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Published: Jun 23, 2023 License: Apache-2.0


Go API client for mcaasapi

Table Of Contents - Introduction - Authentication - Get a Space ID - Roles and Permissions - Getting Started Guide - Machine Blueprint Creation Example - Cluster Blueprint Creation Example - Cluster Creation Example # Introduction Welcome to the APIs for HPE GreenLake for Private Cloud Enterprise: containers. This document describes the API protocol and available endpoints for the containers service. The containers service APIs are built on HTTP. Our API is RESTful. It has predictable resource URLs. It returns HTTP response codes to indicate errors. It also accepts and returns JSON in the HTTP body. You can use your favorite HTTP/REST library for your programming language to use the containers service APIs. # Authentication To authenticate with the containers service, you must obtain the access token using either of the following options.

Option 1: Creating an API client (recommended)

An API client allows nonhuman entities (an application service account, for instance) programmatic access to a resource on a space. 1. <a href="https://support.hpe.com/hpesc/public/docDisplay?docId=a00092451en_us&page=greenlakecentral-create-api-client.html" target="_blank"> Create an API client <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grommet/grommet-icons/stable/img/share.svg" height="12"> Note: Make sure to save the Issuer Url, Client ID, and Client Secret. 2. <a href="https://support.hpe.com/hpesc/public/docDisplay?docId=a00092451en_us&page=GUID-1CEA233B-C4B0-41B7-9A25-7A36D9FC0312.html" target="_blank"> Create an assignment for the API client <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grommet/grommet-icons/stable/img/share.svg" height="12"> Note: Make sure to assign Private Cloud Cluster Owner(cluster-admin) or Private Cloud Cluster Resource Contributor(developer) role. 3. Make a REST call to generate the API access token, using the issuer URL, client ID, and client secret from step 1: curl -i -X POST \\ '{issuerUrl}/v1/token' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \\ -d 'client_id={clientID}' \\ -d 'client_secret={clientSecret}' \\ -d grant_type=client_credentials \\ -d scope=hpe-tenant Obtain the access_token from the response.

Option 2: Getting the token directly from the UI

To authenticate with the containers service API, you can obtain the access token from <a href="https://client.greenlake.hpe.com" target="_blank"> HPE GreenLake Central <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grommet/grommet-icons/stable/img/share.svg" height="12"> . Log into HPE GreenLake Central. Click the <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grommet/grommet-icons/stable/img/user.svg"> icon in the top right corner and then click API Access. In the API Access page, click the <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grommet/grommet-icons/stable/img/clipboard.svg"> icon to copy the personal access token.
> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grommet/grommet-icons/stable/img/circle-information.svg"> INFO: For both the options, the access token lease expires in 15 minutes. # Get a Space ID You must obtain the space ID for the space on which you have access. Use the UI to get the space ID. ![Alt text](./space.png?raw=true "Space") # Roles and Permissions The containers service provides two default roles for customers: Private Cloud Cluster Owner and Private Cloud Cluster Resource Contributor. The Private Cloud Cluster Owner role is for a cluster administrator who gets all the required permissions to execute all the APIs documented in this guide. The Private Cloud Cluster Resource Contributor role is for developers with only selective permissions, so that they can execute only a selected list of APIs. Each API has details about "Required Permissions to access the API" and "Default Roles which can access the API" # Getting Started Guide Our getting started guide will demonstrate a machine blueprint creation, a cluster blueprint creation and then a cluster creation using that cluster blueprint. Here are the set of APIs that you will likely execute: + Sites + Gets all Sites + Machine Providers + Gets all Machine Providers + Machine Blueprints + Create a Machine Blueprint + Cluster Providers + Gets all Cluster Providers + Cluster Blueprints + Creates a Cluster Blueprint + Clusters + Create a Cluster + Get a specific Cluster ## Machine Blueprint Creation Example Use the steps in this section to create a machine blueprint that can be used by the cluster blueprint. ### Step 1 ### Obtain the 'applianceID' for the site on which you want to create a cluster by running the 'Gets all Sites' API. Note the applianceID. ### Step 2 ### Get a list of all machine providers for the specified 'applianceID' by running the 'Gets all Machine Providers' API. Make a note of the name, workerType, one of the osImages, one of the computeInstanceTypes and one of the storageInstanceTypes. ### Step 3 ### Create a machine blueprint by running the 'Create a Machine Blueprint' API. Designate the machine role as "worker", and in the request body, provide the values that you noted in the previous step. Make note of the 'id' and 'name' values of the machine blueprint. ## Cluster Blueprint Creation Example ### Step 1 ### List all the cluster providers for the specified 'applianceId' by running the 'Gets all Cluster Providers' API. Make note of the name, one of the kubernetesVersions and one of the storageClasses. ### Step 2 ### Create a cluster blueprint by running the Creates a Cluster Blueprint API, and, in the request body, providing the values noted in the previous step. Take note of the 'id' value in the response body. ## Cluster Creation Example ### Step 1 ### Create the cluster by running the 'Creates a Cluster' API. In the response body, observe the details of the newly created cluster. Make note of the 'clusterID' value. ### Step 2 ### Monitor the cluster provisioning state of the specified 'clusterID' by running the Get a specific Cluster API. After the state turns ready, the cluster is ready for use! ``


This API client was generated by the swagger-codegen project. By using the swagger-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: v1
  • Package version: v0.5.11
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.go.GoClientCodegen


Example Usage
    import "github.com/HewlettPackard/hpegl-containers-go-sdk/pkg/mcaasapi"


    apiUrl := "<actual url>"
    accessToken := "<actual token"

    cfg := &mcaasapi.Configuration{
        BasePath:      apiUrl,
        DefaultHeader: make(map[string]string),
        UserAgent:     "hpecli",

    client = mcaasapi.NewAPIClient(cfg)

    ctx = context.WithValue(gocontext.Background(), mcaasapi.ContextAccessToken, accessToken)
    myThing, _, err := client.<XYZ>API.<Function>(ctx)
import "./mcaasapi"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://mcaas.us1.greenlake-hpe.com/mcaas

Class Method HTTP request Description
ClusterBlueprintsApi V1ClusterblueprintsGet Get /v1/clusterblueprints Gets all Cluster Blueprints
ClusterBlueprintsApi V1ClusterblueprintsIdDelete Delete /v1/clusterblueprints/{id} Delete a Cluster Blueprint
ClusterBlueprintsApi V1ClusterblueprintsIdGet Get /v1/clusterblueprints/{id} Gets a specific Cluster Blueprint
ClusterBlueprintsApi V1ClusterblueprintsPost Post /v1/clusterblueprints Creates a Cluster Blueprint
ClusterProvidersApi V1AppliancesIdClusterprovidersGet Get /v1/appliances/{id}/clusterproviders Gets all Cluster Providers
ClustersApi V1ClustersGet Get /v1/clusters Gets all Clusters
ClustersApi V1ClustersIdDelete Delete /v1/clusters/{id} Deletes a Cluster
ClustersApi V1ClustersIdGet Get /v1/clusters/{id} Get a specific Cluster
ClustersApi V1ClustersIdPut Put /v1/clusters/{id} Updates a Cluster
ClustersApi V1ClustersPost Post /v1/clusters Create a Cluster
KubeConfigApi V1ClustersIdKubeconfigGet Get /v1/clusters/{id}/kubeconfig Gets a kubeconfig for Cluster
MachineBlueprintsApi V1MachineblueprintsGet Get /v1/machineblueprints Gets all Machine Blueprints
MachineBlueprintsApi V1MachineblueprintsIdDelete Delete /v1/machineblueprints/{id} Deletes a Machine Blueprint
MachineBlueprintsApi V1MachineblueprintsIdGet Get /v1/machineblueprints/{id} Gets a specific Machine Blueprint
MachineBlueprintsApi V1MachineblueprintsPost Post /v1/machineblueprints Create a Machine Blueprint
MachineProvidersApi V1AppliancesIdMachineprovidersGet Get /v1/appliances/{id}/machineproviders Gets all Machine Providers
NamespacesApi V1ClustersIdNamespacesGet Get /v1/clusters/{id}/namespaces Gets all Namespaces for Cluster
SitesApi V1AppliancesGet Get /v1/appliances Gets all Sites
StorageClassesApi V1ClustersIdStorageclassesGet Get /v1/clusters/{id}/storageclasses Gets all StorageClasses from Cluster

Documentation For Models


Path Synopsis
* HPE GreenLake for Private Cloud Containers APIs * * # Table Of Contents - [Introduction](#section/Introduction) - [Authentication](#section/Authentication) - [Get a Space ID](#section/Get-a-Space-ID) - [Roles and Permissions](#section/Roles-and-Permissions) - [Getting Started Guide](#section/Getting-Started-Guide) - [Machine Blueprint Creation Example](#section/Getting-Started-Guide/Machine-Blueprint-Creation-Example) - [Cluster Blueprint Creation Example](#section/Getting-Started-Guide/Cluster-Blueprint-Creation-Example) - [Cluster Creation Example](#section/Getting-Started-Guide/Cluster-Creation-Example) # Introduction Welcome to the APIs for HPE GreenLake for Private Cloud Enterprise: containers.
* HPE GreenLake for Private Cloud Containers APIs * * # Table Of Contents - [Introduction](#section/Introduction) - [Authentication](#section/Authentication) - [Get a Space ID](#section/Get-a-Space-ID) - [Roles and Permissions](#section/Roles-and-Permissions) - [Getting Started Guide](#section/Getting-Started-Guide) - [Machine Blueprint Creation Example](#section/Getting-Started-Guide/Machine-Blueprint-Creation-Example) - [Cluster Blueprint Creation Example](#section/Getting-Started-Guide/Cluster-Blueprint-Creation-Example) - [Cluster Creation Example](#section/Getting-Started-Guide/Cluster-Creation-Example) # Introduction Welcome to the APIs for HPE GreenLake for Private Cloud Enterprise: containers.

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