODO: Figure out whether this needs to be a deep copy. See .

type ComputedKeyInfosVersion

type ComputedKeyInfosVersion int
const (
	ComputedKeyInfosV1             ComputedKeyInfosVersion = ComputedKeyInfosVersion(1)
	ComputedKeyInfosV2             ComputedKeyInfosVersion = ComputedKeyInfosVersion(2)
	ComputedKeyInfosV3             ComputedKeyInfosVersion = ComputedKeyInfosVersion(3)
	ComputedKeyInfosV4             ComputedKeyInfosVersion = ComputedKeyInfosVersion(4)
	ComputedKeyInfosVersionCurrent                         = ComputedKeyInfosV4

type ConfigError

type ConfigError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ConfigError) Error

func (c ConfigError) Error() string

type ConfigGetter

type ConfigGetter func() string

type ConfigReader

type ConfigReader interface {

	GetUserConfig() (*UserConfig, error)
	GetUserConfigForUsername(s NormalizedUsername) (*UserConfig, error)
	GetBundledCA(host string) string
	GetProofCacheLongDur() (time.Duration, bool)
	GetProofCacheMediumDur() (time.Duration, bool)
	GetProofCacheShortDur() (time.Duration, bool)
	GetLinkCacheCleanDur() (time.Duration, bool)
	GetNoPinentry() (bool, bool)
	GetDeviceID() keybase1.DeviceID
	GetDeviceIDForUsername(nu NormalizedUsername) keybase1.DeviceID
	GetDeviceIDForUID(u keybase1.UID) keybase1.DeviceID
	GetUsernameForUID(u keybase1.UID) NormalizedUsername
	GetUIDForUsername(n NormalizedUsername) keybase1.UID
	GetUsername() NormalizedUsername
	GetAllUsernames() (current NormalizedUsername, others []NormalizedUsername, err error)
	GetAllUserConfigs() (*UserConfig, []UserConfig, error)
	GetUID() keybase1.UID
	GetProxyCACerts() ([]string, error)
	GetSecurityAccessGroupOverride() (bool, bool)
	GetBug3964RepairTime(NormalizedUsername) (time.Time, error)

	GetUpdatePreferenceAuto() (bool, bool)
	GetUpdatePreferenceSkip() string
	GetUpdatePreferenceSnoozeUntil() keybase1.Time
	GetUpdateLastChecked() keybase1.Time
	GetUpdateURL() string
	GetUpdateDisabled() (bool, bool)
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

type ConfigWriter

type ConfigWriter interface {
	SetUserConfig(cfg *UserConfig, overwrite bool) error
	SwitchUser(un NormalizedUsername) error
	NukeUser(un NormalizedUsername) error
	SetDeviceID(keybase1.DeviceID) error
	SetWrapperAtPath(string, *jsonw.Wrapper) error
	SetUpdatePreferenceAuto(bool) error
	SetUpdatePreferenceSkip(string) error
	SetUpdatePreferenceSnoozeUntil(keybase1.Time) error
	SetUpdateLastChecked(keybase1.Time) error
	SetBug3964RepairTime(NormalizedUsername, time.Time) error
	SetRememberPassphrase(bool) error
	BeginTransaction() (ConfigWriterTransacter, error)

type ConfigWriterTransacter

type ConfigWriterTransacter interface {
	Commit() error
	Rollback() error
	Abort() error

type ConnectionID

type ConnectionID int

ConnectionID is a sequential integer assigned to each RPC connection that this process serves. No IDs are reused.

type ConnectionManager

type ConnectionManager struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ConnectionManager manages all active connections for a given service. It can be called from multiple goroutines.

func NewConnectionManager

func NewConnectionManager() *ConnectionManager

NewConnectionManager makes a new ConnectionManager.

func (*ConnectionManager) AddConnection

func (c *ConnectionManager) AddConnection(xp rpc.Transporter, closeListener chan error) ConnectionID

AddConnection adds a new connection to the table of Connection object, with a related closeListener. We'll listen for a close on that channel, and when one occurs, we'll remove the connection from the pool.

func (*ConnectionManager) ApplyAll

func (c *ConnectionManager) ApplyAll(f ApplyFn)

ApplyAll applies the given function f to all connections in the table. If you're going to do something blocking, please do it in a GoRoutine, since we're holding the lock for all connections as we do this.

func (*ConnectionManager) Label

func (*ConnectionManager) ListAllLabeledConnections

func (c *ConnectionManager) ListAllLabeledConnections() (ret []keybase1.ClientDetails)

func (*ConnectionManager) LookupByClientType

func (c *ConnectionManager) LookupByClientType(clientType keybase1.ClientType) rpc.Transporter

func (*ConnectionManager) LookupConnection

func (c *ConnectionManager) LookupConnection(i ConnectionID) rpc.Transporter

LookupConnection looks up a connection given a connectionID, or returns nil if no such connection was found.

func (*ConnectionManager) RegisterLabelCallback

func (c *ConnectionManager) RegisterLabelCallback(f LabelCb)

func (*ConnectionManager) Shutdown

func (c *ConnectionManager) Shutdown()

func (*ConnectionManager) WaitForClientType

func (c *ConnectionManager) WaitForClientType(clientType keybase1.ClientType, timeout time.Duration) bool

WaitForClientType returns true if client type is connected, or waits until timeout for the connection

type ConnectivityMonitor

type ConnectivityMonitor interface {
	IsConnected(ctx context.Context) ConnectivityMonitorResult
	CheckReachability(ctx context.Context) error

type ConnectivityMonitorResult

type ConnectivityMonitorResult int
const (
	ConnectivityMonitorYes ConnectivityMonitorResult = iota

type Contextified

type Contextified struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Contextified objects have explicit references to the GlobalContext, so that G can be swapped out for something else. We're going to incrementally start moving objects over to this system.

func NewContextified

func NewContextified(gc *GlobalContext) Contextified

func (Contextified) G

func (c Contextified) G() *GlobalContext

func (Contextified) GStrict

func (c Contextified) GStrict() *GlobalContext

func (Contextified) MetaContext

func (c Contextified) MetaContext(ctx context.Context) MetaContext

func (*Contextified) SetGlobalContext

func (c *Contextified) SetGlobalContext(g *GlobalContext)

type Contextifier

type Contextifier interface {
	G() *GlobalContext

type CryptoMessageFormat

type CryptoMessageFormat string

CryptoMessageFormat is one of the known crypto message formats that we admit

const (
	// CryptoMessageFormatPGP is for PGP
	CryptoMessageFormatPGP CryptoMessageFormat = "pgp"
	// CryptoMessageFormatKeybaseV0 is for the zeroth version of Keybase signatures, which
	// will eventually be deprecated.
	CryptoMessageFormatKeybaseV0 CryptoMessageFormat = "kbv0"
	// CryptoMessageFormatSaltpack is the Saltpack messaging format for encrypted and signed
	// messages
	CryptoMessageFormatSaltpack CryptoMessageFormat = "saltpack"

type CryptoMessageType

type CryptoMessageType int

CryptoMessageType says what type of crypto message it is, regardless of Format

const (
	// CryptoMessageTypeEncryption is for an encrypted message
	CryptoMessageTypeEncryption CryptoMessageType = 0
	// CryptoMessageTypeAttachedSignature is for an attached signature
	CryptoMessageTypeAttachedSignature CryptoMessageType = 1
	// CryptoMessageTypeDetachedSignature is for a detached signature
	CryptoMessageTypeDetachedSignature CryptoMessageType = 2
	// CryptoMessageTypeClearSignature is for PGP clearsigning
	CryptoMessageTypeClearSignature CryptoMessageType = 3
	// CryptoMessageTypeAmbiguous is for an ambiguous message based on the stream prefix
	CryptoMessageTypeAmbiguous CryptoMessageType = 4
	// CryptoMessageTypeSignature is for a sig that can be either attached or detached
	CryptoMessageTypeSignature CryptoMessageType = 5
type CryptocurrencyChainLink struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ParseCryptocurrencyChainLink(b GenericChainLink) (
	cl *CryptocurrencyChainLink, err error)

func (CryptocurrencyChainLink) Display

func (CryptocurrencyChainLink) Export

func (CryptocurrencyChainLink) GetAddress

func (c CryptocurrencyChainLink) GetAddress() string

func (*CryptocurrencyChainLink) ToDisplayString

func (c *CryptocurrencyChainLink) ToDisplayString() string

func (*CryptocurrencyChainLink) Type

func (c *CryptocurrencyChainLink) Type() string

type CryptocurrencyFamily

type CryptocurrencyFamily string
const (
	CryptocurrencyFamilyNone    CryptocurrencyFamily = ""
	CryptocurrencyFamilyBitcoin CryptocurrencyFamily = "bitcoin"
	CryptocurrencyFamilyZCash   CryptocurrencyFamily = "zcash"

type CryptocurrencyPrefix

type CryptocurrencyPrefix struct {
	Type   CryptocurrencyType
	Prefix []byte
	Len    int

type CryptocurrencyType

type CryptocurrencyType int
const (
	CryptocurrencyTypeNone                  CryptocurrencyType = -1
	CryptocurrencyTypeBTC                   CryptocurrencyType = 0    // 0x0
	CryptocurrencyTypeBTCMultiSig           CryptocurrencyType = 5    // 0x5
	CryptocurrencyTypeZCashShielded         CryptocurrencyType = 5786 // 0x169a
	CryptocurrencyTypeZCashTransparentP2PKH CryptocurrencyType = 7352 // 0x1cb8
	CryptocurrencyTypeZCashTransparentP2SH  CryptocurrencyType = 7357 // 0x1cbd

func CryptocurrencyParseAndCheck

func CryptocurrencyParseAndCheck(s string) (CryptocurrencyType, []byte, error)

func (CryptocurrencyType) String

func (p CryptocurrencyType) String() string

func (CryptocurrencyType) ToCryptocurrencyFamily

func (p CryptocurrencyType) ToCryptocurrencyFamily() CryptocurrencyFamily

type CtimeMismatchError

type CtimeMismatchError struct {
	Msg string

func (CtimeMismatchError) Error

func (e CtimeMismatchError) Error() string

type CurrentStatus

type CurrentStatus struct {
	Configured     bool
	Registered     bool
	LoggedIn       bool
	SessionIsValid bool
	User           *User

func GetCurrentStatus

func GetCurrentStatus(ctx context.Context, g *GlobalContext) (res CurrentStatus, err error)

func (CurrentStatus) Export

func (c CurrentStatus) Export() (ret keybase1.GetCurrentStatusRes)

type DBError

type DBError struct {
	Msg string

func NewDBError

func NewDBError(s string) DBError

func (DBError) Error

func (e DBError) Error() string

type DNSContext

type DNSContext interface {
	GetDNSNameServerFetcher() DNSNameServerFetcher

type DNSNameServerFetcher

type DNSNameServerFetcher interface {
	GetServers() []string

type Darwin

type Darwin struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (Darwin) CacheDir

func (d Darwin) CacheDir() string

func (Darwin) ConfigDir

func (d Darwin) ConfigDir() string

func (Darwin) DataDir

func (d Darwin) DataDir() string

func (Darwin) Home

func (d Darwin) Home(emptyOk bool) string

func (Darwin) InfoDir

func (d Darwin) InfoDir() string

func (Darwin) LogDir

func (d Darwin) LogDir() string

func (Darwin) MobileSharedHome

func (d Darwin) MobileSharedHome(emptyOk bool) string

func (Darwin) Normalize

func (d Darwin) Normalize(s string) string

func (Darwin) RuntimeDir

func (d Darwin) RuntimeDir() string

func (Darwin) SandboxCacheDir

func (d Darwin) SandboxCacheDir() string

func (Darwin) ServiceSpawnDir

func (d Darwin) ServiceSpawnDir() (string, error)

type DbKey

type DbKey struct {
	Typ ObjType
	Key string

func DbKeyNotificationDismiss

func DbKeyNotificationDismiss(prefix string, username NormalizedUsername) DbKey

func DbKeyParse

func DbKeyParse(s string) (string, DbKey, error)

func DbKeyUID

func DbKeyUID(t ObjType, uid keybase1.UID) DbKey

func ImportDbKey

func ImportDbKey(k keybase1.DbKey) DbKey

func LocalTrackDBKey

func LocalTrackDBKey(tracker, trackee keybase1.UID, expireLocal bool) DbKey

func (DbKey) ToBytes

func (k DbKey) ToBytes(table string) []byte

func (DbKey) ToString

func (k DbKey) ToString(table string) string

type DecryptBadNonceError

type DecryptBadNonceError struct{}

func (DecryptBadNonceError) Error

func (d DecryptBadNonceError) Error() string

type DecryptBadPacketTypeError

type DecryptBadPacketTypeError struct{}

func (DecryptBadPacketTypeError) Error

type DecryptBadSenderError

type DecryptBadSenderError struct{}

func (DecryptBadSenderError) Error

func (d DecryptBadSenderError) Error() string

type DecryptOpenError

type DecryptOpenError struct {
	What string

func NewDecryptOpenError

func NewDecryptOpenError(what string) DecryptOpenError

func (DecryptOpenError) Error

func (d DecryptOpenError) Error() string

type DecryptWrongReceiverError

type DecryptWrongReceiverError struct{}

func (DecryptWrongReceiverError) Error

type DecryptionError

type DecryptionError struct {
	Cause error

func (DecryptionError) Error

func (e DecryptionError) Error() string

func (DecryptionError) ToStatus

func (e DecryptionError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type Delegation

type Delegation struct {
	KID   keybase1.KID
	SigID keybase1.SigID

Struct for the DelegationsList

type DelegationType

type DelegationType LinkType

type Delegator

type Delegator struct {

	// Set these fields
	NewKey               GenericKey
	ExistingKey          GenericKey
	EldestKID            keybase1.KID
	Me                   *User
	Expire               int
	Device               *Device
	RevSig               string
	ServerHalf           []byte
	EncodedPrivateKey    string
	Ctime                int64
	DelegationType       DelegationType
	Aggregated           bool // During aggregation we skip some steps (posting, updating some state)
	PerUserKeyGeneration keybase1.PerUserKeyGeneration
	MerkleRoot           *MerkleRoot

	// Optional precalculated values used by KeyProof
	Seqno       keybase1.Seqno // kex2 HandleDidCounterSign needs to sign subkey without a user but we know what the last seqno was
	PrevLinkID  LinkID         // kex2 HandleDidCounterSign calculates previous link id without a user
	SigningUser UserBasic      // kex2 doesn't have a full user, but does have basic user info
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Delegator) CheckArgs

func (d *Delegator) CheckArgs(m MetaContext) (err error)

func (Delegator) GetMerkleTriple

func (d Delegator) GetMerkleTriple() MerkleTriple

GetMerkleTriple gets the new MerkleTriple that came about as a result of performing the key delegation.

func (Delegator) GetSigningKey

func (d Delegator) GetSigningKey() GenericKey

func (Delegator) IsEldest

func (d Delegator) IsEldest() bool

func (Delegator) IsSibkeyOrEldest

func (d Delegator) IsSibkeyOrEldest() bool

func (*Delegator) LoadSigningKey

func (d *Delegator) LoadSigningKey(m MetaContext, ui SecretUI) (err error)

LoadSigningKey can be called before Run() to load the signing key into the delegator. This will check the given key first, then a device Key if we have one, and otherwise will leave the signing key unset so that we will set it as the eldest key on upload. m.LoginContext can be nil.

func (*Delegator) Run

func (d *Delegator) Run(m MetaContext) (err error)

Run the Delegator, performing all necessary internal operations. Return err on failure and nil on success.

func (*Delegator) SignAndPost

func (d *Delegator) SignAndPost(m MetaContext, jw *jsonw.Wrapper) (err error)

type DeletedError

type DeletedError = UserDeletedError

Keep the previous name around until KBFS revendors and updates.

type DeriveReason

type DeriveReason string
const (
	DeriveReasonPUKSigning    DeriveReason = "Derived-User-NaCl-EdDSA-1"
	DeriveReasonPUKEncryption DeriveReason = "Derived-User-NaCl-DH-1"
	// Context used for chaining generations of PerUserKeys.
	DeriveReasonPUKPrev            DeriveReason = "Derived-User-NaCl-SecretBox-1"
	DeriveReasonPUKStellarBundle   DeriveReason = "Derived-User-NaCl-SecretBox-StellarBundle-1"
	DeriveReasonPUKStellarNoteSelf DeriveReason = "Derived-User-NaCl-SecretBox-StellarSelfNote-1"

	DeriveReasonDeviceEKEncryption  DeriveReason = "Derived-Ephemeral-Device-NaCl-DH-1"
	DeriveReasonUserEKEncryption    DeriveReason = "Derived-Ephemeral-User-NaCl-DH-1"
	DeriveReasonTeamEKEncryption    DeriveReason = "Derived-Ephemeral-Team-NaCl-DH-1"
	DeriveReasonTeamEKExplodingChat DeriveReason = "Derived-Ephemeral-Team-NaCl-SecretBox-ExplodingChat-1"

	DeriveReasonChatPairwiseMAC DeriveReason = "Derived-Chat-Pairwise-HMAC-SHA256-1"

type Device

type Device struct {
	ID          keybase1.DeviceID `json:"id"`
	Kid         keybase1.KID      `json:"kid,omitempty"`
	Description *string           `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Status      *int              `json:"status,omitempty"`
	Type        string            `json:"type"`
	CTime       keybase1.Time     `json:"ctime"`
	MTime       keybase1.Time     `json:"mtime"`

func NewPaperDevice

func NewPaperDevice(passphrasePrefix string) (*Device, error)

NewPaperDevice creates a new paper backup key device

func ParseDevice

func ParseDevice(jw *jsonw.Wrapper, t time.Time) (ret *Device, err error)

func (*Device) Export

func (d *Device) Export(lt LinkType) (*jsonw.Wrapper, error)

func (*Device) IsActive

func (d *Device) IsActive() bool

func (*Device) Merge

func (d *Device) Merge(d2 *Device)

func (*Device) ProtExport

func (d *Device) ProtExport() *keybase1.Device

func (*Device) StatusString

func (d *Device) StatusString() string

type DeviceAlreadyProvisionedError

type DeviceAlreadyProvisionedError struct{}

func (DeviceAlreadyProvisionedError) Error

func (DeviceAlreadyProvisionedError) ToStatus

type DeviceBadNameError

type DeviceBadNameError struct{}

func (DeviceBadNameError) Error

func (e DeviceBadNameError) Error() string
type DeviceChainLink struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ParseDeviceChainLink(b GenericChainLink) (ret *DeviceChainLink, err error)

func (*DeviceChainLink) GetDevice

func (s *DeviceChainLink) GetDevice() *Device

type DeviceCloneState

type DeviceCloneState struct {
	Prior  string
	Stage  string
	Clones int

func GetDeviceCloneState

func GetDeviceCloneState(m MetaContext) (DeviceCloneState, error)

func (DeviceCloneState) IsClone

func (d DeviceCloneState) IsClone() bool

type DeviceCloneStateJSONFile

type DeviceCloneStateJSONFile struct {

type DeviceEKStorage

type DeviceEKStorage interface {
	Put(ctx context.Context, generation keybase1.EkGeneration, deviceEK keybase1.DeviceEk) error
	Get(ctx context.Context, generation keybase1.EkGeneration) (keybase1.DeviceEk, error)
	GetAllActive(ctx context.Context, merkleRoot MerkleRoot) ([]keybase1.DeviceEkMetadata, error)
	MaxGeneration(ctx context.Context) (keybase1.EkGeneration, error)
	DeleteExpired(ctx context.Context, merkleRoot MerkleRoot) ([]keybase1.EkGeneration, error)
	// Dangerous! Only for deprovisioning.
	ForceDeleteAll(ctx context.Context, username NormalizedUsername) error
	// For keybase log send
	ListAllForUser(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error)

type DeviceKey

type DeviceKey struct {
	Type          string               `json:"type"`
	CTime         int64                `json:"ctime"`
	MTime         int64                `json:"mtime"`
	Description   string               `json:"name"`
	Status        int                  `json:"status"`
	LksServerHalf string               `json:"lks_server_half"`
	PPGen         PassphraseGeneration `json:"passphrase_generation"`
	LastUsedTime  int64                `json:"last_used_time"`

func (DeviceKey) Display

func (d DeviceKey) Display() string

func (DeviceKey) ToLKSec

func (d DeviceKey) ToLKSec() (LKSecServerHalf, error)

type DeviceKeyMap

type DeviceKeyMap map[keybase1.DeviceID]DeviceKey

type DeviceNameInUseError

type DeviceNameInUseError struct{}

func (DeviceNameInUseError) Error

func (e DeviceNameInUseError) Error() string

func (DeviceNameInUseError) ToStatus

func (e DeviceNameInUseError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type DeviceNotFoundError

type DeviceNotFoundError struct {
	Where  string
	ID     keybase1.DeviceID
	Loaded bool

func (DeviceNotFoundError) Error

func (e DeviceNotFoundError) Error() string

type DeviceRequiredError

type DeviceRequiredError struct{}

func (DeviceRequiredError) Error

func (e DeviceRequiredError) Error() string

func (DeviceRequiredError) ToStatus

func (e DeviceRequiredError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type DeviceStatus

type DeviceStatus struct {
	Provisioned  bool
	Keyed        bool
	KeyAvailable bool

type DeviceTypeSet

type DeviceTypeSet map[string]bool

type DeviceWithKeys

type DeviceWithKeys struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewDeviceWithKeys

func NewDeviceWithKeys(s GenericKey, e GenericKey, d keybase1.DeviceID, n string) *DeviceWithKeys

func NewDeviceWithKeysOnly

func NewDeviceWithKeysOnly(e GenericKey, s GenericKey) *DeviceWithKeys

func (DeviceWithKeys) DeviceID

func (d DeviceWithKeys) DeviceID() keybase1.DeviceID

func (DeviceWithKeys) DeviceName

func (d DeviceWithKeys) DeviceName() string

func (DeviceWithKeys) EncryptionKey

func (d DeviceWithKeys) EncryptionKey() GenericKey

func (DeviceWithKeys) HasBothKeys

func (d DeviceWithKeys) HasBothKeys() bool

func (*DeviceWithKeys) Populate

func (d *DeviceWithKeys) Populate(m MetaContext) (uid keybase1.UID, err error)

func (*DeviceWithKeys) SetDeviceInfo

func (d *DeviceWithKeys) SetDeviceInfo(i keybase1.DeviceID, n string)

func (DeviceWithKeys) SigningKey

func (d DeviceWithKeys) SigningKey() GenericKey

func (*DeviceWithKeys) ToProvisioningKeyActiveDevice

func (d *DeviceWithKeys) ToProvisioningKeyActiveDevice(m MetaContext, uv keybase1.UserVersion) *ActiveDevice

type DirExecError

type DirExecError struct {
	Path string

func (DirExecError) Error

func (e DirExecError) Error() string

type DumbOutputUI

type DumbOutputUI interface {
	Printf(fmt string, args ...interface{}) (int, error)
	PrintfStderr(fmt string, args ...interface{}) (int, error)
	PrintfUnescaped(fmt string, args ...interface{}) (int, error)

type EKLib

type EKLib interface {
	KeygenIfNeeded(ctx context.Context) error
	GetOrCreateLatestTeamEK(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID) (keybase1.TeamEk, error)
	GetTeamEK(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, generation keybase1.EkGeneration) (keybase1.TeamEk, error)
	PurgeCachesForTeamIDAndGeneration(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, generation keybase1.EkGeneration)
	PurgeCachesForTeamID(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID)
	NewEphemeralSeed() (keybase1.Bytes32, error)
	DeriveDeviceDHKey(seed keybase1.Bytes32) *NaclDHKeyPair
	SignedDeviceEKStatementFromSeed(ctx context.Context, generation keybase1.EkGeneration, seed keybase1.Bytes32, signingKey GenericKey) (keybase1.DeviceEkStatement, string, error)
	BoxLatestUserEK(ctx context.Context, receiverKey NaclDHKeyPair, deviceEKGeneration keybase1.EkGeneration) (*keybase1.UserEkBoxed, error)
	PrepareNewUserEK(ctx context.Context, merkleRoot MerkleRoot, pukSeed PerUserKeySeed) (string, []keybase1.UserEkBoxMetadata, keybase1.UserEkMetadata, *keybase1.UserEkBoxed, error)
	BoxLatestTeamEK(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, uids []keybase1.UID) (*[]keybase1.TeamEkBoxMetadata, error)
	PrepareNewTeamEK(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, signingKey NaclSigningKeyPair, uids []keybase1.UID) (string, *[]keybase1.TeamEkBoxMetadata, keybase1.TeamEkMetadata, *keybase1.TeamEkBoxed, error)
	// For testing
	NewTeamEKNeeded(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID) (bool, error)
type EldestChainLink struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ParseEldestChainLink(b GenericChainLink) (ret *EldestChainLink, err error)

func (*EldestChainLink) GetDelegatedKid

func (s *EldestChainLink) GetDelegatedKid() keybase1.KID

func (*EldestChainLink) GetDevice

func (s *EldestChainLink) GetDevice() *Device

func (*EldestChainLink) GetPGPFullHash

func (s *EldestChainLink) GetPGPFullHash() string

func (*EldestChainLink) GetRole

func (s *EldestChainLink) GetRole() KeyRole

func (*EldestChainLink) ToDisplayString

func (s *EldestChainLink) ToDisplayString() string

func (*EldestChainLink) Type

func (s *EldestChainLink) Type() string

type EldestSeqnoMissingError

type EldestSeqnoMissingError struct{}

func (EldestSeqnoMissingError) Error

func (e EldestSeqnoMissingError) Error() string

type EmptyKeyRing

type EmptyKeyRing struct{}

func (EmptyKeyRing) DecryptionKeys

func (k EmptyKeyRing) DecryptionKeys() []openpgp.Key

func (EmptyKeyRing) KeysById

func (k EmptyKeyRing) KeysById(id uint64, fp []byte) []openpgp.Key

func (EmptyKeyRing) KeysByIdUsage

func (k EmptyKeyRing) KeysByIdUsage(id uint64, fp []byte, usage byte) []openpgp.Key

type EncryptionReason

type EncryptionReason string
const (
	EncryptionReasonChatLocalStorage       EncryptionReason = "Keybase-Chat-Local-Storage-1"
	EncryptionReasonChatMessage            EncryptionReason = "Keybase-Chat-Message-1"
	EncryptionReasonTeamsLocalStorage      EncryptionReason = "Keybase-Teams-Local-Storage-1"
	EncryptionReasonErasableKVLocalStorage EncryptionReason = "Keybase-Erasable-KV-Local-Storage-1"

func (EncryptionReason) Bytes

func (r EncryptionReason) Bytes() []byte

type Engine2

type Engine2 interface {
	Run(MetaContext) error
	Prereqs() EnginePrereqs

type EnginePrereqs

type EnginePrereqs struct {
	TemporarySession bool
	Device           bool

type Env

type Env struct {

	HomeFinder HomeFinder

	Test *TestParameters
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewEnv

func NewEnv(cmd CommandLine, config ConfigReader, getLog LogGetter) *Env

func (*Env) AllowPTrace

func (e *Env) AllowPTrace() bool

func (*Env) DarwinForceSecretStoreFile

func (e *Env) DarwinForceSecretStoreFile() bool

func (*Env) GetAPIDump

func (e *Env) GetAPIDump() bool

func (*Env) GetAPITimeout

func (e *Env) GetAPITimeout() time.Duration

func (*Env) GetAllowRoot

func (e *Env) GetAllowRoot() bool

func (*Env) GetAppType

func (e *Env) GetAppType() AppType

func (*Env) GetAttachmentDisableMulti

func (e *Env) GetAttachmentDisableMulti() bool

func (*Env) GetAttachmentHTTPStartPort

func (e *Env) GetAttachmentHTTPStartPort() int

func (*Env) GetAutoFork

func (e *Env) GetAutoFork() bool

func (*Env) GetAutoWallet

func (e *Env) GetAutoWallet() bool

Automatically create a wallet for the logged-in user.

func (*Env) GetAvatarSource

func (e *Env) GetAvatarSource() string

func (*Env) GetBGIdentifierDisabled

func (e *Env) GetBGIdentifierDisabled() bool

func (*Env) GetBool

func (e *Env) GetBool(def bool, flist ...func() (bool, bool)) bool

func (*Env) GetBundledCA

func (e *Env) GetBundledCA(host string) string

func (*Env) GetCacheDir

func (e *Env) GetCacheDir() string

func (*Env) GetChatDbFilename

func (e *Env) GetChatDbFilename() string

func (*Env) GetChatDelivererInterval

func (e *Env) GetChatDelivererInterval() time.Duration

func (*Env) GetChatInboxSourceLocalizeThreads

func (e *Env) GetChatInboxSourceLocalizeThreads() int

func (*Env) GetChatMemberType

func (e *Env) GetChatMemberType() string

GetChatMemberType returns the default member type for new conversations.

func (*Env) GetCodeSigningKIDs

func (e *Env) GetCodeSigningKIDs() []keybase1.KID

func (*Env) GetCommandLine

func (e *Env) GetCommandLine() CommandLine

func (*Env) GetConfig

func (e *Env) GetConfig() ConfigReader

func (*Env) GetConfigDir

func (e *Env) GetConfigDir() string

func (*Env) GetConfigFilename

func (e *Env) GetConfigFilename() string

func (*Env) GetConfigWriter

func (e *Env) GetConfigWriter() ConfigWriter

func (*Env) GetConvSourceType

func (e *Env) GetConvSourceType() string

func (*Env) GetDataDir

func (e *Env) GetDataDir() string

func (*Env) GetDbFilename

func (e *Env) GetDbFilename() string

func (*Env) GetDebug

func (e *Env) GetDebug() bool

func (*Env) GetDefaultLogFile

func (e *Env) GetDefaultLogFile() string

func (*Env) GetDeviceCloneStateFilename

func (e *Env) GetDeviceCloneStateFilename() string

func (*Env) GetDeviceID

func (e *Env) GetDeviceID() keybase1.DeviceID

func (*Env) GetDeviceIDForUID

func (e *Env) GetDeviceIDForUID(u keybase1.UID) keybase1.DeviceID

func (*Env) GetDeviceIDForUsername

func (e *Env) GetDeviceIDForUsername(u NormalizedUsername) keybase1.DeviceID

func (*Env) GetDisplayRawUntrustedOutput

func (e *Env) GetDisplayRawUntrustedOutput() bool

func (*Env) GetDoLogForward

func (e *Env) GetDoLogForward() bool

func (*Env) GetDuration

func (e *Env) GetDuration(def time.Duration, flist ...func() (time.Duration, bool)) time.Duration

func (*Env) GetEmail

func (e *Env) GetEmail() string

func (*Env) GetEmailOrUsername

func (e *Env) GetEmailOrUsername() string

func (*Env) GetFeatureFlags

func (e *Env) GetFeatureFlags() FeatureFlags

func (*Env) GetGpg

func (e *Env) GetGpg() string

func (*Env) GetGpgHome

func (e *Env) GetGpgHome() string

func (*Env) GetGpgOptions

func (e *Env) GetGpgOptions() []string

func (*Env) GetGregorDisabled

func (e *Env) GetGregorDisabled() bool

func (*Env) GetGregorPingInterval

func (e *Env) GetGregorPingInterval() time.Duration

func (*Env) GetGregorPingTimeout

func (e *Env) GetGregorPingTimeout() time.Duration

func (*Env) GetGregorSaveInterval

func (e *Env) GetGregorSaveInterval() time.Duration

func (*Env) GetGregorURI

func (e *Env) GetGregorURI() string

func (*Env) GetHome

func (e *Env) GetHome() string

func (*Env) GetInboxSourceType

func (e *Env) GetInboxSourceType() string

func (*Env) GetInfoDir

func (e *Env) GetInfoDir() string

func (*Env) GetInstallID

func (e *Env) GetInstallID() (ret InstallID)

func (*Env) GetInt

func (e *Env) GetInt(def int, flist ...func() (int, bool)) int

func (*Env) GetKBFSInfoPath

func (e *Env) GetKBFSInfoPath() string

GetKBFSInfoPath returns path to info file written by the KBFS service after startup

func (*Env) GetLabel

func (e *Env) GetLabel() string

func (*Env) GetLevelDBNumFiles

func (e *Env) GetLevelDBNumFiles() int

func (*Env) GetLinkCacheCleanDur

func (e *Env) GetLinkCacheCleanDur() time.Duration

func (*Env) GetLinkCacheSize

func (e *Env) GetLinkCacheSize() int

func (*Env) GetLocalRPCDebug

func (e *Env) GetLocalRPCDebug() string

func (*Env) GetLocalTrackMaxAge

func (e *Env) GetLocalTrackMaxAge() time.Duration

func (*Env) GetLogDir

func (e *Env) GetLogDir() string

func (*Env) GetLogFile

func (e *Env) GetLogFile() string

func (*Env) GetLogFormat

func (e *Env) GetLogFormat() string

func (*Env) GetLogPrefix

func (e *Env) GetLogPrefix() string

func (*Env) GetMerkleKIDs

func (e *Env) GetMerkleKIDs() []keybase1.KID

func (*Env) GetMobileSharedHome

func (e *Env) GetMobileSharedHome() string

func (*Env) GetMountDir

func (e *Env) GetMountDir() (string, error)

func (*Env) GetNegBool

func (e *Env) GetNegBool(def bool, flist []NegBoolFunc) bool

GetNegBool gets a negatable bool. You can give it a list of functions, and also possible negations for those functions.

func (*Env) GetNoPinentry

func (e *Env) GetNoPinentry() bool

func (*Env) GetParamProofKitFilename

func (e *Env) GetParamProofKitFilename() string

GetParamProofKitFilename gets the path to param proof kit file. Its value is usually "" which means to use the server.

func (*Env) GetPayloadCacheSize

func (e *Env) GetPayloadCacheSize() int

func (*Env) GetPidFile

func (e *Env) GetPidFile() (ret string, err error)

func (*Env) GetPinentry

func (e *Env) GetPinentry() string

func (*Env) GetProofCacheLongDur

func (e *Env) GetProofCacheLongDur() time.Duration

func (*Env) GetProofCacheMediumDur

func (e *Env) GetProofCacheMediumDur() time.Duration

func (*Env) GetProofCacheShortDur

func (e *Env) GetProofCacheShortDur() time.Duration

func (*Env) GetProofCacheSize

func (e *Env) GetProofCacheSize() int

func (*Env) GetProxy

func (e *Env) GetProxy() string

func (*Env) GetPvlKitFilename

func (e *Env) GetPvlKitFilename() string

GetPvlKitFilename gets the path to pvl kit file. Its value is usually "" which means to use the server.

func (*Env) GetRunMode

func (e *Env) GetRunMode() RunMode

func (*Env) GetRunModeAsString

func (e *Env) GetRunModeAsString() string

func (*Env) GetRuntimeDir

func (e *Env) GetRuntimeDir() string

func (*Env) GetSandboxCacheDir

func (e *Env) GetSandboxCacheDir() string

func (*Env) GetScraperTimeout

func (e *Env) GetScraperTimeout() time.Duration

func (*Env) GetSecretKeyringTemplate

func (e *Env) GetSecretKeyringTemplate() string

func (*Env) GetServerURI

func (e *Env) GetServerURI() string

func (*Env) GetServiceInfoPath

func (e *Env) GetServiceInfoPath() string

GetServiceInfoPath returns path to info file written by the Keybase service after startup

func (*Env) GetServiceSpawnDir

func (e *Env) GetServiceSpawnDir() (string, error)

func (*Env) GetServiceType

func (e *Env) GetServiceType() string

func (*Env) GetSessionFilename

func (e *Env) GetSessionFilename() string

func (*Env) GetSkipLogoutIfRevokedCheck

func (e *Env) GetSkipLogoutIfRevokedCheck() bool

If true, do not logout after user.key_change notification handler decides that current device has been revoked.

func (*Env) GetSlowGregorConn

func (e *Env) GetSlowGregorConn() bool

func (*Env) GetSocketBindFile

func (e *Env) GetSocketBindFile() (string, error)

func (*Env) GetSocketDialFiles

func (e *Env) GetSocketDialFiles() ([]string, error)

func (*Env) GetStandalone

func (e *Env) GetStandalone() bool

func (*Env) GetStoredSecretAccessGroup

func (e *Env) GetStoredSecretAccessGroup() string

func (*Env) GetStoredSecretServiceName

func (e *Env) GetStoredSecretServiceName() string

func (*Env) GetString

func (e *Env) GetString(flist ...(func() string)) string

func (*Env) GetStringList

func (e *Env) GetStringList(list ...(func() []string)) []string

func (*Env) GetTimers

func (e *Env) GetTimers() string

func (*Env) GetTorHiddenAddress

func (e *Env) GetTorHiddenAddress() string

func (*Env) GetTorMode

func (e *Env) GetTorMode() TorMode

func (*Env) GetTorProxy

func (e *Env) GetTorProxy() string

func (*Env) GetUID

func (e *Env) GetUID() keybase1.UID

func (*Env) GetUIDMapFullNameCacheSize

func (e *Env) GetUIDMapFullNameCacheSize() int

func (*Env) GetUPAKCacheSize

func (e *Env) GetUPAKCacheSize() int

func (*Env) GetUpdateDefaultInstructions

func (e *Env) GetUpdateDefaultInstructions() (string, error)

func (*Env) GetUpdateDisabled

func (e *Env) GetUpdateDisabled() (bool, bool)

func (*Env) GetUpdateLastChecked

func (e *Env) GetUpdateLastChecked() keybase1.Time

func (*Env) GetUpdatePreferenceAuto

func (e *Env) GetUpdatePreferenceAuto() (bool, bool)

func (*Env) GetUpdatePreferenceSkip

func (e *Env) GetUpdatePreferenceSkip() string

func (*Env) GetUpdatePreferenceSnoozeUntil

func (e *Env) GetUpdatePreferenceSnoozeUntil() keybase1.Time

func (*Env) GetUpdateURL

func (e *Env) GetUpdateURL() string

func (*Env) GetUpdaterConfig

func (e *Env) GetUpdaterConfig() UpdaterConfigReader

func (*Env) GetUpdaterConfigFilename

func (e *Env) GetUpdaterConfigFilename() string

func (*Env) GetUpgradePerUserKey

func (e *Env) GetUpgradePerUserKey() bool

Upgrade sigchains to contain per-user-keys.

func (*Env) GetUserCacheMaxAge

func (e *Env) GetUserCacheMaxAge() time.Duration

func (*Env) GetUsername

func (e *Env) GetUsername() NormalizedUsername

func (*Env) GetUsernameForUID

func (e *Env) GetUsernameForUID(u keybase1.UID) NormalizedUsername

func (*Env) GetVDebugSetting

func (e *Env) GetVDebugSetting() string

func (*Env) IsMobileExtension

func (e *Env) IsMobileExtension() bool

func (*Env) RememberPassphrase

func (e *Env) RememberPassphrase() bool

func (*Env) RunningInCI

func (e *Env) RunningInCI() bool

func (*Env) SendSystemChatMessages

func (e *Env) SendSystemChatMessages() bool

func (*Env) SetCommandLine

func (e *Env) SetCommandLine(cmd CommandLine)

func (*Env) SetConfig

func (e *Env) SetConfig(r ConfigReader, w ConfigWriter)

func (*Env) SetUpdateLastChecked

func (e *Env) SetUpdateLastChecked(t keybase1.Time) error

func (*Env) SetUpdatePreferenceAuto

func (e *Env) SetUpdatePreferenceAuto(b bool) error

func (*Env) SetUpdatePreferenceSkip

func (e *Env) SetUpdatePreferenceSkip(v string) error

func (*Env) SetUpdatePreferenceSnoozeUntil

func (e *Env) SetUpdatePreferenceSnoozeUntil(t keybase1.Time) error

func (*Env) SetUpdaterConfig

func (e *Env) SetUpdaterConfig(r UpdaterConfigReader)

func (*Env) UseTimeClockForNISTs

func (e *Env) UseTimeClockForNISTs() bool

func (*Env) WantsSystemd

func (e *Env) WantsSystemd() bool

type EphemeralPairwiseMACsMissingUIDsError

type EphemeralPairwiseMACsMissingUIDsError struct{ UIDs []keybase1.UID }

func NewEphemeralPairwiseMACsMissingUIDsError

func NewEphemeralPairwiseMACsMissingUIDsError(uids []keybase1.UID) EphemeralPairwiseMACsMissingUIDsError

func (EphemeralPairwiseMACsMissingUIDsError) Error

func (EphemeralPairwiseMACsMissingUIDsError) ToStatus

type ErrorUnwrapper

type ErrorUnwrapper struct {

func NewContextifiedErrorUnwrapper

func NewContextifiedErrorUnwrapper(g *GlobalContext) ErrorUnwrapper

func (ErrorUnwrapper) MakeArg

func (c ErrorUnwrapper) MakeArg() interface{}

func (ErrorUnwrapper) UnwrapError

func (c ErrorUnwrapper) UnwrapError(arg interface{}) (appError error, dispatchError error)

type ExistsError

type ExistsError struct {
	Msg string

func (ExistsError) Error

func (e ExistsError) Error() string

func (ExistsError) ToStatus

func (e ExistsError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type ExportableError

type ExportableError interface {
	ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type ExportedStream

type ExportedStream struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExportedStream) Export

func (s *ExportedStream) Export() keybase1.Stream

type ExportedStreams

type ExportedStreams struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewExportedStreams

func NewExportedStreams() *ExportedStreams

func (*ExportedStreams) Close

func (s *ExportedStreams) Close(_ context.Context, a keybase1.CloseArg) (err error)

func (*ExportedStreams) ExportReader

func (s *ExportedStreams) ExportReader(r ReadCloseSeeker) keybase1.Stream

func (*ExportedStreams) ExportWriter

func (s *ExportedStreams) ExportWriter(w io.WriteCloser) keybase1.Stream

func (*ExportedStreams) GetReader

func (s *ExportedStreams) GetReader(st keybase1.Stream) (ret io.ReadCloser, err error)

func (*ExportedStreams) GetWriter

func (s *ExportedStreams) GetWriter(st keybase1.Stream) (ret io.WriteCloser, err error)

func (*ExportedStreams) Read

func (s *ExportedStreams) Read(_ context.Context, a keybase1.ReadArg) (buf []byte, err error)

func (*ExportedStreams) Reset

func (*ExportedStreams) Write

func (s *ExportedStreams) Write(_ context.Context, a keybase1.WriteArg) (n int, err error)

type ExternalAPI

type ExternalAPI interface {
	Get(APIArg) (*ExternalAPIRes, error)
	Post(APIArg) (*ExternalAPIRes, error)
	GetHTML(APIArg) (*ExternalHTMLRes, error)
	GetText(APIArg) (*ExternalTextRes, error)
	PostHTML(APIArg) (*ExternalHTMLRes, error)

type ExternalAPIEngine

type ExternalAPIEngine struct {

func (*ExternalAPIEngine) DoRequest

func (api *ExternalAPIEngine) DoRequest(
	arg APIArg, req *http.Request, restype XAPIResType) (
	ar *ExternalAPIRes, hr *ExternalHTMLRes, tr *ExternalTextRes, err error)

func (*ExternalAPIEngine) Get

func (api *ExternalAPIEngine) Get(arg APIArg) (res *ExternalAPIRes, err error)

func (*ExternalAPIEngine) GetHTML

func (api *ExternalAPIEngine) GetHTML(arg APIArg) (res *ExternalHTMLRes, err error)

func (*ExternalAPIEngine) GetText

func (api *ExternalAPIEngine) GetText(arg APIArg) (res *ExternalTextRes, err error)

func (*ExternalAPIEngine) Post

func (api *ExternalAPIEngine) Post(arg APIArg) (res *ExternalAPIRes, err error)

func (*ExternalAPIEngine) PostHTML

func (api *ExternalAPIEngine) PostHTML(arg APIArg) (res *ExternalHTMLRes, err error)

type ExternalAPIRes

type ExternalAPIRes struct {
	HTTPStatus int
	Body       *jsonw.Wrapper

type ExternalHTMLRes

type ExternalHTMLRes struct {
	HTTPStatus int
	GoQuery    *goquery.Document

type ExternalServicesCollector

type ExternalServicesCollector interface {
	GetServiceType(n string) ServiceType
	ListProofCheckers() []string

type ExternalTextRes

type ExternalTextRes struct {
	HTTPStatus int
	Body       string

type FailedAssertionError

type FailedAssertionError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (FailedAssertionError) Error

func (u FailedAssertionError) Error() string

type FakeGregorDismisser

type FakeGregorDismisser struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*FakeGregorDismisser) DismissItem

func (*FakeGregorDismisser) LocalDismissItem

func (f *FakeGregorDismisser) LocalDismissItem(ctx context.Context, id gregor.MsgID) error

type FastTeamLoader

type FastTeamLoader interface {
	Load(MetaContext, keybase1.FastTeamLoadArg) (keybase1.FastTeamLoadRes, error)
	// Untrusted hint of what a team's latest seqno is
	HintLatestSeqno(m MetaContext, id keybase1.TeamID, seqno keybase1.Seqno) error
	VerifyTeamName(m MetaContext, id keybase1.TeamID, name keybase1.TeamName, forceRefresh bool) error

type Feature

type Feature string

type FeatureFlagError

type FeatureFlagError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (FeatureFlagError) Error

func (f FeatureFlagError) Error() string

func (FeatureFlagError) Feature

func (f FeatureFlagError) Feature() Feature

func (FeatureFlagError) ToStatus

func (e FeatureFlagError) ToStatus() (ret keybase1.Status)

type FeatureFlagGate

type FeatureFlagGate struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

FeatureFlagGate allows the server to disable certain features by replying with a FEATURE_FLAG API status code, which is then translated into a FeatureFlagError. We cache these errors for a given amount of time, so we're not spamming the same attempt over and over again.

func NewFeatureFlagGate

func NewFeatureFlagGate(f Feature, d time.Duration) *FeatureFlagGate

NewFeatureFlagGate makes a gate for the given feature that will cache for the given duration.

func (*FeatureFlagGate) Clear

func (f *FeatureFlagGate) Clear()

func (*FeatureFlagGate) DigestError

func (f *FeatureFlagGate) DigestError(m MetaContext, err error)

DigestError should be called on the result of an API call. It will allow this gate to digest the error and maybe set up its internal caching for when to retry this feature.

func (*FeatureFlagGate) ErrorIfFlagged

func (f *FeatureFlagGate) ErrorIfFlagged(m MetaContext) (err error)

ErrorIfFlagged should be called to avoid a feature if it's recently been feature-flagged "off" by the server. In that case, it will return the error that was originally returned by the server.

type FeatureFlagSet

type FeatureFlagSet struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

FeatureFlagSet is a set of feature flags for a given user. It will keep track of whether a feature is on or off, and how long until we should check to update

func NewFeatureFlagSet

func NewFeatureFlagSet() *FeatureFlagSet

NewFeatureFlagSet makes a new set of feature flags.

func (*FeatureFlagSet) Clear

func (s *FeatureFlagSet) Clear()

Clear clears out the cached feature flags, for instance if the user is going to logout.

func (*FeatureFlagSet) Enabled

func (s *FeatureFlagSet) Enabled(m MetaContext, f Feature) (on bool)

Enabled returns if the feature flag is enabled. It ignore errors and just acts as if the feature is off.

func (*FeatureFlagSet) EnabledWithError

func (s *FeatureFlagSet) EnabledWithError(m MetaContext, f Feature) (on bool, err error)

EnabledWithError returns if the given feature is enabled, it will return true if it's enabled, and an error if one occurred.

type FeatureFlags

type FeatureFlags []Feature

func StringToFeatureFlags

func StringToFeatureFlags(s string) (ret FeatureFlags)

StringToFeatureFlags returns a set of feature flags

func (FeatureFlags) Admin

func (set FeatureFlags) Admin() bool

Admin returns true if the admin feature set is on

func (FeatureFlags) Empty

func (set FeatureFlags) Empty() bool

type File

type File struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

File defines a default SafeWriter implementation

func NewFile

func NewFile(filename string, data []byte, perm os.FileMode) File

NewFile returns a File

func (File) GetFilename

func (f File) GetFilename() string

GetFilename is for SafeWriter

func (File) Save

func (f File) Save(g SafeWriteLogger) error

Save file

func (File) WriteTo

func (f File) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error)

WriteTo is for SafeWriter

type FileExecError

type FileExecError struct {
	Path string

func (FileExecError) Error

func (e FileExecError) Error() string

type FirstErrorPicker

type FirstErrorPicker struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*FirstErrorPicker) Error

func (p *FirstErrorPicker) Error() error

func (*FirstErrorPicker) Push

func (p *FirstErrorPicker) Push(e error)

type FullSelfer

type FullSelfer interface {
	WithSelf(ctx context.Context, f func(u *User) error) error
	WithSelfForcePoll(ctx context.Context, f func(u *User) error) error
	WithUser(arg LoadUserArg, f func(u *User) error) (err error)
	HandleUserChanged(u keybase1.UID) error
	Update(ctx context.Context, u *User) error
	New() FullSelfer
	OnLogin() error

type GPGKey

type GPGKey struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GPGKey is a shell around gpg cli commands that implements the GenericKey interface.

func NewGPGKey

func NewGPGKey(g *GlobalContext, fp *PGPFingerprint, kid keybase1.KID, ui GPGUI, ct keybase1.ClientType) *GPGKey

func (*GPGKey) CanDecrypt

func (g *GPGKey) CanDecrypt() bool

func (*GPGKey) CanEncrypt

func (g *GPGKey) CanEncrypt() bool

func (*GPGKey) CanSign

func (g *GPGKey) CanSign() bool

func (*GPGKey) CheckSecretKey

func (g *GPGKey) CheckSecretKey() error

func (*GPGKey) DecryptFromString

func (g *GPGKey) DecryptFromString(ciphertext string) (msg []byte, sender keybase1.KID, err error)

func (*GPGKey) Encode

func (g *GPGKey) Encode() (string, error)

func (*GPGKey) EncryptToString

func (g *GPGKey) EncryptToString(plaintext []byte, sender GenericKey) (ciphertext string, err error)

func (*GPGKey) ExportPublicAndPrivate

func (g *GPGKey) ExportPublicAndPrivate() (RawPublicKey, RawPrivateKey, error)

func (*GPGKey) GetAlgoType

func (g *GPGKey) GetAlgoType() kbcrypto.AlgoType

func (*GPGKey) GetBinaryKID

func (g *GPGKey) GetBinaryKID() keybase1.BinaryKID

func (*GPGKey) GetFingerprintP

func (g *GPGKey) GetFingerprintP() *PGPFingerprint

func (*GPGKey) GetKID

func (g *GPGKey) GetKID() keybase1.KID

func (*GPGKey) HasSecretKey

func (g *GPGKey) HasSecretKey() bool

func (*GPGKey) SecretSymmetricKey

func (g *GPGKey) SecretSymmetricKey(reason EncryptionReason) (NaclSecretBoxKey, error)

func (*GPGKey) SignToString

func (g *GPGKey) SignToString(msg []byte) (sig string, id keybase1.SigID, err error)

func (*GPGKey) VerboseDescription

func (g *GPGKey) VerboseDescription() string

func (*GPGKey) VerifyString

func (g *GPGKey) VerifyString(ctx VerifyContext, sig string, msg []byte) (id keybase1.SigID, err error)

func (*GPGKey) VerifyStringAndExtract

func (g *GPGKey) VerifyStringAndExtract(ctx VerifyContext, sig string) (msg []byte, id keybase1.SigID, err error)

type GPGUI

type GPGUI interface {

type GPGUnavailableError

type GPGUnavailableError struct{}

func (GPGUnavailableError) Error

func (g GPGUnavailableError) Error() string

func (GPGUnavailableError) ToStatus

func (e GPGUnavailableError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status
type GenericChainLink struct {

func (*GenericChainLink) BaseToTrackingStatement

func (g *GenericChainLink) BaseToTrackingStatement(state keybase1.ProofState) *jsonw.Wrapper

func (*GenericChainLink) DoOwnNewLinkFromServerNotifications

func (g *GenericChainLink) DoOwnNewLinkFromServerNotifications(glob *GlobalContext)

func (*GenericChainLink) GetArmoredSig

func (g *GenericChainLink) GetArmoredSig() string

func (*GenericChainLink) GetDelegatedKid

func (g *GenericChainLink) GetDelegatedKid() (kid keybase1.KID)

func (*GenericChainLink) GetDevice

func (g *GenericChainLink) GetDevice() *Device

func (*GenericChainLink) GetPGPFingerprint

func (g *GenericChainLink) GetPGPFingerprint() *PGPFingerprint

func (*GenericChainLink) GetPGPFullHash

func (g *GenericChainLink) GetPGPFullHash() string

func (*GenericChainLink) GetParentKid

func (g *GenericChainLink) GetParentKid() (kid keybase1.KID)

func (*GenericChainLink) GetRole

func (g *GenericChainLink) GetRole() KeyRole

func (*GenericChainLink) GetSeqno

func (g *GenericChainLink) GetSeqno() keybase1.Seqno

func (*GenericChainLink) GetSigID

func (g *GenericChainLink) GetSigID() keybase1.SigID

func (*GenericChainLink) GetUID

func (g *GenericChainLink) GetUID() keybase1.UID

func (*GenericChainLink) GetUsername

func (g *GenericChainLink) GetUsername() string

func (*GenericChainLink) IsDirectlyRevoked

func (g *GenericChainLink) IsDirectlyRevoked() bool

func (*GenericChainLink) IsRevocationIsh

func (g *GenericChainLink) IsRevocationIsh() bool

func (*GenericChainLink) IsRevoked

func (g *GenericChainLink) IsRevoked() bool

func (*GenericChainLink) ToDebugString

func (g *GenericChainLink) ToDebugString() string

func (*GenericChainLink) ToDisplayString

func (g *GenericChainLink) ToDisplayString() string

func (*GenericChainLink) ToSigChainLocation

func (g *GenericChainLink) ToSigChainLocation() keybase1.SigChainLocation

func (*GenericChainLink) Type

func (g *GenericChainLink) Type() string

func (*GenericChainLink) VerifyReverseSig

func (g *GenericChainLink) VerifyReverseSig(ckf ComputedKeyFamily) error

type GenericKey

type GenericKey interface {
	GetKID() keybase1.KID
	GetBinaryKID() keybase1.BinaryKID
	GetAlgoType() kbcrypto.AlgoType

	// Sign to an ASCII signature (which includes the message
	// itself) and return it, along with a derived ID.
	SignToString(msg []byte) (sig string, id keybase1.SigID, err error)

	// Verify that the given signature is valid and extracts the
	// embedded message from it. Also returns the signature ID.
	VerifyStringAndExtract(ctx VerifyContext, sig string) (msg []byte, id keybase1.SigID, err error)

	// Verify that the given signature is valid and that its
	// embedded message matches the given one. Also returns the
	// signature ID.
	VerifyString(ctx VerifyContext, sig string, msg []byte) (id keybase1.SigID, err error)

	// Encrypt to an ASCII armored encryption; optionally include a sender's
	// (private) key so that we can provably see who sent the message.
	EncryptToString(plaintext []byte, sender GenericKey) (ciphertext string, err error)

	// Decrypt the output of Encrypt above; provide the plaintext and also
	// the KID of the key that sent the message (if applicable).
	DecryptFromString(ciphertext string) (msg []byte, sender keybase1.KID, err error)

	// Derive a secret key from a DH secret key
	SecretSymmetricKey(reason EncryptionReason) (NaclSecretBoxKey, error)

	VerboseDescription() string
	CheckSecretKey() error
	CanSign() bool
	CanEncrypt() bool
	CanDecrypt() bool
	HasSecretKey() bool
	Encode() (string, error) // encode public key to string

	// ExportPublicAndPrivate to special-purpose types so there is no way we can
	// accidentally reverse them.
	ExportPublicAndPrivate() (public RawPublicKey, private RawPrivateKey, err error)

func ImportKeypairFromKID

func ImportKeypairFromKID(k keybase1.KID) (key GenericKey, err error)

type GetCacheDurationFunc

type GetCacheDurationFunc func(keybase1.Identify2ResUPK2) time.Duration

type GetCheckTimeFunc

type GetCheckTimeFunc func(keybase1.Identify2ResUPK2) keybase1.Time

type GetTlfPseudonymEither

type GetTlfPseudonymEither struct {
	// Exactly one of these 2 fields is nil.
	Err  error
	Info *TlfPseudonymServerInfo

func GetTlfPseudonyms

func GetTlfPseudonyms(ctx context.Context, g *GlobalContext, pnyms []TlfPseudonym) ([]GetTlfPseudonymEither, error)

GetTlfPseudonyms fetches info for a list of pseudonyms. The output structs are returned in the order corresponding to the inputs. The top-level error is filled if the entire request fails. The each-struct errors may be filled for per-pseudonym errors.

type GlobalContext

type GlobalContext struct {
	Log          logger.Logger // Handles all logging
	VDL          *VDebugLog    // verbose debug log
	Env          *Env          // Env variables, cmdline args & config
	SKBKeyringMu *sync.Mutex   // Protects all attempts to mutate the SKBKeyringFile
	Keyrings     *Keyrings     // Gpg Keychains holding keys

	API          API                  // How to make a REST call to the server
	Resolver     Resolver             // cache of resolve results
	LocalDb      *JSONLocalDb         // Local DB for cache
	LocalChatDb  *JSONLocalDb         // Local DB for cache
	MerkleClient *MerkleClient        // client for querying server's merkle sig tree
	XAPI         ExternalAPI          // for contacting Twitter, Github, etc.
	Output       io.Writer            // where 'Stdout'-style output goes
	DNSNSFetcher DNSNameServerFetcher // The mobile apps potentially pass an implementor of this interface which is used to grab currently configured DNS name servers
	AppState     *AppState            // The state of focus for the currently running instance of the app
	ChatHelper   ChatHelper           // conveniently send chat messages
	RPCCanceller *RPCCanceller        // register live RPCs so they can be cancelleed en masse

	ProofCache *ProofCache // where to cache proof results

	PayloadCache *PayloadCache // cache of ChainLink payload json wrappers

	GpgClient     *GpgCLI        // A standard GPG-client (optional)
	ShutdownHooks []ShutdownHook // on shutdown, fire these...
	SocketInfo    Socket         // which socket to bind/connect to

	SocketWrapper    *SocketWrapper    // only need one connection per
	LoopbackListener *LoopbackListener // If we're in loopback mode, we'll connect through here
	XStreams         *ExportedStreams  // a table of streams we've exported to the daemon (or vice-versa)
	Timers           *TimerSet         // Which timers are currently configured on
	UI               UI                // Interact with the UI
	Service          bool              // whether we're in server mode
	Standalone       bool              // whether we're launched as standalone command

	ConnectionManager *ConnectionManager // keep tabs on all active client connections
	NotifyRouter      *NotifyRouter      // How to route notifications
	// How to route UIs. Nil if we're in standalone mode or in
	// tests, and non-nil in service mode.
	UIRouter UIRouter // How to route UIs

	UIDMapper  UIDMapper         // maps from UID to Usernames
	ExitCode   keybase1.ExitCode // Value to return to OS on Exit()
	RateLimits *RateLimits       // tracks the last time certain actions were taken

	GregorDismisser GregorDismisser // for dismissing gregor items that we've handled
	GregorListener  GregorListener  // for alerting about clients connecting and registering UI protocols

	UserChangedHandlers []UserChangedHandler // a list of handlers that deal generically with userchanged events
	ConnectivityMonitor ConnectivityMonitor  // Detect whether we're connected or not.

	FeatureFlags *FeatureFlagSet // user's feature flag set

	StandaloneChatConnector StandaloneChatConnector

	// Can be overloaded by tests to get an improvement in performance
	NewTriplesec func(pw []byte, salt []byte) (Triplesec, error)

	// Options specified for testing only
	TestOptions GlobalTestOptions

	ActiveDevice *ActiveDevice

	NetContext context.Context
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func MakeThinGlobalContextForTesting

func MakeThinGlobalContextForTesting(t TestingTB) *GlobalContext

func NewGlobalContext

func NewGlobalContext() *GlobalContext

Note: all these sync.Mutex fields are pointers so that the Clone funcs work.

func NewGlobalContextInit

func NewGlobalContextInit() *GlobalContext

func (*GlobalContext) AddLoginHook

func (g *GlobalContext) AddLoginHook(hook LoginHook)

func (*GlobalContext) AddLogoutHook

func (g *GlobalContext) AddLogoutHook(hook LogoutHook)

func (*GlobalContext) AddUserChangedHandler

func (g *GlobalContext) AddUserChangedHandler(h UserChangedHandler)

func (*GlobalContext) BindToSocket

func (g *GlobalContext) BindToSocket() (net.Listener, error)

func (*GlobalContext) BustLocalUserCache

func (g *GlobalContext) BustLocalUserCache(u keybase1.UID)

func (*GlobalContext) CTimeBuckets

func (*GlobalContext) CTimeTracer

func (g *GlobalContext) CTimeTracer(ctx context.Context, label string, enabled bool) profiling.TimeTracer

func (*GlobalContext) CTrace

func (g *GlobalContext) CTrace(ctx context.Context, msg string, f func() error) func()

func (*GlobalContext) CTraceOK

func (g *GlobalContext) CTraceOK(ctx context.Context, msg string, f func() bool) func()

func (*GlobalContext) CTraceTimed

func (g *GlobalContext) CTraceTimed(ctx context.Context, msg string, f func() error) func()

func (*GlobalContext) CVTrace

func (g *GlobalContext) CVTrace(ctx context.Context, lev VDebugLevel, msg string, f func() error) func()

func (*GlobalContext) CVTraceOK

func (g *GlobalContext) CVTraceOK(ctx context.Context, lev VDebugLevel, msg string, f func() bool) func()

func (*GlobalContext) CVTraceTimed

func (g *GlobalContext) CVTraceTimed(ctx context.Context, lev VDebugLevel, msg string, f func() error) func()

func (*GlobalContext) CallLoginHooks

func (g *GlobalContext) CallLoginHooks()

func (*GlobalContext) CallLogoutHooks

func (g *GlobalContext) CallLogoutHooks()

func (*GlobalContext) CardCache

func (g *GlobalContext) CardCache() *UserCardCache

func (*GlobalContext) ClearPerUserKeyring

func (g *GlobalContext) ClearPerUserKeyring()

func (*GlobalContext) Clock

func (g *GlobalContext) Clock() clockwork.Clock

func (*GlobalContext) CloneWithNetContext

func (g *GlobalContext) CloneWithNetContext(netCtx context.Context) *GlobalContext

func (*GlobalContext) CloneWithNetContextAndNewLogger

func (g *GlobalContext) CloneWithNetContextAndNewLogger(netCtx context.Context) *GlobalContext

func (*GlobalContext) ConfigReload

func (g *GlobalContext) ConfigReload() error

func (*GlobalContext) Configure

func (g *GlobalContext) Configure(line CommandLine, usage Usage) error

func (*GlobalContext) ConfigureAPI

func (g *GlobalContext) ConfigureAPI() error

func (*GlobalContext) ConfigureCaches

func (g *GlobalContext) ConfigureCaches() error

func (*GlobalContext) ConfigureCommand

func (g *GlobalContext) ConfigureCommand(line CommandLine, cmd Command) error

func (*GlobalContext) ConfigureConfig

func (g *GlobalContext) ConfigureConfig() error

func (*GlobalContext) ConfigureExportedStreams

func (g *GlobalContext) ConfigureExportedStreams() error

func (*GlobalContext) ConfigureKeyring

func (g *GlobalContext) ConfigureKeyring() error

func (*GlobalContext) ConfigureLogging

func (g *GlobalContext) ConfigureLogging() error

func (*GlobalContext) ConfigureMerkleClient

func (g *GlobalContext) ConfigureMerkleClient() error

func (*GlobalContext) ConfigureSocketInfo

func (g *GlobalContext) ConfigureSocketInfo() (err error)

func (*GlobalContext) ConfigureTimers

func (g *GlobalContext) ConfigureTimers() error

func (*GlobalContext) ConfigureUpdaterConfig

func (g *GlobalContext) ConfigureUpdaterConfig() error

func (*GlobalContext) ConfigureUsage

func (g *GlobalContext) ConfigureUsage(usage Usage) error

func (*GlobalContext) ExitTrace

func (g *GlobalContext) ExitTrace(msg string, f func() error) func()

func (*GlobalContext) ExitTraceOK

func (g *GlobalContext) ExitTraceOK(msg string, f func() bool) func()

func (*GlobalContext) FlushCaches

func (g *GlobalContext) FlushCaches()

func (*GlobalContext) GetAPI

func (g *GlobalContext) GetAPI() API

func (*GlobalContext) GetAllUserNames

func (g *GlobalContext) GetAllUserNames() (NormalizedUsername, []NormalizedUsername, error)

func (*GlobalContext) GetAppType

func (g *GlobalContext) GetAppType() AppType

to implement ProofContext

func (*GlobalContext) GetCacheDir

func (g *GlobalContext) GetCacheDir() string

func (*GlobalContext) GetClock

func (g *GlobalContext) GetClock() clockwork.Clock

func (*GlobalContext) GetConfigDir

func (g *GlobalContext) GetConfigDir() string

func (*GlobalContext) GetConfiguredAccounts

func (g *GlobalContext) GetConfiguredAccounts(ctx context.Context) ([]keybase1.ConfiguredAccount, error)

func (*GlobalContext) GetDNSNameServerFetcher

func (g *GlobalContext) GetDNSNameServerFetcher() DNSNameServerFetcher

func (*GlobalContext) GetDataDir

func (g *GlobalContext) GetDataDir() string

func (*GlobalContext) GetDeviceEKStorage

func (g *GlobalContext) GetDeviceEKStorage() DeviceEKStorage

func (*GlobalContext) GetEKLib

func (g *GlobalContext) GetEKLib() EKLib

func (*GlobalContext) GetEnv

func (g *GlobalContext) GetEnv() *Env

func (*GlobalContext) GetExternalAPI

func (g *GlobalContext) GetExternalAPI() ExternalAPI

func (*GlobalContext) GetFastTeamLoader

func (g *GlobalContext) GetFastTeamLoader() FastTeamLoader

func (*GlobalContext) GetFullSelfer

func (g *GlobalContext) GetFullSelfer() FullSelfer

func (*GlobalContext) GetGpgClient

func (g *GlobalContext) GetGpgClient() *GpgCLI

func (*GlobalContext) GetImplicitTeamConflictInfoCacher

func (g *GlobalContext) GetImplicitTeamConflictInfoCacher() LRUer

func (*GlobalContext) GetKBFSInfoPath

func (g *GlobalContext) GetKBFSInfoPath() string

GetKBFSInfoPath returns path to info file written by the KBFS service after startup

func (*GlobalContext) GetKVStore

func (g *GlobalContext) GetKVStore() KVStorer

func (*GlobalContext) GetLog

func (g *GlobalContext) GetLog() logger.Logger

func (*GlobalContext) GetLogDir

func (g *GlobalContext) GetLogDir() string

func (*GlobalContext) GetLogf

func (g *GlobalContext) GetLogf() logger.Loggerf

GetLogf returns a logger with a minimal formatter style interface

func (*GlobalContext) GetMeUV

func (g *GlobalContext) GetMeUV(ctx context.Context) (res keybase1.UserVersion, err error)

func (*GlobalContext) GetMerkleClient

func (g *GlobalContext) GetMerkleClient() *MerkleClient

func (*GlobalContext) GetMountDir

func (g *GlobalContext) GetMountDir() (string, error)

func (*GlobalContext) GetMyClientDetails

func (g *GlobalContext) GetMyClientDetails() keybase1.ClientDetails

func (*GlobalContext) GetMyUID

func (g *GlobalContext) GetMyUID() keybase1.UID

func (*GlobalContext) GetNetContext

func (g *GlobalContext) GetNetContext() context.Context

func (*GlobalContext) GetOutOfDateInfo

func (g *GlobalContext) GetOutOfDateInfo() keybase1.OutOfDateInfo

func (*GlobalContext) GetParamProofStore

func (g *GlobalContext) GetParamProofStore() MerkleStore

func (*GlobalContext) GetPerUserKeyring

func (g *GlobalContext) GetPerUserKeyring() (ret *PerUserKeyring, err error)

GetPerUserKeyring recreates PerUserKeyring if the uid changes or this is none installed.

func (*GlobalContext) GetProofServices

func (g *GlobalContext) GetProofServices() ExternalServicesCollector

func (*GlobalContext) GetPvlSource

func (g *GlobalContext) GetPvlSource() MerkleStore

to implement ProofContext

func (*GlobalContext) GetRunMode

func (g *GlobalContext) GetRunMode() RunMode

func (*GlobalContext) GetRuntimeDir

func (g *GlobalContext) GetRuntimeDir() string

func (*GlobalContext) GetServerURI

func (g *GlobalContext) GetServerURI() string

func (*GlobalContext) GetServiceInfoPath

func (g *GlobalContext) GetServiceInfoPath() string

GetServiceInfoPath returns path to info file written by the Keybase service after startup

func (*GlobalContext) GetSocket

func (g *GlobalContext) GetSocket(clearError bool) (conn net.Conn, xp rpc.Transporter, isNew bool, err error)

func (*GlobalContext) GetStellar

func (g *GlobalContext) GetStellar() Stellar

func (*GlobalContext) GetStoredSecretAccessGroup

func (g *GlobalContext) GetStoredSecretAccessGroup() string

func (*GlobalContext) GetStoredSecretServiceName

func (g *GlobalContext) GetStoredSecretServiceName() string

func (*GlobalContext) GetTeamAuditor

func (g *GlobalContext) GetTeamAuditor() TeamAuditor

func (*GlobalContext) GetTeamEKBoxStorage

func (g *GlobalContext) GetTeamEKBoxStorage() TeamEKBoxStorage

func (*GlobalContext) GetTeamLoader

func (g *GlobalContext) GetTeamLoader() TeamLoader

func (*GlobalContext) GetUPAKLoader

func (g *GlobalContext) GetUPAKLoader() UPAKLoader

func (*GlobalContext) GetUnforwardedLogger

func (g *GlobalContext) GetUnforwardedLogger() (log UnforwardedLoggerWithLegacyInterface)

func (*GlobalContext) GetUserEKBoxStorage

func (g *GlobalContext) GetUserEKBoxStorage() UserEKBoxStorage

func (*GlobalContext) GetUsersWithStoredSecrets

func (g *GlobalContext) GetUsersWithStoredSecrets(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error)

func (*GlobalContext) GetVDebugLog

func (g *GlobalContext) GetVDebugLog() *VDebugLog

func (*GlobalContext) HonorPGPExpireTime

func (g *GlobalContext) HonorPGPExpireTime(t int64) int64

HonorPGPExpireTime determines whether expiration time on PGP sigs should be honored during sigchain playback. For now, we don't see any reason not to, but we might find a situation in the future that makes PGP expiration times hard to work around. Return the expiration time (in seconds after the UTC Epoch) to "honor" it, and "0" to ignore it. So honor it.

func (*GlobalContext) HonorSigchainExpireTime

func (g *GlobalContext) HonorSigchainExpireTime(t int64) int64

HonorSigchainExpireTime determines whether expiration time on sigchain links should be honored or ignored. When keybase first started in 2014, there were some links that were intended to expire in 5 years. With the benefit of 5 years of expirience, we can now see little security rationale for this expiration, but tons of churn if we decided to force key rotations. So return "0" to mean we no longer will expire these keys automatically. They can of course be explicitly revoked. If you fork this client, feel free to return "t" meaning yes, honor the expiration time advertised in the sigchain. -- MK 2018.04.03

func (*GlobalContext) Identify2Cache

func (g *GlobalContext) Identify2Cache() Identify2Cacher

func (*GlobalContext) Init

func (g *GlobalContext) Init() *GlobalContext

func (*GlobalContext) IsOneshot

func (g *GlobalContext) IsOneshot(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)

func (*GlobalContext) KeyfamilyChanged

func (g *GlobalContext) KeyfamilyChanged(u keybase1.UID)

func (*GlobalContext) LinkCache

func (g *GlobalContext) LinkCache() *LinkCache

func (*GlobalContext) LoadUserByUID

func (g *GlobalContext) LoadUserByUID(uid keybase1.UID) (*User, error)

func (*GlobalContext) LocalSigchainGuard

func (g *GlobalContext) LocalSigchainGuard() *LocalSigchainGuard

func (*GlobalContext) Logout

func (g *GlobalContext) Logout() error

func (*GlobalContext) LogoutSelfCheck

func (g *GlobalContext) LogoutSelfCheck() error

LogoutSelfCheck checks with the API server to see if this uid+device pair should logout.

func (*GlobalContext) MakeAssertionContext

func (g *GlobalContext) MakeAssertionContext() AssertionContext

func (*GlobalContext) MakeLoopbackServer

func (g *GlobalContext) MakeLoopbackServer() (l net.Listener, err error)

func (*GlobalContext) NewRPCLogFactory

func (g *GlobalContext) NewRPCLogFactory() *RPCLogFactory

func (*GlobalContext) OutputBytes

func (g *GlobalContext) OutputBytes(b []byte)

func (*GlobalContext) OutputString

func (g *GlobalContext) OutputString(s string)

func (*GlobalContext) OverrideUPAKLoader

func (g *GlobalContext) OverrideUPAKLoader(upak UPAKLoader)

func (*GlobalContext) PushShutdownHook

func (g *GlobalContext) PushShutdownHook(sh ShutdownHook)

func (*GlobalContext) ReplaceSecretStore

func (g *GlobalContext) ReplaceSecretStore(ctx context.Context) error

ReplaceSecretStore gets the existing secret out of the existing secret store, creates a new secret store (could be a new type of SecretStore based on a config change), and inserts the secret into the new secret store.

func (*GlobalContext) ResetSocket

func (g *GlobalContext) ResetSocket(clearError bool) (net.Conn, rpc.Transporter, bool, error)

ResetSocket clears and returns a new socket

func (*GlobalContext) SKBFilenameForUser

func (g *GlobalContext) SKBFilenameForUser(un NormalizedUsername) string

func (*GlobalContext) SecretStore

func (g *GlobalContext) SecretStore() *SecretStoreLocked

func (*GlobalContext) SetClock

func (g *GlobalContext) SetClock(c clockwork.Clock)

func (*GlobalContext) SetCommandLine

func (g *GlobalContext) SetCommandLine(cmd CommandLine)

func (*GlobalContext) SetDNSNameServerFetcher

func (g *GlobalContext) SetDNSNameServerFetcher(d DNSNameServerFetcher)

func (*GlobalContext) SetDeviceEKStorage

func (g *GlobalContext) SetDeviceEKStorage(s DeviceEKStorage)

func (*GlobalContext) SetEKLib

func (g *GlobalContext) SetEKLib(ekLib EKLib)

func (*GlobalContext) SetFastTeamLoader

func (g *GlobalContext) SetFastTeamLoader(l FastTeamLoader)

func (*GlobalContext) SetImplicitTeamConflictInfoCacher

func (g *GlobalContext) SetImplicitTeamConflictInfoCacher(l LRUer)

func (*GlobalContext) SetParamProofStore

func (g *GlobalContext) SetParamProofStore(s MerkleStore)

func (*GlobalContext) SetProofServices

func (g *GlobalContext) SetProofServices(s ExternalServicesCollector)

func (*GlobalContext) SetPvlSource

func (g *GlobalContext) SetPvlSource(s MerkleStore)

func (*GlobalContext) SetService

func (g *GlobalContext) SetService()

func (*GlobalContext) SetStellar

func (g *GlobalContext) SetStellar(s Stellar)

func (*GlobalContext) SetTeamAuditor

func (g *GlobalContext) SetTeamAuditor(a TeamAuditor)

func (*GlobalContext) SetTeamEKBoxStorage

func (g *GlobalContext) SetTeamEKBoxStorage(s TeamEKBoxStorage)

func (*GlobalContext) SetTeamLoader

func (g *GlobalContext) SetTeamLoader(l TeamLoader)

func (*GlobalContext) SetUI

func (g *GlobalContext) SetUI(u UI)

func (*GlobalContext) SetUIDMapper

func (g *GlobalContext) SetUIDMapper(u UIDMapper)

func (*GlobalContext) SetUIRouter

func (g *GlobalContext) SetUIRouter(u UIRouter)

func (*GlobalContext) SetUserEKBoxStorage

func (g *GlobalContext) SetUserEKBoxStorage(s UserEKBoxStorage)

func (*GlobalContext) Shutdown

func (g *GlobalContext) Shutdown() error

Shutdown is called exactly once per-process and does whatever cleanup is necessary to shut down the server.

func (*GlobalContext) StartStandaloneChat

func (g *GlobalContext) StartStandaloneChat()

func (*GlobalContext) StartupMessage

func (g *GlobalContext) StartupMessage()

func (*GlobalContext) Trace

func (g *GlobalContext) Trace(msg string, f func() error) func()

func (*GlobalContext) TraceOK

func (g *GlobalContext) TraceOK(msg string, f func() bool) func()

func (*GlobalContext) TrackCache

func (g *GlobalContext) TrackCache() *TrackCache

func (*GlobalContext) UserChanged

func (g *GlobalContext) UserChanged(u keybase1.UID)

type GlobalTestOptions

type GlobalTestOptions struct {
	NoBug3964Repair bool

type GpgBaseKey

type GpgBaseKey struct {
	Type    string
	Trust   string
	Bits    int
	Algo    int
	ID64    string
	Created int64
	Expires int64
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (GpgBaseKey) AlgoString

func (k GpgBaseKey) AlgoString() string

func (GpgBaseKey) CreatedString

func (k GpgBaseKey) CreatedString() string

func (GpgBaseKey) ExpirationString

func (k GpgBaseKey) ExpirationString() string

func (*GpgBaseKey) ParseBase

func (k *GpgBaseKey) ParseBase(line *GpgIndexLine) (err error)

func (*GpgBaseKey) SetFingerprint

func (k *GpgBaseKey) SetFingerprint(pgp *PGPFingerprint)

type GpgCLI

type GpgCLI struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewGpgCLI

func NewGpgCLI(g *GlobalContext, logUI LogUI) *GpgCLI

func (*GpgCLI) CanExec

func (g *GpgCLI) CanExec() (bool, error)

CanExec returns true if a gpg executable exists.

func (*GpgCLI) Configure

func (g *GpgCLI) Configure() (err error)

func (*GpgCLI) ExportKey

func (g *GpgCLI) ExportKey(k PGPKeyBundle, private bool, batch bool) (err error)

func (*GpgCLI) ImportKey

func (g *GpgCLI) ImportKey(secret bool, fp PGPFingerprint, tty string) (*PGPKeyBundle, error)

func (*GpgCLI) Index

func (g *GpgCLI) Index(secret bool, query string) (ki *GpgKeyIndex, w Warnings, err error)

func (*GpgCLI) MakeCmd

func (g *GpgCLI) MakeCmd(args []string, tty string) *exec.Cmd

func (*GpgCLI) Path

func (g *GpgCLI) Path() string

Path returns the path of the gpg executable. Path is only available if CanExec() is true.

func (*GpgCLI) Run2

func (g *GpgCLI) Run2(arg RunGpg2Arg) (res RunGpg2Res)

func (*GpgCLI) SemanticVersion

func (g *GpgCLI) SemanticVersion() (*semver.Version, error)

func (*GpgCLI) SetTTY

func (g *GpgCLI) SetTTY(t string)

func (*GpgCLI) Sign

func (g *GpgCLI) Sign(fp PGPFingerprint, payload []byte) (string, error)

func (*GpgCLI) Version

func (g *GpgCLI) Version() (string, error)

func (*GpgCLI) VersionAtLeast

func (g *GpgCLI) VersionAtLeast(s string) (bool, error)

type GpgError

type GpgError struct {
	M string

func ErrorToGpgError

func ErrorToGpgError(e error) GpgError

func (GpgError) Error

func (e GpgError) Error() string

type GpgFingerprinter

type GpgFingerprinter interface {
	SetFingerprint(pgp *PGPFingerprint)

type GpgIndexElement

type GpgIndexElement interface {
	ToKey() *GpgPrimaryKey

type GpgIndexError

type GpgIndexError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func ErrorToGpgIndexError

func ErrorToGpgIndexError(l int, e error) GpgIndexError

func (GpgIndexError) Error

func (e GpgIndexError) Error() string

type GpgIndexLine

type GpgIndexLine struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func ParseLine

func ParseLine(s string, i int) (ret *GpgIndexLine, err error)

func (GpgIndexLine) At

func (g GpgIndexLine) At(i int) string

func (GpgIndexLine) IsNewKey

func (g GpgIndexLine) IsNewKey() bool

func (GpgIndexLine) Len

func (g GpgIndexLine) Len() int

type GpgIndexParser

type GpgIndexParser struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewGpgIndexParser

func NewGpgIndexParser(g *GlobalContext) *GpgIndexParser

func (*GpgIndexParser) GetLine

func (p *GpgIndexParser) GetLine() (ret *GpgIndexLine, err error)

func (*GpgIndexParser) Parse

func (p *GpgIndexParser) Parse(stream io.Reader) (ki *GpgKeyIndex, err error)

func (*GpgIndexParser) ParseElement

func (p *GpgIndexParser) ParseElement() (ret GpgIndexElement, err error)

func (*GpgIndexParser) ParseKey

func (p *GpgIndexParser) ParseKey(l *GpgIndexLine) (ret *GpgPrimaryKey, err error)

func (*GpgIndexParser) PutbackLine

func (p *GpgIndexParser) PutbackLine(line *GpgIndexLine)

func (*GpgIndexParser) Warn

func (p *GpgIndexParser) Warn(w Warning)

type GpgKeyIndex

type GpgKeyIndex struct {
	Keys                        []*GpgPrimaryKey
	Emails, Fingerprints, ID64s *BucketDict

func NewGpgKeyIndex

func NewGpgKeyIndex() *GpgKeyIndex

func (*GpgKeyIndex) AllFingerprints

func (ki *GpgKeyIndex) AllFingerprints() []PGPFingerprint

func (*GpgKeyIndex) GetRowFunc

func (ki *GpgKeyIndex) GetRowFunc() func() []string

func (*GpgKeyIndex) IndexKey

func (ki *GpgKeyIndex) IndexKey(k *GpgPrimaryKey)

func (*GpgKeyIndex) Len

func (ki *GpgKeyIndex) Len() int

func (*GpgKeyIndex) Less

func (ki *GpgKeyIndex) Less(i, j int) bool

func (*GpgKeyIndex) PushElement

func (ki *GpgKeyIndex) PushElement(e GpgIndexElement)

func (*GpgKeyIndex) Sort

func (ki *GpgKeyIndex) Sort()

func (*GpgKeyIndex) Swap

func (ki *GpgKeyIndex) Swap(i, j int)

type GpgPrimaryKey

type GpgPrimaryKey struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewGpgPrimaryKey

func NewGpgPrimaryKey(g *GlobalContext) *GpgPrimaryKey

func ParseGpgPrimaryKey

func ParseGpgPrimaryKey(g *GlobalContext, l *GpgIndexLine) (key *GpgPrimaryKey, err error)

func (*GpgPrimaryKey) AddFingerprint

func (k *GpgPrimaryKey) AddFingerprint(l *GpgIndexLine) (err error)

func (*GpgPrimaryKey) AddLine

func (k *GpgPrimaryKey) AddLine(l *GpgIndexLine) (err error)

func (*GpgPrimaryKey) AddSubkey

func (k *GpgPrimaryKey) AddSubkey(l *GpgIndexLine) (err error)

func (*GpgPrimaryKey) AddUID

func (k *GpgPrimaryKey) AddUID(l *GpgIndexLine) (err error)

func (*GpgPrimaryKey) GetAllID64s

func (k *GpgPrimaryKey) GetAllID64s() []string

func (*GpgPrimaryKey) GetEmails

func (k *GpgPrimaryKey) GetEmails() []string

func (*GpgPrimaryKey) GetFingerprint

func (k *GpgPrimaryKey) GetFingerprint() *PGPFingerprint

func (*GpgPrimaryKey) GetPGPIdentities

func (k *GpgPrimaryKey) GetPGPIdentities() []keybase1.PGPIdentity

func (*GpgPrimaryKey) IsValid

func (k *GpgPrimaryKey) IsValid() bool

func (*GpgPrimaryKey) Parse

func (k *GpgPrimaryKey) Parse(l *GpgIndexLine) error

func (*GpgPrimaryKey) ToKey

func (k *GpgPrimaryKey) ToKey() *GpgPrimaryKey

func (*GpgPrimaryKey) ToRow

func (k *GpgPrimaryKey) ToRow(i int) []string

type GpgSubKey

type GpgSubKey struct {

func ParseGpgSubKey

func ParseGpgSubKey(l *GpgIndexLine) (sk *GpgSubKey, err error)

type GregorDismisser

type GregorDismisser interface {
	DismissItem(ctx context.Context, cli gregor1.IncomingInterface, id gregor.MsgID) error
	LocalDismissItem(ctx context.Context, id gregor.MsgID) error

type GregorFirehoseHandler

type GregorFirehoseHandler interface {
	IsAlive() bool
	PushState(gregor1.State, keybase1.PushReason)

type GregorInBandMessageHandler

type GregorInBandMessageHandler interface {
	IsAlive() bool
	Name() string
	Create(ctx context.Context, cli gregor1.IncomingInterface, category string, ibm gregor.Item) (bool, error)
	Dismiss(ctx context.Context, cli gregor1.IncomingInterface, category string, ibm gregor.Item) (bool, error)

type GregorListener

type GregorListener interface {
	PushHandler(handler GregorInBandMessageHandler)
	PushFirehoseHandler(handler GregorFirehoseHandler)

type HTTPArgs

type HTTPArgs map[string]HTTPValue

func HTTPArgsFromKeyValuePair

func HTTPArgsFromKeyValuePair(key string, val HTTPValue) HTTPArgs

func NewHTTPArgs

func NewHTTPArgs() HTTPArgs

func (*HTTPArgs) Add

func (a *HTTPArgs) Add(s string, v HTTPValue)

func (HTTPArgs) EncodeToString

func (a HTTPArgs) EncodeToString() string

func (HTTPArgs) ToValues

func (a HTTPArgs) ToValues() url.Values

type HTTPRequest

type HTTPRequest interface {
	SetEnvironment(env Env)

type HTTPSrv

type HTTPSrv = kbhttp.Srv

type HTTPSrvListenerSource

type HTTPSrvListenerSource = kbhttp.ListenerSource

type HTTPTime

type HTTPTime struct {
	Val keybase1.Time

func (HTTPTime) String

func (t HTTPTime) String() string

type HTTPValue

type HTTPValue interface {
	String() string

func UIDArg

func UIDArg(uid keybase1.UID) HTTPValue

type HashSummer

type HashSummer func() []byte

func ArmoredAttachedSign

func ArmoredAttachedSign(out io.WriteCloser, signed openpgp.Entity, hints *openpgp.FileHints, config *packet.Config) (in io.WriteCloser, h HashSummer, err error)

type HashingWriteCloser

type HashingWriteCloser struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (HashingWriteCloser) Close

func (h HashingWriteCloser) Close() error

func (HashingWriteCloser) Write

func (h HashingWriteCloser) Write(buf []byte) (int, error)

type HexWrongLengthError

type HexWrongLengthError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewHexWrongLengthError

func NewHexWrongLengthError(msg string) HexWrongLengthError

func (HexWrongLengthError) Error

func (e HexWrongLengthError) Error() string

type HomeFinder

type HomeFinder interface {
	CacheDir() string
	ConfigDir() string
	Home(emptyOk bool) string
	MobileSharedHome(emptyOk bool) string
	DataDir() string
	RuntimeDir() string
	Normalize(s string) string
	LogDir() string
	ServiceSpawnDir() (string, error)
	SandboxCacheDir() string // For macOS
	InfoDir() string

func NewHomeFinder

func NewHomeFinder(appName string, getHome ConfigGetter, getMobileSharedHome ConfigGetter, osname string,
	getRunMode RunModeGetter, getLog LogGetter) HomeFinder

type I

type I struct {
	Val int

func (I) String

func (i I) String() string

type IdentifiesFailedError

type IdentifiesFailedError struct {

func NewIdentifiesFailedError

func NewIdentifiesFailedError() IdentifiesFailedError

func (IdentifiesFailedError) Error

func (e IdentifiesFailedError) Error() string

func (IdentifiesFailedError) ToStatus

func (e IdentifiesFailedError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type Identify2Cache

type Identify2Cache struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Identify2Cache stores User objects in memory for a fixed amount of time.

func NewIdentify2Cache

func NewIdentify2Cache(maxAge time.Duration) *Identify2Cache

NewIdentify2Cache creates a Identify2Cache and sets the object max age to maxAge. Once a user is inserted, after maxAge duration passes, the user will be removed from the cache.

func (*Identify2Cache) Delete

func (c *Identify2Cache) Delete(uid keybase1.UID) error

func (*Identify2Cache) DidFullUserLoad

func (c *Identify2Cache) DidFullUserLoad(_ keybase1.UID)

DidFullUserLoad is a noop unless we're testing...

func (*Identify2Cache) Get

Get returns a user object. If none exists for uid, it will return nil.

func (*Identify2Cache) Insert

Insert adds a user to the cache, keyed on UID.

func (*Identify2Cache) Shutdown

func (c *Identify2Cache) Shutdown()

Shutdown stops any goroutines in the cache.

func (*Identify2Cache) UseDiskCache

func (c *Identify2Cache) UseDiskCache() bool

type Identify2Cacher

type Identify2Cacher interface {
	Get(keybase1.UID, GetCheckTimeFunc, GetCacheDurationFunc, bool) (*keybase1.Identify2ResUPK2, error)
	Insert(up *keybase1.Identify2ResUPK2) error
	Delete(uid keybase1.UID) error
	UseDiskCache() bool

type IdentifyDidNotCompleteError

type IdentifyDidNotCompleteError struct{}

func (IdentifyDidNotCompleteError) Error

func (IdentifyDidNotCompleteError) ToStatus

type IdentifyFailedError

type IdentifyFailedError struct {
	Assertion string
	Reason    string

func (IdentifyFailedError) Error

func (e IdentifyFailedError) Error() string

func (IdentifyFailedError) ToStatus

func (e IdentifyFailedError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type IdentifyOutcome

type IdentifyOutcome struct {
	Username              NormalizedUsername
	Error                 error
	KeyDiffs              []TrackDiff
	Revoked               []TrackDiff
	RevokedDetails        []keybase1.RevokedProof
	ProofChecks           []*LinkCheckResult
	Warnings              []Warning
	TrackUsed             *TrackLookup
	TrackEqual            bool // Whether the track statement was equal to what we saw
	TrackOptions          keybase1.TrackOptions
	Reason                keybase1.IdentifyReason
	ResponsibleGregorItem gregor.Item

func NewIdentifyOutcomeWithUsername

func NewIdentifyOutcomeWithUsername(g *GlobalContext, u NormalizedUsername) *IdentifyOutcome

func (*IdentifyOutcome) ActiveProofs

func (i *IdentifyOutcome) ActiveProofs() []RemoteProofChainLink

func (*IdentifyOutcome) AddProofsToSet

func (i *IdentifyOutcome) AddProofsToSet(existing *ProofSet, okStates []keybase1.ProofState)

func (*IdentifyOutcome) Export

func (IdentifyOutcome) ExportToUncheckedIdentity

func (ir IdentifyOutcome) ExportToUncheckedIdentity(g *GlobalContext) *keybase1.Identity

func (IdentifyOutcome) GetError

func (i IdentifyOutcome) GetError() error

func (IdentifyOutcome) GetErrorAndWarnings

func (i IdentifyOutcome) GetErrorAndWarnings(strict bool) (warnings Warnings, err error)

func (IdentifyOutcome) GetErrorLax

func (i IdentifyOutcome) GetErrorLax() (Warnings, error)

func (*IdentifyOutcome) GetRemoteCheckResultFor

func (i *IdentifyOutcome) GetRemoteCheckResultFor(service string, username string) ProofError

func (IdentifyOutcome) IsOK

func (i IdentifyOutcome) IsOK() bool

func (IdentifyOutcome) NumProofFailures

func (i IdentifyOutcome) NumProofFailures() int

The number of proofs that failed.

func (IdentifyOutcome) NumProofSuccesses

func (i IdentifyOutcome) NumProofSuccesses() int

The number of proofs that actually worked

func (IdentifyOutcome) NumRevoked

func (i IdentifyOutcome) NumRevoked() int

Revoked proofs are those we used to look for but are gone!

func (IdentifyOutcome) NumTrackChanges

func (i IdentifyOutcome) NumTrackChanges() int

A "Track Change" isn't necessary a failure, maybe they upgraded a proof from HTTP to HTTPS. But we still should retrack if we can.

func (IdentifyOutcome) NumTrackFailures

func (i IdentifyOutcome) NumTrackFailures() int

A "Track Failure" is when we previously tracked this user, and some aspect of their proof changed. Like their key changed, or they changed Twitter names

func (*IdentifyOutcome) ProofChecksSorted

func (i *IdentifyOutcome) ProofChecksSorted() []*LinkCheckResult

func (*IdentifyOutcome) TrackSet

func (i *IdentifyOutcome) TrackSet() *TrackSet

func (IdentifyOutcome) TrackStatus

func (i IdentifyOutcome) TrackStatus() keybase1.TrackStatus

func (IdentifyOutcome) TrackingStatement

func (i IdentifyOutcome) TrackingStatement() *jsonw.Wrapper

type IdentifyState

type IdentifyState struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewIdentifyStateWithGregorItem

func NewIdentifyStateWithGregorItem(g *GlobalContext, item gregor.Item, u *User) IdentifyState

func (IdentifyState) ExportToUncheckedIdentity

func (is IdentifyState) ExportToUncheckedIdentity(g *GlobalContext) *keybase1.Identity

func (*IdentifyState) HasPreviousTrack

func (s *IdentifyState) HasPreviousTrack() bool

func (*IdentifyState) Precompute

func (s *IdentifyState) Precompute(dhook func(keybase1.IdentifyKey) error)

func (*IdentifyState) Result

func (s *IdentifyState) Result() *IdentifyOutcome

func (*IdentifyState) SetTmpTrackLookup

func (s *IdentifyState) SetTmpTrackLookup(t *TrackChainLink)

func (*IdentifyState) SetTrackLookup

func (s *IdentifyState) SetTrackLookup(t *TrackChainLink)

func (*IdentifyState) TmpTrackLookup

func (s *IdentifyState) TmpTrackLookup() *TrackLookup

func (*IdentifyState) TrackLookup

func (s *IdentifyState) TrackLookup() *TrackLookup

type IdentifySummaryError

type IdentifySummaryError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewIdentifySummaryError

func NewIdentifySummaryError(failure keybase1.TLFIdentifyFailure) IdentifySummaryError

func (IdentifySummaryError) Error

func (e IdentifySummaryError) Error() string

func (IdentifySummaryError) IsImmediateFail

func (e IdentifySummaryError) IsImmediateFail() (chat1.OutboxErrorType, bool)

func (IdentifySummaryError) ToStatus

func (e IdentifySummaryError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type IdentifyTableMode

type IdentifyTableMode int
const (
	IdentifyTableModePassive IdentifyTableMode = iota
	IdentifyTableModeActive  IdentifyTableMode = iota

type IdentifyTimeoutError

type IdentifyTimeoutError struct{}

func (IdentifyTimeoutError) Error

func (e IdentifyTimeoutError) Error() string

func (IdentifyTimeoutError) ToStatus

func (e IdentifyTimeoutError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type IdentifyUI

type IdentifyUI interface {
	Start(string, keybase1.IdentifyReason, bool) error
	FinishWebProofCheck(keybase1.RemoteProof, keybase1.LinkCheckResult) error
	FinishSocialProofCheck(keybase1.RemoteProof, keybase1.LinkCheckResult) error
	Confirm(*keybase1.IdentifyOutcome) (keybase1.ConfirmResult, error)
	DisplayCryptocurrency(keybase1.Cryptocurrency) error
	DisplayKey(keybase1.IdentifyKey) error
	ReportLastTrack(*keybase1.TrackSummary) error
	LaunchNetworkChecks(*keybase1.Identity, *keybase1.User) error
	DisplayTrackStatement(string) error
	DisplayUserCard(keybase1.UserCard) error
	ReportTrackToken(keybase1.TrackToken) error
	Cancel() error
	Finish() error
	DisplayTLFCreateWithInvite(keybase1.DisplayTLFCreateWithInviteArg) error
	Dismiss(string, keybase1.DismissReason) error

type Identities

type Identities []Identity

func ImportPGPIdentities

func ImportPGPIdentities(ids []keybase1.PGPIdentity) (ret Identities)

func (Identities) Export

func (ids Identities) Export() (res []keybase1.PGPIdentity)

type Identity

type Identity struct {
	Username string
	Comment  string
	Email    string

func ImportPGPIdentity

func ImportPGPIdentity(arg keybase1.PGPIdentity) (ret Identity)

func KeybaseIdentity

func KeybaseIdentity(g *GlobalContext, un NormalizedUsername) Identity

func ParseIdentity

func ParseIdentity(s string) (*Identity, error)

func (Identity) Export

func (id Identity) Export() (ret keybase1.PGPIdentity)

func (Identity) Format

func (i Identity) Format() string

func (Identity) String

func (i Identity) String() string

func (Identity) ToPGPUserID

func (i Identity) ToPGPUserID() *packet.UserId

type IdentityTable

type IdentityTable struct {

	Order []TypedChainLink
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewIdentityTable

func NewIdentityTable(m MetaContext, eldest keybase1.KID, sc *SigChain, h *SigHints) (*IdentityTable, error)

func (*IdentityTable) ActiveCryptocurrency

func (idt *IdentityTable) ActiveCryptocurrency(family CryptocurrencyFamily) *CryptocurrencyChainLink

func (*IdentityTable) AllActiveCryptocurrency

func (idt *IdentityTable) AllActiveCryptocurrency() []CryptocurrencyChainLink

func (*IdentityTable) ComputeRemoteDiff

func (idt *IdentityTable) ComputeRemoteDiff(tracked, trackedTmp, observed keybase1.ProofState) (ret TrackDiff)

ComputeRemoteDiff takes as input three tracking results: the permanent track, the local temporary track, and the one it observed remotely. It favors the permanent track but will roll back to the temporary track if needs be.

func (*IdentityTable) GetActiveProofsFor

func (idt *IdentityTable) GetActiveProofsFor(st ServiceType) (ret []RemoteProofChainLink)

func (*IdentityTable) GetRevokedCryptocurrencyForTesting

func (idt *IdentityTable) GetRevokedCryptocurrencyForTesting() []CryptocurrencyChainLink

func (*IdentityTable) GetTrackList

func (idt *IdentityTable) GetTrackList() (ret []*TrackChainLink)

func (*IdentityTable) GetTrackMap

func (idt *IdentityTable) GetTrackMap() map[NormalizedUsername][]*TrackChainLink

func (*IdentityTable) Identify

func (idt *IdentityTable) Identify(m MetaContext, is IdentifyState, forceRemoteCheck bool, ui IdentifyUI, ccl CheckCompletedListener, itm IdentifyTableMode) error

func (*IdentityTable) Len

func (idt *IdentityTable) Len() int

func (*IdentityTable) MarkCheckResult

func (idt *IdentityTable) MarkCheckResult(err ProofError)

func (*IdentityTable) StellarAccountID

func (idt *IdentityTable) StellarAccountID() *stellar1.AccountID

Return the active stellar public address for a user. Returns nil if there is none or it has not been loaded.

func (*IdentityTable) TrackChainLinkFor

func (idt *IdentityTable) TrackChainLinkFor(username NormalizedUsername, uid keybase1.UID) (*TrackChainLink, error)

func (*IdentityTable) VerifySelfSig

func (idt *IdentityTable) VerifySelfSig(nun NormalizedUsername, uid keybase1.UID) bool

type ImplicitTeamDisplayNameError

type ImplicitTeamDisplayNameError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewImplicitTeamDisplayNameError

func NewImplicitTeamDisplayNameError(format string, args ...interface{}) ImplicitTeamDisplayNameError

func (ImplicitTeamDisplayNameError) Error

type InactiveKeyError

type InactiveKeyError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (InactiveKeyError) Error

func (i InactiveKeyError) Error() string

type InconsistentCacheStateError

type InconsistentCacheStateError struct{}

func (InconsistentCacheStateError) Error

type InputCanceledError

type InputCanceledError struct{}

func (InputCanceledError) Error

func (e InputCanceledError) Error() string

func (InputCanceledError) ToStatus

func (e InputCanceledError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type InstallID

type InstallID string

func (InstallID) Exists

func (i InstallID) Exists() bool

func (InstallID) String

func (i InstallID) String() string

type InsufficientKarmaError

type InsufficientKarmaError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewInsufficientKarmaError

func NewInsufficientKarmaError(un string) InsufficientKarmaError

func (InsufficientKarmaError) Error

func (e InsufficientKarmaError) Error() string

type InternalAPIEngine

type InternalAPIEngine struct {

func NewInternalAPIEngine

func NewInternalAPIEngine(g *GlobalContext) (*InternalAPIEngine, error)

NewInternalAPIEngine makes an API engine for internally querying the keybase API server

func (*InternalAPIEngine) Delete

func (a *InternalAPIEngine) Delete(arg APIArg) (*APIRes, error)

func (*InternalAPIEngine) DoRequest

func (a *InternalAPIEngine) DoRequest(arg APIArg, req *http.Request) (*APIRes, error)

func (*InternalAPIEngine) Get

func (a *InternalAPIEngine) Get(arg APIArg) (*APIRes, error)

func (*InternalAPIEngine) GetDecode

func (a *InternalAPIEngine) GetDecode(arg APIArg, v APIResponseWrapper) error

GetDecode performs a GET request and decodes the response via JSON into the value pointed to by v.

func (*InternalAPIEngine) GetResp

func (a *InternalAPIEngine) GetResp(arg APIArg) (*http.Response, func(), error)

GetResp performs a GET request and returns the http response. The finisher second arg should be called whenever we're done with the response (if it's non-nil).

func (*InternalAPIEngine) Post

func (a *InternalAPIEngine) Post(arg APIArg) (*APIRes, error)

func (*InternalAPIEngine) PostDecode

func (a *InternalAPIEngine) PostDecode(arg APIArg, v APIResponseWrapper) error

func (*InternalAPIEngine) PostJSON

func (a *InternalAPIEngine) PostJSON(arg APIArg) (*APIRes, error)

PostJSON does _not_ actually enforce the use of JSON. That is now determined by APIArg's fields.

func (*InternalAPIEngine) PostRaw

func (a *InternalAPIEngine) PostRaw(arg APIArg, ctype string, r io.Reader) (*APIRes, error)

type InternalError

type InternalError struct {
	Msg string

func (InternalError) Error

func (e InternalError) Error() string

type InvalidAddressError

type InvalidAddressError struct {
	Msg string

func (InvalidAddressError) Error

func (e InvalidAddressError) Error() string

func (InvalidAddressError) ToStatus

func (e InvalidAddressError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type InvalidArgumentError

type InvalidArgumentError struct {
	Msg string

func (InvalidArgumentError) Error

func (e InvalidArgumentError) Error() string

type InvalidHostnameError

type InvalidHostnameError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewInvalidHostnameError

func NewInvalidHostnameError(h string) InvalidHostnameError

func (InvalidHostnameError) Error

func (e InvalidHostnameError) Error() string

type InvalidKexPhraseError

type InvalidKexPhraseError struct{}

func (InvalidKexPhraseError) Error

func (e InvalidKexPhraseError) Error() string

func (InvalidKexPhraseError) ToStatus

func (e InvalidKexPhraseError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type InvalidRepoNameError

type InvalidRepoNameError struct {
	Name string

InvalidRepoNameError indicates that a repo name is invalid.

func (InvalidRepoNameError) Error

func (e InvalidRepoNameError) Error() string

func (InvalidRepoNameError) ToStatus

func (e InvalidRepoNameError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type Invitation

type Invitation struct {
	ID        string
	ShortCode string
	Throttled bool

func GenerateInvitationCode

func GenerateInvitationCode(g *GlobalContext, arg InviteArg) (*Invitation, error)

func GenerateInvitationCodeForAssertion

func GenerateInvitationCodeForAssertion(g *GlobalContext, assertion keybase1.SocialAssertion, arg InviteArg) (*Invitation, error)

func SendInvitation

func SendInvitation(g *GlobalContext, email string, arg InviteArg) (*Invitation, error)
func (i Invitation) Link() string

type InviteArg

type InviteArg struct {
	Message    string
	NoteToSelf string

InviteArg contains optional invitation arguments.

func (InviteArg) ToHTTPArgs

func (i InviteArg) ToHTTPArgs() HTTPArgs

type InviteRequestArg

type InviteRequestArg struct {
	Email    string
	Fullname string
	Notes    string

type JSONConfigFile

type JSONConfigFile struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewJSONConfigFile

func NewJSONConfigFile(g *GlobalContext, s string) *JSONConfigFile

func (*JSONConfigFile) Check

func (f *JSONConfigFile) Check() error

Check looks inside the JSON file to see if any fields are poorly specified

func (*JSONConfigFile) DeleteAtPath

func (f *JSONConfigFile) DeleteAtPath(p string)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetAPITimeout

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetAPITimeout() (time.Duration, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetAllUserConfigs

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetAllUserConfigs() (current *UserConfig, all []UserConfig, err error)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetAllUsernames

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetAllUsernames() (current NormalizedUsername, others []NormalizedUsername, err error)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetAppType

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetAppType() AppType

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetAttachmentDisableMulti

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetAttachmentDisableMulti() (bool, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetAttachmentHTTPStartPort

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetAttachmentHTTPStartPort() (int, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetAutoFork

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetAutoFork() (bool, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetAutoWallet

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetAutoWallet() (bool, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetBGIdentifierDisabled

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetBGIdentifierDisabled() (bool, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetBug3964RepairTime

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetBug3964RepairTime(un NormalizedUsername) (time.Time, error)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetBundledCA

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetBundledCA(host string) (ret string)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetChatDbFilename

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetChatDbFilename() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetChatDelivererInterval

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetChatDelivererInterval() (time.Duration, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetChatInboxSourceLocalizeThreads

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetChatInboxSourceLocalizeThreads() (int, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetCodeSigningKIDs

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetCodeSigningKIDs() []string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetConfigFilename

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetConfigFilename() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetDbFilename

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetDbFilename() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetDebug

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetDebug() (bool, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetDeviceCloneStateFilename

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetDeviceCloneStateFilename() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetDeviceID

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetDeviceID() (ret keybase1.DeviceID)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetDeviceIDForUID

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetDeviceIDForUID(u keybase1.UID) keybase1.DeviceID

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetDeviceIDForUsername

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetDeviceIDForUsername(nu NormalizedUsername) keybase1.DeviceID

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetDisplayRawUntrustedOutput

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetDisplayRawUntrustedOutput() (bool, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetDurationAtPath

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetDurationAtPath(p string) (time.Duration, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetFeatureFlags

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetFeatureFlags() (ret FeatureFlags, err error)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetGpg

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetGpg() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetGpgHome

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetGpgHome() (ret string)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetGpgOptions

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetGpgOptions() []string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetGregorDisabled

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetGregorDisabled() (bool, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetGregorPingInterval

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetGregorPingInterval() (time.Duration, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetGregorPingTimeout

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetGregorPingTimeout() (time.Duration, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetGregorSaveInterval

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetGregorSaveInterval() (time.Duration, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetGregorURI

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetGregorURI() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetHome

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetHome() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetLevelDBNumFiles

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetLevelDBNumFiles() (int, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetLinkCacheCleanDur

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetLinkCacheCleanDur() (time.Duration, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetLinkCacheSize

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetLinkCacheSize() (int, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetLocalRPCDebug

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetLocalRPCDebug() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetLocalTrackMaxAge

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetLocalTrackMaxAge() (time.Duration, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetLogFile

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetLogFile() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetLogFormat

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetLogFormat() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetLogPrefix

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetLogPrefix() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetMerkleKIDs

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetMerkleKIDs() []string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetMobileSharedHome

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetMobileSharedHome() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetMountDir

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetMountDir() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetNoPinentry

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetNoPinentry() (bool, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetParamProofKitFilename

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetParamProofKitFilename() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetPayloadCacheSize

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetPayloadCacheSize() (int, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetPidFile

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetPidFile() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetPinentry

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetPinentry() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetProofCacheLongDur

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetProofCacheLongDur() (time.Duration, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetProofCacheMediumDur

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetProofCacheMediumDur() (time.Duration, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetProofCacheShortDur

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetProofCacheShortDur() (time.Duration, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetProofCacheSize

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetProofCacheSize() (int, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetProxy

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetProxy() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetProxyCACerts

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetProxyCACerts() (ret []string, err error)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetPvlKitFilename

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetPvlKitFilename() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetRememberPassphrase

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetRememberPassphrase() (bool, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetRunMode

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetRunMode() (ret RunMode, err error)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetScraperTimeout

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetScraperTimeout() (time.Duration, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetSecretKeyringTemplate

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetSecretKeyringTemplate() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetSecurityAccessGroupOverride

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetSecurityAccessGroupOverride() (bool, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetServerURI

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetServerURI() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetSessionFilename

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetSessionFilename() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetSlowGregorConn

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetSlowGregorConn() (bool, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetSocketFile

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetSocketFile() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetStandalone

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetStandalone() (bool, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetTimeAtPath

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetTimeAtPath(path string) keybase1.Time

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetTimers

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetTimers() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetTopLevelBool

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetTopLevelBool(s string) (res, isSet bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetTopLevelString

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetTopLevelString(s string) (ret string)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetTorHiddenAddress

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetTorHiddenAddress() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetTorMode

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetTorMode() (ret TorMode, err error)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetTorProxy

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetTorProxy() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetUID

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetUID() (ret keybase1.UID)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetUIDForUsername

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetUIDForUsername(n NormalizedUsername) keybase1.UID

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetUIDMapFullNameCacheSize

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetUIDMapFullNameCacheSize() (int, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetUPAKCacheSize

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetUPAKCacheSize() (int, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetUpdateDisabled

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetUpdateDisabled() (bool, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetUpdateLastChecked

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetUpdateLastChecked() keybase1.Time

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetUpdatePreferenceAuto

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetUpdatePreferenceAuto() (bool, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetUpdatePreferenceSkip

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetUpdatePreferenceSkip() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetUpdatePreferenceSnoozeUntil

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetUpdatePreferenceSnoozeUntil() keybase1.Time

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetUpdateURL

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetUpdateURL() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetUpdaterConfigFilename

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetUpdaterConfigFilename() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetUpgradePerUserKey

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetUpgradePerUserKey() (bool, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetUserCacheMaxAge

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetUserCacheMaxAge() (time.Duration, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetUserConfig

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetUserConfig() (*UserConfig, error)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetUserConfigForUID

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetUserConfigForUID(u keybase1.UID) (*UserConfig, error)

GetUserConfigForUID sees if there's a UserConfig object for the given UIDs previously stored.

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetUserConfigForUsername

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetUserConfigForUsername(nu NormalizedUsername) (*UserConfig, error)

GetUserConfigForUsername sees if there's a UserConfig object for the given username previously stored.

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetUsername

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetUsername() (ret NormalizedUsername)

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetUsernameForUID

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetUsernameForUID(u keybase1.UID) NormalizedUsername

func (*JSONConfigFile) GetVDebugSetting

func (f *JSONConfigFile) GetVDebugSetting() string

func (*JSONConfigFile) IsMobileExtension

func (f *JSONConfigFile) IsMobileExtension() (bool, bool)

func (*JSONConfigFile) NukeUser

func (f *JSONConfigFile) NukeUser(nu NormalizedUsername) error

NukeUser deletes the given user from the config file, or if the given user is empty, deletes the current user from the config file.

func (*JSONConfigFile) Reset

func (f *JSONConfigFile) Reset()

func (*JSONConfigFile) SetBug3964RepairTime

func (f *JSONConfigFile) SetBug3964RepairTime(un NormalizedUsername, t time.Time) (err error)

func (*JSONConfigFile) SetDeviceID

func (f *JSONConfigFile) SetDeviceID(did keybase1.DeviceID) (err error)

SetDeviceID sets the device field of the UserConfig object

func (*JSONConfigFile) SetRememberPassphrase

func (f *JSONConfigFile) SetRememberPassphrase(remember bool) error

func (*JSONConfigFile) SetTimeAtPath

func (f *JSONConfigFile) SetTimeAtPath(path string, t keybase1.Time) error

func (*JSONConfigFile) SetUpdateLastChecked

func (f *JSONConfigFile) SetUpdateLastChecked(t keybase1.Time) error

func (*JSONConfigFile) SetUpdatePreferenceAuto

func (f *JSONConfigFile) SetUpdatePreferenceAuto(b bool) error

func (*JSONConfigFile) SetUpdatePreferenceSkip

func (f *JSONConfigFile) SetUpdatePreferenceSkip(v string) error

func (*JSONConfigFile) SetUpdatePreferenceSnoozeUntil

func (f *JSONConfigFile) SetUpdatePreferenceSnoozeUntil(t keybase1.Time) error

func (*JSONConfigFile) SetUserConfig

func (f *JSONConfigFile) SetUserConfig(u *UserConfig, overwrite bool) error

SetUserConfig writes this UserConfig to the config file and updates the currently active UserConfig in memory. If the given UserConfig is nil, then just empty everything out and clear the `current_user` field. Note that we never actually overwrite users.<username>, we just write it if it doesn't already exist, and we update the `current_user` pointer.

func (*JSONConfigFile) SetWrapperAtPath

func (f *JSONConfigFile) SetWrapperAtPath(p string, w *jsonw.Wrapper) error

func (*JSONConfigFile) SwitchUser

func (f *JSONConfigFile) SwitchUser(nu NormalizedUsername) error

type JSONFile

type JSONFile struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewJSONFile

func NewJSONFile(g *GlobalContext, filename, which string) *JSONFile

func (*JSONFile) BeginTransaction

func (f *JSONFile) BeginTransaction() (ConfigWriterTransacter, error)

func (*JSONFile) Exists

func (f *JSONFile) Exists() bool

func (*JSONFile) GetBoolAtPath

func (f *JSONFile) GetBoolAtPath(p string) (ret bool, isSet bool)

func (*JSONFile) GetFilename

func (f *JSONFile) GetFilename() string

func (*JSONFile) GetIntAtPath

func (f *JSONFile) GetIntAtPath(p string) (ret int, isSet bool)

func (*JSONFile) GetInterfaceAtPath

func (f *JSONFile) GetInterfaceAtPath(p string) (i interface{}, err error)

func (*JSONFile) GetNullAtPath

func (f *JSONFile) GetNullAtPath(p string) (isSet bool)

func (*JSONFile) GetStringAtPath

func (f *JSONFile) GetStringAtPath(p string) (ret string, isSet bool)

func (*JSONFile) GetWrapper

func (f *JSONFile) GetWrapper() *jsonw.Wrapper

func (*JSONFile) Load

func (f *JSONFile) Load(warnOnNotFound bool) error

func (*JSONFile) Nuke

func (f *JSONFile) Nuke() error

func (*JSONFile) Save

func (f *JSONFile) Save() error

func (*JSONFile) SetBoolAtPath

func (f *JSONFile) SetBoolAtPath(p string, v bool) error

func (*JSONFile) SetInt64AtPath

func (f *JSONFile) SetInt64AtPath(p string, v int64) error

func (*JSONFile) SetIntAtPath

func (f *JSONFile) SetIntAtPath(p string, v int) error

func (*JSONFile) SetNullAtPath

func (f *JSONFile) SetNullAtPath(p string) (err error)

func (*JSONFile) SetStringAtPath

func (f *JSONFile) SetStringAtPath(p string, v string) error

type JSONLocalDb

type JSONLocalDb struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewJSONLocalDb

func NewJSONLocalDb(e LocalDb) *JSONLocalDb

func (*JSONLocalDb) Close

func (j *JSONLocalDb) Close() error

func (*JSONLocalDb) Delete

func (j *JSONLocalDb) Delete(id DbKey) error

func (*JSONLocalDb) ForceOpen

func (j *JSONLocalDb) ForceOpen() error

func (*JSONLocalDb) Get

func (j *JSONLocalDb) Get(id DbKey) (*jsonw.Wrapper, error)

func (*JSONLocalDb) GetEngine

func (j *JSONLocalDb) GetEngine() LocalDb

func (*JSONLocalDb) GetInto

func (j *JSONLocalDb) GetInto(obj interface{}, id DbKey) (found bool, err error)

func (*JSONLocalDb) GetRaw

func (j *JSONLocalDb) GetRaw(id DbKey) ([]byte, bool, error)

func (*JSONLocalDb) Lookup

func (j *JSONLocalDb) Lookup(id DbKey) (*jsonw.Wrapper, error)

func (*JSONLocalDb) Nuke

func (j *JSONLocalDb) Nuke() (string, error)

func (*JSONLocalDb) Open

func (j *JSONLocalDb) Open() error

func (*JSONLocalDb) OpenTransaction

func (j *JSONLocalDb) OpenTransaction() (JSONLocalDbTransaction, error)

func (*JSONLocalDb) Put

func (j *JSONLocalDb) Put(id DbKey, aliases []DbKey, val *jsonw.Wrapper) error

func (*JSONLocalDb) PutObj

func (j *JSONLocalDb) PutObj(id DbKey, aliases []DbKey, obj interface{}) (err error)

func (*JSONLocalDb) PutRaw

func (j *JSONLocalDb) PutRaw(id DbKey, b []byte) error

type JSONLocalDbTransaction

type JSONLocalDbTransaction struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (JSONLocalDbTransaction) Commit

func (j JSONLocalDbTransaction) Commit() error

func (JSONLocalDbTransaction) Delete

func (j JSONLocalDbTransaction) Delete(id DbKey) error

func (JSONLocalDbTransaction) Discard

func (j JSONLocalDbTransaction) Discard()

func (JSONLocalDbTransaction) Get

func (JSONLocalDbTransaction) GetInto

func (j JSONLocalDbTransaction) GetInto(obj interface{}, id DbKey) (found bool, err error)

func (JSONLocalDbTransaction) GetRaw

func (j JSONLocalDbTransaction) GetRaw(id DbKey) ([]byte, bool, error)

func (JSONLocalDbTransaction) Lookup

func (j JSONLocalDbTransaction) Lookup(id DbKey) (*jsonw.Wrapper, error)

func (JSONLocalDbTransaction) Put

func (j JSONLocalDbTransaction) Put(id DbKey, aliases []DbKey, val *jsonw.Wrapper) error

func (JSONLocalDbTransaction) PutObj

func (j JSONLocalDbTransaction) PutObj(id DbKey, aliases []DbKey, obj interface{}) (err error)

func (JSONLocalDbTransaction) PutRaw

func (j JSONLocalDbTransaction) PutRaw(id DbKey, b []byte) error

type JSONPayload

type JSONPayload map[string]interface{}

func PerUserKeyProofReverseSigned

func PerUserKeyProofReverseSigned(m MetaContext, me *User, perUserKeySeed PerUserKeySeed, generation keybase1.PerUserKeyGeneration,
	signer GenericKey) (JSONPayload, error)

Make a per-user key proof with a reverse sig. Modifies the User `me` with a sigchain bump and key delegation. Returns a JSONPayload ready for use in "sigs" in sig/multi.

func StellarProofReverseSigned

func StellarProofReverseSigned(m MetaContext, me *User, walletAddress stellar1.AccountID,
	stellarSigner stellar1.SecretKey, signer GenericKey) (JSONPayload, error)

Make a stellar proof with a reverse sig. Modifies the User `me` with a sigchain bump and key delegation. Returns a JSONPayload ready for use in "sigs" in sig/multi.

type JSONReader

type JSONReader interface {
	GetStringAtPath(string) (string, bool)
	GetInterfaceAtPath(string) (interface{}, error)
	GetBoolAtPath(string) (bool, bool)
	GetIntAtPath(string) (int, bool)
	GetNullAtPath(string) bool

type JSONUpdaterConfigFile

type JSONUpdaterConfigFile struct {

func NewJSONUpdaterConfigFile

func NewJSONUpdaterConfigFile(g *GlobalContext) *JSONUpdaterConfigFile

func (*JSONUpdaterConfigFile) GetInstallID

func (j *JSONUpdaterConfigFile) GetInstallID() (ret InstallID)

type JSONWriter

type JSONWriter interface {
	SetStringAtPath(string, string) error
	SetBoolAtPath(string, bool) error
	SetIntAtPath(string, int) error
	SetNullAtPath(string) error

type KBFSNotRunningError

type KBFSNotRunningError struct{}

func (KBFSNotRunningError) Error

func (e KBFSNotRunningError) Error() string

type KVStoreContext

type KVStoreContext interface {
	GetKVStore() KVStorer

type KVStorer

type KVStorer interface {
	GetInto(obj interface{}, id DbKey) (found bool, err error)
	PutObj(id DbKey, aliases []DbKey, obj interface{}) (err error)
	Delete(id DbKey) error

type Kex2Secret

type Kex2Secret struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewKex2SecretFromTypeAndUID

func NewKex2SecretFromTypeAndUID(typ Kex2SecretType, uid keybase1.UID) (*Kex2Secret, error)

func NewKex2SecretFromUIDAndPhrase

func NewKex2SecretFromUIDAndPhrase(uid keybase1.UID, phrase string) (*Kex2Secret, error)

func (*Kex2Secret) Phrase

func (s *Kex2Secret) Phrase() string

func (*Kex2Secret) Secret

func (s *Kex2Secret) Secret() kex2.Secret

type Kex2SecretType

type Kex2SecretType int
const (
	Kex2SecretTypeNone      Kex2SecretType = 0
	Kex2SecretTypeV1Desktop Kex2SecretType = 1
	Kex2SecretTypeV1Mobile  Kex2SecretType = 2
	Kex2SecretTypeV2        Kex2SecretType = 3

type KexRole

type KexRole int
const (
	KexRoleProvisioner KexRole = iota

type KexRouter

type KexRouter struct {

KexRouter implements the kex2.MessageRouter interface.

func NewKexRouter

func NewKexRouter(m MetaContext) *KexRouter

NewKexRouter creates a contextified KexRouter.

func (*KexRouter) Get

func (k *KexRouter) Get(sessID kex2.SessionID, receiver kex2.DeviceID, low kex2.Seqno, poll time.Duration) (msgs [][]byte, err error)

Get implements Get in the kex2.MessageRouter interface.

func (*KexRouter) Post

func (k *KexRouter) Post(sessID kex2.SessionID, sender kex2.DeviceID, seqno kex2.Seqno, msg []byte) (err error)

Post implements Post in the kex2.MessageRouter interface.

type KeyCannotDecryptError

type KeyCannotDecryptError struct{}

func (KeyCannotDecryptError) Error

func (k KeyCannotDecryptError) Error() string

type KeyCannotEncryptError

type KeyCannotEncryptError struct{}

func (KeyCannotEncryptError) Error

func (k KeyCannotEncryptError) Error() string

type KeyCannotSignError

type KeyCannotSignError struct{}

func (KeyCannotSignError) Error

func (s KeyCannotSignError) Error() string

type KeyCannotVerifyError

type KeyCannotVerifyError struct{}

func (KeyCannotVerifyError) Error

func (k KeyCannotVerifyError) Error() string

type KeyCorruptedError

type KeyCorruptedError struct {
	Msg string

func (KeyCorruptedError) Error

func (e KeyCorruptedError) Error() string

func (KeyCorruptedError) ToStatus

func (c KeyCorruptedError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type KeyExistsError

type KeyExistsError struct {
	Key *PGPFingerprint

func (KeyExistsError) Error

func (k KeyExistsError) Error() string

func (KeyExistsError) ToStatus

func (c KeyExistsError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type KeyExpiredError

type KeyExpiredError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (KeyExpiredError) Error

func (r KeyExpiredError) Error() string

type KeyFamily

type KeyFamily struct {
	AllKIDs map[keybase1.KID]bool

	// PGP keys have a permissively merged version and individual versions by
	// hash. See the comment in PGPKeySet.addKey, above, for details.
	PGPKeySets map[keybase1.KID]*PGPKeySet
	SingleKeys map[keybase1.KID]GenericKey // Currently just NaCl keys

	BundlesForTesting []string

	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Once the client downloads a RawKeyFamily, it converts it into a KeyFamily, which has some additional information about Fingerprints and PGP keys

func ParseKeyFamily

func ParseKeyFamily(g *GlobalContext, jw *jsonw.Wrapper) (ret *KeyFamily, err error)

ParseKeyFamily takes as input a dictionary from a JSON file and returns a parsed version for manipulation in the program.

func (KeyFamily) Export

func (kf KeyFamily) Export() []keybase1.PublicKey

func (*KeyFamily) LocalDelegate

func (kf *KeyFamily) LocalDelegate(key GenericKey) (err error)

LocalDelegate performs a local key delegation, without the server's permissions. We'll need to do this when a key is locally generated.

func (KeyFamily) ShallowCopy

func (kf KeyFamily) ShallowCopy() *KeyFamily

type KeyFamilyError

type KeyFamilyError struct {
	Msg string

func (KeyFamilyError) Error

func (e KeyFamilyError) Error() string

type KeyGen

type KeyGen int

type KeyGenError

type KeyGenError struct {
	Msg string

func (KeyGenError) Error

func (e KeyGenError) Error() string

func (KeyGenError) ToStatus

func (e KeyGenError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type KeyMaskNotFoundError

type KeyMaskNotFoundError struct {
	App keybase1.TeamApplication
	Gen keybase1.PerTeamKeyGeneration

func (KeyMaskNotFoundError) Error

func (e KeyMaskNotFoundError) Error() string

func (KeyMaskNotFoundError) ToStatus

func (e KeyMaskNotFoundError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type KeyPseudonym

type KeyPseudonym [32]byte

KeyPseudonym is a "random looking" identifier which refers to a specific application key belonging to a user or team (the key is referred to by the application id, the generation number and the user or team id). Pseudonyms are only used for saltpack encryption at the moment, but more applications are possible. They are used to avoid that, when decrypting a message encrypted with a team key, a user has to loop through all the keys of all the teams he is part of to find the right one. To avoid this, when encrypting for a team, the sender generates such a pseudonym (which refers to the key it used to encrypt), sends it to the server and includes it as a recipient identifier for the appropriare recipient payload box in the header of the saltpack message. When decrypting a saltpack message, a recipient can ask the server if any of the recipient identifiers in the message correspond to known pseudonyms (for teams the user is part of), and use the response from the server to identify which key to use for decryption. This mechanism substitutes an older kbfs based one (which is still supported to allow decryptions of old saltpack messages).

A pseudonym is computed as an HMAC (with a random nonce as a key) of the information it refers to in order to prevent the server from tampering with the mapping (we rely on collision resistance and not unforgeability, as the server knows the nonce, so a simple SHA256 would have worked as well).

func MakeKeyPseudonym

func MakeKeyPseudonym(info KeyPseudonymInfo) (KeyPseudonym, error)

MakePseudonym makes a key pseudonym from the given input.

func (KeyPseudonym) Eq

func (p KeyPseudonym) Eq(r KeyPseudonym) bool

func (*KeyPseudonym) MarshalJSON

func (p *KeyPseudonym) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (KeyPseudonym) String

func (p KeyPseudonym) String() string

func (*KeyPseudonym) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *KeyPseudonym) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

type KeyPseudonymError

type KeyPseudonymError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewKeyPseudonymError

func NewKeyPseudonymError(message string) KeyPseudonymError

func (KeyPseudonymError) Error

func (e KeyPseudonymError) Error() string

type KeyPseudonymGetError

type KeyPseudonymGetError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PseudonymGetError is sometimes written by unmarshaling (some fields of) a server response.

func (KeyPseudonymGetError) Error

func (e KeyPseudonymGetError) Error() string

type KeyPseudonymInfo

type KeyPseudonymInfo struct {
	KeyPseudonym KeyPseudonym
	ID           keybase1.UserOrTeamID
	Application  keybase1.TeamApplication
	KeyGen       KeyGen
	Nonce        KeyPseudonymNonce

KeyPseudonymInfo contains the KeyPseudonym as well as information about the key it represents.

type KeyPseudonymNonce

type KeyPseudonymNonce [32]byte

func RandomPseudonymNonce

func RandomPseudonymNonce() KeyPseudonymNonce

RandomPseudonymNonce returns a random nonce, which is used as an HMAC key.

func (*KeyPseudonymNonce) MarshalJSON

func (p *KeyPseudonymNonce) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (KeyPseudonymNonce) String

func (p KeyPseudonymNonce) String() string

func (*KeyPseudonymNonce) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *KeyPseudonymNonce) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

type KeyPseudonymOrError

type KeyPseudonymOrError struct {
	// Exactly one of these 2 fields is nil.
	Err  error
	Info *KeyPseudonymInfo

func GetKeyPseudonyms

func GetKeyPseudonyms(m MetaContext, pnyms []KeyPseudonym) ([]KeyPseudonymOrError, error)

GetKeyPseudonyms fetches info for a list of pseudonyms. The output structs are returned in the order corresponding to the inputs. The top-level error is filled if the entire request fails. The error in each of the returned structs may be filled for per-pseudonym errors.

type KeyRevokedError

type KeyRevokedError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewKeyRevokedError

func NewKeyRevokedError(m string) KeyRevokedError

func (KeyRevokedError) Error

func (r KeyRevokedError) Error() string

func (KeyRevokedError) ToStatus

func (e KeyRevokedError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type KeyRole

type KeyRole int
const (
	DLGNone KeyRole = iota

type KeySection

type KeySection struct {
	Key                  GenericKey
	EldestKID            keybase1.KID
	ParentKID            keybase1.KID
	HasRevSig            bool
	RevSig               string
	SigningUser          UserBasic
	IncludePGPHash       bool
	PerUserKeyGeneration keybase1.PerUserKeyGeneration

func (KeySection) ToJSON

func (arg KeySection) ToJSON() (*jsonw.Wrapper, error)

type KeyStatus

type KeyStatus int
const (
	KeyUncancelled KeyStatus = iota

type KeyType

type KeyType int
const (
	KeyTypeNone                  KeyType = 0
	KeyTypeOpenPGPPublic         KeyType = 1
	KeyTypeP3skbPrivate          KeyType = 2
	KeyTypeKbNaclEddsa           KeyType = 3
	KeyTypeKbNaclDH              KeyType = 4
	KeyTypeKbNaclEddsaServerHalf KeyType = 5
	KeyTypeKbNaclDHServerHalf    KeyType = 6

type KeyUnimplementedError

type KeyUnimplementedError struct{}

func (KeyUnimplementedError) Error

func (k KeyUnimplementedError) Error() string

type KeyUnlocker

type KeyUnlocker struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewKeyUnlocker

func NewKeyUnlocker(tries int, reason string, keyDesc string, which PassphraseType, useSecretStore bool, ui SecretUI, unlocker UnlockerFunc) KeyUnlocker

func (KeyUnlocker) Run

func (arg KeyUnlocker) Run(m MetaContext) (ret GenericKey, err error)

type KeyVersionError

type KeyVersionError struct{}

func (KeyVersionError) Error

func (k KeyVersionError) Error() string

type KeybaseSaltpackError

type KeybaseSaltpackError struct{}

func (KeybaseSaltpackError) Error

func (e KeybaseSaltpackError) Error() string

type KeybaseTime

type KeybaseTime struct {
	Unix  int64          // UTC wallclock time
	Chain keybase1.Seqno // Merkle root chain time

We have two notions of time we can use -- standard UTC which might be screwy (skewy) based upon local clock problems; or MerkleRoot seqno, which is totally ordered and all clients and server ought to agree on it. The issue is that we're not uniformly signing Merkle roots into signatures, especially those generated on the Web site.

func NowAsKeybaseTime

func NowAsKeybaseTime(seqno keybase1.Seqno) *KeybaseTime

NowAsKeybaseTime makes a representation of now. IF we don't know the MerkleTree chain seqno, just use 0

func TclToKeybaseTime

func TclToKeybaseTime(tcl TypedChainLink) *KeybaseTime

TclToKeybaseTime turns a TypedChainLink into a KeybaseTime tuple, looking inside the chainlink for the Unix wallclock and the global MerkleChain seqno.

type KeyringFile

type KeyringFile struct {
	Entities openpgp.EntityList

	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (KeyringFile) GetFilename

func (k KeyringFile) GetFilename() string

func (*KeyringFile) Index

func (k *KeyringFile) Index() error

func (*KeyringFile) Load

func (k *KeyringFile) Load() error

func (*KeyringFile) LoadAndIndex

func (k *KeyringFile) LoadAndIndex() error

func (KeyringFile) Save

func (k KeyringFile) Save(g *GlobalContext) error

func (KeyringFile) WriteTo

func (k KeyringFile) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error)

type Keyrings

type Keyrings struct {

func NewKeyrings

func NewKeyrings(g *GlobalContext) *Keyrings

func (*Keyrings) GetSecretKeyAndSKBWithPrompt

func (k *Keyrings) GetSecretKeyAndSKBWithPrompt(m MetaContext, arg SecretKeyPromptArg) (key GenericKey, skb *SKB, err error)

func (*Keyrings) GetSecretKeyLocked

func (k *Keyrings) GetSecretKeyLocked(m MetaContext, ska SecretKeyArg) (ret *SKB, err error)

GetSecretKeyLocked gets a secret key for the current user by first looking for keys synced from the server, and if that fails, tries those in the local Keyring that are also active for the user. In any case, the key will be locked.

func (*Keyrings) GetSecretKeyWithPassphrase

func (k *Keyrings) GetSecretKeyWithPassphrase(m MetaContext, me *User, passphrase string, secretStorer SecretStorer) (key GenericKey, err error)

func (*Keyrings) GetSecretKeyWithPrompt

func (k *Keyrings) GetSecretKeyWithPrompt(m MetaContext, arg SecretKeyPromptArg) (key GenericKey, err error)

TODO: Figure out whether and how to dep-inject the SecretStore.

func (*Keyrings) GetSecretKeyWithStoredSecret

func (k *Keyrings) GetSecretKeyWithStoredSecret(m MetaContext, ska SecretKeyArg, me *User, secretRetriever SecretRetriever) (key GenericKey, err error)

type LKSec

type LKSec struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewLKSec

func NewLKSec(pps *PassphraseStream, uid keybase1.UID) *LKSec

func NewLKSecForEncrypt

func NewLKSecForEncrypt(m MetaContext, ui SecretUI, uid keybase1.UID) (ret *LKSec, err error)

NewLKSForEncrypt gets a verified passphrase stream, and returns an LKS that works for encryption.

func NewLKSecWithClientHalf

func NewLKSecWithClientHalf(clientHalf LKSecClientHalf, ppgen PassphraseGeneration, uid keybase1.UID) *LKSec

func NewLKSecWithDeviceID

func NewLKSecWithDeviceID(pps *PassphraseStream, uid keybase1.UID, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID) *LKSec

func NewLKSecWithFullSecret

func NewLKSecWithFullSecret(secret LKSecFullSecret, uid keybase1.UID) *LKSec

func (LKSec) ClientHalf

func (s LKSec) ClientHalf() LKSecClientHalf

func (*LKSec) ComputeClientHalf

func (s *LKSec) ComputeClientHalf() (ret LKSecClientHalf, err error)

func (*LKSec) CorruptedFullSecretForBug3964Testing

func (s *LKSec) CorruptedFullSecretForBug3964Testing(srv LKSecServerHalf) LKSecFullSecret

func (*LKSec) Decrypt

func (s *LKSec) Decrypt(m MetaContext, src []byte) (res []byte, gen PassphraseGeneration, erroneousMask LKSecServerHalf, err error)

func (*LKSec) Encrypt

func (s *LKSec) Encrypt(m MetaContext, src []byte) (res []byte, err error)

func (*LKSec) EncryptClientHalfRecovery

func (s *LKSec) EncryptClientHalfRecovery(key GenericKey) (string, error)

EncryptClientHalfRecovery takes the client half of the LKS secret and encrypts it for the given key. This is for recovery of passphrases on device recovery operations.

func (*LKSec) FullSecret

func (s *LKSec) FullSecret() LKSecFullSecret

func (*LKSec) GenerateServerHalf

func (s *LKSec) GenerateServerHalf() error

func (LKSec) Generation

func (s LKSec) Generation() PassphraseGeneration

Generation returns the passphrase generation that this local key security object is derived from.

func (*LKSec) GetSecret

func (s *LKSec) GetSecret(m MetaContext) (secret LKSecFullSecret, err error)

func (*LKSec) GetServerHalf

func (s *LKSec) GetServerHalf() LKSecServerHalf

func (*LKSec) Load

func (s *LKSec) Load(m MetaContext) (err error)

func (*LKSec) LoadServerDetails

func (s *LKSec) LoadServerDetails(m MetaContext) (ret DeviceKeyMap, err error)

func (*LKSec) LoadServerHalf

func (s *LKSec) LoadServerHalf(m MetaContext) (err error)

func (LKSec) ServerHalf

func (s LKSec) ServerHalf() LKSecServerHalf

func (*LKSec) SetClientHalf

func (s *LKSec) SetClientHalf(b LKSecClientHalf)

func (*LKSec) SetFullSecret

func (s *LKSec) SetFullSecret(m MetaContext)

func (*LKSec) SetServerHalf

func (s *LKSec) SetServerHalf(b LKSecServerHalf)

func (*LKSec) SetUID

func (s *LKSec) SetUID(u keybase1.UID)

func (*LKSec) ToSKB

func (s *LKSec) ToSKB(m MetaContext, key GenericKey) (ret *SKB, err error)

ToSKB exports a generic key with the given LKSec to a SecretKeyBundle, performing all necessary encryption.

type LKSecClientHalf

type LKSecClientHalf struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewLKSecClientHalfFromBytes

func NewLKSecClientHalfFromBytes(b []byte) (ret LKSecClientHalf, err error)

func (LKSecClientHalf) Bytes

func (c LKSecClientHalf) Bytes() []byte

func (LKSecClientHalf) ComputeMask

func (c LKSecClientHalf) ComputeMask(c2 LKSecClientHalf) LKSecMask

func (LKSecClientHalf) Equal

func (c LKSecClientHalf) Equal(c2 LKSecClientHalf) bool

func (LKSecClientHalf) IsNil

func (c LKSecClientHalf) IsNil() bool

type LKSecFullSecret

type LKSecFullSecret struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (LKSecFullSecret) Bytes

func (f LKSecFullSecret) Bytes() []byte

func (LKSecFullSecret) Equal

func (f LKSecFullSecret) Equal(f2 LKSecFullSecret) bool

func (LKSecFullSecret) IsNil

func (f LKSecFullSecret) IsNil() bool

type LKSecMask

type LKSecMask struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (LKSecMask) EncodeToHex

func (m LKSecMask) EncodeToHex() string

func (LKSecMask) IsNil

func (m LKSecMask) IsNil() bool

type LKSecServerHalf

type LKSecServerHalf struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewLKSecServerHalfFromHex

func NewLKSecServerHalfFromHex(s string) (ret LKSecServerHalf, err error)

func NewLKSecServerHalfZeros

func NewLKSecServerHalfZeros() LKSecServerHalf

func (LKSecServerHalf) Bytes

func (s LKSecServerHalf) Bytes() []byte

func (LKSecServerHalf) ComputeClientHalf

func (s LKSecServerHalf) ComputeClientHalf(f LKSecFullSecret) LKSecClientHalf

func (LKSecServerHalf) ComputeFullSecret

func (s LKSecServerHalf) ComputeFullSecret(c LKSecClientHalf) LKSecFullSecret

func (LKSecServerHalf) EncodeToHex

func (s LKSecServerHalf) EncodeToHex() string

func (LKSecServerHalf) IsNil

func (s LKSecServerHalf) IsNil() bool

type LKSecServerHalfSet

type LKSecServerHalfSet struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewLKSecServerHalfSet

func NewLKSecServerHalfSet() *LKSecServerHalfSet

func (*LKSecServerHalfSet) Add

func (*LKSecServerHalfSet) EncodeToHexList

func (l *LKSecServerHalfSet) EncodeToHexList() string

type LRUContext

type LRUContext interface {

type LRUKeyer

type LRUKeyer interface {
	MemKey() string
	DbKey() DbKey

type LRUer

type LRUer interface {
	Get(context.Context, LRUContext, LRUKeyer) (interface{}, error)
	Put(context.Context, LRUContext, LRUKeyer, interface{}) error

type LabelCb

type LabelCb func(typ keybase1.ClientType)

LabelCb is a callback to be run when a client connects and labels itself.

type Lease

type Lease struct {
	MerkleSeqno keybase1.Seqno    `json:"merkle_seqno"`
	LeaseID     keybase1.LeaseID  `json:"downgrade_lease_id"`
	HashMeta    keybase1.HashMeta `json:"hash_meta"`

type LevelDBOpenClosedError

type LevelDBOpenClosedError struct{}

func (LevelDBOpenClosedError) Error

func (e LevelDBOpenClosedError) Error() string

type LevelDb

type LevelDb struct {
	// We use a RWMutex here to ensure close doesn't happen in the middle of
	// other DB operations, and DB operations doesn't happen after close. The
	// lock should be considered for the db pointer and dbOpenerOnce pointer,
	// rather than the DB itself.  More specifically, close does Lock(), while
	// other DB operations does RLock().

	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewLevelDb

func NewLevelDb(g *GlobalContext, filename func() string) *LevelDb

func (*LevelDb) Close

func (l *LevelDb) Close() error

func (*LevelDb) Delete

func (l *LevelDb) Delete(id DbKey) error

func (*LevelDb) ForceOpen

func (l *LevelDb) ForceOpen() error

ForceOpen opens the leveldb file. This is used in situations where we want to get around the lazy open and make sure we can use it later.

func (*LevelDb) Get

func (l *LevelDb) Get(id DbKey) (val []byte, found bool, err error)

func (*LevelDb) GetFilename

func (l *LevelDb) GetFilename() string

func (*LevelDb) Lookup

func (l *LevelDb) Lookup(id DbKey) (val []byte, found bool, err error)

func (*LevelDb) Nuke

func (l *LevelDb) Nuke() (fn string, err error)

func (*LevelDb) Open

func (l *LevelDb) Open() error

Explicit open does nothing we'll wait for a lazy open

func (*LevelDb) OpenTransaction

func (l *LevelDb) OpenTransaction() (LocalDbTransaction, error)

func (*LevelDb) Opts

func (l *LevelDb) Opts() *opt.Options

Opts returns the options for all leveldb databases.

PC: I think it's worth trying a bloom filter. From docs: "In many cases, a filter can cut down the number of disk seeks from a handful to a single disk seek per DB.Get call."

func (*LevelDb) Put

func (l *LevelDb) Put(id DbKey, aliases []DbKey, value []byte) error

type LevelDbTransaction

type LevelDbTransaction struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (LevelDbTransaction) Commit

func (l LevelDbTransaction) Commit() (err error)

func (LevelDbTransaction) Delete

func (l LevelDbTransaction) Delete(id DbKey) error

func (LevelDbTransaction) Discard

func (l LevelDbTransaction) Discard()

func (LevelDbTransaction) Get

func (l LevelDbTransaction) Get(id DbKey) (val []byte, found bool, err error)

func (LevelDbTransaction) Lookup

func (l LevelDbTransaction) Lookup(id DbKey) (val []byte, found bool, err error)

func (LevelDbTransaction) Put

func (l LevelDbTransaction) Put(id DbKey, aliases []DbKey, value []byte) error

type Lexer

type Lexer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewLexer

func NewLexer(s string) *Lexer

func (*Lexer) Get

func (lx *Lexer) Get() Token

func (*Lexer) Putback

func (lx *Lexer) Putback()

type LinkCache

type LinkCache struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LinkCache is a cache of ChainLinks. It is safe to use concurrently.

func NewLinkCache

func NewLinkCache(maxSize int, cleanDur time.Duration) *LinkCache

NewLinkCache creates a LinkCache. When finished using this LinkCache, call Shutdown on it to clean up.

func (*LinkCache) Clean

func (c *LinkCache) Clean()

func (*LinkCache) Get

func (c *LinkCache) Get(id LinkID) (link ChainLink, ok bool)

Get retrieves a ChainLink from the cache. If nothing exists for this LinkID, it will return false for ok.

func (*LinkCache) Len

func (c *LinkCache) Len() int

Len returns the number of ChainLinks cached.

func (*LinkCache) Mutate

func (c *LinkCache) Mutate(id LinkID, f func(c *ChainLink))

func (*LinkCache) Put

func (c *LinkCache) Put(m MetaContext, id LinkID, link ChainLink)

func (*LinkCache) Remove

func (c *LinkCache) Remove(id LinkID)

Remove deletes a ChainLink from the cache.

func (*LinkCache) Shutdown

func (c *LinkCache) Shutdown()

Shutdown terminates the use of this cache.

type LinkCheckResult

type LinkCheckResult struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (LinkCheckResult) Export

func (LinkCheckResult) ExportToIdentifyRow

func (l LinkCheckResult) ExportToIdentifyRow(i int) keybase1.IdentifyRow

func (LinkCheckResult) GetCached

func (l LinkCheckResult) GetCached() *CheckResult

func (LinkCheckResult) GetDiff

func (l LinkCheckResult) GetDiff() TrackDiff

func (LinkCheckResult) GetError

func (l LinkCheckResult) GetError() error

func (LinkCheckResult) GetHint

func (l LinkCheckResult) GetHint() *SigHint

func (LinkCheckResult) GetPosition

func (l LinkCheckResult) GetPosition() int

func (LinkCheckResult) GetProofError

func (l LinkCheckResult) GetProofError() ProofError

func (LinkCheckResult) GetRemoteDiff

func (l LinkCheckResult) GetRemoteDiff() TrackDiff

func (LinkCheckResult) GetTorWarning

func (l LinkCheckResult) GetTorWarning() bool

type LinkID

type LinkID []byte

func ComputeLinkID

func ComputeLinkID(d []byte) LinkID

func GetLinkID

func GetLinkID(w *jsonw.Wrapper) (LinkID, error)

func ImportLinkID

func ImportLinkID(i keybase1.LinkID) (LinkID, error)

func LinkIDFromHex

func LinkIDFromHex(s string) (LinkID, error)

func MakeSig

func MakeSig(
	signingKey GenericKey,
	v1LinkType LinkType,
	innerLinkJSON []byte,
	hasRevokes SigHasRevokes,
	seqType keybase1.SeqType,
	ignoreIfUnsupported SigIgnoreIfUnsupported,
	me *User,
	sigVersion SigVersion) (sig string, sigID keybase1.SigID, linkID LinkID, err error)

func MakeSigchainV2OuterSig

func MakeSigchainV2OuterSig(
	signingKey GenericKey,
	v1LinkType LinkType,
	seqno keybase1.Seqno,
	innerLinkJSON []byte,
	prevLinkID LinkID,
	hasRevokes SigHasRevokes,
	seqType keybase1.SeqType,
	ignoreIfUnsupported SigIgnoreIfUnsupported,
) (sig string, sigid keybase1.SigID, linkID LinkID, err error)

func SignJSON

func SignJSON(jw *jsonw.Wrapper, key GenericKey) (out string, id keybase1.SigID, lid LinkID, err error)

SimpleSignJson marshals the given Json structure and then signs it.

func (LinkID) Eq

func (l LinkID) Eq(i2 LinkID) bool

func (LinkID) Export

func (i LinkID) Export() keybase1.LinkID

func (*LinkID) MarshalJSON

func (l *LinkID) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (LinkID) String

func (l LinkID) String() string

func (*LinkID) UnmarshalJSON

func (l *LinkID) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

type LinkType

type LinkType string

type LoadUserArg

type LoadUserArg struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewLoadUserArg

func NewLoadUserArg(g *GlobalContext) LoadUserArg

func NewLoadUserArgWithContext

func NewLoadUserArgWithContext(ctx context.Context, g *GlobalContext) LoadUserArg

func NewLoadUserArgWithMetaContext

func NewLoadUserArgWithMetaContext(m MetaContext) LoadUserArg

func NewLoadUserByNameArg

func NewLoadUserByNameArg(g *GlobalContext, name string) LoadUserArg

func NewLoadUserByUIDArg

func NewLoadUserByUIDArg(ctx context.Context, g *GlobalContext, uid keybase1.UID) LoadUserArg

func NewLoadUserByUIDForceArg

func NewLoadUserByUIDForceArg(g *GlobalContext, uid keybase1.UID) LoadUserArg

func NewLoadUserForceArg

func NewLoadUserForceArg(g *GlobalContext) LoadUserArg

func NewLoadUserPubOptionalArg

func NewLoadUserPubOptionalArg(g *GlobalContext) LoadUserArg

func NewLoadUserSelfAndUIDArg

func NewLoadUserSelfAndUIDArg(g *GlobalContext) LoadUserArg

func NewLoadUserSelfArg

func NewLoadUserSelfArg(g *GlobalContext) LoadUserArg

func (LoadUserArg) EnsureCtxAndLogTag

func (arg LoadUserArg) EnsureCtxAndLogTag() LoadUserArg

func (LoadUserArg) GetNetContext

func (arg LoadUserArg) GetNetContext() context.Context

func (LoadUserArg) MetaContext

func (arg LoadUserArg) MetaContext() MetaContext

func (LoadUserArg) String

func (arg LoadUserArg) String() string

func (LoadUserArg) WithAbortIfSigchainUnchanged

func (arg LoadUserArg) WithAbortIfSigchainUnchanged() LoadUserArg

func (LoadUserArg) WithCachedOnly

func (arg LoadUserArg) WithCachedOnly() LoadUserArg

func (LoadUserArg) WithForcePoll

func (arg LoadUserArg) WithForcePoll(fp bool) LoadUserArg

func (LoadUserArg) WithForceReload

func (arg LoadUserArg) WithForceReload() LoadUserArg

func (LoadUserArg) WithLoginContext

func (arg LoadUserArg) WithLoginContext(l LoginContext) LoadUserArg

func (LoadUserArg) WithName

func (arg LoadUserArg) WithName(n string) LoadUserArg

func (LoadUserArg) WithNetContext

func (arg LoadUserArg) WithNetContext(ctx context.Context) LoadUserArg

func (LoadUserArg) WithPublicKeyOptional

func (arg LoadUserArg) WithPublicKeyOptional() LoadUserArg

func (LoadUserArg) WithResolveBody

func (arg LoadUserArg) WithResolveBody(r *jsonw.Wrapper) LoadUserArg

func (LoadUserArg) WithSelf

func (arg LoadUserArg) WithSelf(self bool) LoadUserArg

func (LoadUserArg) WithStaleOK

func (arg LoadUserArg) WithStaleOK(b bool) LoadUserArg

func (LoadUserArg) WithUID

func (arg LoadUserArg) WithUID(uid keybase1.UID) LoadUserArg

type LocalDb

type LocalDb interface {
	Open() error
	ForceOpen() error
	Close() error
	Nuke() (string, error)
	OpenTransaction() (LocalDbTransaction, error)

type LocalDbOps

type LocalDbOps interface {
	Put(id DbKey, aliases []DbKey, value []byte) error
	Delete(id DbKey) error
	Get(id DbKey) ([]byte, bool, error)
	Lookup(alias DbKey) ([]byte, bool, error)

type LocalDbTransaction

type LocalDbTransaction interface {
	Commit() error

type LocalSigchainGuard

type LocalSigchainGuard struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A guard used to tell background tasks to stay off the sigchain while the user is changing their sigchain on purpose. Don't treat this as a lock, it's very sloppy. The guard exists to avoid races where an intentional action like provisioning loads the sigchain, but then it gets changed by a background task, so the intentional action would fail. This is just an atomic bool. Intentional actions can acquire it multiple times, release it even when others have it, so it's sloppy, but you'll never deadlock.

func NewLocalSigchainGuard

func NewLocalSigchainGuard(g *GlobalContext) *LocalSigchainGuard

func (*LocalSigchainGuard) Clear

func (l *LocalSigchainGuard) Clear(ctx context.Context, reason string)

func (*LocalSigchainGuard) IsAvailable

func (l *LocalSigchainGuard) IsAvailable(ctx context.Context, reason string) bool

func (*LocalSigchainGuard) Set

func (l *LocalSigchainGuard) Set(ctx context.Context, reason string)

type LockPIDFile

type LockPIDFile struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewLockPIDFile

func NewLockPIDFile(g *GlobalContext, s string) *LockPIDFile

func (*LockPIDFile) Close

func (f *LockPIDFile) Close() (err error)

func (*LockPIDFile) Lock

func (f *LockPIDFile) Lock() (err error)

Lock writes the pid to filename after acquiring a lock on the file. When the process exits, the lock will be released.

type LockTable

type LockTable struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*LockTable) AcquireOnName

func (t *LockTable) AcquireOnName(ctx context.Context, g VLogContext, s string) (ret *NamedLock)

type LockedTriplesec

type LockedTriplesec struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LockedTriplesec is a wrapper around a Triplesec interface, which allows multiple goroutines to handle the same underlying Triplesec at the same time. The mechanism is simply a mutex wrapping all accesses.

func NewLockedTriplesec

func NewLockedTriplesec(t Triplesec) *LockedTriplesec

func (*LockedTriplesec) Decrypt

func (t *LockedTriplesec) Decrypt(b []byte) ([]byte, error)

func (*LockedTriplesec) DeriveKey

func (t *LockedTriplesec) DeriveKey(l int) ([]byte, []byte, error)

func (*LockedTriplesec) Encrypt

func (t *LockedTriplesec) Encrypt(b []byte) ([]byte, error)

func (*LockedTriplesec) Scrub

func (t *LockedTriplesec) Scrub()

type LogContext

type LogContext interface {
	GetLog() logger.Logger

type LogFunc

type LogFunc func(format string, args ...interface{})

type LogGetter

type LogGetter func() logger.Logger

type LogProfileContext

type LogProfileContext struct {
	Path string

LogProfileContext for LogProfile

func (*LogProfileContext) LogProfile

func (l *LogProfileContext) LogProfile(path string) ([]string, error)

type LogSendContext

type LogSendContext struct {
	Logs Logs

LogSendContext for LogSend

func (*LogSendContext) LogSend

func (l *LogSendContext) LogSend(statusJSON, feedback string, sendLogs bool, numBytes int, uid keybase1.UID, installID InstallID, mergeExtendedStatus bool) (string, error)

LogSend sends the tails of log files to kb, and also the last few trace output files.

type LogUI

type LogUI interface {
	Debug(format string, args ...interface{})
	Info(format string, args ...interface{})
	Warning(format string, args ...interface{})
	Notice(format string, args ...interface{})
	Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})
	Critical(format string, args ...interface{})

type LoggedInError

type LoggedInError struct{}

func (LoggedInError) Error

func (e LoggedInError) Error() string

func (LoggedInError) ToStatus

func (e LoggedInError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type LoggedInWrongUserError

type LoggedInWrongUserError struct {
	ExistingName  NormalizedUsername
	AttemptedName NormalizedUsername

func (LoggedInWrongUserError) Error

func (e LoggedInWrongUserError) Error() string

func (LoggedInWrongUserError) ToStatus

func (e LoggedInWrongUserError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type LoginContext

type LoginContext interface {
	LoggedInLoad() (bool, error)
	Salt() []byte
	CreateStreamCache(tsec Triplesec, pps *PassphraseStream)
	SetStreamCache(c *PassphraseStreamCache)
	PassphraseStreamCache() *PassphraseStreamCache

	CreateLoginSessionWithSalt(emailOrUsername string, salt []byte) error
	LoginSession() *LoginSession
	SetLoginSession(l *LoginSession)

	LocalSession() *Session
	GetUID() keybase1.UID
	GetUsername() NormalizedUsername
	GetUserVersion() keybase1.UserVersion
	SaveState(sessionID, csrf string, username NormalizedUsername, uv keybase1.UserVersion, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID) error
	SetUsernameUserVersion(username NormalizedUsername, uv keybase1.UserVersion) error

	Keyring(m MetaContext) (*SKBKeyringFile, error)
	SecretSyncer() *SecretSyncer
	RunSecretSyncer(m MetaContext, uid keybase1.UID) error
	Dump(m MetaContext, prefix string)

LoginContext is passed to all loginHandler functions. It allows them safe access to various parts of the LoginState during the login process.

type LoginHook

type LoginHook interface {
	OnLogin() error

type LoginOfflineError

type LoginOfflineError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewLoginOfflineError

func NewLoginOfflineError(msg string) LoginOfflineError

func (LoginOfflineError) Error

func (e LoginOfflineError) Error() string

type LoginRequiredError

type LoginRequiredError struct {
	Context string

func (LoginRequiredError) Error

func (e LoginRequiredError) Error() string

func (LoginRequiredError) ToStatus

func (u LoginRequiredError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type LoginSession

type LoginSession struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewLoginSession

func NewLoginSession(g *GlobalContext, emailOrUsername string) *LoginSession

func NewLoginSessionWithSalt

func NewLoginSessionWithSalt(g *GlobalContext, emailOrUsername string, salt []byte) *LoginSession

Upon signup, a login session is created with a generated salt.

func (*LoginSession) Clear

func (s *LoginSession) Clear() error

Clear removes the loginSession value from s. It does not clear the salt. Unclear how this is useful.

func (*LoginSession) Dump

func (s *LoginSession) Dump()

func (*LoginSession) ExistsFor

func (s *LoginSession) ExistsFor(emailOrUsername string) bool

func (*LoginSession) Load

func (s *LoginSession) Load(m MetaContext) error

func (*LoginSession) NotExpired

func (s *LoginSession) NotExpired() bool

func (*LoginSession) Salt

func (s *LoginSession) Salt() ([]byte, error)

func (*LoginSession) Session

func (s *LoginSession) Session() ([]byte, error)

func (*LoginSession) SessionEncoded

func (s *LoginSession) SessionEncoded() (string, error)

func (*LoginSession) Status

func (s *LoginSession) Status() *keybase1.SessionStatus

type LoginSessionNotFound

type LoginSessionNotFound struct {
	SessionID int

func (LoginSessionNotFound) Error

func (e LoginSessionNotFound) Error() string

type LoginStateTimeoutError

type LoginStateTimeoutError struct {
	ActiveRequest    string
	AttemptedRequest string
	Duration         time.Duration

func (LoginStateTimeoutError) Error

func (e LoginStateTimeoutError) Error() string

func (LoginStateTimeoutError) ToStatus

func (e LoginStateTimeoutError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type LoginUI

type LoginUI interface {

type LogoutError

type LogoutError struct{}

func (LogoutError) Error

func (e LogoutError) Error() string

type LogoutHook

type LogoutHook interface {
	OnLogout() error

type Logs

type Logs struct {
	Desktop    string
	Kbfs       string
	Service    string
	Updater    string
	Start      string
	Install    string
	System     string
	Git        string
	Trace      string
	CPUProfile string
	Watchdog   string

Logs is the struct to specify the path of log files

type LoopbackAddr

type LoopbackAddr struct{}

LoopbackAddr is an address class that implement the net.Addr interface for loopback devices

func (LoopbackAddr) Network

func (la LoopbackAddr) Network() (s string)

Network returns the name of the network

func (LoopbackAddr) String

func (la LoopbackAddr) String() (s string)

String returns the string form of address

type LoopbackConn

type LoopbackConn struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LoopbackConn implments the net.Conn interface but is used to loopback from a process to itself. It is goroutine safe.

func (*LoopbackConn) Close

func (lc *LoopbackConn) Close() (err error)

Close closes the connection. Any blocked Read or Write operations will be unblocked and return errors.

func (*LoopbackConn) LocalAddr

func (lc *LoopbackConn) LocalAddr() (addr net.Addr)

LocalAddr returns the local network address.

func (*LoopbackConn) Read

func (lc *LoopbackConn) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error)

Read reads data from the connection.

func (*LoopbackConn) RemoteAddr

func (lc *LoopbackConn) RemoteAddr() (addr net.Addr)

RemoteAddr returns the remote network address.

func (*LoopbackConn) SetDeadline

func (lc *LoopbackConn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) (err error)

SetDeadline sets the read and write deadlines associated with the connection. It is equivalent to calling both SetReadDeadline and SetWriteDeadline.

A deadline is an absolute time after which I/O operations fail with a timeout (see type Error) instead of blocking. The deadline applies to all future I/O, not just the immediately following call to Read or Write.

An idle timeout can be implemented by repeatedly extending the deadline after successful Read or Write calls.

A zero value for t means I/O operations will not time out.

func (*LoopbackConn) SetReadDeadline

func (lc *LoopbackConn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) (err error)

SetReadDeadline sets the deadline for future Read calls. A zero value for t means Read will not time out.

func (*LoopbackConn) SetWriteDeadline

func (lc *LoopbackConn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) (err error)

SetWriteDeadline sets the deadline for future Write calls. Even if write times out, it may return n > 0, indicating that some of the data was successfully written. A zero value for t means Write will not time out.

func (*LoopbackConn) Write

func (lc *LoopbackConn) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error)

Write writes data to the connection.

type LoopbackListener

type LoopbackListener struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LoopbackListener is a listener that creates new loopback connections. It is goroutine safe.

func NewLoopbackListener

func NewLoopbackListener(ctx LogContext) *LoopbackListener

NewLoopbackListener creates a new Loopback listener

func (*LoopbackListener) Accept

func (ll *LoopbackListener) Accept() (ret net.Conn, err error)

Accept waits for and returns the next connection to the listener.

func (*LoopbackListener) Addr

func (ll *LoopbackListener) Addr() (addr net.Addr)

Addr returns the listener's network address.

func (*LoopbackListener) Close

func (ll *LoopbackListener) Close() (err error)

Close closes the listener. Any blocked Accept operations will be unblocked and return errors

func (*LoopbackListener) Dial

func (ll *LoopbackListener) Dial() (net.Conn, error)

LoopbackDial dials the given LoopbackListener and yields an new net.Conn that's a connection to it.

type Markup

type Markup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func FmtMarkup

func FmtMarkup(f string, args ...interface{}) *Markup

func NewMarkup

func NewMarkup(s string) *Markup

func (*Markup) Append

func (m *Markup) Append(s string)

func (Markup) Export

func (m Markup) Export() (ret keybase1.Text)

func (Markup) GetRaw

func (m Markup) GetRaw() string

func (Markup) ToReader

func (m Markup) ToReader() io.Reader

type MemDb

type MemDb struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewMemDb

func NewMemDb(size int) *MemDb

func (*MemDb) Close

func (m *MemDb) Close() error

func (*MemDb) Delete

func (m *MemDb) Delete(id DbKey) error

func (*MemDb) ForceOpen

func (m *MemDb) ForceOpen() error

func (*MemDb) Get

func (m *MemDb) Get(id DbKey) ([]byte, bool, error)

func (*MemDb) Lookup

func (m *MemDb) Lookup(alias DbKey) ([]byte, bool, error)

func (*MemDb) Nuke

func (m *MemDb) Nuke() (string, error)

func (*MemDb) Open

func (m *MemDb) Open() error

func (*MemDb) OpenTransaction

func (m *MemDb) OpenTransaction() (res LocalDbTransaction, err error)

func (*MemDb) Put

func (m *MemDb) Put(id DbKey, aliases []DbKey, value []byte) error

type MerkleClashError

type MerkleClashError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (MerkleClashError) Error

func (m MerkleClashError) Error() string

type MerkleClient

type MerkleClient struct {

	// protects whole object
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewMerkleClient

func NewMerkleClient(g *GlobalContext) *MerkleClient

func (*MerkleClient) FetchRootFromServer

func (mc *MerkleClient) FetchRootFromServer(m MetaContext, freshness time.Duration) (mr *MerkleRoot, err error)

func (*MerkleClient) FetchRootFromServerByFreshness

func (mc *MerkleClient) FetchRootFromServerByFreshness(m MetaContext, d time.Duration) (mr *MerkleRoot, err error)

func (*MerkleClient) FetchRootFromServerBySeqno

func (mc *MerkleClient) FetchRootFromServerBySeqno(m MetaContext, lowerBound keybase1.Seqno) (mr *MerkleRoot, err error)

func (*MerkleClient) FirstSeqnoWithSkips

func (mc *MerkleClient) FirstSeqnoWithSkips(m MetaContext) *keybase1.Seqno

func (*MerkleClient) LastMerkleRootV2

func (mc *MerkleClient) LastMerkleRootV2(m MetaContext) (*keybase1.MerkleRootV2, error)

Can return (nil, nil) if no root is known.

func (*MerkleClient) LastRoot

func (mc *MerkleClient) LastRoot() *MerkleRoot

func (*MerkleClient) LastRootInfo

func (mc *MerkleClient) LastRootInfo(m MetaContext) (*chat1.MerkleRoot, error)

Can return (nil, nil) if no root is known.

func (*MerkleClient) LastRootToSigJSON

func (mc *MerkleClient) LastRootToSigJSON(m MetaContext) (ret *jsonw.Wrapper, err error)

func (*MerkleClient) LookupLeafAtHashMeta

func (mc *MerkleClient) LookupLeafAtHashMeta(m MetaContext, leafID keybase1.UserOrTeamID, hm keybase1.HashMeta) (leaf *MerkleGenericLeaf, err error)

func (*MerkleClient) LookupLeafAtSeqno

func (mc *MerkleClient) LookupLeafAtSeqno(m MetaContext, leafID keybase1.UserOrTeamID, s keybase1.Seqno) (leaf *MerkleGenericLeaf, root *MerkleRoot, err error)

func (*MerkleClient) LookupLeafAtSeqnoForAudit

func (mc *MerkleClient) LookupLeafAtSeqnoForAudit(m MetaContext, leafID keybase1.UserOrTeamID, s keybase1.Seqno) (leaf *MerkleGenericLeaf, root *MerkleRoot, err error)

func (*MerkleClient) LookupRootAtSeqno

func (mc *MerkleClient) LookupRootAtSeqno(m MetaContext, s keybase1.Seqno) (root *MerkleRoot, err error)

func (*MerkleClient) LookupTeam

func (mc *MerkleClient) LookupTeam(m MetaContext, teamID keybase1.TeamID) (leaf *MerkleTeamLeaf, err error)

func (*MerkleClient) LookupUser

func (mc *MerkleClient) LookupUser(m MetaContext, q HTTPArgs, sigHints *SigHints) (u *MerkleUserLeaf, err error)

type MerkleClientError

type MerkleClientError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (MerkleClientError) Error

func (m MerkleClientError) Error() string

func (MerkleClientError) IsNotFound

func (m MerkleClientError) IsNotFound() bool

func (MerkleClientError) IsOldTree

func (m MerkleClientError) IsOldTree() bool

func (MerkleClientError) ToStatus

func (e MerkleClientError) ToStatus() (ret keybase1.Status)

type MerkleGenericLeaf

type MerkleGenericLeaf struct {
	LeafID  keybase1.UserOrTeamID
	Public  *MerkleTriple
	Private *MerkleTriple
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type MerkleOpts

type MerkleOpts struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type MerklePathNotFoundError

type MerklePathNotFoundError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (MerklePathNotFoundError) Error

func (m MerklePathNotFoundError) Error() string

type MerkleResetChainTail

type MerkleResetChainTail struct {
	Seqno keybase1.Seqno
	Hash  keybase1.SHA512

type MerkleResets

type MerkleResets struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type MerkleRoot

type MerkleRoot struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewMerkleRootFromJSON

func NewMerkleRootFromJSON(m MetaContext, jw *jsonw.Wrapper, opts MerkleOpts) (ret *MerkleRoot, err error)

func (*MerkleRoot) Ctime

func (mr *MerkleRoot) Ctime() int64

func (MerkleRoot) ExportToAVDL

func (mr MerkleRoot) ExportToAVDL(g *GlobalContext) keybase1.MerkleRootAndTime

func (*MerkleRoot) Fetched

func (mr *MerkleRoot) Fetched() time.Time

func (*MerkleRoot) HasSkips

func (mr *MerkleRoot) HasSkips() bool

func (MerkleRoot) HashMeta

func (mr MerkleRoot) HashMeta() keybase1.HashMeta

func (MerkleRoot) IsNil

func (mr MerkleRoot) IsNil() bool

func (*MerkleRoot) KBFSPrivate

func (mr *MerkleRoot) KBFSPrivate() (keybase1.KBFSRootHash, *keybase1.Seqno)

func (*MerkleRoot) KBFSPrivateTeam

func (mr *MerkleRoot) KBFSPrivateTeam() (keybase1.KBFSRootHash, *keybase1.Seqno)

func (*MerkleRoot) KBFSPublic

func (mr *MerkleRoot) KBFSPublic() (keybase1.KBFSRootHash, *keybase1.Seqno)

func (*MerkleRoot) LegacyUIDRootHash

func (mr *MerkleRoot) LegacyUIDRootHash() NodeHash

func (*MerkleRoot) ProofServicesHash

func (mr *MerkleRoot) ProofServicesHash() string

func (*MerkleRoot) PvlHash

func (mr *MerkleRoot) PvlHash() string

func (*MerkleRoot) RootHash

func (mr *MerkleRoot) RootHash() NodeHash

func (*MerkleRoot) Seqno

func (mr *MerkleRoot) Seqno() *keybase1.Seqno

func (MerkleRoot) ShallowCopy

func (mr MerkleRoot) ShallowCopy() *MerkleRoot

func (MerkleRoot) ShortHash

func (mr MerkleRoot) ShortHash() NodeHashShort

func (*MerkleRoot) SkipToSeqno

func (mr *MerkleRoot) SkipToSeqno(s keybase1.Seqno) NodeHash

func (*MerkleRoot) Store

func (mr *MerkleRoot) Store() error

func (*MerkleRoot) ToInfo

func (mr *MerkleRoot) ToInfo() chat1.MerkleRoot

func (*MerkleRoot) ToJSON

func (mr *MerkleRoot) ToJSON() (jw *jsonw.Wrapper)

func (*MerkleRoot) ToMerkleRootV2

func (mr *MerkleRoot) ToMerkleRootV2() keybase1.MerkleRootV2

func (*MerkleRoot) ToSigJSON

func (mr *MerkleRoot) ToSigJSON() (ret *jsonw.Wrapper)

type MerkleRootPayload

type MerkleRootPayload struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewMerkleRootPayloadFromJSONString

func NewMerkleRootPayloadFromJSONString(s string) (ret MerkleRootPayload, err error)

type MerkleRootPayloadUnpacked

type MerkleRootPayloadUnpacked struct {
	Body struct {
		Kbfs struct {
			Private struct {
				Root    keybase1.KBFSRootHash `json:"root"`
				Version *keybase1.Seqno       `json:"version"`
			} `json:"private"`
			Public struct {
				Root    keybase1.KBFSRootHash `json:"root"`
				Version *keybase1.Seqno       `json:"version"`
			} `json:"public"`
			PrivateTeam struct {
				Root    keybase1.KBFSRootHash `json:"root"`
				Version *keybase1.Seqno       `json:"version"`
			} `json:"privateteam"`
		} `json:"kbfs"`
		LegacyUIDRoot     NodeHashShort  `json:"legacy_uid_root"`
		Prev              NodeHashLong   `json:"prev"`
		Root              NodeHashLong   `json:"root"`
		Seqno             keybase1.Seqno `json:"seqno"`
		Skips             SkipTable      `json:"skips"`
		Txid              string         `json:"txid"`
		Type              string         `json:"type"`
		Version           int            `json:"version"`
		PvlHash           string         `json:"pvl_hash"`
		ProofServicesHash string         `json:"proof_services_hash"`
	} `json:"body"`
	Ctime int64  `json:"ctime"`
	Tag   string `json:"tag"`

type MerkleStore

type MerkleStore interface {
	GetLatestEntry(m MetaContext) (keybase1.MerkleStoreEntry, error)

Generic store for data that is hashed into the merkle root. Used by pvl and parameterized proofs.

type MerkleTeamLeaf

type MerkleTeamLeaf struct {
	TeamID  keybase1.TeamID
	Public  *MerkleTriple
	Private *MerkleTriple

func (MerkleTeamLeaf) MerkleGenericLeaf

func (l MerkleTeamLeaf) MerkleGenericLeaf() *MerkleGenericLeaf

type MerkleTriple

type MerkleTriple struct {
	Seqno  keybase1.Seqno `json:"seqno"`
	LinkID LinkID         `json:"id"`
	SigID  keybase1.SigID `json:"sigid,omitempty"`

func GetMerkleTriple

func GetMerkleTriple(jw *jsonw.Wrapper) (ret *MerkleTriple, err error)

func (MerkleTriple) Eq

func (mt MerkleTriple) Eq(mt2 MerkleTriple) bool

func (MerkleTriple) Less

func (mt MerkleTriple) Less(mt2 MerkleTriple) bool

type MerkleUserLeaf

type MerkleUserLeaf struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MerkleUserLeaf) MatchUser

func (mul *MerkleUserLeaf) MatchUser(u *User, uid keybase1.UID, nun NormalizedUsername) (err error)

func (MerkleUserLeaf) MerkleGenericLeaf

func (mul MerkleUserLeaf) MerkleGenericLeaf() *MerkleGenericLeaf

func (MerkleUserLeaf) Public

func (mul MerkleUserLeaf) Public() *MerkleTriple

type MetaContext

type MetaContext struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewMetaContext

func NewMetaContext(ctx context.Context, g *GlobalContext) MetaContext

func NewMetaContextBackground

func NewMetaContextBackground(g *GlobalContext) MetaContext

func NewMetaContextForTest

func NewMetaContextForTest(tc TestContext) MetaContext

func NewMetaContextForTestWithLogUI

func NewMetaContextForTestWithLogUI(tc TestContext) MetaContext

func NewMetaContextTODO

func NewMetaContextTODO(g *GlobalContext) MetaContext

func (MetaContext) ActiveDevice

func (m MetaContext) ActiveDevice() *ActiveDevice

func (MetaContext) BackgroundWithCancel

func (m MetaContext) BackgroundWithCancel() (MetaContext, func())

func (MetaContext) BackgroundWithLogTags

func (m MetaContext) BackgroundWithLogTags() MetaContext

func (MetaContext) CDebugf

func (m MetaContext) CDebugf(f string, args ...interface{})

func (MetaContext) CErrorf

func (m MetaContext) CErrorf(f string, args ...interface{})

func (MetaContext) CInfof

func (m MetaContext) CInfof(f string, args ...interface{})

func (MetaContext) CTrace

func (m MetaContext) CTrace(msg string, f func() error) func()

func (MetaContext) CTraceOK

func (m MetaContext) CTraceOK(msg string, f func() bool) func()

func (MetaContext) CTraceTimed

func (m MetaContext) CTraceTimed(msg string, f func() error) func()

func (MetaContext) CVTrace

func (m MetaContext) CVTrace(lev VDebugLevel, msg string, f func() error) func()

func (MetaContext) CVTraceOK

func (m MetaContext) CVTraceOK(lev VDebugLevel, msg string, f func() bool) func()

func (MetaContext) CWarningf

func (m MetaContext) CWarningf(f string, args ...interface{})

func (MetaContext) CommitProvisionalLogin

func (m MetaContext) CommitProvisionalLogin() MetaContext

func (MetaContext) Ctx

func (m MetaContext) Ctx() context.Context

func (MetaContext) CurrentUID

func (m MetaContext) CurrentUID() keybase1.UID

func (MetaContext) CurrentUserVersion

func (m MetaContext) CurrentUserVersion() keybase1.UserVersion

func (MetaContext) CurrentUsername

func (m MetaContext) CurrentUsername() NormalizedUsername

func (MetaContext) Dump

func (m MetaContext) Dump()

func (MetaContext) EnsureCtx

func (m MetaContext) EnsureCtx() MetaContext

func (MetaContext) G

func (m MetaContext) G() *GlobalContext

func (MetaContext) HasAnySession

func (m MetaContext) HasAnySession() (ret bool)

func (MetaContext) Keyring

func (m MetaContext) Keyring() (ret *SKBKeyringFile, err error)

func (MetaContext) LoginContext

func (m MetaContext) LoginContext() LoginContext

func (MetaContext) LogoutAndDeprovisionIfRevoked

func (m MetaContext) LogoutAndDeprovisionIfRevoked() (err error)

LogoutAndDeprovisionIfRevoked loads the user and checks if the current device keys have been revoked. If so, it calls Logout and then runs the ClearSecretsOnDeprovision

func (MetaContext) PassphraseStream

func (m MetaContext) PassphraseStream() *PassphraseStream

func (MetaContext) PassphraseStreamAndTriplesec

func (m MetaContext) PassphraseStreamAndTriplesec() (*PassphraseStream, Triplesec)

func (MetaContext) ProvisionalSessionArgs

func (m MetaContext) ProvisionalSessionArgs() (token string, csrf string)

func (MetaContext) SecretKeyPromptArg

func (m MetaContext) SecretKeyPromptArg(ska SecretKeyArg, reason string) SecretKeyPromptArg

func (MetaContext) SetActiveDevice

func (m MetaContext) SetActiveDevice(uv keybase1.UserVersion, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID, sigKey, encKey GenericKey, deviceName string) error

SetActiveDevice sets the active device to have the UserVersion, deviceID, sigKey, encKey and deviceName as specified, and does so while grabbing the global switchUser lock, since it should be sycnhronized with attempts to switch the global logged in user. It does not, however, change the `current_user` in the config file, or edit the global config file in any way.

func (MetaContext) SetEncryptionKey

func (m MetaContext) SetEncryptionKey(uv keybase1.UserVersion, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID, encKey GenericKey) error

func (MetaContext) SetSigningKey

func (m MetaContext) SetSigningKey(uv keybase1.UserVersion, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID, sigKey GenericKey, deviceName string) error

func (MetaContext) SwitchUser

func (m MetaContext) SwitchUser(n NormalizedUsername) error

func (MetaContext) SwitchUserDeprovisionNukeConfig

func (m MetaContext) SwitchUserDeprovisionNukeConfig(username NormalizedUsername) error

func (MetaContext) SwitchUserLoggedOut

func (m MetaContext) SwitchUserLoggedOut() (err error)

SwitchUserLoggedOut clears the active device and the current_user stanza of the config file, all while holding the switchUserMu

func (MetaContext) SwitchUserNewConfig

func (m MetaContext) SwitchUserNewConfig(u keybase1.UID, n NormalizedUsername, salt []byte, d keybase1.DeviceID) error

SwitchUserNewConfig switches the global active "user" as far as the global config file is concerned. It switches the user to a new user, and therefore you should specify the username, salt, and device ID for this user on this device. It will take out the global `switchUserMu` and also clear out the global ActiveDevice at the same time. We follow the same pattern here and elsewhere: atomically mutate the `current_user` of the config file as we set the global ActiveDevice.

func (MetaContext) SwitchUserNewConfigActiveDevice

func (m MetaContext) SwitchUserNewConfigActiveDevice(uv keybase1.UserVersion, n NormalizedUsername, salt []byte, d keybase1.DeviceID, sigKey GenericKey, encKey GenericKey, deviceName string) error

SwitchUserNewConfigActiveDevice creates a new config file stanza and an active device for the given user, all while holding the switchUserMu lock.

func (MetaContext) SwitchUserNukeConfig

func (m MetaContext) SwitchUserNukeConfig(n NormalizedUsername) error

SwitchUserNukeConfig removes the given username from the config file, and then switches to not having a current user (by clearing the ActiveDevice, etc). It does this in a critical section, holding switchUserMu.

func (MetaContext) SwitchUserToActiveDevice

func (m MetaContext) SwitchUserToActiveDevice(n NormalizedUsername, ad *ActiveDevice) (err error)

func (MetaContext) SwitchUserToActiveOneshotDevice

func (m MetaContext) SwitchUserToActiveOneshotDevice(uv keybase1.UserVersion, nun NormalizedUsername, d *DeviceWithKeys) (err error)

SetActiveOneshotDevice acquires the switchUserMu mutex, setting the active device to one that corresponds to the given UID and DeviceWithKeys, and also sets the config file to a temporary in-memory config (not writing to disk) to satisfy local requests for g.Env.*

func (MetaContext) SyncSecrets

func (m MetaContext) SyncSecrets() (ss *SecretSyncer, err error)

func (MetaContext) SyncSecretsForUID

func (m MetaContext) SyncSecretsForUID(u keybase1.UID) (ss *SecretSyncer, err error)

func (MetaContext) TriplesecAndGeneration

func (m MetaContext) TriplesecAndGeneration() (ret Triplesec, ppgen PassphraseGeneration)

func (MetaContext) UIs

func (m MetaContext) UIs() UIs

func (MetaContext) VLogf

func (m MetaContext) VLogf(lev VDebugLevel, msg string, args ...interface{})

func (MetaContext) WithAPITokener

func (m MetaContext) WithAPITokener(t APITokener) MetaContext

func (MetaContext) WithActiveDevice

func (m MetaContext) WithActiveDevice(a *ActiveDevice) MetaContext

func (MetaContext) WithContextCancel

func (m MetaContext) WithContextCancel() (MetaContext, func())

func (MetaContext) WithCtx

func (m MetaContext) WithCtx(c context.Context) MetaContext

func (MetaContext) WithDelegatedIdentifyUI

func (m MetaContext) WithDelegatedIdentifyUI(u IdentifyUI) MetaContext

func (MetaContext) WithGPGUI

func (m MetaContext) WithGPGUI(u GPGUI) MetaContext

func (MetaContext) WithGlobalActiveDevice

func (m MetaContext) WithGlobalActiveDevice() MetaContext

func (MetaContext) WithIdentifyUI

func (m MetaContext) WithIdentifyUI(u IdentifyUI) MetaContext

func (MetaContext) WithLogTag

func (m MetaContext) WithLogTag(k string) MetaContext

func (MetaContext) WithLogUI

func (m MetaContext) WithLogUI(u LogUI) MetaContext

func (MetaContext) WithLoginContext

func (m MetaContext) WithLoginContext(l LoginContext) MetaContext

func (MetaContext) WithNewProvisionalLoginContext

func (m MetaContext) WithNewProvisionalLoginContext() MetaContext

func (MetaContext) WithNewProvisionalLoginContextForUser

func (m MetaContext) WithNewProvisionalLoginContextForUser(u *User) MetaContext

func (MetaContext) WithNewProvisionalLoginContextForUserVersionAndUsername

func (m MetaContext) WithNewProvisionalLoginContextForUserVersionAndUsername(uv keybase1.UserVersion, un NormalizedUsername) MetaContext

func (MetaContext) WithPgpUI

func (m MetaContext) WithPgpUI(u PgpUI) MetaContext

func (MetaContext) WithProvisioningKeyActiveDevice

func (m MetaContext) WithProvisioningKeyActiveDevice(d *DeviceWithKeys, uv keybase1.UserVersion) MetaContext

func (MetaContext) WithSaltpackUI

func (m MetaContext) WithSaltpackUI(s SaltpackUI) MetaContext

func (MetaContext) WithSecretUI

func (m MetaContext) WithSecretUI(u SecretUI) MetaContext

func (MetaContext) WithTimeBuckets

func (m MetaContext) WithTimeBuckets() (MetaContext, *profiling.TimeBuckets)

func (MetaContext) WithTimeout

func (m MetaContext) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) (MetaContext, func())

func (MetaContext) WithUIs

func (m MetaContext) WithUIs(u UIs) MetaContext

type MetaContextified

type MetaContextified struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewMetaContextified

func NewMetaContextified(m MetaContext) MetaContextified

func (MetaContextified) G

func (MetaContextified) M

type MissingDelegationTypeError

type MissingDelegationTypeError struct{}

func (MissingDelegationTypeError) Error

type NIST

type NIST struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*NIST) DidFail

func (n *NIST) DidFail() bool

func (*NIST) IsExpired

func (n *NIST) IsExpired() bool

func (*NIST) IsStillValid

func (n *NIST) IsStillValid() (bool, time.Duration)

func (*NIST) MarkFailure

func (n *NIST) MarkFailure()

func (*NIST) MarkSuccess

func (n *NIST) MarkSuccess()

func (*NIST) Token

func (n *NIST) Token() NISTToken

type NISTFactory

type NISTFactory struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNISTFactory

func NewNISTFactory(g *GlobalContext, uid keybase1.UID, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID, key GenericKey) *NISTFactory

func (*NISTFactory) NIST

func (f *NISTFactory) NIST(ctx context.Context) (ret *NIST, err error)

type NISTToken

type NISTToken []byte

func (NISTToken) Bytes

func (n NISTToken) Bytes() []byte

func (NISTToken) Hash

func (n NISTToken) Hash() []byte

func (NISTToken) ShortHash

func (n NISTToken) ShortHash() []byte

func (NISTToken) String

func (n NISTToken) String() string

type NaclDHKeyPair

type NaclDHKeyPair struct {
	Public  NaclDHKeyPublic
	Private *NaclDHKeyPrivate

func GenerateNaclDHKeyPair

func GenerateNaclDHKeyPair() (NaclDHKeyPair, error)

func ImportDHKeypairFromKID

func ImportDHKeypairFromKID(k keybase1.KID) (*NaclDHKeyPair, error)

func ImportNaclDHKeyPairFromBytes

func ImportNaclDHKeyPairFromBytes(pub []byte, priv []byte) (ret NaclDHKeyPair, err error)

func ImportNaclDHKeyPairFromHex

func ImportNaclDHKeyPairFromHex(s string) (ret NaclDHKeyPair, err error)

func MakeNaclDHKeyPairFromSecret

func MakeNaclDHKeyPairFromSecret(secret [NaclDHKeySecretSize]byte) (NaclDHKeyPair, error)

MakeNaclDHKeyPairFromSecret makes a DH key pair given a secret. Of course, the security of depends entirely on the randomness of the bytes in the secret.

func MakeNaclDHKeyPairFromSecretBytes

func MakeNaclDHKeyPairFromSecretBytes(secret []byte) (NaclDHKeyPair, error)

func (NaclDHKeyPair) CanDecrypt

func (k NaclDHKeyPair) CanDecrypt() bool

CanDecrypt returns true if there's a private key available

func (NaclDHKeyPair) CanEncrypt

func (k NaclDHKeyPair) CanEncrypt() bool

CanEncrypt always returns true for an encryption key pair.

func (NaclDHKeyPair) CanSign

func (k NaclDHKeyPair) CanSign() bool

func (NaclDHKeyPair) CheckSecretKey

func (k NaclDHKeyPair) CheckSecretKey() error

func (NaclDHKeyPair) Clone

func (k NaclDHKeyPair) Clone() (ret NaclDHKeyPair)

func (NaclDHKeyPair) Decrypt

func (k NaclDHKeyPair) Decrypt(nei *NaclEncryptionInfo) (plaintext []byte, sender keybase1.KID, err error)

Decrypt a NaclEncryptionInfo packet, and on success return the plaintext and the kbcrypto.KID of the sender (which might be an ephemeral key).

func (NaclDHKeyPair) DecryptFromString

func (k NaclDHKeyPair) DecryptFromString(ciphertext string) (msg []byte, sender keybase1.KID, err error)

DecryptFromString decrypts the output of EncryptToString above, and returns the kbcrypto.KID of the other end.

func (NaclDHKeyPair) Encode

func (k NaclDHKeyPair) Encode() (string, error)

func (NaclDHKeyPair) Encrypt

func (k NaclDHKeyPair) Encrypt(msg []byte, sender *NaclDHKeyPair) (*NaclEncryptionInfo, error)

Encrypt a message to the key `k` from the given `sender`. If sender is nil, an ephemeral keypair will be invented

func (NaclDHKeyPair) EncryptToString

func (k NaclDHKeyPair) EncryptToString(plaintext []byte, sender GenericKey) (string, error)

EncryptToString encrypts the plaintext using DiffieHelman; the this object is the receiver, and the passed sender is optional. If not provided, we'll make up an ephemeral key.

func (NaclDHKeyPair) ExportPublicAndPrivate

func (k NaclDHKeyPair) ExportPublicAndPrivate() (RawPublicKey, RawPrivateKey, error)

func (NaclDHKeyPair) GetAlgoType

func (k NaclDHKeyPair) GetAlgoType() kbcrypto.AlgoType

func (NaclDHKeyPair) GetBinaryKID

func (k NaclDHKeyPair) GetBinaryKID() (ret keybase1.BinaryKID)

func (NaclDHKeyPair) GetFingerprintP

func (k NaclDHKeyPair) GetFingerprintP() *PGPFingerprint

func (NaclDHKeyPair) GetKID

func (k NaclDHKeyPair) GetKID() keybase1.KID

func (NaclDHKeyPair) HasSecretKey

func (k NaclDHKeyPair) HasSecretKey() bool

func (NaclDHKeyPair) IsNil

func (k NaclDHKeyPair) IsNil() bool

func (NaclDHKeyPair) SecretSymmetricKey

func (k NaclDHKeyPair) SecretSymmetricKey(reason EncryptionReason) (NaclSecretBoxKey, error)

func (NaclDHKeyPair) SignToString

func (k NaclDHKeyPair) SignToString(msg []byte) (sig string, id keybase1.SigID, err error)

func (NaclDHKeyPair) ToShortIDString

func (k NaclDHKeyPair) ToShortIDString() string

func (NaclDHKeyPair) VerboseDescription

func (k NaclDHKeyPair) VerboseDescription() string

func (NaclDHKeyPair) VerifyString

func (k NaclDHKeyPair) VerifyString(ctx VerifyContext, sig string, msg []byte) (id keybase1.SigID, err error)

func (NaclDHKeyPair) VerifyStringAndExtract

func (k NaclDHKeyPair) VerifyStringAndExtract(ctx VerifyContext, sig string) (msg []byte, id keybase1.SigID, err error)

type NaclDHKeyPrivate

type NaclDHKeyPrivate [NaclDHKeysize]byte

type NaclDHKeyPublic

type NaclDHKeyPublic [NaclDHKeysize]byte

func (NaclDHKeyPublic) GetBinaryKID

func (k NaclDHKeyPublic) GetBinaryKID() keybase1.BinaryKID

func (NaclDHKeyPublic) GetKID

func (k NaclDHKeyPublic) GetKID() keybase1.KID

type NaclEncryptionInfo

type NaclEncryptionInfo struct {
	Ciphertext     []byte            `codec:"ciphertext"`
	EncryptionType kbcrypto.AlgoType `codec:"enc_type"`
	Nonce          []byte            `codec:"nonce"`
	Receiver       []byte            `codec:"receiver_key"`
	Sender         []byte            `codec:"sender_key"`

func DecodeArmoredNaclEncryptionInfoPacket

func DecodeArmoredNaclEncryptionInfoPacket(s string) (NaclEncryptionInfo, error)

func DecodeNaclEncryptionInfoPacket

func DecodeNaclEncryptionInfoPacket(data []byte) (NaclEncryptionInfo, error)

func (*NaclEncryptionInfo) GetTagAndVersion

func (k *NaclEncryptionInfo) GetTagAndVersion() (kbcrypto.PacketTag, kbcrypto.PacketVersion)

type NaclGenerator

type NaclGenerator func() (NaclKeyPair, error)

type NaclKeyGen

type NaclKeyGen struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewNaclKeyGen

func NewNaclKeyGen(arg NaclKeyGenArg) *NaclKeyGen

func (*NaclKeyGen) Generate

func (g *NaclKeyGen) Generate() (err error)

func (*NaclKeyGen) GetKeyPair

func (g *NaclKeyGen) GetKeyPair() NaclKeyPair

func (*NaclKeyGen) Push

func (g *NaclKeyGen) Push(m MetaContext, aggregated bool) (d Delegator, err error)

func (*NaclKeyGen) SaveLKS

func (g *NaclKeyGen) SaveLKS(m MetaContext, lks *LKSec) error

func (*NaclKeyGen) UpdateArg

func (g *NaclKeyGen) UpdateArg(signer GenericKey, eldestKID keybase1.KID, delegationType DelegationType, user *User)

type NaclKeyGenArg

type NaclKeyGenArg struct {
	Signer         GenericKey // who is going to sign us into the Chain
	ExpiresIn      int
	Generator      NaclGenerator
	Me             *User
	DelegationType DelegationType
	ExpireIn       int          // how long it lasts
	EldestKeyID    keybase1.KID // the eldest KID for this epoch
	Device         *Device
	RevSig         string // optional reverse sig.  set to nil for autogenerate.

type NaclKeyPair

type NaclKeyPair interface {

type NaclSecretBoxKey

type NaclSecretBoxKey [NaclSecretBoxKeySize]byte

func DeriveSymmetricKey

func DeriveSymmetricKey(inKey NaclSecretBoxKey, reason EncryptionReason) (NaclSecretBoxKey, error)

Derive a symmetric key. Uses HMAC(key=reason, data=key) Note the message and data are swapped as inputs to HMAC because that is less likely to be accidentally used for another purpose such as authentication.

func (NaclSecretBoxKey) IsZero

func (k NaclSecretBoxKey) IsZero() bool

type NaclSigningKeyPair

type NaclSigningKeyPair struct {
	Public  kbcrypto.NaclSigningKeyPublic
	Private *kbcrypto.NaclSigningKeyPrivate

func GenerateNaclSigningKeyPair

func GenerateNaclSigningKeyPair() (NaclSigningKeyPair, error)

func ImportNaclSigningKeyPairFromBytes

func ImportNaclSigningKeyPairFromBytes(pub []byte, priv []byte) (ret NaclSigningKeyPair, err error)

func ImportNaclSigningKeyPairFromHex

func ImportNaclSigningKeyPairFromHex(s string) (ret NaclSigningKeyPair, err error)

func MakeNaclSigningKeyPairFromSecret

func MakeNaclSigningKeyPairFromSecret(secret [NaclSigningKeySecretSize]byte) (NaclSigningKeyPair, error)

MakeNaclSigningKeyPairFromSecret makes a signing key pair given a secret. Of course, the security of depends entirely on the randomness of the bytes in the secret.

func MakeNaclSigningKeyPairFromSecretBytes

func MakeNaclSigningKeyPairFromSecretBytes(secret []byte) (NaclSigningKeyPair, error)

func MakeNaclSigningKeyPairFromStellarAccountID

func MakeNaclSigningKeyPairFromStellarAccountID(accountID stellar1.AccountID) (res NaclSigningKeyPair, err error)

func MakeNaclSigningKeyPairFromStellarSecretKey

func MakeNaclSigningKeyPairFromStellarSecretKey(sec stellar1.SecretKey) (res NaclSigningKeyPair, err error)

func (NaclSigningKeyPair) CanDecrypt

func (k NaclSigningKeyPair) CanDecrypt() bool

CanDecrypt always returns false for a signing key pair.

func (NaclSigningKeyPair) CanEncrypt

func (k NaclSigningKeyPair) CanEncrypt() bool

CanEncrypt always returns false for a signing key pair.

func (NaclSigningKeyPair) CanSign

func (k NaclSigningKeyPair) CanSign() bool

func (NaclSigningKeyPair) CheckSecretKey

func (k NaclSigningKeyPair) CheckSecretKey() error

func (NaclSigningKeyPair) DecryptFromString

func (k NaclSigningKeyPair) DecryptFromString(ciphertext string) (msg []byte, sender keybase1.KID, err error)

DecryptFromString fails for this type of key.

func (NaclSigningKeyPair) Encode

func (k NaclSigningKeyPair) Encode() (string, error)

func (NaclSigningKeyPair) EncryptToString

func (k NaclSigningKeyPair) EncryptToString(plaintext []byte, sender GenericKey) (ciphertext string, err error)

EncryptToString fails for this type of key.

func (NaclSigningKeyPair) ExportPublicAndPrivate

func (k NaclSigningKeyPair) ExportPublicAndPrivate() (RawPublicKey, RawPrivateKey, error)

func (NaclSigningKeyPair) GetAlgoType

func (k NaclSigningKeyPair) GetAlgoType() kbcrypto.AlgoType

func (NaclSigningKeyPair) GetBinaryKID

func (k NaclSigningKeyPair) GetBinaryKID() (ret keybase1.BinaryKID)

func (NaclSigningKeyPair) GetFingerprintP

func (k NaclSigningKeyPair) GetFingerprintP() *PGPFingerprint

func (NaclSigningKeyPair) GetKID

func (k NaclSigningKeyPair) GetKID() (ret keybase1.KID)

func (NaclSigningKeyPair) HasSecretKey

func (k NaclSigningKeyPair) HasSecretKey() bool

func (NaclSigningKeyPair) IsNil

func (k NaclSigningKeyPair) IsNil() bool

func (NaclSigningKeyPair) SecretSymmetricKey

func (k NaclSigningKeyPair) SecretSymmetricKey(reason EncryptionReason) (NaclSecretBoxKey, error)

func (NaclSigningKeyPair) Sign

func (NaclSigningKeyPair) SignToString

func (k NaclSigningKeyPair) SignToString(msg []byte) (string, keybase1.SigID, error)

func (NaclSigningKeyPair) SignV2

func (NaclSigningKeyPair) ToShortIDString

func (k NaclSigningKeyPair) ToShortIDString() string

func (NaclSigningKeyPair) VerboseDescription

func (k NaclSigningKeyPair) VerboseDescription() string

func (NaclSigningKeyPair) VerifyString

func (k NaclSigningKeyPair) VerifyString(ctx VerifyContext, sig string, msg []byte) (id keybase1.SigID, err error)

func (NaclSigningKeyPair) VerifyStringAndExtract

func (k NaclSigningKeyPair) VerifyStringAndExtract(ctx VerifyContext, sig string) (msg []byte, id keybase1.SigID, err error)

type NamedLock

type NamedLock struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*NamedLock) Release

func (l *NamedLock) Release(ctx context.Context)

type NeedInputError

type NeedInputError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NeedInputError) Error

func (e NeedInputError) Error() string

type NeedOtherRekeyError

type NeedOtherRekeyError struct {
	// Canonical tlf name
	Tlf string
	Msg string

NeedOtherRekeyError indicates that the folder in question needs to be rekeyed for the local device, and can only done so by one of the other users.

func (NeedOtherRekeyError) Error

func (e NeedOtherRekeyError) Error() string

func (NeedOtherRekeyError) ToStatus

func (e NeedOtherRekeyError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type NeedSelfRekeyError

type NeedSelfRekeyError struct {
	// Canonical tlf name
	Tlf string
	Msg string

NeedSelfRekeyError indicates that the folder in question needs to be rekeyed for the local device, and can be done so by one of the other user's devices.

func (NeedSelfRekeyError) Error

func (e NeedSelfRekeyError) Error() string

func (NeedSelfRekeyError) ToStatus

func (e NeedSelfRekeyError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type NegBoolFunc

type NegBoolFunc struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type NetContext

type NetContext interface {
	GetNetContext() context.Context

type NoActiveDeviceError

type NoActiveDeviceError struct{}

func (NoActiveDeviceError) Error

func (e NoActiveDeviceError) Error() string

type NoConfigFileError

type NoConfigFileError struct{}

func (NoConfigFileError) Error

func (n NoConfigFileError) Error() string

type NoConfigWriterError

type NoConfigWriterError struct{}

func (NoConfigWriterError) Error

func (e NoConfigWriterError) Error() string

type NoDecryptionKeyError

type NoDecryptionKeyError struct {
	Msg string

func (NoDecryptionKeyError) Error

func (e NoDecryptionKeyError) Error() string

func (NoDecryptionKeyError) ToStatus

func (e NoDecryptionKeyError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type NoDeviceError

type NoDeviceError struct {
	Reason string

func NewNoDeviceError

func NewNoDeviceError(s string) NoDeviceError

func (NoDeviceError) Error

func (e NoDeviceError) Error() string

func (NoDeviceError) ToStatus

func (e NoDeviceError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type NoKeyError

type NoKeyError struct {
	Msg string

func (NoKeyError) Error

func (u NoKeyError) Error() string

func (NoKeyError) ToStatus

func (e NoKeyError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type NoKeyringsError

type NoKeyringsError struct{}

func (NoKeyringsError) Error

func (k NoKeyringsError) Error() string

type NoMatchingGPGKeysError

type NoMatchingGPGKeysError struct {
	Fingerprints    []string
	HasActiveDevice bool // true if the user has an active device that they chose not to use

func (NoMatchingGPGKeysError) Error

func (e NoMatchingGPGKeysError) Error() string

func (NoMatchingGPGKeysError) ToStatus

func (e NoMatchingGPGKeysError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type NoNaClEncryptionKeyError

type NoNaClEncryptionKeyError struct {
	Username     string
	HasPGPKey    bool
	HasPUK       bool
	HasDeviceKey bool
	HasPaperKey  bool

func (NoNaClEncryptionKeyError) Error

func (e NoNaClEncryptionKeyError) Error() string

func (NoNaClEncryptionKeyError) ToStatus

type NoOpError

type NoOpError struct {
	Desc string

NoOpError is returned when an RPC call is issued but it would result in no change, so the call is dropped.

func (NoOpError) Error

func (e NoOpError) Error() string

func (NoOpError) ToStatus

func (e NoOpError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type NoPGPEncryptionKeyError

type NoPGPEncryptionKeyError struct {
	User                    string
	HasKeybaseEncryptionKey bool

func (NoPGPEncryptionKeyError) Error

func (e NoPGPEncryptionKeyError) Error() string

func (NoPGPEncryptionKeyError) ToStatus

type NoPaperKeysError

type NoPaperKeysError struct {

func (NoPaperKeysError) Error

func (u NoPaperKeysError) Error() string

type NoSecretKeyError

type NoSecretKeyError struct {

func (NoSecretKeyError) Error

func (u NoSecretKeyError) Error() string

func (NoSecretKeyError) ToStatus

func (u NoSecretKeyError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type NoSelectedKeyError

type NoSelectedKeyError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NoSelectedKeyError) Error

func (n NoSelectedKeyError) Error() string

type NoSessionError

type NoSessionError struct{}

func (NoSessionError) Error

func (e NoSessionError) Error() string

KBFS currently matching on this string, so be careful changing this:

func (NoSessionError) ToStatus

func (u NoSessionError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type NoSessionWriterError

type NoSessionWriterError struct{}

func (NoSessionWriterError) Error

func (e NoSessionWriterError) Error() string

type NoSigChainError

type NoSigChainError struct{}

func (NoSigChainError) Error

func (e NoSigChainError) Error() string

func (NoSigChainError) ToStatus

func (e NoSigChainError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type NoSpaceOnDeviceError

type NoSpaceOnDeviceError struct {
	Desc string

func (NoSpaceOnDeviceError) Error

func (e NoSpaceOnDeviceError) Error() string

func (NoSpaceOnDeviceError) ToStatus

func (e NoSpaceOnDeviceError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type NoSyncedPGPKeyError

type NoSyncedPGPKeyError struct{}

func (NoSyncedPGPKeyError) Error

func (e NoSyncedPGPKeyError) Error() string

func (NoSyncedPGPKeyError) ToStatus

func (e NoSyncedPGPKeyError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type NoTriplesecError

type NoTriplesecError struct{}

func (NoTriplesecError) Error

func (e NoTriplesecError) Error() string

type NoUIDError

type NoUIDError struct{}

func (NoUIDError) Error

func (e NoUIDError) Error() string

type NoUIError

type NoUIError struct {
	Which string

func (NoUIError) Error

func (e NoUIError) Error() string

func (NoUIError) ToStatus

func (e NoUIError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type NoUserConfigError

type NoUserConfigError struct{}

func (NoUserConfigError) Error

func (n NoUserConfigError) Error() string

type NoUsernameError

type NoUsernameError struct{}

func NewNoUsernameError

func NewNoUsernameError() NoUsernameError

func (NoUsernameError) Error

func (e NoUsernameError) Error() string

type NodeHash

type NodeHash interface {
	Check(s string) bool // Check if the node hashes to this string
	String() string

	IsNil() bool
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

func GetNodeHash

func GetNodeHash(w *jsonw.Wrapper) (NodeHash, error)

func NodeHashFromHex

func NodeHashFromHex(s string) (NodeHash, error)

type NodeHashAny

type NodeHashAny struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

NodeHashAny incorporates either a short (256-bit) or a long (512-bit) hash. It's unfortunate we need it, but I didn't see any other way to use the Go json marshal/unmarshal system where the hashes might be either short or long. Our hacky solution is to have a union-type struct that supports both, and just to unmarshal into the relevant field. Note this type also fits ths NodeHash interface.

func (NodeHashAny) Check

func (h NodeHashAny) Check(s string) bool

func (NodeHashAny) IsNil

func (h NodeHashAny) IsNil() bool

func (*NodeHashAny) MarshalJSON

func (h *NodeHashAny) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (NodeHashAny) String

func (h NodeHashAny) String() string

func (*NodeHashAny) UnmarshalJSON

func (h *NodeHashAny) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

type NodeHashLong

type NodeHashLong [NodeHashLenLong]byte

func (NodeHashLong) Check

func (h1 NodeHashLong) Check(s string) bool

func (NodeHashLong) IsNil

func (h1 NodeHashLong) IsNil() bool

func (NodeHashLong) String

func (h1 NodeHashLong) String() string

func (*NodeHashLong) UnmarshalJSON

func (h1 *NodeHashLong) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

type NodeHashShort

type NodeHashShort [NodeHashLenShort]byte

func (NodeHashShort) Check

func (h1 NodeHashShort) Check(s string) bool

func (NodeHashShort) ExportToHashMeta

func (h1 NodeHashShort) ExportToHashMeta() keybase1.HashMeta

func (NodeHashShort) IsNil

func (h1 NodeHashShort) IsNil() bool

func (NodeHashShort) String

func (h1 NodeHashShort) String() string

func (*NodeHashShort) UnmarshalJSON

func (h1 *NodeHashShort) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

type NoiseBytes

type NoiseBytes [noiseFileLen]byte

func MakeNoise

func MakeNoise() (nb NoiseBytes, err error)

type NoopNotifyListener

type NoopNotifyListener struct{}

func (*NoopNotifyListener) AvatarUpdated

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) AvatarUpdated(name string, formats []keybase1.AvatarFormat)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) BadgeState

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) BadgeState(badgeState keybase1.BadgeState)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) CanUserPerformChanged

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) CanUserPerformChanged(teamName string)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) Chat

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) Chat(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) ChatAttachmentUploadProgress

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) ChatAttachmentUploadProgress(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID,
	outboxID chat1.OutboxID, bytesComplete, bytesTotal int64)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) ChatAttachmentUploadStart

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) ChatAttachmentUploadStart(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID,
	outboxID chat1.OutboxID)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) ChatIdentifyUpdate

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) ChatIdentifyUpdate(update keybase1.CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) ChatInboxStale

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) ChatInboxStale(uid keybase1.UID)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) ChatInboxSyncStarted

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) ChatInboxSyncStarted(uid keybase1.UID)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) ChatInboxSynced

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) ChatInboxSynced(uid keybase1.UID, topicType chat1.TopicType,
	syncRes chat1.ChatSyncResult)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) ChatJoinedConversation

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) ChatJoinedConversation(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID,
	conv *chat1.InboxUIItem)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) ChatKBFSToImpteamUpgrade

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) ChatKBFSToImpteamUpgrade(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) ChatLeftConversation

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) ChatLeftConversation(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) ChatPaymentInfo

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) ChatPaymentInfo(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, msgID chat1.MessageID, info chat1.UIPaymentInfo)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) ChatRequestInfo

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) ChatRequestInfo(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, msgID chat1.MessageID, info chat1.UIRequestInfo)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) ChatResetConversation

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) ChatResetConversation(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) ChatSetConvRetention

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) ChatSetConvRetention(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) ChatSetConvSettings

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) ChatSetConvSettings(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) ChatSetTeamRetention

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) ChatSetTeamRetention(uid keybase1.UID, teamID keybase1.TeamID)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) ChatSubteamRename

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) ChatSubteamRename(uid keybase1.UID, convIDs []chat1.ConversationID)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) ChatTLFFinalize

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) ChatTLFFinalize(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID,
	finalizeInfo chat1.ConversationFinalizeInfo)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) ChatTLFResolve

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) ChatTLFResolve(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID,
	resolveInfo chat1.ConversationResolveInfo)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) ChatThreadsStale

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) ChatThreadsStale(uid keybase1.UID, updates []chat1.ConversationStaleUpdate)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) ChatTypingUpdate

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) ChatTypingUpdate([]chat1.ConvTypingUpdate)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) ClientOutOfDate

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) ClientOutOfDate(to, uri, msg string)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) DeviceCloneCountChanged

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) DeviceCloneCountChanged(newClones int)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) FSActivity

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) FSActivity(activity keybase1.FSNotification)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) FSEditListRequest

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) FSEditListRequest(arg keybase1.FSEditListRequest)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) FSEditListResponse

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) FSEditListResponse(arg keybase1.FSEditListArg)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) FSPathUpdated

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) FSPathUpdated(path string)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) FSSyncEvent

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) FSSyncEvent(arg keybase1.FSPathSyncStatus)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) FSSyncStatusResponse

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) FSSyncStatusResponse(arg keybase1.FSSyncStatusArg)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) FavoritesChanged

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) FavoritesChanged(uid keybase1.UID)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) KeyfamilyChanged

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) KeyfamilyChanged(uid keybase1.UID)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) Login

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) Login(username string)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) Logout

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) Logout()

func (*NoopNotifyListener) NewChatActivity

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) NewChatActivity(uid keybase1.UID, activity chat1.ChatActivity,
	source chat1.ChatActivitySource)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) NewChatKBFSFileEditActivity

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) NewChatKBFSFileEditActivity(uid keybase1.UID, activity chat1.ChatActivity)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) NewTeamEK

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) NewTeamEK(teamID keybase1.TeamID, generation keybase1.EkGeneration)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) NewlyAddedToTeam

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) NewlyAddedToTeam(teamID keybase1.TeamID)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) PGPKeyInSecretStoreFile

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) PGPKeyInSecretStoreFile()

func (*NoopNotifyListener) PaperKeyCached

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) PaperKeyCached(uid keybase1.UID, encKID keybase1.KID, sigKID keybase1.KID)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) ReachabilityChanged

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) ReachabilityChanged(r keybase1.Reachability)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) TeamChangedByID

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) TeamChangedByID(teamID keybase1.TeamID, latestSeqno keybase1.Seqno, implicitTeam bool, changes keybase1.TeamChangeSet)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) TeamChangedByName

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) TeamChangedByName(teamName string, latestSeqno keybase1.Seqno, implicitTeam bool, changes keybase1.TeamChangeSet)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) TeamDeleted

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) TeamDeleted(teamID keybase1.TeamID)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) TeamExit

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) TeamExit(teamID keybase1.TeamID)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) TeamListUnverifiedChanged

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) TeamListUnverifiedChanged(teamName string)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) TrackingChanged

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) TrackingChanged(uid keybase1.UID, username NormalizedUsername)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) UserChanged

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) UserChanged(uid keybase1.UID)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) WalletPaymentNotification

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) WalletPaymentNotification(accountID stellar1.AccountID, paymentID stellar1.PaymentID)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) WalletPaymentStatusNotification

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) WalletPaymentStatusNotification(accountID stellar1.AccountID, paymentID stellar1.PaymentID)

func (*NoopNotifyListener) WalletRequestStatusNotification

func (n *NoopNotifyListener) WalletRequestStatusNotification(reqID stellar1.KeybaseRequestID)

type NopWriteCloser

type NopWriteCloser struct {
	W io.Writer

NopWriteCloser is like an ioutil.NopCloser, but for an io.Writer. TODO: we have two of these in OpenPGP packages alone. This probably needs to be promoted somewhere more common.

From here:

func (NopWriteCloser) Close

func (c NopWriteCloser) Close() error

func (NopWriteCloser) Write

func (c NopWriteCloser) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error)

type NormalizedUsername

type NormalizedUsername = kbun.NormalizedUsername

TODO (CORE-6576): Remove these aliases once everything outside of this repo points to kbun.

func NewNormalizedUsername

func NewNormalizedUsername(s string) NormalizedUsername

func NormalizedUsernameFromUPK2

func NormalizedUsernameFromUPK2(u keybase1.UserPlusKeysV2) NormalizedUsername

func ValidateNormalizedUsername

func ValidateNormalizedUsername(username string) (NormalizedUsername, error)

type NotConfirmedError

type NotConfirmedError struct{}

func (NotConfirmedError) Error

func (e NotConfirmedError) Error() string

type NotFoundError

type NotFoundError struct {
	Msg string

func (NotFoundError) Error

func (e NotFoundError) Error() string

func (NotFoundError) ToStatus

func (e NotFoundError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type NotLatestSubchainError

type NotLatestSubchainError struct {
	Msg string

func (NotLatestSubchainError) Error

func (e NotLatestSubchainError) Error() string

type NotProvisionedError

type NotProvisionedError struct{}

func (NotProvisionedError) Error

func (e NotProvisionedError) Error() string

type NotifyListener

type NotifyListener interface {
	Login(username string)
	ClientOutOfDate(to, uri, msg string)
	UserChanged(uid keybase1.UID)
	TrackingChanged(uid keybase1.UID, username NormalizedUsername)
	FSActivity(activity keybase1.FSNotification)
	FSPathUpdated(path string)
	FSEditListResponse(arg keybase1.FSEditListArg)
	FSSyncStatusResponse(arg keybase1.FSSyncStatusArg)
	FSSyncEvent(arg keybase1.FSPathSyncStatus)
	FSEditListRequest(arg keybase1.FSEditListRequest)
	FavoritesChanged(uid keybase1.UID)
	PaperKeyCached(uid keybase1.UID, encKID keybase1.KID, sigKID keybase1.KID)
	KeyfamilyChanged(uid keybase1.UID)
	NewChatActivity(uid keybase1.UID, activity chat1.ChatActivity, source chat1.ChatActivitySource)
	NewChatKBFSFileEditActivity(uid keybase1.UID, activity chat1.ChatActivity)
	ChatIdentifyUpdate(update keybase1.CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks)
	ChatTLFFinalize(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID,
		finalizeInfo chat1.ConversationFinalizeInfo)
	ChatTLFResolve(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID,
		resolveInfo chat1.ConversationResolveInfo)
	ChatInboxStale(uid keybase1.UID)
	ChatThreadsStale(uid keybase1.UID, updates []chat1.ConversationStaleUpdate)
	ChatInboxSynced(uid keybase1.UID, topicType chat1.TopicType, syncRes chat1.ChatSyncResult)
	ChatInboxSyncStarted(uid keybase1.UID)
	ChatJoinedConversation(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, conv *chat1.InboxUIItem)
	ChatLeftConversation(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID)
	ChatResetConversation(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID)
	ChatSetConvRetention(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID)
	ChatSetTeamRetention(uid keybase1.UID, teamID keybase1.TeamID)
	ChatSetConvSettings(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID)
	ChatSubteamRename(uid keybase1.UID, convIDs []chat1.ConversationID)
	ChatKBFSToImpteamUpgrade(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID)
	ChatAttachmentUploadStart(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, outboxID chat1.OutboxID)
	ChatAttachmentUploadProgress(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, outboxID chat1.OutboxID,
		bytesComplete, bytesTotal int64)
	ChatPaymentInfo(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, msgID chat1.MessageID, info chat1.UIPaymentInfo)
	ChatRequestInfo(uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, msgID chat1.MessageID, info chat1.UIRequestInfo)
	BadgeState(badgeState keybase1.BadgeState)
	ReachabilityChanged(r keybase1.Reachability)
	TeamChangedByID(teamID keybase1.TeamID, latestSeqno keybase1.Seqno, implicitTeam bool, changes keybase1.TeamChangeSet)
	TeamChangedByName(teamName string, latestSeqno keybase1.Seqno, implicitTeam bool, changes keybase1.TeamChangeSet)
	TeamDeleted(teamID keybase1.TeamID)
	TeamExit(teamID keybase1.TeamID)
	NewlyAddedToTeam(teamID keybase1.TeamID)
	NewTeamEK(teamID keybase1.TeamID, generation keybase1.EkGeneration)
	AvatarUpdated(name string, formats []keybase1.AvatarFormat)
	DeviceCloneCountChanged(newClones int)
	WalletPaymentNotification(accountID stellar1.AccountID, paymentID stellar1.PaymentID)
	WalletPaymentStatusNotification(accountID stellar1.AccountID, paymentID stellar1.PaymentID)
	WalletRequestStatusNotification(reqID stellar1.KeybaseRequestID)
	TeamListUnverifiedChanged(teamName string)
	CanUserPerformChanged(teamName string)

NotifyListener provides hooks for listening for when notifications are called. It is intended to simplify testing notifications.

type NotifyRouter

type NotifyRouter struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

NotifyRouter routes notifications to the various active RPC connections. It's careful only to route to those who are interested

func NewNotifyRouter

func NewNotifyRouter(g *GlobalContext) *NotifyRouter

NewNotifyRouter makes a new notification router; we should only make one of these per process.

func (*NotifyRouter) AddConnection

func (n *NotifyRouter) AddConnection(xp rpc.Transporter, ch chan error) ConnectionID

AddConnection should be called every time there's a new RPC connection established for this server. The caller should pass in the Transporter and also the channel that will get messages when the channel closes.

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleAppExit

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleAppExit()

HandleAppExit is called whenever an app exit command is issued

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleAvatarUpdated

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleAvatarUpdated(ctx context.Context, name string, formats []keybase1.AvatarFormat)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleBadgeState

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleBadgeState(badgeState keybase1.BadgeState)

HandleBadgeState is called whenever the badge state changes It will broadcast the messages to all curious listeners.

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleCanUserPerformChanged

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleCanUserPerformChanged(ctx context.Context, teamName string)

HandleCanUserPerformChanged is called when a notification is received from gregor that we think might be of interest to the UI, specifically the parts of the UI that update permissions for a user in a team.

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleChatAttachmentUploadProgress

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleChatAttachmentUploadProgress(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID,
	convID chat1.ConversationID, outboxID chat1.OutboxID, bytesComplete, bytesTotal int64)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleChatAttachmentUploadStart

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleChatAttachmentUploadStart(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID,
	convID chat1.ConversationID, outboxID chat1.OutboxID)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleChatIdentifyUpdate

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleChatIdentifyUpdate(ctx context.Context, update keybase1.CanonicalTLFNameAndIDWithBreaks)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleChatInboxStale

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleChatInboxStale(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleChatInboxSyncStarted

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleChatInboxSyncStarted(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleChatInboxSynced

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleChatInboxSynced(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID,
	topicType chat1.TopicType, syncRes chat1.ChatSyncResult)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleChatJoinedConversation

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleChatJoinedConversation(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID,
	convID chat1.ConversationID, topicType chat1.TopicType, conv *chat1.InboxUIItem)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleChatKBFSToImpteamUpgrade

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleChatKBFSToImpteamUpgrade(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID,
	convID chat1.ConversationID, topicType chat1.TopicType)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleChatLeftConversation

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleChatLeftConversation(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID,
	convID chat1.ConversationID, topicType chat1.TopicType)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleChatPaymentInfo

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleChatPaymentInfo(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, msgID chat1.MessageID, info chat1.UIPaymentInfo)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleChatRequestInfo

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleChatRequestInfo(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, convID chat1.ConversationID, msgID chat1.MessageID, info chat1.UIRequestInfo)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleChatResetConversation

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleChatResetConversation(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID,
	convID chat1.ConversationID, topicType chat1.TopicType)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleChatSetConvRetention

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleChatSetConvRetention(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID,
	convID chat1.ConversationID, topicType chat1.TopicType, conv *chat1.InboxUIItem)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleChatSetConvSettings

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleChatSetConvSettings(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID,
	convID chat1.ConversationID, topicType chat1.TopicType, conv *chat1.InboxUIItem)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleChatSetTeamRetention

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleChatSetTeamRetention(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID,
	teamID keybase1.TeamID, topicType chat1.TopicType, convs []chat1.InboxUIItem)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleChatSubteamRename

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleChatSubteamRename(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID,
	convIDs []chat1.ConversationID, topicType chat1.TopicType, convs []chat1.InboxUIItem)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleChatTLFFinalize

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleChatTLFFinalize(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID,
	convID chat1.ConversationID, topicType chat1.TopicType, finalizeInfo chat1.ConversationFinalizeInfo,
	conv *chat1.InboxUIItem)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleChatTLFResolve

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleChatTLFResolve(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID,
	convID chat1.ConversationID, topicType chat1.TopicType, resolveInfo chat1.ConversationResolveInfo)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleChatThreadsStale

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleChatThreadsStale(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID,
	updates []chat1.ConversationStaleUpdate)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleChatTypingUpdate

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleChatTypingUpdate(ctx context.Context, updates []chat1.ConvTypingUpdate)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleClientOutOfDate

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleClientOutOfDate(upgradeTo, upgradeURI, upgradeMsg string)

ClientOutOfDate is called whenever the API server tells us our client is out of date. (This is done by adding special headers to every API response that an out-of-date client makes.)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleDeviceCloneNotification

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleDeviceCloneNotification(newClones int)

HandleDeviceCloneNotification is called when a run of the device clone status update finds a newly-added, possible clone. It will broadcast the messages to all curious listeners.

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleFSActivity

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleFSActivity(activity keybase1.FSNotification)

HandleFSActivity is called for any KBFS notification. It will broadcast the messages to all curious listeners.

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleFSEditListRequest

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleFSEditListRequest(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.FSEditListRequest)

HandleFSEditListRequest is called for KBFS edit list request notifications.

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleFSEditListResponse

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleFSEditListResponse(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.FSEditListArg)

HandleFSEditListResponse is called for KBFS edit list response notifications.

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleFSPathUpdated

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleFSPathUpdated(path string)

HandleFSPathUpdated is called for any path update notification. It will broadcast the messages to all curious listeners.

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleFSSyncEvent

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleFSSyncEvent(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.FSPathSyncStatus)

HandleFSSyncEvent is called for KBFS sync event notifications.

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleFSSyncStatus

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleFSSyncStatus(ctx context.Context, arg keybase1.FSSyncStatusArg)

HandleFSSyncStatus is called for KBFS sync status notifications.

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleFavoritesChanged

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleFavoritesChanged(uid keybase1.UID)

HandleFavoritesChanged is called whenever the kbfs favorites change for a user (and caches should be invalidated). It will broadcast the messages to all curious listeners.

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleKeyfamilyChanged

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleKeyfamilyChanged(uid keybase1.UID)

HandleKeyfamilyChanged is called whenever a user's keyfamily changes.

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleLogin

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleLogin(u string)

HandleLogin is called whenever a user logs in. It will broadcast the message to all connections who care about such a message.

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleLogout

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleLogout()

HandleLogout is called whenever the current user logged out. It will broadcast the message to all connections who care about such a message.

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleNewChatActivity

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleNewChatActivity(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID,
	topicType chat1.TopicType, activity *chat1.ChatActivity, source chat1.ChatActivitySource)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleNewTeamEK

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleNewTeamEK(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, generation keybase1.EkGeneration)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleNewlyAddedToTeam

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleNewlyAddedToTeam(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandlePGPKeyInSecretStoreFile

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandlePGPKeyInSecretStoreFile()

HandlePGPKeyInSecretStoreFile is called to notify a user that they have a PGP key that is unlockable by a secret stored in a file in their home directory.

func (*NotifyRouter) HandlePaperKeyCached

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandlePaperKeyCached(uid keybase1.UID, encKID keybase1.KID, sigKID keybase1.KID)

HandlePaperKeyCached is called whenever a paper key is cached in response to a rekey harassment.

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleReachability

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleReachability(r keybase1.Reachability)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleServiceShutdown

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleServiceShutdown()

HandleServiceShutdown is called whenever the service shuts down.

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleTeamAbandoned

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleTeamAbandoned(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleTeamChangedByBothKeys

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleTeamChangedByBothKeys(ctx context.Context,
	teamID keybase1.TeamID, teamName string, latestSeqno keybase1.Seqno, implicitTeam bool, changes keybase1.TeamChangeSet)

teamID and teamName are not necessarily the same team

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleTeamChangedByID

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleTeamChangedByID(ctx context.Context,
	teamID keybase1.TeamID, latestSeqno keybase1.Seqno, implicitTeam bool, changes keybase1.TeamChangeSet)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleTeamChangedByName

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleTeamChangedByName(ctx context.Context,
	teamName string, latestSeqno keybase1.Seqno, implicitTeam bool, changes keybase1.TeamChangeSet)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleTeamDeleted

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleTeamDeleted(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleTeamExit

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleTeamExit(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleTeamListUnverifiedChanged

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleTeamListUnverifiedChanged(ctx context.Context, teamName string)

HandleTeamListUnverifiedChanged is called when a notification is received from gregor that we think might be of interest to the UI, specifically the parts of the UI that update using the TeamListUnverified rpc.

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleTrackingChanged

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleTrackingChanged(uid keybase1.UID, username NormalizedUsername, isTracking bool)

HandleTrackingChanged is called whenever we have a new tracking or untracking chain link related to a given user. It will broadcast the messages to all curious listeners. isTracking is set to true if current user is tracking uid.

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleUserChanged

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleUserChanged(uid keybase1.UID)

HandleUserChanged is called whenever we know that a given user has changed (and must be cache-busted). It will broadcast the messages to all curious listeners.

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleWalletPaymentNotification

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleWalletPaymentNotification(ctx context.Context, accountID stellar1.AccountID, paymentID stellar1.PaymentID)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleWalletPaymentStatusNotification

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleWalletPaymentStatusNotification(ctx context.Context, accountID stellar1.AccountID, paymentID stellar1.PaymentID)

func (*NotifyRouter) HandleWalletRequestStatusNotification

func (n *NotifyRouter) HandleWalletRequestStatusNotification(ctx context.Context, reqID stellar1.KeybaseRequestID)

func (*NotifyRouter) SetChannels

SetChannels sets which notification channels are interested for the connection with the given connection ID.

func (*NotifyRouter) SetListener

func (n *NotifyRouter) SetListener(listener NotifyListener)

func (*NotifyRouter) Shutdown

func (n *NotifyRouter) Shutdown()

type NullConfiguration

type NullConfiguration struct{}

func (NullConfiguration) GetAPIDump

func (n NullConfiguration) GetAPIDump() (bool, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetAPITimeout

func (n NullConfiguration) GetAPITimeout() (time.Duration, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetAllUserConfigs

func (n NullConfiguration) GetAllUserConfigs() (*UserConfig, []UserConfig, error)

func (NullConfiguration) GetAllUsernames

func (NullConfiguration) GetAppType

func (n NullConfiguration) GetAppType() AppType

func (NullConfiguration) GetAttachmentDisableMulti

func (n NullConfiguration) GetAttachmentDisableMulti() (bool, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetAttachmentHTTPStartPort

func (n NullConfiguration) GetAttachmentHTTPStartPort() (int, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetAutoFork

func (n NullConfiguration) GetAutoFork() (bool, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetAutoWallet

func (n NullConfiguration) GetAutoWallet() (bool, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetBGIdentifierDisabled

func (n NullConfiguration) GetBGIdentifierDisabled() (bool, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetBool

func (n NullConfiguration) GetBool(string, bool) (bool, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetBoolAtPath

func (n NullConfiguration) GetBoolAtPath(string) (bool, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetBug3964RepairTime

func (n NullConfiguration) GetBug3964RepairTime(NormalizedUsername) (time.Time, error)

func (NullConfiguration) GetBundledCA

func (n NullConfiguration) GetBundledCA(h string) string

func (NullConfiguration) GetChatDbFilename

func (n NullConfiguration) GetChatDbFilename() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetChatDelivererInterval

func (n NullConfiguration) GetChatDelivererInterval() (time.Duration, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetChatInboxSourceLocalizeThreads

func (n NullConfiguration) GetChatInboxSourceLocalizeThreads() (int, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetCodeSigningKIDs

func (n NullConfiguration) GetCodeSigningKIDs() []string

func (NullConfiguration) GetConfigFilename

func (n NullConfiguration) GetConfigFilename() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetDbFilename

func (n NullConfiguration) GetDbFilename() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetDebug

func (n NullConfiguration) GetDebug() (bool, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetDeviceCloneStateFilename

func (n NullConfiguration) GetDeviceCloneStateFilename() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetDeviceID

func (n NullConfiguration) GetDeviceID() keybase1.DeviceID

func (NullConfiguration) GetDeviceIDForUID

func (n NullConfiguration) GetDeviceIDForUID(u keybase1.UID) keybase1.DeviceID

func (NullConfiguration) GetDeviceIDForUsername

func (n NullConfiguration) GetDeviceIDForUsername(un NormalizedUsername) keybase1.DeviceID

func (NullConfiguration) GetDisplayRawUntrustedOutput

func (n NullConfiguration) GetDisplayRawUntrustedOutput() (bool, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetEmail

func (n NullConfiguration) GetEmail() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetFeatureFlags

func (n NullConfiguration) GetFeatureFlags() (FeatureFlags, error)

func (NullConfiguration) GetGString

func (n NullConfiguration) GetGString(string) string

func (NullConfiguration) GetGpg

func (n NullConfiguration) GetGpg() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetGpgHome

func (n NullConfiguration) GetGpgHome() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetGpgOptions

func (n NullConfiguration) GetGpgOptions() []string

func (NullConfiguration) GetGregorDisabled

func (n NullConfiguration) GetGregorDisabled() (bool, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetGregorPingInterval

func (n NullConfiguration) GetGregorPingInterval() (time.Duration, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetGregorPingTimeout

func (n NullConfiguration) GetGregorPingTimeout() (time.Duration, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetGregorSaveInterval

func (n NullConfiguration) GetGregorSaveInterval() (time.Duration, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetGregorURI

func (n NullConfiguration) GetGregorURI() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetHome

func (n NullConfiguration) GetHome() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetIntAtPath

func (n NullConfiguration) GetIntAtPath(string) (int, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetInterfaceAtPath

func (n NullConfiguration) GetInterfaceAtPath(string) (interface{}, error)

func (NullConfiguration) GetLevelDBNumFiles

func (n NullConfiguration) GetLevelDBNumFiles() (int, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetLinkCacheCleanDur

func (n NullConfiguration) GetLinkCacheCleanDur() (time.Duration, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetLinkCacheSize

func (n NullConfiguration) GetLinkCacheSize() (int, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetLocalRPCDebug

func (n NullConfiguration) GetLocalRPCDebug() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetLocalTrackMaxAge

func (n NullConfiguration) GetLocalTrackMaxAge() (time.Duration, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetLogFile

func (n NullConfiguration) GetLogFile() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetLogFormat

func (n NullConfiguration) GetLogFormat() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetLogPrefix

func (n NullConfiguration) GetLogPrefix() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetMerkleKIDs

func (n NullConfiguration) GetMerkleKIDs() []string

func (NullConfiguration) GetMobileSharedHome

func (n NullConfiguration) GetMobileSharedHome() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetMountDir

func (n NullConfiguration) GetMountDir() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetNoAutoFork

func (n NullConfiguration) GetNoAutoFork() (bool, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetNoPinentry

func (n NullConfiguration) GetNoPinentry() (bool, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetNullAtPath

func (n NullConfiguration) GetNullAtPath(string) bool

func (NullConfiguration) GetPGPFingerprint

func (n NullConfiguration) GetPGPFingerprint() *PGPFingerprint

func (NullConfiguration) GetParamProofKitFilename

func (n NullConfiguration) GetParamProofKitFilename() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetPayloadCacheSize

func (n NullConfiguration) GetPayloadCacheSize() (int, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetPidFile

func (n NullConfiguration) GetPidFile() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetPinentry

func (n NullConfiguration) GetPinentry() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetProofCacheLongDur

func (n NullConfiguration) GetProofCacheLongDur() (time.Duration, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetProofCacheMediumDur

func (n NullConfiguration) GetProofCacheMediumDur() (time.Duration, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetProofCacheShortDur

func (n NullConfiguration) GetProofCacheShortDur() (time.Duration, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetProofCacheSize

func (n NullConfiguration) GetProofCacheSize() (int, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetProxy

func (n NullConfiguration) GetProxy() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetProxyCACerts

func (n NullConfiguration) GetProxyCACerts() ([]string, error)

func (NullConfiguration) GetPvlKitFilename

func (n NullConfiguration) GetPvlKitFilename() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetRememberPassphrase

func (n NullConfiguration) GetRememberPassphrase() (bool, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetRunMode

func (n NullConfiguration) GetRunMode() (RunMode, error)

func (NullConfiguration) GetSalt

func (n NullConfiguration) GetSalt() []byte

func (NullConfiguration) GetScraperTimeout

func (n NullConfiguration) GetScraperTimeout() (time.Duration, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetSecretKeyringTemplate

func (n NullConfiguration) GetSecretKeyringTemplate() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetSecurityAccessGroupOverride

func (n NullConfiguration) GetSecurityAccessGroupOverride() (bool, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetServerURI

func (n NullConfiguration) GetServerURI() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetSessionFilename

func (n NullConfiguration) GetSessionFilename() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetSlowGregorConn

func (n NullConfiguration) GetSlowGregorConn() (bool, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetSocketFile

func (n NullConfiguration) GetSocketFile() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetStandalone

func (n NullConfiguration) GetStandalone() (bool, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetString

func (n NullConfiguration) GetString(string) string

func (NullConfiguration) GetStringAtPath

func (n NullConfiguration) GetStringAtPath(string) (string, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetTimers

func (n NullConfiguration) GetTimers() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetTorHiddenAddress

func (n NullConfiguration) GetTorHiddenAddress() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetTorMode

func (n NullConfiguration) GetTorMode() (TorMode, error)

func (NullConfiguration) GetTorProxy

func (n NullConfiguration) GetTorProxy() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetUID

func (n NullConfiguration) GetUID() (ret keybase1.UID)

func (NullConfiguration) GetUIDForUsername

func (n NullConfiguration) GetUIDForUsername(u NormalizedUsername) keybase1.UID

func (NullConfiguration) GetUIDMapFullNameCacheSize

func (n NullConfiguration) GetUIDMapFullNameCacheSize() (int, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetUPAKCacheSize

func (n NullConfiguration) GetUPAKCacheSize() (int, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetUpdateDisabled

func (n NullConfiguration) GetUpdateDisabled() (bool, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetUpdateLastChecked

func (n NullConfiguration) GetUpdateLastChecked() keybase1.Time

func (NullConfiguration) GetUpdatePreferenceAuto

func (n NullConfiguration) GetUpdatePreferenceAuto() (bool, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetUpdatePreferenceSkip

func (n NullConfiguration) GetUpdatePreferenceSkip() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetUpdatePreferenceSnoozeUntil

func (n NullConfiguration) GetUpdatePreferenceSnoozeUntil() keybase1.Time

func (NullConfiguration) GetUpdateURL

func (n NullConfiguration) GetUpdateURL() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetUpdaterConfigFilename

func (n NullConfiguration) GetUpdaterConfigFilename() string

func (NullConfiguration) GetUpgradePerUserKey

func (n NullConfiguration) GetUpgradePerUserKey() (bool, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetUserCacheMaxAge

func (n NullConfiguration) GetUserCacheMaxAge() (time.Duration, bool)

func (NullConfiguration) GetUserConfig

func (n NullConfiguration) GetUserConfig() (*UserConfig, error)

func (NullConfiguration) GetUserConfigForUsername

func (n NullConfiguration) GetUserConfigForUsername(s NormalizedUsername) (*UserConfig, error)

func (NullConfiguration) GetUsername

func (n NullConfiguration) GetUsername() NormalizedUsername

func (NullConfiguration) GetUsernameForUID

func (n NullConfiguration) GetUsernameForUID(u keybase1.UID) NormalizedUsername

func (NullConfiguration) GetVDebugSetting

func (n NullConfiguration) GetVDebugSetting() string

func (NullConfiguration) IsMobileExtension

func (n NullConfiguration) IsMobileExtension() (bool, bool)

type NullConnectivityMonitor

type NullConnectivityMonitor struct {

func (NullConnectivityMonitor) CheckReachability

func (s NullConnectivityMonitor) CheckReachability(ctx context.Context) error

func (NullConnectivityMonitor) IsConnected

type ObjType

type ObjType byte

type OuterLinkV2

type OuterLinkV2 struct {
	Version  int            `codec:"version"`
	Seqno    keybase1.Seqno `codec:"seqno"`
	Prev     LinkID         `codec:"prev"`
	Curr     LinkID         `codec:"curr"`
	LinkType SigchainV2Type `codec:"type"`
	// -- Links exist in the wild that are missing fields below this line.
	SeqType keybase1.SeqType `codec:"seqtype"`
	// -- Links exist in the wild that are missing fields below this line too.
	// Whether the link can be ignored by clients that do not support its link type.
	// This does _not_ mean the link can be ignored if the client supports the link type.
	// When it comes to stubbing, if the link is unsupported and this bit is set then
	// - it can be stubbed for non-admins
	// - it cannot be stubbed for admins
	IgnoreIfUnsupported SigIgnoreIfUnsupported `codec:"ignore_if_unsupported"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

OuterLinkV2 is the second version of Keybase sigchain signatures.

func (OuterLinkV2) AssertFields

func (o OuterLinkV2) AssertFields(
	version int,
	seqno keybase1.Seqno,
	prev LinkID,
	curr LinkID,
	linkType SigchainV2Type,
	seqType keybase1.SeqType,
	ignoreIfUnsupported SigIgnoreIfUnsupported,
) (err error)

func (OuterLinkV2) AssertSomeFields

func (o OuterLinkV2) AssertSomeFields(
	version int,
	seqno keybase1.Seqno,
) (err error)

func (OuterLinkV2) Encode

func (o OuterLinkV2) Encode() ([]byte, error)

type OuterLinkV2WithMetadata

type OuterLinkV2WithMetadata struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func DecodeOuterLinkV2

func DecodeOuterLinkV2(armored string) (*OuterLinkV2WithMetadata, error)

func DecodeStubbedOuterLinkV2

func DecodeStubbedOuterLinkV2(b64encoded string) (*OuterLinkV2WithMetadata, error)

func (*OuterLinkV2WithMetadata) CodecDecodeSelf

func (o *OuterLinkV2WithMetadata) CodecDecodeSelf(d *codec.Decoder)

func (*OuterLinkV2WithMetadata) CodecEncodeSelf

func (o *OuterLinkV2WithMetadata) CodecEncodeSelf(e *codec.Encoder)

func (OuterLinkV2WithMetadata) EncodeStubbed

func (o OuterLinkV2WithMetadata) EncodeStubbed() string

func (OuterLinkV2WithMetadata) LinkID

func (o OuterLinkV2WithMetadata) LinkID() LinkID

func (OuterLinkV2WithMetadata) Raw

func (o OuterLinkV2WithMetadata) Raw() []byte

func (OuterLinkV2WithMetadata) SigID

func (OuterLinkV2WithMetadata) Verify

func (o OuterLinkV2WithMetadata) Verify(ctx VerifyContext) (kid keybase1.KID, err error)

type OutputDescriptor

type OutputDescriptor int

type PDPKA

type PDPKA string

PDPKA is a "Passphrase-Derived Public Key Authentication". In this case, it's a armored, packed, signature that's been output by our signing interface.

func (PDPKA) String

func (p PDPKA) String() string

type PDPKALoginPackage

type PDPKALoginPackage struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PDPKALoginPackage contains all relevant PDPKA versions in use at this time. For now, versions 4 and 5.

func ComputeLoginPackage2

func ComputeLoginPackage2(m MetaContext, pps *PassphraseStream) (ret PDPKALoginPackage, err error)

ComputeLoginPackage2 computes the login package for the given UID as dictated by the context. It assumes that a passphrase stream has already been loaded. A LoginSession is optional. If not available, a new one is requested. Eventually we will kill ComputeLoginPackage and rename this to that.

func (PDPKALoginPackage) PDPKA4

func (lp PDPKALoginPackage) PDPKA4() PDPKA

PDPKA4 gets the v4 of the PDPKA token for this login package

func (PDPKALoginPackage) PDPKA5

func (lp PDPKALoginPackage) PDPKA5() PDPKA

PDPKA5 gets the v4 of the PDPKA token for this login package

func (PDPKALoginPackage) PopulateArgs

func (lp PDPKALoginPackage) PopulateArgs(h *HTTPArgs)

PopulateArgs populates the given HTTP args with parameters in this PDPKA package. Right now that includes v4 and v5 of the PDPKA login system.

type PGPFingerprint

type PGPFingerprint [PGPFingerprintLen]byte

func GetPGPFingerprint

func GetPGPFingerprint(w *jsonw.Wrapper) (*PGPFingerprint, error)

func GetPGPFingerprintFromGenericKey

func GetPGPFingerprintFromGenericKey(k GenericKey) *PGPFingerprint

func ImportPGPFingerprintSlice

func ImportPGPFingerprintSlice(fp []byte) (ret *PGPFingerprint)

func PGPFingerprintFromHex

func PGPFingerprintFromHex(s string) (*PGPFingerprint, error)

func PGPFingerprintFromHexNoError

func PGPFingerprintFromHexNoError(s string) *PGPFingerprint

func PGPFingerprintFromSlice

func PGPFingerprintFromSlice(b []byte) (*PGPFingerprint, error)

func (PGPFingerprint) Eq

func (PGPFingerprint) GetProofState

func (p PGPFingerprint) GetProofState() keybase1.ProofState

func (PGPFingerprint) GetProofType

func (p PGPFingerprint) GetProofType() keybase1.ProofType

func (PGPFingerprint) LastWriterWins

func (p PGPFingerprint) LastWriterWins() bool

func (*PGPFingerprint) MarshalJSON

func (p *PGPFingerprint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*PGPFingerprint) Match

func (p *PGPFingerprint) Match(q string, exact bool) bool

func (PGPFingerprint) String

func (p PGPFingerprint) String() string

func (PGPFingerprint) ToDisplayString

func (p PGPFingerprint) ToDisplayString(verbose bool) string

func (PGPFingerprint) ToIDString

func (p PGPFingerprint) ToIDString() string

func (PGPFingerprint) ToKeyID

func (p PGPFingerprint) ToKeyID() string

func (PGPFingerprint) ToKeyValuePair

func (p PGPFingerprint) ToKeyValuePair() (string, string)

func (PGPFingerprint) ToQuads

func (p PGPFingerprint) ToQuads() string

func (*PGPFingerprint) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *PGPFingerprint) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

type PGPGenArg

type PGPGenArg struct {
	PrimaryBits     int
	SubkeyBits      int
	Ids             Identities
	Config          *packet.Config
	PGPUids         []string
	PrimaryLifetime int
	SubkeyLifetime  int

func ImportKeyGenArg

func ImportKeyGenArg(a keybase1.PGPKeyGenArg) (ret PGPGenArg)

func (*PGPGenArg) AddDefaultUID

func (a *PGPGenArg) AddDefaultUID(g *GlobalContext)

Just for testing

func (*PGPGenArg) CreatePGPIDs

func (a *PGPGenArg) CreatePGPIDs() error

CreateIDs creates identities for KeyGenArg.Ids if none exist. It uses PGPUids to determine the set of Ids. It does not set the default uid. AddDefaultUid() does that.

func (PGPGenArg) ExportTo

func (a PGPGenArg) ExportTo(ret *keybase1.PGPKeyGenArg)

func (*PGPGenArg) Init

func (a *PGPGenArg) Init() (err error)

func (*PGPGenArg) MakeAllIds

func (a *PGPGenArg) MakeAllIds(g *GlobalContext) error

Just for testing

func (*PGPGenArg) PGPUserIDs

func (a *PGPGenArg) PGPUserIDs() ([]*packet.UserId, error)

func (*PGPGenArg) PreferredCompression

func (a *PGPGenArg) PreferredCompression() []uint8

func (*PGPGenArg) PreferredHash

func (a *PGPGenArg) PreferredHash() []uint8

func (*PGPGenArg) PreferredSymmetric

func (a *PGPGenArg) PreferredSymmetric() []uint8

type PGPKeyBundle

type PGPKeyBundle struct {

	// GPGFallbackKey to be used as a fallback if given dummy a PrivateKey.
	GPGFallbackKey GenericKey

	// We make the (fairly dangerous) assumption that the key will never be
	// modified. This avoids the issue that encoding an openpgp.Entity is
	// nondeterministic due to Go's randomized iteration order (so different
	// exports of the same key may hash differently).
	// If you're *sure* that you're creating a PGPKeyBundle from an armored
	// *public* key, you can prefill this field and Export() will use it.
	ArmoredPublicKey string

	// True if this key was generated by this program
	Generated bool

func GeneratePGPKeyBundle

func GeneratePGPKeyBundle(g *GlobalContext, arg PGPGenArg, logUI LogUI) (*PGPKeyBundle, error)

NewEntity returns an Entity that contains a fresh RSA/RSA keypair with a single identity composed of the given full name, comment and email, any of which may be empty but must not contain any of "()<>\x00". If config is nil, sensible defaults will be used.

Modification of:


func LoadPGPKeyFromLocalDB

func LoadPGPKeyFromLocalDB(k keybase1.KID, g *GlobalContext) (*PGPKeyBundle, error)

func NewGeneratedPGPKeyBundle

func NewGeneratedPGPKeyBundle(entity *openpgp.Entity) *PGPKeyBundle

func NewPGPKeyBundle

func NewPGPKeyBundle(entity *openpgp.Entity) *PGPKeyBundle

func (*PGPKeyBundle) CanDecrypt

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) CanDecrypt() bool

CanDecrypt returns false for now, since we haven't implemented PGP encryption of packets for metadata operations

func (*PGPKeyBundle) CanEncrypt

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) CanEncrypt() bool

CanEncrypt returns false for now, since we haven't implemented PGP encryption of packets for metadata operations

func (*PGPKeyBundle) CanSign

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) CanSign() bool

func (*PGPKeyBundle) CheckFingerprint

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) CheckFingerprint(fp *PGPFingerprint) error

func (*PGPKeyBundle) CheckIdentity

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) CheckIdentity(kbid Identity) (match bool, ctime int64, etime int64)

CheckIdentity finds the PGP identity and figures out when it was created and when it's slated to expire. We plan to start phasing out use of PGP-specified Expiration times as far as sigchain walking is concerned. But for now, there are a few places where it's still used (see ComputedKeyInfos#InsertServerEldestKey).

func (*PGPKeyBundle) CheckSecretKey

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) CheckSecretKey() (err error)

func (*PGPKeyBundle) DecryptFromString

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) DecryptFromString(ciphertext string) (msg []byte, sender keybase1.KID, err error)

DecryptFromString fails for this type of key, since we haven't implemented it yet

func (PGPKeyBundle) DecryptionKeys

func (k PGPKeyBundle) DecryptionKeys() []openpgp.Key

func (*PGPKeyBundle) Encode

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) Encode() (ret string, err error)

func (*PGPKeyBundle) EncodeToStream

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) EncodeToStream(wc io.WriteCloser, private bool) error

func (*PGPKeyBundle) EncryptToString

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) EncryptToString(plaintext []byte, sender GenericKey) (ciphertext string, err error)

EncryptToString fails for this type of key, since we haven't implemented it yet

func (*PGPKeyBundle) Export

func (bundle *PGPKeyBundle) Export() keybase1.PublicKey

func (*PGPKeyBundle) ExportPublicAndPrivate

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) ExportPublicAndPrivate() (public RawPublicKey, private RawPrivateKey, err error)

func (*PGPKeyBundle) FindEmail

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) FindEmail(em string) bool

func (*PGPKeyBundle) FindKeybaseUsername

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) FindKeybaseUsername(un string) bool

XXX for now this is OK but probably we need a PGP uid parser as in pgp-utils

func (*PGPKeyBundle) FullHash

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) FullHash() (string, error)

func (PGPKeyBundle) GetAlgoType

func (k PGPKeyBundle) GetAlgoType() kbcrypto.AlgoType

func (*PGPKeyBundle) GetBinaryKID

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) GetBinaryKID() keybase1.BinaryKID

func (PGPKeyBundle) GetFingerprint

func (k PGPKeyBundle) GetFingerprint() PGPFingerprint

func (PGPKeyBundle) GetFingerprintP

func (k PGPKeyBundle) GetFingerprintP() *PGPFingerprint

func (*PGPKeyBundle) GetKID

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) GetKID() keybase1.KID

func (*PGPKeyBundle) GetPGPIdentities

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) GetPGPIdentities() []keybase1.PGPIdentity

func (PGPKeyBundle) GetPrimaryUID

func (k PGPKeyBundle) GetPrimaryUID() string

GetPrimaryUID gets the primary UID in the given key bundle, returned in the 'Max K (foo) <>' convention.

func (*PGPKeyBundle) HasSecretKey

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) HasSecretKey() bool

HasSecretKey checks if the PGPKeyBundle contains secret key. This function returning true does not indicate that the key is functional - it may also be a key stub.

func (PGPKeyBundle) HumanDescription

func (k PGPKeyBundle) HumanDescription() string

func (*PGPKeyBundle) IdentityNames

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) IdentityNames() []string

func (*PGPKeyBundle) InitGPGKey

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) InitGPGKey()

func (PGPKeyBundle) KeyDescription

func (k PGPKeyBundle) KeyDescription() string

func (PGPKeyBundle) KeyInfo

func (k PGPKeyBundle) KeyInfo() (algorithm, kid, creation string)

func (PGPKeyBundle) KeysById

func (k PGPKeyBundle) KeysById(id uint64, fp []byte) []openpgp.Key

func (PGPKeyBundle) KeysByIdUsage

func (k PGPKeyBundle) KeysByIdUsage(id uint64, fp []byte, usage byte) []openpgp.Key

func (PGPKeyBundle) MatchesKey

func (k PGPKeyBundle) MatchesKey(key *openpgp.Key) bool

func (*PGPKeyBundle) MergeKey

func (to *PGPKeyBundle) MergeKey(from *PGPKeyBundle)

MergeKey adds the identities, revocations, and subkeys of another PGPKeyBundle to this key

func (PGPKeyBundle) SamePrimaryAs

func (k PGPKeyBundle) SamePrimaryAs(k2 PGPKeyBundle) bool

func (*PGPKeyBundle) SecretSymmetricKey

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) SecretSymmetricKey(reason EncryptionReason) (NaclSecretBoxKey, error)

func (*PGPKeyBundle) SerializePrivate

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) SerializePrivate(w io.Writer) error

func (*PGPKeyBundle) SignToString

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) SignToString(msg []byte) (sig string, id keybase1.SigID, err error)

func (*PGPKeyBundle) StoreToLocalDb

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) StoreToLocalDb(g *GlobalContext) error

func (*PGPKeyBundle) StripRevocations

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) StripRevocations() (strippedKey *PGPKeyBundle)

StripRevocations returns a copy of the key with revocations removed

func (*PGPKeyBundle) ToServerSKB

func (key *PGPKeyBundle) ToServerSKB(gc *GlobalContext, tsec Triplesec, gen PassphraseGeneration) (ret *SKB, err error)

func (*PGPKeyBundle) Unlock

func (k *PGPKeyBundle) Unlock(m MetaContext, reason string, secretUI SecretUI) error

func (PGPKeyBundle) UsersDescription

func (k PGPKeyBundle) UsersDescription() []string

func (PGPKeyBundle) VerboseDescription

func (k PGPKeyBundle) VerboseDescription() string

func (PGPKeyBundle) VerifyString

func (k PGPKeyBundle) VerifyString(ctx VerifyContext, sig string, msg []byte) (id keybase1.SigID, err error)

func (PGPKeyBundle) VerifyStringAndExtract

func (k PGPKeyBundle) VerifyStringAndExtract(ctx VerifyContext, sig string) (msg []byte, id keybase1.SigID, err error)

type PGPKeySet

type PGPKeySet struct {
	PermissivelyMergedKey *PGPKeyBundle
	KeysByHash            map[string]*PGPKeyBundle

PGPKeySet represents a collection of versions of a PGP key. It includes a merged version of the key without revocations, and each individual version of the key with revocations intact.

type PGPPullLoggedOutError

type PGPPullLoggedOutError struct{}

func (PGPPullLoggedOutError) Error

func (e PGPPullLoggedOutError) Error() string
type PGPUpdateChainLink struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PGPUpdateChainLink represents a chain link which marks a new version of a PGP key as current. The KID and a new full hash are included in the pgp_update section of the body.

func ParsePGPUpdateChainLink(b GenericChainLink) (ret *PGPUpdateChainLink, err error)

ParsePGPUpdateChainLink creates a PGPUpdateChainLink from a GenericChainLink and verifies that its pgp_update section contains a KID and full_hash

func (*PGPUpdateChainLink) GetPGPFullHash

func (l *PGPUpdateChainLink) GetPGPFullHash() string

func (*PGPUpdateChainLink) ToDisplayString

func (l *PGPUpdateChainLink) ToDisplayString() string

func (*PGPUpdateChainLink) Type

func (l *PGPUpdateChainLink) Type() string

type PIDFileLockError

type PIDFileLockError struct {
	Filename string

func (PIDFileLockError) Error

func (e PIDFileLockError) Error() string

type PaperChecker

type PaperChecker struct{}

PaperChecker implements PassphraseChecker for paper keys.

func (*PaperChecker) Check

func (p *PaperChecker) Check(m MetaContext, s string) error

Check a paper key format. Will return a detailed error message specific to the problems found in s.

type PaperKeyPhrase

type PaperKeyPhrase string

PaperKeyPhrase is the string that can generate a paper key. It is versioned and forced to be lowercase. To make a new random phrase, use MakePaperKeyPhrase. To convert a string to a PaperKeyPhrase, use NewPaperKeyPhrase.

func MakePaperKeyPhrase

func MakePaperKeyPhrase(version uint8) (PaperKeyPhrase, error)

MakePaperKeyPhrase creates a new, random paper key phrase for the given version.

func NewPaperKeyPhrase

func NewPaperKeyPhrase(phrase string) PaperKeyPhrase

NewPaperKeyPhrase converts a string into a PaperKeyPhrase.

func NewPaperKeyPhraseCheckVersion

func NewPaperKeyPhraseCheckVersion(m MetaContext, passphrase string) (ret PaperKeyPhrase, err error)

func (PaperKeyPhrase) Bytes

func (p PaperKeyPhrase) Bytes() []byte

Bytes returns a byte slice of the phrase.

func (PaperKeyPhrase) InvalidWords

func (p PaperKeyPhrase) InvalidWords() (words []string)

func (PaperKeyPhrase) NumWords

func (p PaperKeyPhrase) NumWords() int

func (PaperKeyPhrase) Prefix

func (p PaperKeyPhrase) Prefix() string

Prefix returns the first two words in the phrase.

func (PaperKeyPhrase) String

func (p PaperKeyPhrase) String() string

String returns a string representation of the phrase.

func (PaperKeyPhrase) Version

func (p PaperKeyPhrase) Version() (uint8, error)

Version calculates the phrase version. 0-15 are possible versions.

type ParsedSig

type ParsedSig struct {
	Block       *armor.Block
	SigBody     []byte
	MD          *openpgp.MessageDetails
	LiteralData []byte

func PGPOpenSig

func PGPOpenSig(armored string) (ps *ParsedSig, err error)

func (*ParsedSig) AssertPayload

func (ps *ParsedSig) AssertPayload(expected []byte) error

func (*ParsedSig) ExtractPayload

func (ps *ParsedSig) ExtractPayload() (payload []byte, err error)

func (*ParsedSig) ID

func (ps *ParsedSig) ID() keybase1.SigID

func (*ParsedSig) Verify

func (ps *ParsedSig) Verify(k PGPKeyBundle) (err error)

type Parser

type Parser struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewParser

func NewParser(lexer *Lexer) *Parser

func (*Parser) Parse

type PassphraseChecker

type PassphraseChecker interface {
	Check(MetaContext, string) error

PassphraseChecker is an interface for checking the format of a passphrase. Returns nil if the format is ok, or a descriptive hint otherwise.

type PassphraseError

type PassphraseError struct {
	Msg string

func (PassphraseError) Error

func (p PassphraseError) Error() string

func (PassphraseError) ToStatus

func (p PassphraseError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type PassphraseGeneration

type PassphraseGeneration int

PassphraseGeneration represents which generation of the passphrase is currently in use. It's used to guard against race conditions in which the passphrase is changed on one device which the other still has it cached.

func (PassphraseGeneration) IsNil

func (p PassphraseGeneration) IsNil() bool

IsNil returns true if this PassphraseGeneration isn't initialized.

type PassphrasePrompter

type PassphrasePrompter interface {
	Prompt(keybase1.GUIEntryArg) (keybase1.GetPassphraseRes, error)

type PassphraseProvisionImpossibleError

type PassphraseProvisionImpossibleError struct{}

func (PassphraseProvisionImpossibleError) Error

type PassphraseStream

type PassphraseStream struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func GetPassphraseStreamStored

func GetPassphraseStreamStored(m MetaContext) (pps *PassphraseStream, err error)

GetPassphraseStreamStored either returns a cached, verified passphrase stream from a previous login, the secret store, or generates a new one via login. NOTE: this function can return a partial passphrase stream if it reads from the secret store. It won't have the material used to decrypt server-synced keys or to generate PDPKA material in that case.

func GetPassphraseStreamViaPromptInLoginContext

func GetPassphraseStreamViaPromptInLoginContext(m MetaContext) (pps *PassphraseStream, err error)

GetFullPassphraseStreamViaPrompt gets the user's passphrase stream either cached from the LoginContext or from the prompt. It doesn't involve the secret store at all, since the full passphrase stream isn't stored in the secret store. And also it doesn't write the secret store because this function is called right before the user changes to a new passphrase, so what's the point. It's assumed that the login context is set to non-nil by the caller.

func NewPassphraseStream

func NewPassphraseStream(s []byte) *PassphraseStream

func NewPassphraseStreamLKSecOnly

func NewPassphraseStreamLKSecOnly(s *LKSec) (*PassphraseStream, error)

NewPassphraseStreamLKSecOnly creates a PassphraseStream only with the lks bytes (stream[lksIndex:]). The rest of the stream is zeros. This is used to create a passphrase stream from the information in the secret store, which only contains the lksec portion of the stream.

func VerifyPassphraseForLoggedInUser

func VerifyPassphraseForLoggedInUser(m MetaContext, pp string) (pps *PassphraseStream, err error)

VerifyPassphraseForLoggedInUser verifies that the current passphrase is correct for the logged in user, returning nil if correct, and an error if not. Only used in tests right now, but it's fine to use in production code if it seems appropriate.

func VerifyPassphraseGetStreamInLoginContext

func VerifyPassphraseGetStreamInLoginContext(m MetaContext, passphrase string) (pps *PassphraseStream, err error)

VerifyPassphraseGetFullStream verifies the current passphrase is a correct login and if so, will return a full passphrase stream derived from it. Assumes the caller made a non-nil LoginContext for us to operate in.

func (*PassphraseStream) Clone

func (ps *PassphraseStream) Clone() *PassphraseStream

Clone a passphrase stream and return a copy.

func (PassphraseStream) DHSeed

func (ps PassphraseStream) DHSeed() []byte

func (PassphraseStream) EdDSASeed

func (ps PassphraseStream) EdDSASeed() []byte

func (PassphraseStream) Export

func (PassphraseStream) Generation

func (ps PassphraseStream) Generation() PassphraseGeneration

Generation returns the generation of this passphrase stream. It is >=0 for valid generation #. If 0, then we assume the passphrase has never been reset.

func (PassphraseStream) LksClientHalf

func (ps PassphraseStream) LksClientHalf() LKSecClientHalf

func (PassphraseStream) PDPKA5KID

func (ps PassphraseStream) PDPKA5KID() (keybase1.KID, error)

func (PassphraseStream) PWHash

func (ps PassphraseStream) PWHash() []byte

func (*PassphraseStream) SetGeneration

func (ps *PassphraseStream) SetGeneration(gen PassphraseGeneration)

func (PassphraseStream) String

func (ps PassphraseStream) String() string

func (PassphraseStream) ToLKSec

func (ps PassphraseStream) ToLKSec(uid keybase1.UID) (*LKSec, error)

type PassphraseStreamCache

type PassphraseStreamCache struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPassphraseStreamCache

func NewPassphraseStreamCache(tsec Triplesec, ps *PassphraseStream) *PassphraseStreamCache

func (*PassphraseStreamCache) Clear

func (s *PassphraseStreamCache) Clear()

func (*PassphraseStreamCache) Dump

func (s *PassphraseStreamCache) Dump()

func (*PassphraseStreamCache) MutatePassphraseStream

func (s *PassphraseStreamCache) MutatePassphraseStream(f func(*PassphraseStream)) bool

func (*PassphraseStreamCache) PassphraseStream

func (s *PassphraseStreamCache) PassphraseStream() *PassphraseStream

PassphraseStream returns a copy of the currently cached passphrase stream, or nil if none exists.

func (*PassphraseStreamCache) PassphraseStreamAndTriplesec

func (s *PassphraseStreamCache) PassphraseStreamAndTriplesec() (pps *PassphraseStream, tsec Triplesec)

func (*PassphraseStreamCache) TriplesecAndGeneration

func (s *PassphraseStreamCache) TriplesecAndGeneration() (Triplesec, PassphraseGeneration)

func (*PassphraseStreamCache) Valid

func (s *PassphraseStreamCache) Valid() bool

func (*PassphraseStreamCache) ValidPassphraseStream

func (s *PassphraseStreamCache) ValidPassphraseStream() bool

func (*PassphraseStreamCache) ValidTsec

func (s *PassphraseStreamCache) ValidTsec() bool

type PassphraseType

type PassphraseType string
const (
	PassphraseTypeKeybase PassphraseType = "Keybase"
	PassphraseTypePGP     PassphraseType = "PGP"

type PathStep

type PathStep struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type PathSteps

type PathSteps []*PathStep

func (PathSteps) VerifyPath

func (path PathSteps) VerifyPath(curr NodeHash, uidS string) (juser *jsonw.Wrapper, err error)

type PayloadCache

type PayloadCache struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPayloadCache

func NewPayloadCache(g *GlobalContext, maxNumElements int) *PayloadCache

func (*PayloadCache) GetOrPrime

func (p *PayloadCache) GetOrPrime(link *ChainLink) (*jsonw.Wrapper, error)
type PerUserKeyChainLink struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ParsePerUserKeyChainLink(b GenericChainLink) (ret *PerUserKeyChainLink, err error)

func (*PerUserKeyChainLink) GetDelegatedKid

func (s *PerUserKeyChainLink) GetDelegatedKid() (res keybase1.KID)

func (*PerUserKeyChainLink) GetRole

func (s *PerUserKeyChainLink) GetRole() KeyRole

Don't consider per-user-keys as normal delegations. Because they have multiple kids and initially can't delegate further. They are handled separately by the sigchain loader.

func (*PerUserKeyChainLink) ToDisplayString

func (s *PerUserKeyChainLink) ToDisplayString() string

func (*PerUserKeyChainLink) ToPerUserKey

func (s *PerUserKeyChainLink) ToPerUserKey() keybase1.PerUserKey

func (*PerUserKeyChainLink) Type

func (s *PerUserKeyChainLink) Type() string

func (*PerUserKeyChainLink) VerifyReverseSig

func (s *PerUserKeyChainLink) VerifyReverseSig(_ ComputedKeyFamily) (err error)

VerifyReverseSig checks a SibkeyChainLink's reverse signature using the ComputedKeyFamily provided.

type PerUserKeyImportError

type PerUserKeyImportError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPerUserKeyImportError

func NewPerUserKeyImportError(format string, args ...interface{}) PerUserKeyImportError

func (PerUserKeyImportError) Error

func (e PerUserKeyImportError) Error() string

type PerUserKeyPrev

type PerUserKeyPrev string

A secretbox containg a seed encrypted for its successor generation

type PerUserKeySeed

type PerUserKeySeed [PerUserKeySeedSize]byte

func GeneratePerUserKeySeed

func GeneratePerUserKeySeed() (res PerUserKeySeed, err error)

func (*PerUserKeySeed) DeriveDHKey

func (s *PerUserKeySeed) DeriveDHKey() (*NaclDHKeyPair, error)

func (*PerUserKeySeed) DeriveSigningKey

func (s *PerUserKeySeed) DeriveSigningKey() (*NaclSigningKeyPair, error)

func (*PerUserKeySeed) DeriveSymmetricKey

func (s *PerUserKeySeed) DeriveSymmetricKey(reason DeriveReason) (res NaclSecretBoxKey, err error)

func (*PerUserKeySeed) IsBlank

func (s *PerUserKeySeed) IsBlank() bool

type PerUserKeyring

type PerUserKeyring struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PerUserKeyring holds on to all versions of the per user key. Generation=0 should be nil, but all others should be present.

func NewPerUserKeyring

func NewPerUserKeyring(g *GlobalContext, uid keybase1.UID) (*PerUserKeyring, error)

NewPerUserKeyring makes a new per-user-key keyring for a given UID.

func (*PerUserKeyring) AddKey

AddKey registers a full key locally.

func (*PerUserKeyring) CurrentGeneration

func (s *PerUserKeyring) CurrentGeneration() keybase1.PerUserKeyGeneration

CurrentGeneration returns what generation we're on. The version possible Version is 1. Version 0 implies no keys are available.

func (*PerUserKeyring) GetEncryptionKeyByGeneration

func (s *PerUserKeyring) GetEncryptionKeyByGeneration(m MetaContext, gen keybase1.PerUserKeyGeneration) (*NaclDHKeyPair, error)

Get the encryption key of a generation.

func (*PerUserKeyring) GetEncryptionKeyByKID

func (s *PerUserKeyring) GetEncryptionKeyByKID(m MetaContext, kid keybase1.KID) (*NaclDHKeyPair, error)

GetEncryptionKeyByKID finds an encryption key that matches kid.

func (*PerUserKeyring) GetEncryptionKeyBySeqno

func (s *PerUserKeyring) GetEncryptionKeyBySeqno(m MetaContext, seqno keybase1.Seqno) (*NaclDHKeyPair, error)

Get the encryption key at the user sigchain seqno.

func (*PerUserKeyring) GetEncryptionKeyBySeqnoOrSync

func (s *PerUserKeyring) GetEncryptionKeyBySeqnoOrSync(m MetaContext, seqno keybase1.Seqno) (*NaclDHKeyPair, error)

func (*PerUserKeyring) GetLatestSigningKey

func (s *PerUserKeyring) GetLatestSigningKey(m MetaContext) (*NaclSigningKeyPair, error)

func (*PerUserKeyring) GetSeedByGeneration

func (s *PerUserKeyring) GetSeedByGeneration(m MetaContext, gen keybase1.PerUserKeyGeneration) (res PerUserKeySeed, err error)

func (*PerUserKeyring) GetSeedByGenerationOrSync

func (s *PerUserKeyring) GetSeedByGenerationOrSync(m MetaContext, gen keybase1.PerUserKeyGeneration) (res PerUserKeySeed, err error)

func (*PerUserKeyring) GetUID

func (s *PerUserKeyring) GetUID() keybase1.UID

func (*PerUserKeyring) HasAnyKeys

func (s *PerUserKeyring) HasAnyKeys() bool

func (*PerUserKeyring) PrepareBoxForNewDevice

func (s *PerUserKeyring) PrepareBoxForNewDevice(m MetaContext, receiverKey NaclDHKeyPair,
	senderKey NaclDHKeyPair) (box keybase1.PerUserKeyBox, err error)

PrepareBoxForNewDevice encrypts the latest shared key seed for a new device. The returned box should be pushed to the server.

func (*PerUserKeyring) PrepareBoxesForDevices

func (s *PerUserKeyring) PrepareBoxesForDevices(m MetaContext, contents PerUserKeySeed,
	generation keybase1.PerUserKeyGeneration, receiverKeys []NaclDHKeyPair,
	senderKey GenericKey) (boxes []keybase1.PerUserKeyBox, err error)

Encrypt seed for receiverKeys. Use senderKey to encrypt. Does not use the keyring at all. Attached for organizational purposes. Used when creating a new seed.

func (*PerUserKeyring) PreparePrev

func (s *PerUserKeyring) PreparePrev(m MetaContext, newSeed PerUserKeySeed,
	newGeneration keybase1.PerUserKeyGeneration) (PerUserKeyPrev, error)

Prepares a prev secretbox containing generation n-1 encrypted for generation n. Asserts that the current generation is n-1. The `generation` parameter is n.

func (*PerUserKeyring) Sync

func (s *PerUserKeyring) Sync(m MetaContext) (err error)

Sync our PerUserKeyring with the server. It will either add all new keys since our last update, or not at all if there was an error. Pass it a standard Go network context.

func (*PerUserKeyring) SyncAsProvisioningKey

func (s *PerUserKeyring) SyncAsProvisioningKey(m MetaContext, upak *keybase1.UserPlusAllKeys, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID, decryptionKey GenericKey) (err error)

`m.LoginContext` and `upak` are optional

func (*PerUserKeyring) SyncWithExtras

func (s *PerUserKeyring) SyncWithExtras(m MetaContext, upak *keybase1.UserPlusAllKeys) (err error)

`m.LoginContext` and `upak` are optional

type PerUserKeysList

type PerUserKeysList []keybase1.PerUserKey

func (PerUserKeysList) Len

func (p PerUserKeysList) Len() int

func (PerUserKeysList) Less

func (p PerUserKeysList) Less(i, j int) bool

func (PerUserKeysList) Swap

func (p PerUserKeysList) Swap(i, j int)

type PgpUI

type PgpUI interface {

type PostAuthProofArg

type PostAuthProofArg struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type PostAuthProofRes

type PostAuthProofRes struct {
	SessionID string `json:"session"`
	AuthID    string `json:"auth_id"`
	CSRFToken string `json:"csrf_token"`
	UIDHex    string `json:"uid"`
	Username  string `json:"username"`
	PPGen     int    `json:"passphrase_generation"`

func PostAuthProof

func PostAuthProof(m MetaContext, arg PostAuthProofArg) (*PostAuthProofRes, error)

type PostProofArg

type PostProofArg struct {
	Sig               string
	SigInner          []byte
	RemoteServiceType string
	ID                keybase1.SigID
	RemoteUsername    string
	ProofType         string
	Supersede         bool
	RemoteKey         string
	SigningKey        GenericKey

type PostProofRes

type PostProofRes struct {
	Text     string
	ID       string
	Metadata *jsonw.Wrapper

func PostProof

func PostProof(m MetaContext, arg PostProofArg) (*PostProofRes, error)

type ProfileNotPublicError

type ProfileNotPublicError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewProfileNotPublicError

func NewProfileNotPublicError(s string) ProfileNotPublicError

func (ProfileNotPublicError) Error

func (p ProfileNotPublicError) Error() string

func (ProfileNotPublicError) ToStatus

func (e ProfileNotPublicError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type PromptArg

type PromptArg struct {
	TerminalPrompt string
	PinentryDesc   string
	PinentryPrompt string
	Checker        *Checker
	RetryMessage   string
	UseSecretStore bool
	ShowTyping     bool

type PromptDefault

type PromptDefault int
const (
	PromptDefaultNo PromptDefault = iota

type PromptDescriptor

type PromptDescriptor int

type Proof

type Proof struct {
	Key, Value string

func RemoteProofChainLinkToProof

func RemoteProofChainLinkToProof(r RemoteProofChainLink) Proof

type ProofAPIError

type ProofAPIError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewProofAPIError

func NewProofAPIError(s keybase1.ProofStatus, u string, d string, a ...interface{}) *ProofAPIError

func XapiError

func XapiError(err error, u string) *ProofAPIError

type ProofCache

type ProofCache struct {

	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewProofCache

func NewProofCache(g *GlobalContext, capac int) *ProofCache

func (*ProofCache) DisableDisk

func (pc *ProofCache) DisableDisk()

func (*ProofCache) Get

func (*ProofCache) Put

func (*ProofCache) Reset

func (pc *ProofCache) Reset() error

type ProofChecker

type ProofChecker interface {
	CheckStatus(m MetaContext, h SigHint, pcm ProofCheckerMode, pvlU keybase1.MerkleStoreEntry) ProofError
	GetTorError() ProofError

type ProofCheckerMode

type ProofCheckerMode int
const (
	ProofCheckerModePassive ProofCheckerMode = iota
	ProofCheckerModeActive  ProofCheckerMode = iota

type ProofError

type ProofError interface {
	GetProofStatus() keybase1.ProofStatus
	GetDesc() string

func ImportProofError

func ImportProofError(e keybase1.ProofResult) ProofError

type ProofErrorImpl

type ProofErrorImpl struct {
	Status keybase1.ProofStatus
	Desc   string

func NewProofError

func NewProofError(s keybase1.ProofStatus, d string, a ...interface{}) *ProofErrorImpl

func (*ProofErrorImpl) Error

func (e *ProofErrorImpl) Error() string

func (*ProofErrorImpl) GetDesc

func (e *ProofErrorImpl) GetDesc() string

func (*ProofErrorImpl) GetProofStatus

func (e *ProofErrorImpl) GetProofStatus() keybase1.ProofStatus

type ProofLinkWithState

type ProofLinkWithState struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ProofLinkWithState contains a RemoteProofChainLink and the proof state. In addition, it satisfies the TrackIdComponent interface.

func (ProofLinkWithState) GetProofState

func (p ProofLinkWithState) GetProofState() keybase1.ProofState

func (ProofLinkWithState) GetProofType

func (p ProofLinkWithState) GetProofType() keybase1.ProofType

func (ProofLinkWithState) LastWriterWins

func (p ProofLinkWithState) LastWriterWins() bool

func (ProofLinkWithState) ToIDString

func (p ProofLinkWithState) ToIDString() string

func (ProofLinkWithState) ToKeyValuePair

func (p ProofLinkWithState) ToKeyValuePair() (string, string)

type ProofMetadata

type ProofMetadata struct {
	Me                  *User
	SigningUser         UserBasic
	Seqno               keybase1.Seqno
	PrevLinkID          LinkID
	LinkType            LinkType
	SigningKey          GenericKey
	Eldest              keybase1.KID
	CreationTime        int64
	ExpireIn            int
	IncludePGPHash      bool
	SigVersion          SigVersion
	SeqType             keybase1.SeqType
	MerkleRoot          *MerkleRoot
	IgnoreIfUnsupported SigIgnoreIfUnsupported

func (ProofMetadata) ToJSON

func (arg ProofMetadata) ToJSON(m MetaContext) (ret *jsonw.Wrapper, err error)

type ProofNotFoundForServiceError

type ProofNotFoundForServiceError struct {
	Service string

func (ProofNotFoundForServiceError) Error

func (ProofNotFoundForServiceError) ToStatus

func (e ProofNotFoundForServiceError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type ProofNotFoundForUsernameError

type ProofNotFoundForUsernameError struct {
	Service  string
	Username string

func (ProofNotFoundForUsernameError) Error

func (ProofNotFoundForUsernameError) ToStatus

type ProofNotYetAvailableError

type ProofNotYetAvailableError struct{}

func (ProofNotYetAvailableError) Error

type ProofSet

type ProofSet struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func BaseProofSet

BaseProofSet creates a basic proof set for a user with their keybase and uid proofs and any pgp fingerprint proofs.

func NewProofSet

func NewProofSet(proofs []Proof) *ProofSet

func (*ProofSet) Add

func (ps *ProofSet) Add(p Proof)

func (ProofSet) Get

func (ps ProofSet) Get(keys []string) (ret []Proof)

type ProtocolDowngradeError

type ProtocolDowngradeError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields


func NewProtocolDowngradeError

func NewProtocolDowngradeError(msg string) ProtocolDowngradeError

func (ProtocolDowngradeError) Error

func (h ProtocolDowngradeError) Error() string

type ProtocolSchemeMismatch

type ProtocolSchemeMismatch struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewProtocolSchemeMismatch

func NewProtocolSchemeMismatch(msg string) ProtocolSchemeMismatch

func (ProtocolSchemeMismatch) Error

func (h ProtocolSchemeMismatch) Error() string

type ProvisionFailedOfflineError

type ProvisionFailedOfflineError struct{}

func (ProvisionFailedOfflineError) Error

func (ProvisionFailedOfflineError) ToStatus

type ProvisionUI

type ProvisionUI interface {

type ProvisionUnavailableError

type ProvisionUnavailableError struct{}

func (ProvisionUnavailableError) Error

func (ProvisionUnavailableError) ToStatus

type ProvisionViaDeviceRequiredError

type ProvisionViaDeviceRequiredError struct{}

func (ProvisionViaDeviceRequiredError) Error

func (ProvisionViaDeviceRequiredError) ToStatus

type ProvisionalLoginContext

type ProvisionalLoginContext struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ProvisionalLoginContext) ClearKeyring

func (p *ProvisionalLoginContext) ClearKeyring()

func (*ProvisionalLoginContext) CreateLoginSessionWithSalt

func (p *ProvisionalLoginContext) CreateLoginSessionWithSalt(emailOrUsername string, salt []byte) error

func (*ProvisionalLoginContext) CreateStreamCache

func (p *ProvisionalLoginContext) CreateStreamCache(tsec Triplesec, pps *PassphraseStream)

func (*ProvisionalLoginContext) Dump

func (p *ProvisionalLoginContext) Dump(m MetaContext, prefix string)

func (*ProvisionalLoginContext) GetUID

func (p *ProvisionalLoginContext) GetUID() keybase1.UID

func (*ProvisionalLoginContext) GetUnlockedPaperEncKey

func (p *ProvisionalLoginContext) GetUnlockedPaperEncKey() GenericKey

func (*ProvisionalLoginContext) GetUnlockedPaperSigKey

func (p *ProvisionalLoginContext) GetUnlockedPaperSigKey() GenericKey

func (*ProvisionalLoginContext) GetUserVersion

func (p *ProvisionalLoginContext) GetUserVersion() keybase1.UserVersion

func (*ProvisionalLoginContext) GetUsername

func (*ProvisionalLoginContext) Keyring

func (p *ProvisionalLoginContext) Keyring(m MetaContext) (ret *SKBKeyringFile, err error)

func (*ProvisionalLoginContext) LocalSession

func (p *ProvisionalLoginContext) LocalSession() *Session

func (*ProvisionalLoginContext) LoggedInLoad

func (p *ProvisionalLoginContext) LoggedInLoad() (bool, error)

func (*ProvisionalLoginContext) LoginSession

func (p *ProvisionalLoginContext) LoginSession() *LoginSession

func (*ProvisionalLoginContext) PassphraseStream

func (p *ProvisionalLoginContext) PassphraseStream() *PassphraseStream

func (*ProvisionalLoginContext) PassphraseStreamCache

func (p *ProvisionalLoginContext) PassphraseStreamCache() *PassphraseStreamCache

func (*ProvisionalLoginContext) RunSecretSyncer

func (p *ProvisionalLoginContext) RunSecretSyncer(m MetaContext, uid keybase1.UID) error

func (*ProvisionalLoginContext) Salt

func (p *ProvisionalLoginContext) Salt() []byte

func (*ProvisionalLoginContext) SaveState

func (p *ProvisionalLoginContext) SaveState(sessionID, csrf string, username NormalizedUsername, uv keybase1.UserVersion, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID) (err error)

func (*ProvisionalLoginContext) SecretSyncer

func (p *ProvisionalLoginContext) SecretSyncer() *SecretSyncer

func (*ProvisionalLoginContext) SetLoginSession

func (p *ProvisionalLoginContext) SetLoginSession(l *LoginSession)

func (*ProvisionalLoginContext) SetStreamCache

func (p *ProvisionalLoginContext) SetStreamCache(c *PassphraseStreamCache)

func (*ProvisionalLoginContext) SetUsernameUserVersion

func (p *ProvisionalLoginContext) SetUsernameUserVersion(username NormalizedUsername, uv keybase1.UserVersion) error

type PseudonymGetError

type PseudonymGetError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PseudonymGetError is sometimes written by unmarshaling (no fields of) a server response.

func (PseudonymGetError) Error

func (e PseudonymGetError) Error() string

type PublicKeyList

type PublicKeyList []keybase1.PublicKey

func (PublicKeyList) Len

func (l PublicKeyList) Len() int

func (PublicKeyList) Less

func (l PublicKeyList) Less(i, j int) bool

func (PublicKeyList) Swap

func (l PublicKeyList) Swap(i, j int)

type RPCCanceller

type RPCCanceller struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewRPCCanceller

func NewRPCCanceller() *RPCCanceller

func (*RPCCanceller) CancelLiveContexts

func (r *RPCCanceller) CancelLiveContexts()

func (*RPCCanceller) RegisterContext

func (r *RPCCanceller) RegisterContext(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, RPCCancellerKey)

func (*RPCCanceller) UnregisterContext

func (r *RPCCanceller) UnregisterContext(id RPCCancellerKey)

type RPCCancellerKey

type RPCCancellerKey string

func NewRPCCancellerKey

func NewRPCCancellerKey() RPCCancellerKey

type RPCLogFactory

type RPCLogFactory struct {

func NewRPCLogFactory

func NewRPCLogFactory(g *GlobalContext) *RPCLogFactory

func (*RPCLogFactory) NewLog

func (r *RPCLogFactory) NewLog(a net.Addr) rpc.LogInterface

type RateLimitCategory

type RateLimitCategory string
const (
	CheckTrackingRateLimit RateLimitCategory = "CheckTrackingRateLimit"
	TestEventRateLimit     RateLimitCategory = "TestEventRateLimit"

type RateLimits

type RateLimits struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewRateLimits

func NewRateLimits(g *GlobalContext) *RateLimits

func (*RateLimits) GetPermission

func (r *RateLimits) GetPermission(category RateLimitCategory, interval time.Duration) bool

type RawKeyFamily

type RawKeyFamily struct {
	AllBundles []string `json:"all_bundles"`

As returned by user/lookup.json

type RawPrivateKey

type RawPrivateKey []byte

type RawPublicKey

type RawPublicKey []byte

type ReadCloseSeeker

type ReadCloseSeeker interface {

type ReadCloser

type ReadCloser struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type ReceiverDeviceError

type ReceiverDeviceError struct {
	Msg string

func NewReceiverDeviceError

func NewReceiverDeviceError(expected, received keybase1.DeviceID) ReceiverDeviceError

func (ReceiverDeviceError) Error

func (e ReceiverDeviceError) Error() string

func (ReceiverDeviceError) ToStatus

func (e ReceiverDeviceError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type RecipientNotFoundError

type RecipientNotFoundError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type ReloginRequiredError

type ReloginRequiredError struct{}

func (ReloginRequiredError) Error

func (e ReloginRequiredError) Error() string

func (ReloginRequiredError) ToStatus

func (e ReloginRequiredError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status
type RemoteProofChainLink interface {
	TableKey() string
	LastWriterWins() bool
	GetRemoteUsername() string
	GetHostname() string
	GetProtocol() string
	DisplayCheck(ui IdentifyUI, lcr LinkCheckResult) error
	ToTrackingStatement(keybase1.ProofState) (*jsonw.Wrapper, error)
	CheckDataJSON() *jsonw.Wrapper
	ToIDString() string
	ToKeyValuePair() (string, string)
	ComputeTrackDiff(tl *TrackLookup) TrackDiff
	GetProofType() keybase1.ProofType
	ProofText() string
	RequiresHint() bool

========================================================================= Remote, Web and Social

func ParseWebServiceBinding

func ParseWebServiceBinding(base GenericChainLink) (ret RemoteProofChainLink, err error)

To be used for signatures in a user's signature chain.

type RemoteProofLinks struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RemoteProofLinks holds a set of RemoteProofChainLinks, organized by service.

func NewRemoteProofLinks(g *GlobalContext) *RemoteProofLinks

NewRemoteProofLinks creates a new empty collection of proof links.

func (*RemoteProofLinks) Active

func (r *RemoteProofLinks) Active() []RemoteProofChainLink

Active returns all the active proof links, deduplicating any and honoring the LastWriterWins option.

func (*RemoteProofLinks) AddProofsToSet

func (r *RemoteProofLinks) AddProofsToSet(existing *ProofSet, okStates []keybase1.ProofState)

AddProofsToSet adds the active proofs to an existing ProofSet, if they're one of the given OkStates. If okStates is nil, then we check only against keybase1.ProofState_OK.

func (*RemoteProofLinks) ForService

ForService returns all the active proof links for a service.

func (*RemoteProofLinks) Insert

func (r *RemoteProofLinks) Insert(link RemoteProofChainLink, err ProofError)

Insert adds a link to the collection of proof links.

func (*RemoteProofLinks) TrackSet

func (r *RemoteProofLinks) TrackSet() *TrackSet

TrackSet creates a new TrackSet with all the active proofs.

func (*RemoteProofLinks) TrackingStatement

func (r *RemoteProofLinks) TrackingStatement() *jsonw.Wrapper

TrackingStatement generates the remote proofs portions of the tracking statement from the active proofs.

type RemoteStream

type RemoteStream struct {
	Stream    keybase1.Stream
	Cli       *keybase1.StreamUiClient
	SessionID int

func (RemoteStream) Close

func (ewc RemoteStream) Close() (err error)

func (RemoteStream) Read

func (ewc RemoteStream) Read(buf []byte) (n int, err error)

func (RemoteStream) Reset

func (ewc RemoteStream) Reset() (err error)

func (RemoteStream) Write

func (ewc RemoteStream) Write(buf []byte) (n int, err error)

type RemoteStreamBuffered

type RemoteStreamBuffered struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewRemoteStreamBuffered

func NewRemoteStreamBuffered(s keybase1.Stream, c *keybase1.StreamUiClient, sessionID int) *RemoteStreamBuffered

func (*RemoteStreamBuffered) Close

func (x *RemoteStreamBuffered) Close() error

func (*RemoteStreamBuffered) Read

func (x *RemoteStreamBuffered) Read(p []byte) (int, error)

func (*RemoteStreamBuffered) Reset

func (x *RemoteStreamBuffered) Reset() (err error)

func (*RemoteStreamBuffered) Write

func (x *RemoteStreamBuffered) Write(p []byte) (int, error)

type RepoAlreadyExistsError

type RepoAlreadyExistsError struct {
	DesiredName  string
	ExistingName string
	ExistingID   string

RepoAlreadyCreatedError is returned when trying to create a repo that already exists.

func (RepoAlreadyExistsError) Error

func (e RepoAlreadyExistsError) Error() string

func (RepoAlreadyExistsError) ToStatus

func (e RepoAlreadyExistsError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type RepoDoesntExistError

type RepoDoesntExistError struct {
	Name string

RepoDoesntExistError is returned when trying to delete a repo that doesn't exist.

func (RepoDoesntExistError) Error

func (e RepoDoesntExistError) Error() string

func (RepoDoesntExistError) ToStatus

func (e RepoDoesntExistError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type ReportingTimer

type ReportingTimer interface {
	Report(prefix string)

ReportingTimer is an interface shared between ReportingTimerReal and ReportingTimerDummy, to allow for convenient disabling of timer features.

type ReportingTimerDummy

type ReportingTimerDummy struct{}

ReportingTimerDummy fulfills the ReportingTimer interface but doesn't do anything when done.

func (ReportingTimerDummy) Report

func (r ReportingTimerDummy) Report(prefix string)

Report is a noop.

type ReportingTimerReal

type ReportingTimerReal struct {

ReportingTimerReal is a SimpleTimer that reports after the timing measurement is done.

func NewReportingTimerReal

func NewReportingTimerReal(ctx Contextified) *ReportingTimerReal

NewReportingTimerReal returns an initialized reporting timer that actually reports timing information.

func (*ReportingTimerReal) Report

func (r *ReportingTimerReal) Report(prefix string)

Report stops and resets the timer, then logs to Info what the duration was.

type Requester

type Requester interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

Internal and External APIs both implement these methods, allowing us to share the request-making code below in doRequest

type ResolutionError

type ResolutionError struct {
	Input string
	Msg   string
	Kind  ResolutionErrorKind

func (ResolutionError) Error

func (e ResolutionError) Error() string

func (ResolutionError) ToStatus

func (e ResolutionError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type ResolutionErrorKind

type ResolutionErrorKind int
const (
	ResolutionErrorGeneral ResolutionErrorKind = iota

type ResolveCacheStats

type ResolveCacheStats struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ResolveCacheStats) Eq

func (s ResolveCacheStats) Eq(m, t, mt, et, h int) bool

func (ResolveCacheStats) EqWithDiskHits

func (s ResolveCacheStats) EqWithDiskHits(m, t, mt, et, h, dh int) bool

type ResolveResult

type ResolveResult struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ResolveResult) FailOnDeleted

func (res ResolveResult) FailOnDeleted() ResolveResult

func (*ResolveResult) GetBody

func (res *ResolveResult) GetBody() *jsonw.Wrapper

func (*ResolveResult) GetDeleted

func (res *ResolveResult) GetDeleted() bool

func (*ResolveResult) GetError

func (res *ResolveResult) GetError() error

func (*ResolveResult) GetNormalizedQueriedUsername

func (res *ResolveResult) GetNormalizedQueriedUsername() NormalizedUsername

func (*ResolveResult) GetNormalizedUsername

func (res *ResolveResult) GetNormalizedUsername() NormalizedUsername

func (*ResolveResult) GetTeamID

func (res *ResolveResult) GetTeamID() keybase1.TeamID

func (*ResolveResult) GetTeamName

func (res *ResolveResult) GetTeamName() keybase1.TeamName

func (*ResolveResult) GetUID

func (res *ResolveResult) GetUID() keybase1.UID

func (*ResolveResult) GetUsername

func (res *ResolveResult) GetUsername() string

func (ResolveResult) HasPrimaryKey

func (res ResolveResult) HasPrimaryKey() bool

func (*ResolveResult) SetUIDForTesting

func (res *ResolveResult) SetUIDForTesting(u keybase1.UID)

func (ResolveResult) String

func (res ResolveResult) String() string

func (*ResolveResult) User

func (res *ResolveResult) User() keybase1.User

func (*ResolveResult) UserOrTeam

func (res *ResolveResult) UserOrTeam() keybase1.UserOrTeamLite

func (*ResolveResult) WasKBAssertion

func (res *ResolveResult) WasKBAssertion() bool

func (*ResolveResult) WasTeamIDAssertion

func (res *ResolveResult) WasTeamIDAssertion() bool

type ResolvedAssertion

type ResolvedAssertion struct {
	UID           keybase1.UID
	Assertion     AssertionExpression
	ResolveResult ResolveResult

type Resolver

type Resolver interface {
	EnableCaching(m MetaContext)
	Shutdown(m MetaContext)
	ResolveFullExpression(m MetaContext, input string) (res ResolveResult)
	ResolveFullExpressionNeedUsername(m MetaContext, input string) (res ResolveResult)
	ResolveFullExpressionWithBody(m MetaContext, input string) (res ResolveResult)
	ResolveUser(m MetaContext, assertion string) (u keybase1.User, res ResolveResult, err error)
	ResolveWithBody(m MetaContext, input string) ResolveResult
	Resolve(m MetaContext, input string) ResolveResult
	PurgeResolveCache(m MetaContext, input string) error

Resolver resolves human-readable usernames (joe) and user asssertions (joe+joe@github) into UIDs. It is based on sever-trust. All results are unverified. So you should check its answer if used in a security-sensitive setting. (See engine.ResolveAndCheck)

type ResolverImpl

type ResolverImpl struct {
	Stats ResolveCacheStats
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewResolverImpl

func NewResolverImpl() *ResolverImpl

func (*ResolverImpl) EnableCaching

func (r *ResolverImpl) EnableCaching(m MetaContext)

func (*ResolverImpl) PurgeResolveCache

func (r *ResolverImpl) PurgeResolveCache(m MetaContext, input string) (err error)

func (*ResolverImpl) Resolve

func (r *ResolverImpl) Resolve(m MetaContext, input string) ResolveResult

func (*ResolverImpl) ResolveFullExpression

func (r *ResolverImpl) ResolveFullExpression(m MetaContext, input string) (res ResolveResult)

func (*ResolverImpl) ResolveFullExpressionNeedUsername

func (r *ResolverImpl) ResolveFullExpressionNeedUsername(m MetaContext, input string) (res ResolveResult)

func (*ResolverImpl) ResolveFullExpressionWithBody

func (r *ResolverImpl) ResolveFullExpressionWithBody(m MetaContext, input string) (res ResolveResult)

func (*ResolverImpl) ResolveUser

func (r *ResolverImpl) ResolveUser(m MetaContext, assertion string) (u keybase1.User, res ResolveResult, err error)

func (*ResolverImpl) ResolveWithBody

func (r *ResolverImpl) ResolveWithBody(m MetaContext, input string) ResolveResult

func (*ResolverImpl) Shutdown

func (r *ResolverImpl) Shutdown(m MetaContext)

type RetryExhaustedError

type RetryExhaustedError struct {

func (RetryExhaustedError) Error

func (e RetryExhaustedError) Error() string

type ReverseSigError

type ReverseSigError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewReverseSigError

func NewReverseSigError(msgf string, a ...interface{}) ReverseSigError

func (ReverseSigError) Error

func (r ReverseSigError) Error() string
type RevokeChainLink struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ParseRevokeChainLink(b GenericChainLink) (ret *RevokeChainLink, err error)

func (*RevokeChainLink) GetDevice

func (r *RevokeChainLink) GetDevice() *Device

func (*RevokeChainLink) IsRevocationIsh

func (r *RevokeChainLink) IsRevocationIsh() bool

func (*RevokeChainLink) ToDisplayString

func (r *RevokeChainLink) ToDisplayString() string

func (*RevokeChainLink) Type

func (r *RevokeChainLink) Type() string

type RevokeCurrentDeviceError

type RevokeCurrentDeviceError struct{}

func (RevokeCurrentDeviceError) Error

func (e RevokeCurrentDeviceError) Error() string

func (RevokeCurrentDeviceError) ToStatus

type RevokeLastDeviceError

type RevokeLastDeviceError struct{}

func (RevokeLastDeviceError) Error

func (e RevokeLastDeviceError) Error() string

func (RevokeLastDeviceError) ToStatus

func (e RevokeLastDeviceError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type RevokeLastDevicePGPError

type RevokeLastDevicePGPError struct{}

users with PGP keys who try to revoke last device get this:

func (RevokeLastDevicePGPError) Error

func (e RevokeLastDevicePGPError) Error() string

func (RevokeLastDevicePGPError) ToStatus

type RevokedKey

type RevokedKey struct {
	Key       GenericKey
	RevokedAt *KeybaseTime
	RevokedBy keybase1.KID

type RunGpg2Arg

type RunGpg2Arg struct {
	Arguments []string
	Stdin     bool
	Stderr    bool
	Stdout    bool
	TTY       string

type RunGpg2Res

type RunGpg2Res struct {
	Stdin  io.WriteCloser
	Stdout io.ReadCloser
	Stderr io.ReadCloser
	Wait   func() error
	Err    error

type RunMode

type RunMode = kbconst.RunMode
const (
	DevelRunMode      RunMode = kbconst.DevelRunMode
	StagingRunMode    RunMode = kbconst.StagingRunMode
	ProductionRunMode RunMode = kbconst.ProductionRunMode
	RunModeError      RunMode = kbconst.RunModeError
	NoRunMode         RunMode = kbconst.NoRunMode

func StringToRunMode

func StringToRunMode(s string) (RunMode, error)

StringToRunMode turns a string into a run-mode

type RunModeGetter

type RunModeGetter func() RunMode

type S

type S struct {
	Val string

func B64Arg

func B64Arg(b []byte) S

func HexArg

func HexArg(b []byte) S

func (S) String

func (s S) String() string

type SKB

type SKB struct {
	Priv SKBPriv           `codec:"priv"`
	Pub  []byte            `codec:"pub"`
	Type kbcrypto.AlgoType `codec:"type,omitempty"`


	sync.Mutex // currently only for uid
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func DecodeArmoredSKBPacket

func DecodeArmoredSKBPacket(s string) (*SKB, error)

func DecodeSKBPacket

func DecodeSKBPacket(data []byte) (*SKB, error)

func LockedLocalSecretKey

func LockedLocalSecretKey(m MetaContext, ska SecretKeyArg) (*SKB, error)

LockedLocalSecretKey looks in the local keyring to find a key for the given user. Returns non-nil if one was found, and nil otherwise.

func NewSKB

func NewSKB() *SKB

func NewSKBWithGlobalContext

func NewSKBWithGlobalContext(g *GlobalContext) *SKB

func ToServerSKB

func ToServerSKB(gc *GlobalContext, key GenericKey, tsec Triplesec, gen PassphraseGeneration) (ret *SKB, err error)

func WriteLksSKBToKeyring

func WriteLksSKBToKeyring(m MetaContext, k GenericKey, lks *LKSec) (skb *SKB, err error)

func (*SKB) ArmoredEncode

func (s *SKB) ArmoredEncode() (ret string, err error)

func (*SKB) Dump

func (s *SKB) Dump()

func (*SKB) GetPubKey

func (s *SKB) GetPubKey() (key GenericKey, err error)

func (*SKB) GetTagAndVersion

func (s *SKB) GetTagAndVersion() (kbcrypto.PacketTag, kbcrypto.PacketVersion)

func (*SKB) HumanDescription

func (s *SKB) HumanDescription(owner *User) (string, error)

func (*SKB) PromptAndUnlock

func (s *SKB) PromptAndUnlock(m MetaContext, arg SecretKeyPromptArg, secretStore SecretStore, me *User) (ret GenericKey, err error)

func (*SKB) RawUnlockedKey

func (s *SKB) RawUnlockedKey() []byte

func (*SKB) ReadKey

func (s *SKB) ReadKey() (g GenericKey, err error)

func (*SKB) SetUID

func (s *SKB) SetUID(uid keybase1.UID)

func (*SKB) UnlockNoPrompt

func (s *SKB) UnlockNoPrompt(m MetaContext, secretStore SecretStore) (ret GenericKey, err error)

func (*SKB) UnlockSecretKey

func (s *SKB) UnlockSecretKey(m MetaContext, passphrase string, tsec Triplesec, pps *PassphraseStream, secretStorer SecretStorer) (key GenericKey, err error)

func (*SKB) UnlockWithStoredSecret

func (s *SKB) UnlockWithStoredSecret(m MetaContext, secretRetriever SecretRetriever) (ret GenericKey, err error)

func (*SKB) VerboseDescription

func (s *SKB) VerboseDescription() (ret string, err error)

type SKBKeyringFile

type SKBKeyringFile struct {

	Blocks []*SKB
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func LoadSKBKeyring

func LoadSKBKeyring(un NormalizedUsername, g *GlobalContext) (*SKBKeyringFile, error)

func LoadSKBKeyringFromMetaContext

func LoadSKBKeyringFromMetaContext(m MetaContext) (*SKBKeyringFile, error)

func NewSKBKeyringFile

func NewSKBKeyringFile(g *GlobalContext, un NormalizedUsername) *SKBKeyringFile

func (*SKBKeyringFile) AllPGPBlocks

func (k *SKBKeyringFile) AllPGPBlocks() ([]*SKB, error)

func (*SKBKeyringFile) Bug3964Repair

func (k *SKBKeyringFile) Bug3964Repair(m MetaContext, lks *LKSec, dkm DeviceKeyMap) (ret *SKBKeyringFile, serverHalfSet *LKSecServerHalfSet, err error)

func (*SKBKeyringFile) FindSecretKey

func (k *SKBKeyringFile) FindSecretKey(kids []keybase1.KID) (ret *SKB)

FindSecretKey will, given a list of KIDs, find the first one in the list that has a corresponding secret key in the keyring file.

func (*SKBKeyringFile) GetFilename

func (k *SKBKeyringFile) GetFilename() string

GetFilename is only called from within Save(), so it's called with a lock. Needs to be called GetFilename() to meet the interface required by SafeSaveToFile

func (*SKBKeyringFile) HasPGPKeys

func (k *SKBKeyringFile) HasPGPKeys() bool

func (*SKBKeyringFile) Index

func (k *SKBKeyringFile) Index() (err error)

func (*SKBKeyringFile) IsForUsername

func (k *SKBKeyringFile) IsForUsername(un NormalizedUsername) bool

func (*SKBKeyringFile) Load

func (k *SKBKeyringFile) Load() (err error)

func (*SKBKeyringFile) LoadAndIndex

func (k *SKBKeyringFile) LoadAndIndex() error

func (*SKBKeyringFile) LookupByFingerprint

func (k *SKBKeyringFile) LookupByFingerprint(fp PGPFingerprint) *SKB

func (*SKBKeyringFile) LookupByKid

func (k *SKBKeyringFile) LookupByKid(kid keybase1.KID) *SKB

func (*SKBKeyringFile) MTime

func (k *SKBKeyringFile) MTime() (mtime time.Time, err error)

func (*SKBKeyringFile) MarkDirty

func (k *SKBKeyringFile) MarkDirty()

func (*SKBKeyringFile) Push

func (k *SKBKeyringFile) Push(skb *SKB) error

func (*SKBKeyringFile) PushAndSave

func (k *SKBKeyringFile) PushAndSave(skb *SKB) error

func (*SKBKeyringFile) RemoveAllPGPBlocks

func (k *SKBKeyringFile) RemoveAllPGPBlocks() error

func (*SKBKeyringFile) Save

func (k *SKBKeyringFile) Save() error

func (*SKBKeyringFile) SearchWithComputedKeyFamily

func (k *SKBKeyringFile) SearchWithComputedKeyFamily(ckf *ComputedKeyFamily, ska SecretKeyArg) []*SKB

func (*SKBKeyringFile) Username

func (k *SKBKeyringFile) Username() NormalizedUsername

func (*SKBKeyringFile) WriteTo

func (k *SKBKeyringFile) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error)

WriteTo is similar to GetFilename described just above in terms of locking discipline.

type SKBPriv

type SKBPriv struct {
	Data                 []byte `codec:"data"`
	Encryption           int    `codec:"encryption"`
	PassphraseGeneration int    `codec:"passphrase_generation,omitempty"`

type SafeWriteLogger

type SafeWriteLogger interface {
	Debug(format string, args ...interface{})
	Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})

type SafeWriter

type SafeWriter interface {
	GetFilename() string
	WriteTo(io.Writer) (int64, error)

type SaltpackEncryptArg

type SaltpackEncryptArg struct {
	Source             io.Reader
	Sink               io.WriteCloser
	Receivers          []NaclDHKeyPublic
	Sender             NaclDHKeyPair
	SenderSigning      NaclSigningKeyPair
	Binary             bool
	EncryptionOnlyMode bool
	SymmetricReceivers []saltpack.ReceiverSymmetricKey
	SaltpackVersion    saltpack.Version

	VisibleRecipientsForTesting bool

type SaltpackReceiverSymmetricKey

type SaltpackReceiverSymmetricKey struct {
	Key        [32]byte
	Identifier []byte

type SaltpackRecipientKeyfinderArg

type SaltpackRecipientKeyfinderArg struct {
	Recipients        []string // usernames or user assertions
	TeamRecipients    []string // team names
	NoSelfEncrypt     bool
	UseEntityKeys     bool // Both per user and per team keys (and implicit teams for non existing users)
	UsePaperKeys      bool
	UseDeviceKeys     bool // Does not include Paper Keys
	UseRepudiableAuth bool // This is needed as team keys (implicit or not) are not compatible with repudiable authentication, so we can error out.

type SaltpackRecipientKeyfinderEngineInterface

type SaltpackRecipientKeyfinderEngineInterface interface {
	GetPublicKIDs() []keybase1.KID
	GetSymmetricKeys() []SaltpackReceiverSymmetricKey

type SaltpackUI

type SaltpackUI interface {
	SaltpackPromptForDecrypt(context.Context, keybase1.SaltpackPromptForDecryptArg, bool) error
	SaltpackVerifySuccess(context.Context, keybase1.SaltpackVerifySuccessArg) error
	SaltpackVerifyBadSender(context.Context, keybase1.SaltpackVerifyBadSenderArg) error

type SaltpackVerifyContext

type SaltpackVerifyContext interface {
	GetLog() logger.Logger

SaltpackVerifyContext is context for engine calls

type SecretKeyArg

type SecretKeyArg struct {
	// Whose keys to use. Must be non-nil.
	Me *User

	// The allowed key types.
	KeyType SecretKeyType

	// For non-device keys, a string that the key has to match. If
	// empty, any valid key is allowed.
	KeyQuery   string
	ExactMatch bool // if set, full equality required

type SecretKeyPromptArg

type SecretKeyPromptArg struct {
	Ska            SecretKeyArg
	SecretUI       SecretUI
	Reason         string
	UseCancelCache bool /* if true, when user cancels prompt, don't prompt again for 5m */

type SecretKeyType

type SecretKeyType int
const (
	// The current device signing key.
	DeviceSigningKeyType SecretKeyType = iota
	// The current device encryption key.
	// A PGP key (including the synced PGP key, if there is one).

func (SecretKeyType) String

func (t SecretKeyType) String() string

type SecretRetriever

type SecretRetriever interface {
	RetrieveSecret(m MetaContext) (LKSecFullSecret, error)

type SecretStore

type SecretStore interface {

SecretStore stores/retreives the keyring-resident secrets for a given user.

func NewSecretStore

func NewSecretStore(g *GlobalContext, username NormalizedUsername) SecretStore

NewSecretStore returns a SecretStore interface that is only used for a short period of time (i.e. one function block). Multiple calls to RetrieveSecret() will only call the underlying store.RetrieveSecret once.

type SecretStoreAll

type SecretStoreAll interface {
	RetrieveSecret(m MetaContext, username NormalizedUsername) (LKSecFullSecret, error)
	StoreSecret(m MetaContext, username NormalizedUsername, secret LKSecFullSecret) error
	ClearSecret(m MetaContext, username NormalizedUsername) error
	GetUsersWithStoredSecrets(m MetaContext) ([]string, error)

SecretStoreall stores/retreives the keyring-resider secrets for **all** users on this system.

func NewSecretStoreAll

func NewSecretStoreAll(m MetaContext) SecretStoreAll

type SecretStoreError

type SecretStoreError struct {
	Msg string

func (SecretStoreError) Error

func (e SecretStoreError) Error() string

type SecretStoreFile

type SecretStoreFile struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewSecretStoreFile

func NewSecretStoreFile(dir string) *SecretStoreFile

func (*SecretStoreFile) ClearSecret

func (s *SecretStoreFile) ClearSecret(m MetaContext, username NormalizedUsername) error

func (*SecretStoreFile) GetUsersWithStoredSecrets

func (s *SecretStoreFile) GetUsersWithStoredSecrets(m MetaContext) ([]string, error)

func (*SecretStoreFile) RetrieveSecret

func (s *SecretStoreFile) RetrieveSecret(m MetaContext, username NormalizedUsername) (LKSecFullSecret, error)

func (*SecretStoreFile) StoreSecret

func (s *SecretStoreFile) StoreSecret(m MetaContext, username NormalizedUsername, secret LKSecFullSecret) error

type SecretStoreImp

type SecretStoreImp struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecretStoreImp is a specialization of a SecretStoreAll for just one username. You specify that username at the time on construction and then it doesn't change.

func (*SecretStoreImp) RetrieveSecret

func (s *SecretStoreImp) RetrieveSecret(m MetaContext) (LKSecFullSecret, error)

func (*SecretStoreImp) StoreSecret

func (s *SecretStoreImp) StoreSecret(m MetaContext, secret LKSecFullSecret) error

type SecretStoreLocked

type SecretStoreLocked struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecretStoreLocked protects a SecretStoreAll with a mutex. It wraps two different SecretStoreAlls: one in memory and one in disk. In all cases, we always have a memory backing. If the OS and options provide one, we can additionally have a disk-backed secret store. It's a write-through cache, so on RetrieveSecret, the memory store will be checked first, and then the disk store.

func NewSecretStoreLocked

func NewSecretStoreLocked(m MetaContext) *SecretStoreLocked

func (*SecretStoreLocked) ClearSecret

func (s *SecretStoreLocked) ClearSecret(m MetaContext, username NormalizedUsername) error

func (*SecretStoreLocked) GetUsersWithStoredSecrets

func (s *SecretStoreLocked) GetUsersWithStoredSecrets(m MetaContext) ([]string, error)

func (*SecretStoreLocked) RetrieveSecret

func (s *SecretStoreLocked) RetrieveSecret(m MetaContext, username NormalizedUsername) (LKSecFullSecret, error)

func (*SecretStoreLocked) StoreSecret

func (s *SecretStoreLocked) StoreSecret(m MetaContext, username NormalizedUsername, secret LKSecFullSecret) error

type SecretStoreMem

type SecretStoreMem struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewSecretStoreMem

func NewSecretStoreMem() *SecretStoreMem

func (*SecretStoreMem) ClearSecret

func (s *SecretStoreMem) ClearSecret(m MetaContext, username NormalizedUsername) error

func (*SecretStoreMem) GetUsersWithStoredSecrets

func (s *SecretStoreMem) GetUsersWithStoredSecrets(m MetaContext) ([]string, error)

func (*SecretStoreMem) RetrieveSecret

func (s *SecretStoreMem) RetrieveSecret(m MetaContext, username NormalizedUsername) (LKSecFullSecret, error)

func (*SecretStoreMem) StoreSecret

func (s *SecretStoreMem) StoreSecret(m MetaContext, username NormalizedUsername, secret LKSecFullSecret) error

type SecretStorer

type SecretStorer interface {
	StoreSecret(m MetaContext, secret LKSecFullSecret) error

type SecretSyncer

type SecretSyncer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewSecretSyncer

func NewSecretSyncer(g *GlobalContext) *SecretSyncer

func (*SecretSyncer) ActiveDevices

func (ss *SecretSyncer) ActiveDevices(includeTypesSet DeviceTypeSet) (DeviceKeyMap, error)

ActiveDevices returns all the active desktop and mobile devices.

func (*SecretSyncer) AllActiveKeys

func (ss *SecretSyncer) AllActiveKeys(ckf *ComputedKeyFamily) []*SKB

AllActiveKeys returns all the active synced PGP keys.

func (*SecretSyncer) AllDevices

func (ss *SecretSyncer) AllDevices() DeviceKeyMap

func (*SecretSyncer) Clear

func (ss *SecretSyncer) Clear() error

func (*SecretSyncer) Devices

func (ss *SecretSyncer) Devices() (DeviceKeyMap, error)

func (*SecretSyncer) DumpPrivateKeys

func (ss *SecretSyncer) DumpPrivateKeys()

func (*SecretSyncer) FindActiveKey

func (ss *SecretSyncer) FindActiveKey(ckf *ComputedKeyFamily) (ret *SKB, err error)

FindActiveKey examines the synced keys, looking for one that's currently active. Returns ret=nil if none was found.

func (*SecretSyncer) FindDevice

func (ss *SecretSyncer) FindDevice(id keybase1.DeviceID) (DeviceKey, error)

func (*SecretSyncer) FindPrivateKey

func (ss *SecretSyncer) FindPrivateKey(kid string) (ServerPrivateKey, bool)

func (*SecretSyncer) HasActiveDevice

func (ss *SecretSyncer) HasActiveDevice(includeTypesSet DeviceTypeSet) (bool, error)

HasActiveDevice returns true if there is an active desktop or mobile device available.

func (*SecretSyncer) HasDevices

func (ss *SecretSyncer) HasDevices() bool

func (*SecretSyncer) IsDeviceNameTaken

func (ss *SecretSyncer) IsDeviceNameTaken(name string, includeTypesSet DeviceTypeSet) bool

IsDeviceNameTaken returns true if a desktop or mobile device is using a name already.

type SecretUI

type SecretUI interface {
	GetPassphrase(pinentry keybase1.GUIEntryArg, terminal *keybase1.SecretEntryArg) (keybase1.GetPassphraseRes, error)

type SelfDestructingDeviceWithKeys

type SelfDestructingDeviceWithKeys struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SelfDestructingDeviceWithKeys) DeviceWithKeys

func (s *SelfDestructingDeviceWithKeys) DeviceWithKeys() *DeviceWithKeys

func (*SelfDestructingDeviceWithKeys) SetTestPostCleanHook

func (s *SelfDestructingDeviceWithKeys) SetTestPostCleanHook(f func())

type SelfNotFoundError

type SelfNotFoundError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (SelfNotFoundError) Error

func (e SelfNotFoundError) Error() string

func (SelfNotFoundError) ToStatus

func (e SelfNotFoundError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status
type SelfSigChainLink struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ParseSelfSigChainLink(base GenericChainLink) (ret *SelfSigChainLink, err error)

func (*SelfSigChainLink) CheckDataJSON

func (s *SelfSigChainLink) CheckDataJSON() *jsonw.Wrapper

func (*SelfSigChainLink) ComputeTrackDiff

func (s *SelfSigChainLink) ComputeTrackDiff(tl *TrackLookup) TrackDiff

func (*SelfSigChainLink) DisplayCheck

func (s *SelfSigChainLink) DisplayCheck(ui IdentifyUI, lcr LinkCheckResult) error

func (*SelfSigChainLink) GetDevice

func (s *SelfSigChainLink) GetDevice() *Device

func (*SelfSigChainLink) GetHostname

func (s *SelfSigChainLink) GetHostname() string

func (*SelfSigChainLink) GetPGPFullHash

func (s *SelfSigChainLink) GetPGPFullHash() string

func (*SelfSigChainLink) GetProofType

func (s *SelfSigChainLink) GetProofType() keybase1.ProofType

func (*SelfSigChainLink) GetProtocol

func (s *SelfSigChainLink) GetProtocol() string

func (*SelfSigChainLink) GetRemoteUsername

func (s *SelfSigChainLink) GetRemoteUsername() string

func (*SelfSigChainLink) LastWriterWins

func (s *SelfSigChainLink) LastWriterWins() bool

func (*SelfSigChainLink) ParseDevice

func (s *SelfSigChainLink) ParseDevice() (err error)

func (*SelfSigChainLink) ProofText

func (s *SelfSigChainLink) ProofText() string

func (*SelfSigChainLink) RequiresHint

func (s *SelfSigChainLink) RequiresHint() bool

func (*SelfSigChainLink) TableKey

func (s *SelfSigChainLink) TableKey() string

func (*SelfSigChainLink) ToDisplayString

func (s *SelfSigChainLink) ToDisplayString() string

func (*SelfSigChainLink) ToIDString

func (s *SelfSigChainLink) ToIDString() string

func (*SelfSigChainLink) ToKeyValuePair

func (s *SelfSigChainLink) ToKeyValuePair() (string, string)

func (*SelfSigChainLink) ToTrackingStatement

func (s *SelfSigChainLink) ToTrackingStatement(keybase1.ProofState) (*jsonw.Wrapper, error)

func (*SelfSigChainLink) Type

func (s *SelfSigChainLink) Type() string

type SelfTrackError

type SelfTrackError struct{}

func (SelfTrackError) Error

func (e SelfTrackError) Error() string

type Server

type Server interface {

type ServerChainError

type ServerChainError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewServerChainError

func NewServerChainError(d string, a ...interface{}) ServerChainError

func (ServerChainError) Error

func (e ServerChainError) Error() string

type ServerPrivateKey

type ServerPrivateKey struct {
	Kid     string  `json:"kid"`
	KeyType KeyType `json:"key_type"`
	Bundle  string  `json:"bundle"`
	Mtime   int     `json:"mtime"`
	Ctime   int     `json:"ctime"`
	KeyBits int     `json:"key_bits"`
	KeyAlgo int     `json:"key_algo"`

func (*ServerPrivateKey) FindActiveKey

func (k *ServerPrivateKey) FindActiveKey(g *GlobalContext, ckf *ComputedKeyFamily) (ret *SKB, err error)

func (ServerPrivateKey) ToSKB

func (k ServerPrivateKey) ToSKB(gc *GlobalContext) (*SKB, error)

type ServerPrivateKeyMap

type ServerPrivateKeyMap map[string]ServerPrivateKey

type ServerPrivateKeys

type ServerPrivateKeys struct {
	Status      APIStatus           `json:"status"`
	Version     int                 `json:"version"`
	Mtime       *int                `json:"mtime"`
	PrivateKeys ServerPrivateKeyMap `json:"private_keys"` // note these are only PGP keys
	Devices     DeviceKeyMap        `json:"devices"`

type ServiceBlock

type ServiceBlock struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Can be used to either parse a proof `service` JSON block, or a `remote_key_proof` JSON block in a tracking statement.

func ParseServiceBlock

func ParseServiceBlock(jw *jsonw.Wrapper, pt keybase1.ProofType) (sb *ServiceBlock, err error)

func (ServiceBlock) GetProofState

func (sb ServiceBlock) GetProofState() keybase1.ProofState

func (ServiceBlock) GetProofType

func (sb ServiceBlock) GetProofType() keybase1.ProofType

func (ServiceBlock) IsSocial

func (sb ServiceBlock) IsSocial() bool

func (ServiceBlock) LastWriterWins

func (sb ServiceBlock) LastWriterWins() bool

func (ServiceBlock) ToIDString

func (sb ServiceBlock) ToIDString() string

func (ServiceBlock) ToKeyValuePair

func (sb ServiceBlock) ToKeyValuePair() (string, string)

type ServiceInfo

type ServiceInfo struct {
	Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`
	Label   string `json:"label,omitempty"`
	Pid     int    `json:"pid,omitempty"`

ServiceInfo describes runtime info for a service. This is primarily used to detect service updates.

func KeybaseServiceInfo

func KeybaseServiceInfo(g *GlobalContext) ServiceInfo

KeybaseServiceInfo is runtime info for the Keybase service.

func LoadServiceInfo

func LoadServiceInfo(path string) (*ServiceInfo, error)

func NewServiceInfo

func NewServiceInfo(version string, prerelease string, label string, pid int) ServiceInfo

NewServiceInfo generates service info for other services (like KBFS).

func WaitForServiceInfoFile

func WaitForServiceInfoFile(path string, label string, pid string, timeout time.Duration, log serviceLog) (*ServiceInfo, error)

WaitForServiceInfoFile tries to wait for a service info file, which should be written on successful service startup.

func (ServiceInfo) WriteFile

func (s ServiceInfo) WriteFile(path string, log logger.Logger) error

WriteFile writes service info as JSON in runtimeDir.

type ServiceType

type ServiceType interface {
	AllStringKeys() []string

	// NormalizeUsername normalizes the given username, assuming
	// that it's free of any leading strings like '@' or 'dns://'.
	NormalizeUsername(string) (string, error)

	// NormalizeRemote normalizes the given remote username, which
	// is usually but not always the same as the username. It also
	// allows leaders like '@' and 'dns://'.
	// In the case of Facebook, this version does the standard downcasing, but
	// leaves the dots in (that NormalizeUsername above would strip out). This
	// lets us keep the dots in the proof text, and display them on your
	// profile page, even though we ignore them for proof checking.
	NormalizeRemoteName(m MetaContext, name string) (string, error)

	GetPrompt() string
	LastWriterWins() bool
	PreProofCheck(m MetaContext, remotename string) (*Markup, error)
	PreProofWarning(remotename string) *Markup
	ToServiceJSON(remotename string) *jsonw.Wrapper
	PostInstructions(remotename string) *Markup
	DisplayName(remotename string) string
	RecheckProofPosting(tryNumber int, status keybase1.ProofStatus, remotename string) (warning *Markup, err error)
	GetProofType() string
	GetTypeName() string
	CheckProofText(text string, id keybase1.SigID, sig string) error
	FormatProofText(mctx MetaContext, ppr *PostProofRes,
		kbUsername string, sigID keybase1.SigID) (string, error)
	GetAPIArgKey() string
	IsDevelOnly() bool

	MakeProofChecker(l RemoteProofChainLink) ProofChecker

ServiceType is an interface for describing an external proof service, like 'Twitter' or 'GitHub', etc.

type Session

type Session struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewSessionThin

func NewSessionThin(uid keybase1.UID, username NormalizedUsername, token string) *Session

NewSessionThin creates a minimal (thin) session of just the uid and username. Clients of the daemon that use the session protocol need this.

func (*Session) APIArgs

func (s *Session) APIArgs() (token, csrf string)

func (*Session) Clone

func (s *Session) Clone() *Session

func (*Session) GetCsrf

func (s *Session) GetCsrf() string

func (*Session) GetDeviceID

func (s *Session) GetDeviceID() keybase1.DeviceID

func (*Session) GetToken

func (s *Session) GetToken() string

func (*Session) GetUID

func (s *Session) GetUID() keybase1.UID

func (*Session) GetUsername

func (s *Session) GetUsername() *NormalizedUsername

func (*Session) HasSessionToken

func (s *Session) HasSessionToken() bool

func (*Session) Invalidate

func (s *Session) Invalidate()

Invalidate marks the session as invalid and posts a logout notification.

func (*Session) IsLoggedIn

func (s *Session) IsLoggedIn() bool

func (*Session) IsRecent

func (s *Session) IsRecent() bool

func (*Session) IsValid

func (s *Session) IsValid() bool

func (*Session) SetDeviceProvisioned

func (s *Session) SetDeviceProvisioned(devid keybase1.DeviceID) error

func (*Session) SetLoggedIn

func (s *Session) SetLoggedIn(sessionID, csrfToken string, username NormalizedUsername, uid keybase1.UID, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID) error

func (*Session) SetUsername

func (s *Session) SetUsername(username NormalizedUsername)

type ShutdownHook

type ShutdownHook func() error

type SibkeyAlreadyExistsError

type SibkeyAlreadyExistsError struct{}

func (SibkeyAlreadyExistsError) Error

func (e SibkeyAlreadyExistsError) Error() string

func (SibkeyAlreadyExistsError) ToStatus

type SibkeyChainLink struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ParseSibkeyChainLink(b GenericChainLink) (ret *SibkeyChainLink, err error)

func (*SibkeyChainLink) GetDelegatedKid

func (s *SibkeyChainLink) GetDelegatedKid() keybase1.KID

func (*SibkeyChainLink) GetDevice

func (s *SibkeyChainLink) GetDevice() *Device

func (*SibkeyChainLink) GetPGPFullHash

func (s *SibkeyChainLink) GetPGPFullHash() string

func (*SibkeyChainLink) GetRole

func (s *SibkeyChainLink) GetRole() KeyRole

func (*SibkeyChainLink) ToDisplayString

func (s *SibkeyChainLink) ToDisplayString() string

func (*SibkeyChainLink) Type

func (s *SibkeyChainLink) Type() string

func (*SibkeyChainLink) VerifyReverseSig

func (s *SibkeyChainLink) VerifyReverseSig(ckf ComputedKeyFamily) (err error)

VerifyReverseSig checks a SibkeyChainLink's reverse signature using the ComputedKeyFamily provided.

type SigChain

type SigChain struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SigChain) Bump

func (sc *SigChain) Bump(mt MerkleTriple)

func (*SigChain) CheckFreshness

func (sc *SigChain) CheckFreshness(srv *MerkleTriple) (current bool, err error)

func (*SigChain) Dump

func (sc *SigChain) Dump(w io.Writer)

Dump prints the sigchain to the writer arg.

func (*SigChain) EldestSeqno

func (sc *SigChain) EldestSeqno() keybase1.Seqno

func (SigChain) GetComputedKeyInfos

func (sc SigChain) GetComputedKeyInfos() (cki *ComputedKeyInfos)

func (SigChain) GetComputedKeyInfosWithVersionBust

func (sc SigChain) GetComputedKeyInfosWithVersionBust() (cki *ComputedKeyInfos)

func (*SigChain) GetCurrentSubchain

func (sc *SigChain) GetCurrentSubchain(m MetaContext, eldest keybase1.KID) (ChainLinks, error)

GetCurrentSubchain takes the given sigchain and walks backward until it finds the start of the current subchain, returning all the links in the subchain. See isSubchainStart for the details of the logic here.

func (SigChain) GetCurrentTailTriple

func (sc SigChain) GetCurrentTailTriple() (ret *MerkleTriple)
func (sc SigChain) GetFirstLink() *ChainLink

func (SigChain) GetFutureChainTail

func (sc SigChain) GetFutureChainTail() (ret *MerkleTriple)

func (SigChain) GetLastKnownID

func (sc SigChain) GetLastKnownID() (ret LinkID)

func (SigChain) GetLastKnownSeqno

func (sc SigChain) GetLastKnownSeqno() (ret keybase1.Seqno)
func (sc SigChain) GetLastLink() *ChainLink

func (SigChain) GetLastLoadedID

func (sc SigChain) GetLastLoadedID() (ret LinkID)

func (SigChain) GetLastLoadedSeqno

func (sc SigChain) GetLastLoadedSeqno() (ret keybase1.Seqno)

func (*SigChain) GetLinkFromSeqno

func (sc *SigChain) GetLinkFromSeqno(seqno keybase1.Seqno) *ChainLink

func (*SigChain) GetLinkFromSigID

func (sc *SigChain) GetLinkFromSigID(id keybase1.SigID) *ChainLink

func (*SigChain) GetLinkFromSigIDQuery

func (sc *SigChain) GetLinkFromSigIDQuery(query string) *ChainLink

GetLinkFromSigIDQuery will return true if it finds a ChainLink with a SigID that starts with query.

func (SigChain) Len

func (sc SigChain) Len() int

func (*SigChain) LoadFromServer

func (sc *SigChain) LoadFromServer(m MetaContext, t *MerkleTriple, selfUID keybase1.UID) (dirtyTail *MerkleTriple, err error)

func (*SigChain) LoadServerBody

func (sc *SigChain) LoadServerBody(m MetaContext, body []byte, low keybase1.Seqno, t *MerkleTriple, selfUID keybase1.UID) (dirtyTail *MerkleTriple, err error)

func (*SigChain) LocalDelegate

func (sc *SigChain) LocalDelegate(kf *KeyFamily, key GenericKey, sigID keybase1.SigID, signingKid keybase1.KID, isSibkey bool, mhm keybase1.HashMeta, fau keybase1.Seqno) (err error)

func (*SigChain) LocalDelegatePerUserKey

func (sc *SigChain) LocalDelegatePerUserKey(perUserKey keybase1.PerUserKey) error

func (*SigChain) SetUIDUsername

func (sc *SigChain) SetUIDUsername(uid keybase1.UID, username string)

func (*SigChain) Store

func (sc *SigChain) Store(m MetaContext) (err error)
func (sc *SigChain) VerifiedChainLinks(fp PGPFingerprint) (ret ChainLinks)

func (*SigChain) VerifyChain

func (sc *SigChain) VerifyChain(m MetaContext) (err error)

func (*SigChain) VerifySigsAndComputeKeys

func (sc *SigChain) VerifySigsAndComputeKeys(m MetaContext, eldest keybase1.KID, ckf *ComputedKeyFamily) (bool, error)

VerifySigsAndComputeKeys iterates over all potentially all incarnations of the user, trying to compute multiple subchains. It returns (bool, error), where bool is true if the load hit the cache, and false otherwise.

type SigChainLoader

type SigChainLoader struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SigChainLoader) AccessPreload

func (l *SigChainLoader) AccessPreload() bool

func (*SigChainLoader) CheckFreshness

func (l *SigChainLoader) CheckFreshness() (current bool, err error)

func (*SigChainLoader) GetKeyFamily

func (l *SigChainLoader) GetKeyFamily() (err error)

func (*SigChainLoader) GetMerkleTriple

func (l *SigChainLoader) GetMerkleTriple() (ret *MerkleTriple)

func (*SigChainLoader) Load

func (l *SigChainLoader) Load() (ret *SigChain, err error)

Load is the main entry point into the SigChain loader. It runs through all of the steps to load a chain in from storage, to refresh it against the server, and to verify its integrity.

func (*SigChainLoader) LoadFromServer

func (l *SigChainLoader) LoadFromServer() (err error)

func (*SigChainLoader) LoadLastLinkIDFromStorage

func (l *SigChainLoader) LoadLastLinkIDFromStorage() (mt *MerkleTriple, err error)

func (*SigChainLoader) LoadLinksFromStorage

func (l *SigChainLoader) LoadLinksFromStorage() (err error)

func (*SigChainLoader) MakeSigChain

func (l *SigChainLoader) MakeSigChain() error

func (*SigChainLoader) Store

func (l *SigChainLoader) Store() (err error)

Store a SigChain to local storage as a result of having loaded it. We eagerly write loaded chain links to storage if they verify properly.

func (*SigChainLoader) StoreTail

func (l *SigChainLoader) StoreTail() (err error)

func (*SigChainLoader) VerifySigsAndComputeKeys

func (l *SigChainLoader) VerifySigsAndComputeKeys() (err error)

type SigHasRevokes

type SigHasRevokes bool

type SigHint

type SigHint struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewSigHint

func NewSigHint(jw *jsonw.Wrapper) (sh *SigHint, err error)

func (SigHint) Export

func (sh SigHint) Export() *keybase1.SigHint

func (SigHint) GetAPIURL

func (sh SigHint) GetAPIURL() string

func (SigHint) GetCheckText

func (sh SigHint) GetCheckText() string

func (SigHint) GetHumanURL

func (sh SigHint) GetHumanURL() string

func (SigHint) MarshalToJSON

func (sh SigHint) MarshalToJSON() *jsonw.Wrapper

type SigHints

type SigHints struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func LoadAndRefreshSigHints

func LoadAndRefreshSigHints(m MetaContext, uid keybase1.UID) (sh *SigHints, err error)

func LoadSigHints

func LoadSigHints(m MetaContext, uid keybase1.UID) (sh *SigHints, err error)

func NewSigHints

func NewSigHints(jw *jsonw.Wrapper, uid keybase1.UID, dirty bool, g *GlobalContext) (sh *SigHints, err error)

func (SigHints) Lookup

func (sh SigHints) Lookup(i keybase1.SigID) *SigHint

func (SigHints) MarshalToJSON

func (sh SigHints) MarshalToJSON() *jsonw.Wrapper

func (*SigHints) PopulateWith

func (sh *SigHints) PopulateWith(jw *jsonw.Wrapper) (err error)

func (*SigHints) Refresh

func (sh *SigHints) Refresh(m MetaContext) (err error)

func (*SigHints) RefreshWith

func (sh *SigHints) RefreshWith(m MetaContext, jw *jsonw.Wrapper) (err error)

func (*SigHints) Store

func (sh *SigHints) Store(m MetaContext) (err error)

type SigIgnoreIfUnsupported

type SigIgnoreIfUnsupported bool

func (SigIgnoreIfUnsupported) Bool

func (b SigIgnoreIfUnsupported) Bool() bool

type SigMultiItem

type SigMultiItem struct {
	Sig        string                  `json:"sig"`
	SigningKID keybase1.KID            `json:"signing_kid"`
	Type       string                  `json:"type"`
	SeqType    keybase1.SeqType        `json:"seq_type"`
	SigInner   string                  `json:"sig_inner"`
	TeamID     keybase1.TeamID         `json:"team_id"`
	PublicKeys *SigMultiItemPublicKeys `json:"public_keys,omitempty"`

type SigMultiItemPublicKeys

type SigMultiItemPublicKeys struct {
	Encryption keybase1.KID `json:"encryption"`
	Signing    keybase1.KID `json:"signing"`

type SigVersion

type SigVersion int
const (
	KeybaseNullSigVersion SigVersion = 0
	KeybaseSignatureV1    SigVersion = 1
	KeybaseSignatureV2    SigVersion = 2

func GetDefaultSigVersion

func GetDefaultSigVersion(g *GlobalContext) SigVersion

type SigchainV2Error

type SigchainV2Error struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (SigchainV2Error) Error

func (s SigchainV2Error) Error() string

type SigchainV2MismatchedFieldError

type SigchainV2MismatchedFieldError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (SigchainV2MismatchedFieldError) Error

type SigchainV2MismatchedHashError

type SigchainV2MismatchedHashError struct{}

func (SigchainV2MismatchedHashError) Error

type SigchainV2Required

type SigchainV2Required struct{}

func (SigchainV2Required) Error

func (s SigchainV2Required) Error() string

type SigchainV2StubbedDisallowed

type SigchainV2StubbedDisallowed struct{}

func (SigchainV2StubbedDisallowed) Error

type SigchainV2StubbedFirstLinkError

type SigchainV2StubbedFirstLinkError struct{}

func (SigchainV2StubbedFirstLinkError) Error

type SigchainV2StubbedSignatureNeededError

type SigchainV2StubbedSignatureNeededError struct{}

func (SigchainV2StubbedSignatureNeededError) Error

type SigchainV2Type

type SigchainV2Type int
const (
	SigchainV2TypeNone                        SigchainV2Type = 0
	SigchainV2TypeEldest                      SigchainV2Type = 1
	SigchainV2TypeWebServiceBinding           SigchainV2Type = 2
	SigchainV2TypeTrack                       SigchainV2Type = 3
	SigchainV2TypeUntrack                     SigchainV2Type = 4
	SigchainV2TypeRevoke                      SigchainV2Type = 5
	SigchainV2TypeCryptocurrency              SigchainV2Type = 6
	SigchainV2TypeAnnouncement                SigchainV2Type = 7
	SigchainV2TypeDevice                      SigchainV2Type = 8
	SigchainV2TypeWebServiceBindingWithRevoke SigchainV2Type = 9
	SigchainV2TypeCryptocurrencyWithRevoke    SigchainV2Type = 10
	SigchainV2TypeSibkey                      SigchainV2Type = 11
	SigchainV2TypeSubkey                      SigchainV2Type = 12
	SigchainV2TypePGPUpdate                   SigchainV2Type = 13
	SigchainV2TypePerUserKey                  SigchainV2Type = 14
	SigchainV2TypeWalletStellar               SigchainV2Type = 15

	// Team link types
	// If you add a new one be sure to get all of these too:
	// - A corresponding libkb.LinkType in constants.go
	// - SigchainV2TypeFromV1TypeTeams
	// - SigChainV2Type.IsSupportedTeamType
	// - SigChainV2Type.RequiresAdminPermission
	// - SigChainV2Type.TeamAllowStub
	// - TeamSigChainPlayer.addInnerLink (add a case)
	SigchainV2TypeTeamRoot             SigchainV2Type = 33
	SigchainV2TypeTeamNewSubteam       SigchainV2Type = 34
	SigchainV2TypeTeamChangeMembership SigchainV2Type = 35
	SigchainV2TypeTeamRotateKey        SigchainV2Type = 36
	SigchainV2TypeTeamLeave            SigchainV2Type = 37
	SigchainV2TypeTeamSubteamHead      SigchainV2Type = 38
	SigchainV2TypeTeamRenameSubteam    SigchainV2Type = 39
	SigchainV2TypeTeamInvite           SigchainV2Type = 40
	SigchainV2TypeTeamRenameUpPointer  SigchainV2Type = 41
	SigchainV2TypeTeamDeleteRoot       SigchainV2Type = 42
	SigchainV2TypeTeamDeleteSubteam    SigchainV2Type = 43
	SigchainV2TypeTeamDeleteUpPointer  SigchainV2Type = 44
	// Note that 45 is skipped, since it's retired; used to be LegacyTLFUpgrade
	SigchainV2TypeTeamSettings     SigchainV2Type = 46
	SigchainV2TypeTeamKBFSSettings SigchainV2Type = 47

These values must match constants.iced in the proofs library.

func SigchainV2TypeFromV1TypeAndRevocations

func SigchainV2TypeFromV1TypeAndRevocations(s string, hasRevocations SigHasRevokes, ignoreIfUnsupported SigIgnoreIfUnsupported) (ret SigchainV2Type, err error)

func SigchainV2TypeFromV1TypeTeams

func SigchainV2TypeFromV1TypeTeams(s string) (ret SigchainV2Type, err error)

func (SigchainV2Type) AllowStubbing

func (t SigchainV2Type) AllowStubbing() bool

NeedsSignature is untrue of most supported link types. If a link can be stubbed, that means we potentially won't get to verify its signature, since we need the full link to verify signatures. However, in some cases, signature verification is required, and hence stubbing is disallowed. NOTE when modifying this function ensure that web/sig.iced#_allow_stubbing is updated as well.

func (SigchainV2Type) IsSupportedTeamType

func (t SigchainV2Type) IsSupportedTeamType() bool

Whether a type is for team sigchains. Also the list of which types are supported by this client.

func (SigchainV2Type) IsSupportedType

func (t SigchainV2Type) IsSupportedType() bool

func (SigchainV2Type) IsSupportedUserType

func (t SigchainV2Type) IsSupportedUserType() bool

NOTE when modifying this function ensure that web/sig.iced#_is_supported_user_type is updated as well.

func (SigchainV2Type) RequiresAtLeastRole

func (t SigchainV2Type) RequiresAtLeastRole() keybase1.TeamRole

func (SigchainV2Type) TeamAllowStub

func (t SigchainV2Type) TeamAllowStub(role keybase1.TeamRole) bool

Whether the type can be stubbed for a team member with role

func (SigchainV2Type) TeamAllowStubWithAdminFlag

func (t SigchainV2Type) TeamAllowStubWithAdminFlag(isAdmin bool) bool

type SignatureStatus

type SignatureStatus struct {
	IsSigned        bool
	Verified        bool
	SignatureError  error
	KeyID           uint64
	Entity          *openpgp.Entity
	SignatureTime   time.Time
	RecipientKeyIDs []uint64

func PGPDecrypt

func PGPDecrypt(g *GlobalContext, source io.Reader, sink io.Writer, kr openpgp.KeyRing) (*SignatureStatus, error)

func PGPDecryptWithBundles

func PGPDecryptWithBundles(g *GlobalContext, source io.Reader, sink io.Writer, keys []*PGPKeyBundle) (*SignatureStatus, error)

type SimpleTimer

type SimpleTimer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SimpleTimer keeps track of how long something is taking, like a network API call. Meant to be very simple. It is not meant to be goroutine safe and should only be called from one Goroutine.

func (*SimpleTimer) GetTotal

func (s *SimpleTimer) GetTotal() time.Duration

GetTotal gets the total duration spent in the timer.

func (*SimpleTimer) Reset

func (s *SimpleTimer) Reset()

Reset the internal duration counter.

func (*SimpleTimer) Start

func (s *SimpleTimer) Start()

Start the timer running, if it's not already started.

func (*SimpleTimer) Stop

func (s *SimpleTimer) Stop() time.Duration

Stop the timer; panic if it hasn't been previously started. Return the total duration spent in the timer.

type SkinnyLogger

type SkinnyLogger interface {
	// Error logs a message at error level, with formatting args
	Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})
	// Debug logs a message at debug level, with formatting args.
	Debug(format string, args ...interface{})

type SkipSecretPromptError

type SkipSecretPromptError struct{}

func (SkipSecretPromptError) Error

func (e SkipSecretPromptError) Error() string

func (SkipSecretPromptError) ToStatus

func (e SkipSecretPromptError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type SkipSequence

type SkipSequence []MerkleRootPayload

type SkipTable

type SkipTable map[keybase1.Seqno]NodeHashAny
type SocialProofChainLink struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSocialProofChainLink(b GenericChainLink, s, u, proofText string) *SocialProofChainLink

func (*SocialProofChainLink) CheckDataJSON

func (s *SocialProofChainLink) CheckDataJSON() *jsonw.Wrapper

func (*SocialProofChainLink) ComputeTrackDiff

func (s *SocialProofChainLink) ComputeTrackDiff(tl *TrackLookup) TrackDiff

func (*SocialProofChainLink) DisplayCheck

func (s *SocialProofChainLink) DisplayCheck(ui IdentifyUI, lcr LinkCheckResult) error

func (*SocialProofChainLink) GetHostname

func (s *SocialProofChainLink) GetHostname() string

func (*SocialProofChainLink) GetProofType

func (s *SocialProofChainLink) GetProofType() keybase1.ProofType

func (*SocialProofChainLink) GetProtocol

func (s *SocialProofChainLink) GetProtocol() string

func (*SocialProofChainLink) GetRemoteUsername

func (s *SocialProofChainLink) GetRemoteUsername() string

func (*SocialProofChainLink) GetService

func (s *SocialProofChainLink) GetService() string

func (*SocialProofChainLink) LastWriterWins

func (s *SocialProofChainLink) LastWriterWins() bool

func (*SocialProofChainLink) ProofText

func (s *SocialProofChainLink) ProofText() string

func (*SocialProofChainLink) RequiresHint

func (s *SocialProofChainLink) RequiresHint() bool

func (*SocialProofChainLink) TableKey

func (s *SocialProofChainLink) TableKey() string

func (*SocialProofChainLink) ToDisplayString

func (s *SocialProofChainLink) ToDisplayString() string

func (*SocialProofChainLink) ToIDString

func (s *SocialProofChainLink) ToIDString() string

func (*SocialProofChainLink) ToKeyValuePair

func (s *SocialProofChainLink) ToKeyValuePair() (string, string)

func (*SocialProofChainLink) ToTrackingStatement

func (s *SocialProofChainLink) ToTrackingStatement(state keybase1.ProofState) (*jsonw.Wrapper, error)

func (*SocialProofChainLink) Type

func (s *SocialProofChainLink) Type() string

type Socket

type Socket interface {
	BindToSocket() (net.Listener, error)
	DialSocket() (net.Conn, error)

NewSocket() (Socket, err) is defined in the various platform-specific socket_*.go files.

func NewSocket

func NewSocket(g *GlobalContext) (ret Socket, err error)

func NewSocketWithFiles

func NewSocketWithFiles(
	log logger.Logger, bindFile string, dialFiles []string) Socket

type SocketInfo

type SocketInfo struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (SocketInfo) BindToSocket

func (s SocketInfo) BindToSocket() (ret net.Listener, err error)

func (SocketInfo) DialSocket

func (s SocketInfo) DialSocket() (net.Conn, error)

func (SocketInfo) GetBindFile

func (s SocketInfo) GetBindFile() string

func (SocketInfo) GetDialFiles

func (s SocketInfo) GetDialFiles() []string

type SocketWrapper

type SocketWrapper struct {
	Conn        net.Conn
	Transporter rpc.Transporter
	Err         error
type SpecialChainLink struct {
	UID    keybase1.UID
	Seqno  keybase1.Seqno
	Reason string

type SpecialKeyRing

type SpecialKeyRing struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SpecialKeyRing holds blessed keys, like the one Keybase uses to sign its Merkle Root.

func NewSpecialKeyRing

func NewSpecialKeyRing(v []keybase1.KID, g *GlobalContext) *SpecialKeyRing

NewSpecialKeyRing allocates a new SpecialKeyRing with the given vector of KIDs. For NaCl keys, it will actually import those keys into the Keyring.

func (*SpecialKeyRing) IsValidKID

func (sk *SpecialKeyRing) IsValidKID(kid keybase1.KID) bool

IsValidKID returns if this KID is valid (blessed) according to this Keyring

func (*SpecialKeyRing) Load

func (sk *SpecialKeyRing) Load(kid keybase1.KID) (GenericKey, error)

Load takes a blessed KID and returns, if possible, the GenericKey associated with that KID, for signature verification. If the key isn't found in memory or on disk (in the case of PGP), then it will attempt to fetch the key from the keybase server.

type StandaloneChatConnector

type StandaloneChatConnector interface {
	StartStandaloneChat(g *GlobalContext) error

type Stellar

type Stellar interface {
	CreateWalletGated(context.Context) error
	Upkeep(context.Context) error
	GetServerDefinitions(context.Context) (stellar1.StellarServerDefinitions, error)
	KickAutoClaimRunner(MetaContext, gregor.MsgID)

type StreamClassification

type StreamClassification struct {
	Format  CryptoMessageFormat
	Type    CryptoMessageType
	Armored bool

StreamClassification tells what Format the stream is, if it's a Public signature or a Private Message, if it's a detached or attached signature in the public case, and if it's armored or binary.

func ClassifyStream

func ClassifyStream(r io.Reader) (sc StreamClassification, out io.Reader, err error)

ClassifyStream takes a stream reader in, and returns a likely classification of that stream without consuming any data from it. It returns a reader that you should read from instead, in addition to the classification. If classification fails, there will be a `UnknownStreamError`, or additional EOF errors if the stream ended before classification could go.

type StreamExistsError

type StreamExistsError struct{}

func (StreamExistsError) Error

func (s StreamExistsError) Error() string

func (StreamExistsError) ToStatus

func (e StreamExistsError) ToStatus(s keybase1.Status)

type StreamNotFoundError

type StreamNotFoundError struct{}

func (StreamNotFoundError) Error

func (s StreamNotFoundError) Error() string

func (StreamNotFoundError) ToStatus

func (e StreamNotFoundError) ToStatus(s keybase1.Status)

type StreamWrongKindError

type StreamWrongKindError struct{}

func (StreamWrongKindError) Error

func (s StreamWrongKindError) Error() string

func (StreamWrongKindError) ToStatus

func (e StreamWrongKindError) ToStatus(s keybase1.Status)

type StringWarning

type StringWarning string

func (StringWarning) Warn

func (s StringWarning) Warn(g *GlobalContext)

func (StringWarning) Warning

func (s StringWarning) Warning() string

type StubAPIEngine

type StubAPIEngine struct {

func NewStubAPIEngine

func NewStubAPIEngine(g *GlobalContext) *StubAPIEngine

func (*StubAPIEngine) Get

func (e *StubAPIEngine) Get(arg APIArg) (res *ExternalAPIRes, err error)

func (*StubAPIEngine) GetHTML

func (e *StubAPIEngine) GetHTML(arg APIArg) (res *ExternalHTMLRes, err error)

func (*StubAPIEngine) GetText

func (e *StubAPIEngine) GetText(arg APIArg) (*ExternalTextRes, error)
type SubkeyChainLink struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ParseSubkeyChainLink(b GenericChainLink) (ret *SubkeyChainLink, err error)

func (*SubkeyChainLink) GetDelegatedKid

func (s *SubkeyChainLink) GetDelegatedKid() keybase1.KID

func (*SubkeyChainLink) GetParentKid

func (s *SubkeyChainLink) GetParentKid() keybase1.KID

func (*SubkeyChainLink) GetRole

func (s *SubkeyChainLink) GetRole() KeyRole

func (*SubkeyChainLink) ToDisplayString

func (s *SubkeyChainLink) ToDisplayString() string

func (*SubkeyChainLink) Type

func (s *SubkeyChainLink) Type() string

type Syncer

type Syncer interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

type TeamAuditParams

type TeamAuditParams struct {
	RootFreshness time.Duration
	// After this many new Merkle updates, another audit is triggered.
	MerkleMovementTrigger keybase1.Seqno
	NumPreProbes          int
	NumPostProbes         int
	Parallelism           int
	LRUSize               int

type TeamAuditor

type TeamAuditor interface {
	AuditTeam(m MetaContext, id keybase1.TeamID, isPublic bool, headMerkleSeqno keybase1.Seqno, chain map[keybase1.Seqno]keybase1.LinkID, maxSeqno keybase1.Seqno) (err error)
	OnLogout(m MetaContext)

type TeamBadMembershipError

type TeamBadMembershipError struct{}

func (TeamBadMembershipError) Error

func (e TeamBadMembershipError) Error() string

func (TeamBadMembershipError) ToStatus

func (e TeamBadMembershipError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type TeamEKBoxStorage

type TeamEKBoxStorage interface {
	Put(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, generation keybase1.EkGeneration, teamEKBoxed keybase1.TeamEkBoxed) error
	Get(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, generation keybase1.EkGeneration) (keybase1.TeamEk, error)
	MaxGeneration(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID) (keybase1.EkGeneration, error)
	DeleteExpired(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, merkleRoot MerkleRoot) ([]keybase1.EkGeneration, error)
	PurgeCacheForTeamID(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID) error
	Delete(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID, generation keybase1.EkGeneration) error

type TeamFTLOutdatedError

type TeamFTLOutdatedError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (TeamFTLOutdatedError) Error

func (t TeamFTLOutdatedError) Error() string

func (TeamFTLOutdatedError) ToStatus

func (e TeamFTLOutdatedError) ToStatus() (ret keybase1.Status)

type TeamInviteBadTokenError

type TeamInviteBadTokenError struct{}

func (TeamInviteBadTokenError) Error

func (e TeamInviteBadTokenError) Error() string

func (TeamInviteBadTokenError) ToStatus

func (e TeamInviteBadTokenError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type TeamInviteTokenReusedError

type TeamInviteTokenReusedError struct{}

func (TeamInviteTokenReusedError) Error

func (TeamInviteTokenReusedError) ToStatus

func (e TeamInviteTokenReusedError) ToStatus() (s keybase1.Status)

type TeamLoader

type TeamLoader interface {
	VerifyTeamName(ctx context.Context, id keybase1.TeamID, name keybase1.TeamName) error
	ImplicitAdmins(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID) (impAdmins []keybase1.UserVersion, err error)
	NotifyTeamRename(ctx context.Context, id keybase1.TeamID, newName string) error
	Load(context.Context, keybase1.LoadTeamArg) (*keybase1.TeamData, error)
	// Delete the cache entry. Does not error if there is no cache entry.
	Delete(ctx context.Context, teamID keybase1.TeamID) error
	// Untrusted hint of what a team's latest seqno is
	HintLatestSeqno(ctx context.Context, id keybase1.TeamID, seqno keybase1.Seqno) error
	ResolveNameToIDUntrusted(ctx context.Context, teamName keybase1.TeamName, public bool, allowCache bool) (id keybase1.TeamID, err error)
	ForceRepollUntil(ctx context.Context, t gregor.TimeOrOffset) error
	// Clear the in-memory cache. Does not affect the disk cache.

type TeamProvisionalError

type TeamProvisionalError struct {
	CanKey                bool
	IsPublic              bool
	PreResolveDisplayName string

func (TeamProvisionalError) Error

func (e TeamProvisionalError) Error() string

func (TeamProvisionalError) ToStatus

func (e TeamProvisionalError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type TeamVisibilityError

type TeamVisibilityError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewTeamVisibilityError

func NewTeamVisibilityError(wantedPublic, gotPublic bool) TeamVisibilityError

func (TeamVisibilityError) Error

func (e TeamVisibilityError) Error() string

type TeamWritePermDeniedError

type TeamWritePermDeniedError struct{}

func (TeamWritePermDeniedError) Error

func (e TeamWritePermDeniedError) Error() string

type TerminalUI

type TerminalUI interface {
	// The ErrorWriter is not escaped: 	it should not be used to show unescaped user-originated data.
	ErrorWriter() io.Writer
	Output(string) error
	OutputDesc(OutputDescriptor, string) error
	OutputWriter() io.Writer
	UnescapedOutputWriter() io.Writer
	Printf(fmt string, args ...interface{}) (int, error)
	PrintfUnescaped(fmt string, args ...interface{}) (int, error)
	// Prompt strings are not escaped: they should not be used to show unescaped user-originated data.
	Prompt(PromptDescriptor, string) (string, error)
	PromptForConfirmation(prompt string) error
	PromptPassword(PromptDescriptor, string) (string, error)
	PromptYesNo(PromptDescriptor, string, PromptDefault) (bool, error)
	TerminalSize() (width int, height int)

type TestCancelSecretUI

type TestCancelSecretUI struct {
	CallCount int

func (*TestCancelSecretUI) GetPassphrase

type TestConfig

type TestConfig struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TestConfig tracks libkb config during a test

func (*TestConfig) CleanTest

func (c *TestConfig) CleanTest()

func (*TestConfig) GetConfigFileName

func (c *TestConfig) GetConfigFileName() string

type TestContext

type TestContext struct {
	G          *GlobalContext
	PrevGlobal *GlobalContext
	Tp         *TestParameters
	// TODO: Rename this to TB.
	T TestingTB

func SetupTest

func SetupTest(tb TestingTB, name string, depth int) (tc TestContext)

The depth argument is now ignored.

func (*TestContext) Cleanup

func (tc *TestContext) Cleanup()

func (TestContext) ClearAllStoredSecrets

func (tc TestContext) ClearAllStoredSecrets() error

func (TestContext) Clone

func (tc TestContext) Clone() (ret TestContext)

func (*TestContext) GenerateGPGKeyring

func (tc *TestContext) GenerateGPGKeyring(ids ...string) error

func (*TestContext) MakePGPKey

func (tc *TestContext) MakePGPKey(id string) (*PGPKeyBundle, error)

func (TestContext) MoveGpgKeyringTo

func (tc TestContext) MoveGpgKeyringTo(dst TestContext) error

func (*TestContext) SetRuntimeDir

func (tc *TestContext) SetRuntimeDir(s string)

func (*TestContext) SimulateServiceRestart

func (tc *TestContext) SimulateServiceRestart()

SimulatServiceRestart simulates a shutdown and restart (for client state). Used by tests that need to clear out cached login state without logging out.

type TestCountSecretUI

type TestCountSecretUI struct {
	Passphrase  string
	StoreSecret bool
	CallCount   int

func (*TestCountSecretUI) GetPassphrase

type TestLoginCancelUI

type TestLoginCancelUI struct {

func (*TestLoginCancelUI) GetEmailOrUsername

func (t *TestLoginCancelUI) GetEmailOrUsername(_ context.Context, _ int) (string, error)

type TestLoginUI

type TestLoginUI struct {
	Username                 string
	RevokeBackup             bool
	CalledGetEmailOrUsername int

func (*TestLoginUI) DisplayPaperKeyPhrase

func (t *TestLoginUI) DisplayPaperKeyPhrase(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.DisplayPaperKeyPhraseArg) error

func (*TestLoginUI) DisplayPrimaryPaperKey

func (t *TestLoginUI) DisplayPrimaryPaperKey(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.DisplayPrimaryPaperKeyArg) error

func (*TestLoginUI) GetEmailOrUsername

func (t *TestLoginUI) GetEmailOrUsername(_ context.Context, _ int) (string, error)

func (*TestLoginUI) PromptRevokePaperKeys

func (t *TestLoginUI) PromptRevokePaperKeys(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.PromptRevokePaperKeysArg) (bool, error)

type TestOutput

type TestOutput struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TestOutput is a mock interface for capturing and testing output

func NewTestOutput

func NewTestOutput(e string, t TestingTB, c *bool) TestOutput

func (TestOutput) Write

func (to TestOutput) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)

type TestParameters

type TestParameters struct {
	ConfigFilename   string
	Home             string
	MobileSharedHome string
	GPG              string
	GPGHome          string
	GPGOptions       []string
	Debug            bool
	// Whether we are in Devel Mode
	Devel bool
	// If we're in dev mode, the name for this test, with a random
	// suffix.
	DevelName                string
	RuntimeDir               string
	DisableUpgradePerUserKey bool
	DisableAutoWallet        bool

	// set to true to use production run mode in tests
	UseProductionRunMode bool

	// whether LogoutIfRevoked check should be skipped to avoid races
	// during resets.
	SkipLogoutIfRevokedCheck bool

	// On if, in test, we want to skip sending system chat messages
	SkipSendingSystemChatMessages bool

	// If we need to use the real clock for NIST generation (as in really
	// whacky tests liks TestRekey).
	UseTimeClockForNISTs bool

	// TeamNoHeadMerkleStore is used for testing to emulate older clients
	// that didn't store the head merkle sequence to team chain state. We
	// have an upgrade path in the code that we'd like to test.
	TeamNoHeadMerkleStore bool

	// TeamSkipAudit is on because some team chains are "canned" and therefore
	// might point off of the merkle sequence in the database. So it's just
	// easiest to skip the audit in those cases.
	TeamSkipAudit bool

	// TeamAuditParams can be customized if we want to control the behavior
	// of audits deep in a test
	TeamAuditParams *TeamAuditParams

func (TestParameters) GetDebug

func (tp TestParameters) GetDebug() (bool, bool)

type TestSecretUI

type TestSecretUI struct {
	Passphrase          string
	StoreSecret         bool
	CalledGetPassphrase bool

func (*TestSecretUI) GetPassphrase

type TestUIDMapper

type TestUIDMapper struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewTestUIDMapper

func NewTestUIDMapper(ul UPAKLoader) TestUIDMapper

func (TestUIDMapper) CheckUIDAgainstUsername

func (t TestUIDMapper) CheckUIDAgainstUsername(uid keybase1.UID, un NormalizedUsername) bool

func (TestUIDMapper) ClearUIDAtEldestSeqno

func (t TestUIDMapper) ClearUIDAtEldestSeqno(_ context.Context, _ UIDMapperContext, _ keybase1.UID, _ keybase1.Seqno) error

func (TestUIDMapper) InformOfEldestSeqno

func (t TestUIDMapper) InformOfEldestSeqno(ctx context.Context, g UIDMapperContext, uv keybase1.UserVersion) (bool, error)

func (TestUIDMapper) MapUIDsToUsernamePackages

func (t TestUIDMapper) MapUIDsToUsernamePackages(ctx context.Context, g UIDMapperContext, uids []keybase1.UID, fullNameFreshness time.Duration, networkTimeBudget time.Duration, forceNetworkForFullNames bool) ([]UsernamePackage, error)

func (TestUIDMapper) SetTestingNoCachingMode

func (t TestUIDMapper) SetTestingNoCachingMode(enabled bool)

type TestingTB

type TestingTB interface {
	Error(args ...interface{})
	Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})
	Failed() bool
	Fatal(args ...interface{})
	Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{})
	Log(args ...interface{})
	Logf(format string, args ...interface{})
	Name() string
	Skip(args ...interface{})
	Skipf(format string, args ...interface{})
	Skipped() bool

TestingTB is a copy of the exported parts of testing.TB. We define this in order to avoid pulling in the "testing" package in exported code.

type TimeoutError

type TimeoutError struct{}

func (TimeoutError) Error

func (e TimeoutError) Error() string

func (TimeoutError) ToStatus

func (e TimeoutError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type TimerSelector

type TimerSelector int

TimerSelector allows us to select which timers we want on.

const (
	// TimerNone means Timers Disabled
	TimerNone TimerSelector = 0
	// TimerAPI enables API timers
	TimerAPI TimerSelector = 1 << iota
	// TimerXAPI enables External API timers
	// TimerRPC enables RPC timers

type TimerSet

type TimerSet struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TimerSet is the set of currently active timers

func NewTimerSet

func NewTimerSet(g *GlobalContext) *TimerSet

NewTimerSet looks into the given context for configuration information about how to set up timers. It then returns the corresponding TimerSet.

func (TimerSet) Start

func (s TimerSet) Start(sel TimerSelector) ReportingTimer

Start allocates and starts a new timer if the passed TimerSelector is currently enabled. Otherwise, it just returns a Dummy timer.

type TlfPseudonym

type TlfPseudonym [32]byte

TLFPseudonym is an identifier for a key in a tlf

func MakePseudonym

func MakePseudonym(info TlfPseudonymInfo) (TlfPseudonym, error)

MakePseudonym makes a TLF pseudonym from the given input.

func PostTlfPseudonyms

func PostTlfPseudonyms(ctx context.Context, g *GlobalContext, pnymInfos []TlfPseudonymInfo) ([]TlfPseudonym, error)

func (TlfPseudonym) Eq

func (t TlfPseudonym) Eq(r TlfPseudonym) bool

func (TlfPseudonym) String

func (t TlfPseudonym) String() string

type TlfPseudonymInfo

type TlfPseudonymInfo struct {
	// TLF name like: /keybase/private/a,b
	Name string
	// TLF id
	ID      tlfID
	KeyGen  KeyGen
	HmacKey [32]byte

TlfPseudonymInfo is what a pseudonym represents

type TlfPseudonymServerInfo

type TlfPseudonymServerInfo struct {

	// Using untrusted data during decryption is safe because we don't rely on
	// TLF keys for sender authenticity. (Note however that senders must not
	// use untrusted keys, or else they'd lose all privacy.)
	UntrustedCurrentName string

The server returns the current full name of the TLF, in addition to the TlfPseudonymInfo above.

type Token

type Token struct {
	Typ int
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewToken

func NewToken(typ int) Token

func (Token) Eq

func (t Token) Eq(t2 Token) bool

type TooManyKeysError

type TooManyKeysError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (TooManyKeysError) Error

func (e TooManyKeysError) Error() string

type TorMode

type TorMode int
const (
	TorNone TorMode = iota

func StringToTorMode

func StringToTorMode(s string) (ret TorMode, err error)

func (TorMode) Enabled

func (m TorMode) Enabled() bool

func (TorMode) UseCSRF

func (m TorMode) UseCSRF() bool

func (TorMode) UseCookies

func (m TorMode) UseCookies() bool

func (TorMode) UseHeaders

func (m TorMode) UseHeaders() bool

func (TorMode) UseSession

func (m TorMode) UseSession() bool

type TorSessionRequiredError

type TorSessionRequiredError struct{}

func (TorSessionRequiredError) Error

func (t TorSessionRequiredError) Error() string

type TrackBrokenError

type TrackBrokenError struct{}

func (TrackBrokenError) Error

func (e TrackBrokenError) Error() string

type TrackCache

type TrackCache struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewTrackCache

func NewTrackCache() *TrackCache

func (*TrackCache) Delete

func (c *TrackCache) Delete(key keybase1.TrackToken) error

func (*TrackCache) Get

func (*TrackCache) Insert

func (c *TrackCache) Insert(outcome *IdentifyOutcome) (keybase1.TrackToken, error)

func (*TrackCache) Shutdown

func (c *TrackCache) Shutdown()
type TrackChainLink struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

========================================================================= TrackChainLink

func GetRemoteChainLinkFor

func GetRemoteChainLinkFor(m MetaContext, follower *keybase1.UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations, followeeUsername NormalizedUsername, followeeUID keybase1.UID) (ret *TrackChainLink, err error)

func LocalTmpTrackChainLinkFor

func LocalTmpTrackChainLinkFor(m MetaContext, tracker, trackee keybase1.UID) (ret *TrackChainLink, err error)

func LocalTrackChainLinkFor

func LocalTrackChainLinkFor(m MetaContext, tracker, trackee keybase1.UID) (ret *TrackChainLink, err error)
func ParseTrackChainLink(b GenericChainLink) (ret *TrackChainLink, err error)

func TmpTrackChainLinkFor

func TmpTrackChainLinkFor(m MetaContext, me keybase1.UID, them keybase1.UID) (tcl *TrackChainLink, err error)

func TrackChainLinkFor

func TrackChainLinkFor(m MetaContext, me keybase1.UID, them keybase1.UID, remote *TrackChainLink, remoteErr error) (*TrackChainLink, error)

func TrackChainLinkFromUPK2AI

func TrackChainLinkFromUPK2AI(m MetaContext, follower *keybase1.UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations, followeeUsername NormalizedUsername, followeeUID keybase1.UID) (*TrackChainLink, error)

func (*TrackChainLink) DoOwnNewLinkFromServerNotifications

func (l *TrackChainLink) DoOwnNewLinkFromServerNotifications(g *GlobalContext)

func (TrackChainLink) Export

func (t TrackChainLink) Export() keybase1.RemoteTrack

func (*TrackChainLink) GetEldestKID

func (l *TrackChainLink) GetEldestKID() (kid keybase1.KID, err error)

func (*TrackChainLink) GetTmpExpireTime

func (l *TrackChainLink) GetTmpExpireTime() (ret time.Time)

func (*TrackChainLink) GetTrackedKeys

func (l *TrackChainLink) GetTrackedKeys() ([]TrackedKey, error)

func (*TrackChainLink) GetTrackedUID

func (l *TrackChainLink) GetTrackedUID() (keybase1.UID, error)

func (*TrackChainLink) GetTrackedUsername

func (l *TrackChainLink) GetTrackedUsername() (NormalizedUsername, error)

func (TrackChainLink) IsRemote

func (l TrackChainLink) IsRemote() bool

func (*TrackChainLink) IsRevoked

func (l *TrackChainLink) IsRevoked() bool

func (*TrackChainLink) RemoteKeyProofs

func (l *TrackChainLink) RemoteKeyProofs() *jsonw.Wrapper

func (*TrackChainLink) ToDisplayString

func (l *TrackChainLink) ToDisplayString() string

func (*TrackChainLink) ToServiceBlocks

func (l *TrackChainLink) ToServiceBlocks() (ret []*ServiceBlock)

func (*TrackChainLink) Type

func (l *TrackChainLink) Type() string

type TrackDiff

type TrackDiff interface {
	BreaksTracking() bool
	ToDisplayString() string
	ToDisplayMarkup() *Markup
	IsSameAsTracked() bool
	GetTrackDiffType() keybase1.TrackDiffType

type TrackDiffClash

type TrackDiffClash struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (TrackDiffClash) BreaksTracking

func (t TrackDiffClash) BreaksTracking() bool

func (TrackDiffClash) GetTrackDiffType

func (t TrackDiffClash) GetTrackDiffType() keybase1.TrackDiffType

func (TrackDiffClash) IsSameAsTracked

func (t TrackDiffClash) IsSameAsTracked() bool

func (TrackDiffClash) ToDisplayMarkup

func (t TrackDiffClash) ToDisplayMarkup() *Markup

func (TrackDiffClash) ToDisplayString

func (t TrackDiffClash) ToDisplayString() string

type TrackDiffNew

type TrackDiffNew struct{}

func (TrackDiffNew) BreaksTracking

func (t TrackDiffNew) BreaksTracking() bool

func (TrackDiffNew) GetTrackDiffType

func (t TrackDiffNew) GetTrackDiffType() keybase1.TrackDiffType

func (TrackDiffNew) IsSameAsTracked

func (t TrackDiffNew) IsSameAsTracked() bool

func (TrackDiffNew) ToDisplayMarkup

func (t TrackDiffNew) ToDisplayMarkup() *Markup

func (TrackDiffNew) ToDisplayString

func (t TrackDiffNew) ToDisplayString() string

type TrackDiffNewEldest

type TrackDiffNewEldest struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (TrackDiffNewEldest) BreaksTracking

func (t TrackDiffNewEldest) BreaksTracking() bool

func (TrackDiffNewEldest) GetTrackDiffType

func (t TrackDiffNewEldest) GetTrackDiffType() keybase1.TrackDiffType

func (TrackDiffNewEldest) IsSameAsTracked

func (t TrackDiffNewEldest) IsSameAsTracked() bool

func (TrackDiffNewEldest) ToDisplayMarkup

func (t TrackDiffNewEldest) ToDisplayMarkup() *Markup

func (TrackDiffNewEldest) ToDisplayString

func (t TrackDiffNewEldest) ToDisplayString() string

type TrackDiffNone

type TrackDiffNone struct{}

func (TrackDiffNone) BreaksTracking

func (t TrackDiffNone) BreaksTracking() bool

func (TrackDiffNone) GetTrackDiffType

func (t TrackDiffNone) GetTrackDiffType() keybase1.TrackDiffType

func (TrackDiffNone) IsSameAsTracked

func (t TrackDiffNone) IsSameAsTracked() bool

func (TrackDiffNone) ToDisplayMarkup

func (t TrackDiffNone) ToDisplayMarkup() *Markup

func (TrackDiffNone) ToDisplayString

func (t TrackDiffNone) ToDisplayString() string

type TrackDiffNoneViaTemporary

type TrackDiffNoneViaTemporary struct{}

func (TrackDiffNoneViaTemporary) BreaksTracking

func (t TrackDiffNoneViaTemporary) BreaksTracking() bool

func (TrackDiffNoneViaTemporary) GetTrackDiffType

func (t TrackDiffNoneViaTemporary) GetTrackDiffType() keybase1.TrackDiffType

func (TrackDiffNoneViaTemporary) IsSameAsTracked

func (t TrackDiffNoneViaTemporary) IsSameAsTracked() bool

func (TrackDiffNoneViaTemporary) ToDisplayMarkup

func (t TrackDiffNoneViaTemporary) ToDisplayMarkup() *Markup

func (TrackDiffNoneViaTemporary) ToDisplayString

func (t TrackDiffNoneViaTemporary) ToDisplayString() string

type TrackDiffRemoteChanged

type TrackDiffRemoteChanged struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (TrackDiffRemoteChanged) BreaksTracking

func (t TrackDiffRemoteChanged) BreaksTracking() bool

func (TrackDiffRemoteChanged) GetTrackDiffType

func (t TrackDiffRemoteChanged) GetTrackDiffType() keybase1.TrackDiffType

func (TrackDiffRemoteChanged) IsSameAsTracked

func (t TrackDiffRemoteChanged) IsSameAsTracked() bool

func (TrackDiffRemoteChanged) ToDisplayMarkup

func (t TrackDiffRemoteChanged) ToDisplayMarkup() *Markup

func (TrackDiffRemoteChanged) ToDisplayString

func (t TrackDiffRemoteChanged) ToDisplayString() string

type TrackDiffRemoteFail

type TrackDiffRemoteFail struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (TrackDiffRemoteFail) BreaksTracking

func (t TrackDiffRemoteFail) BreaksTracking() bool

func (TrackDiffRemoteFail) GetTrackDiffType

func (t TrackDiffRemoteFail) GetTrackDiffType() keybase1.TrackDiffType

func (TrackDiffRemoteFail) IsSameAsTracked

func (t TrackDiffRemoteFail) IsSameAsTracked() bool

func (TrackDiffRemoteFail) ToDisplayMarkup

func (t TrackDiffRemoteFail) ToDisplayMarkup() *Markup

func (TrackDiffRemoteFail) ToDisplayString

func (t TrackDiffRemoteFail) ToDisplayString() string

type TrackDiffRemoteWorking

type TrackDiffRemoteWorking struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (TrackDiffRemoteWorking) BreaksTracking

func (t TrackDiffRemoteWorking) BreaksTracking() bool

func (TrackDiffRemoteWorking) GetTrackDiffType

func (t TrackDiffRemoteWorking) GetTrackDiffType() keybase1.TrackDiffType

func (TrackDiffRemoteWorking) IsSameAsTracked

func (t TrackDiffRemoteWorking) IsSameAsTracked() bool

func (TrackDiffRemoteWorking) ToDisplayMarkup

func (t TrackDiffRemoteWorking) ToDisplayMarkup() *Markup

func (TrackDiffRemoteWorking) ToDisplayString

func (t TrackDiffRemoteWorking) ToDisplayString() string

type TrackDiffRevoked

type TrackDiffRevoked struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (TrackDiffRevoked) BreaksTracking

func (t TrackDiffRevoked) BreaksTracking() bool

func (TrackDiffRevoked) GetTrackDiffType

func (t TrackDiffRevoked) GetTrackDiffType() keybase1.TrackDiffType

func (TrackDiffRevoked) IsSameAsTracked

func (t TrackDiffRevoked) IsSameAsTracked() bool

func (TrackDiffRevoked) ToDisplayMarkup

func (t TrackDiffRevoked) ToDisplayMarkup() *Markup

func (TrackDiffRevoked) ToDisplayString

func (t TrackDiffRevoked) ToDisplayString() string

type TrackDiffSnoozedRevoked

type TrackDiffSnoozedRevoked struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (TrackDiffSnoozedRevoked) BreaksTracking

func (t TrackDiffSnoozedRevoked) BreaksTracking() bool

func (TrackDiffSnoozedRevoked) GetTrackDiffType

func (t TrackDiffSnoozedRevoked) GetTrackDiffType() keybase1.TrackDiffType

func (TrackDiffSnoozedRevoked) IsSameAsTracked

func (t TrackDiffSnoozedRevoked) IsSameAsTracked() bool

func (TrackDiffSnoozedRevoked) ToDisplayMarkup

func (t TrackDiffSnoozedRevoked) ToDisplayMarkup() *Markup

func (TrackDiffSnoozedRevoked) ToDisplayString

func (t TrackDiffSnoozedRevoked) ToDisplayString() string

type TrackDiffUpgraded

type TrackDiffUpgraded struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (TrackDiffUpgraded) BreaksTracking

func (t TrackDiffUpgraded) BreaksTracking() bool

func (TrackDiffUpgraded) GetCurr

func (t TrackDiffUpgraded) GetCurr() string

func (TrackDiffUpgraded) GetPrev

func (t TrackDiffUpgraded) GetPrev() string

func (TrackDiffUpgraded) GetTrackDiffType

func (t TrackDiffUpgraded) GetTrackDiffType() keybase1.TrackDiffType

func (TrackDiffUpgraded) IsSameAsTracked

func (t TrackDiffUpgraded) IsSameAsTracked() bool

func (TrackDiffUpgraded) ToDisplayMarkup

func (t TrackDiffUpgraded) ToDisplayMarkup() *Markup

func (TrackDiffUpgraded) ToDisplayString

func (t TrackDiffUpgraded) ToDisplayString() string

type TrackIDComponent

type TrackIDComponent interface {
	ToIDString() string
	ToKeyValuePair() (string, string)
	GetProofState() keybase1.ProofState
	LastWriterWins() bool
	GetProofType() keybase1.ProofType

Can be a ProofLinkWithState, one of the identities listed in a tracking statement, or a PGP Fingerprint!

type TrackInstructions

type TrackInstructions struct {
	Local  bool
	Remote bool

type TrackLookup

type TrackLookup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewTrackLookup

func NewTrackLookup(g *GlobalContext, link *TrackChainLink) *TrackLookup

func (*TrackLookup) GetCTime

func (l *TrackLookup) GetCTime() time.Time

func (TrackLookup) GetEldestKID

func (l TrackLookup) GetEldestKID() keybase1.KID

func (TrackLookup) GetProofState

func (l TrackLookup) GetProofState(id string) keybase1.ProofState

func (TrackLookup) GetTmpExpireTime

func (l TrackLookup) GetTmpExpireTime() (ret time.Time)

func (TrackLookup) GetTrackedKeys

func (l TrackLookup) GetTrackedKeys() []TrackedKey

func (TrackLookup) GetTrackerSeqno

func (l TrackLookup) GetTrackerSeqno() keybase1.Seqno

func (TrackLookup) IsRemote

func (l TrackLookup) IsRemote() bool

func (TrackLookup) ToSummary

func (l TrackLookup) ToSummary() TrackSummary

type TrackSet

type TrackSet struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewTrackSet

func NewTrackSet() *TrackSet

func (TrackSet) Add

func (ts TrackSet) Add(t TrackIDComponent)

func (TrackSet) GetProofState

func (ts TrackSet) GetProofState(id string) keybase1.ProofState

func (TrackSet) HasMember

func (ts TrackSet) HasMember(t TrackIDComponent) bool

func (TrackSet) LenEq

func (ts TrackSet) LenEq(b TrackSet) bool

func (TrackSet) Subtract

func (ts TrackSet) Subtract(b TrackSet) (out []TrackIDComponent)

type TrackStaleError

type TrackStaleError struct {
	FirstTrack bool

func (TrackStaleError) Error

func (e TrackStaleError) Error() string

type TrackSummary

type TrackSummary struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func ImportTrackSummary

func ImportTrackSummary(s *keybase1.TrackSummary) *TrackSummary

func (TrackSummary) Export

func (s TrackSummary) Export(username string) (ret keybase1.TrackSummary)

func (TrackSummary) GetCTime

func (s TrackSummary) GetCTime() time.Time

func (TrackSummary) IsRemote

func (s TrackSummary) IsRemote() bool

func (TrackSummary) Username

func (s TrackSummary) Username() string

type TrackedKey

type TrackedKey struct {
	KID         keybase1.KID
	Fingerprint *PGPFingerprint

type Tracker

type Tracker keybase1.Tracker

func (Tracker) Eq

func (t Tracker) Eq(t2 Tracker) bool

func (Tracker) Export

func (t Tracker) Export() keybase1.Tracker

func (Tracker) GetUID

func (t Tracker) GetUID() keybase1.UID

type Tracker2Syncer

type Tracker2Syncer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewTracker2Syncer

func NewTracker2Syncer(g *GlobalContext, callerUID keybase1.UID, reverse bool) *Tracker2Syncer

func (*Tracker2Syncer) Result

type TrackerSyncer

type TrackerSyncer struct {
	// Locks the whole object
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewTrackerSyncer

func NewTrackerSyncer(uid keybase1.UID, g *GlobalContext) *TrackerSyncer

func (*TrackerSyncer) Trackers

func (t *TrackerSyncer) Trackers() *Trackers

type Trackers

type Trackers struct {
	Version  int       `json:"version"`
	Trackers []Tracker `json:"trackers"`

type TrackingBrokeError

type TrackingBrokeError struct{}

func (TrackingBrokeError) Error

func (e TrackingBrokeError) Error() string

func (TrackingBrokeError) ToStatus

func (e TrackingBrokeError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type Triplesec

type Triplesec interface {
	DeriveKey(l int) ([]byte, []byte, error)
	Decrypt([]byte) ([]byte, error)
	Encrypt([]byte) ([]byte, error)

func NewSecureTriplesec

func NewSecureTriplesec(passphrase []byte, salt []byte) (Triplesec, error)
type TypedChainLink interface {
	GetRevocations() []keybase1.SigID
	GetRevokeKids() []keybase1.KID

	GetSigID() keybase1.SigID
	GetArmoredSig() string

	ToDebugString() string
	Type() string
	ToDisplayString() string
	IsRevocationIsh() bool
	IsRevoked() bool
	IsDirectlyRevoked() bool
	GetRole() KeyRole
	GetSeqno() keybase1.Seqno
	GetCTime() time.Time
	GetETime() time.Time
	GetPGPFingerprint() *PGPFingerprint
	GetPGPFullHash() string
	GetKID() keybase1.KID
	IsInCurrentFamily(u *User) bool
	GetUsername() string
	GetUID() keybase1.UID
	GetDelegatedKid() keybase1.KID
	GetMerkleHashMeta() (keybase1.HashMeta, error)
	GetParentKid() keybase1.KID
	VerifyReverseSig(ckf ComputedKeyFamily) error
	GetMerkleSeqno() keybase1.Seqno
	GetFirstAppearedMerkleSeqnoUnverified() keybase1.Seqno
	GetDevice() *Device
	DoOwnNewLinkFromServerNotifications(g *GlobalContext)
	ToSigChainLocation() keybase1.SigChainLocation
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

type U

type U struct {
	Val uint64

func (U) String

func (u U) String() string

type UHex

type UHex struct {
	Val uint64

func (UHex) String

func (h UHex) String() string

type UI

type UI interface {
	GetIdentifyUI() IdentifyUI
	GetIdentifyTrackUI() IdentifyUI
	GetLoginUI() LoginUI
	GetSecretUI() SecretUI
	GetTerminalUI() TerminalUI
	GetDumbOutputUI() DumbOutputUI
	GetProveUI() ProveUI
	GetLogUI() LogUI
	GetProvisionUI(role KexRole) ProvisionUI
	GetPgpUI() PgpUI
	Configure() error
	Shutdown() error

type UIConsumer

type UIConsumer interface {
	Name() string
	RequiredUIs() []UIKind
	SubConsumers() []UIConsumer

type UIDMapper

type UIDMapper interface {
	// CheckUIDAginstUsername makes sure that the UID actually does map to the given username.
	// For new UIDs, it's a question of just SHA2'ing. For legacy usernames, we check the
	// hardcoded map.
	CheckUIDAgainstUsername(uid keybase1.UID, un NormalizedUsername) bool

	// MapUIDToUsernamePackages maps the given set of UIDs to the username
	// packages, which include a username and a fullname, and when the mapping
	// was loaded from the server. It blocks on the network until all usernames
	// are known. If the `forceNetworkForFullNames` flag is specified, it will
	// block on the network too. If the flag is not specified, then stale
	// values (or unknown values) are OK, we won't go to network if we lack
	// them. All network calls are limited by the given timeBudget, or if 0 is
	// specified, there is indefinite budget. In the response, a nil
	// FullNamePackage means that the lookup failed. A non-nil FullNamePackage
	// means that some previous lookup worked, but might be arbitrarily out of
	// date (depending on the cachedAt time). A non-nil FullNamePackage with an
	// empty fullName field means that the user just hasn't supplied a
	// fullName.
	// *NOTE* that this function can return useful data and an error. In this
	// regard, the error is more like a warning. But if, for instance, the
	// mapper runs out of time budget, it will return the data
	MapUIDsToUsernamePackages(ctx context.Context, g UIDMapperContext, uids []keybase1.UID, fullNameFreshness time.Duration,
		networktimeBudget time.Duration, forceNetworkForFullNames bool) ([]UsernamePackage, error)

	// SetTestingNoCachingMode puts the UID mapper into a mode where it never serves cached results, *strictly
	// for use in tests*
	SetTestingNoCachingMode(enabled bool)

	// ClearUID is called to clear the given UID out of the cache, if the given eldest
	// seqno doesn't match what's currently cached.
	ClearUIDAtEldestSeqno(context.Context, UIDMapperContext, keybase1.UID, keybase1.Seqno) error

	// InformOfEldestSeqno informs the mapper of an up-to-date (uid,eldestSeqno) pair.
	// If the cache has a different value, it will clear the cache and then plumb
	// the pair all the way through to the server, whose cache may also be in need
	// of busting. Will return true if the cached value was up-to-date, and false
	// otherwise.
	InformOfEldestSeqno(context.Context, UIDMapperContext, keybase1.UserVersion) (bool, error)

type UIDMapperContext

type UIDMapperContext interface {

type UIDMismatchError

type UIDMismatchError struct {
	Msg string

func NewUIDMismatchError

func NewUIDMismatchError(m string) UIDMismatchError

func (UIDMismatchError) Error

func (u UIDMismatchError) Error() string

type UIDelegationUnavailableError

type UIDelegationUnavailableError struct{}

func (UIDelegationUnavailableError) Error

func (UIDelegationUnavailableError) ToStatus

type UIDer

type UIDer interface {
	GetUID() keybase1.UID

type UIKind

type UIKind int
const (
	GPGUIKind UIKind = iota

func (UIKind) String

func (u UIKind) String() string

type UIRouter

type UIRouter interface {
	SetUI(ConnectionID, UIKind)

	// These are allowed to return nil for the UI even if
	// error is nil.
	GetIdentifyUI() (IdentifyUI, error)
	GetIdentifyUICtx(ctx context.Context) (int, IdentifyUI, error)
	GetSecretUI(sessionID int) (SecretUI, error)
	GetRekeyUI() (keybase1.RekeyUIInterface, int, error)
	GetRekeyUINoSessionID() (keybase1.RekeyUIInterface, error)
	GetHomeUI() (keybase1.HomeUIInterface, error)


type UIs

type UIs struct {
	LogUI       LogUI
	LoginUI     LoginUI
	SecretUI    SecretUI
	IdentifyUI  IdentifyUI
	PgpUI       PgpUI
	ProveUI     ProveUI
	ProvisionUI ProvisionUI
	SaltpackUI  SaltpackUI

	// Usually set to `NONE`, meaning none specified.
	// But if we know it, specify the end client type here
	// since some things like GPG shell-out work differently
	// depending.
	ClientType keybase1.ClientType

	// Special-case flag for identifyUI -- if it's been delegated
	// to the electron UI, then it's rate-limitable
	IdentifyUIIsDelegated bool

	SessionID int

func (UIs) HasUI

func (e UIs) HasUI(kind UIKind) bool

type UPAKLoader

type UPAKLoader interface {
	Load(arg LoadUserArg) (ret *keybase1.UserPlusAllKeys, user *User, err error)
	LoadV2(arg LoadUserArg) (ret *keybase1.UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations, user *User, err error)
	CheckKIDForUID(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, kid keybase1.KID) (found bool, revokedAt *keybase1.KeybaseTime, deleted bool, err error)
	LoadUserPlusKeys(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, pollForKID keybase1.KID) (keybase1.UserPlusKeys, error)
	LoadKeyV2(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, kid keybase1.KID) (*keybase1.UserPlusKeysV2, *keybase1.UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations, *keybase1.PublicKeyV2NaCl, error)
	Invalidate(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID)
	LoadDeviceKey(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID) (upak *keybase1.UserPlusAllKeys, deviceKey *keybase1.PublicKey, revoked *keybase1.RevokedKey, err error)
	LoadUPAKWithDeviceID(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, deviceID keybase1.DeviceID) (*keybase1.UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations, error)
	LookupUsername(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID) (NormalizedUsername, error)
	LookupUsernameUPAK(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID) (NormalizedUsername, error)
	LookupUID(ctx context.Context, un NormalizedUsername) (keybase1.UID, error)
	LookupUsernameAndDevice(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, did keybase1.DeviceID) (username NormalizedUsername, deviceName string, deviceType string, err error)
	ListFollowedUIDs(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID) ([]keybase1.UID, error)
	PutUserToCache(ctx context.Context, user *User) error
	LoadV2WithKID(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, kid keybase1.KID) (*keybase1.UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations, error)
	CheckDeviceForUIDAndUsername(ctx context.Context, uid keybase1.UID, did keybase1.DeviceID, n NormalizedUsername) error
	Batcher(ctx context.Context, getArg func(int) *LoadUserArg, processResult func(int, *keybase1.UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations), window int) (err error)

UPAK Loader is a loader for UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations. It's a thin user object that is almost as good for many purposes, but can be safely copied and serialized.

func NewUncachedUPAKLoader

func NewUncachedUPAKLoader(g *GlobalContext) UPAKLoader

NewUncachedUPAKLoader creates a UPAK loader that doesn't do any caching. It uses the implementation of CachedUPAKLoader but disables all caching.

type UTF16UnsupportedError

type UTF16UnsupportedError struct{}

func (UTF16UnsupportedError) Error

func (e UTF16UnsupportedError) Error() string

type UncachedFullSelf

type UncachedFullSelf struct {

func NewUncachedFullSelf

func NewUncachedFullSelf(g *GlobalContext) *UncachedFullSelf

func (*UncachedFullSelf) HandleUserChanged

func (n *UncachedFullSelf) HandleUserChanged(u keybase1.UID) error

func (*UncachedFullSelf) New

func (n *UncachedFullSelf) New() FullSelfer

func (*UncachedFullSelf) OnLogin

func (n *UncachedFullSelf) OnLogin() error

func (*UncachedFullSelf) Update

func (n *UncachedFullSelf) Update(ctx context.Context, u *User) error

func (*UncachedFullSelf) WithSelf

func (n *UncachedFullSelf) WithSelf(ctx context.Context, f func(u *User) error) error

func (*UncachedFullSelf) WithSelfForcePoll

func (n *UncachedFullSelf) WithSelfForcePoll(ctx context.Context, f func(u *User) error) error

func (*UncachedFullSelf) WithUser

func (n *UncachedFullSelf) WithUser(arg LoadUserArg, f func(u *User) error) error

type UnexpectedChatDataFromServer

type UnexpectedChatDataFromServer struct {
	Msg string

func (UnexpectedChatDataFromServer) Error

type UnexpectedKeyError

type UnexpectedKeyError struct {

func (UnexpectedKeyError) Error

func (e UnexpectedKeyError) Error() string

type UnforwardedLoggerWithLegacyInterface

type UnforwardedLoggerWithLegacyInterface interface {
	Debug(s string, args ...interface{})
	Error(s string, args ...interface{})
	Errorf(s string, args ...interface{})
	Warning(s string, args ...interface{})
	Info(s string, args ...interface{})
	Profile(s string, args ...interface{})

type UnknownKeyTypeError

type UnknownKeyTypeError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (UnknownKeyTypeError) Error

func (e UnknownKeyTypeError) Error() string

type UnknownSpecialKIDError

type UnknownSpecialKIDError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (UnknownSpecialKIDError) Error

func (u UnknownSpecialKIDError) Error() string

type UnknownStreamError

type UnknownStreamError struct{}

func (UnknownStreamError) Error

func (e UnknownStreamError) Error() string

type UnlockerFunc

type UnlockerFunc func(pw string, storeSecret bool) (ret GenericKey, err error)

type UnmetAssertionError

type UnmetAssertionError struct {
	User   string
	Remote bool

func (UnmetAssertionError) Error

func (e UnmetAssertionError) Error() string
type UntrackChainLink struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ParseUntrackChainLink(b GenericChainLink) (ret *UntrackChainLink, err error)

func (*UntrackChainLink) DoOwnNewLinkFromServerNotifications

func (u *UntrackChainLink) DoOwnNewLinkFromServerNotifications(g *GlobalContext)

func (*UntrackChainLink) IsRevocationIsh

func (u *UntrackChainLink) IsRevocationIsh() bool

func (*UntrackChainLink) ToDisplayString

func (u *UntrackChainLink) ToDisplayString() string

func (*UntrackChainLink) Type

func (u *UntrackChainLink) Type() string

type UntrackError

type UntrackError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewUntrackError

func NewUntrackError(d string, a ...interface{}) UntrackError

func (UntrackError) Error

func (e UntrackError) Error() string

type UpdaterConfigReader

type UpdaterConfigReader interface {
	GetInstallID() InstallID

type Usage

type Usage struct {
	Config     bool
	GpgKeyring bool
	KbKeyring  bool
	API        bool
	Socket     bool
	AllowRoot  bool

func (Usage) UseKeyring

func (u Usage) UseKeyring() bool

type User

type User struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func LoadMe

func LoadMe(arg LoadUserArg) (*User, error)

func LoadMeByMetaContextAndUID

func LoadMeByMetaContextAndUID(m MetaContext, uid keybase1.UID) (*User, error)

func LoadMeByUID

func LoadMeByUID(ctx context.Context, g *GlobalContext, uid keybase1.UID) (*User, error)

func LoadUser

func LoadUser(arg LoadUserArg) (ret *User, err error)

func LoadUserFromLocalStorage

func LoadUserFromLocalStorage(m MetaContext, uid keybase1.UID) (u *User, err error)

func LoadUserFromServer

func LoadUserFromServer(m MetaContext, uid keybase1.UID, body *jsonw.Wrapper) (u *User, err error)

func NewUserFromLocalStorage

func NewUserFromLocalStorage(g *GlobalContext, o *jsonw.Wrapper) (*User, error)

func NewUserFromServer

func NewUserFromServer(g *GlobalContext, o *jsonw.Wrapper) (*User, error)

func NewUserThin

func NewUserThin(name string, uid keybase1.UID) *User

func (*User) AllSyncedSecretKeys

func (u *User) AllSyncedSecretKeys(m MetaContext) (keys []*SKB, err error)

AllSyncedSecretKeys returns all the PGP key blocks that were synced to API server. LoginContext can be nil if this isn't used while logging in, signing up.

func (*User) BaseProofSet

func (u *User) BaseProofSet() *ProofSet

BaseProofSet creates a basic proof set for a user with their keybase and uid proofs and any pgp fingerprint proofs.

func (*User) CheckBasicsFreshness

func (u *User) CheckBasicsFreshness(server int64) (current bool, err error)

func (*User) CryptocurrencySig

func (u *User) CryptocurrencySig(m MetaContext, key GenericKey, address string, typ CryptocurrencyType, sigToRevoke keybase1.SigID, merkleRoot *MerkleRoot, sigVersion SigVersion) (*jsonw.Wrapper, error)

func (*User) DeviceNames

func (u *User) DeviceNames() ([]string, error)

func (*User) Equal

func (u *User) Equal(other *User) bool

func (*User) Export

func (u *User) Export() *keybase1.User

func (*User) ExportRemoteTracks

func (u *User) ExportRemoteTracks() []keybase1.RemoteTrack

NOTE: This list *must* be in sorted order. If we ever write V3, be careful to keep it sorted!

func (*User) ExportToUPKV2AllIncarnations

func (u *User) ExportToUPKV2AllIncarnations() (*keybase1.UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations, error)

func (*User) ExportToUserPlusAllKeys

func (u *User) ExportToUserPlusAllKeys() keybase1.UserPlusAllKeys

func (*User) ExportToUserPlusKeys

func (u *User) ExportToUserPlusKeys() keybase1.UserPlusKeys

func (*User) ExportToVersionVector

func (u *User) ExportToVersionVector() keybase1.UserVersionVector

func (*User) FilterActivePGPKeys

func (u *User) FilterActivePGPKeys(sibkey bool, query string) []*PGPKeyBundle

FilterActivePGPKeys returns the active pgp keys that match query.

func (*User) GetActivePGPFingerprints

func (u *User) GetActivePGPFingerprints(sibkey bool) (ret []PGPFingerprint)

GetActivePGPFingerprints looks into the user's ComputedKeyFamily and returns only the fingerprint of the active PGP keys. If you want only sibkeys, then // specify sibkey=true.

func (*User) GetActivePGPKIDs

func (u *User) GetActivePGPKIDs(sibkey bool) (ret []keybase1.KID)

func (*User) GetActivePGPKeys

func (u *User) GetActivePGPKeys(sibkey bool) (ret []*PGPKeyBundle)

GetActivePGPKeys looks into the user's ComputedKeyFamily and returns only the active PGP keys. If you want only sibkeys, then specify sibkey=true.

func (*User) GetComputedKeyFamily

func (u *User) GetComputedKeyFamily() (ret *ComputedKeyFamily)

func (*User) GetComputedKeyInfos

func (u *User) GetComputedKeyInfos() *ComputedKeyInfos

func (*User) GetCurrentEldestSeqno

func (u *User) GetCurrentEldestSeqno() keybase1.Seqno

func (*User) GetDevice

func (u *User) GetDevice(id keybase1.DeviceID) (*Device, error)

func (*User) GetDeviceSibkey

func (u *User) GetDeviceSibkey() (GenericKey, error)

func (*User) GetDeviceSubkey

func (u *User) GetDeviceSubkey() (subkey GenericKey, err error)

func (*User) GetEldestKID

func (u *User) GetEldestKID() (ret keybase1.KID)

May return an empty KID

func (*User) GetIDVersion

func (u *User) GetIDVersion() (int64, error)

func (*User) GetKeyFamily

func (u *User) GetKeyFamily() *KeyFamily

func (*User) GetName

func (u *User) GetName() string

func (*User) GetNormalizedName

func (u *User) GetNormalizedName() NormalizedUsername

func (*User) GetPublicChainTail

func (u *User) GetPublicChainTail() *MerkleTriple

func (*User) GetSalt

func (u *User) GetSalt() (salt []byte, err error)

func (*User) GetSigChainLastKnownID

func (u *User) GetSigChainLastKnownID() LinkID

func (*User) GetSigChainLastKnownSeqno

func (u *User) GetSigChainLastKnownSeqno() keybase1.Seqno

func (*User) GetSigHintsVersion

func (u *User) GetSigHintsVersion() int

func (*User) GetSigIDFromSeqno

func (u *User) GetSigIDFromSeqno(seqno keybase1.Seqno) keybase1.SigID

func (*User) GetStatus

func (u *User) GetStatus() keybase1.StatusCode

func (*User) GetSyncedSecretKey

func (u *User) GetSyncedSecretKey(m MetaContext) (ret *SKB, err error)

func (*User) GetUID

func (u *User) GetUID() keybase1.UID

func (*User) HasActiveKey

func (u *User) HasActiveKey() (ret bool)

func (*User) HasCurrentDeviceInCurrentInstall

func (u *User) HasCurrentDeviceInCurrentInstall() bool

func (*User) HasDeviceInCurrentInstall

func (u *User) HasDeviceInCurrentInstall(did keybase1.DeviceID) bool

Returns whether or not the current install has an active device sibkey.

func (*User) HasEncryptionSubkey

func (u *User) HasEncryptionSubkey() bool

func (*User) IDTable

func (u *User) IDTable() *IdentityTable

func (*User) IsCachedIdentifyFresh

func (u *User) IsCachedIdentifyFresh(upk *keybase1.UserPlusKeysV2AllIncarnations) bool

func (*User) IsNewerThan

func (u *User) IsNewerThan(v *User) (bool, error)

func (*User) IsSigIDActive

func (u *User) IsSigIDActive(sigID keybase1.SigID) (bool, error)

func (*User) LinkFromSigID

func (u *User) LinkFromSigID(sigID keybase1.SigID) *ChainLink

func (*User) LoadSigChains

func (u *User) LoadSigChains(m MetaContext, f *MerkleUserLeaf, self bool) (err error)

func (*User) MakeIDTable

func (u *User) MakeIDTable(m MetaContext) error

func (User) PartialCopy

func (u User) PartialCopy() *User

PartialCopy copies some fields of the User object, but not all. For instance, it doesn't copy the SigChain or IDTable, and it only makes a shallow copy of the ComputedKeyFamily.

func (*User) RevokeKeysProof

func (u *User) RevokeKeysProof(m MetaContext, key GenericKey, kidsToRevoke []keybase1.KID, deviceToDisable keybase1.DeviceID, merkleRoot *MerkleRoot) (*jsonw.Wrapper, error)

func (*User) RevokeSigsProof

func (u *User) RevokeSigsProof(m MetaContext, key GenericKey, sigIDsToRevoke []keybase1.SigID, merkleRoot *MerkleRoot) (*jsonw.Wrapper, error)

func (*User) ServiceProof

func (u *User) ServiceProof(m MetaContext, signingKey GenericKey, typ ServiceType, remotename string, sigVersion SigVersion) (ret *jsonw.Wrapper, err error)

func (*User) SigChainBump

func (u *User) SigChainBump(linkID LinkID, sigID keybase1.SigID)

func (*User) SigChainBumpMT

func (u *User) SigChainBumpMT(mt MerkleTriple)

func (*User) SigChainDump

func (u *User) SigChainDump(w io.Writer)

func (*User) SigIDSearch

func (u *User) SigIDSearch(query string) (keybase1.SigID, error)

func (*User) SigningKeyPub

func (u *User) SigningKeyPub() (GenericKey, error)

func (*User) StellarAccountID

func (u *User) StellarAccountID() *stellar1.AccountID

Return the active stellar public address for a user. Returns nil if there is none or it has not been loaded.

func (*User) Store

func (u *User) Store(m MetaContext) error

func (*User) StoreSigChain

func (u *User) StoreSigChain(m MetaContext) error

func (*User) StoreTopLevel

func (u *User) StoreTopLevel(m MetaContext) error

func (*User) SyncSecrets

func (u *User) SyncSecrets(m MetaContext) error

func (*User) SyncedSecretKey

func (u *User) SyncedSecretKey(m MetaContext) (ret *SKB, err error)

func (*User) TmpTrackChainLinkFor

func (u *User) TmpTrackChainLinkFor(m MetaContext, username string, uid keybase1.UID) (tcl *TrackChainLink, err error)

func (*User) ToTrackingStatement

func (u *User) ToTrackingStatement(w *jsonw.Wrapper, outcome *IdentifyOutcome) (err error)

func (*User) ToTrackingStatementBasics

func (u *User) ToTrackingStatementBasics(errp *error) *jsonw.Wrapper

func (*User) ToTrackingStatementKey

func (u *User) ToTrackingStatementKey(errp *error) *jsonw.Wrapper

func (*User) ToTrackingStatementPGPKeys

func (u *User) ToTrackingStatementPGPKeys(errp *error) *jsonw.Wrapper

func (*User) ToTrackingStatementSeqTail

func (u *User) ToTrackingStatementSeqTail() *jsonw.Wrapper

func (*User) ToUntrackingStatement

func (u *User) ToUntrackingStatement(w *jsonw.Wrapper) (err error)

func (*User) ToUntrackingStatementBasics

func (u *User) ToUntrackingStatementBasics() *jsonw.Wrapper

func (*User) ToUserForSignatures

func (u *User) ToUserForSignatures() (ret UserForSignatures)

func (*User) ToUserVersion

func (u *User) ToUserVersion() keybase1.UserVersion

func (*User) TrackChainLinkFor

func (u *User) TrackChainLinkFor(m MetaContext, username NormalizedUsername, uid keybase1.UID) (*TrackChainLink, error)

func (*User) TrackingProofFor

func (u *User) TrackingProofFor(m MetaContext, signingKey GenericKey, sigVersion SigVersion, u2 *User, outcome *IdentifyOutcome) (ret *jsonw.Wrapper, err error)

func (*User) UntrackingProofFor

func (u *User) UntrackingProofFor(m MetaContext, signingKey GenericKey, sigVersion SigVersion, u2 *User) (ret *jsonw.Wrapper, err error)

func (*User) UpdateEmailProof

func (u *User) UpdateEmailProof(m MetaContext, key GenericKey, newEmail string) (*jsonw.Wrapper, error)

func (*User) UpdatePassphraseProof

func (u *User) UpdatePassphraseProof(m MetaContext, key GenericKey, pwh string, ppGen PassphraseGeneration, pdpka5kid string) (*jsonw.Wrapper, error)

func (*User) VerifySelfSig

func (u *User) VerifySelfSig() error

func (*User) VerifySelfSigByKey

func (u *User) VerifySelfSigByKey() (ret bool)

type UserBasic

type UserBasic interface {
	GetUID() keybase1.UID
	GetName() string

type UserCardCache

type UserCardCache struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

UserCardCache caches keybase1.UserCard objects in memory.

func NewUserCardCache

func NewUserCardCache(maxAge time.Duration) *UserCardCache

NewUserCardCache creates a UserCardCache. keybase1.UserCards will expire after maxAge.

func (*UserCardCache) Delete

func (c *UserCardCache) Delete(uid keybase1.UID) error

func (*UserCardCache) Get

func (c *UserCardCache) Get(uid keybase1.UID, useSession bool) (*keybase1.UserCard, error)

Get looks for a keybase1.UserCard for uid. It returns nil, nil if not found. useSession is set if the card is being looked up with a session.

func (*UserCardCache) Set

func (c *UserCardCache) Set(card *keybase1.UserCard, usedSession bool) error

Set stores card in the UserCardCache. usedSession is set based on whether user/card was looked up with a session or not.

func (*UserCardCache) Shutdown

func (c *UserCardCache) Shutdown()

Shutdown stops any goroutines in the cache.

type UserChangedHandler

type UserChangedHandler interface {
	// HandlerUserChanged is called when the with User with the given UID has
	// changed, either because of a sigchain change, or a profile change.
	HandleUserChanged(uid keybase1.UID) error

UserChangedHandler is a generic interface for handling user changed events. If the call returns an error, we'll remove this handler from the list, under the supposition that it's now dead.

type UserConfig

type UserConfig struct {
	ID     string             `json:"id"`
	Name   NormalizedUsername `json:"name"`
	Salt   string             `json:"salt"`
	Device *string            `json:"device"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func ImportUserConfigFromJSONWrapper

func ImportUserConfigFromJSONWrapper(jw *jsonw.Wrapper) (ret *UserConfig, err error)

func NewOneshotUserConfig

func NewOneshotUserConfig(id keybase1.UID, name NormalizedUsername, salt []byte, dev keybase1.DeviceID) *UserConfig

func NewUserConfig

func NewUserConfig(id keybase1.UID, name NormalizedUsername, salt []byte, dev keybase1.DeviceID) *UserConfig

func (UserConfig) GetDeviceID

func (u UserConfig) GetDeviceID() keybase1.DeviceID

func (UserConfig) GetUID

func (u UserConfig) GetUID() keybase1.UID

func (UserConfig) GetUsername

func (u UserConfig) GetUsername() NormalizedUsername

func (*UserConfig) Import

func (u *UserConfig) Import() (err error)

func (UserConfig) IsOneshot

func (u UserConfig) IsOneshot() bool

func (*UserConfig) SetDevice

func (u *UserConfig) SetDevice(d keybase1.DeviceID)

type UserConfigWrapper

type UserConfigWrapper struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type UserDeletedError

type UserDeletedError struct {
	Msg string

func (UserDeletedError) Error

func (e UserDeletedError) Error() string

func (UserDeletedError) ToStatus

func (e UserDeletedError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type UserEKBoxStorage

type UserEKBoxStorage interface {
	Put(ctx context.Context, generation keybase1.EkGeneration, userEKBoxed keybase1.UserEkBoxed) error
	Get(ctx context.Context, generation keybase1.EkGeneration) (keybase1.UserEk, error)
	MaxGeneration(ctx context.Context) (keybase1.EkGeneration, error)
	DeleteExpired(ctx context.Context, merkleRoot MerkleRoot) ([]keybase1.EkGeneration, error)

type UserForSignatures

type UserForSignatures struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func LoadSelfForTeamSignatures

func LoadSelfForTeamSignatures(ctx context.Context, g *GlobalContext) (ret UserForSignatures, err error)

func (UserForSignatures) GetEldestKID

func (u UserForSignatures) GetEldestKID() keybase1.KID

func (UserForSignatures) GetLatestPerUserKey

func (u UserForSignatures) GetLatestPerUserKey() *keybase1.PerUserKey

func (UserForSignatures) GetName

func (u UserForSignatures) GetName() string

func (UserForSignatures) GetNormalizedName

func (u UserForSignatures) GetNormalizedName() NormalizedUsername

func (UserForSignatures) GetUID

func (u UserForSignatures) GetUID() keybase1.UID

func (UserForSignatures) ToUserVersion

func (u UserForSignatures) ToUserVersion() keybase1.UserVersion

type UserInfo

type UserInfo struct {
	UID      keybase1.UID
	Username string

type UserNotFoundError

type UserNotFoundError struct {
	UID keybase1.UID
	Msg string

func (UserNotFoundError) Error

func (u UserNotFoundError) Error() string

type UserPlusKeysMemo

type UserPlusKeysMemo struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewUserPlusKeysMemo

func NewUserPlusKeysMemo(g *GlobalContext) *UserPlusKeysMemo

func (*UserPlusKeysMemo) Clear

func (u *UserPlusKeysMemo) Clear()

func (*UserPlusKeysMemo) Get

func (*UserPlusKeysMemo) Set

type UsernamePackage

type UsernamePackage struct {
	NormalizedUsername NormalizedUsername
	FullName           *keybase1.FullNamePackage

type VDebugLevel

type VDebugLevel int
const (
	VLogNone VDebugLevel = iota - 1

type VDebugLog

type VDebugLog struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

VDebugLog is a "Verbose" debug logger; enable it if you really want spam and/or minutiae

func NewVDebugLog

func NewVDebugLog(l logger.Logger) *VDebugLog

func (*VDebugLog) CLogf

func (v *VDebugLog) CLogf(ctx context.Context, lev VDebugLevel, fs string, args ...interface{})

func (*VDebugLog) CLogfWithAddedDepth

func (v *VDebugLog) CLogfWithAddedDepth(ctx context.Context, lev VDebugLevel, d int, fs string, args ...interface{})

func (*VDebugLog) Configure

func (v *VDebugLog) Configure(s string)

func (*VDebugLog) DumpPayload

func (v *VDebugLog) DumpPayload() bool

func (*VDebugLog) DumpSiteLoadUser

func (v *VDebugLog) DumpSiteLoadUser() bool

func (*VDebugLog) Log

func (v *VDebugLog) Log(lev VDebugLevel, fs string, args ...interface{})

type VLogContext

type VLogContext interface {
	GetVDebugLog() *VDebugLog

type VerificationPath

type VerificationPath struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type VerifyContext

type VerifyContext interface {
	Debug(format string, args ...interface{})

type WaitForItError

type WaitForItError struct{}

func (WaitForItError) Error

func (e WaitForItError) Error() string

type WalletNetwork

type WalletNetwork string

Wallet and cryptocurrency are separate systems. Wallet links have reverse signatures, and the control secrets are in keybase. Whereas Cryptocurrency links are generally are public only and have no reverse sigs. CryptocurrencyFamily and WalletNetwork are defined next to each other so that someone will notice if they start to overlap.

const (
	WalletNetworkStellar WalletNetwork = "stellar"
type WalletStellarChainLink struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
func ParseWalletStellarChainLink(b GenericChainLink) (ret *WalletStellarChainLink, err error)

func (*WalletStellarChainLink) ToDisplayString

func (s *WalletStellarChainLink) ToDisplayString() string

func (*WalletStellarChainLink) Type

func (s *WalletStellarChainLink) Type() string

func (*WalletStellarChainLink) VerifyReverseSig

func (s *WalletStellarChainLink) VerifyReverseSig(_ ComputedKeyFamily) (err error)

VerifyReverseSig checks a SibkeyChainLink's reverse signature using the ComputedKeyFamily provided.

type Warning

type Warning interface {
	Warning() string
	Warn(g *GlobalContext)

func ErrorToWarning

func ErrorToWarning(e error) Warning

func Warningf

func Warningf(format string, a ...interface{}) Warning

type Warnings

type Warnings struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func ImportWarnings

func ImportWarnings(v []string) Warnings

func (Warnings) IsEmpty

func (w Warnings) IsEmpty() bool

func (*Warnings) Push

func (w *Warnings) Push(e Warning)

func (Warnings) Warn

func (w Warnings) Warn(g *GlobalContext)

func (Warnings) Warnings

func (w Warnings) Warnings() []Warning
type WebProofChainLink struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewWebProofChainLink(b GenericChainLink, p, h, proofText string) *WebProofChainLink

func (*WebProofChainLink) CheckDataJSON

func (w *WebProofChainLink) CheckDataJSON() *jsonw.Wrapper

func (*WebProofChainLink) ComputeTrackDiff

func (w *WebProofChainLink) ComputeTrackDiff(tl *TrackLookup) (res TrackDiff)

func (*WebProofChainLink) DisplayCheck

func (w *WebProofChainLink) DisplayCheck(ui IdentifyUI, lcr LinkCheckResult) error

func (*WebProofChainLink) GetHostname

func (w *WebProofChainLink) GetHostname() string

func (*WebProofChainLink) GetProofType

func (w *WebProofChainLink) GetProofType() keybase1.ProofType

func (*WebProofChainLink) GetProtocol

func (w *WebProofChainLink) GetProtocol() string

func (*WebProofChainLink) GetRemoteUsername

func (w *WebProofChainLink) GetRemoteUsername() string

func (*WebProofChainLink) LastWriterWins

func (w *WebProofChainLink) LastWriterWins() bool

func (*WebProofChainLink) ProofText

func (w *WebProofChainLink) ProofText() string

func (*WebProofChainLink) RequiresHint

func (w *WebProofChainLink) RequiresHint() bool

func (*WebProofChainLink) TableKey

func (w *WebProofChainLink) TableKey() string

func (*WebProofChainLink) ToDisplayString

func (w *WebProofChainLink) ToDisplayString() string

func (*WebProofChainLink) ToIDString

func (w *WebProofChainLink) ToIDString() string

func (*WebProofChainLink) ToKeyValuePair

func (w *WebProofChainLink) ToKeyValuePair() (string, string)

func (*WebProofChainLink) ToTrackingStatement

func (w *WebProofChainLink) ToTrackingStatement(state keybase1.ProofState) (*jsonw.Wrapper, error)

func (*WebProofChainLink) Type

func (w *WebProofChainLink) Type() string

type WebUnreachableError

type WebUnreachableError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewWebUnreachableError

func NewWebUnreachableError(h string) WebUnreachableError

func (WebUnreachableError) Error

func (h WebUnreachableError) Error() string

type Win32

type Win32 struct {

func (Win32) CacheDir

func (w Win32) CacheDir() string

func (Win32) ConfigDir

func (w Win32) ConfigDir() string

func (Win32) DataDir

func (w Win32) DataDir() string

func (Win32) Home

func (w Win32) Home(emptyOk bool) string

func (Win32) InfoDir

func (w Win32) InfoDir() string

func (Win32) LogDir

func (w Win32) LogDir() string

func (Win32) MobileSharedHome

func (w Win32) MobileSharedHome(emptyOk bool) string

func (Win32) Normalize

func (w Win32) Normalize(s string) string

func (Win32) RuntimeDir

func (w Win32) RuntimeDir() string

func (Win32) SandboxCacheDir

func (w Win32) SandboxCacheDir() string

func (Win32) ServiceSpawnDir

func (w Win32) ServiceSpawnDir() (string, error)

func (Win32) Split

func (w Win32) Split(s string) []string

func (Win32) Unsplit

func (w Win32) Unsplit(v []string) string

type WrongCryptoFormatError

type WrongCryptoFormatError struct {
	Wanted, Received CryptoMessageFormat
	Operation        string

func (WrongCryptoFormatError) Error

func (e WrongCryptoFormatError) Error() string

func (WrongCryptoFormatError) ToStatus

func (e WrongCryptoFormatError) ToStatus() keybase1.Status

type WrongKeyError

type WrongKeyError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (WrongKeyError) Error

func (e WrongKeyError) Error() string

type WrongKidError

type WrongKidError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewWrongKidError

func NewWrongKidError(w keybase1.KID, g keybase1.KID) WrongKidError

func (WrongKidError) Error

func (w WrongKidError) Error() string

type WrongSigError

type WrongSigError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (WrongSigError) Error

func (e WrongSigError) Error() string

type XAPIResType

type XAPIResType int
const (
	XAPIResJSON XAPIResType = iota

type XdgPosix

type XdgPosix struct {

func (XdgPosix) CacheDir

func (x XdgPosix) CacheDir() string

func (XdgPosix) ConfigDir

func (x XdgPosix) ConfigDir() string

func (XdgPosix) DataDir

func (x XdgPosix) DataDir() string

func (XdgPosix) Home

func (x XdgPosix) Home(emptyOk bool) string

func (XdgPosix) InfoDir

func (x XdgPosix) InfoDir() string

func (XdgPosix) LogDir

func (x XdgPosix) LogDir() string

func (XdgPosix) MobileSharedHome

func (x XdgPosix) MobileSharedHome(emptyOk bool) string

func (XdgPosix) Normalize

func (x XdgPosix) Normalize(s string) string

func (XdgPosix) RuntimeDir

func (x XdgPosix) RuntimeDir() string

func (XdgPosix) SandboxCacheDir

func (x XdgPosix) SandboxCacheDir() string

func (XdgPosix) ServiceSpawnDir

func (x XdgPosix) ServiceSpawnDir() (ret string, err error)

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