hicli is an open source, community-driven command line client for managing hidevops services.
hicli is writen in Go, it can be run cross Windows, Mac, Linux.
hi cicd login
hi cicd run --app=my-app --project=my-project --profile=test
Git workflow
Below, we outline one of the more common Git workflows that core developers use. Other Git workflows are also valid.
Fork the main repository
Clone your fork
The commands below require that you have $GOPATH set ($GOPATH docs). We highly recommend you put Istio's code into your GOPATH. Note: the commands below will not work if there is more than one directory in your $GOPATH.
export GITHUB_USER=your-github-username
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/hidevopsio
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hidevopsio
git clone https://github.com/$GITHUB_USER/hicli
cd hicli
git remote add upstream 'https://github.com/hidevopsio/hicli'
git config --global --add http.followRedirects 1
Keeping your fork in sync
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master
Note: If you have write access to the main repositories (e.g. github.com/hidevopsio/hicli), you should modify your Git configuration so that you can't accidentally push to upstream: