This is a fun discord bot written in JavaScript Python Go (yes this is the 3rd time I've re-implemented this bot). To see a list of commands, you can either look at the handler.go file or type !help
in a channel that SaltBot is listening to. To add SaltBot to a server, contact me at
for an OAuth2 url.
Saltbot Prerequisites
To run Saltbot, you need to have 3 tokens:
- A discord developer bot token for connecting to the discord servers.
- A YouTube API token for retrieving YouTube videos.
- A Giphy API token for retrieving Giphy gifs.
Create each of those tokens, and then create an auth file called auth.env
like below but with your tokens:
Running SaltBot
Run saltbot directly with the golang interpreter:
go run saltbot.go
Saltbot will first attempt to reach out to a kubernetes server using a kubernetes Service Account. If it can't, then it will attemp to use ~/.kube/config
Running SaltBot in a Kubernetes Cluster
I published SaltBot on a public docker hub repo at highsaltlevels/saltbot
. If you would like to deploy this into a kubernetes cluster, you're free to use the namespace and deployment files in the k8s
- Replace the placeholders with actual credentials
sed -i s/__BOT_TOKEN__/<YOUR-BOT-TOKEN>/g k8s/deployment.yaml
sed -i s/__GIPHY_AUTH__/<YOUR-GIPHY-AUTH>/g k8s/deployment.yaml
sed -i s/__YOUTUBE_AUTH__/<YOUR-YOUTUBE-AUTH>/g k8s/deployment.yaml
- (Optional) Create a
kubectl create -f k8s/namespace.yaml
- (Optional) Log into Dockerhub to Avoid Anonymous Pull Rate Limiting
docker login -u <username> -p <password>
kubectl -n saltbot create secret generic regcred --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=/path/to/.docker/config.json
- Deploy Saltbot
kubectl -n saltbot apply -f k8s/deployment.yaml