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Published: Dec 13, 2022 License: Apache-2.0


SF-GWAS for Linear Mixed Models

Software for secure and federated genome-wide association studies, as described in:

Secure and Federated Genome-Wide Association Studies for Biobank-Scale Datasets
Hyunghoon Cho, David Froelicher, Jeffrey Chen, Manaswitha Edupalli, Apostolos Pyrgelis, Juan R. Troncoso-Pastoriza, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Bonnie Berger
Under review, 2022

This repository provides the code for linear mixed model (LMM)-based association analysis. For PCA-based GWAS, see here.



SF-GWAS requires that go, python3, and plink2 are available in the exec path in shell. Here are the links for installation:

Go libraries for secure computation
  1. SF-GWAS uses the Lattigo library for multiparty homomorphic encryption. To install a forked version used by SF-GWAS (branch: lattigo_pca), run:
git clone https://github.com/hcholab/lattigo.git
cd lattigo
git checkout lattigo_pca
cd ..
  1. Next, SF-GWAS also uses our own library of secret sharing-based multiparty computation routines. Additionally, the LMM pipeline requires a modified version provided in the branch new256. This can be obtained by running:
git clone https://github.com/hhcho/mpc-core
cd mpc-core
git checkout new256
cd ..
Install SF-GWAS

To install SF-GWAS, clone the repository and try building as follows.

git clone https://github.com/hhcho/sfgwas-lmm
cd sfgwas-lmm
cd lmm
go build

Note that, if lattigo and mpc-core repos from the previous steps are cloned to a different location, update ../lattigo and ../mpc-core in the following lines of sfgwas/go.mod to point to the correct folders. The paths are relative, starting from the root directory of sfgwas repo where the go.mod file is located.

replace github.com/ldsec/lattigo/v2 => ../lattigo
replace github.com/hhcho/mpc-core => ../mpc-core

If go build produces an error, run any commands suggested by Go and try again. If the build finishes without any output, the package has been successfully configured.


Input data

We provide an example synthetic dataset in example_data/, generated using the genotype data simulation routine in PLINK1.9 and converted to the PLINK2 PGEN format. The example data is split between two parties. Each party's local data is stored in party1 and party2 directories. Note that SF-GWAS can be run with more than two parties.

Main input data files include:

  • geno/chr[1-22].[pgen|psam|pvar]: PGEN files for each chromosome.
  • pheno.txt: each line includes the phenotype under study for each sample in the .psam file.
  • cov.txt: each line includes a tab-separated list of covariates for each sample in the .psam file.
  • sample_keep.txt: a list of sample IDs from the .psam file to include in the analysis; to be used with the --keep flag in PLINK2 (see here for file specification).
Converting genotype data to binary block format

For LMM-based workflow, we currently require that the PGEN files be combined and converted to our binary block format as follows:

  1. Convert the PGEN files to PLINK1.9 BED format using plink2 --make-bed command.
  2. Merge the BED files into a single file set using PLINK1.9 with the command --merge-list.
  3. Run the conversion script we provided to convert to a binary format:
python3 scripts/plinkBedToBinary.py combined.bed [Sample count] [SNP count] combined_binary.bin
  1. Run the block generation script to split the binary file into blocks:
python3 scripts/matrix_text2bin_blocks.py [Input directory] [Number of parties] [Number of folds] [Block size] [Output directory]
  1. Update the config files accordingly to provide the paths to the block-format genotype files.
Preparing additional input files

We provide two preprocessing scripts in scripts/ for producing additional input files needed for SF-GWAS.

  1. createSnpInfoFiles.py processes the provided .pvar files to create a number of files specifying variant information. It can be run as follows:

python3 createSnpInfoFiles.py PGEN_PREFIX OUTPUT_DIR

Note that PGEN_PREFIX is expected to be a format string including %d in place of the chromosome number (e.g., geno/chr%d for the example dataset), which the script sequentially replaces with the chromosome numbers 1-22.

This command generates the following three files in OUTPUT_DIR:

  • chrom_sizes.txt: the number of SNPs for each chromosome
  • snp_ids.txt: a list of variant IDs
  • snp_pos.txt: a tab-separated, two-column matrix specifying the genomic position of each variant (chromosome number followed by base position)
  1. computeGenoCounts.py runs PLINK2's genotype counting routine (--geno-counts) on each chromosome to obtain genotype, allele, and missingness counts for each variant. It is run as follows:

python3 computeGenoCounts.py PGEN_PREFIX SAMPLE_KEEP OUTPUT_DIR

PGEN_PREFIX is the same as before. SAMPLE_KEEP points to the sample_keep.txt described above as a main input file, including a list of sample IDs to be included in the analysis in a PLINK2-recognized format.

This script generates all.gcount.transpose.bin in OUTPUT_DIR, which needs to be provided to SF-GWAS. It is a binary file encoding a 6-by-m matrix of precomputed allele, genotype, and missingness counts for all m variants in the dataset.

We provide both variant information files and the genotype counts for the example dataset in example_data/.

Setting the configuration

Example config files are provided in config/. There are both global config parameters shared by all parties and party-specific parameters.

Running the program

Given the computational resource needed for the LMM-based workflow, we recommend running each party on a separate machine (with their IP addresses updated accordingly in the config files). Note that in our experiments, we used a Google Cloud VM with 64 vCPUs and 512GB RAM.

Parallelization in our code requires many file pointers to be open at the same time. We recommend increasing the default limit by running ulimit -n 12000.

The LMM workflow is composed of three steps: Level 0, Level 1, and association tests. Levels 0 and 1 implement the two rounds of stacked ridge regression described in our manuscript (following REGENIE).

The commands to run each of the three steps are:

PID=[Party ID] go test -run TestLevel0 -timeout 96h
PID=[Party ID] go test -run TestLevel1 -timeout 96h
PID=[Party ID] go test -run TestAssoc -timeout 96h

[Party ID] is set to 1 or 2 for the two parties for the example dataset. Note that a third auxiliary party with ID 0 also needs to run together with the main parties to facilitate the protocol.


Once the workflow finishes, it generates assoc.txt in the output directory specified in the configuration. This file includes the LMM-based association test chi-square statistics. Details are provided in our manuscript.

Contact for questions

Hoon Cho, hhcho@broadinstitute.org


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