Gootstrap is a simple package that bootstraps new Go packages. I've created it because I was repeating myself a lot while starting new projects.
$ go get
###Default Package:
After installing, you can use gootstrap new package_name to create a new project.
$ gootstrap new project_name
===> Creating package project_name
===> Creating directory
===> Creating .gitignore file
===> Creating .travis.yml file
===> Creating
===> Creating LICENSE.txt file
===> Creating file
===> Creating project_name.go file
===> Creating project_name_test.go file
===> Creating doc.go file
===> Package created! cd project_name to access.
$ cd project_name
|-- project_name
|-- .gitignore
|-- .travis.yml
|-- LICENSE.txt
|-- project_name.go
|-- project_name_test.go
|-- doc.go
If the command gootstrap does not work for you, use $GOPATH/bin/gootstrap new project_name
In order to create a minimal package structure (main file, test file and doc file), pass the --minimal
flag after the package name:
$ gootstrap new project_name --minimal
===> Creating package project_name
===> Creating directory
===> Creating project_name.go file
===> Creating project_name_test.go file
===> Creating doc.go file
===> Package created! cd project_name to access.
$ cd project_name
|-- project_name
|-- project_name.go
|-- project_name_test.go
|-- doc.go
In order to create a light package structure (main file and test file), pass the --light
flag after the package name:
$ gootstrap new project_name --light
===> Creating package project_name
===> Creating directory
===> Creating project_name.go file
===> Creating project_name_test.go file
===> Package created! cd project_name to access.
$ cd project_name
|-- project_name
|-- project_name.go
|-- project_name_test.go
####--no-{file names}:
If you want the exclude some files while creating the package, you can pass the subcommand --no-{file names separated by "-"}
$ gootstrap new project_name --no-travis-license
===> Creating package project_name
===> Creating directory
===> Creating .gitignore file
===> Creating
===> Creating file
===> Creating project_name.go file
===> Creating project_name_test.go file
===> Creating doc.go file
===> Package created! cd project_name to access.
$ cd project_name
|-- project_name
|-- .gitignore
|-- project_name.go
|-- project_name_test.go
|-- doc.go
File names you can pass to --no-{files separated by "-"}
: travis, gitignore, license, readme, main, test, doc and changelog
###Custom Templates:
Gootstrap allows you to create your own template file and use it as reference when creating your package. Gootstrap uses *.toml
files in order organize the templates.
Lets assume that you have the following example.toml
file in your file's system:
#Creates the directories
name = "utils"
name = "utils.go"
template = '''package utils'''
name = "utils_test.go"
template = '''package utils
import "testing"
func Test(t *testing.T) {
name = "labs"
name = "labs.go"
template = '''package labs'''
name = "labs_test.go"
template = '''package labs
import "testing"
func Test(t *testing.T) {
#Creates files in the root directory
name = ""
template = '''#Readme
some reamde
name = "main.go"
template = '''package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
Passing the FULLPATH of your template file as argument for --template
flag on gootstrap, will produce the following result:
$ gootstrap new new_project --template /full/path/of/your/example.toml
===> Creating package new_project
===> Creating directory new_project
===> Creating directory new_project/utils
===> Creating directory new_project/labs
===> Creating new_project/utils/utils.go file
===> Creating new_project/utils/utils_test.go file
===> Creating new_project/labs/labs.go file
===> Creating new_project/labs/labs_test.go file
===> Creating new_project/ file
===> Creating new_project/main.go file
===> Package created! cd new_project to access.
##Creating your own template:
Gootstrap only accepts the following arrays of tables as the structure for the templates:
[[directories]] # Creates directory
[[directories.files]] # Creates files inside the directory
[[files]] # Creates files inside the root directory
Now, lets create our custom template:
# example2.toml
# Creates directories inside the root folder
# and creates files inside this directory.
# name of the directory
name = "routes"
# Name of the file
name = "routes.go"
# Template for the file
template = '''package routes
import "fmt"
func sayHi() {
# Name of the file
name = "routes_test.go"
# Template for the file
template = '''package routes
import "testing"
func Test(t *testing.T) {
#Creates files inside the root folder
name = ""
template = '''#Changelog
Some changelog
name = "main.go"
template = '''package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
Lets use it:
$ gootstrap new new_project --template /full/path/of/your/example2.toml
===> Creating package new_project_ex2
===> Creating directory new_project_ex2
===> Creating directory new_project_ex2/routes
===> Creating new_project_ex2/routes/routes.go file
===> Creating new_project_ex2/routes/routes_test.go file
===> Creating new_project_ex2/ file
===> Creating new_project_ex2/main.go file
===> Package created! cd new_project_ex2 to access.
Gootstrap allows you to insert placeholders inside your templates in order to replace it with custom text. The built in placeholders are:
: Gets the package name (gootstrap new new_pack);{{.HumanizedPackageName}}
: Returns the humanized package name (e.g. NewPackage);{{.CurrentYear}}
: Gets the current year;{{.UserName}}
: Gets the user's computer name;{{.Date}}
: Gets the current date (YYYY-MM-DD).
# placeholder.toml
name = "{{.PackageName}}.go"
template = '''package {{.PackageName}}'''
name = "{{.PackageName}}_test.go"
template = '''package {{.PackageName}}
import "testing"
func Test(t *testing.T) {
$ gootstrap new place_holder --template /full/path/of/your/placeholder.toml
===> Creating package place_holder
===> Creating place_holder/place_holder.go file
===> Creating place_holder/place_holder_test.go file
===> Package created! cd place_holder to access.
####Remote Templates:
Gootstrap also allows you to fetch templates from remote servers, passing its url as the argument for the --template
$ gootstrap new remote_simple --template
===> Creating package remote_simple
===> Fetiching url:
===> Creating directory remote_simple
===> Creating directory remote_simple/utils
===> Creating directory remote_simple/labs
===> Creating remote_simple/utils/utils.go file
===> Creating remote_simple/utils/utils_test.go file
===> Creating remote_simple/labs/labs.go file
===> Creating remote_simple/labs/labs_test.go file
===> Creating remote_simple/.gitignore file
===> Creating remote_simple/ file
===> Creating remote_simple/main.go file
===> Package created! cd remote_simple to access.
Creating your own template is simple and can save you a lot of time if you keep doing the same thing over and over again.
For more info on TOML, be sure to check
Any bug or feedback, feel free to drop me a line :)
##Licensing This package is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.