The HbookerLib
package provides a client library for interacting with the Hbooker API. It allows you to perform various operations such as retrieving book information, getting chapter content, buying chapters, managing bookshelves, and more.
To install the HbookerLib
package, use the following command:
go get
Import the HbookerLib
package in your Go code:
import ""
Create a new client by calling the NewClient
client := HbookerLib.NewClient()
You can customize the client by using various options:
client := HbookerLib.NewClient(
HbookerLib.WithProxyURLArray([]string{"proxy_url_1", "proxy_url_2"}),
Available Options
WithLoginToken(loginToken string) Options
: Sets the login token for the client.
WithAccount(account string) Options
: Sets the account for the client.
WithVersion(version string) Options
: Sets the version for the client.
WithDebug() Options
: Enables debug mode for the client.
WithOutputDebug() Options
: Enables output debug mode for the client.
WithProxyURLArray(proxyURLArray []string) Options
: Sets the proxy URL array for the client.
WithProxyURL(proxyURL string) Options
: Sets the proxy URL for the client.
WithAPIBaseURL(apiBaseURL string) Options
: Sets the API base URL for the client.
WithUserAgent(userAgent string) Options
: Sets the user agent for the client.
WithAndroidApiKey(androidApiKey string) Options
: Sets the Android API key for the client.
API Reference
The HbookerLib
package provides the following methods:
GetBookInfo(bookId string) (*models.BookInfo, error)
: Retrieves the information of a book by its ID.
GetDivisionListByBookId(bookId string) ([]models.VolumeList, error)
: Retrieves the division list of a book by its ID.
GetKetByChapterId(chapterId string) (string, error)
: Retrieves the key of a chapter by its ID.
GetChapterContentAPI(chapterId, chapterKey string) (*models.ChapterInfo, error)
: Retrieves the content of a chapter by its ID and key.
GetLoginTokenAPI(username, password string) (*models.Login, error)
: Retrieves the login token for the specified username and password.
GetBuyChapterAPI(chapterId, shelfId string) (*models.ContentBuy, error)
: Buys a chapter with the specified ID and adds it to the specified shelf.
GetAutoSignAPI(device string) (*models.LoginData, error)
: Retrieves the auto sign information for the specified device.
GetUseGeetestAPI(loginName string) (*models.Geetest, error)
: Retrieves the geetest information for the specified login name.
GetGeetestRegisterAPI(UserID string) (*models.Challenge, error)
: Retrieves the geetest register information for the specified user ID.
GetBookShelfIndexesInfoAPI(shelfId string) ([]models.ShelfBookList, error)
: Retrieves the bookshelf indexes information for the specified shelf ID.
GetBookShelfInfoAPI() ([]models.ShelfList, error)
: Retrieves the bookshelf information.
GetSearchBooksAPI(keyWord string, page int) ([]models.BookInfo, error)
: Retrieves the search results for the specified keyword and page number.
This package is licensed under the MIT License.