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Published: Jan 1, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 0 Imported by: 3



Package vocab with HiveOT iotschema vocabulary for sensor, actuator and unitname names TODO: base this of a universally accepted ontology. Closest is iotschema.org but that seems incomplete

Package vocab with WoT and JSON-LD defined vocabulary



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const (
	PropNameAcceleration           string = "acceleration"
	PropNameAddress                string = "address" // device domain or ip address
	PropNameAirQuality             string = "airQuality"
	PropNameAlarm                  string = "alarm"
	PropNameAtmosphericPressure    string = "atmosphericPressure"
	PropNameBatch                  string = "batch" // Batch publishing size
	PropNameBattery                string = "battery"
	PropNameCarbonDioxideLevel     string = "co2level"
	PropNameCarbonMonoxideDetector string = "coDetector"
	PropNameCarbonMonoxideLevel    string = "coLevel"
	PropNameChannel                string = "avChannel"
	PropNameColor                  string = "color" // Color in hex notation
	PropNameColorTemperature       string = "colorTemperature"
	PropNameConnections            string = "connections"
	PropNameCPULevel               string = "cpuLevel"
	PropNameDateTime               string = "dateTime"    //
	PropNameDescription            string = "description" // Device description
	PropNameDeviceType             string = "deviceType"  // Device type from list below
	PropNameDewpoint               string = "dewpoint"
	PropNameDimmer                 string = "dimmer"
	PropNameDisabled               string = "disabled" // device or sensor is disabled
	PropNameDoorWindowSensor       string = "doorWindowSensor"
	PropNameElectricCurrent        string = "current"
	PropNameElectricEnergy         string = "energy"
	PropNameElectricPower          string = "power"
	PropNameErrors                 string = "errors"
	PropNameEvent                  string = "event" // Enable/disable event publishing
	PropNameFilename       string = "filename"       // [string] filename to write images or other values to
	PropNameGatewayAddress string = "gatewayAddress" // [string] the 3rd party gateway address
	PropNameHostname       string = "hostname"       // [string] network device hostname
	PropNameHeatIndex      string = "heatindex"      // [number] unit=C or F
	PropNameHue            string = "hue"            //
	PropNameHumidex        string = "humidex"        // [number] unit=C or F
	PropNameHumidity       string = "humidity"       // [string] %
	PropNameImage          string = "image"          // [byteArray] unit=jpg,gif,png
	PropNameLatency        string = "latency"        // [number] sec, msec
	PropNameLatitude       string = "latitude"       // [number]
	PropNameLatLon         string = "latlon"         // [number,number] latitude, longitude pair of the device for display on a map r/w
	PropNameLevel          string = "level"          // [number] generic sensor level
	PropNameLongitude      string = "longitude"      // [number]
	PropNameLocalIP        string = "localIP"        // [string] for IP nodes
	PropNameLocation       string = "location"       // [string]
	PropNameLocationName   string = "locationName"   // [string] name of a location
	PropNameLock           string = "lock"           //
	PropNameLoginName      string = "loginName"      // [string] login name to connect to the device. Value is not published
	PropNameLuminance      string = "luminance"      // [number]
	PropNameMAC            string = "mac"            // [string] MAC address for IP nodes
	PropNameManufacturer   string = "manufacturer"   // [string] device manufacturer
	PropNameMax            string = "max"            // [number] maximum value of sensor or config
	PropNameMin            string = "min"            // [number] minimum value of sensor or config
	PropNameModel          string = "model"          // [string] device model
	PropNameMotion         string = "motion"         // [boolean]
	PropNameMute           string = "avMute"         // [boolean]
	PropNameName           string = "name"           // [string] DisplayName of device or service
	PropNameNetmask        string = "netmask"        // [string] IP network mask
	PropNameOnOffSwitch    string = "switch"         // [boolean]
	PropNamePassword          string = "password" // password to connect. Value is not published.
	PropNamePlay              string = "avPlay"
	PropNamePollInterval      string = "pollInterval" // polling interval in seconds
	PropNamePort              string = "port"         // network address port
	PropNamePowerSource       string = "powerSource"  // battery, usb, mains
	PropNameProduct           string = "product"      // device product or model name
	PropNamePublicKey         string = "publicKey"    // public key for encrypting sensitive configuration settings
	PropNamePushButton        string = "pushButton"   // with nr of pushes
	PropNameRain              string = "rain"
	PropNameRelay             string = "relay"
	PropNameSaturation        string = "saturation"
	PropNameScale             string = "scale"
	PropNameSignalStrength    string = "signalStrength"
	PropNameSmokeDetector     string = "smokeDetector"
	PropNameSnow              string = "snow"
	PropNameSoftwareVersion   string = "softwareVersion" // version of the software running the node
	PropNameSoundDetector     string = "soundDetector"
	PropNameSubnet            string = "subnet" // IP subnets configuration
	PropNameSwitch            string = "switch" // on/off switch: "on" "off"
	PropNameTemperature       string = "temperature"
	PropNameTitle             string = "title" // device title
	PropNameUltraviolet       string = "ultraviolet"
	PropNameUnknown           string = ""    // Not a known output
	PropNameURL               string = "url" // node URL
	PropNameVibrationDetector string = "vibrationDetector"
	PropNameValue             string = "value" // generic value
	PropNameVoltage           string = "voltage"
	PropNameVolume            string = "volume"
	PropNameWaterLevel        string = "waterLevel"
	PropNameWeather           string = "weather" // description of weather, eg sunny
	PropNameWindHeading       string = "windHeading"
	PropNameWindSpeed         string = "windSpeed"

Vocabulary attribute and configuration property names to be used by Things and plugins.

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const (
	UnitNameNone            string = ""
	UnitNameAmp             string = "A"
	UnitNameCelcius         string = "C"
	UnitNameCandela         string = "cd"
	UnitNameCount           string = "#"
	UnitNameDegree          string = "Degree"
	UnitNameFahrenheit      string = "F"
	UnitNameFeet            string = "ft"
	UnitNameGallon          string = "Gal"
	UnitNameJpeg            string = "jpeg"
	UnitNameKelvin          string = "K"
	UnitNameKmPerHour       string = "Kph"
	UnitNameLiter           string = "L"
	UnitNameMercury         string = "hg"
	UnitNameMeter           string = "m"
	UnitNameMetersPerSecond string = "m/s"
	UnitNameMilesPerHour    string = "mph"
	UnitNameMillibar        string = "mbar"
	UnitNameMole            string = "mol"
	UnitNamePartsPerMillion string = "ppm"
	UnitNamePng             string = "png"
	UnitNameKWH             string = "KWh"
	UnitNameKG              string = "kg"
	UnitNameLux             string = "lux"
	UnitNamePascal          string = "Pa"
	UnitNamePercent         string = "%"
	UnitNamePounds          string = "lbs"
	UnitNameSpeed           string = "m/s"
	UnitNamePSI             string = "psi"
	UnitNameSecond          string = "s"
	UnitNameVolt            string = "V"
	UnitNameWatt            string = "W"

TODO: Match with UN/CEFACT unitname codes as defined in:

location codes: https://www.unece.org/cefact/locode/service/location.html

UnitNameXyz defines constants with input and output unitname names.

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const (
	WoTAtType       = "@type"
	WoTAtContext    = "@context"
	WoTAnyURI       = "https://www.w3.org/2019/wot/thing/v1"
	WoTActions      = "actions"
	WoTCreated      = "created"
	WoTDescription  = "description"
	WoTDescriptions = "descriptions"
	WoTEvents       = "events"
	WoTForms        = "forms"
	WoTID           = "id"
	WoTLinks        = "links"
	WoTModified     = "modified"
	WoTProperties   = "properties"
	WoTSecurity     = "security"
	WoTSupport      = "support"
	WoTTitle        = "title"
	WoTTitles       = "titles"
	WoTVersion      = "version"

Core vocabulary definitions See https://www.w3.org/TR/2020/WD-wot-thing-description11-20201124/#sec-core-vocabulary-definition Thing, dataschema Vocabulary

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const (
	WoTConst            = "const"
	WoTDataType         = "type"
	WoTDataTypeAnyURI   = "anyURI" // simple type
	WoTDataTypeArray    = "array"
	WoTDataTypeBool     = "boolean"  // simple type
	WoTDataTypeDateTime = "dateTime" // ISO8601: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sss[-TZ|+TZ|z]

	WoTDataTypeInteger     = "integer"     // simple type
	WoTDataTypeUnsignedInt = "unsignedInt" // simple type
	WoTDataTypeNumber      = "number"
	WoTDataTypeObject      = "object"
	WoTDataTypeString      = "string" // simple type
	// WoTDouble              = "double" // min, max of number are doubles
	WoTEnum      = "enum"
	WoTFormat    = "format"
	WoTHref      = "href"
	WoTInput     = "input"
	WoTMaximum   = "maximum"
	WoTMaxItems  = "maxItems"
	WoTMaxLength = "maxLength"
	WoTMinimum   = "minimum"
	WoTMinItems  = "minItems"
	WoTMinLength = "minLength"
	WoTOperation = "op"
	WoTOutput    = "output"
	WoTReadOnly  = "readOnly"
	WoTRequired  = "required"
	WoTWriteOnly = "writeOnly"
	WoTUnit      = "unit"

additional data schema vocab

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const (
	WoTNoSecurityScheme     = "NoSecurityScheme"
	WoTBasicSecurityScheme  = "BasicSecurityScheme"
	WoTDigestSecurityScheme = "DigestSecurityScheme"
	WoTAPIKeySecurityScheme = "APIKeySecurityScheme"
	WoTBearerSecurityScheme = "BearerSecurityScheme"
	WoTPSKSecurityScheme    = "PSKSecurityScheme"
	WoTOAuth2SecurityScheme = "OAuth2SecurityScheme"

additional security schemas Intended for use by Hub services. HiveOT devices don't need them as they don't run a server

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const ISO8601Format = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999-0700"

ISO8601Format standardized time format with msec resolution for use by Things using ISO8601 UTC Must match the capnp definition


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type DeviceType

type DeviceType string

DeviceType identifying the purpose of the device

const (
	DeviceTypeAlarm          DeviceType = "alarm"          // an alarm emitter
	DeviceTypeAVControl      DeviceType = "avControl"      // Audio/Video controller
	DeviceTypeAVReceiver     DeviceType = "avReceiver"     // Node is a (not so) smart radio/receiver/amp (eg, denon)
	DeviceTypeBeacon         DeviceType = "beacon"         // device is a location beacon
	DeviceTypeButton         DeviceType = "button"         // device is a physical button device with one or more buttons
	DeviceTypeAdapter        DeviceType = "adapter"        // software adapter or service, eg virtual device
	DeviceTypePhone          DeviceType = "phone"          // device is a phone
	DeviceTypeCamera         DeviceType = "camera"         // Node with camera
	DeviceTypeComputer       DeviceType = "computer"       // General purpose computer
	DeviceTypeDimmer         DeviceType = "dimmer"         // light dimmer
	DeviceTypeGateway        DeviceType = "gateway"        // Node is a gateway for other nodes (onewire, zwave, etc)
	DeviceTypeKeypad         DeviceType = "keypad"         // Entry key pad
	DeviceTypeLock           DeviceType = "lock"           // Electronic door lock
	DeviceTypeMultisensor    DeviceType = "multisensor"    // Node with multiple sensors
	DeviceTypeNetRepeater    DeviceType = "netRepeater"    // Node is a zwave or other network repeater
	DeviceTypeNetRouter      DeviceType = "netRouter"      // Node is a network router
	DeviceTypeNetSwitch      DeviceType = "netSwitch"      // Node is a network switch
	DeviceTypeNetWifiAP      DeviceType = "wifiAP"         // Node is a wifi access point
	DeviceTypeOnOffSwitch    DeviceType = "onOffSwitch"    // Node is a physical on/off switch
	DeviceTypePowerMeter     DeviceType = "powerMeter"     // Node is a power meter
	DeviceTypeSensor         DeviceType = "sensor"         // Node is a single sensor (volt,...)
	DeviceTypeService        DeviceType = "service"        // Node provides a service
	DeviceTypeSmartlight     DeviceType = "smartlight"     // Node is a smart light, eg philips hue
	DeviceTypeThermometer    DeviceType = "thermometer"    // Node is a temperature meter
	DeviceTypeThermostat     DeviceType = "thermostat"     // Node is a thermostat control unit
	DeviceTypeTV             DeviceType = "tv"             // Node is a (not so) smart TV
	DeviceTypeUnknown        DeviceType = "unknown"        // type not identified
	DeviceTypeWallpaper      DeviceType = "wallpaper"      // Node is a wallpaper montage of multiple images
	DeviceTypeWaterValve     DeviceType = "waterValve"     // Water valve control unit
	DeviceTypeWeatherService DeviceType = "weatherService" // Node is a service providing current and forecasted weather
	DeviceTypeWeatherStation DeviceType = "weatherStation" // Node is a weatherstation device
	DeviceTypeWeighScale     DeviceType = "weighScale"     // Node is an electronic weight scale

Various Types of devices.

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? : This menu
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f or F : Jump to
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